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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1905, p. 7

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j y&~. il 1ha t h am I nciubatLor Poultry raising with a Chatham Incubator is a very profitable and easily manageti occupation. Unles yen want te go into il extensively il nweet take but ver>' 1111e ef your lime. Government reperts show that the demnant for chickens in Canada je greatl>' in excees of the suppi>' anti Great Britain is aiways ciamoring for more. That meons a steady market anti gooti prices for chickens. Yau cannet raise chiekens succes fuli>' with a setting hen. Sha is wast- iing urne selting when sha shoulti be îaying. While sPa is holdhing anti brootiing a few chickens she could be Iaying five or six dozen eggs. The peceet"nfage of ciiickzenis aiehotches is much tees thon Ibat produced by tle Chatham Incubator, it --il psy yen te own a Chatham Chlatbamii Incubators centain ever>' imprevement ef importance in Incu.. bator construction that Pas been pro- duceti. They are made of thoroughly seasoneti wooti, witb two wala, case wiîlin case. Detween these walls inerai woolisj packeti forming the very cs insuiotion. Esch piece of tic caise is mortiseti anti greeveti anti screweti, making the wiole as soliti as a rock. Chatham Incubators are equippeti witi scientificaliy perfect regulatore which are on infallibie means o1' reguloting tic tempenature. O1C 3ïtaner, a19 t i We wili start you naising poultr>' for profit with a Chatham Incubator without oe cent of money from you until nexi Fait. That mecans that you can laite off sevea or e,,gPt hainhes anti make considae mone>' out ef tbe Inceubat-er before th'e firet payment becemes due. We couidn't moka ibis offer if we wenet certaiýn thot if you tcco'ti yen wiit ;gel complocte stsatoi nwe ce netpositive tha lItecha_ýïtham bnuatrwil pa>'yen uaPatom ycaaniylecemne. This le a straighutFo)rwocd efen. We moite it tesûwursupremï-ie conlfi- dencS i' mficPeChaih 'am incubator. We Want yý> o-,te ccept Iis effi-r as we ar su.-e of tcstsfcinour Ibru- belor ,vill give.,ve>'machine we have put coui se fan Pias matie othar sales iC2,t3e ame nieigliborhooti 0Ur o ffer lM to 4end Ytir a Chat ham InQLubýator tet once, freight Preoid bg usC withourt one cent of cash from ycu. Youi make your firat paymenf- in October, 1906. The balance to bu paid In Otaber, 1906, or if a Cash Buyer yiou get it oheaper, Coulai ceg offer be fairer or more genere us ? SaiTO uFAL.L, ('1T., Uoymier litS, 1504. The iOctbatr and Stoter tbt I bouîiii fmiyi- tgnt On. tiMe, 1T'lien 2- oow t a h. hi o!n. t ail, if l'au wl gv ma 4io',- -mreY MUCh p«S.rd irSIeboth incubai,, and roode-,.anS would nitihowiatho't theim, b cc,ý. re] ihis OeRSaU, mrhare ther. iiinbaor ar. Cro der ca t ma. t o re r.tia',, Mu.sW,. YTrrtP. Write us to-day for full particulars Don't put il aide for anotien ti ne os ibiOu seiandprpostion th aPc nit d-awnn t an>'urne. TifS MANSON CA UPBilLL CO., Lf'alted OupI. '54 dPtaont. Chaei, Fca MII od i iS-ilaremci, Mm. w.tmimar, C&1ry, I ., iruiiAT DhCn.odOîrîTirb i CANABIAN BUTTER ON TOP 1-nIDor1t FBy the Un T-ited Kingdomn ,,Third fa Size. A Lno despatch snys: At the annueii ldinner of the Bristol District Oripsand Provision Deaiers' As- socitio 0r1C.H. Siatde, the Presi- dent iof the Provision Mferchents' Assýoiatin said ho- was plüased to Haita t Canadian impots of btte te stood( third in the Unit- ed Élido. They were third bc- casethycu!ltiva.tod the trade. Up1 tu lstY4oar they had to draw their suples4 Australian' aand Noew Zea- lanjid buiitter from agents in London. EoL, ijAd written scores of letters poiotintg out to shippoî's the disad- vantilage (of olg goýs t hat way, and nihowing hon' the Calandians hecd SJ(»ddini selling their goods on Ihe cost, freiglit and insurance bas- is. This yoar more butter ba'd been ,,old on the c.i.f. basis thoan ever berure. Tbey must urge that someF of those hug'e shipments of butter( > uid cheose must bo shipped te Bris-t SPOTS O NTUiE eiU N'S FACE Covers a Tenth of the Total Solar Dianieter. A clospetch says: A sun spot, Po- io', cl 10 ho (me of the lergost andI Pr' t, dýClned ever obsorvoci, has been ,ls u\ îoed by Prof. A. H. Colo, a Io0>,i asi roç)mer. Projected u sîitill opýera -glas9s on a sheet 0 f wbitc ppe a ndisc mcaoriug six loches in diaineter Nvas djsrlosed. 3Iathcnmaticeal c uatosprovIed1 îlthtHc spot on thesrf- o h sun wias o000 tenth of itstoa da Snieter, o er 80,000miesinil and conP eslmd ]yndtbog a sxkdgas tis stsdos Tf[ ec ta orino tesn Th(l çta àhoviibe' ' STRUCK C RIPPENBURG. A lespatcli fr'cm Paris says:-Tlie St. Petersburg correspondent of l'EcPo de Perla says, under reservo, tisat Con. Grlppenbeng la te retura to Run-sie atond a cicuti. Cen. Koun- opa tkin accuses hlm cf engaging Japanese forces aI Sandepas out- numboning Pis on'n, anti refuslng te relire n'len Kouropalkiui erderet i hm to do so thus saccificing 10,000 mon. TPe correspondent anesents thnt an altercation occurreti, in-w'hiclî Kour- opalklng struck Grippenbcng. FOUND FROZEN CORPSES. A despatclî fnom Tsinikletchen, frfenchuria, sat s:-TPe Japanese of- fensive oponalboi). lanîle neig-hbor- Pooti of lzianîrbon, 14 ailles soulP-1 eal of Isinkisetdhen Pas bon beal- en off. TPe Japanese boitthoibmklll- cd anti canrieti off a couple of hua- tireti woundeti. The Rusabans subse- quently-, founti a lange number of frozen corpees of Japanese n'euntieti %vho lad tnioti te crawl off frem - ICheaha tin Posa. lbheappeanence of these cu-paca n'ere frighlful. The bodies were scantily clati. FAMINE FACES TROOPS. The Paris correspondent of TPe Lon- don limes n'ires :-Intormation reach- os me of tPe onxiety thal prevaiLa ia qoarters responsible for the sup- plies for the Russian army ia Man- chormFa as te lime provisioniag cf lise troein Apriî i aîUd ay. The fart la, liaitP0n'isole of lise resources of vorul ili hoexý,hausteti. There- ibi o ic> axetIhis yenr, at thore iSiee of ba1t yeoc's cnop f, ilîbr sidî!îloto Pe ny caIlle. Th1r(-- ts'sors 'rePro t [.iaoyenag ant MkdantdPila *million troopa n,\l be dpntetup- on 'tPe supplies fun'ied b> tle Manchun!iatirolnn-lae army la alreetiy lis iyg frm landtbmouth. Somne appreb,,insion la fot lest tle temptotion tu crocs tle Risvor Lieu int tPe fertile region of China imn- modiately on the otheu- aide shoulti prove inuesstlblc le Cenoael Kour- A despatrh front Tokio soya -lie Enîpeorn as issueti a rescipl te Fieldi Marehal Oynma'e acmy thal- ing the troops for tieieating a su- porion RusL-sian force in tPe recoal b.ittile. Ovyama reanondinir. save the; mien fought, desperotely day anti ycor. niigît binaiteaaelycolti sealPer. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS, _____________Mr. Paterson informeti Mn. Foaler thlthe total imp-tortation of'rmer- D01INION PABLIAMENT. chanidise for boume consumption îto - l Canada for tise current fiscal year Notes of Proceedinge la the House up 10 Dec. 3sit alsv as $12-3,043,- of Conxmons6f. TPe importations fnom Great SEEDBILUEXPAIXE. Bitain were $28,923,454, and(j frem M.Slso-'sBIL EapeAINg ED. a-tPe Unitedi States, $74,739987. The Mr.Fisers bllresecingth. i-Jtotal exporta n'ere $118.4n8,246,ý spection anti sale of seetia nas ýgiven at P xbns fhm iouî a second roading anti takenup uni te Great Brttain wore $63,072,205, ronamittce. Mr., Fisber explatncti a.ndti th.îeUnited States' $38,077,-' tînt tPebilîl n'as tise samne as liaI 738 of lest yoor, w iitiste exceptionî of 1 38 MARZCONI STATION, ene or l'o alterationa, n'hicP beti been mmadeienlaortier te mot cone of! Mï. Lefurgey w,'as lîmormeti b>'Mr. the criticisissa nhfrl badtilon been Prefontaîne liaI tbe Geverament directeti againa t. ibTe billibtm- bati ceutnributedti onards tle con- eti te come loto opration en"Sept. etnuclioiu of the Marconi station at 1 noxt. Il pvohihits tPe sale of seets Glace Ba>' $S0,000. lhe reasea ýgiv- for lise purpose of seecing'Phich con-. en by tPe Maroni people for tPe tic- tain reede of o nunsber of nexious! lay la opcrating ýhis station n'es w'eeds, tle lisI of wlichla i the saine[ thnt tliy hati matie a change, in tPe ns Iliese vahirI were probibiltdinlaaltoePccause cf thrisisuflrcient acrom- lest year's1 bill. In ortier te be con- I modation at the former place, anti sitioret free froîn sncb noxieus seetis la orden olso te make lise station tPere must nol Pc a greater propor-1 more eccore. TPe ticla>' Peti aise tien cft11cm tison five te one thoi-l been rauseti pacîl>' b>'the work hoc- saaîd of tPe seeda solti. Machineries bng interfereti witliPy bati iealher. anti penalties are provitiet for île enfoncement of tise arl, itvolvng fine cf $5 f) or tise final offeace and WINTER WHEAT DAlVAGEI) $25 for e cri sbsequent idoffenre, 1)-ý gelher. vwýi P rods, n l efaul,,ack of Sno(w Delnîmental te imnprisotmel for neot more tisa oea Uitedl States Crôp. inonti11IENG A Wnshinigton, D. C., tiespalnis AI'PI±.PACKNC.soya. TPe ,Unitedi -ta'--a Weather Mn.Fiaor avenotceof motion Buî-eau sunumari>oftlise o coil- thaithte Houso imolt go into coin- lion fo)r Jaiînar>', 105sl as f ol- ibtee te coilsideor o cesolullea pro- viding Ibhat apples pee",keti in Canada lons. for exponi, for sale b>' the box, sisol lEast of the Roci>rMomnaistPe Pce put in gooti slreng :boxes of sas-ma- ontis nas ceider lIce l ýie avemage, oneti wood, wilP insitie dimensions ef wîlli liglit preipitation fin nost dis- net bss Ihan ten larhes deep b>' Iriat. ln the Rock>' Mountala u egion eleven incises n'lie, andt tn'nty, incPos andti te en'sbn'ard the tempera- long, ropresenting a near -as posai-i tuno n'as mnilden Ilati usuel, witis bie, 2,200 cubir i ncises. 'Tfhe penalty! mion-o titan the average prenipitation for violation of tbe Act la l e; 25 lan tPe southeca plateau region andt cint fr nchbon_ýoaffe.. min,,Si,-u1 le,-,, Plifrnia rartnd miuh licou opatkins army, mrays or filleî-s aie uset intabexes ort .TAPSURCONS'TRIU PH. arcela giving e sepaî-atecrompent- jAPSUREON' TZIUPH. ment for ecri apple lie non' negule- A dspatcP frem Cea. Oku's seati- lion is îîot te apply. quartera says:-Japonese fieldi sur-i NEW BILLS PRESENTED. geons anti fielti lospitais lave accoua- plisheti a triumph, arroi-ding to ste- Tise foilon ing Pilla were lnuoiucoti tistica by the chef surgeon of Cen.a.ndi rend a finalt Chne: Okuj's arin> - 'rere Pasvc bon la thse Respccting tPe Colunmbia anti West- ctire atîny sinco tise latiing on May ern aRiln'a> Conmpany, anti respect-0 6 euh ,'orty deticaba rom diseaso iug tlie Ottaw'a Ebotrir Compay.- Tise figuu-es show' Ilat, up te Dec. 1, Mn. Gallilier. thece ivere trenlti 24,642 cases of Mr. Caliher explainodt iat tPe l14-t tilseaso. Of tPese, 40 reaulteti fatal-tonrn'as lhe saine ns tPe Pill intre- 1>', 18,578 patients rcoceeI,5, 609 titceti last sess.ion, which cou,-ci se n'euo sent to Japon, anti tPe rmain mudh opposition la île Hlouse, tsi dec ivece untiecgoing iceatînent n'isn îsuicse helng to alîcw thi compao>'i the figures svece coiipileti. Il la Pc- te puî-chaso stock la ollicu cotpan-v lieved. that itliese flguues are unequal- les. c loti in the Piston>' of n'anfere. lieu-e llespccting tise Atlantic, Queber,1 n'ere 001>' 183 cases of lypPoiti, anti anti Western Railn'ay Co-umpan,>' -Mn.f 342 of dysenter, mvP wile of bnr-ýbon Gauvreaîu.c there n'ere r),070. lice olicer rasesl Respcctlng ltme Molsons Bîk-n of discase were not senloco. Ames. 'The rasualties'la Con. Okus army> Ibis la a bill toeonabie tPe cnom- froî Mnay 6 te l>ec. 19 n'ere: Kijledî p on> te rcciistrihmilc ils, siarei, se (ofos,210; men, 4,ql17. Wountio t lal he eaf ton tPe> me>' be $100 lit- (oflirsr), 743; mon, 20,337. Missing steati of $50.t oflicens 4, mcan 402, Sixteen per To incorpocate tle St. Mar>'s anti cent. receveteti in the fieldi, anti 65 Western Ontarioe Railway Company'. per cent. wece sent te Japon. -Mn1. Mcl> re. Eisi>' ,vfisre per cent. of the n'ountis Iespecting certain potenîs of the noce inflicteti by cifle aloIs, 8 [,)r Canadae Car Company,',ïîitid, andi cent, b>' ertillery. anti 7 per cent. r csperting certain patentýs of tPe b>' roltisteel. The largesî percrn Coodn'in Cat Company,-M!r . Domers toge of recovoics n'as in the cases St. Johno. of -lesl n'eunds. Most of the re- liospeccing tPeOttaw a, Nettiera covenies were due te tPe saolirail-'and W'etern Railina>'Compann.--Mr. Preo0f the rifle bullets. Parmcec. 'e iî'cenporate the Calgary, lied SOWIN-ýC SEDITION. Deer, anci Battîlocti Railn'ay; anti A tiespaîch te tPe Nos oc \ relava, te bcorperate tPe Mocae Jan' anti of St. Petecrsburg, fcomn Muktien rdotn Riw.,Cmav-r statcs that th(- Japanese are cdailv Logan. t tîmoi-ng iîî he cRiisian advaticeýl 1Mi-.SîîlirsAcr uc'octîng sabot>' posta lettons giving descriptions cf 0f 5llps nos introtioret anci reatiai tPe jntornal trouble,, mfi Russie.. ist tinte. He Cxlleinfd blintit n'as intolitedti 10ai ' .r vss'ls te icaci JAPSiuînber Peba'cen the, main andi sPd I A JesaPS XCrES. eei tcet-tiecks. He titi not intoî t 1 A tesptch fro St Pcensui-g prosse>tlebill uthil an nan'wen bat say:-l0rcm thse reports of the gea- heectrccrcivcd froîn Ithe Foglish oral stafi il is net cdean >01 whetiîecPboardls of tradeticb hoîacnquirics tic figlifing osn thle Hua River is lied beca souit. ugacding ticîr opin- entiei. TIbm Rossions continue lheisbonsaof tise change. boînhardinent of Santiepas, andi ap- EODREDNS -aetyasrn tio ls n lime followiing lla ocreced aj second time. Resî'octing îlhe CLom.ubie aîuci XVe- tens lebi'ay(o. Mr 0aiiher. Roes poe bti ng t Ot on ý)1 a Elerînrir 3 Coreparn.v-M:r. Calliller. * 1e.pecling tie Atlantic, Qneoc a ndtiWestccîî Reiln'ay Co-Mr. Cauv- Respecting the Molsona Bannk-Mr 'leO inrorpcicate the St.. la'v's anst We cstcinm Ontario 1Railn-ay Ce.-Mnà. Reeecin crlaho patents ci lIe - -~ Goou il CarCe.-Mc. Binkerdiko. Ih-esctbg île .Ottawa, Nnhr - ~ o NetniRinc Co.-Ml. iBei- î~î~' e~-4i - ~ K~àourt than the average precipitation as a w ho 1le. Thrcuglicut flie Southera States tChorinonth n'as unfavorabbe foar thoe griculturali fute(rests fn that Sectioni. The reports indicete that Winter 'heat n'es gonerally ne protectîl westwncd of the Mississippi River and aise ln portions of the Ohio Val- ley andi1'ildeAtlantic Statos, but over much of the last-'namcd district there was insuffietent stuon protec- tion dornga wverest n'cather andinil portions of llinois and Indiana it is fearod thiat tha crop bas suffered injury, iar.-e aeas bcing covered wlth ice. On the, North Pacifie coast the oiitlook is rlavoraIlefr !ate sown in Wa8hington. l Cali- Foiria the prospect is xcllii e x- cept, along the ScaineRvr >here soe dainage Pas:b-n,,se by heavy raina. Oid Man-"Yoit were foolish, Cor- tie, te accept ny boy Jack. You n'ili have te n'ait tili ]Ym dead non', ai ore you touches my meaey, whore- as if you'd takcn rme insteod, as 1 asked, you could have started speýnd- ing it right away from now! Silly girl!" If Your Live-r is Wong You are .,ïrong ail Over, A torpid, inactive liver goes band in han with constipation. Snch a chronile condition requires a system- atic effort te overconie it snd estab- lish good healtb and perfect body drainage, Smith'. I'ineappie and Butternt Pille, containlng the tn'o needed elements to increase liver ac- tivity and nînscuior action go accu- rately te the sluggisb liver and bon'- els, restering thern cor pietely. Suppose your bowels faiied te, move for a week or ten days. Don't yen. knew yen would be quickly pros- trated ? It is, just the saine, differing In degree.,,when yoar bowels do net mnove et ieest once a day. Von uknow yon soon beconie languid and tired, yonr blood gels bad and yeu feel mean and sick allever. You sliuld have a full, heaithy passage daily. Don't let serions conditions de'-elop. Smith's Pineapple and Bntternut Pilla will drive bo>wel poison out of yonr system and eslablish reguiariiy. Tbey are pnrely vegetable, and cure in ene niglit. 'Ne will send yen )ua g erous sampie of these pilla Absýolulc1y Free, sealed and postpaid, that wilI cenvince yen bsyond doubt of their wonderfnl curative prope-rties. Ad- drsW. F. Snmith Co., 185 S t. janiesî Plscure Constipation, Blhiouc&sness-,L andi 5kÊC 1laah uore ngt Ail eirs25 cntA Cure e 7 le eztdirect t i.dsae ~, &et1UWter,ear lee 4,oa edpeyanuiycu1 Ai! ldealens, or tDr. A . W C M ediclie Ce.. Tronto and Beffe REAS N 06 T 20M0fOç1f U It The Battle Outranked Those of Nanshan and YaIu. AT H-UN RIVER. i between Sandepas and Shakzpu to A depatc fro Toko sas: h eck the Japanese, who seem to be Ilisan casuaies o t aek inthe triying to use their former turning Olghting on the Hlua Riveke overi movemnent across the H-un River. teit thousaîcd. The Japanese losses Nothùïg has been 1hard of the Rus- wcire seven thousand. The Kokumain,! sian ovemdent ngainst the Japanese, uipon the fact that the right. public does îîot seeil, to grasp the magnitude of thevicto1ry, states that PRISONERS PAROLED. the Russiauis brought into the field A dspatch from N\agasaki says- seven divisions of infantry and one Five hundred and twenty-four paroi-, of cax alry. ed Russian prisonors of war lei t on 1The total forces ongaged numbered Wednsday on the French mail tw o hundred thousand, thus out- steamer on route to Russia. Eleveni ranking the battles of the Yelu and Russian officors who rocently sailedj Nanshan. from here have returnod from Shang-1 The prisoners say that the Russian hai on the steamer Siberia, and are officers expectod that the coid would procooding to Sali Francisco. impair the fighting ability of the Japenese. RULER THANKS TROOPS. The Joy of ý%fting --is-common 4o a11humanitye~nti1 the organs go wrog-then joy is turned to sorrow and food does the body littie or no good, If you would return to the ability to enjoy Eo"ýod use Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. Bole that the amount paid last year to the Government of Manitoba for interest on the School Trust Tund was $75,1224. There was stili a dis- pute in regard to two -amounts of -Money. The flrst was $81,342 for the cost of management from the date of the formation of the fund ia 1879 to June 30th, 1904, and there wes elso a dispute in regard to the $3 '0,000 boan made to the province in 1879, and 18M4, wbichU, having beon repaid crut o£ the, pro- ceeds of sales, the province claimed shouid now be paid over to it. PUBLIC BUILDING S. Coi Hughes wes informed by Mr. Hymnan that four buildings or por- tions of.,buildings in Ottawa hadi been lease i by the Governiment forý public purposes since Jan. lst, 1904,1 at a total rentai of $10,690 p er Ilal k STYLES FOR LITTLE FOLKS.. The question of a boy's clothes le esiiy disposeti of, for lie is usiially takea to a clothiog store, and rig- god eut without furtber thought tChon that spent in the store-until it comnes timie for the patching. But the motheu- of girls Pas quite an- other probleun to solve. The girl is mother of the wooman, and there ' muat aln'ays bc a certain suitability and style about hier clothing, hon'- ever plain, if for ne other reason thonr to' keep lier froni thinking about thein. To bier n'ill probably descend tPe worn-out dresses of the inother which wlll bc quite os gooti as new w hen roînodelod, and perhaps of btter inatorial then might have beein beuglat for lier in tPe first place. The Russian modes are stlîl very popolar for girls up te aibouit thir- tCocu, Pecauso of thoin simpillicity, andi goneral becomingness. TÎhe n'aist la modle on a lioing and sheulti have a blousing front, anti straight bock, Wbule the skirt bas densidorablo flore nt the bottomn, but fits snîoothlY over the hips, the fulîneas et the bock laid la box or inverteti plaits. As a ---ribot ion frein the sty le 50 mon nworn, the blouse may hoc finish- cdi cith a sailor cellar, with a xide tap-over, and a remnovablo shielti of aL contrasting color, showing ent the lpeck. TPe sleei es ai-e of the bishop jorder, -fluisheti by narren' bonds. Anotlier very simple litIle gown for n'hich ony ordfiary patteran will serve lias a plain liiuing te the n'aist, ovor n'hich the blouse body sagsaa i tIle all onounti. The siî la trim- med w lth tueks, tln'ee etc the Pot- tCom, andi if tiesirecl anoîhoý_r cluster of three highen op. Bot excepî as p, motter of economy la lengthening the tiness, these serve ne other pur- I pose aîd ttinothing -tote e p- peaýranrce of tPeo dre,. 'P ho nock may beý finished wfth a decep circular- col- lac that folis a littho over the top of the aleeve, ai is edgod with some fanny braid, or trimming, or the collar may hcomoiltteti, andi the bond anti rock Irianed w ith a ew on' ws of the Praici. It la the fit anti bang of jhese lithoe garaients thot tells for more thoni any laidtioui tnbouing, and frequently a fen' rows of sti5ch- tIng i.,ail thal fa requiroti. TPe neck f3hould aln'eys le finîsheti with a bit of lare or a littie ruching of chiffon thnt la renexvoble wn e ccssary. AMO'NG THE STORES. If yen happen ti ePanon' yor celer echerîme for ri(-(t wnter, and what la - becoiuîig iia tPe wey of Pats, n'itl4 eut taking toito accouaItPe letoat fashion, tîsis latPe lime te Puy mil- iineiy. inaleniai are the sanie price. A non' anti voný durable, os n'oll os prctty, mateniai for shirt n'aists, la Llama cloth, n'Pioh costa $1 a yard, le double n'ldtP, ol a firm, close n'oave, good wnashing qoaiity, and may be lad ia dots or stnipes,- ta severai popular colons. PreIIy Pet-pins, topped with cry- stai knoba, or a large pearl encloseti lnae gold. coil, aie quite cheop. There are vorious g-rades in these sham jen'els. 1-aîf-inch violet riPPori, mocle la four loops, with a single cross stitri of yellen' silk ia the renter, have the oppeeranreof iviolets, w ithout Ping really imitations. A Punch for tle Pair or Ibroat looks wvol n'îth a Prewn or Peliotrope gen. Sev\en-inrh nribboi, n'ith Dresden fiowens, epple-blossom on o grey grontii, red or Pron'n, blue or black~, is $1.25 n yard, andi a yrd and a hall is juat enough for the nerk, n'ith anothor three-quorlers oeeded for crush girdie. A voiy desirable fabie for up- holsterîn)g il hem ttfet,, which la 50 cents for yard n'lde gooda. It cornes in solid Colon oniy, with e* 1le raised patteý'ra! of the samne, aIi ta, almrost un-n',ear-out-albbe, because of fits bcbngallie -DLESS HINTS. Authonities Pave taiked for semee timeocf therex ival of the- f rinirrd anti slan'l1-sbaped cd'oînian. WPîà;be one doubta tPe popularity of su-h a garraent. a loose-fiting cape coat n'ith dtiaped aleI_-es 1 a protty înod- ification cf this rumored stx le., A fashioilde cdock n'hich Pas dis- tinct indiv.idualits, is a w' lcome re- lief frein those rcady-mode, and tPe WHY YOU SHOULD USE t Because of the care lun Selection and Blelfiug. My agents in the east are expert tea1 tasters, and, every lot- of tea that is sent down from the Gardens hais to pass their inspection. They take samples from the chests and carefully taste them, then if the tea is fully Up to the Red Rosestandard, it is accepted and shipped; if flot it is rejected. * The most lin portant test of ail, however, Is when the tea arrives here, as dnring'the passage through the Red Sea, the very great heat often affects the Tea very serio ously. Immediately-on arrivai, samples are taken fromi each lot and subjec' ted to the most rîgid tests, and only those teas which -bave retainied ail their original flavor and strength are used for Red Rose (the balance is jobbed off in bulk>. Vîb..-m blended and ready to be put into sealed pack - eges, it is tested again just to make sure no mistake kas been tmade in the blending; nothiiig is left ti2 chance. Will you test us by orderlng a package? T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES: TORONTO WINNIPEG. '-M E CAN BE at homne WIT1TOUT Pain, Danger, or Time From iW0ork b--th e 'WONDERFUL DISCOVERY of an emninent Toronto Speiailet. Ont., whose portrait here appears le eured at 88 YearS, hi' the reatDiscovery'of the Rupture Specliat, Dr. W. S. Ricae, ~~a qeesn St. (Block m.>) Toronto, Ont. To ail Ruptured siiffer erg, wha vrrite mt once. Dr. Rice wii send FREE, his BOOK,. "Can Ruprture ibe Ctired," and a6 FRE TRIAL of hie DISCOVERY. D o at rt ody U NBER THE DETROIT RIVER Vanderbilt Railread Interests Are to Construct a Tunnel. A Detroit tiespaîrli soa: IThe News soya it ila able o, teaate iupon ceiable, information tisai, as a resoîl cf the unification of tle Noew Yodl Central, Lake Shore, Michiga Centra nt Big Four sysloms, a tuinne vii imnudiatel>' ronstrurctet ntii-t Detroit River te facilitaletc'Ias ponlation of cars and avýoidtiie ac laya iliat are raufletib>' the ire ever>' wintem. TPe tunnel n'ill be built b>' tbe Vaatier'bilt interosîs, intiepentiont of othenrenods. CURE WAS QUICK AND PERMffANENT Dodd's Kidney, Pis Soon Drove .4way Rheumatism and Dropsy. Cace of a Windsor Mau Who Suffereti Two Years Pefore be Diseoveredth te Rigbt Remeti>. WEŽNDser, Ont.,, Pa. 6 -Seil. lew quickiv Rbeumatism ad Dropsy ea lecureti when the rlght metilcine is usetilis cown ln the case of Mr. J no McDonald, a retireti farmer living ai 130 Langois Avenue liera. Mn.. MDon- aid sys: "For two vears I was troubied with Rheumatîcai and Drppsy. My legs wara terribly swollen, anti thougli 1 trieti imany medicines netbing gave me andy relief ti11 I triati Dodti's Kitine> Pil. Two boxes ef them cureti me so com pletaly that I have Pad ne ratura of the tiseases in years."1 llbeumatism nd m Dropsy are causeti bv tPe poisons disortierati Kidneys bail te aitrain eut of, tle biood. Cure îleh Kidnevs witm i)dti's Kitineys Pilla, anti andte becurati Kidiuais will refueva lime cause of tic Rieumatism or Drepsv. Witsomut cause there can le no disease. IMMIGRATION IINCHECKED. 140,000 Immigrants Expectedti t Reach Canada Tis Year. Adespa,,tri irons (,tbwa says.: The insmigratieus officiaIs antinivate limai 140,000 i'nîn'Jgcants from Great Bni- tain, the Conitinent, andtihte Uniltd St atts ivili rani,,ta Canadla tisa yosn. AitPou* h bise slraisahip rom- poules have raison the rates for trnasportation, a Part>' 0f 80 wnet tisueugi on Moistiy. It is expecteti htîcinlutbie course of a, ion' weeks the isenvyriioveuscuit ivili ho biogun. worth of furniture on crodit, and ran up bis wlih tradesmen for provisions for bimseif, twe sister s and mother. Fiaally, they' disappeared, ani next turned up at Dlublin, wliere tbey ert- tored loto an agreement for the bease of a biouse la tPbe fashionable quaýrter with an optJ)ion lo purchase et £1,- 5,0,Furniture firms wio wre ap- pliedtn odclnd te senidin orderIs over 50wihot ash, and Adais ani(P is pant'y !bIt albruptly. Liaburu, close te 1Bellast1, wasu N'i.'ted. An exensve ouse taýcO, anti furnituire n'as sent ir a Belfast filrm. Groconies ntio neceasaries wero aise supplieti local tradërs. Leaving bis uni bis behiac inu, Adams went or Armagh, where lie enteroti into gotiations for the occupation Ballyard's Castle. He was toiti that only a man of weaith coulti keep pup the place with Its 200 acres, but Adams sait ieo nas uscd te oxpensive residence, andi wanted the place for tus mother. Mis. A dams preseotly appeareti on the scono, reprosentod that she had juat corne from America, and ex- presseti annoyance that a rosidence Pad net already, 1000 secuned for lier by bier son. They xvere very particu- 1er about the stabling, stating the 'Misses; Adasw oulti keep maay, Porses, -whiie hie wouid have a coup- le of m-otor cars. Terma n'were erraogod, decorators n'ore employed, anti furnituro order- od on an extensive scele. Thon they were traced by a Lisbura credit o)r, who obtaineti a writ. The Adamaca thon fledA o Eagland, anti n'ere aî- resteti et Hro'gt la Adames' possession were heuse-agenjs' lasof miansiona foDr sale from £7,ùi00 te 4£15,000. LOFTIEST LIBRARY. Thene wiillshortiy. b)_ý inaugurated epon the Alpine peak of Ollen, on MonteRosa, the most elevateti liter- ary and sclentific laistitute la the worl"d. Its altitude wiii lie 10,000i foot. TheoIljràry, which will takýe the namne cf Queeu- Margherita,oes utg organization te Rer Majesty, supporteti by Miaisters andi many eminent persons ln Ifaly and abroati. It will comprise books, sculpture, lantiscapos, anti photographe obtain- able relating to the Alps. Cornwall is the only county in Englandwhicli bas no theatre.- MR. HILL RAS PROVED IT. Toronto Man Expiains Hlow lie Gained Thirty Pounda In a Fexi Weeks. Reinarkable Statenxent. At 89 Pile(,r Street, Toronto, lives a matsn'iso caims le have prevea-i beyoid île ssation' of a donhfit GAMBLED IN IiIANSIONS. Dr.' Lcoçnliait's Anti-Pilli la lie moa w-onticrful remcdy eci usîo- Arnîcican Ativenlurers Under Ar- tinrot. IRis naine- la W. A. Ilui, anti restiifa Irelanti. ho makes the fcilon'ing satomeat: A couple, tiresset inletPe heigit of "I n'as ver>' maunis un tioNnn, ati ballion, w'horpeonoitbemaelvea 3bacia a constant pain un mn>'-aide, b lec woalthy 1Amonîcons, andi mov-'hic ic atie lifo a tdrag la mc. md froua mensien te mansion, but bull>' Peileveti my tinys nene nom-, wPo are nîbegeti to le atveaturers ..1benci, Pbut I n'as inducedti etr'a are uîîcer aroal in Irobanti ntion e- treatissoui f Dr. Leoniardt's Ari- niarckatile circtîmstancea. 'I'ey are P111, andtihle resuits,,werc aveb James Adams, agoti 34, anti lis "Aflor a short lime I founiimss>' motion, Elizabeth Adiams, andtite>' restonecl to perfect Ioli %ve.e brouglit up ai Arnmagh Police stu-engtli, nliich T itm iai i1 Court chargetiw-lithmorud. SayI Pave nIytovrsre Tise Crown Solicitor, who hprose- -I Pave ga!ineti Ilinrt>'pomî cubed, saidti het tPe>' lotipractirali>' weight sai 1nce I cîmneit gammbleci on imansions, anti Pati bon AmIit-PÎII." cacryiag on systomatir wholesaie, Mr. Hiil's atatemnent i, oaly -or sn'int1ibg in Irelati anti Enigient.i. an>.'. No anc Pas os-o usei Dr. lri '! ati bon taretifrons Queeais- LeonbRti' A -PilI 'ibo oe- tOnn, bmc Mn AdmarcSeaîmnUg 1filt. Plsici a an'aibyAnenca an'-,Pnice Oc AlÏ1 nîglasor TPeo ye, ek Pebseo emaî io crWlon L!oCe, LmmttNiatgara sencil yers. nti olaineti£200 al.Ont.Soloentsfor Cana,,,ý-

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