CUGHFIT B YTH E GR1Ilp T n~Il'PE is epîdema e atarrh. If sely s as 1o the effICaey ofi Peninl OaUnd end the ignorant, tho aria tocrat IAftei- Effects ()f La rippe Eradlcated faw z- piý the ma~ssand the _ -by Pc-ru-na. 49wem are alike subject to la grippe, i\ ïs.Fred \*einberger, Mresterlo, Wolie are exempt-ail are liable. Albany Couuty, N. Y., writ as: X"'e :you the grip? Or, rather, hlaa "Several -cears ato I ýp attack 09 the grip got you? Grip la wçIl zuamcd 1- w fitiy-nevsi Mue original Frenchtatenu. - ~ ~ fT ienerves iian biabeen shoteried 1 â grippe, prostrated <éondition. Te a u eau to reaci "- j- the busy me- otflia ttackoflgipe-hl-1e tm gi.eWithout inteuding worso. Thacltniedfirea egood physiciauns what it is, aerviug on public boardo à num br of Unies. lie endorses Peruma in thec following words: 'II amn 68 ycars old, arn hale and hmx*ty, and Peruna liaa helped mue attain IL. Two years ago I had la grippe-my ffl was despaired of. Peruna saved me."-~ J. R. Guili. A Relative 0f Abraham Uncolas. Mr. Sila.a S. Lincoln, who residesata 913 1. Stre1'et, N. W., Washington, D. J,, lias the honor of beiug third cousin te~ Abraham Lincoln. fIe writes: 'Ihdla grIppe five fîmes before nain.- your mnedicine. Fýour years ago 1 began the use of ]?eruna, silice which tio i ihave -flot been troubleà wtit t disease. I can now do as much work at my desk as I ever could la rny life, t have gained more than ton pounds ta weight."-S, S. tneoin. P" Net Only Cured La Grippe but Beneflted thse Whoie System. Miss Alice M. Dressiler, 1313 N. Bryant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., 'writea: "Last spring 1 suffered frorn la grippe aud waas partially cured but the bad af ter affects remained through the ane. mer and someliow 1 dld not get strong as 1 was before. On@ of my college friends Wlio Was visiting me asked me te try Peruna and I did se and found it ail and more than I had expected. It not only cured me of the catarrh but restored me te perfect health, built up the entire systemi and brought a ha.ppy feeling of buoyancy 'which I had flot known for years."t-Aice M. Dresler. An Actress' Testimonial. Misa Jean CowgLU, Griswold Opera flouse, Troy, N. Y., la t.he leading lady with the Aubrey Stock Co. She writee tho -followlng: «During the past winter of 1901, 1 suffered for seve-ral weeks from a severe affadi of grippe, which loft a serions catarrhal condition of tlie throat and bead. ît-ome one suggested Pernus, As a6 asat resrt, after waating mnuch fixa aud m6ney on physiclaus, I tried the remedy falthfuily, and In a few weeks waa as well as ever."-Jean Cowgfll. A Southern Judge Cure&. JucIga Horatio J. Qosay', Hartwell, Ga., 'wrtes:_ "Some ft're or six years &go I had a very severe %p"11 of grIppe, whleh left me wth systemnie estarrh. A friand %dylsedý me to try youz Permna whJeh 1 dld, and was imnmediately benelted ïa1 cured; -The thïrd bottleomnpeted the- cuo"IJ. Gosas TRE D'IAD IN 1904. Record of uemnt In BO-wMan villa e etecy, !9U4 3-Mrs. Wm.' Bird 45 year&, paral- Y aie. 4-An Rooifer 75 years, heart- failire. 5-John Cale 79) years, old age. 5-Tho8. Fltzgerald -51 years, con- somption. 8 -Thomaa N1îcholl&, 45 years non. samption. 13-Sarah  Bnwn. n 9 yeare 6 nionthe, pueunmnina. 21-Jona Margagh 71 yeara, general debiiity. 29-John Peeru, 85 years, old age, FEBRuAR.y 2-Hum phiey Short 82 years, old age. 7-JauraWells MoWaln 69 yeara. baralysis. 8-Margaret A. Fleming 76 years, hearl failure. 26-Robt. Barfett 44 pears, pneum- onia. 29-Ada Fieher Sanders 27 years, consomption. 8--William W. Price 29 year8typhold lever. 11-Sarah J. Ewlng cancer. 12 -Violet Gilders 17 years, consnrn- ption. 21-Jane Muir Tod 69 yeare, heart failure 28-Sara Edgerton Hooey 70 years, heart trouble, 1 ru 1-Jane Square 51 yeare, pneum. Ofli5. 6-John Bonathan 78 y ears, old age aud ssthms. 22-Carrne Welch 35 veare 8 mon ths, beart disease and general debllity. 29-Thomas Wilson 88 years heart fallure and old age. 3-W illam coulson , parah tic stroke 4-Minule Martyn pneumonla- 16-frlay Vlçmens 19 y cara 5 nontha consomption, 30-Thomaei Carfrae Benu37 yeurs, heart falînre. J UNE 4-Hilda May Willnî 2 months, lnfantuni, 4-G2o. Cole Haines 59 years, cancer of âtomach. 6 -Minai. Mediaad 30 Tsars, nervous prostration. 13-Charles L. Barrel.t 67 years, heart failure, 13 William Frederlck Vaun 40 yeara kidney trouble and operation, 21-M~izabeth A. Manday 31 yeara, 27-Bridcet__BottE rai 74 yetss, aid age. JL >le. and Mm. 'Jamies Morrtcon and faxull? aTe vlaiting bar father, Mr. D. Mr. John -Dmaey, attended Co>naty Counill Session, at Cobourg. Midu Edit'a EiliLZ, Norih Ba,% anD Mis E. Fowler, Rnsare vihiîlng theit aunt, Mysý. Jas. Tamblyn. Mir. J, 9Hary Alexander, traveller for G ourlsy & Co., Toronto, visited bis aunt, Mr& Win. Thompeon. Mr. Arthur Farrow,tf Toronto, visit- ed hie former employer, Mr. A. Leigh. Merse. A. A. Powers and F. J. Me- &illan, Courity Oommissionecs, attend- ed Oonnty Council ab Cobourg. Rev. Mr. DeMille sud wlf e, Roblin, visited old frienda here. Mr. DeMille, occupied the palpit of the Methodi-st church Sunday evening week. Mr. O. D. Austin, a former popular Principal of our Sobool, ie nnw out of the hospitat, where ha was for SIX weaks wIth typhold feaver, he will teach at Boymman, Man., Schoolountil, spring. John Oarveth Esq , haagone to Clave land, Ohio, te @pend the wincer witb hie daughter, Dr, Annie Higbee. Mra. sud Mra. Joseph Campbell, and Miss MePherson attended the fanera of thelr brother à1r. John Me Pherson woodvlfle, Mr. A. J. Leigh bas completed the contrant for building the big steel amoke stack for the ElectrIa Light Lompany, Bowmanville. It Is 60 feet, In lengtb, aud three feet in diameter. Re l8 at work on another coutract for the MoKay & Go. Milla, Bowmanville, bullding four peari bgrley machineil Tbey wlll have a capacity of 40 buah an hour. PAINFUL RHEUMATIffl How it la Caused by Bad Blood, and Why Oured by Dr. Williams' Pink PUil. Not many yeara ago doctors thought rheumatism wAn ouly a local pain caused by cold or wet inu ggelng joints and muscles. Now they know that rheU- matiani la caueed by the blood becom- Ing tainted w!th aricaoald froin disor. dered ilver and kidneys.ý This acld eas liet the vital organm. IL deatroya thelr vitalfty, contracta the muscles, stiffens the joints and Ire'tates the nervea-. Then cold aud wet inake every boue groan wlth aching rheumatiam. Yeu blame the weather, but the real cause la aald In the blocd, The stîffness apreadesud the pains grow worse each year utIl yen are a helpiess cripple, t9,1rtunl ay and ,night. Perbape the diàease-tnay-8prea.d b othe- heart-and that means sudden death. Yeun mt not neglect rheurmatism-but yon can't / J v 1-_ - - - - 9 TrheNew Way to maRie Bread Send for the " Royal Household 1 Recipes- they cost nothing-and may mean better bread-better pastry-better baking gen- erally for the test of your life-think of what that would inean to your faniily. If you. have neve used the new Royal Houschold Flour, there is a delightful surprise for yon. fa the first batcli of bread you bake with it- just send a postal card for the recipes. I An V o 2t,10 1 have ben nakiog bread fo eal twent-five yearrs and Royal Household É lour ta the best 1 have had for either IBread or Pastry. (Signed) MES. ROBT AD AM . TllE 0431LVUE FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LTD. MONTREAL. THL Bowmanv1ie