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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1905, p. 2

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Aptptt Law mRigve as ftirlhtt'eecurlty for said, repay men~t an v..kM seinmet c inurace olcie te oh value of By La Na..t lest$15,fo00 Cup on Ile property -plant andi machinery cf thtsCompany inBscb Ineurance Compenies as the Corpoîation may direct. ihe premiume ln respect of wbich shall be paid b>' the Company; and shall also Rive the covenant BYL AW of the Corporation of thte of the Company' madie on Dehaif of itsecf, ite successore and assigne, for the repayrnent of Town ofBowmanville authorizing the taiti loanîn the mauner indicteaIfor rcayment Du oa f saute; and ecifi secority te te bec dItioned Corporation to Loan T/teD ra that If et an>' time the said, Cerpany becoxees banlernpt, ilvent, or maktes an assignament Rubbea- Company Limited $15,000 00 for the benefit of its crefittore, or an ortier te mate b>' an>' Court of Justice ln Ontario for the and te raise the same for thte purposes 'wniing up of the Company,. or ceuses or suffers cny extection ereditor under an exeentiin to cf thte said loan, seize the property of the Company' or suffers a final judgement againet tht saiti Comncny te ne- IIEREAS lu pursuance cf "THE main unsatîsSietif or a perioti cf 60 de s, or if setd Cmpny snet erforming I liw llioue W COSOLIATDMUNIIPALAC as herein defÏned,aà ecntincer Cc be la efeuit vtie bave enterefi toto an agreement with The wrking days or If tht scid Company' attcnîpts Durhm RbberComany imied (ubjct t terernove its business fromt tht town cf Bow- thisby-aw ein appove ofby he eectrs anvlle r feintheprernises se te be acqeired dulyquaifid t voe teren ofthesall twn yd an ief erref in sectioen[a] hereoI". then tu mime prscrbetiy lw ad t sai bylaw at»inlaan>' ef euch cases the mort cge securit>' bl ratifiet b y an Act of tht Legisleture ofshallImrnetiately become duetan owcn cete teÉrevince cf Ontaio if Cotnsel rer the Cor- tht wboic $15000.00, leas an>i srnab j m> oetion deeme seiti ratification necessary) te have been paifi ou sarne b>' the Company', ca icnte the saiti The Durbham Rnbber Comopany tht Corporation rnay preceeti as it. mey becd Limiited, thie sun cf *15,00.00 for the pnrposes viseti te reahîze the emont se due mndfi wiag antioou the termes herein set oui, under tbe power cf sale wblch la to e e ntaineti AIZ D WHEIE AS it wiil be requisite te reiet in saiti rirtgcge, or an>' other meane avaîlable tht several aumain eeeh year respectively ce under saiti mortgage, or mev foreclose tht set foth lu tht sehedule te tibis by-lew. equit>' of retiemption of tht saiti Company' in AND W}IEREAS tht whohe reteeble proer alosiipreperi>' coveret b>' saîi mertgage; andi of tht Itunloipclty cf the tewn cf Bowmanv'ihit usaimotgageecerty shali be furiher condi aeecordiing to tht tst reviseti Assemament Roil tionefi hat tht sciti Corporation ebahi haveace- for ibe yeear 19o4 was $1,095,595 00. oss to tht premises, books andi papiers of the AND WIIEREAS thtexisttIng tiebenture tithi Company ct iclidrnes te inqpect saute and de- cf ht ait Mnlepalt> lethttomOC[8126764termine wbetber tht salod Compeny le perfcrrn of te sid uniipalty s te sin o $8,26.64lng tht conditions imposefi upon fi anti contain- cntinoO principal or interestisjela arrears. ed inla aid mortgage, and c rtfuscl te permit TREREFORE tht Municipal Counchl cf tht sait Iinspection shall cause tht saldlrnettgcge te town of Bowmenviile enecte as follows :- forthwîth beeme due anti ewing anti proceed. 1, Ilshallend mc'be lewfuh for tht Cerper- ings mc>' be taken te realize upon terne la tht atien cf tht town of Bowrncnvjhte te boau te maner herein indîeteti. Tht Diirhcm Rubber Company Limited thteOm 8. Tht saiti Corpration shahl exempt tht e! $15,00a.00, eaîd Compncy andiit proerty frot taxation 2. It shall andi ray be lawful for tht Corporation (exepit taxation for scbool purpet) for c cf thetowncf Bowrnillie for tht porpose of ptrloti f tweoty Years. becng chie te meke tht bcan ia tht preceding 9. Tht votes cf the qoalifieti tiecters cf the paragraphi herein referred te te borrow tht sain seitiCopation shahl be teken on this b>' lcw cf $15000 00 ati egret te pay interest thereen pursuant erttrvseeo h tttsi ci htrae f ourpt entm grani medt that behaîf on 1Friday tht tenth day of March Issue twtnty tiebentures of tht eid Corporation 1ie5 front int o'elieck in tht forencon to five for $1 ,103.7 ech the firet payable on the first day 'clock: lu tht afiernoon e&, the following of Septemben A D 1906 whîch said debtutures places - .wit é ýtil rpreseutdtht arnount cf seiti borrewing wiib interet ateti as shown in tht Sehedule to For tht West Ward et tht Couneil Roor n l tht Chie b>' law, Municipal Buildings 5. Tht sciti debentuires shah be payable et For tht North Ward et tht Drill Shedi tht office of tht Treaurer cf the saidti e of For tht South Wcrd et tht Fîre Hall, Bewmenvilhlu nBewxanvilt. 4.Isaldrablwu Mao Tht foiewing persons.shaîl be tht Rettrning It haî eti e>'beicwolfor thte ao Offleers for tcking tht votes al tht sait polling cf thr eiti Corporation acutihe la herehy author-plcs Izeti ant i nstructefi te sign ud iissue said tichen. lCt torts hereby autherizeti te buie ensed anti te For tht West Ward, John Lyle, cause tht semae te bt sigLsol b>' the Trecuert of For tht North Werti, John S. Meoertf, tht sai Corporation ati tht Cieîk ef tht satd FothSuh adJhnM oncle Corp ,ratIon te hereby cuihonizeti end intructedi FrttSuhWri onMCnehe te aitach tht e ei cf tht saîi Corporation te the 10 Thai Wedntsda>' tht iret de>' cf March citi debentures. 1905 et twelve o'clock neen shall be tht dcv antd 5 There sbeli bc relîcti and levi a aiheur and tht Ceucili Chamber la tht MunicIijýaI vea b> epcie rae o ai thraebie rl i >'Buildings ln Bowmnville tht place whereth cfa tht sait Crprati on ale om of 51,ro3.75tyb Mayor ehalattend te appoint perqons te attend oftsei nodsratiothtsonverai deben73te bce- t tht various polliag places anti ai tht final ueulgrin d seiti eteteeti outebr s 'au- somuing up of tht votes b>' tht Cierk on behaîf as3 tht terne beceme reepetively payable c-auh. eroeitrett asdprroigo coi ding te tht Seheflule te hie by-lew. oppesing tht easslng of this hy-law. 6. This by-law hah Ctake eff eci on thte rstil,1 Thai Mondey the, Cirteeoth dayof Mach de>' of 8,eptember A D 1905. 1905 ai ten o'eiock la tht forenoon shall bcettht day a nfi heur andi tht Cou ci Chamrber lu the b'y-aiw lecstdsubieci tt iowli0'ng 'ttipoi. ville tht ýplace whercte t« tkshah oýurn oup allns nd ondtios n oLtt erfrac h obrof votes ,vîngivea~rd ntgaluet t'his, ani ulileu heeo tt freti o an î5 tu yl be grntiteTht Duvharn Rnhbr ompn> LýLimtecti,nCantinet therwise ,- SCHEDt7LE Rlti>51RiED TO IN (a) Tht thteat Tht Durbaxe Rubber Cern- FOREGOING BYLAW* pan>' Liriteti (hreincf ter calleti the Company) willt fothwith cf ter tht passing of ibis by-law cr -Principal Iiiterest Total purphase net lest than ibre acre a part Of lot 1906 Septemben 1 [503.73 [600.00 , $11378 12 ia tht iret concession of tht towvnship of i Derlington in tht Count>' of Durhamrn îow c 1907 523,88 579.85 1103 73 part o! Bowmenvilie)I ing lmrnctiattly soutb 1908 " 1 h 644.83 55890 1,103,73 of tht ccterly portion cf lanti owned cuti cr- 1909 1' 56662 537.11 1,103 73 pied b>' Tht Bowmauvillt High School anti ex. tentiing southeri>' te tht crtek with a right of 1910 1 589.29 514 44 1,10373 wcy te terne b>' e road 66 feet witic t0 Quitta 1911 1 tie>Sa 4a0 87 1,103 73 stret inl saol town. 1912 1 637.87 466.36 1,103.73 (b) That tht saiti Compan>' will forthwith 1913 1 66287 410.86 1,103.73 citer the passing of this hy-law cati thte onifirm. choo fterne b>' tht Legilature ofthei'rovlnct 1914 ' 689.38 41435 ,105ý73 cf Ontario if that be titerneotieceesary b>' tht 1915 ~ 1 71396 386.77 1,103.73 Counsel for tht sciti Corporation eonstrutet on 1916 1 745.64 35809 1,103.73 ""!,d ,remtes se ecqocreti brick builtinags suit1 befor tht porposes of tht Compan>' anti h - 117 " 1 775,46 328.27 1,103,73 lng a grouati fleur suae of noC less than 16,000 11918 1 808.18 19725 1,103.73 sqaefeet anti c brick tmoîce ehimne>' for tht 1919 1 838,74 264.99 1,103.73 boIr; thaithe salol Company' wil lutntaI in1 87.9 244 ,1.3 @aiti buildings aI tht plant-anti rachinery niw11920 ' i 87.9 244 10.7 w t a 1 1 qE WTON VILLPI SCIxoiL REPORT FOR JÂNUARY (Naines lin order cf merit.) Sr. IV,-Jean McKerizie, Annle Neebltt, Alle Bragg, Lillo Mitchell, Ednm Edwarde, Harv2y Britten, WiIhie Miligau, Fred Netbltt., ,Jr. IY,-Benm NesbItt, Lorraine ,!lligenu, Ferna Bassett, Elouise Mill- onD, Geo Noden, Alfreda Stapleton, &rzgieZ.alaud, IrtneStapleton, Milton rStapletcu. Sr. III,-Eva Whittekpn, Wioulle Bragg, Eva Seules, Ima MoKe.izie. Jr. 1II,-Jsle Reld, Stanley HoI- inan, Wifiis Bakestt, M%,rvlà Hmucock, EIarry Thompaon, ViolFt Milseon. Sr. 1-v Mitchell, Allie Neebitt, Elea Bragg, Whilie Porkeouq. Alfirtda Graham, Annis Penwarden, Aldrich i3asett. Jr. II.-Hiarvey H olman Rareld Payue, Norman IIol-nmn, George Step- bnu, Cecil S 'pletou, Evelyn Z-aland, James Neabitt. elry Made Yo0ur Friends and Neig-hbors WeII Mme Gao. B. Giwoid, Nanaimo, B. C, writiug speciallv for wemeu sav:- "The grand suecces cf Paine'e Clery Compound in my case, leade tue te ho- lieve that it bas De equal ln the world for curing the !lus cf women. For tbrce 'ears, female troubles. dyspepsia and niervougnesruade me a shadlow cf my former self. 1 was treated by cempet- ent doctors, and teck a sea trip that lasted six wceks, but get home again feeling ne botter. After reading oee of ycur books on Paines Ceiery Cern- pound, I beugbt a supply and used it faithfnlliyTbree bottles were sufficient te convince me that I had fouud a friend and helper. Six bottles, thmnk God, üanished ail my complainte and ruade me a ucw woman. I arn auxicus that cvery sufferiug wcman sheuld kuow wbat Paiue's Celery Compound has done for me ' The Medicine Ihat Operates Di recty nth Nôrves and Blood, COURTIdE. R--.port cf S. S. No. 8, Darliigten, for J anuury- Sr. 1V-C .acence .Pentound,Ilia Short, Sr. fli-Florence Travail, Mable Greentree, May Greentrse, Frank Wal- ter. Jr. I-Mary Courfies, Florence White, Allun Penfound, 'John White, Murray Greentree, Gertrude Brooks, wîthout interest, the tirst of such ayet o1905 in ccnuection with the ut;dernamcod be made in twelve inenths after the da.te oftheo advance of said sum ol $15,000,00; and shall aiso publications at the price stated: __________TorontoDaiLyWorld, bal 19D4 ftroc $3.5 Troronto Daily Star, do do 2.00 Toron to Daily Globe 4 75 5 o'clec'r edition 3 50 WVeeklvGlobewith il ustr ated-parts t 9q> il- -Mail and Empire 4.7 S L un Bala.m Weekly Mail and Empire 1.90 g, Toronto Daily News 2 0 The best Cough medicine. Weekly Witness 1.75 ABSLUT SALTY The Weekly Sun 1.9j AhouLd T b. lgoous Y iss Farming World 1.0 ',CUdbergoos1 ftft F armer's Advocate' 2,50 lypon wehen buying rnedicino. Christian Guardian, bal 1904 frec 2 00> for UJPOfl th&t depends one . Famiiy Herald a±nd Weel.y Sý,ar 2 o) _______lfe. ALLENYS Y-IV-0 B __________ __ _sAIM7 ontaîns NO OPIUM in _ afly 'forni zýnd le sale, sure: The first bomb outrage occurred, on a~nd prompt In cass f RO P, Chr'istmas Eve, 1800, wliilm Sit COL 5, deecp.seate É O G S Najant tried to kili Nanoleon. Over1 T _' t 11ow, and b. I 130 people were injured by the ex- fo awek r-teil rays- -D~oiit yoit kaow yeun would be qtiickly pros- Dr. Leocîhidt, of inlu, Neb.,I trateti? iis just tht saine, differnug ,theforeinosî phisicia cf te We you soon beonie Janguiti andi tireti, xs yonc' blooti gets bad anti yon feel hcecriieudultfonte inean and sick alI oe r. Von shonît i-Lein i odo-,frn h have a fuil, healthy passage dail>'. , ' e a ad ta h S a- Dent ]et serions conditions de-elop. is and has ahwavs been theflrst $uîiih's Pineapple andi Butternt cause of aineS y per' cent, of ail the ?his IWIhL 4rîvÎ--- bwt oi ofeu -ci-ilne sso!nai ankiad.------ he -falure cf your systeri and estabiish reguar1>. the Stoîntch te digest the focod pro- The>' are purtly veetable, aun cure in perly reulots ' e ferment ation and de- eue night. We wîll scud yon a g-n- composition, ai-d the poisons arisiag erous sample of these pilla Absoluit-ly freina the foidanîd rotcing Ilass get Fret, seaied anut poatpaid. hat wilu into the bitîctI auit tissue ai-nciel- s cotîvince yo e ontid eubt cf their ani bre-dc1'isîeases of ecx ery kiSnd. - wondtrful curative properties. Ad- lDr. Lena O as.foura ra -eîatiy dreas, W. F. Saîith CO., I85 St. James for Indigestion, Dyî pepsiatillions- Street, Moutreal, Canada. ness andi Conipat ion. lie hasq' Srnth's Pineappie anti Butternut tried it Sa th ioniýs-nuls 0f cases th Plille cure Constipation, Bîlieusess Out a siagil filre and Sck Madach lu ne nlh i- e cal!ýisfit nti-l. It is sold at, ant Sck ietiahelu ntnlgt150c. by ahtl1 g>ss or the Wilson- Ail dealers 25 cents. A Cure at Fyle o C,- nltr Ningu'u-î Falls, the PaopleI's Price. 1 Gat. Suie aenits for Cainadia. a-u eUî orsnrngn-nm uat r lIy, or iii oon as possible, repe ced, to ta b' ra ,-diiu î xJi htet leasi 40 inch- commîtte. At tht Friday mrnnine seslsion e commualout'on ftram W. L, Law, of Darlîagtoca in regard ta a brIige be- ,weeu ceunfhea e! Durhamu &rd Ontario cra3 reati sud laid on the tablo. -M-. Baker premenitd report ofe__ om- mribtîte on Roade and Bridges. Accepled wlth ameudment. Moved by Lt. -Coi. MoLeau, second- ed by Mr. Bragg--Thal cLer the corn- plutIen o! the railng on tht Camnpbell- crd bridge b>' thet Oceucil the Counties Solicitor ha iuatructed Cc noCify tht Coucitl of tht village of Catupbellford thai ibisCocuncldiselalma aenv hlbilitv 'a tuture with the sidesrmik ounecîi br>dge, Dubbs-"No animal cati exir-t on uotbing." 'Tubbs-"Oh, Yes; imotlis cat holes." ( Vi you will il d Beecham5s Pils famous beCJ iuse of their g-ood works. Pepple of ail classes and nations hiave for over fifty years kept thecir- Livers right and Digestion good by using Soid Everywhere. in boxes 25 cents, The#eébruary McLlurela gete rfght te the spt-we shoLld say three spots -on our national char eter; 'businse,' government violence and lawleesnesa, the omothering corporation. Real con- dItions these,àtlrring avants, that makre yon think bard and cnze hard, literpre. ted and anyaiyzad by Experts wlth practIcai suggestions of hope. There lis PlentY of fiction In the number, both moving and excitlng, but the mont atartllnff parrative of mi le la ncoin ,Stcffenri' damning account of Rhoel Isiand politice. How vctee,legloiatlon, the honor of th&estatë, are pawned by those who ahould guard ito Intereets. lndeed, this hla àgeod numb'?r, good te remd and good to look at.. The Fab- ruary McClure's je worthy cf Its Illus- tricota predeceeirs. ;Sclbner's 'Magazine fLr Fabruary centaine the firet instalment cf a new lot ( f lettera by a "A Diplomat's wlfe,l" -Mary King Waddington. Franir A. Vanderlip preîento in thls number a remarleable and aven astoonding ac- count of the Ppread cf Soccalsam in Europe, particuiariy its enforced recoog- ution by the nicet conservatîve g3vern. mente. frre. Whaeton'a serf ai "The flose of Mirth," whlch plunged lm- medlately Into lutereet, Je taken up wlth a house party where there leaa great deal of bridge,crýnlderahe gossip, and coma flirtation. The color feature of the nnmber la a stries of pletures ehowlng "Some Incidents of western Llfe," by 0. M. Raeseil, of Montana, who la referred te me "The Cewbey Ar. t lot, Young housekeepare willldIsonver a fand cf Information in the papers con- trIbuted te The Delineator by Isabel Gordon Ourtis, under the titis "The Mmking cf a Hlouzewife," glving in the Match number a lemson lu the meat market. The hluts are practical and helpful. Other topîce cf domoîtio ln- tereet, especlally durlnR the leoten eoa- son, are, "Attractive Fiah for Lenten D&yo," Illuatrating and descrilig a number cf delicate wmye cf preparlng fiah. and a variety of reclpes under the headînga "Fruit endVagetable Salade," "Codfieh Variations," and -Eggs from aHgnoStaudpont" 'The FO(fr No. cf Th%, Wmverly Mg- azine la t~ndadmeziaalwlth this, eld fand #te1r aa inelle f7elI cf in Ceit , ý ead g. IYOD ha'eaa le~sre omet, ou van talwaym find aomth1~ e Iteretyou ln The Waverle , d iCo for a copy to The Wavrly ,ý _Pub, Cu. 630 Washington St. Boaton Me AT SEYBNTY-TWO0 'How Caixte Richard, JP,, Feels After Using Dodd's Kidney Plis. s Pab'i4c Library. At the Annual Meeting cf lb. Publie Lihary the faliowing perions were aleoled te the Board of management for 1905 : Pros. W. B. (Ouoh; Sec, A. Barber; Trams. W. W. TÏmblyni; Direeilors W. O, Kingi, Fred Maning, sise M.,Uaîbrmsîk. aud Miss E. A. Allin. Tboy have deoficd te spand $50 cn new booke, Wbleh wilil 1 Placed le [he Libraryetau aerly date. It la desirous that the publie genarelly, &hali pa&rcuizo [the Library and Readînig Boom. A splendid collection cf magazine. sud papera bave bae ordered for the Reading Boom, whieh le mont eomfortably beatal, ighled andi fumiheti, and ln s nMost attractive place for the Young men ci the towu te epend their avanine. Fnice of L'brmry ticket, $1.00 pet >emr, Bedine Recom Fz~ee te every persor. Rouis froni 2 o'eloek p. m. [c 6 o'aloek P. M. and fromn 7.30. te 9. 30 p.nm. Vies GALE, LIBItÂEIÂN. FIPREISR M[W tlI~3IN Stott & Jury Have Simple Remedy That Is Ouaranteed te cure the Trouble. No eue word botter expresses the condition cf the etfferer from lweak stomach or indigestion than "miserv>." The stomachle weak and caunot digest the food, se that thero lo ne appetite, theme are pains and griping lu the atomach mue bowels the head and baek ache, and the misery goes te every organ. Strengthen the stomach and the digestive systeru by the use cf Ml-c-na. This is the only stomaeh remedy kuown that gives relief by strengthening the stomacb and digestive organe. It if; this principle that makes it a certain cure for indigestion. Other medicines may give temporary relief by helping digest the food, bni the> de net strengtb- en the stomach, and that organ, gets weaker and weaker aIl the time. Stott & Jury, the reliabie retail drug- gist have se much confidence iu this me- marlkable remedy that tbey guarantee a cure, or the meuey will bc refuuded. Mi o-na coos but 50 cents a box. Ask te see the stmong guarantee given witb every box. MI-o-na le ln tablet forru and should be taken before each meal, Other remedies for stcmachi troubles and in- digestion are taken mfter the meal, and déccmpose the g-ced food you eat, but Ml-o-nia used before eating strenigtbeus the stemucb, scothes and heals al ir- ritation and inflammation, entiches the' blood, and pute the stcmach lu sncb a haty condition that it wiil take came cf the food itself and there will ho ne pain and sufferlug. COUNTIES COUNO±L, (Continu sd.> John Davy, Leskard,'and B.(0. H. Becker, Brigbton, were appoiuted Au- dîtome ender the Municipal Act. H. F. Hollaud, Cobourg, aud P. Trebilcock, Bownienvîlle, vere appoint- ad Andîtome cf Crimnal Justice Au- countff. O. M. Oawker wmse ppoltitedl HIgh Sehool Trustee for Bowmcuvllle, and WIllInatou Foster, for Newcastle. Anýson Taylor won appeluted Cern- naieeioner for tht Port Perr.y, Scegog aud Cartwright Roadway. W. J, Bragg waa appoin ted Reglsimy office Commîssioner for Wc'et Durhamu. W. Audrus and R. Werry, Orone, were grauled Pedlam's Lcenmes. BRITISH COLUMVBIA, Canadian Roekies Net SoE High as Was Thought. In ne part cf the world excepting Alaska has there been more rapîd progress ini geographical exploration in the pas't few yeac-s than tn British Columnbia. The latest facts concern a numnber of new passes through the Rocky Mountains. Some readers may be surprised that thore should he nnything lef t practicable untîl the great gatoway through Ktcking 11orse Pass was discovereti. It is now knewn that further north'there arc severai other passes lowor than those which tht Canadian Pacitic uses anti that -they will um.ply suffice for aliof Cannutla's railroyat needs through tht moun- tains., Exploraticns-cf tht past few years show that the olti ideas cf the heights ef the leadiag peakgofo tho Canadian RocCkies were rnuch exag- geratuti. Peaks still appear on soe It tonk years of experimenting to find the blend which produced Lby-B1ain's It is made from the finest java, Mocha and Plantation bei-ries and is the richest and xnost delightful coffe that nioney can buy. NEVER SOLD IN BULK, only 'in one-pound and two-pound, tins and always at 40 cents a. pound. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS THE MON5TREAL WITNESS A truly Great Newspn.per. Tht 1 Witnes' halir antd Week yJgives ait tht ntws Chat la wertisy the attentIon o! tht average reader. ititL eepe Is roaders weil infou mod on anl sohiecta of luttresi. Tht cabie thetotlograph, auit the telephoas, toohtihan er lueasiag ataâfl ompetent etitors end reportera, ai utleto mailt Ii ntwa colurans settint to roe. Thet1 Witness'ettitorlial Pages arc acknoviedged b>' its reeters on ehl aides to bc hoth f air and forclie. Reilabtetomnmerîilucwe cd ut ootatina Ortht menoey, stock and4 pratioce markts are fectores Chat Malte 21 cf great value Ilu the wtt-lt cf commerce. finance sud ngrîelt"ure. Tht 1WItneîs' t e tae dpartme nie such as 'Tht Home,' 'Litery hieview,' 'Letters from iltadera' '1 ieys 1'age ' 'Children', Corner, Quartes,' 'Agrituitiirai,' 'Herticul tirai,' *'veterInary',1' ioultriy,' -pets. Stedicai,' 1.egaI,' Nuit ismattt,' ' Choýsece., e1C. , arebly conuecte b.r epoiclltsaet a large oxpense, off (ring e MOt G vatuahie privilege Ce Wtntss ' roeders. In 1846 the * Iituese' was startofi b> tht laeeJDnIougall, ar " atm Wa le soUDpir tht emfinof Canada wlth tht boat poteiefltW- tepor. Ont which weniti alweys toto lu midh tei u e'O od nti oe anti Native Lent.' The 'Wltnesa'1 ha, grown sInce theu. >I'tau ern cinary ant 1reseat p ossibiiitiaa have mate 5rent ImprOve- meute inevitabit. Oct it hsenver outgrOWnitht principies that are, SoCo 5gy, tugravect enlia corneraitoe. / >'w pi oic have liatia Continuons existence for so long c poriexi. .Fewer sut lav5t e idtote saseaprincip les and have heea eontroiied b>' Chi8 sanie famliy for anythtng like te long c ime. Tht resuit le thai thé Wfitnessc eajoysa aloyal eonctituaey Chat cannet lbc temptedto te ave It lu faveur Of any Other pubhlications. [boss erubihel n he'Wiîneau'1hIInea netetht support Of rhoeiuitariyfre wes in tt ier toîcription prîce for the reeson hat il volatarly frege I th ineet of lis suhecrihers much revenue p;ern * usetverticements, etc., Chat other publictions ecept regi'itltB oChoir reactrs. We unterstanti utoc a day or Cwe honore CbîtstmRS the , Witueai' retefsever Cwo thousandtfour huntrod tollars for the insertion of an advertisemenC cal caiattd te injure il, tubscifluera. Tht 1 Witues 1i19ceriaini> unilque amogtht great rmetropolitit flewspaPers o! tht worit. Toc DAILY WITNScS Ih$3.tS cnt-THE WEECLy WartNE s $1.00 acyear. i'ubhihodt haJoui DcUe3k&L & Soif.,liontreal. WORLD WIDE ARTICLES A Weekly Reprint of Articles frotu Leading icurneis and Peviews 1Reflecting tht Current Thought of Bcth tiemlepheres. WerlidSîe le a marc-el of tatereet ant cetpuesS as a LIgh riass ecetio; l1i1tai Care f aosbiy with anythlng se teverai Cimes Ica fotite. For the amal suni eof tac dollar and a-hait Il brings evory we-el f ra year the hast articlestataiappear durilir the wtoet In te ed- lng Brtish, &mnerlcan. and Foreign publications. 0f courte It appeais 10 the tuinitngoiementIu ecch ceeuninty, Chose who want te know whet Cie wrdtlukerscrathluklag; bhe hse viiifint ltafoiiof rare enfer- CMonnent as of wlctom, ICt lsaheolutti>' worit-wcidt la Its lnterete antilace no axe te gild. The annala subitrIpiion InCltet 19M CAEICATURIEP, a mcii entertafniug- revleO flest yoar. It wIl hbc sent fret of charge tc anyad atress for a short tiret. Tht ennuai subsrripion priet la $1,50, snt tht puhîlebers att JOHN DhOUGALL& Site!f intrtai, '"MESSENGER" STroRIES Storlea, iliostratiens cnt-,caecudotes are perbaps tht main fostures of attractions le Tht Norheorn Miessenger. Bnt tht sCorlOt tre so carefuli>' Ohoen Chat Chea' exorcise a ewcet Influence le thtlves eoit danti young. Thon toreare spatial tapartmonti tevoted CTo mperace, tht entUDIe> $Chc!e, VthtLittle Pefflecund thoeItome. The paper Se 50 opuier thst a rail nuaiber ot Sunay 'Sehoola la Canada andi tht Unted CCOst sn It Co treat ade-antage, lnsurlng c more regulcr attentcnoo, hetidot extold- ag hoir influt-neafrrgood lante homes o! Choifrr echolars. The-Nrtheti moceenger laprohabiy tedetrt>we-et byweti noucquarter of aRmiiIlOti Peopla, mit for Chai roeon tht price le extreha'y loy. Sanîpiet frteSOOf application.> Ttixeccou8ger la prlted, on moche Lettes paner thiin formerir, andi ba beau eniarget anti oihCrwtse impiüvet. 12-16 pages weekiy 40e c year. S. 5. Clubs a epecta., L.SON, Publilhers, SIenireel.

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