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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1905, p. 4

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The Souvenir la the UnNva1?sâ1 iitehec Faitordte., It is well made-easily managed-and exceedingly durable. It does ail kinds of cookinf in the most satisfactory manner and with very small expense for funel. You take absolutely no risk ini buying a SOUVENIR We guarantee every range to give perfect satisfaction. RJ~B eOAGENTS. Phone 66. opposite New Post Office. Bau I Teia Quality Is quickly deteeted in KINCORA CEVLON TEA Soul in Air-ti(jht Lead Packages- 25e, 30c, 40c. and 50e per lb. Archie Tait BOWmilliI,I Bad ÎResuilts --OF BDadlWeather I.,' I v1 CanRdian Sý-tatesia ëOWMÂNVILLE. FEB. 22, 1905. Electors, toM. A. James belovgs credit for dhctovery Ibat the Rubber Co. owes the town nearir $8,000. Vote for À meeting to considër the advisabilitY of takin&M action to sever the existilg municipal union between Durham and Nojrthumberiand Counties will he beld in the Queen's Hotel. Port Hope, on *Friday February the 24th at 1 p. m Asseosment rolls abould be pubiished lu local Papers as au aid tu equitable adjustmeet of municipal taxation Sizs of site, apecifie value of ]and and build- ings separately. business and income asse,;sment should be given, then rate- payera could judge of the correctndss of the assessor's valuations. Municipal dentistry bas boen adopted in Germany, usually wîth speciall&flied raoms in a central schools Qnalified dentists are appointed and examinations made regularly. Only 2 rer cent of children between 8 and 18 1 ears have bealthy tee th. Russia lsaiaso joining in the movement. Canada abould con- ider it too. An old Durham boy will be a speaker at Farmera' Institute meetings ln West Durham this week-Ex-Warden Wm., Channon,- of East Oakwood, See advt. for sulbject8 and meetings. Lindsav Post sa ',s: Mr Putnam la te be congrat- ulared on the excellent choice he has made in arranging for a nuimber of addressea from Mr. Channon, wbo. as an up to-date. succesaful and well-read farmer, la exceptionally well qualified i t impart knowleýge of boeeit to bis fellow farmer possessed of less experi- on>ce. In addition Mr Channon lsaa pleasing speaker sud presents bis tacts in a convincing way. A weil knoWn and successful business man,, one who bas also served hisi country in a public office, writes : 11I notice in the paper that some citizens are in mn'v opinion doing you an injustice 1 tbink wheu one hRs rendered the ser- vices to the town that ,.ou bave, thev are wortbv of better trentment thaii la being accorded tobIou by some of the former êouncîllors' I think under the cirdumstances you did the proper tbing in resigning 1 presume you are not sa anxious ta serve ou the Council that 'on care to put out your good money In anv litigation; but the ingratitude -that some people nanife.3t is really inexcus able and hard to expIaîný We were amused at the comparative reports lu Toronto papers of two events which came off in the city Thursday. The annual convention of the Pairs and Exhibitions Association le which ail farmers lu the Province are more or less interested was given a few loches while a hockey match le whicrx a few sports in Toronto and Cobourg were ieterested occupied tromn a hallf b two columns. Simillar differentiation was shown ln Friday's papers between a concert and the same association.* But then Toronto caners are the loc'alIpvr - --~--wŽ-rs-, tnt -~' tzrrrrfr,.rr-r---r'~--~-------tMk~-i--ttL~rj TO-DAY'S MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS oere *the î%i(eim of t hepresent tlown electîin oisircv àN-Gotber ac tban the edýit'or of tiî j iurnn], the Ene lLsh lang1ýuRgýý3 wou-d Lt OntI cd 1suficienj-jtlv oi'fu b xes ondem nation of th,ý pac(tis 0o, he bn~ h arSee ing opr- tbsree*nîn As lbiswe1, t el on bbc honoýr iand lntegity obheeleCtors to do the f.tir thing a tq po, 5arsthe mran wbo gave ,to tbbc 7nuncpality tie pa years the îbý1i'Sterçice he cudand during thatý periodlmade tne town blî nesa bis hfirat cnieato.le bas reason to o-adtbe sa'i-factionl that comeslrfiom tha:tinweg is bis reward-tba gnral sekigcur citizens are vrvwel Pleasea with thle manner le wLhiýh ho discharged tie duties of ma, or and bear hlm no DIi will for any act for wbïich ho was responsible Lt la no reflection on any predecessor to say that ex-la.vor James necessarily gave more time, tbought and attention to towe business during the two years he served in that office than aey previcus chief magistrate. If this be truc, and bis services were approved- and appre- ciated by the peopie the question uat- urally arises, Why la bis election to the leas r espousible and less exacting offe of couneillor sa vigorouely and persist. ently opposed ? The only answer known to us la : Beca, use the men Who have op- posed hlmi for some ' eara havisecured the co-operation of a few otL'ers Who' believe îhev have a grievanebecause ia the prosecution of bis duty as mayor he bas found it necessary and proper to refuse to truckle to their wîshes and bo express disapproval of t heir ncta. The man who la faitbf ai to bis obligation to discharge bis officiai duties regardless of "ffear, favor or affection" la sure to tread on some toes. Unfortunately, thOre are so many people Who consider it no crime to rob a corporation and tbe Mayor Who safe guards the town's intereats la going to bring -upon bimEcif their dispîcasure, or w orse, their eterual habred These mon and the gang that have bouuded the cditqr's footsleps for yearq to reati polibical vengeance are the man who are the actors ln this effort to defeat hlm to da.y.. The greatest surprise to the edtor la that anv respectable citizen would leud himseUf 10 the cliquo 10 be made a weapou of reveDgeagýainat hlm, One of the ,very last'meù in the world that be wuud expect to offer for so ignoble purpose ta Mr. T. H. Spry, a fdllow countryman, fraternally speaking a brother by strong 'bonds of bonor, rledged each to the other ou conditions of the Golden Rule, and close friends of îen er'soîto.Personally, boecanot understand whv Mr. Spry ever con-ented to become an opponeet under existtng circumsnatcea Editor James was fairlv elected a couneillor for' 1905;ý but by accepting paymeet for letterheads printed by bis son for correspondeuce as mayor, ho was aummoeied 10 defend le the Hiîgh Court a suit for aliegcd violation of the Statute, and to save .costs he resigned bis seat and 110w offers for re-election Councillor Brockfor a similar violation,, if such h was, reaorted b huie action to beal tbe alilged irreýgularity and was allowed re-election by acclamation. No charze of wrnno-aoinz, or even of West Endi fouse. WeSt End flouse. Move to ether, Quarter Before-March i. Before March î. Spring Goods are arriving daily and we must inake room. Here is your chance to buy best quality Winter Goods at away below regular prices. Dress Goods at Big Re- I If Yeu Need an Overcoat ductions. J Yeu Should Buy Now Oufre entire stock of Dress Goode s$350Oecat..........s00 ofrdduring this sale at 20 per cent $13.0...........................$ 9.00 Discount off regalar prices tiil Mareh lst. $1200.......................$ 6 90 81.00 Dress Goois ................ .. 80e $ 7.50 ..................... 5.00 50e " ............. 40e Dress Skirt Opportunities m Men's anld Womells Underwear $7.50 Dress Skirts ............50 There is no better value underwea r $5.00.................39 S sold to the trade than. the kiud that we $4,50.................$36: ~V~ handle. Yoii ean have anderwear tili $4.00 KarentI st at exaetly what we pay for nt.$30 S $1,00 Underwear ............75e 750e Underwear ......,........... 58er 5 0e Underwear..... ................238eFia la upoFrGrmn QN 40e________________....___28e 2 Men's Dyed Wombat Overcoats, regular $30.00. Sale price ........ $24.00 ld A <~ 2 Men's Caîf Coats,a good knoek- 12'cnrappereLLes per yu 9c, about Fiir Coat $20.00 for .......... $16.00 Choice of our entire stock of neat 1 only Russian Caif Coat with pattern Wrapp3-rette Fabries at this saving, Dog Skin Collar $30.00 for ........$824.00 f Sieneat p atterns for Waists and Babys' 4 ouly, Women's Astrachan Coats at Dresses amongst thein. Reduced prices : 839.00 Coats $24.00 $38.00 Coats $30.00;, $35.00 Coats $28.00. Boys' Overooats and Reeters at ByBakt o Bargaîn Prices. ~Bakt o Dearer IBlankets next season for sure. V

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