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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1905, p. 3

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':f- For the Treatrnent of Used la connection wjtlî the Province of Quebbec Probation Systein witk U nvarying Sucecesa Thse Ciy 1!ei utM i las en- dorscd this murveilous discovery. The Finance Conitc f Montreai recentiy voted ,500 te 'dcfray the expense of p!Fu- cing the inedicine in each of the citv Police Stations, as prompt application' Mf the l.reatment to bad cases wili pre- vent thse fatalities continually occurring in the celis No Sanitarium is required The Treat-mu.,nt 'eau ho taken ut home No eec!al diet required T1he desîre to re- nifr is sirnply neceSsary and Spirits avoided for a few day8. This medicine is Dow wlthin the reach of al, thse priue baving beeni reduced. The wonderful resuits obtained with thse worst ciass of drunkaids coming be- fore thse Judges of thse Record ors' Cou rts in Quebece and Montreal warranuts the statement that thse diseaseofo Drunkeu- noss can ho cured-readily and r-urely- under ordinary circumstances and with the resnbodestre upon thse part of an iniebrkit. This trotatment la simpl-Y the mcd icine o! thse medical professio-the only sec- ret is aF to its administration. Dr. MUackav's discover.v la the resuit of 25 vears o! practice as a speciaiist and expert. Ile is a member of the College o! Physicians and Surgeons of thse Provine of Quebec The Go)vernment of Quebec through tiseJ nxdges o rdtired over 500 boxes of thse mediceine fo)r prisoniers appearing lu the Cotir tsl 1904-Officiai Reports establiali 80Ver cett curies with thes cases Wlth the puliïc andofiiiedr. tien and the ,record o!,esit phiiÎshedi tosprivate. TflE EEMLN IULS CO, LTD, SOLE ÀAqGE YTS FR DR. MACKAY'S SPEO[FLC FOR DRU MENESSI L4c)OVcyOU Wa *1 cracit il a Cisuissîýz n cubator. A lic. n Ch 'UI tos siil ,eu cor. Cisic'es are alsnv' go ïLtfly oausetieua-p puLseseissid. If g ives yoo an i,nnoe OFf $320.00. Woulissl h. ail, youo eu uy a Chathamn Incubatcsr of cash untlil(C -n oimye for itcl'f osany imes oves n -- i " tftbi, e sip a chatsliioaiar -fi ryn-e sa oidue îseiii (Itober, tÇea3 s.ý_Lxý s'h'sila-r3 and Brooders Ihave every ne WC Bell for Cr sh or on tlme e. you desiroz Wiroloss Messages? t Your Health. ast bit wrolig, a wirel-ýs message iel-take a dose of, f e HF SHALL -YUL SAVE! THIEF A Man For Whorn Events Gone Wrong. They Are About When your heaith goes the iea iý sent to your brain. Itsays sometinig like this: 'IdYou are not quite% at once and It wII Do you attend to these mesý You should do so. BEECHAMV'S illness, and so prove themselves "WORHA Cui Sold by ail Drngsts ln Canada and U There is only one grade, of and that is the best. But It eau be bought for 40 cents< a Pouind. Put up ti n nepound and two-pound tUne groi-,nd or unground as you wish , anid can be secured in rio other form-so that you cannot be mistaken il. FOR SALE BF ALL LSIADING aaOCaEaS A daspatch frorn Brooklyn, N. Y., Japanesa comm ander-wantod a hun- è r L ès'ays: Rev. Nexieli Dwight Eillis, dred men to make ,thc deatis charge ~ . L L ~Pastor off Plyniiouth (3huch, Brook- the wholc regisnent veiunteered, Il put you right.," lyn, preached from tise following couating it un honor and entering sages when you receive them? text.- into conettn for challen'ging -Tlxougis the earth be removod and deatis. The naine off Paul la to-day 3PILLS often preventaserjous thougis the asountains be carried in- a'name te conjure iViti. What if, to tise midst of the sou, yet will [ oni fronting Nero's dungeon,, he had IINCA A BOX." 1not fear. considoered tise problerir whet'her 'iopo thon ia God for Ho ashal "-suicidIe was not justiliable"? What U1. S. Anerica, In boxes, ý25centb.. yet save thse,"- if ho isad asked tise question that 0ur city hulds a few people who you usk me: -May I flot ilay dewal Socin chosen to geod fortune. Ho1altis, those burdens that Tnover for MY- mney, a troop of frîessds, offices, self toek, up?" What if lie had gosse *41 .+4 444 'H4 position, ail are thoirs. One mis- into'tise presence off his Mfaster bear- +~~ fortune alonie happeas to theram ing tise stain of cowardice? No, a WT1~AT9'TT ,~ when Chrisisnsas cornes tisey know ef tsuadtms o o i e ,.nothing that they de not lreaty1 hoelffryurlbt Gdj H EA TH ossss. Othrs her ar chsenchose il, for y ou. Anid for yen, pes'- Sto adi ersity anti trouble. Their caca ihyu atr e *e'iheaî'tuais iinsonore, they ae purwil forg'et thse menioff transfigura-1 obscre, eglctedu ydailtie stes-s tion, where succes dwelt la tise jey 'CHILBLAINS, off life bout in upon them. En an off victory e ver yoenr cuvalry. Evcy vinertisroarenaortnae nfriendly moud Fate soeims te have Whou long time lins passed, per-i perseas xvhe dread tise enset of ceid emptied lapon thcm a quivor ful fispye vihogtelfrtsee weutliet, because it is ureto rn arrews and ech a rbis -b d with tremes iax-lved lun going froinsmue- tise a etur efbriirg ire or potisond sios' te fiat ad frocs position te the tesraa t o shapetheis- former Miser- -One, of these men, lslth hpofchfibiaias. over whem troeubles have swept in rns fne r oet aie ta wei kenafarttsfot - sieeted stos-ms lias just writtea me. gold, tison you have failefi. If men bite or a severe attuck ef chistbluins At tise heur n ho r expertefi suc-' arehrtobdcartrtis yu xiii pretlispose te a recors-once et tise ress and case e ýtigha b truisisniygre oto iel saine trouble fa succeeding yoarsa, and swePt uwuy. "et ~theineg I ing kiudness off tise 'roater, ut ma,,- th"At tise begiî earninir o h iat tise worîtî is aa soohouo thee ihes sise-, cratrgers or eltiuge 1 itsd nyself n-here I1 steod tees have ontc surîes-ed fa this nvay in mnyyenti-ut tise foot of tis1e lad- anti a workshop anti E soen leara- througis nepleusat exper- dtr.Tison $500, a yeui- xves enosîgis EVENTS ARE TEACUI RS. iecre thut foir thons sperial precau- but net noix, after tises years of If so, te iniorroxv yenxiii be grate- tiens ia tise xx ay of suitabie cever-! affluence. I rannot adjust myseif to fui for whiat to-day you exrlain!l iags and arerdanre of expesure are tise criîse frein thse Position of ens- against. In Minnsota tise ilieni- seesaly for protection against the pl oyer to thut off closk, fromn a mraa- ansi farniers are di t a. They painîful fferts âef coli, clamnp antI sien to a flnt, fem tise club and have ne huid ivieat tisat maltes the! Winri. t is curions thut iitis sucimay frirada te being a aebedy. Ispeecfeuadtiyarm tbo peope tie seonda-y atack are o it suicide justifiable ini certain cas- iit frour Canada. 'What la tise trou- ton broug'ht on by dunspinessn accorn- e'>ý I never usked te ho bora. if bic? 'This-the skies bave been tee pansco by unit siorderate degree of I huatibern usked I tiik I woald iprepitioees, tisa doucla to e grosn, coiti. have rî fusedth ie gift off ife. Wiy !anti se tise n-leut is tee rank anti Ciililains as-e local dilatatiens of May I net iay doxvn a burdea that soft. And what ta tise'hope of Min- tise blood-vessels ofthtie skie, Pi-e' 1nover took up for mysoîf?" nesota ufter-imasy sommera of ubun- silcel b rlt ani seitue the tse This is tise letter ef au hollest dent raina? Theso oly hope is fil ae circulatIno i frseciatse rog in Xman. 'liese nords iing tino. Flore ioag drougisi, a furace-like enTamer. sho,ýsse noreucy casesise skiais a roa xxli jebatileel and beate- jtoeoxpel ail tise meisture from tise aloxs omixbt lus o resdurkeorts hu- Frhmohniae soi50tiat tise suabeains cra re- blui's, whirlî disappeuis o prsu r tehu.Frhi hnshv and' retirris botu oxl sathegene as bad as heurt.could wisis. vitui-e tise relis of tise cartis eut et preàstiso is remnoveti. Thsis experimont T~he prebiem Mny correspendent pr- hviichis sping these golden seaves. sboî%vs tiat tise biood circulates slug-. ensis Most difflirult, la many-sided, l'ri s a atrange fart tisat n-hen i gisiy. Ia severe cases tiser-e are is imme-surable ta ils scoe. Noves-tise suis has lifted tise wavieg gr'ainr itchilig andi pain, especialîy wnn'aving I toen in iko position, it iq tiat grainsmats a heavy shadoxx wurmthis t returning te tise parts uf- net eiy probable tbut certaini tiat over tise soil ant relbs it of the suri fecteti. Sornstissies tise sie gives I do net coniprreed tise vastuese of it ncdc. Ansd perhsaps y our pros- way anti louves a rau- surface-tise tise issues inVolvesi. Were I similar- perity hati produreti muterial tisingis so-cailed "brokea chllifs," andl iy situateti perliaps tise stonms anti thutatetct between youýr stmni und, this rnay resîsît in anr ulcer which is siseetot troubles tisat bond tisis ma Your Ced. If se. ne mn ttcr ixhat Slowv teisoat. Cieuter degrees off te tise urtis woald have bouton my treasose your isaîus helti, yeer lhfes coiti or More proionged exposuro spirit n-as por. cause a deuti uadxaxy whitenoess off INTCi THE VIr,,V CROUND. Yen savyeno are now whMero yenl tise skis, 4icriso etinses huea Noeahsre1,egan ia y outis, witis$30a veut. 1,evrteJýs 1I a but enoua env',llrson did hie so xr on $50o) tise hople i iat I1sonle be Nappes ted a y aur xxhe oneey n oult(i( net go as ARE YOU R b y rerlene is liaaefs sit dees to-dui. -.)Sedid ,Johsn trfumpis of riulit und itise beiiedceace Buny aisanti Miltea anu linte.Net KI DN YS SI K? -etGolf, -Ile is sîr'rounded with ont of tise apostli 'ad a teois as clouds aniduIakonss oftean, but wxho murs. Tise Mon that hie mýatie iib- stands wthin. tise 'sndow, leeePing ostyxrenght- referais, lise oliMas- l Let your'morning urine stand for 24 wutcis aboie Ilis eux i. I3lcsI 1tors, tise groeat peets, tise Marty"- hiours in a glass or vessel, and then if il have net sulereti as aines as "nY would have coussted tisinscives hup- is iniiky or cioudy, or contains a red-, frienti iviso xxrites nuie have groat py te have had ihait as muesh as dis brck-ustsedniet, r i pati- hcStaary in trying te fulillhi here- $500. Poverty ila arelative teri dis bickdus seimet, r i pati- quet. PBst since lhe huascrgeti hie Wealth la ltis e seul. Voar lette'r clos or germa flout about iu il, your, neocu 1 ansner tisat for tise presont b eurs abondant preefs tisat yen Itiducys are diseased. If tise kidneys iselias ta Oean -n/nys way frein tise lhve fil liciter to asses't your nman- are wehl tisey iter just se mucis blood, battie tields int tise East, .tise strikes hooci and say: -I Onon- hon- te be but if they, are sicis or wcak fron anyî in Russia, tise oyants orf Washington Efuli and how te ho hungry; lion to and Newt Vertkanti forulizeti my hi-bcnl'ased andi hon- to abotind; hon' cause, they leave tise poison in tise to to aio 0 biood, and this Deison affects tise entîre iroogit01arri f 0 rifr t tatat swt olx. Eey 'ron-ei x'lithinse. standing ivith is hejwiere andtiliiral things I cau con-! systemn. 1harOte tise iali. rad r am s sking Iquer tlikoogh Bises nho atre'îgtisen- It s naturali tepuss urine tisree times rexself tihe questiorn. Will this mînnlotis me.", a day, but rnany Who regard theinseires Sh:ow hies genrsititin hon- teoseet Romoîoniser that tise end 'is net far as1 heultisy are oisiged to pass water six andi det'y svents wi'lle lic flinrs ont otiit.lageimsr abroud TI have neticod-, to ton tîrnes daiiy and are obiiged tlu tisecisallenge te pox erty, iii healtis, Itisat in mrrarIng tise shore stos-mîs glusp frequently during thse nlght. aOrexv« lienec's, heueths-euk: isîcrease. On tise voyage books, È'hey hsave sick kidneys and bludder -13Ii0re I -tand, ivit S onti uacorqùor- gaines, ronxversation lave tiroir riscS. and doe't know it. Srith's Blichu able. I'e your -orss! But mrnn- but uviesi tise captain anneumaco Lithia Pilla cure Rheuratisrn sud àail, ber tisat tituighl] ahi iings flti.[!I"Landi uheui!" tise vo y unes- PUtS Kîdney and ladder diseuses, and wilinet Gear.' - uuy is books antid nueiens nauke nien,rcl blood. htif Codi andti7ri tsliaive choc- rPerchusice tiseodete,fices antd We will sencî you la gneosfaM-pILe e n for an oxaniplo'!What if garres for tise brie tefi o1;y0ae n pos'pid re, tgehe wmisourlage PanuLineatstopportirîity c-amei, sî oxv e hofoitietinpbeaiseye book, n ise C bovc i lntiue dsese.thsechnceto be îict onio-rs oven liha-ei eentgevn tsen isgtif, tise Addes, . . rnthC," t.mOb-.s, s , htuger, dugeo , ti Iacrtis11,ereceei,é d? Ced stýi ili live. Jarles Street, Mnral aad. leadinans ax9 ,Wiat if tise m)as,- Bne t1isn in f-Cm. Ho shah vet tyrdlon nes Abr'aaham eon' ax iSav . Forer iiCed, not je g-etest gooti fortune? Whlen tise I uings. etis e strengli off thy Ilife. irinkird appearanre. Thia cotulitesiometfi-equntaty depnivos tise reui-1 APOSTWE URE OR REUMAISM is rsuly spoen ~ooff as frost-bite, or ofet sltisloopce. A' O îY MS 0;-KI' YAL tThse proper treatrrrent off betIs chli- Iîmniî o-rn eai rs ~L",Ll.D D ZrZ!ILLS -blutes and fr-est-bite te to e i'ttei-e1frons ligisî fittieg boots ors- hoes. It !,%jA 1',n!%-_ § ZN'r.. thse neonmni circuliatins us ee as is. a gcoti plasn toerut a '\-shapedi A~~~~~~~~~~ boa~A iEPKPE ~Zpstsh atto x pi sglet pies' cf t-e centre of tiselnait, anti tee rapidly Iîrioi ocrrlytbOIse te aupc tiseripper airmose as tiin -, ee ani ise pîrtolteetiot, fr mias pcFsible. lise nail tises- groxîs te- - seveme tee, t-bite thoir te danger- of x nidr tire c,-trre te repair tise dam-1 proriuring iiiflan-naaion os- exen gun- age, anti ti dcitrg s xithl sf-n ~x. 'o ~gi-erre if tht- parts ai-e xxanmelei Otee iseses. S hrw ri sudioriy- Tise finielisonorcd Custo m I if yeus are stut yen siseult cre- ofgaduaily th-sxieg eut tise affected utuiy ci ciel. Tbick setips, cols, mark-J 'r i co 7 Ipart by rrslbirg nitir snon is a sufe or-ci, salerion, isernigs, sasrdines n-iti lu ~o ne te follîx, andt it is uxell te re- ci; kdrrck, geesu; rire, tapteca,1w .e vey,,y a = t,-a ýr.'Vusessib s that this (ught not te beimacrceni, oatrcoeal, sage. arsovet s-"barrs Ircubatcr wu-i'l iem Ton ectea zo rwot eaislowverCeht5i-useac-Chnthsss onclis a narra or fleur-a tire, ltbu inpetutees, pois, hoes, parerrios, car-. e ,aano' anaISe iR s a1%auy-ýsh~ort, a cooel place.jresboto; ,aîl on .n"- ceiguhacSsin ynsr, thst 1eooîo xx ho cufter t-tm cistonir chli- ut xxe, le s~fltrycr? ¶cstf - hiatîsrisirrti -anla uriti ise tsugar, croani, milk, butter, exept lu il s, houd bar iiinid tat he r-eut mecier-atiem; aie, portes-, atout, cemburration etftiamrees niti coIdtianti sixeet uaines. - hh1-ouî onte cei la murS xx li Orsefor theintisais celti11 t ic oi hetme Ocae.1905 - ahen e, anssel dhoulti aiays neur thick jl iest untts eprtr ý 1 v There lives in Bu!! ulo,lN,. Y., a man of the said loan. whe is wideuy known as tise preprietor - o tse ieceFaril Meicne. D. WT EREAS lunriursuance o! "THE of he iere Fmil Meicies.Dr. CONSOLIDATED MiJNICIPAL ACT Pierce bas iately corne into adtiet pub.- 11,03" tise Corporation off lie town ef Bownan. ville bave entered loto au agreemnent witis The iicity because off tise uuwarranted ut- Durhsam Rubber empany Lîmiteti (subjeet tu lack matie upon Ss mdcne ya lhsb-anLoing approveti o« by tise electors r i edciesbya ulyQ'nalli edto vote thereosi offtisesaldtown rcertain periodicai, -which chargeti thatjlu arinner prescrlbed Oy lIansd te saiti bylan- bel g raefi i ti A ci off tiseLegiselature off they were net n-Sut tisey were repre- tiseProvineuofntarloit Counsel for thse Cor- sented to be by tise doctor. He jieration ieems sali. ratificatI-in necessaryl te naî tte e id Tise Dorbam Ruisher Company prornptly met tisat attacle by'suing tise LtmIted.i lise araof $15,000.001 for tise purposes ownera o! tise journal in, question for suontetrmSrineto, AND WIIEIE AS h -it Osl i reqoisîte te rais $200,000 damages. Upeu tise filing offtise several sains In racis year respectively as ithis suit a retraction n-as printed by stfrhl Iesieuet h~b.a- tiseediors n-h acnexiedgd tsaI AND WHERe-AS tisen-iole rateable property the eittoments n-as nwiredwii'ou t fthse Muniepaliiy outhlie ton-n of Bon-manville thei 9taemet wa entrel ý wthou 0accrding lt te hast reviseti AssepsmeisiItoll foundatron, but notxvtistantiîng tisis for tise year 111o4n-as 8,50,5915 001. covert attacles have stili been mnacle AND WIIEREAS tise existlng deisentore tiebt upon Dr. Pierce anti lis business. I of tise sai Mnniclpalîty Je thse sun off &81,267.64 i Dr. Pipece's business, n-Sdha its anti ne principal or nîiteresti is la arrears. conter ut Buffalo, n-haro hc hus a large TIEItEFORE tise Miunicipsal Counchl ot tise ton-n utf oinmunville enacis as ffolows r- laboratory knon-n as thse Worid's Dis- h. Il shah setimaybie lan-ful for tiseCorpor- pensury, for tise manufacture of hisa tion efthtie tua-si of Bon-ineovihîs lu boan to medicines-lhe " Favorite Prescription" Tise Durisam Ruhiser Company Lîmilci tise aura andtihie " Golden Medical Discovery " o f ti1c.000. anti a hospitai, known as tise Invalida' 2i h ualand may be lai-tul for tise Corporation- - i- of0 tiseton-n off Bowmaiiv ilis for tise purpose ot Hotel, for tise trenîrneut off varreus ai- elng abetbumaehe ie an in thse precedlng monts by a large staff off physiciaus peragrapis haremn reterredti t to belr -tiseSOm anti surgensn, is tise resait off îhirly-of1,000 andtiagrea te, pay Intereatthtiron off onoableant îousiiithe rte offoy ercentum p3r anrnm ndîfto eigist yeurs o ooal n oetIsetet debentunes efthtie sali Corporation dealing n-îitiste puble. He is a man frrts,10i.73ecuihthseirst payable ontise tirst day off1 honor, respectotiniutise comrnuniîy etSeplember A D 19106 wslcis sai dabeatures y ili represenitishe assiuni off saiti burruwlng anti enjeying tise confidence of lis fel- v ibi îserebt atidet e as ownilu lie Sebedule to ion- citizens. Tisey kaon thaisehois Ibi isbylen. neither a qua'uk uer a charlaan, but 3. Tise saidebenure s sl payable ai tisat le las attaineti success in life bit- tise utille ie Tresnrof ie sl tn1 ie icause lie deserves iun4-m sanillu nmayle fufor lthe Mayor (Jomley's History o NwYork Stale, offI atisai Corporation ant ieSlesisereby autour- cesîtaininîg biograpisical sketches off tise ! izati anti Instrucsi tusIiu andîssue sati dehîn- imen n-ho " have givean weaith, Stamina, r toIrsebiy autisorimei lte le tasudand siite antichaactr" t th Emire tut,1Icause lIse saine tue esigîi.eisy tise Tîeasursr et and harpte " o te E pir Stttise sali Corporation and tise (erk ofthtie ssii gives a sketch off the distinguisieti pSy-- Corpiraion leaisereisy autho#zedan iln8tructeid sician, from n-hich tise foloning brie! 1to autaci tise stat etftise sai Corporation to thse extrda ac maie: naton aiddehîntures;. exrats apecmade:r Everynaio 5Tisaeesha ha relaisad laviai in ecis on-es ispcla charactor, its pros- Iyecar uuy specîsi rate on ail bise raîcaumîs pruperby pcrity-in brief, evorythiag tisaI dis- outhtie saisi Corporation a sainsoff 81,.73 to bce tinguishes il as an individual nation- usai Iri discisai glug tise several deisentuires ac- te tse eîvmenbein~ig l iln-uo cuing dinsee sali dabi cre ated coudar bis Oy-iew to te fe menbelQ«gin to Wh sna tise sautebheaume respectiveiy payable Cc- have tise courage te stop bcyondth ie cos ding tuetise Scisetile ta biis by-len. bountiaries prescribeti by professionai a. This Oy,1gw selel takre effeet un tise first tradition, or social cuslorns--------a.u .ptme.A iss Off liis class off mon tise medicai pro- 7. Itliserebv decianeaianienecte tîsaittis fesson ua urnshoi adisingisieti by-iew le liassed st-bjeet to e t ollowtng stiput- fesson'basfurishe a istngush tboseanti co nditions anti on liseperformace exasnpie in tihe succeasfui anti justly- anti fulflînenttisereufthtie reternai bueleo le bu celebrateti piysîcian, Dr. R. V. Pionce, bc gnsntei to Tise Durhsain ubher Company o! Buffalo, N. _Y, anti amy hîstony Lîsnuted, anti not obisern-se_ tneaingoff iseladstr~ of tis Emire (q) Tisaibise sii Tise Durhamn Rubiser (Coi- tate nofitiho incutiomlee Epitre a ny Limiteti (Ieîeloster caliai tiseCoumpany) i Stte oul beinci;ipetewitouta mlit foi tIswih atren tise passlng off tisa by-iaxv sketch off has useful anti ournest n-onk. irulrchase out lana tisso tOrse acres a part off lot -Speeiuily educateti for"- tisa1 î2 lu tisafirst concession off bie townslm ot lie anlysupiemeteti~. arlinglun lis thie Connty off Buiharo.lisonva *P rofession leerl lpemne i ant tfBunnan ville) lv ing, tmimediately souaI studios by extensive anti original re- if tixe asleniy portion off la-i onna anti cernu sours i ilssovral opntmens. e- idisy Tise lowmeuvsllmHigis Scisool and ex- vis of bis attention te certain specîil- 1d~ otsnyb IecahniSang f teoftise science hoelias se carefnily tt s me yn rai 4 usa i ( lu ali Ion-a.i opn il otw investigutoti, le lias been ren-artietin lu b> TisabsesastioCemp y-anyan-lutonir-is a renranrkable degree. lu these speeil- strtise pf aing uyt he y-san- s oi tisa oovi-m. ties ho las becorne a recognizeti leader. iOntaiey ise bc sated ut tise rovincte Net a foof tise rerneties prescribeti by 1,ueusel for tise sat] Corporation ronstruci on -hirn, have, ilta ansiti, been atioptoti anti 1 aid promises su acqurei brick buildings suit ' a in iiseir - InIefor bise plrpoes ofutise Compsany anti be prescnibeti uy pîsyssosans i hi prîvule ie grounti fi-or sace off net lee tisan 16.000 practice. flis pamphlets anti larger iquere test aii a brick smoKe eisimney toorbise i n-orks have been receiveti as usefulr uir;tsiiesatCopn wilntiti contibutons e meicalkuonletie. sid buildings uil tisc puent anti macineny non- contibutonsto redicl kowlege. utise buildings unvîi esii ccupii by it on . . .That his succesa is real, is tçiog street t in maiiville; tisai rtheCsunPay evitienceti v hy e fuel that lis reputa-P1~I show tetise satisactunAuttie Corporation lion usa mar ati isyscia, desanir -t tiseprenant plant sud macinery sa in- tien as mànand hyscian doe no, stallaiby it .s good, uisetul. andi working deterioruxte; anti tise fueltishatthere i;.ma, nsd wsenht is tlve,, rieeý,iestailed a steatiily increusiag derntifur 1his iret lais titan $60.000 ce;,i hlie sati Cempaniy II1I insttal cmxv machinery .et rosit cfnot las medicinea, proves tisaItisey tire nettiaeIOOakee nostrunis, but .relisuise remedmesfor suis arrangements luIn r alf -usits 55gw diseuse." - j u~luidînýgetisatit wnill prueraurtsef Icns e Dr. Pîerce's establisisment et BLiufftilý o rporatu fr smet nintifo okt fas oeeo! the shon- points off tisaIf l our ) ~>Tisaitisesalti occpsny sisaliimme diateiy jishing city, anti is n-al îx'ortis a vie$il if turthemsrecttoî off saiisoldiiogs anti instalng just "t O 500hon- modorni medicines, c'f sai lus-rt anti machinerenater loto active, even tisougis tiey ho " patent," am usuaeiona bu prosecute lis business llis sinmisas emplignul lestissu 60 maciîanîcs compundet in-th tise umosl akili by or wcrhmeîr off n-lomneît Iess tsan '50, shalu ha traineti cienrista anti on tise nost sci- rm, ansdsucl mechanes or workmen suais bt entiflo principles. Il a asoo-orh eseerâ tisareof, ancd siall pay n-ln for lise purpose off aeesng tle saai'alianescor ivurimEn nct iess tisais 1,- metsotis fohoîveti by n-hich eticisap- 1itOOQilu saris mentiso onal ofinet Inul hasî for id, -Seher e h a cr -5,100.00 lisa year Curicg tis erni of t wecîy plicautfra ht he i e o-1yeaers, respondient or a patient aI tise Sospitai, j(ti) TIhe sai promises enali b0 e rutreýthtie jrecures lise cure of erninent speciailts plant anti maciinery insteulai,' andtihie active in modicine anti surgory. Once these upc' attoîs eciitarai upen Oy tisa final day ut thins ue sau i n-u le a~~tih~ ic-Septainbrr 190.î, ibut tis ald Municipal Ccuncsl1 thins ae sen i wil b spedily a- ma byby awtron lima ttsni exieni tiseq lenoîvietgeti by tihe most skepticai tisaItînse for sutiebnir,i ail patent-rnedicitre basinessea are net (e) Tisasie (nl no stua015 bescg sîtisfiai the frauda n-hicS soe carrions papes tisaItishe sai Cempany Sasu)ý boue, fide palfrmai have dciaredthrem e o.tise obligntius anti agreemsents menu'ipuct inl bae elae temt b.SeIoî a si[b] iasf, anti lus'as direcîi ~~ b tI ciEoM e ireotconsmenced opeaellus. ssii J T'iris-' employlsîg tIhe ismber ut mecisanice oun n- Sig so't se a uîy mon îefarrsd lu, sud lias contractai bo puy te ssiuble iams)space ors yoîsr n'als. sat1din ech a lisuor vworkm en w-agelu thsa ano u nt Xl'hcr-o cie ou uva't ~- siioto, sîssoifieti shil an tatise Saiti CensPanY"tisa ThùesIoStnttiv n ph aoti?'t iennu oi 1 istaigsmcrt o Trrs ýSrc I aS'ti, an d- ltse epsyment tisaneuf tise uorIgeanti othsar lai-Irer- Shoçn Piopijmtotu-' 'iitbetsa securities referrai lu in section [(f]isereut. ceiling, off tie u - f [iTisesaitCi erîny siselg ive bte eCori laporablun a morigaga toe suie tise repsymneofut In1829 tise i rst osmnibus tmade itstchie sai sein off ittontth n ie promuises bu hae appearassce ii tondosti le îxas aqurtOv il,asid raferret to lii t sctioni [s]1 dranu y tiree hers', atîr-aut, nsi ienat.anti opon tise plant ant i nachisîery tubai sesabe-st aid Installet inirtue ibuildings on tisa rainI ss raîx hztixcý-crI atiditîlosi air-i theis ndilatdinsusactien [Oh haeof, aIt plantasti City. macbioery iviicis may Olsiern-eîrqurei As a rtiCt\for- c-e mr u piCn-lkeg ii n - ' oliS xxstieît Non- Tenant-"Bult deeýs tise chm- vilece ii -s' : n/.,Irrîs i r- jimy ulxays amoke ike tsi? Lanti- day, is uai-0i te u hc pet-kaie te tirelord-Oh net Orily nhea tU re's a oise off ehstir coO .tire ta thme s-v Iuterest 579.85 55.90 537.11 514 44 490 87 460336 410.8G 414 35 386.77 358 09' 328.27 £97.2.5 ?64.901 231 44 111.5 1M126 MM.5 83.27 42.45 Total $1,103.13 1.103 73 1,103.73 1,103 73 1,103m7 1,103 73 1,103.73 1,103.73 T AKE NOTICE that thse above is à -Ltrue cupyof a ropascd by-law whlch wll be taken toto conslderation by tiic Municipal' Council of the Corparation of the ton-n of Bow- mauville and which will. Os finally passed by, the Courruil [ivi theeavant of the consent ofttIe; niector s beinug obtained tlseretu] after une month, frmtelrai publicat!ion luTHO CÂNADI SrATESMAlq nev-apaper tihe date of thse lirst pub- lication being Weduesday thes titteent day of FebruarySOS, andtbevotes outhesaqualified' electors xviii be taken tisereon as foilows.- For thea West Ward aithO Couneil Chamber iuý tire Municipal Buildings. For tihe Norths Ward ai thse DrilShsed, For thse South. Ward aItitse Flic H-all, and cornmencissg at thse heur of nine o'eloek la the furanou and contlnulng util Ces heur of live c'cluck in thse siternuon 'uf irIday tise tenth day of Mercis lt05. Dated ai Bowsnanx'ille February lots, 1905. JOHN LYLE, Town Glrrk, Youing Miqtre(ss--Mary, I-Lxisis I tsad~ ou leely eadof lhair." Up- te aa Sran--3Vll um c cruirer it anly tie yrlkc WELLSo P Gesthe True Golden June Tint that GuaranteesPizBte. The La,.,-est and Best Cereisand Dîa;fF, h'ieneWelUsIt 2LOOK FOR THE DANDELWON TRADE MARK. BEWARIE MDUST UESAN9MITATINS. 1 1 the expectorated matter soon ho-.ý cornes colored. Pneumenia requires skilled attention and good nursing. NO CAUSE FOR GLATITUDE. "You ought to do soniething for that cold." " What! After tise way it has [treated nme?" britisis "jos" houses The Lawyr-' 'f, course, my dear madam! The great thing in a case of this sort ia to introduce somne- thing into tise evidenco that willap- peal to tise jury." Tise Lady-' Oh, I shahl change my costume every day." Thse propertlies of radium rabo communicated to wool. MERITED SUOCESSI- Baseless Âttacks Lipon The Hep. utation and Business of a Physiciau are Without Avail. By-Law No......... BY-LAW of the Corporation of the Town ofBowmanville authorizing the Corporation to Loan Titi Durhtam R'ubber Company Limited $1,000 00 and to raise te serne forite pui-poses and pllaceti on tii. promisesd<urIng thse .urrency ,of the mertgage, andi ail suais plant-and machin- ery whIslh nay becuntained oit ClU' premises of thse Comprany dnring tise cnrrency of thse mort- gageand sam aittclude thse engine, boilers, boit- iogs3,sisaftlng,macinery patterns,tools of &ai des criptions, plant and macinery te arrive on tise pemtaes or which wtli Se placest on tise premtsee rIn g the carrency off tise m,rtgage. aud saoi bic conditioued for repay.ssaoln l twetsty equat successive annual Insta monts of $10.00 eaeci wltisout tntcrest, tise iirat off sucis pay monts te bc madin tatwelve mesnthea &fter tisedate. of tise advance off aaid auma off 815,000011;On;cd shah .aise «lys as furZher seeurlty for saiti repaymnint au assîgoment off insurauce paîscles b tiste er at leasl4iS.Ot0 cOupon thse preperty plant an& meciiery off tise 1ompany ln such 1Insuraurce Companues as tise (orpoi atilonia e direct tise, premissms lu respect off whieh sha1 b. pali by' tise Company; and shall aiso give tise coveossmit of tise Company madie on beisalf off 1150f, Its- successurs and assigna, for tise repay m ent of saidi bau l tise inanner lodlcated for repayment off saine; andi sala seeurit tri te bc cuuduitlcnad, tisa f atany fine tise saldoampany Secomes. ban1rtspt, losolvent, or makes an assilgnmeut! fer tiseboefit offits credutcr, o nor rdrlsa msade by any Court of, Justice '0tas erts wlndiog n p o! lhe Company, or causes 13or sufters aoy extieuf]oni urediterunder an e7evntion tW seize use propsrty efthtie Company. or suifersaa final judgenmetîalnst tise aiCunsuany ter- main unsaislieti for a pertoti off d ys rfî sald Companyr is net pertorming Ia o Ilgtlons as iserein deffiet, anti continue@, lobe leade feul lu conocîlon tiserewhth for a persoe off 120 working days or If tise sali o'npaiiy attempta te remove is business ffrom lise tuwn off Bon-- mativilie or ffrom tise premises 80 te be aeqtsired by it ast iieferred teoto section [ai boe ef,tiseu sud lu any off, sucis cases tise mort age séecrity sah usedlarteuy become due ans owlng as te tise whole 815.00 00, ]egs any soins wili May,' have been paldun sarne by tise Company, andi tise orprirarl-su y jproce'stas fitmay be ad- visetito realztea mount sudue and owlug under tise power off sale wislcis!is toise conbalned lu sai m,)rtgage, or aoy otiser means evailabie nouer sali mortgege, or may foreciese tise cquiby of redempuson off tise suld Company ta sali property covereti Oy seiti mortgese; aîsd saldmorigagesevr ssali be furtiser cuadi-, tiuned tisas tiseàdorperatien sisalihaveae oîssto tisepremises, books anti papers off tise Comipeny et ail tmes to tuspect saine sud de- ter mine wisetiser tis ,id Com.pany la sterforai- Ing tise conditions imposeti upon itiendecontasu- ed lu saimortgage, and a ruffusel te permit sali Inspection sisal ceose tise gaad meilgage te fors O-sish bicorne due anti uwling and proceati- sngs me y bcekn rute elize ripun saine lntise inanner Serein indiîeated. 8. Tise si Cogporetion shall exempt thse salitdCompaniy sud isaprerty tram taxaton (excpt taxation'for ioo purpuses> for a pîriod off twenty years. 9. Tise votes off tise qualifisi electors off tise sai Corporation shah nec taken un tisîs by law pursuaot te tise ur'svisions off the Strttutes lni tbtIst sialf un Friday tise entisday off Mercis 1905 frum aine o'clc eh lathe furenor ont fve oceloek lu tise afterucon et tise ffoÀ0wing places - For tise West Ward ai tise oni Room latlise Mtunicipal Buildings For tise Norts Ward et tise Dril Shd For tise Sentis Werd et tise Fine Hall, TIse foliowing perscns shah Ibc thse Returning Officere for taklog tise votes ai tise said pelieg places.- For tise West Warti, John Lyle, For tise Norths Ward, Johns S. Moonc-raf t, For tise Soutis Wari, Johin McConacisie. 10 Tissu Wetlncs<ay tise lirai day off'atarcý 11105 et twelve o'clock noua sisall hatise day anA heur and tise Cornocil Chambar ith ie Municipa; Buildings ta Bowmenvslle tise place wisere tise May or shahl attend te appoinît persons te attend ai tis varions pulling places sud ai lIse ins! simning rip off tise votes by tise Clerk on beaai of tise persona intereBte intriasd promotlng or cpposing tisa peesing off tisis by-lan-. il. 'risat Monday tise tirteentisdayoutMercis 19105 ai tan o'clock Ittie farenîton shah -be tise d,,y soi heur and thse Cusîrcil Chemiser i tise; Municipal Bnsldtugs th ie ton-n of Bownsan-ý ville tise pisce wIsere lise Clcrk shah sainup; the numbîlir off vots given for andi again2t tiî by-law. SCIIEDULE REFESIimIfD TO IN FORII.OOING tBY-LAW Year Frtneipet 19106 SeptemLben 1 @503.73 1907 1 523.88 1908 le 1 544.83 19109 1 566.62 19110 ~ ' I 589.29 19111 619.86 1912 Il 1 637.87 19113 Il 1 62.87 11114 te I 68.38 1915 - 1 M71 9G 19116 1 i 745 61 19117 e. s 775.4G 1515 " i 806.18 191;9 " I 838,74 19120 e 1 872.29 19121 le 1 107,18 1922 1 1943.47 11123 " 1 981.21 1924t 1 1,020ÂG 19125 1 i 1,0G1,28 $15,0000et NOTICE

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