We guarantee every range te &ive etion. RI~B &2e, AGENTS. Opposite New Post Office. j Teqa Quality Is quiekly detected in, KINCORA CEYLON TEA SoIl in Air-tight Lead Packages- 25e, 30e, 40c, and 50c per 1b. Archie Tait Bonmanville, A lice etean up-to-date place to have Photos -taken. We have it, One,9fthe Finest Studios in Canada wUIl be found here. And our photos wil be second to noue. Our studio bPas ail been re-modelled and is now complete and ready for business. Suceessor toa G. P. FREELAND.Potgahr Bad Resuits .. --0F- Bad Weath er Many people during the very severe1 weather iu Winter are forced to remain indoors and consequently miss their regular daily exercises whieh is so esseutial to their Iiealth. As their daily meals are eaten as usual what la the resut ? lu. digestion, S]uggish- Liver, Constipation, Headache, Billousness and Geneéral Weakness. Just at thistimýe we highly rceommend Viù"to Tonme whieh when taken with Vito Laxative Fruit Pis stimulates ail the organs to action and this ln a, shgrt time restors perfect health. P±iee, $1.00 13offle orv 6 fo±e $5.00. Pis 2,5e petv .. BOIDKD M8"MITCHEL'Lu&C. Chemists, Druggists and Opticians, Phone 92. Bowmanville. FINEFAËM FOR SAL-Pariof the l0ýOngngt-t a t e- o',ý f T,,; S. Tcsu.' ite froicentr'e of MWbîby Tw-xeln for both gýrain and sok10ars Many of the Provincial Pria-e-wntrShrbrsae been r osdnu ti ar.God a!d!ngs, CALIFORNIA EXCUJRSIONS.--- Westernl Lino, runs thriui firai clas P'uliman aud -Tourist sleeping cars te poins luc-aiforna- erseaily cn d-utedexursonsfrniA Oz OV1t', The W.W N W S. W JAMES.,ý 65 113 51 SPIY ... 84 1211 123 Total 229 381 MYajoriiy fer Spîy ........... 102 Mr. James made ne effort élection day te win, thus giving bis opponent DUES DURHAM WANT SEPARAITION? Had Fniday lost been the Firfit of April those who weîe summoned te Port Hope te censider separation of Durham counity fromt union with North- umbonlan could have apprecLated the je. Who are responsible for. callung that meeting we don't know, but it was a sort of wild googe ehase. Noribum- belandites need net tremble ini ant- icipation of the resuli of this action1 if noe xreater forethoughi or business ablilty la brought unto play t han was in evide'ace ai Fridav's meeting. Had the originaters of tbe coufereuce cousiituted themselves a cemmiîtee oh iuquiry and preparation and brought te the Initial meeting the information neeeslsary for intelligent discussion oh the proposed separation sorne definite action might have been iuaugurated, but beyoud repeaîing the oldi old story of Durham boing the mleh ew eh the uniied counties very ltte lighi was ihrown on the subjeet fer which the ropresentat- ive meu were called te moot. This despatch from Port Hope appear- ed lu Saturday's Globe: The initial steps in the agit ation fer some trne pasi threatening the dlisruptiou of -the uuited countbes oh Northumberland and Dur- ham were taken here to-dlay ai an organization meeting oh che, Reeves, 'Councillors and Commissioners of Durhami county. It is felt in Durhami that the large annual expenditure for bridges over the Trent River and othor public works in Northnmberlangce univ throw a hoavy and unequal burden on Durham, which wouid ho relieved by withdîawal from the union ai present existing It la aIse thought that the expenditure invol . od in the rocent condemnation of the county jail bv the Goyerument and the contemfplaied erection of a bouse of refuge make thei present anD opportune time fer Durham 1 to withd-aWl froni the compact, At te-' dav's meeting in the Towu Hall bore1 John Kennedy, Wardeu of the united counties, was Chairman and Mr.-FmRn -iLr MNasenj, Bloswmavke secretary. The meeting, whbIch_ was -in sessie -n ail ajfiernoon, appeinted P. C. Trebilcoek, Bowma-nvile .J rg- ahnin or, Clarke, and hos Long, ?ont ifopeë, a co«mmitee te procure the necessary 1 inoratonto frierac 'tion-to-report 'Raget n-1 ? m 'L' -,ý -t 1 -,: 13OWlAN"V1ýLLE. MAR 1,105 Canada F»Irst la a Lew candidate for patrouage, pulibd bv the Canadian Preferen1ceLea zueTrante. Itraobjýeci is in do evcrvthbiz possible fo- the- fosteîing ef Cauadban sentiment and a national prîde tintthe producia' sud[ achevmetseof ui own coun-. $1 a (34rs. One ofîhbb;ghM. newsy, and dlean dailynesppes tha oinme oOui san£ctum i l ie Otta-a F roc Press. It iabvedited, cou-)tainung, besides the leaders many spiey, timely paîaaupbs -the edfitoî ilidorsert tisai is oten nel- ished botter 'han thise strong, long aud iabored ailticle. htie clearlV prunted, with attractive headlnes and enjoessa liberai ssdvertising patronage. If yen want thse news of tise Capital take the Free Pross. 19L SPRY THE CHOME. Electors who voted for Mir Spry ou. Wodnesday.did the editor of this journal a fier greater kindness than, they intended Tbey ne doubi fet, as ho did, that a rest froni municipal worries and responsibilities was most desirable and acted accordingly. He will tako the rest, Ho desires te sincrely thank the electors who went ibrougis the prevail ing snow sîorm te the poils and voted te return hlm, especially the good ladies Ho will nover f ergot their good..will. Sunce Jan 2 conditions have changod but ho was willing te serve out bis terni te koop faitis wlth the people who elected hbm,' but after rosigning- the seat because of the le-al technicality ho detormined te do nothing te secure bis re-eloction -boyond placing the situation fairly before the readers of this journal and voting Several ofhbis supporters knew of bis, indifference and made ne effort eithor te socuro his rotuin. Se that ln reality the eloction, se tar as ho was concerned. went by detault. In aIl sincerity, ho would a thousand t-mes prefer te occupy the position ho doos than occupy tho seat on conditions tisati t was taken from him. The groatest fun of election day was te stand by and behold Great Mogul and bis brave's voily tumblîng over cacis other te holp keep a man out of an office ho didn't want vory mucis ELECTION RETURNS. 15 the UnivarsâI }itehec faevotrite. It is well made-eîLsilv managed-and exeeedingly durable,, h does alkinds of cookin.o in the rnost r-atisfacu't.iy manner and with very srnall expense for luel. You take àbsolutely ne risk in- buying a *~~m - - 'Wtn M*1iwtlM~lw -s' y '2-~ f.k.i LyM uvhe- f% us.îînrfimm'aon ohurch. Toronto, in. prepared to ta ke a limited, na-aber of pupils in, vosce (Soprano ouly) Piano anC dT>eory, PupiLs prepared foi' MusicalI ex aýmînations at Toronto tSniverKsty, Toronto Mtusie. Apply bîei m ni~pi.a __Tat &R li's St,,Ln. Eveuingsgai' The0cagul Or, o APuiner corthe Golyof Dnrbiani, S'ies romptly atrended .to And npnreasonable teris. v!rem ttel1hone cmilocton o ïr.àTL-ers Ii U ne i r&w:eDr 'IbBell lino. 11 B. ennett-, Generalv Agent, 2 Easr King~t.ToroteOnt. 'A LLANLUNE Anson Taylor, C. C John Henry Des'- iii, M.P.--. Clarke-uol.John Hughes ,Reee) A A Pewer, C. C., J. F. MeMillan, C C. W. G. Joues. - Darling-touGouncil was ne veme«ntztiýbuax"rflbt--- - ic(e au' mou -gan- afi xgoouss ne exception te the general mbl, sa weI are stîli iiu BowManvllo aud oxpeet te- romain hiere indofiiel.v. We are -makin.- boiter photographs-now -than- ever, pFGele ýSay. We have a fine lino oh real OW-; ira mes the latces thing for holding eue. two or more cabinet Photos. -Calil t lis- shsovtheni 1toj1 van .rrA ' htarn~ The ceremony was porformod by 11ev. D. O. Crossfe', paster of the Mèthodisi church, lu the presence eh the immedi- ate relatives. -Tbhe bride Wasi dro-ssedi in bine crepe de ohae with white silk trirmning and wore wbite Carnations. Miss R,29a11Jacleman, nliece oh the bride, -wa8 bridesmaid, dresedl ixi-bre-wu-wear- mo- pînk ua,-nations- -Mr lHiermo-Vice Forsasacryorepnee you want te uase th11 proper thilig lui note paýper.la nd cievkpes. My vvar of 01 ytl Iin mus lbine o'f îreg Fails and of Îhc . A Director have in contempiltin the transmiýssion off the electric current for power and ]lighting purposes from YAurleighit tePerterboro, 18 miles seoth and4h tence across the cou,,ntry by way of MlbroNew-castle and Orono o wmiaiivlle, Oshawa ani Whitby; and Io carry out the scheme. Mr u'.r well has efÎ late appojarýed before diffceent -Muniipal Councils, and secured the rgtof eyoctidig poles, st.ringing vrs etc,î,firUgh àthcir. respective Muni- cîpal ities. As te, the feasibility of the proposition, we herewith subrait for the consideratien of our readors in this interested portion of torritery. the substance of reported interviews with Mr. Cuiverwell, from which, tc0 say the least, considerable 'knowledge may be gained by perusal Mr. Cu!verwell says : Difficultr had been týxperienced boretofore by his coni- pany in securing revenue at Petorbrro, as his erganization work had Ïbeen the cause, of forcing the waterpower pro- Prielors at Peterboro te fully deveiop the local wa*erpowers but at last, owing te the remarkable recent industrial develop- ments, at Peterboro, his company was assured of revenue there However their principal market ,w.ould ho at Oshawa and Bowmanville, where the manufacturers had given applications te his company for large quantities of electric power.ý Whitby may also ho supplied. Nýotwihstandîng the distance of transmission from Burleigli to Oshawa Z~ miles), e lectric power cau ho sold there frein 3o to 5o per cent. less than the cest of steam power. two firms of consulting engineers having made surveys and reported te that effect. This is made possible ewing to the low cost of cempleting the hydraulic develop, ment,-one ongineer writing-- 'Cornpared with other watorpowers, the cost of com- pleting the natural development at Burlegh is a more bagatelle." A large lake is against the dam at Burleigh Falis, which will flot only inc rease the pawer during the working hours of the day, but prevent the formation of frazile' or floating ice, the great source of trouble te river waterpowers The ongineers show that three thousand electrie horse- pou or can bo developed during the dry season in the summer The companiv, however, will eventually arrange to have nearly fivo thousand electric horsepower aI their disposai iIn fine, the Co. wiil furnish flot only a continueus electric lighting service but also a satisfactory one, and will be the means of fostering and furthering the interests of the in- dustrial life of the community in which it eperates THE WEEKLY GLOBE. The Weekly Globe with its Magazine Edition is now one of the brightesî weeklv familv newspapers in Canada and should find a warm weleome in everv Canadian home, especally among intelligent and progressive peopie. Its voung folks page supplies a deparement that very f 0w other papers coutain. We can I!earýtilv recommend The Globe te ourireaders regardle'ss of their politiesi vîews. Clubbed with TuHE STATESMA-4 at $190j. If.%ou are net a subseriber, eider iL fer 1905. M. A James 18 the agKeint and orders will be reeeived from s!uP.>-bse rrsnuany part of Canada or the U11it3d States TO' TAX WIRE FEN C[NG. WouLIn PROVE A HINDERANCE TO FARM IMPROVEMENT. If the efforts of certain parties are suceessful, the farmers of Canada whl have te face a very unjust and burden- some tax. A movement is on foot to have fenco wire, which bas for a num- ber of years been admitted into the country duty free, Put ou the dutiable lisi The grades sought te be affected are galvanized iron or steel wire No. 9, 12 and 13 Practically noue of these are made in Canada,_ and since enor- mous quantities are used eaeh year in replaeing the primitive rail structures, and enelosing prairie fana, the injury that a duty would impose uipon the rural community could net be readily ostimated Since the admission of %vire duty free, Canadianis have enjoyed the be'nefits-of cheap fencaing 0f a very desirable kind. This has net ouly vastly improved the appearance and valu". of hundreds cof farm houses, but it has added immense- ly te the comforts of winter travellinz ever roads that were fornierly very otten, impassible on account of snow block-1 adts. To put a check upon this sort 0f improvemeni by a tax that could work only injary te the rural population with. oui benoefit te any other class of the people would ho indeed a serious matier. Besides- working an injury te the- farm- or, the fence-manufqcturing iudustry would ho demoralized. To inerease the cost of wire, both fonce production and - ~ ~ Reduced ]Raton of Passage. DMlbok.b ioi 10VR b big hi nosvcheeks. R- M. Mitchell & Fi; st Cai-5,And upwvardLe, a(ecorn t o.Ce.. dîgists, keep itl n stock. slteamner: Sevciid Ca iiu. LvolaCLOi avr-Wîe onKney donderr $3n O.aode440'e, Lohu Kennedyextr Tb'irdl ] ass, supeiýfrbo acomoato,fi70, tQ Presto-n5 i C. Sor,*Thwoa.t &na co'ughe L'ivlepool. De-rry, iBlfst Olgow, Londers. Port Hope-May on Chalk, Staniley Aumpe effectiyre and 5àfc remedy forail Ibreat NEW YORK PO GLÂSGOVw Laurentian ., _Thursd.3y,. Mai'.;e, i)n.a] Burusama, Thos Long, ex Miayor Henary irritatto-wisfoni Fur ,,rTiketc I a r ery IfrainWhlite, R Muiholland. iCr.ulenm Antieptic Tm.bI*te ApA3Mte ààHope Twsi-.H akrO~ They comithe t1~germicidaî value of Ciesolenewith AXES, ' 1 - groýparti« É uofapereh,, sud âiçc ____ dejeunor tise bridaI couple beht for Solunat and Port Perry beore retuîuiug te; Bowmanvilo wisere they intend te) roside TO CURE A. COU> IN ONE DAY. Taise LAXATIVE BIROM(O 4U 1NJ4E tabletis AlldragIste resund ihe mouey if if faits *0 care, -- 4vjw Sec My Leader LFraMed 01 Chromno ut$,0 PU TrebilCoCk. Soldonyb Phone 26, $w~m 1 ENNI1SKILLEN. We welcome to Our village Mrs., Harry Pye See wedding report on an- other page .... The sehool concert Mon- day evening was welattended. Excel- lent program..The l"Hard Times" social given by the Epworth League on 1~ riday evening was a decided success. The title was thoroughly earried out.. - .Sons of Temperance Oasket social March 7. ...,Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. N. Bvers, at Mr. C J. Mountjoy's; Miss1 Laura Ranton, Havelock, at home; Mrs. Chas Williams is visiting friends1 in Oshawa, Mrs L. B. Williams and daughter Elva, Bowmanville, with ber parents; Miss- Code, Tweed, at -Mr -E friends _ii.BowrnanviILeý Miqss Bro-wn with friends ln Bowmanvilie. Mra, T. Staiiiton-and son--Charles,- Tauinton, MfD-WINTER WEDDING.- FAMFOR SALE-176 acres for sale F be.ing part of the James Sband estate, composed of parts of lots 13 and 14, in the Ith ano 'th oncessions, Eaet Whitb, Apply to J AB. A. BURINS, Raglan, or JouN YSADLER, Col- umbus.48-tf. WooI anted 'T HE Undersigned is prepared to pay J..12e per pound for unwashed wool free from ta g .Aiso the higl.est price for washed fleece, .ielivered at the Cambran Woolen MIlS, Hamp. ton. D. TAYLOR,' ,-4m, Proprietor SOUVENIR perfect satisfa( Phoné'66. - --- ---~ - uswg~--JAu-siLe4. Xaila-v b __ Kb @u -- e-Lkgyli' A 1 U I Faneye __& .Ods %k À* J'4ew Spr'ing Goods Arriving At Wè Wst, Eodfoue New Prints. New Embroideries. Crum~s English Prints are the best A fine sho wing of dainty embroi- 12îc* Per yd. deries and Mu1slin&, 2c per yd up in price. SMen's Oolored Sbirts. W. G. & R. brand Shirts fit weil New Fo we . and always keep their color. Both for Men or> Women. Best Size 14te 7f.makers' goods. in Ilatest, styles. New Dress Goods. White Oottonz4 E Priestley, s Dress Goods aresold at this, store. Many uines have You will find good value ini a]ready arrived. Sieilians Co01tons at this store. Pille-w cot-. are strctng. tons, sheetings and fine white ect~. ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ tons at right prices. This store lias the best 10e PrintN w Me sH ts in the mie.Ago heavy Is it too early te talk about Pitsuitable for aprons :fl newest hats ? Well we have some good * ~lne insignsshow and youi will like the shapes, Spring Rubbers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Do your Rubbers leak. Now Men's Collars. that the snow is starting to meit you will want a pair of liglit We seil W. G & R. Coflars be. Sweight waterproof Ilubbers. cause they are the best, Ail1 styles SDainty Made Rubbers are, the are shown at this store and 1 n al finest made. sizes. 2 for _25c. Sole Agent For Z-Oth Century Clo thing. £EIN ~Better made Clothing- than 90 per cent of the A ~customi tailored, garmients. Let-us I the order for your spring clothing wants. All Blankets, Furs,, Robes, UndewaO roas Mitts, Qloves Winter Caps and Winter Footwear at Cost PÈice. E Mc Murtry llighest price paid for Produce. BOWMANVILLE. Just received a. Qarload, of New Brunswick Potatoes.--Fine Coeô-rS, DONALD 0. lu. QAILBEÂITH. flarrister, Solicitor. Notary Publie, etc. Private and Company MoneYs to lban at lowest current rates. Agent for Tbe Midland Loani and Savings Company. Office opposite J, -E. Mfartyn's store, Kingst. UWmnyle. 22t B.J.Hiazlewood,Il.D.,,J.M. BOWMNVILE, * ONT. _G02L MEDALIST of Trlniti Un. ~.iesity, Toronte4 Piour year Attenot IPitI shore Ks. Office aud Residence next Door te Ex-Aý -Mtchells, Elgin St. Telepboue No. Sos SwFIles, ANes 4 xe IHandies, Axe Wcgsand Splittî;ngWedges. CalI And Sée otir six-1101ed canada iiL Là lýr ' f ýi 1 ,1- 11 1 - 1 1 ý