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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1905, p. 5

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BolowZoorîs 011 Therifomoeters.1 These priees will only ho givei thre first 10 days in March. Sueh values were neyer known in Bow- inanville before. liegular 20e Thermometers 10c 25e " le, 2for 25e 50e ' ~ One ouly Registcing Thermome- ter. . Registers coldeat aise, hottest point each day. Regular price $6,00, Speial $2.95. Sîtott & Jury, The safe satiefactory Druggist. BOWMANVIjLL E, MAl.ý 1, 1905. Miss Annie Dingmau le altending Milllnery Opeuiinlu'orente.1 1Division Court meels lu Bowmanville, Mareh 30. Newcastle March -81. Miss Annie Weelaway is attending the Mllinéry opeuinge lu Tornto Mises Elva Power, Maplo Groe, is, visitlng Miss Clara Coili, Whltby. Misa Lydia Moore, Port Penny,, is, vifiting bier aunt Mne. Prank Jaekman. Mi'. Wm. J. Edgertou, Leskard, bas accepted a position witI TIre Mason Ce Miss Arvîla Cox is visiting Misa Jessie- Dickinson sud other fionde lu Toroato. Mr s. James Groat sud son, Toronto, have becu gusets o! Mns. Alpha Pineh.1 Miss Allie BHilIras accepted a position' as saleslady in~ a large store in Kingelon. Mn. PIilip Thomas, Regina, T.W.T.,. rccently visited bis brotIreri-law, Mrm H Molon. .Mn.- Chas. Diekinson, Torouto,- at- teudeus the funenal o! tIre laIe M, rs. D). Coi on -Sunday . Mn. Robt. Deveral, Whitbv, hRes se cepted a position in Mr. J, B. Martyn's Hardware Store. Becton BeitIr, Esq., Bowmanvillo, we] noticed in town te-day on business.- Port Hope Guide. Mn. M. J. Butchmnsou, City editor o!' Tre Examiner, Peterbero spent Sun-' day aI bis fabbor 's. Mn. P. Brimacombe, Kirby, viited hie brother Dr. J. M. Bimacombo sud .other friands bore. Rev. H. Munnoe, B. A . attended tIre induction o! 1ev.>Jas. H. Borelad at Mise Emma MeClel!an bas returued from a pleasant visil wilh bier iter 1Mra Bittalu, Stratford, -Mrs. -Allan, Sharpe sud daughter Macieline o! Cagary, N. W. Ï., are visiting hon faîher Dr. L. PotIer. Mn. aud Mrs John H. James, Coluru- V ýîbus, haive besa visitiug bis father Mn, GIVE John James sud other relatives bore. IMiss Eva Gage, Toronto, sud Miss QUICK Maude Wilkinsou, St. Louis, Mo , are QUICK guests o! Mrs- (Driý A. S Tiiley aI, -RELIEF Youldon Villa. Mns. Norman S. B. James will hold AIher post nuptial reception at Lamne1 Viila on Tnursday Mancis 9tb fnom 3 te 6 p m. sud necievo ibeneafler on the POSTIV jfir4-hur-sday of sa-eh moulis. CUE. iMn. John M. White, thes singing1 ýCURE.ý evangelist, will assist 1ev, D 0. Cross- lcy lu evangelistie services, cemmene-1 lu g Sunday ucît sud contiuuing each eveuing. The public are cordially lu- vited te attend auy or ail of tIre meet-i Thewcnerfuly rpideii'toeu . Several Iruudred, members of the Pitcher's Backache-Kýidney Tablets in cr- Methodisî Sundliy ScIrool wene tneated ing tIre severest kidlney, bladder and urin- te s leigh ids Wednesday aflernnon amy troubles, maltes those affected rejoice. aud were served with tes on tIreur re- SucIr diseases and disorders as laine or turntto thescboolnroomn. Aulimpromoltu weak back, swelling et the feit, pufflness prograin !ollowed sud t s needlese le under the eyes, gravel, brick deposits in ssy al Ihonoughl',' njosed themselves. fbbc urine,ý scaiding, frequent calis during The Editor bas reccived a Souvenir the day or night, pain in the joints, uric Post Card o! Gibralter showing thre acid iu the blood, drowsiness, headache, "Rock from Linea Bull Ring" fnem Dr. rapid ls cf flesh, habituai, constipation, John Hoskin, K. C,, Toronto. who with 1iver torpor, -weakness of the urunary or- Mrs. Hoskin sud tIreur niece Mies Carp- gises lus i children and the aged-arealal mael, te îouring Mediterranean porte .uiekly reliaved and permanently cured. sud ciles. iHe say-"We are haviug Mr. ,Dawson, Main, St., Kircardineé, a delightfuîl voyage sud are enjeyiug a s Onit., says: 41Hard> w ork arud constant few heurs at this historie spot." stooping, together with expoSUre to coud, Ammra evc uhnno rne broiigbt on sevare backache and, idney Ammra evc nhnro rne; trouble. Thre secretions were thick and Willard waa held lasI Tuesday at- tIre scanty. Nothing relieved e lin untîlgot Methodist Pansouage Mrs Thos. boar, e bottie o! Dr. Pitchers Backache- Kidney President, presided Rev. D.O.Cnossley Tablets. They soon stopped the pain and couductsd the devotionsi exercises. ' orpnegs. The Kidney action bacame Mr'. A L Brown gave an address ou 30orm1al and healtluy. 1 amn exceedinguy Temperaucesud Mrs T. E. Hligg- gýratef'ul, and glad te adel this teslîmiony to bothain gave a brie! history o!flIre life the expressions cf goodwill 1 have heard o! Mis illard. Mme P. Ti'ebilcock <ter,ý give uterance tb' condueted tIre Questiou Drawen sud It iý4 no wonder Dr. Pitchers Tablais Miss Bèececit sang a solo cure so well rý hey are the prescription Mr' R. Jarvis, Chic! o! Police, a short aof s Kidney specualist and cdntain ingre. lime ago received an euquiny for a Miss .dients trot found in common kidney Pills', Elizabeth Grant o! Kent countv, Eng- So Tablets in a bottle. Price soc. or 3 for land, who had beenleft a amalfortune. 3 druggists or by mrail. 'Tha Dl Au advt. was luserte-4 lu 'THE STATES Zina ýýPitcher Co., Toronto, Ont. MANl" sud lu a week sIre was loeated. ____________________________S ho livsd with Mrs. Samîuel Alliat, Laite Shore, east, for seven yeans but ie uow married sud liveg lu Torouito. TIre money was snt direct le Chie! Jarvis, sud last week Ire had the pleasura o! What do Yoll Kilo!? paving ittothe rightful owner. Do yoiu kucw tbat aller a Short- DtuxhamI Wouseuus Instatute wag hold hand or Commercial Coursa wth Saturday afternooi lu tIrs Council us, yen axe Sure c a position at Roonnu. Mme. J. W. Sparling pnesided Starterin the absence 'o!tIre president. A very Send us a postal, irith yonr full sud practical report of thse Wouurn'o aiabout _ýwil el ustituts convention aI Guelphr wss you a aotit given by Miss Nons Werry, Solina. A DoinuiG 8l~lf68~COie~i1 Ld. earty vote o! thanke was accorded DomiionBusnes COU , [d. issWerry for hsn report. The Sec- 4 ttichmond S. at Toronto. reîsny read a paper on Thre Arrange. R. D. NITMMO, Principal. meut o! the Sick Boom. The attend-' _______________________, sce was faii'lv good sud a numben o! renewals o! membersbip were reccived. ________________________-_ A uw book by Bey. M. P. Talling, Do yen realize tuai every ongaulii the Ph D., lsannuutnced by thre Fleming human body le eomposed e! tlny clis Il Reveil Comfpanyv o! New Yomrk. Dr called tisane? If Ibis tissuleis hoalthy 'FRliug's final b o o k, "lExterapore vou ueed have noe dread o! disease. Praseri," issuediover two years ago. sud Vite Taule renews the tissus sud builda uîow lu ils fourtIr edition, dealt with tIre up- the s.Ystef Mr. 1'. M. Mitchell, office o! pub lie dievo!ttrur Busnew book. dnuggist, keepe Il in stock. 'Inter-communiotu with CGod,"'1e tended for a wider eonstittencyv. 1ta a aia, as the titis implies, le te exhibif ~\U %-d-g aul emphasize Gods communion wiDh I'1t..Ji ~men ase thebcelemeut lu oui' spiriual intereourse which makes it reciýproczl - The treatinent o! the whiole suibjeet ia A Il aeunsd e Mi-s. D)nigasu, original. ?dilinm.arereuesed tehop-i a A GIJARANEED CURE FOR PILES.&J once as the bus3iness is, going -to change Iûig nuBedtgo rtcitgPiles. i di assud evetryî hingl ue te filrmm.îDuuiii'nn ocyfPZON~ be settliid before '4arci 1lt. sUM&îndrig )i4 dayrrFrs Spa,' _tseund 50lu 58r-lam en.% i wlll bu rare BQownau ville, J P. V0 9r5c - paida4b!?r9elene0. t a~l, A D-rug Store -That-- "BUYS BACK If vou purchase ansthing at Stott & Jury s Pharmacy which do6se fot tari cut e aEy represented return Ut and we w;il bus;z t aeku at full prive We doûflot walit a snle exustomer to feel dîssatisfied 1 with anv .thing boughýt here. If they are dsailO we want a uhauccjte mk t ilt Thisi offer applies zo SPECTACLES aiSe to ail other ',nes we seil. Druggist and Opticians I F I -~ Nichlollu selle cheaV. -White Ctton value)s at McMutry' Mov-irg Sale of Fotwear atI Fle?8. ilumbugs Io ete a tlb on Saturday at Luttrell's. Miss Florence Hoar visited frieuds in Oshawa last week. 12 cases of new suite have, arrived at The Mason Co's. See advt. Hîome.made Peanut Crisp, SaturdaY only lOc per lb. at Thos Tod's Milss Haynes; Cobourg, le visiing- Mrs. G C Raines, Ashurst Cottage. Mrs. Jea }Iopkins, Osewa, 'rec8fltlY visited her father. Mr. W. D. Patter8on. Mr. and Mrs. James Meren nd family, Whitby, spent Sunday ilu tOwD. lýmpire Day- NIay 24-wil1 be observ- cd by Australia. Scheols wili celebrate Somnething new in carpets justin lua The Mason Co's. See thielr advertise- ment Mr. Frank and, Miss iEdna Webster, Cambray, , ais visiting at Mr'. Wm. For the finest stock et Ladies' Taller mace Skirts cail at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. 1Go te Nichoils and look &round and sse what yeu ougbt to pay for your, gonds, do it now. The very latet in Wedding station- ery and Weddine cake boxes -al Tna S'trnsBM&uqOfficé. Ail kinds of Furs to bu- sold aI cost *r eat M. Mayer's Fur' Store, coe early and gel a bargain. Congho, caida, Iermems. d.brt.s alimentsemare qmockly relievod _by cresolete Miss Pollhe Brimacombe, Elgin St, bas returned aster a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. RB. M. Saxby, Whitby. Special inducements te buyers at Foley's Shoe Parlor before they move te their new store about Msrch 8tb Ladies' SiIk and Cashmere Blouses the latest styles, and specially gond value aI Couch,J ohnston & Cryderman's. A big lot of Dress gonds selling off at about half price, somne o! tbem a: exact- ly balf price at Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman 's. Now is the time te get a bargain in the Fui' Line, M, Mayer Furrier le selling off Mes entire stock at greatly reduced prices. The 2Uth Century Brand of lothing is without a doubt thse best made cloth ing in Canada Sold in Bowmanville only by McMurtry. We especially recommend our readers to subscribe te the weekly Farmer's Advocate and Hiome Magazine of London, Ont, See club rate. t!. ri. George Richarde, formerlv of Messrs. S, W. Mason & Son's Dry Goods Store, left this morning for Toronto where he has accepted a position. Mr'. D B Simpson, K. C., bas returu- ed f rom a business trip te New York Cite, and a visit with hie daughter Miss Greta Simpson of Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y C. M Cawker & Son will have ever 50 pieces o!f treshis smoked breakfast bacon and bains for sale this week . Quality the hast; prices tre lowest Be sure andi get a piece this week. The Durham Rubber Company Band have enzaged the old favorite enter- tainer, Mt'. Charle Kelly' and hie se- complished daughter with a god hum. -erst te-ivea-nentrtalumut--onor about March 17. Watch for particu! ars. Our new store opposite the new post office wil l e rcady for us in a few dass and will be complete in every require- muent of a modern shoe parior. We are offring speial bargains lintil wo uioye and eôrâially invite our friende te cali and get a bargain. Fred. R. Foley. W. J. Henderson, the well-known musical critic wrltes in the Review of Reviews for Febraary ou "«Theodore Thomas and the Development o! Americau Music," sketching t he services rendered by the great conductor lu cultivating musical taste in this country. Mr'. Jos. Brittain o! Bis Majestv's Customns, and hie daugister Mrs. J. W Alexander have gone on a trip te Cal- ifornia where ho has two sond, Mr. W. J. -Joues, Manager of!-Standard'Bank, accompanits them. Mr Frank J. Row- land le acting manager duriug his absence Mecssrs. A. Barber- sud M. A. James represented Excelsier Council of Ro.ýal Templars at thé- Dominion Alliance Convention in Toronto Fcb 28. Edi tor -James waî lected te the Business Com- mittes and subsequsntly made member of the Executive Committes for 1905. A large delegatien waited ou Premiar Whitney asking for abolitïon of the bar, the treatiug system and drinking in clubs, but he gave ne encouragement1 Children Cry for "801." Pay subscriptione uow. Galvanized Tube at Nicheils'. Pea Nul Crlsp at Luttrell's.- Gel your mllk pans at Nichoils'. French Chewiug Taffy at Luttreil's. Buy your graniteware aI Nicholîs. "Don't cough your hIle away-take Bol. Yen gel 301 for ceughs at bMitchell's Drug Store. Vilit Cawker & TaiI's China Parlr- Second floor. Deliéious Scald Cream cvery day at T. H. Kuight's. Take Mitchell's Emulslon cf Cod Liver-iI's goed. T H. Kuight has some good heade o! Cabbage for sale. Peanut Crisp, Saturday only Mec. per lb. at Thos. Tod'e. New weddiug eakeboxes-lovely eues -aI STATESMAN office. 1.eave roui' orders witb T. H. Knight for fresh fish everv day., Blood meal. Mea~t eal, Osîcr shell, Mica gril, aI P. M-idoch's3. Try tIre Home-made Maple Cream sud Chocolate Caramel at Thos Tod's T. H. Knight bas fi'esh fish cvery day, Leavey~oui'order with hlm. Wheu you read Cawker & Tait's advt. remnember wbat they say are facte. Buv your glasses for wîntcr readîng from Mitchýell, theý Dr'uggisî & Optiian, Pratt's/'oultry Food, Pi'aIî's Stock Fond. 'fl att's Lice Powder at P-. Mur- doch'sY MI A. James le Govemument issuer of Mamiage Licens,.es for Durham Countv. Seul TEiE STATiESM.,ýAN 10 your absent friends. $8L50 pays foýrSyour ow sud a new subseription for- 1905'.- Wash gréasy disheý, pots or pana with Lcvcr's Dry Soap a powder. It will ne inove thc grasse withhebcgreatest case 36 Chry sties' London Rats are the best lu the worl, The Ma@çn Co. are solo agonIs for Bowmanviîle. Sec the new sty les just lu, lu their east win do Ladies' Fai' Coats, RufsMis Gauntlets, Caps etc. aise Men's coats, caps, gauntiota, etc, te b6 sold aI ceaI prive for the next montb, aI M. Mayer's Fur Store Leading grocers report'that the de- maud for Moouey's Perfection Cream Sodas is steadit-y increaaiug, as mors sud more il le fouud eut wbat auperior biscuits thcy are. 'Ask for Mooney's aud take ne other substiluls. Coueh. Johuston & Cryderman are sslliug ail their Ladies' Ceate at bal! pricesand Men's Overcoats at oe third off thre regular pries sud are maklng big reduction lu the priceso! aIl kinds o! furs. Don't put off ordsriilg the papers you waut fer 1905. Order to-dav. James' Publishiug Houes receives subseription fer every newspaper ana magazine. Seud lu or baud ilu tour order for ail the paperd you want Gelonue new naine for THE STATESMAN Oue rcnswal sud oes new subseription for $1 50. MISS MABEL A. TAIT, BOWMANVILLE., ACCOMPANIS £AND PIANO SOLOIST Concert Engagements Accepted. AUCTION SALE. WEDNISSDAY, M.RGE 15--Mrt.' John Otten, lot 5, Broken Front, Darling ton, will seil ail of ber valuable farm stock.implcments,heusehold furniture etc Sale at i o'clock. See bills. L, A, W. TOLE. auctioneer. D)URIAM D-STRIICT DIVISION. The postpoued meeting e! the Dur- ham Distict Divl4ýon S. cf T. will- be he]d at Solinçi on Fridayi March 10, opening sessio n rt 10.30 a. m. Good program in the cvcning. Electiou cf officers. MARKt MUNDAY, N. C. RuŽIDLE, D), W. P. District Scribe. ___________ 9-2w* COURTICE. Visitors -Hezeklah 'lingle, Mléa, MaD., after an absence of 12 y ears; Miss Nettie Carruthirs, PickerinL-; Mrs. Levi Brunt and Miss Gav, Enniskillen; Ladies e! Ebenezer E. L entertainaid tIrs members vcry acceptably last week. We conZratulaIs Misses Myrtîs Xard and--Murial-Penfoun-l as-wcfl -as-their- teacher Miss Aima Courtice, on their success in connection with their Prim- ary exame lu the Toronto College of musie.. . 5K. Stevens, D). U. C F., le pntting lu a large quantitv o! ice MilItw ,l e r,,n through tho 6sarato, and cream sent te Toronto eachday'. GOLDEN WEDDING. The famil5, relatives and friende o! Mr'. and Mrs. William W arder gathere 1 at their residence, Quesu St , on Mon- day Feb. 27, to celebrate with them th-i Golden Wedding auniversary, The houswas deuoratcd wiîh daffodils, roses.asparagus feru and rhododendron. A purse of geld sud nurnerous other tokeus were given lu honerof the occa- sion, Ameng those present from a distance wcre, Mr. George Warder, Hancock. Mien ; Mrs M. H Warder, Los -Augeles, C1al; William Warder, Spry, Ont; 'Robert Il Warder, I'onde- queit, N. Y ; Mr. Charle Waraer aud family, Rochester, N. Y ; Mrs. Andrew L. Crawford, Detroit, Mich , sud Mr'. Joseph Hodgsou, >Toronto. T H aE STATESMAN joins lu heaitiest congratu- lations, the editor haviug worked for Mr'. warder lu hs byhood. HAYDON. for any advauice lu tompet-ance legisîs- L UU ,U UK .MU 1LI U pase thre stop block wir a loaded sling, Miss Aima Tnewiu is visitiug lber sis- tien, arh eaiso hoîsters te suive frora climbinz te toi', Mre. H. Coltacott. T',roue .. .. Miss Prom eoven ta coven lIreMacMe change froin oDe mow btIrte other. Rutledge, Salemu, le visiting lier cousin Clure's teoms with interest. Iu tIre dis- We have tIres traeks-stecl. Iroan sd Mu's R. Burgess. . .. Miss Mabel Gilders cussion 1e! vital tepies, lu romance, -in wood whicb wo guarantes. eAise o at Iras retunned te Toronto afîci' visiting action, in humor, anud lu verse il us8 Hayfork Rope alwa% s ou baud rite lier mothe'. .. . Mr sud Mna. J -S!emon the gamut of humaua expenicuce. Il 15 for prices la C W. SuEsuniekillen. are visiting YXn E. T. Siemnon, Oýshawa. a numben with nover a duli page sud A h po.hLa U eeizls Mrs TIres Aý,htou sud sou Loie. crowded, 100. with souud, solud malter AtteEpohLeuem tigIt Great.Pails, Montana, are viiting Mrs1 whucb laites higIr place lunlIre aena of week Dr. Brimacomu,:e read very inter- Thos Ashton . ...Our choir Iras sdded public dieussion-matten that it is net Hesn d etton rru Mrs, Hugh PriWes several new members. . . Our sympath-1 possible to muas sud yet pretend te !ollowHugheis suister ondoni'lîpi0fh W- est aeetne eMr n ,Jh tIre drift ef eivuc lifo. Publîshcdbv tIre EdM iu !Luo gadta i le re eat nidte .sdMs. of hn S.~~~~~~~~ S.iÇweÇ 3dS.sdFU n- the league sud fiends for 8 barrels HieHmtn utedme !tru 'tfape eu.a hisia rf u ghter Mary.,... Reading Circle wore AS S ,NOw 11iAerk, , r t ndFut foalsrubutn asaChrgteasrre I res cd te an evston supper asat weeký ITèý Ne. held Y- o disrton yapprectepoTed aI t. -John Slemou'a by Mi'. Watt Trinity Ladies' Aid Society h dgifi wag ' gr , proraua9f rnjsi. intru anothr plesant Paul Laurence D)untbar, wluose obit. metlsdvcl'eiaiu.daoue bouse social at the resideuce o! Mrs. J.metla volelatn4 dlc s Mclutçne Tuesday oyeuiug. MisEdllh uarv bas been pnematurely. writteu hy etc., was given by the mcmbers Afler Freeland opened thre prognra witîî a hasty friends, conti'ibutes te Li ppineolt's upper toasts were proposed te the piano instrumental. Recitatieus KMgzn nMmh tl inteo ing, Oui' Couutrv, TIre Readinar Circl,, glveu bv Mi' Gao. A. Smith sud Mi'. fiction ealled "Pre Churching of Grand- Ouri'nds, Temperauce, Ontario Fred i', Foiey; neadirige by Miss Me-. ma Pleasaut," Il le o! au old ladywo Farinons, The Ladies, The Haost sud WVin sud Miss A. L. Armour; vocal was summoued heforo tIre body spiritual tHosss, whicb were respouded te by solos by MissNraCuh n . for siuging "Gamn' 0TIno' the RYs members e! the circle. A very auj w. Caw as N. Cla Lh Mpe sd. Mn SIre was sequitted lu a via'eOrDu ans v~. ab!evouing was.spseiî. Weduesd.av W J. S. Rickard. After tIre progrim 111e snet Imîe that ýtIe beet cattle are Peli. 22, a vsry pleasiug evaut took refreahments wene aorved sud s genenal bippodeout o! towa for thse Eruglish place aItIrs ýhome o! Mr.-%W. Monîgoin. good lime eujâed. Prceeeds 816,75. markt for C. M Cawker & Sou hought eny, 107 Llppincott St., Toronto, wbien A very fast gaine of hockey wss plat ed fror J, H. Weru-v five exponî steers bis dauwbler Edîth was united lu the iu Cobourg Tbunrsday night betwsen weigyhiîng ver 1400 eneh sud t wo helfers holy bonds o! matrimony with N. Por Hoe ad Vdos or Bowmanville. 10ec frterlca rd.Tese Henry Ashton, a voung sud proaperous BotIr teama rla, ed good hockey sud tIre cattle ranit amonng the heeit fed lu the, farmer o! th!@ place. We exteud con- ,-aine was cl ose Ihotgbut. Thre Yie- Township. Thre place te buy thee heat gratulations sud welcome Mrs. Ashton- tor scre t's ire gei ue in~o e-quality aud lIre larget variety o! ail to oui'midst. A serenade panty called for ha! ime nutIresecond bal! Port kne !mat eseetrrm us from ountIrentSatlsnday ovenung sud pussent- Hope sconed Iul wo g-oals two Bowmau- C. PM. Cawltei & Son.i ed bhem with a beautiful lemonade set. viln's oes. making il 2ý2 aI ful l ime ______. . . . isEdilli Creeper l6 viaifing friondsataI Hampion«... Rev. J. Ward, Five minutes eacla way was pilayed bt Courtise, ýoceupied tre pulpit S'unday lu ne acexiung was doue. Ter, mlutr' J01HN MAYWOOD. Ieitrs !tr dslea ud more was played botissoo],nugeeh.neet fteEuatoa ud makiug Il 8-3 AUeoîher Ion Miuut'ýss Are yen euffring fs'omindigestion, mnade ne change lu tIrescoe.Thire Jobs Mýýayw,ýood of Toronto, Vocal eilkuese aller eatiug -or duli pains in gaie astisu auedof, Irepisea ea her, ýI acured the Aeml ers~meYon eaui ensily be ieured belon' tiredeut 'IreH vicer hr uei !tr ibeo omnVille', if ,oU îlaite v ite oiNtubarm spe~ir tantIeri peeusli wr nWrc te os iggsud m'il, be edy, eoru-poasd o!herbe, tanks -.ani wide in stioing. NMr. Stoîl o! Ceboung hefirZreer Saturdai voîcées tosted frLits. WR.NÉMitelcli&C., drui-ggl.Isi reforeed t Ist oofbotrit t 1m. re e, 4-tf, keep i l lu sok, 1 1 WARDTh ehaa, eab 10th, the wifie of Frantk Ward, o! a daUghtar. WINT'ES-In Osýhava. J'et. 17W, the _vife o Mdax Winter, c mo, S~0~nouu-I Eat Whtby Fa. 116h, the, wife of Mr. StOnleose, of a danghter. M AURRED. VICE-JÂýCRMýAn- 4t the residence of the bride's laitier, on W ednesday Feb22nd, by Rav. D.). Crossley, pastor et the Methodist ceiureh, Mr. Algçrngn R. Vice, oin.and Lana E. M.ann. daughter-ù! Williami HA~Iv-ÂEY-~1the r~dne~fMr' siul 1poilard, Bwravil, b. 22n&, by Rev. L 8, Wight. Ty rone, Mr.'.1.J8. HàWkey anaMrs Eza athA ri DaveY, bothcf Tyrone. YEO--MÂNES--Býy . J., Shorey, Feb.,2ý, at tha ýresidene o! thebtride'srnothar,ii.Tlbo, J. yeo and Misp Fiorance Manlee, LÂfp-In the Township 0of Haidi randt, Feb. 17th, (Jlvmn Nelson Lapp a ged 79 yaars, father o! mr. C. A. Lapp, publisher o!itha Brghton ALLi-toDaringonFeb. 2rd, Maria Cornish, relilet o! tIre lata Willia.m Alia, aged 72 yaars, C'o- la Bowmanville, Feb.24th, Mary Clap- ton, beloved wife Lt David Cox, in her 73rd year. TA i,-In Bowmanvllla, KeIr. 28, Janet Grant balovad wifa of Mr'. Arduie Tait. F'unerali Thnrsday aI5,80 p.ri. to Bowman vile camtery. TOEAtMorwenstow Vicarage. Cross town, Crnwall, Englanti,jF eb h. I.1905, Rav. JQhnii Tagert, B. A.. T. C. D., aged 92 Jaars, efter2 years of! active serviec, contincue p 1 afw weaks priùot b i edecease. SRay-In Bowmanvilet-, Tuesday, Fa)'. 2sth, $uosa n P. Maynard, beloved wd;e of Mr'. Thomas Spry. agad 41 yeaia,. funaral train ber l"te rasidanee, Tlmrsaay. March 2e<i ai 9.80 p, im. for Bawrnanvillla Ceyrettry. lent l inp1ete wi. aSets, ipe in( Jyything tb mKkb 'Ore. ih the largoat va rlety 4 Caps and Saucers, Mugs, 4 a Happy New YeAr. 4 wish yen aIl Ibe Compiments o! Ihe Season, 4 IRespeeîfully yours, 4 iî Gwker & Tcait, 14ÎThe Grioeerzs, BowmranviI1le. 4î~ ToLive and To Die Wltheut ever drinkiig is to die iîhu knowiug the FULL JOY OF LIVIXGý'. Wymiss the satisfaction of sipping a hot étu.p ou this FRAGRANT,__REFRESHING -DRINK?9 ONLY ONE BEST TEA. BLUE RIBBONý'S IT. We offer yow,,these-ý ]Exttrao rdina-tiy Btgin S Ladies' Silk Waists-Colors: Black, enk, Sky, 7-1 Cream and White. Rleg. $5,00 for ..........*..(e,5 Ladies' Silk Waists- Colors: Black, Pink, Skyv, (Jream:and White. Reg. $4.00 foi'............... $3.00 Ladies' Silk Waists-Uolors : Black, Pinkr, Sky, Cream and White.- Reg. $3.75 foir.... ......... $2,75 Ladies' Silk Waists-Colors: Black Pink , Sk Yi, Cr,3ar and White. Reg. ,$3.00 for............ .2 Ail other Ladies' Waists in stock,, Cashmere, 'Lustr~es, Sateens, etc. at exaetly cost price. Thiis offer will be diseontinued after Mareh 4. Bqquickand getfiî'st choice.- Ladies' Tailor-made Skirýs--- Regular $6 00 Skirts for $4.50 ; $5.00 Skirts for $3. 75 ; $4 â0 Skirts for $3.-50; $4 00 Skirts for $3.00"; $3AO5 Skirts for $2.75 ; $3.00 S kirts for $2.25; $2.50 Skirts for $1. 75 5 doz. Ladieb' 'Pape (Jirdies, reg. .50e or 38c, sizes 18 to 25. Choice of any Wrapperettes in stock, regular 12ý,e for 10e. Remnants for 8eyd, reg. 12îc. Remnants of Prints, Dress Goods and ail other rem-- nants at sacrifice prices. Men's ,Overcoats--Regular, $16.00 for $1200; , $10 0)0 for$6.981 8 reg. $8,00 for $5,98. Boys' and Youths' Overcoats and Reefers a.nthl manufacturers eost. I-Med'Youths' and Boys' Suits. Ail flrst elass u o date goods, stylish and guaranteed mater!-al nd wrk mïanship, at wholesale prices. -Me'T Spring Goods arriving almost dlaily. This',,opportuflity will only Last Until March 4. ~ rocers De Bills aceepted as Cash SW. Mason & kSon BOWMAN VILLE MARKEI 8, FLofa,100 ho ....... 82 50toSU 90 WnHBr Fan, bushw... 0 0111 1 (b SDnin ... ..0 go0If i00 fi Goose ....0 00"te085 BALz I .bush No.î1 .;. 0 40"t0 42 et fi il 2 ...O040" t0 40 Ir i , f 'e,. . . 00,10 8 ut ifTwo rowed 000"1 040 OAv, white le...... 030"et034 Ria, 'i .... .000"il,070 BUOikWEAT I......... .. 00 0 50 PSIAs, Blackeye, Vf buoh.. 0 00" 0 00 #1 Canadisu Beauties O 00 "0O W go Mummey " 0 00"et0 06 aiSma!i ' -,0 60 fi0 60 t'Biue ' 0 00 et0 60 CLOVER SEED........... 000 'a0 00 Timoruy Snzun.........o0 00,o«0 BuTTER, beet table, ý h.,0 0 teO018 'Kos, edoz............ 000 et0 22 P0rAvOBs, f bush,.......O 0'. O Ô60 41. This dcpartme of Dinner andTea cl.Lamps, etc. We have evey Th.n eï SDepa' 1 ý 1 -L- i- -L 1 - -L n-f- IF

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