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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1905, p. 8

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IThe Iirip Leav'es Thousauds i'l ils Path ~Wck, Nervo, 3 yspeptic, Catarrh Wrekse- Grand Trunk Railwav Svstem. RAILWA'T TIMB TABLX. BOWMANVILLE STAT.-iq GoIetr S, <oa Wl,ar Mail . 13 m20 1 m t xrs .. .2a. M, I~pee..10 10 ý bCa . ?. 57 - Mxd a39 pa. 1 Pmanger-1 36; p. om Local.,.",I.64Pun. IM'xed ,..723e k rss .0 p.. OInt3 Ronly ,Wttliapeisi hcbiday rates nanuonceclin anotle.r column will Dlot bclonored on triua 7.oS. 1 or 4, DDpend iUucon Rich, Red Blood-Poor Blood Means Weak Lungs and Fatal Consumption. ITHrE MASOiN Co.J j BOWMANVU LLE. INew Blats are Icre Our imported orde- of Chnistie's Rats are ready for >our inspec- tion, Christy 's Rats are the best Rats in the warld, The $Masoît Co. are soie Agents for Bowmanville. See t'he display oçf, these Rats in oun east window. New Goodib 'is i eeIi> I O immense Cases.of New Rats. T WO CÇases of Caps. Mi5s Wallon anti niece Miss Lizzie Welaer, Cobourg, visiteti Mrs. Thorue. Ladies anti gentlemen who taka Mil- ier's Compount I on Pille alwa'.s gnow younger in appeananca anti spirits. 1Solti by Stoit & Juryv, dti'-Egists Miss Wilson entertainpdt leMetiedist choir at tbe Parsenage Thurstiay even- ing. Moxe casesof sick heatiache, bilious- nsconstipaticn, cali e cured in ls - time, with lots medicine, anti for -less -noney, by using Carter's Little Liven ?iIlla, han by any othar means. Mr,. and Mns R Clemence, Kîrbyý ware recent guests cf Mn, J.ý M. Cobble- dick.- Are yen, indepentiont or have son a boss? Gel ont ef slavery- anti le -fre vVrite G. Marshiall & Co., Londoin,Ont., ati theN wilI sbow yeu the way Theu have starteti theusantis on the roadti t freedom. Miss Stewart. HPunmit n, who has been visiting Mrs. Lockhart, has returnad home. For- delicato womau anti chiltin "1Tbe D & L" Erulsion la aspecially suited. It 1s swaet anti palatabie as cream, easly digesteti anti o!fiahe neat- est value as a tonie aud tissue builtien. MisTait. Port Pe r. whe as been home A word of Gooti Crunse.-When1 da%. are bleak anti nizhts are long antid cold, keep Perny Davis' Painkillen in th 'noiéi!tIs te rÔUrf:rhfnl frieni1, ps Il was youn parents' friand. Extennal and internaI use. Miess Pîal iarco bas been visiting hongradmoherMrs H Pearce, Eew-1 manviiie.1 Wei.n s s ushfLe i ater -stenmin e the reifwe nobstinagte, Ipitiles cugtuhbas beeýn ètiie away by Allen's LugBlSaïI, NO oium in il, 'The geMtiafflectlai. ;Tale a bettie home wlth sou this <"la - TL, EDITOR'S REQUEST.' To enabha proser'î subscibers Ioe enti TuE ST-AIESMAN te absent membears Of tieý famls' wwi!l accOPt ~5 e We request avan >y per17Sen tesengi at ýLeaat onuneýw DnaIe 1ur 1905, Aidrese ail ordova to J AMES' PL ULIlMHI1 OlusMI, Bowmanville, Ont, DISTRICT NEWS.. ENFIELD. Mn. T. A McGillivray, Whitb has Miss Etina Reynolds, Scarboro Junec gone on a tnip te Cuba. tion, vlsited Mrs R, Pasede. . .. Mn. J no and Miss Montg-omery, Hampton, visit- Miller's Grip Powder3 Cure. Suld by eti Mrs. Silas Wenny recently. . .. Mn. (G, Stott & Jury druggists Stacey is home from Pagian,...Mrs. Mr. andi Mràý Joseph Ward. of Green- jas.Scott, sr., bias been sick but isim bank, celebrateti thein golden wedtiing proing-... Mrs J. Alexander is home recently, [romi Oshawa, . ... Miss Olive Nidtieny le Mîlen' Wrm owersarea ondr-vsng at HarmonY .... Sons of Eug Miler' Wom Pwdes ae awoner-landi annual ovster suppen was Wed- fui medicine for aliments of Cblîdren. nestiav night, three gallons of oysters Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists, vanshed.,.A sleighipg party fnom COl. J. A, McGillivray. Wbitby, de. bre attendetithe hard time social at livered a lecture ln Uxbridiga recontîr Enniskillan. . ..-Mr andi Mns. John Me. on 11My Impressions of theo Uoly Land." Culougli, sr, wlio have been 111i-are EVER USED> CLARK'S LUNCH much impnoved in health. '.1ONGUE ? Its deliclo s-so delicatelY CURED RîDNEmx DISEASE-Mrs. Fred. seaond-jst try lt-be sure jeu ask ts,1 it n-tPo lpOI for Ciarx's-pnice is îew. etates-"I was troubieti for some time bis Huer utig MeCrmmonantiwith kiduey tiisease, andi thougi I trieti Mrs MeCnîon. Whltby, hmoavegne a great many differeut medicînes nover Mrn a tlimon htbyto aeicoanti aucceedot iIn obtaining relief until I lie. Qýna tre moth' tiý)to iý6xicj'ndgan the use of Dr ChaÉe's Kidney-Liver éther Central,.American countnies. Pills. By lihe regulan useO f ibis pre.1 Aiwav>s aoldihareli purgative puil. paratien for a time I was compietaly They first etake yeou sick and thon beave cureti of kitinav disease. s'eu constipated Car;er's Littolie e Pis'negulate the boWels anti make jou fHAMPTO L. weii. Dore, one pili. Mrs, 'Maria Allia, nelictof the late W. At a meeting of South Ontario Agri- Aluin, 10 whose serions accident we Cultural SEodiety the statament cf assois, preçieusýly referred died at hen resîi- andi liabilities show a gain cf 82G3 for ence Tbunsday meorninýg The funerai thr past year. took place te tie B. C. cemetany Satun. If there even was a speciffe for- any day afternoon Deceaseti was twice one complaint, then Carter's Little marrieti andi baves, three chltinen liv Liver Pis are a speeffie for sick heati- each marriage Mr44s. J. Prouse, Brook- ache, anti every woman shoulti know lin; Mrs. J Avers, Lintisa>; Mn. J. tbis Vnly ona pli! a dose. Try Lihem WkaMas, Fred anti Louis'Allun, Rdv. A. Mangrett pureaced in thea Hampton; Mr Wlesiey Aluin, TmYrone, CongregationslChurchCobour,,uuidav Among thoîe who attentied from a on, "Sorne maioens who are gooti, but distance were : Mn. anti Mrs. T. Neal. net gootienongi." i Cianement; Mn. and Mrs. J. Prouse, Ifaiogbit ju dn'tli scret fantisouis, Brooklin; Mn and Mrs. J. Bfathe the oundwi oî't w ae atiAyers, Lintisav, Messrs. Cornisi, Osh- Bate hewond it cldwateh andawa; Miss Cornisi, Bowmanville; Mn. Cover t witb a oth f ond u. nu auoLukPuvdunj Cerae has beeu freely spread. The -rs. W. H Jortian, Bowmanvilie.. Carate nelievos the bain caused by the Mn J. Hi Burrows andiLitia Rusui are stîug cf insects. improvig.... Mrs. T. Burrows3 anti Mrs Mn. and Mrs I. Walters, Mn, anti J. Cowling, Jr. are confinai te the Mrs- S. 0. Emierson- "dntirM. anti Mrs.- house with savaee attacha of la-gripp&- Bllake Crawford, Pont Hope atteutietiMr. Jas MacDougali, Chatham, visiteti t1vD marriage ofl 1111 Aggie Mlay Ce bis wire anti infant daugliter lasi weak bunu, _ôîîrj t.1 àl, Chistophe . , The Women*s Instituttu will meet Ibis George Brooks of f3ookl3 n, YeOIç week on'rhursdav Mancb 2nti at home on Wednesdlay td'.jphn Kerslake. Subject for Specia1 oeWay zoius1oit from omvIot Billiage, Mont., 835.0 Cýlorada Bprjuge, Denve, Hs'nfu Mont,., Ogdan, Sait Lake City, Utt.4.39 Nelson, Itoseland, B. U', Spokane, Waeh, Portland, Ore- sett!H, Wmab,,VâncouV. er, VcolB. C',,$3& Ban Francisie, Caýl. ?15,05. Fwoportlonately low rates tLO othetýrpon, Tickets on sale from YMarch lito May .1511, 1904.1 For tickets and WnormatIon carl on Agent SItt & 3u2, Town Ag-entp' W, WOOd jJ>pot Tiokeb A t. 'discussian '~5-lfDn, and "lu-I -Sect Peste " I la 1.f'restedti la al J ceme pneparedt t answer tbé FH011 Cal by zi ving a 1-eîpful lint on tie sulijects nameti or a, . Iler useful thae J Tthose 'h avng the veariv reports wili I tiI diNe.s icuaseti thereîn AD having Lubrars' beoks Wi11 pli& bnlngit,- or i-cuti îhinm tethe Meetinug' 50that ethen ,membenrs mav get them ilu ex- change _The new bocks are expecleti ibj. that date. -Ail ladies invîtedt t meat- ing. Cerne eau l as meetinge opens ai 2 O'cieck. DRINK IS A DISEASfî. If yen know any on(ý who la addîtad 10 thex use Di lutoxîcatiugiliquor, tell ltim thae ha VI suffenlng trou, a disease Ithat eau readiiy ha cured Ic ooi4v noquires the dasira and rtsolva tosuccead. Write to the Leemlung, MillesCe., LIS., 288 St. James streat, Montreal, for ail paticulara lu regard to the uesof Dr.éMackay's5 à pecific for Alcobolism, that has had a remarie- Agie succauswih the worat cases. lu Toronto raoantly. Mr. Sumunerhays, Toronto,<gâve7au intereaîing addresi ou Home M1isi-,ns ln Sb. Savlour's Church. Anumnuber cf friands eonjoyed a pleas- -aut e-,nga Ir. Thoo, Cowan's nFj e- cently. OlsrlkaAgrncjultra1 Sboety are mai- lcg an effoîýt le as suffiolent funda for th uhe nEof wfar grounds. Already quita a large au has bean contribnited. MOrl-HER's ADVICE. "I woulti advlaa nichera te stop dos- Iug their liffle onea with nususou3 cas- tor oilI antisothlug saffs, anti use onîy Babye Own Tablais." This la theatid- vice of Me. Joseph E. Hanloy, cf Wor- thÎnuytow, Ont., who haa proveti the Tablete theboast me lhaine l inte wonid- for the troublas that affliet youug chu-ý dran. Mrs. Barley atd:-" My littho one a bad un ohar adiclue but tha Ta'blýa i ite eho fcas tw,, mont.hsold. and tbey have lept her the picture, of Rood heoalîh Thoae Tabieta ara good for children of every age, and Apeedlly cure aIl stomaich sud bowei troubles, break- up colds, -pIevent croup, expeL worme and ailay the irrhation ot teeth- ing. And you have a soiemn guaran- tee that thers laeflot a particle of opiate or flarwf al drug lu thia inadicine. Sold by ail dealers or oent, by mail at 25 cents a box by wrting The Dr. Wîii1- laru' meffdi~e, o., BrnckvilieOnt. Â-uC'TI1'q SALÉ. SÂTUZDAY M tu4t h-There will ha sold at se ats 'C- Wâsahington TerraŽe, th1r- le l te HnU8eoId eff, 8 cf h.ý t Vr.Thoma8 Robbîns. inclnduiti,. l, Dnn~ ,Becd- recru and K~hnfrîhn a a COOL- ai~" x tv nd Radiant Hom Padoo: cok e"iy new $Ie et u O*'clock' Terma e.. L . A. W . oa, Aoc. FRIDKv YTARII I0.=-Mr. Gao. Hart elIl seli b> 'cton »the. pram- iae13 , L't 10-0l '2 fltr ý on, the whole of bis FarniSttkanDÎimpiements. Sale, st one o'elticl. Seo Bille, L. A. Toie, Anet. per cent wouîa impose an extra tai ci $l..50 te $1.75 on the fencingrequireti for an average fartr Nor would the rural communuty suifer culv te the extent e! an ixîcreaseti expense te those who have t0 fence, buta great deal cf farm jin- provemeurt woulti lie delayeti for man, years, which would operato strougly le keùeping tiown 'the ,va1qýe cf lant. hathen tban impose a tari f on Nos. 9, 12 anti 18, smooth galvanii3'd -eire as blas beeef proposed, it would ha mach sa? an policy te remeve the preselut duîtv ci 20 pen cent on Nos. 7 anti 1L If tbis wene done, the revenue wouid net enffler for th6se grades are net extonAv-elý impenteti,but if thay wara free a stronger anti more satisfactnry tance couîti ho obtaineti without enhancing the cost. MAI'LE GROVE. 11ev, L. S. WigIft, Tyrene -ary abus occupieti the pulpît Sabbath afterneen ln interest cf the Etincatîtual Funti pneaching fncm "But Ibis cne thing I do etc. be le a very foncaf nI speaker ana ilbe aeways weicome. at ivaple Grove Mr. Arthur W Annis, T>vro,e, aceompanied hm .... Mr. W. (U. 'rark gave avery fine report of thp Tew~prance Convention in Toronto at League andi Mlr. Jno--.Mindavdelegate-from iSunday Sclxool reported nice4 Sundax naorfÀPng ...Mr, Step4~n Mui.da'. andi bride visited at Peterboro, They returo home this week . ... As Souch withi ber sister Mrs. T Power; Miss Ethel Wil kins, Oshawa, at home; Mr an'! Mrs. Fred Lyle. town,, t Mr. Win MCRe4 - nodl Snockil Deu M.andf*nyvstcrs JnodS ProkbilDare n.andtfieWr 'ît Oshawa Frida'.; Mrs, R 1), Srnowdeîx and children visiteti ber inotbex Mrsi R. Brimacombe, town, HOW'8 THlS-? We olVtie Vna indred Dolla--qrt ward fnr i là 'anaof Catarrh tla t eaut hae-ured hy RaIIfýtý1aarrh Cure. F. J. OHENFYI& C,, oao, 0. We. ýibe udiindbave kiiewn PF. Cbnyfrthelat years, anti believe hlm perecty hnorbleii, a!l business transaction's sud Snacially a ,Ie c crry ont auy obligations made by biLS frm., WALDING KINNAa & MARvIN, Wholesale Druggiat», Toledo, 0. ïlall's Catarrh Cure la taken) intarnaliy, act- lng direet!y upon the blond and mucous surfaces of thesystew iTestimonlalas ent free. Frice 75 cents per bottle., Sold by all Drogglasa. Take HaUli4famiiy Pilla for conatipaion. SUAR-BEErS P-AYU OVER 800, GROWER-S HAVE THUS FAR'RE- NEWED THEIR CONTRACTSý FOR THE COMING-SEASON. WRITE US FOR CONTRAOT FORI AND WiVE WILL SEND ON£ FOR YOURSIN TýURE, OR, See OUR CAN-VASSER IN YOUR DISTr- RICTý AND HE WILT GIVE YOU FUL. INFORMATrION. SUGAR P ULPàlaIS 0F BEETr VALUE for Stock feeding and is given te beet growerS in propor- tion to amount of Beets delivered. in Berlin for pulp, to any grower who does not wish hJ.s pnip for ]Lis own use for stock feeding. BEET SEED IS NOW READY for growers and will be sent to the grower's shippîng station. SEND IN YOUR CONTRACT'NOWI, THE ONTARI SUGAR ". IMTD BERLIN, ONT. In the Mardi numnér of The 1louse- The March- number of The Suuse keeper some sensible menus anti Plans Magazine contains an article on On)r of entertalument fcrSt. Patrický's day1gofls Great Cente-,nnial wit'h i~r are given, Hints on plaanning a eew- 1 tius 9f tieînanv fine buildings ii ingoom gadenn-- halt- o ciiUrncourse of erection Tho bfuseS cf CRI ingoom gadenngheatho chlt1enifornia, the-Hh- Schooisand man dre.samakens, etc., make up a rnostco- î other interesting eauesc tsî piete and interesting- number. Thiepa f sunsbîne oihavre. f OAi<l Housekeeper Corporation, M!inne;apo'is. 1 roading makot a gooti number, Pric Minu. Clubbed with Tin S-rA-iEbmAN1SIpet' Jar. Addre3ss iýuseF 43 t Cgl for 81.60 pei yjean. JfotiIA St., 3,Fun Ia. 'Rl. j e '4 w -stoltt--& -- - - 1 -t --t ý-t 1 xxir ý a -- - - - - - - - - - - F- ý 1 1 -r, -L -r i 1 i

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