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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1905, p. 6

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Gen. Kuropatkin Both1 MWILL 130 FORCED TO RlE-TREAT. A despatch brois St. P'etersrburg says: Ila nlong despatc r.bIosusDoný Konropatkia, wbimm w as urse 'bore on Thtirsday, the Crnrnaîdor- iu-Chief of the aîsuy ilie Manchuria givss Coails s!varions ttari-s hi the Jupanoso the past bouv d;ssty, ais' n Uuuldren despatcb r-ccîved utmidd niglréir.icahesa a -omîtÀmuailoisof the atilery duel, buntneb rem- port t1hncxs any liglrt upos the min- üreci Intention of (ton. Koasopatkin ho xitih-di-auxnorthward, uhicli bas uie'the gosuip of St. Petersbnrg fou the, lat two days. A speriai deo sî'atmb mýec-eivdTburusday aiglît cou- cludcs vwith this aignificanît sentence' -W ithin two wooks yen mny expeci gi-ont cvents." The 8iherianu Rail roadis abaout ho base a fîsmîher burîCcrt imposei uî'on it. ianeiv, ibut. of beding tlb resident con-cornbntnumt poupslations The stocks cf provisions in Irkubsl, anCl othot- tewss lus Silseria wero no- nsq larg;e as sîsual ut the begimîuimg oc tewintem, ansd ni-o aow rannîng low, Tl'ise Goverunient bas hecu inforrc i thut provisions niust be lroported bý j thse ailrou)ad or towns wiii lie facE te i faie wit h nîîouîin a fort- sight. 'This xiii necessitute som,- Cîelay lisilb-e foi-wardiuuug ef nil 111r:ý supplies, urbicli are seoi uy er-eci cil Il,,m- rseut moment. jThe position of Ccii ICotiropahliun'b amusiy la u-gaded nas being nmore oi r bas crihicas. The i-cal tasniug maoveo ment wbich (Don. Kurokci la eperat- r ing in there nintalors 40 niiles east- ward of Mukden seémssa o ho naking progroas. and at the sailLe ins- Fie1r id Mum;aI Oyamna is aise roll fu] banclb- uss-5ian lbit muile, pourid- lms ixxayah tise Russian rentre witb ilravy higb hpouvor anus. Po-tilil and '-Novgorod Milîs luavoe, -nsnh jc-ted 'te a contineuç. liii e -da:y busbacdunc'nt fliilouvîui lii ,î ni nais- tri alhack, the aau ua is being feu-ced to etmuielux uuLrse tboir shelier trenches. Sos.e of tlb R-tssian ncwspnpor orspouideuil anlicipatu- an attorupt ho tusîro hc bJis by storm. POSITION PIECAiIOI S. The most imaportanît îsference cr b,' ciaxun Irom Ces. Kauropitkiii', meition of figiliiîg in the nighbbee bro-J of Tasmagusha, xsicb thc mapassowix t 15 or 20 smiles of Ibu maini pasa in the Taliig M nst,rs anti 15 smiles in a bee lieue frcym Fu- shunm, the centre oif the itussian eIt. This ronfiunîs the J spanesse rellurtu of the pregresofltlie lniîîg issove muent eat of Mnkd'iu, anC shows that th; svictorsatahTsl'nkbucren adVuuscoî rupjc1ly' for ivo days, leavlng Taliisg behiîîd thessu. Familer wecst, but stil! in therniounlaii,,, the Japauiase are ut Cautulîng. on asothier nous boa ing ho Fushuni. Tliey have evi- deitiy driven tise Rîmsians fson their ucaisu position in the passanis they are aise wiîbhin about 1!5iilles ef Fuïs hues. If <i-ou. Linovilch is oblii"-c to abanden ushuIsn il is ho- lies eàl bal the -w bile Rnssianm aii su ill hoelanaa not pi crions posi- TUYîNG TO CHFý,ClK KUROKI. Hcen. Kouropahki is la mkiîg clos- puetfliets ho chýcSkîmmCuri, cose cfwhserlui-sis as aucccoeced in Wci1-n reumud lIe oxtrense Russisîr bot udreiruorcemienîssbave boom t1lespatched in a nin) dsOryrer- tiun. leu llenuîrcp,,tt up 1 is siouxlu rriinfugllsngl takisig usvug cf tise ,broken, hilly cenîni,,andr coutesiîîg cvcry chantlge of gsoand. W hile the Japane-se au-oe eideitly nuahi luiprogreas, tlucre la rsolhing r e ytho indicate thal Field Mifarahal OYeisý inxiiisucceod ilusiaficting a demis lue blow even if-ho forces Kou- ropuhkin te abandon Makcion. Ac- comdiuîgte the reorets cnrs-ont, The Mammoth anid the Mosquito Wbtbc8e eps athusnao For -putthg the hlood la order, sud as a tissne-builder anC tenic for Ibese woakened by ceughs, colds, cabasrhgip nebhiug whl build oee11P quicker thamu Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This ia a med- icino suado catirelY ef rmota and barba, witbo11ut the useC of alcobol. Dr. Pierce's Medîcal Adviser is sent free on receipt of tamnpa te Pay ciutotua and -aizngOni>. Senld 310ens-ent Campa for paer c r 50 S: Lamjpra fer 0cl bind.un, te LDy, R. V. EP«îça, Blaalo. N. y. MY INPEI 15 :oufflatnked on Wings. wbicb ave net, however, conflrmied hi the Bar Office, the witUdrC-nxals of stores anC supplies aorthward d frein sîkden is alreýaciyweli unrber .- May. The War Office insists Ibat, ane matter what the sesuit of the r- mainder of the action, the Japanese bave agalus heen t100slow', anC that -Konropntkin bus mnade sure of bis dUe of retreniz. Except the nmoral cf- -fort of nnothcs mtirernent the War Offime cofficiais dembumo tha t-be aban- Coer omîteltise pesemît winter quus- A PIi n Time will save a serious sickness, especially te people subject to Bilious attacks, Siclc Headaches or who suifer fromn Stornach disorders. A pili in need is a friend indeed , and you should neyer be without a box of Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. even for those în robust health. Take ShiIoh's Coisumpýtion Cure. the Lung Tonic, ft is guaran- teed to ci re any cough. Your mnooey back, If ItI cloesn't. ceuraging words that- you have in yeur theuglits? Ulness you express the- they are of no use te ethers. Why don't y~ou. try to share the burden of that sorrowful one who worl, s besicle Von? Is it hocause you are groxxing selfish? Why don't yon take more pains to, be self-sacriflcing and loving in the everî day home 111e? Tinie is rapid- ly Passiîîg. Veur dear ones will flot be with you alwavs. Why 'don't You create around yen an atmosphere of happinezis and heipflness, so that ail who corne 25c., 50c. and terO 9 laI net this possible? IN 11LYING BLAINKETS. clips granulated sugar, hall cip Jn buving w<-,l hienkets, get the sweet creami and 1- teaspoon buitte~r beý5t imakes, but flot too heavy. Be- unf il the mixture ixili harden wlien fore using at al, cnt apart and blad stjrred on a cold disb. lIai e ready the i aw efiges te correspond w ith 2 cul)'iS ]uXe d fliinely chopped the upper eueés: thoen foliew the Eng- raisilîis, citron and at lenst threej lish lîousekeeper'a custoni of coi ering varjeties of nts. Stir jute- the hot the end of the blanket or coinferter 'ters eimiaates- a great danger -te ***0*01 K AJ 4,-7%o miuirre, and stir uuuîî stif. ELne a that coînes next the face of the the hcaith of the arnîy se seen a baking poxvder can w 11h w axed paper sleeper w ith a strip of thin mauslini rthe warni weather sets la. as ________________ and presthe mixture loto it. Le or cheese cioth, which cao be readily I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~stand ever nightitnl a coid place.reacd be soid Awolba * JAI'S PRiESS FORWAJID. SM IEY IE. trooto hecnadc t int lre s nover lmproved by w ashlng,1 SOINI TIMEY RECPES. thin sheet, rolling each la pewdered and should be kept as imamacilate as! desatlilrm oki sys A- ernReis.-encup e cra(ctigrpossible. Dry cleanslng is the only! vic es frinthe fr adnt to isy:Ad of eis.Ttheuso Cr' etproper w ay te reuevate a w 001 blan- tvJiese amurte hadu litnhris ohw rom cob), ten c'ups of cabbage chop- BEDS ANI) BEDPING. ket. These witb cetten warp stand itha h Japaniiesein\acvity howheped fine~, fîvo rcd peppers (large) wsig uhbetter. d tatth Jpaiese ctviy n hechopped flne, oaa-half gallon vinegar, It la net se gonerallv known, but wsigmc ýc epdreme rigbt continues. That xing tbree tables noonfuls of suit, three, this is the approved tinie for bnî ing i. la pressing forward and is disio'dgiug cups of sugar, four tablespoonluls of' new or renexating oid mattresses as SOREO fPL OSND k. the, Enssians. white inustard seed, two tablespeon- ,well as linens. ln bul lug aew mat- UCE0 STPL POSN . ýt, A despntch feau heafiquarters says: fuis of ceiery seed. Mix theroughly tresses, those made frein- pure South nAamiflodtonPeeti if --O(ur f orces in t ho Singking (Yen- and cool, ene-liaif heur. American hair are the best. This ilas nAanigCniinPeeti doCn) direction, after eccupying Birthday Cake-()no-half cnp of taken froma the niasses and tala of lVany Places in Canada. How, d Tsingbecheng (Tsinketchea) la new butter, eue cup of suigar, eue haif wjld herses, ils thon roileci, steansed Best te Correct It. y pnrsîîîng the enemy neithward. We cup of milk, eue and eue-hall cupa of and curled. The second beat qnality se capturcd large quantities of previs- fleur, one teaspoonlful ol bakiug pow- i5smade ow-Rh au udmixture of piga- Many people ail1over the Doinin- - sen at Tinghohong.der, the w bites of four oggs. x ý(1 Ourfore a Ilnsh is radall asusul, lavo wih oe-hlf ea-but isanet as spriîgy anCdees flot 1snreiy, and that by their own care- yrdlCli the eaosny frees bis posi- speenful of vanilla. anC hall t he last as long Jute Ils nade frms the 1~îes Lt tlouu 13 miles uot-stofl Bentzia- grated' rind of a lenson. Onue Pound mess tisat cernes fmem sonthera 'lThe.bfo n y be pure, but diges- pitze uand freon anothuer position i-ev- of London lay(m raisins, oeehall trees. Exciesior i.. letter andl more'l tien is net cempîcuee, and ail that s i on miles nortb west. The first pesi- Pound sultanas, one-isaîf ponnd ef reliable than asytblng excePt the la snet digested rets and fermrent, r tien is four miles west of the dates (chopped) oeehall Pound of bair. Cotton either aileofe the ex-lgiviug off theo moatvilent poisons. -second. ()nur force [las pre.ssed the lugs, oee baîf Pound of blanched al- celsior is coîsfortable, but far lrem: enciyiîu'twad i he ha Ric~monds, ene-eighth peuud of citron, sanitary, as cotton la a stroug ab-lWhat was iitenÂled to austain 111 andhasoculi(dSunnuaccu, ia sheded;ou-fourth Pound of eau- norbeut and bola the exhalations really turus liet that w h'ih e- g e(hiîni-,tiitn. andi Suilhupoattz. thr-ce dled orange and ieoin peeî together, from the body. For this sanme reas- Tetre 11ea eo hebd l Le miles nerth ef Wito Mountaiîi shredded. Use an additienai csîp of on neither cotten pads uer ctton 5h tlemera8serelth e ey ipa -Te "(ý'Yhs nn ied*adflour te dredge the fruit. Add fruit blankets are adîlsable, unless liglit lti sr9 oge. Eeypr 1- hea ieîuy bans mu led a te the dougb, bake in a paper-liledi enoogh te be frequeiitly laundered. IticlO of undigested fied lies in the h the ay lopd e uns on eithe adf cake pan, having tube lu the ceuter. A mattrCsa shotild alw uys have a SoabaiBwl.sbett iis jihe raîlrea, or! our uue, ndBakêeila aslow oven. Ibuttoîîed cever te keep eut the fCul! thistensperaturo, wiich ila as high I i uw htlig s.Imperiai Cake-Que îouuid of su- rou the beddiiîg and dust fremn the las 'ii the sun on a bot sumîner day. j iLOD I VTLS.gar, oeePound of fleur, three-qiiar- fleor, aud yet âîth the Lest of cai et isa net necessary i o explain how y BLODYrýA'71'ES.ters pouad of butter, eue pound of mattresses should be taken apnrt jqnickly snch heat v. iii deceni#pese 1- A desîîatch frein Russian rmy anid înhd n n iî* and-tiiorougily rloandod nce lu tbreonCiato, ibraimlo e i' Bleadjuarters, Hnun Mouintain, bipudo irn ouie-quni'îor or feur i eaî-s il they he on a beC table. 0sna s: Aller an all-night baIlle, the punad- caudied cherries, ene-hall that is occipied overy uight. The Stcnîacb and Bwcsmust be 0 iRussian forces wbich seized the rail- pennd of seeded raisins, rîud and t is ne longer consldered a recoin- set riglt-Ant1-il iii lli do it. Dr. S rond bridge acreas tbe Sha Riverl juice of eue lenson, tw'o pieces of can- mieudatien te sxxeet sinuiber te know Leonhiardt mnade bis Asti-Pil apeci- e reire, aterhavng iesroyci heldie ornge on nuine, tn egs.that 'thiis ilsthie bed (lrandpa Jones ficaily te correct tesle conditionis, maetie frtiiainds areyefu;Thsdiod orge e u nntng, teî egsdied ln, Grand Aunt Penelope bad and it lias nover bnile.i wbea gisen Japeed fortificaions, atdthe wfr hi a er elcon aî xii eeber streke lu, or that ail the cbîld- a fair chance. thr ndofte rige ndthoxn1o ha vo occupied it in turii,' unlessi the Japancse forces tiiere iute con- Vanilla Wfr,-Cream ene-tbird ,5t0bs cesnts. AilCe., Liitd, Noagara s- ster.a-tion. Tise Japanese bses cup of butter; add oe cup of Sugar, oei esnbysr hti a .so - wore hoavy. oue xwell beatea egg, eue-bal cuî,o o'lfmuacadtoof'glly laîs.<Ot. Sole agents fer Canada. .e The attack 5n uOC bridge began at mil and tv 0 teaspoonînîs ni vanilila. picked apart anC clanused la the 8 o CerTiieday eveuing. linder Misu and attvo 'anC ono aill cups nteim. Snietfer "old-iimes"' cesor f aheay bîubrdne'st b su sake shouid cul ne ice ln the nate Old Lady7-"The muiiter doesn't fllsiege and mou-tam batteriles, i'bVePo'N;te u uua e 1- ~well and set eut te c hili tbomoughi5 l'e bod in a sare roosu that la bring bis littho girl te cbumch nox." s nd ssi n gc hs eur i e, h i o ward, for a couple f hurs. Lay ee- e l c asonly l p n n y n t m other br ught er s ho 'said ight alunC cesing ythe, bridg e, lîc wasquarter, of the smixture on a board, .neediakiing (ver of Lener thon one,eut Tond, 'Why niamma, ounenver -liatodb toJaaes eaciadding fleur to provent atickiug; moll in toîs or tw-elx e yoars. The regua- lot papa do ail the talking at 't liht, reve baclk thle defenders anîd ti a ae h oeao oe.tiens of tihe board of bealtb uiew de-i eccîupicd rthe rbr end of the Tisese lok well cnt inte henmt or I nand the cjsifection of ail beddinîg hm. 9bridge. There tise chasseurs throw îanc-y -abapes. in rases (I tuberculosis anC other uP asy son n e, yt ho need HOPE FOR INEBRIATES. up baty enmoucmonîs anC oon cotch Weodcock.-Six bni-d-bolled Consnucal _disease vt edrove the Japaniese frein thoir de- -eggs coamseiy chopp ed, tsve table- frmores vatieniis oftesi quilte as groat lences at the end Of tuie bridge. An spoonfais of butter, eue tablespoon-ý' ntolcmusonlo ibn. The enly conditions required for the boum lateî- other chasseurs rusbed fnuieof ioieu abrpMuuho ille the olul ime discomfortndcef anieraewthD.Mca' acress the bridge and sei7ed anid for- aubox y -paste, haif jiitof e milk. ao lbaiî ittesmns1 pcfe eiieae that ho desires te i tl:C tickétoposteLniiuig, pinrîs of cuveune. Cook butter and. 'lma CIoî hboue oc ured, and that ho wililabstain- from evrosîig ssnicfwi btsfi-rteehrutilPo-rnbend soreddbte geurl establish- driuking for alfew days while taking « sanCd ivime outuugesïents, sud blew milk and stisunutil ssiooth. Put inmntwee ail ssîch xx ek la (loue, the treatment, 'Write te the Leening, up the Japaneso reîIoutts5 The ar- the auschovy p-ustu and edyOnus an theî-e are aise disadvautages con- 1 Miles Co., Ltd.. 288 St. Jaines Street, ti~ry Spt p 1the bosubardasoît, eue minute lnter the eggs. Simsner I nocted W ith the present suetho Ca Un- Montreai, for bull particulars. A 1 I anC succeeded by idigbt ia de, three miutes anC sersve on toast. ibs oee as absolusto confidence la communications private. nîolisbing the -Japausese s'carchighl-tg. Brown Apple Padiog.-Pnt a layerý the uphoîstercu- there ils the ]liabiiity Thon a ct4bbor-n figit la -the (lark- Of appio sauce in bottom of pan, of hnving -ood bair replaced by in-CLDCMOT ne.amIs begnui, the gleoin beling but sxxeetenanadi season w itb a littie nul', ferler produets, or even' rasa o OMO esligbrly ïlleviated by the pale lighit meg. P'ut sus a lay.ýer of bread cumba other refuse. Evon lu firat-class os- Nervens OiC Lady (en seventh ri f te sarsandfli, rfletio frm ten noter f aplesaue ad cn-tablishments theme is the nnpleasaust Coor ef hotel>-Be yen know xvbat el te sai- an Ile relecionbres tonan thon abanr ead rms i ca-eficien that lieds from atidions precautieus the proprietor of the rifseiiA e Japtnesexpboon oftlthe pan ila f ull. Uis lontv of suga, bouseholda are apt te coirse lu cous- jbetel lias takon agaist lire? hil. Te aaeebouh p anC bake. To be eaten w itîs ureaus. tact xvth those from objectienable! Porter-Vos, mnim; he bas the place their qiok-ime ginus and lorced the jCning Dried Beef-A tested recie public rosonts or sioveulv f amulies, inshoored for twico w-et il's xorth. - iluSSians te abandon tho tîsucet, 1for cnriîsg diod beef is as foleus: naccsnditions of affaira that can aarce-, (froin -.-ich position ctoe apanüe For everi- 20 lb-. of licol mix ther- ly ho gnarded agaiîîst any moro than Cprocceicd te boinliardthue rogimenha f ene-b1 ipint Éfne sait, 1 loaspoon the bit-or-nîlisa style of a geni a FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. beliug heiundofthîe bridge. The s altpetor and 1 lb bmewu suguir lndy Ocsealy asemmn rs. Winslow's SSothing Syrup bas ifigbt was deaperate anC 'ut Close Divido this inta tl.ree equal ars may ho Iouuîd w-be xil coense te the been1 used by millions of niothe4 for *qUmniters. T1he J apuu1-a' usheyl up and rmb w ell mb tisel beef on titree bouse and dIo the w ork is the oldfthrchd-ewhltetig fis h- v beavy commu of rieuforceinecnts andC successive dais. Lot tb le la the way, hut Ibis is the-exception, netIjturbed at aight and broken ofy-u i liarged 1opeatcdiy nemacosthe river, brine il nuakes, turning pe'u- evrytbe mule. lIn the sîseaiff cthe ut- ethyasc cidsflrn ucr- 0 sioig ioIe xxilb lime bcdies of day. Ia a wxeek il is reudy te bang most came sbeuld ho takon te see -n with pain o utn etsn hluei cl. At dawu the Russjans u1P, Rang il lna adry place, oily that the w ork is sent te n eiible utmn e od f Cu bttleeth, sn reLu-oCd acrossa the river, cnrryino- uutil it is tbrough drippiugn hnme establishmient, Wbemo overy safoguardinso' otigSmpfrCu Isei- wouunded, butat in n 100 ùýad i meve te a cool pince, if possible, possible is atlosded. Ide etsg twl eiv h bc-bid. xvhere il xxil net freoze. The ceilar- 1j pn eerlti n.erer ilmesaely.the The lînssianS wou-o exultant over wav xill answem if netbiug btter is WR1Y DON'T YOIT. ipend upte tusois, îerer iis nael e theloses nniteýjupo th jaan-availabie. Tt inolds on the outside Wby dont yen auswer your Iurid's Imiatake about it. Tt cures Dlarrhoea, te ae hs Inflclyanupe th Jap nisvxai-ni wealhem, but la easily trlm- lettem- ut oîe twl aedul te .once Tt illhavedoube -gulates the stomach anC bowols, oela the ighaly mbued off and the inside is jnst rignt. value if writeni promptîy, anC wili je id oisfen h us figlit. ~~On the npproach of spriug put a taienemrtenxvtabyad idCicsftsth Gu, remuretim w thnb n reduces Inflammation, and givos tone close mîmlin paper bag over it. bv adeeg o h hl ytm TRAIN ROBBER CAIJGHT. A New Confecticc-Boil togetlu'r 2 Wbdn'io maotermad eorY etbî loe sytm _____ W___ vi don-te tht inaidthe la oied-Mr.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Fored Frm Ms Ilffig Plce y --visi tethatinvlidSheis lok cbildren teething ils picasant te the « Forced reinfHsmiiPlacx b ing for yen day aller dny, anC hopei:taste anC la the prescription of one Attck f Snaipo. uv ;~Wrni~ defeîmed miakes the beurt siek. et the oldest anC best lemale physi- A Vancouver doapatch savs:-Bnill iDïur Liveris 0WUiUli X b don't yen send away that lit-f ln n ussl h lie Mineu, the CanaCiln Padific Railuvi i l î tyu' pannng Prestwn thventea train mobber, bas been cnptnmed la Vnm i wrnn ' iIUPY More kplannilntions noverts. cc twnt-vcet a Washingtons State. The Pinkertosa IuUar LIng ll ve er kid itetios nV ncom- bottie. Sold by ail druggsts tbmongh- haehiicraldi aiwecpliâb any gond. ont the worid. Be sure anC ask for bav bis oraild ii cbis whom Atorpid, inactive liver goes hand Why dont yon speak ont the on- P'Mrs. Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup." hoe is siuffeiuig rem amalîpox. Thev i hand wth constipation. Sncb a________ saisIt hob anC tu-o others beld UP chronic conîdition requires a systeni- thIe Canadian Pacific express at jatic effort te overcome il simd estab- THE BABDY OF< HM L annîmer. Ris compaiiens wentîîîdi- Baih gotid heaîîb and perfect body Bili ousness and ~TB roctly over the lino. Miner deutiledi drainage. Smith's Pineappie sud Pierre Forget, a MN1ontreal Cen-. back, aîîd iii spite of police searchors l. tenut Pilla, couslaimîiug the lwo U N; ail aroîuîd hlm lis c quietly alooneèeded eienmeîsts te increase liver ac- T* riVMMLi tenarian, Wili Dance 1 rieaî the acouso of the crimne until ho ltivity anCdninscimiar action go accu- e ,A Moutreal Cespatcb snj s:-iMr. took 111 xihh suiolipox anC baC ho[ rately le lime luggish liver anC bow-1 Pierre Forget, 10~er fae n seok, frieuîdsli Washingtonî, xvborc els, restoring (boni conmpeely. Head ache and stomnach bis xvlfe, ubo la 96, colebaled onI vit ho was discovcîe-oC is ahane o! theo Sppseyour howels failed te meve tobesaeWecisosay the 7utls aituni', ,anry of boot1- suas .$4,000. The, rew-a-fr foSuppoe o e as oi' rulsaethorougrhly their marriag,_onJ - - hlde th, héeis 300.kiiow you would ho quickly pros- oured by Dr. OI-ase's deuxn tethue fiftb geisemnution joined t êtmutu,5 ? Itlils jual the sa-ie, differimg -w ith them ims-n ukn The old MILNER WOULD MOT STA-Y. ini degrce, whon your bowels do nlot Kidney-Liver Pilbs. gentlemnnls a blle ic ear, bun, 1 meve at loaI once a day. Yon know apamh Irom tha', he i-s rinuarkabiy Enri Seiborne Succeeds Humi in yen soon becomie languid and lirod, M, RoGpaas CLANCY, farmer, Chepiito've, s oung for hii bars. Hoc tak-es a waik South Africa. your blood gels baC and yen feel BrucCouuity, Ont., mtises: "I1 have uued Dr. Ouitside aliuuî'os ev C ay. j Adespatols Irons London says:-Ih menus anC sick ail ou'mr. Volu sheîulld, Chaue's Kiduey-Lîver Pis, and wonld say tisai "l4 bas oltenui bppencd tb rie te i,,ýoffcialy ainouicel tht tý Eal hve aful, helth pasagethere il no moedic.ue that equais tbema as a cure is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ efiilyamene htts alhv ui eib asg a il Y* for stomnach troubles, hiliousuess, torpid liver j say," ho observeul, my Cauigbter, go iof Seîborsie, First LesrC of the Ad- Den't lot sefieus conditions de-oiop. sud headache. i was s,-nbled a groat deal with h el l onu- Cuughs-sr that ber dangln- \' rîniratv, aucceeda Lord Mimnes, as Srmtl's Pinoappie anCd- ]ittorsnt these ailmeuis hefore using, Dr. Chases Kidney. ihcr5s rhild ils mmyiisg- My suife is 96 lu Brit ishb Rigb- Connuissioner in Sen tb Plls wil drive bowel poison eut of Liver Pis, aud <bey have provoën woumdîerfily j enr_çf a', btilselae flro A h soap is flot Pure S-ioap That is the reason why $5ooo.oo reward will be p aîd by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who can prove that contains any form of adulteration whatsoever, or contains any in- jurious chemicals. Shrunken weolens, frayed linens and sore chapped hands are evidence that ail soaps are net pure soaps. Sunlight Soap is guaranteed te be a pure soap. Dealers are authorized te return purchase money te any one fanding cause for complaînt. Sunlight Soap is equally good in hard or soft water. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 1001 t Thoreas easy, goad washIng ahead for the Sunlight Maids ait home WITHOUJT Pain, Danger, or Tine From Work by the WONDERF{JL DISCOVERY of an emainent Toronto Specifalist J. R. KETCHEsoN, EsQ., Justiçe of Peace, Madoc, Rastîngs Ce ',' ~'1-~., Ont., whose portrait here Appears, Io cured at 88 years, by the SraDscovery of the Rupture Speclit, Dr. W. s. Rice, 21 East uenS.(Block 5m5 ), Toronto, Ont. To ail Ruptured suifer. ers, wha write ut once, Dr. Rico will send FREE, bis BOOK, "Oaa RuptEure be 0DON'T READ THIS. a Every Day is Bargain 1,7a y 0At the F eople's Fuel andL Lumber 'DepJot'15 We are -stili handing BDest Brande Canadlian Cements, British Columbia Red Cedatr and other good , Brands Cedar and Pine Shingles, Pine and Hemlock *Lumber, Dressed andi Undressed, Doors, Sash. blinde and Mouldîngs. Freeli Mined Scranton Coal, Cannel Coai, Steam S Coal, Charcoal, lard and Soft Wood ' Long, Sawed and Split, Slabs, Edgings, Land Plaqter, Fine and Coarse Sait ln barrels and sacks. We always aim te give the best value at reasonable. prices. llighest Cash Prîe S paid for Grain and Seeds. King St East Bowmanville. *Wanted, A Gîood Agent O FORt * The OLIVER Typewriter. O Over 100,000 of these machines have been sold in tJpie United States within the last few years at, the, saine price which is being charged for any other standard typewriter.< 5 This proves conclusively that the OLIVER le the very best 5 machine made regardiess of price. O As there ls now in Montreal a iactory devotel exclus- O ively to the manufacture of this machine, it eau be bought # in Canada for the same price at which it is sold in theO United State% without adding from $25 to $30 to cover duty O S and charges as do alt other stanhard writers. O This should be a very attractive proposition to any purchaser of writing machines Apply t6 the 0 CANADIAN OLIVER TYPE WRITER CO a183a'St. James St., Mont--real. wedrling li tbroe e ours. MNy wtifeanC 1 viii ho proent ho dance a stop ah Lh relebiatien." ORANGES WERE BOMBS. Were Insported Imb Russia Fruit Boxes. A St. Petersbunrg dcspatcb sai a:- Vast qsîantitics o! benîba are boiîîg suorted lusto Ruissia. This Cisrev- ýy w-as acci<lentally made by the istoma a mhhorities a£ Wirbaben, Russiasi Poinf, iho opcned au or- miary fruit box niunlseC ',oranges- nC baund il conlaiîe d a bundred sînnil benîbs. scores ef siilar-ii boes bave been ceng is f or u os and the antbom-ities leur they are nl- renduswidi distributed. The bomba§ are siot of the hiypeo f those useoC y the teror-sha. They. arecimore liko biaud greunades, ancd il la theuugbt possible that tbey wre jîsbcus led for disýtribntioss apiong the51mb-es-s as wonpens xx 1h w hicb te figlît the troops. The effortîs made, by the po- lice te tlnC the pholters bavsç as yot been smavailing. Magnale after a paueo-"Asa ýcompîosssiso, -would y ou acrept the Sdaugbl or?" Want your moustache or beard BUCKIHOII~M'S DYI ~ ~eautUpI browa or rIçi1bi~ck~-use anar qiaea am~sra euîs.~ su..u.a ç A About the Il A A El A HnuuQe A

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