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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1905, p. 3

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Doctors raiged and ivrs. I¶uw- fmcw xi-cls, ccriîng i-c ecices ce-- don nover expected to be weiI cived et tié Immîigraion Dopant- agaîn - Dr. Ohase's Oint- i-tent. About twi--itliousarîd have ment cured. gcsce thliîgi alcea dy, hui thile rsha MRs. W. RowDNo, North St., St. Catharines, freini-heotciiion ide is onîî le ts in- Ont., states :- For thirty yeart I was scverclyitil tages. Phf,,SLns on affictefi witb piles wbidh gave me sucli Fr0' - paiea, hi s stai-efi. are- ooied i-e Ion cd torture tliat I difi net expeci- te ever ha i-lie lia-ti-forçcks aisafi. Tic leaaz ave been treatesi by physicians immigrentsuthila-haegn -iocgh who have grown gray s-i tac are veux' iar.cs1 Briishait, -- in the praclice et mcdi- asrnlirigo cf Ns-Ofin. those ine without obtaiuing ih relief. 1 dent supposete aeceming tei-,ercliinatung there ever was a more clouas-lt w iii ho, Ftglisi-sýpm3'akiag, t ' discouragcd sufe raeirbut tien- xili aIse ho inmev Clici-J atus audsl ensuans gumcg i-o jein i-le IFiually 1 was fortun.cooisarayetbshd y er ae enoug ite coma led salihf yihi acress Dr. Chase's kiosmieil i-lte West. -Oin tment ansi after us' Iga few boxes my Meudie-' 'Have yen ses-n Millie long-standing coinm.- -,,plaint departesi and 1 Sncre aie dame bnci te i-ewn?i- 1ý u e rraeey- olg"Yaas." Muliu--'lon' ls h tn abox 1 would net le yw .sis ievciih-a D.Cbas's inîment la tle 'anly guaranlead jtgniy,"i-lai- Voit nere a .pfain-- cuefor piles. 60 cents a box, at ail dealers, iIl-sdniioz Ici 'rpif -i Edinanson, Bales & Ce., Toronto. Prtrait Là aubigop-c'or f do net suifer signature of Dr. A, . WChase, on every b0X -e lptatgi, la a blend of the finest Mocha5 Java and Plantation berrnes. I is the resuit of years of careful experiments by the- greateat ceffee experts in America. Sold at 40 cents a peund. Put up only in sealed tins of one pound and two pounds cach, Ouly one prIco and only one qualty-the best. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS ot t, and w iii heo pphaci-bis yer, as usuel, four oltthsg > ,ai-. Noesanecial ted la oevbbe la i-eite sanson',- laces. NetL laces, Oriental an atîl îndiennues -eppe4 r 'te bave tic call, but ne mctiiopub,ui Sec i-lic non' lin ger 1e-evecr-i4hng lýan .atd-aewti ced onhy the xery tinesi isi en la usefi. infectefi. Tic Lancet rs-ceîtlv ïîoîîumced i-le pi-ebahble cpptiia-ti- t (ta commis- Sioti compesed ofet antifin lanvesti ge- tors, n-ho WEIiassisi- i-le plague de_ pari-ment cf Indue a i- ho wonk -et ercdicaic. i-s t'intima arecdhicfly naivxes. M USIT HANG FOR MUjRDER. Deai-l Sentence Passed Ujpen Chas. King ai- Edmni- on. A despai-ci indu Wiuvnipeg says: Ai- Edmont-on, Charles Ki.tig, a i-ccp- ger, who lcllled is companimn andi lui-nef lus reinahmain c camp tire la i-le Athabasca district, n'as sen- tcnced i-o le liengefi on Tliunsdey mtn()-ning. Thc exeeutiotin'wih i-aie place ai- Font Saskatcheowanm on May 10. A u'emarkable tliieg in conîmen- tieuun'itli i-e case'as i- l ai ef i-ho mîsdered nenj's Irotier i--lt lie san i-ho criimeecntmiti-ed in a dri-aie eue nîigit ai- bis lý, -- i- Engllauîi. Alani-ltai- le san' Uic teatuces cof i-le nicrdercr. 1Iliem oe n ttha- -e trial. sedciatien bas decided tio renituxe i-le records te Ottiawa, andfitic keepers ofth i-erecorda 'would bo furnisbefi wii-i accommodation lu the Depait- ment of Agticultuire. Tic coni-col an mai nagemîeniti-lie records, fin- atîciel cuidiothern-ise, xi-oulfi ho loft- ini i-le hencîs ofthi-e aospchi-tion, i-le Covernuxent asauaiug tio responsibil- i-y or ceni-cel in ti-is respect. Ai- i-be roque-t oethi-e association i-le flepartmeuital ceaI will les-cafter be affixefi io ceri-ificai-ca cf pedigrecs, IIIIMICRANTS. Mn. Wilson (Lennox) was tolfi ly Sic Wilfrid Lauirier tiai- i-e same examinai-ion teck place ai- Unitedi Si-ai-osports etflaniigrants destinefi i~~~~~~~ý Awyretrsclrtgry hair-, ail thle dark, rlch ý clrhue ~ Ive Th hir tos fllnggrwslong and liea là md àl JRICHARDSON &I OVD UTRC1 ______ GiVes the True Golden Jue Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. O ne of the ý Greatest Batties in the W orld's The Largest and Best Creameries andDainies in the World Use ItL H4tr en o g t LO0K FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE 0F SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONKUOAK SPSTO, as eur htalre5mb e 6~*~ ~EEEEEEE EETheEE EEEEEEEüIEEEf4on.6EnEEof theEIposited in France te pay for thc Londcn Telegrapli ssixs that Cc-n. warships ordercd there. Thc Imperial Kouropetkin hs'endi e ut cf Treasui-y lies net agreed te the last and expiation. Avoi w+rei( ushu, an 4ha th Japeniese have stipulation. There is ne deuit that Sup an atleck, suhas ,a fog o ii-. i,_eterd Mukdeii. It is believed that the boan will bie issued, but it will Sdigelible food. Whis c obacc or 0' the Russien central position is sur- creete an extremcly arduons pro- stramonliuin efford rellif. Varicus ruddadteaiytecams lu o .Kkvtof iitro hr i ohn ieSflgl AU powdcrs ani dpaliers for buring are a ni- .JahÏt.Ai heiprantse -Fnne h saled eln i Sseld, the suferer inhlaling the fumes lf red i swayo fie n bý dîicalg an attedç. hv been occupied. tien. Kouropet- noes rcprescntiixg 400,000,0)00 rou- xseodunss, o i . 1lini making desperete efforts te bles in excess of the necessary paper hueoduesl.T ogo CAUSES 0FIDCSHiN ~iIL-se ec Tieling. ThIe weatlier is cx- durrency are now in circulation, and and soft water (raja water). If liE \LT NOTES.The mest important Stop in tic n cellent and i-le ground la lard, as seon esý peece is cosîcludcd tcedsaad the bs oa e lDrs n Bnon r ctreîdu reea cfdgetonlilns ieIn a alater despai-ci the cerrespen- will be preaented tote eoverninent, go op n h etsa o dent dimsatnhave fficil aîi-ierit whidi dustcithe pay ihem l geld soften themardticertinonake to pressure cf tic boot. Obx iate this says Dr. 1D. 1H. Kress, or thecdhewing for.. .detlic s tnen haoficfuily 200,000 or ccemut the a te ia boti liun h etadwtr n a by wearing feotgeer sufficiently cf tic food,,because it is the cnly _ MOHAIRS FOR SPRINC. frustheus areeonx t flciped 200ases i-bs-aceitho be a saes.In bs cf nSoap fer ail heusehold purpo: Col i te e. i partreieed et hmaierige, jvo pre oa rl I t iS quite the thing te wear Information frein indiependei -reveonce. Celd nydoso rticl fe eleefamchianeerie ctrecntomai-ding collars end beits. A fal -sources in Tokio la that tic Japan- btent repacfap l'c cn h ic nly part ever wIhith control la leonable liaberdaer is shewing a ose extrenie riglit wing is engaged SIIFLLS PROM FRANCE. taken on parup e lau a ndIsebis-cee. Ilils atis-l dnVery great variei-y et stocks and blcta and la driving the Russians lard, et snf reae fenmeto adbcand thc food pceperly pre pared for te car w ith ýhrt w alats and shirt- the peint of tic bal cnet. Tic Rus- The Paris cecresponcietot f i-he î,2 Fnuth. thc orgens whcl reccixe it frein the wiist auj-s. Witî xwite cuits nti- Sien centre is relreating Linder e toc-ILondon Timies says tînt on Tccesd-atyAS FO TH acc pin. ts suelly i consder ent y i i nthxeriestivenyng could ho botter tien white linen, rible ire, and lins been practicall Russia gave an ordr te a Frenuch ile pain h le tedicxiij-i-d pla b e- fut l rr i.ning thedigesativeplain or eibrol lered. annibîlat cd. centiaccr fer 80,000 tiree-indli SsuZig1h/Soqp iwas7ies fIkelolhes lin souglt, etostinii ren pe th pees or-hie sie d ngtîcr art A pocket eveiing fan la among the 1- la annetînced frein Tokio tînt siýrapia-cl sheila, making ut e cendi- LEVER BROTHERS liele vliteQr osiionis ioi- oIncf Icwer, Dges-ie dstubenespractical innovai-ions. I'he fan la of tic railwvcï lis been t'ut nocth cf tien tiat they heo -rexi dby a f abe vei ding aIl nnnec uisary la i-liestomach rtneshesa e tcfoidiiîg order, wii-l a bingoe dv- :lukdeiî. This baves tiecocunîiry Frcuci firîn. lTiccases glîl lbe movetacut. nerly alç ex-s due te impreper pre- criy ini-rcduced ai- ihe top cf oaci rends' cnd tie ligit railway bei-ween mccc e t Birminghiam, Eniglansi, and __ Coughing is syrmptcmei-ic of rnany jparai-ion eto food in tise inuth. stick, s0 tiat it net only closes Mukden anti Fusion, 20 ailles i-o ti -lw 11bc filleidla.n France. This laDO coniditiosîsi requiring skdill d ettention. Thc tarch ilufood is digeted by frein ide i-o side, but vertically. norti easi-werd, i-le only avenues oi part oftanu order for 500,000 c.iells. O IIN 'A LAM N For ti? s4i-îplece gli, se coîmn ae t tic salixa. Clowing sti-nolatea tic Tic icaviesi- cf wbite lace inser-1 ri'ireai cf te i-ie R'aian',. lliey alîl lhe torwarc d a' Os Cer- s~ha tes- beingof 'amiflweo sliv. t te ain tticie i-isetespelu f er ci f alv. t i sne uretin i-lt ceor four ladies wide, let A telegcaiîte BerlinSi-aits that 1I m0iîv nitieut b- NOTES 0F FROCEEDINGS th pound tiectore oi cenîpier, in caitle food lai-lhioi-,ugl1 ivdided iy li-c 'tie sîcevessand i-be body oifi-le i-le ,Ilpaneso haeeoccnpied Mul don. , Ce in Custon s. NTlE OUSOEIMNS.I wincgln.ssful of w -ovtr, may lie i-ekeîî iastication, t isl a7aturated w i-i jacket of a linon csashi suit, gh ca IA report frein New-Cixxong, liy'TI IOS OrCIMN. by an adult cx ery leur heurs. ti -il -id, but i-le qunntii-y ninglefi e rai-ler snatn-ehiect. Tic lace rina way of Tien-Tain sai si-lai- Tic Basa I'leured-, nia ne acute pain abouti wit tdépendasci-on thorcugllnas-aroîd i-le ceai- anidi-be alceves, thusslhas been investcd bhI the Japannse, HPROVNLCIALW G1SUfISIBIES. i-be chest. Tthi- i lygivs ito tication. prit chegins f adc ey nd ti-ai- Cen. Elouropai-kin, aigi rROBE GWFG Mr. Carvell (Carleton, N.Bl.) mev- oer aseci. i-le condition cifi-be longsl ,Tbe digcst ion oifi-he st-îh tii iarted waisi- beneati. titi altern ative, will probably -licr Leberor nresi- aecd.Agrarien Ac-ia-r- ti I ti a uesnetl ilc eticnroosfr -niy Riciing fori' îeckîxeer cenîlats cf[ foiced i-e sucrendor witiîax e weeiands. ri Ai-adjusiieni-t of i-le pirovincial subsi- muclslitee iciia ndo fr1 nene ctr treces tihea kiîife- plcii-ed cioslif.i11 cdged -hi tic opinion cf En-liji nîii-ar'ytiio a usi.iels. lie -nidti -at lhcn tic sciai- may ho reliex cd by reaxedies for as-stoîcnci. As i-licsi-cich surcounditîg wl-h Vaenciennes lec'e or hcicstîtcl- Ici itics. Cen, Kouropatkin's force', Tlhe Si-. Petersburg cecirespondetidfies we etc dcltlcîon ut w-a ncxer culr reuietn. Iti g1ci-a r xegtebo lbueni c d and Ica led by an itidi-wide baud are doomed te coniplete tilsasi-er, and oif'T'e Londont Tiriescsables:-Lahor thcugit i-ha i-lie revenue et tic bJunie is acingti onue- wh i-.l lgestcc i-beway is pcepnrcd for i-le o isihicrochet bcrdcred aethi-e tep i-lie besi- liecan lîcuîcfor lai-e oseve utni, aiib'geiî evnetcuir -cilis ci ea r thi-le i onte rn a.I-ga sriljoîce t<D digest or disrx -ewiiapatîgc Vlaine ae eeratc issolvy etterotestei-the ararianlie prenes asoutrylied coe ot w'iasileaili steed ci pessing ii-to i-licintestine, alburieci. Trollera xxell rc-ogurized -t Tiechcks ciancd plaids, cspecially ldv. -n loc i son eaagli- titîxexdntil ic evr Donon rx-neidhcme e nnd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ac-n salainch-gt î~oiyc ietccl iicimohiair are crnîng to ho as ppi-te -r. Mcciimportance is attcciedi-0l tsa-tti -o cjs-ih trk re -l rvtcalîvnc a into tic blood, atndiacts as a PcîSeii. fltth e c act i-lai- -liher' et cf!fer childrei as i-hey are for gen Cnnantor snliulm i et's -t. emtciigîo o i-b te strkdgnet itheipcd sevincilyven enbd- I-s presenice i-icie is lu icnted byyel- chevin' aise stitaulates t'ic s-cretion ttps. Ticy niake cbnrmiig Russian lecai-ed arml-, wici înoýnîcui-eily is l si li iîie in rc'di-i jsentwaaiiala tga bcwîcs e iliee~e t-di-e sia cfi-icga.i-ic uie.blouse su i-a for ittle'girls. cxpectcd te comaplote i-be closing cf 1jealousy cf i-le wor-kmnie cmf Mostow vPi-obabboli ai-a more unifocînand Drcgsy îs efien ,m-oe n cf ns1 le discuxered i-bat as sos nas i-lic A kimono cf White J atatiese silk, teticcc-aîoind l e dofeateiulest by adc-e heas tib e-eutbebsacudlefele p tieugl it nere a di. anse. Ifi- laoily food ieci etcmeci-liand i--e pro-loexed ni-i daibia-cole c hrysan- ai-iaring somen-icce in icofxtreese sauts-, hes-itt-s exasi erei-ing tic OC a .ymptoni of so'ixo aiacrmal coe- ci-sacf ch- xing -egthe -ls totiiedlitliums, lias blaek, front anid sbceve pea,ngrcn Yingfn i-lus blecing crkmnt es lai-lsecaptal ic effc'ornlfi adter el on dion cf an organi, frequenitlty tar tacnle preparniion for iha rocoptiotiby bands cf rcd sibk. Tic shomlders are atic so s-e ngtîe ru fre kin i wýke ntecptl h fets SrWlrdsi hr ol cn renriovefi frein i-ich xoîcS pa poolîg outi- ts flii. Tiere ila a sisrc.feu teTic Pesa,;-lrougli Waniçaikou etfi-lic misi-ahe Larc likely te las-tobjection te hrirngieg ioun. cilti-le nay liberrior --s Ie hcant canl direct tclegrapheiic cnicuicatien be- A. lovelî nit fis fasieofientircîr Bass long cii-cc tl f sconcesson lantrmit-iceigaence 8ili87bei- i kidney dunasscaretic inosi- coin- ti-nsolihe nuciliaîîd i-bic toinach, cf soit, sibken ceses cf i-le nosi- ex-ie.Ti e e sicieat i bgnl S7ai- i-le Qcabec conter- in Ca-es. se i-le moroei-leroughly tic food la quisito aliacbe totpitîk. Tti- u of tichLeFCT Ftutsenacogîl c u wileîtce and îsifi ntth b uyvlm Convul îo,- s arceahi- i-e occlîr Jinni.tiat.1 -hWlce buîdn-BEl are ilo odo nOFF.uc w-ielic fesi-erefib biche orknîcn, si- itoca. iri-Wilfidîl reviewed tic feucy cii i-le ligitesi- Proxocationî, be tic flow o et -lcstinacli luitla. .Jcpancseslc btof ilte or shade. A despai-clifreinSi-. Petersburg detnts and agitaitirs wlioni-bhe au-ecourse of i-licnegeiziions andi ce- in cotîsequeuce ofthile uidoeepefi Dflc'îeli-y ini 'Ietdigestion et albumn Blaistewihbrederie atiglaise de- sa-Tle ai-mospiece ci the War ticrities ai- St.I'etersbucrg andi los- pgaeai-o1 h own vio-s i-lai- i-le pria- condition et iniibitecy Con-ces. Tie la aci- aunays cc toi-eabilii-y ofthi-isigns are t-hacming tir blousers. This Office la ini-onsoiv gui-my. Theofoli- ioiV ai-cdispeirsitig nlcenalci-o ti-c-f iple edoptecd ni-Confecîration wes most cornuitn provoecationî is cneant- sienech te digest, but mev ho flue very titicoiton Cannet ho as dur-» ciels editi-i-lai -Cen. Ecuropai-kin villages. net a goofi oee. Bui-ticy hl tio ed ni-h digestion. A ici-bai-b, fol- te Jack ofetsioach luici, rcsubiing ablc as itie-or las lieon 00gb- i-o ho las suffecofi a bhioody dotený,>t, but The offects willbe iceîe apparent accopti- t 'an-flleihouait ut migit fow'cflby a grey gonfler, is usuably a frcm itgroermastiiai-ion adtîd -e-but t la se -c-iy thit taccis. tliey insisi- -iihai-, la netadcliewhenileCve mn i -gisr-e-iseht-, lioîak i cr ls-i nf anfldon rmey -b s-a ci crocîdîm te lbme Hnrîi-ttas are heing puslied i-ils disasi-er. Bespetches cf KonIropi-k!in +ie lialt-mtlllcîn lus-in deemed iiîces- less du-stii. Thece wcrc other lin- Degeneîntilîî ÎS a qualit-ativx'cnct- eiiug fissolvefi owing i-o iisutli- aprîng. For tic ira-. agriirg gown-a ni alaîof co li- fsghiug O n for i-be co-intoacieiin cf i-lie n-ar, 1Pi-si-it-- ucsîiiit tîssuc hbetwwocn charrge in i-le tisuesor i-le ci-gans icîîcy et celxve. tearc te o- 'efcc io almosi- ilie "eci l ii-"scn i-o roer io and-ie cnîned Zcmsky Se-o- hi,- Dotîin ni i-li te provinces, ofet i-obdy. 'i- ct'isist i-bte toc- it is well kienu i-btat i-le saliva mtigesbii are h Iiaes teipst hogîhtwl --,lbyb herc-ofuhasheihre jidcin.e maiotiandtecc'umulation in i-hoti-aacta as a gainic stimiuîlant. Ceuse- mohirin mciao biîger hnroatie Jem ian ioms io reak .ý,gteroui l-oaier11dobebi lTi-e prnic ee ulieas l ic fisid cr esniction. live .seo lmnso owrigna.hio- ab- wîil i-be fore ili mo-e iomali clotb. nîuniceiins wl-h Tic Basa, but i-be tas-eai- is iiiseparably hound, up i-le fialii-ts lurialictien vcatc-d gicel rank titahea oina.tia-c te odtemreso h Chine glace carda-fini- dises a lit- public regarda ut as au acknon-lcdg-wii-litheicsernal situation. Tic Wiclly la one o r tieci-ber actior- w'ays impairs i-le Inactions. Fatty flîsid illibc i secretofi anîd i-e more tle larger ti-lin atiritîdividual butter ment fibi- Cen. Žrogi elre-edlein ru dnsine I NveVc hcgtpconl -a-u degéeîratioî is i-be conmmn exanîple. tiorougl w illbcbeti-e digestion of pltc-vii-bcenveniinab deccraions severof ed he ussien lice cf commun- Ieru diso f'leNveVo t.letogtproal hti Measles ila econtagions tebtile dis- the albumen. Thc qucntity oethi-e in ced, green, blle, pick or yelloîv, icetious ccd cnchosed et leasi- a por- -a bae lo esinut- e reeres iii date -o av ae rstcnoe ditant order, rarely affocti-igaeflts. Tthi- o-alivea ingloc ni-i i-he o Iodi, ow- heil ftin mCrniieny. A crcent-slap- tien et Cen. Bi]dcling's ariiiy, whidli ae uaisnce ýilcxgi-revees at,tiDominonve ac i-icrevitîcca i-o gins w i-i aymptoiii et a colfi, a ever, decotîts upoîl lon' tiîreîtglly cd agace is unglaizi-i. Naines mey lie was bringing up i-be roar. discusa aIl tggraio. heDo ienase h poice-t cash appoaring on ibthe tri-Iday. the tfoodbas heen rmasticatefi. There- wriitec on t and ccased. -tis saifi herei-bai- Cea. Koure- d~-iscs llte quesuons. Broachitis la tic usuel ecconîpanti- fore, too mucclstress caricci-lie laid Accordiîg i-e clil e prophecies, pai-Iin, wlithlis hoafiquarters staff, ASML CR O PLS AUPER CI-LURE-N. ment, and i-s requires trecti-ni, upon i-le neccaity of thorougli unes- flowers will liolf bigli carnival dur- is nion'et Fankiai-cng si-aiion, on ASML UE O IE. Mr. Driai Wilson once m.iorecaleled or bronclc-pîîeurnnnia nîay folloxv, ticetion, since loti si-arc and albu- ing thle comnitg seson. Sprigsaendi i-le caihcoad, i-en miles belon' Tie Pile Sufferors knw i-bai- Oini-îetts attec tion i-o Mrs. Clcse's Soleme for andi prove fatal iiie f ew days. min digestion are se gceatly influeno- sprays, buncies andi beskets oft ihem, Pat5s. and tiihec local l'rcai-mni-ts soîsme- thi-e emig-iation of Ilaupor cdiudrea i-c Ligli- in i-he sick-rcom sieulfi le cd by ut. andi ingle fien-eretsandîf sinîgle petals The general staff adînits thai- i-e - Dines rc1iisve but neveu- cur-e. TlieyCadanidcre iîst p-- ebundant, exceptin lat-liccase c oef4----ey reai ioganada,-b aoamntcaangdl ile aitc xil cbaby- o'treetei-e aîs. enby ppseii- ili roosi or brain affections, we tn-lienoae i rogtitoteadriet angeiut btl wl rbalnontreedah cueionlyopoe o h rooýl leTh moeees i un's reys are A MURBERESS SENTENCE- cf gown mai-riels. oxceefi anyi-ilig in miodern warfatre. There is a bi-tle tablet tînt is whidli lie did ntîcti-sider was ia beghiy enaeiild ineiiy xr-Very lenfisonie, indeefi, arei-le nen' Iu addition i-c i-e Easi-crn Chinose talc-ca internabiy finit, removes tie cbesti- iuîests cf i-ils count-ry. IlWas Arrested lanMontnea eaadttmohairs. Those ahewisîg cecks andi Raibway eand tic Mandarin Road,ut ceulse of Pjliesand c-fi-ca any case et Mn. Flsher seifi i-lic overninuat greai- oxidia5iag pow-er uponi orgaiiid lite n onralan air si-ips are especially adrnired, i-ut-ne oui- i-lai-tic Ruasians lave a any kicd îîo miiai-er how long stand- was in no way commii-ied te i-le anQt-irs. Artificiel iglîs shoulfi Tried la Ireland. andi wiii uadouliiedly le i-le Most- narrow gemîge railcoafi conneciing. ceew h a rhby mr ho~~~~~~~~~ opaedila-ilptia-sag- À London deapai-ci says:-Sarah Ipopular fabrica for sptring taîîored Muîtdcn witiîîTic Bes, oeccwîicî i-o A" scioe, wîicîwas çre-abb mor docs net euffer. Ana Pearsons, w'lo was arrestcdinî gownt, effoci- ier wtlidrawal fron i-hein Asi menIs iPr. ai-onr rs -iý- $00.definite lica. Cbrlout.'Ifamd i- Bcing "couti-oo sortis," if not actuel- Monireal las boira seni-encefi i-0 Beady fti--ci liniaga, wi-h or Witli- positions. (a thousansi dollar gu:îraniec goca dren came oni- i-Iy would le subjeci- ly 1, lapt ctlculy -li bodnad fe-i-for i-le mîrdcr o ehec teer- oui- sîcevea, are e.non- aid i-o i-le w-Ithevery trecaneîîij1i-c inspection. Uni-il thle projeci-as- of ill-heahth. hi- isi-essness- In-law ni-h rercury. hi- waproves birne scwer. A bi-tle ahi-ontion here CALLINC TEHMS. hIcm-Reid isth -le<iscox ery cf Dr. jsmf eiiesael oi ~ andf disînlinetien for work, boss oet i-ai-she delberei-ely pcisoned lier or there andii-le oui-aide ocly ce- TeS.Ptrbr ors smddfnt hp i ol e eppette, adsletgbd.Wie mo-e-i-a' wona1svnyfeniansiob dae1oniletona Ic S- eiesug orsondehent onliardt- of Lincoîln. Ns-h., oeee like te Saaayti-ing pcsîtively about it îaymea nemor i-an ctn ycars c-f Cge, ftile sae eof a teîv -ti. 'l'lie 1ltisîlgaare aiseoi-o be usede -oLndî eerph sea -ia-ib' n-c- iUîîusthaf uces t "oi-etsots" -h cndtin s spounfis 'of iinsurauco. 'The trial was wh I uiedblouses, n-berean under Froci fiacer r tya dw1uIpyiceslaih W's-et i-io. INTER COLO)NIAL EAILWAY. likely asinoit io le i-hofu1rcrcitier etflioerd ai- Armagh, Irelaad. The ar- SUPPiII>oni' orcoinfori- on appearance il agl Ling iins for, anew Russian Ail Dug-atscTîeWisn ye Mr. Cislomwns iafornýied by vMr. a detaitedicese. i- soulf, tî recei-of i-le pisoner -as breurgli- dsiraibIe. For i-lelai-i-ccuse tîeylbin. Thiey\ itîsi- u1pen acmi-C. insei ig(les nt uiesnila- -ocptlepni foace, ho aýUi-ided i-ochoisi-in e rai-hec sýingular manner. ar a reel boon i-o si-ont womcn. Sien igier by 1 per- cei-, i-han n'es tr_______î.(,clcnîý 'ic 0"I',of îde besi- n'ays i-ckeep ycur Mrs, Beansosi, t nec,, geaerclby le-GE Jane 30, 1807, was $d5, 750,099, et i atomac ciia, siroag andi beali-hy, "eeddef fsei1 eny- 1wie L GSAD EeT.CrmtutWiý. Tliey furi-ber dema a THE BUBONIO PLAGTJ. whli $,$C5,750n-aforbranhes is a gasof colfi watcr le d'de fsi edcy uhl GOE N ET. 1commiercial trcatinlafavor oifi-he w -$43651 a o rnhs b-diknlls ying 'la julit i Armagh for essauli-,Te nin GvrnetTkn g-Teana aia xedtr a ever îuoniu immdia-elyai-n ri- -as tebiowS:-1898, $252,756; 1899, ii,,f ,( utbfr eiing a ih.staemni-which ledti-e lebody et wotn i-bis year. Bei-h blouse cnd _______________gressiveSi-eps i-e Stay It. $1,081,929; 1900, $3,255,318; 1901, T1hia simnple lieall cule xiii entilo ohrbigehiie.Teo-csuemdosfonPrs elnA dcspei-ch iroiCalcutita, Influa, $:3,633,836; 1902, $4,026,841; 1903, yowet i-hei na i-o a isordecfigans xvre aîbini-iecb io anali ais, and andi Vienne show full aleex os, short bon are recîciref. The more âarlng: cîyc: The ceai-hs frein plague hast $2,254,266; 1904, $1,880,856. swýtomei aîîd iver, o i-oie clmca large quantii-y cf poison waa dis-i-o ti-le clien, se lonag kid or suede1 predici- a reteeb tutofticeoldfhi nibmcaniere 4,0. ttit sLutiuLhand lver, o to th chroiic -in S cl- C.silc-iktetînd 'îbereitls3Show00.t thetisi-icrom NEWonBILLWSBBLS ESENTED.D cn iainfon wihs aycevecei. 'The ficuglter -îw n'as an- gleves i-lai- corne nei1 oven i-b xte c il mie ccd lae Id-, u c sohii ilcdn i tonbb c Tic fellcwing ibills wcre introduceti cosiainto -ll s ayrestefilanMonireai. 'cTe tive for inoaio___ b n and_____in________ae yas adreda irttie pensons suffer, - thc allegefi crime is said ti-chave urea-oteiiles~al aa a pageii eiii-hin3,00a00 ton' 'cacfitcdcfia-i1e Asthme a sa condition degondîngicea--"1mîl to-nu" osesdyis year. cIl mcny -,00.0-lt 10 To incerporats-ilic Tii-les Cucran- iter it is flot; an easy matter to, wash washing you should have good soap you use hard water you must have can get is Sunlight Soap because it a copious creamy lather. Use Sun- oses an-d the resuits will surprise you. OCTAGON BAR, rwhte wîthold injiering the kand. LIMITED, TORONTO. 6 COPYRIG.HTrS&C. Anyone sending a sketch and description maY quikiyasertau pr pinion free w ether an nt. o im probabiy patentaile. Cominonica tion'Y S tritL confident Ila sndbook on Patents sent f..e. Oldest agency for securmapaens Patents taken t rouh Mînin&Coreev special nstice, without C rgluinthe A handgomelyllustrated weekly. argest cir- culation of aliY scientifle journal. Perss$3 a year; four months, $1. Bold by ail aiewsdeelers. CO S8& 'Broadway, New York BrhOffie. 625 F St., Washington, D. C. for Canada as werec destinefi for United States points. The examinia- tien included test of ability to reatl or write, and if the immigrant w ccc likely to beceyme a public charge lie was exclutied. Lately the dopait- had heen considering the advisabil- ity of establishing a mixlica1 ispec- toc at New York, but ne final action had been taken in that direction. JAMES BAY RAILWýAY. ffr. Ei 1_ ine-sn's old' ýr. q" ft tiat the James 1Bey Hailway Canan lied filed a location of its pcepescd line, from Toronto te Parry Sonund. The map showet the line te cen on the uiast -ide of Lake Couchiching. The Minister baf finally approvel cf the, route. The company liaid net askcd for any deviation. ASX NATIONAL AID. Sic Thomas Shaiughnýessy, with Principal, Peterson and Dean Ilcxcy, of McGill Univ ersity, waited on the Minister of Reilways to ask his ce- operation in assistlng the estabEssh- nient cf a chair in McGill UJniversity te proviýde instruction in railreadin'g, work. The C. P. 1.1. and G. T. It. have already promised to help the work, and ticeClovernaient'is prepar- cd to, do iikexise, providafi a sceme can bie devîsed that does net savor toc raicliof favor te a single instU- ttion. OPPOSE TRIADING STAMPS. The -Railway, Cominittee -recm cf the lieouse of Coromos wes erowdcdî with al delegetion. comiprising al out 500 persons, wli ecaine teÏ ttwate as], the, Domiinion GCci crins-et for leg2isition prcventig thc use c f trndltn.g stfan-îps. The de-legates cepp- rcc th e cCities cf -Ventreal, ue bec, Threc Blivors, Ottawa, Torornto, Hlamilton. Lendon, and a large îumi-. ber of tonas in Ontarie. The Rie- tait AssocIat ion of iCanada, cepre- seittefi by its dîiorent brandhes, ýpass- cd a streng resolutien, which was presonted tI ethe (loverament egainiit the systein. PRIC To provo te yoîitha, Dr. SCha-se*s Olntment is a certain Pi! and ab8olute cure foe c"h and every form of itching, bleedingand protruding piles, the manufactiirers have guaranteed 3h Swee tes- timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors whatthey'think 0f il You eauuseit and get your snoney back if not cured. 60o a box, ab ail dealers or EDMANSONBATES & Co.,Toronto, Dr. Ohase's Ointment FELUX DOYLE COPIMITTEI) Wiii. Stand Tria, for the Murder of His Mother. A Brantfortd despetch' seys: Felux Doyle, the Burford township fariner, who is dbargcd with the inurder cf hib mother, Mis. "MargaretMoalan rýeceivcd lis preliminnry hearing at' Burford on Wtcdncesday,,aund wes cen:- nîitted for trial. Mrs. Draar-"Xill my deughter, cver beceme a geed rmnticin, pro-

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