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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1905, p. 5

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~hIi p J SIf yoa have anyof the followfng 4ymlptoms yen should stant taking D R. PITCHE R'S BACKAOKE-KiD)NEY, IABLETS They are the only rernedy that guarantees a rapid, complete and permanent cure. S$YMPTlOrdSTO CONSIDER 9 Pain in bbc Back. Highly Colored Urine, Brick Dust in Urine. Irritation of the Bladden. Reteution of Urine. Frequeut Calis. Pain in Uriuating. Innpure Blond. Pain in the joints onr ips. Sweliug of tbe Feet. Rapid Loss of Flesi. Bowels Coustipated. Persistent Headache. Breath Foul. Tangue Coabed. Tired, Worn-Out Feeling. ~ nblt bsleep. Deaged Digestion. Reme.rnber- that Dr,. Pitcherî-s Barckach*. Kidney Tbesare the prescription cf lb» irted Kde Spciali!st, Dr. Zina Pitcb.n and cure whcre othe;rr renedies ii beefit. The prce of thie TableS oc, eabtler 3 fOr$125, atdýrexgi»t Or by Spring In ail Canada we do net be- lieve there is a Sping Medicine that wili give you better results than our own preparation ealled J. & G. Stomach and Liver Tonie After tnving one bottie if you can tbink o! anything that ever did you so mach good we will cheer- tully band back yoan meney. e This is a bold offer bat we have tested it se tboroughly ln hundreds o! cases thaI we know yen will ho satisfied. 2 sizes 25e andi 75e (reg. $1.00) Stott & Jury, Tie Druggists and Optieians. Sffoked As a protection for the eyes ai this season o! the year you should1 use Smoked or Colored Glasses. We carry a full lino of al reliable optical goods. We carefally and scientifically examine your eyes free o! charge1 and guarantee every pair o! elasses we stli. There is no gaess wonk lu our Optical Parlor. Sëtott &Jury, Graduates o: Detroit Optical Colege; Chicago Optbalrnic College; New York ScDo of o Opties. STUOY YGUR ICASE COAREFULLY91 thti-f icenses wevfre not granted until bis signatuIre aeý rnpon them we é wtouiLd soon hai, o prohibition.t You pvrobabi' know thatyour sallowr comjjplexion is casetbroug-1 h i, poort Wiood, but yupobbydoWt 1kow1 th8t by taigVit( !Tonic YOicaU havOE brigit ros cbeEks "VRIM.Mitchell &1 CO, drUggisisý, kLIU. nstock. G rand rrunk Railwav Svstem, R1AILWAT TIME TABLE. BOWKA&NVILLE STATION~. G0u40 iWA8T, GOING WIx8T Mail..... 9 LOs. 1u. I efi....65.02 a. HM jaxre. la M100 ILo.....7'57 st 3le . 39 p.M. Pass5flger-1 36 p-. U, Local ... 649 p,. ilMixed.. ..7 23 mail.....10 24 p.m. Express . *,1140,Sunday only. Tickets te certain points sold iu accordane wt ecial h idal rates announeed in another couaill not 1).onored o n trains Nos. 1or 4. STo¶u' & JunY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 15, 1905 blar Chas. Kelly and Eddie Pig-ott Friday night. Misa M, Short, Hlampton, is visiting friends ln town. Mr. Milton Elliott, recently visited fiaonds in Kendal. IMiss Olive Hislop bas been visting friends lu Whitby. Mr. and Mrs R. Trenouth are visiting friends lu Toronto. Mr. Saunders, Ernestown. was recent guest of Mr. R. Bith. Mr. S. Ferguson, Lindsay, recentiy visited frienda in town. Miss Minnie Rogers, Pickering, visit- ed friends bore Sunday. Mr, J. Aý Manning, Toronto, favored us wth a cail Thursday. Mr. John T. Nuna, Coiborne, spent Sunday with bis mother. Ilar Hlarmony Maie Quartet in Meth- odiat Church Good Friday. Miss Mary Robins, Oshawa,was recent guest at Mr. John Heard's. Mr. J. S. Bond, Toronto, was in town Friday voling for the by-la»-. Mr. Wm. Heard, Cedardale, visiteci bis father, Mr. John Heard Giad to see Mr. David Keith lu town last week to vote for the by-law. Miss Arnold, Lindsay, bas been visit- lng bier cousin, Mra. F. M. Souch. Mr and Mrs. Chas, Brittain, Toronto, visited bis uncle Mr. Chas Young. Mr. John McGill, Toronto, was in town Friday voting for the by-law Miss Jessie Witheridze recently visit ed Miss Ethel Rundie, Dalington. Mayor P. b. Fowke of Oshawa came down to vote for the by-laws Friday. Mn Neil Yellowlees, Toronto, was ln town Friday voting for the Bv-laws.', Charlie Kelly is coming March 17. Leserve date-ail wilI want to bean hlm. Mn. Lewis Jollow is A. 0. U. W. delegate to Grand Lodge ln Toronto Mn W.H Williams ',isited bis brother Mr. John Williams, Port Hope, recently. Mrs. IFrank M. Souch blas purcb.ased the Eastwood property, King St., east. Mrs Philip Tyler, Toronto, was in town last week. She eajoys city life,1 Mn. Chas Radmore, Stoufivilie. spent1 Sunulay with bis step-soai, Mr. George Smith, Photographer. Miss Marion Johî,ston, Ingersoll, and Miss Od a Cote, Bethesda, are visiting at 1 Mr. W. W. Tamblvn's. Mrs. Wilbert Piper and daughters Laura and Edna, Kendall, were recent guests of Mrs, L. Paterson The ladies are cordially invited to the Millinerv Opeings at the Misses Ding- rnan's on March 24 and 25. Miss Kelly captivated ail with ber music the last appearance here. She cornes again Friday March 17. The Misses Cetnens, Centre St., gave afternoon tea to a large number of friends two atternoons last weeiç. Iifeibooy Soap-disinfetant-is strongly recornended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infections diseases. . Mr and Mï, John R Cale, Antler, N W. T.. have returned to their horna after a pleasant visit with relatives here Farmers, read that article about but- terrnilk.on an inside page and start drinkîn- it lorthwitb as a stomach tonic. Artilleryrnan W. C. Roison of 'A" Batter -v R. C A., Kingston, -was home for a visit to bis parents bere last week, Mrs. F. F. Morris and daughter Louise receetly visited ber atunt Mrs. Wm. Jack8oà and othier frlends mn Oshawa B3oys, the editor wants you to read wbat 1ev. I)wzht Ilillis said 'Sunday about work and choosing a callng-oa inside page Keep in mmDd the special Aniversary services March 18, 19, and 20, lu, the S.ý A1 Barracks. it- boing 2j years sînce tbey fIrst opened tire lu Bownmauville. Mrs. Gao. E Beacock and son and sister Miss S. fieeMyrtie, have been1 visitingat Mr. loba 'Beacock's, previousi to removiag to theirn ew home at Sauitt Ste. Marie. ,Mn, A. L, Nicholîs is representiag Bowmanviile Circle No. 3 of the Cana. dian Order of Momle Circles at the nine, pleased cougnegalions. bis eveung addess was wbolly on the progness of foreiga mission work and coniained a vasi arnount o! information Mn Hon- derson is a free, loneeful speaker and aI hou services bis addresses were weli receivcd, and mach. enjoý cd. Ai the, argent request o! the OfficiaI Board h1e kindly rernalincd and assistod at tie evangelistîc service, Monda s evenlng whieu a rally meeting was lield lu the Chuvch. uts T Go!ding sister, Mr. SilaQs James brother, and sou Ogcar î,Ïrs Rohi James, sisten în-law. Mr. Ç James, cousin and Mr. R Hatch, brotbcr la law, of To- touco; MIr 'ýti m. J-iames, brother, -Mr.( Gonnphew cf Newtonbrokl; Mr. Fran ~ttch Mr an nsF.redrO-aii, anid Mn and IAr, Vhtfel, hitliy. Onie brother Mx orin Jaile4 ln Britis Co rambla and ree sster,MsWm Go'ding, NewtontsroOk, wene uniable to be prescrnt at tie faneraI, GREAqT J-1AG}ç~EY SALI f - - 1 1 Nicholle selîs cheap. Hear Bey. J. J. Rae in Methodisi Church Good Fnlday. 1Have sou sent Tnu STATESMÂN t( youn absent fnieud? Do il now. S"e our uew bat and cap dept , thý bestin Bowmanville Tbe Mason Co. For the finest stock of Ladies' Talloi mace Skirts cali ai Couch, Johnston& Cry derman's. Millinerv Opeuings at Misses Ding. man 's on Fniday and Satunday Mardi 24 and 25,e Go te Nichoils and look ssround and sce what you ouglit ta pay for vaut goods, do it now. The ver y iatest in Wedding station« ens and Weddinz cake boxes ai TEs STATESMAN office. Suits are selliag freely at The Masosi Co's both lu reacly.made and made ta orden. Sce advt SPRING MILLJNERY OPENINGS Friday and Saturdav Mardi 241h and 251h at Miss Srnitb's AIl kinds o! Fans ta be sold ai cost pnice ai M. Mayen's Fur Store, coe early and get a bar-gain. Send TnE STATJ'SMAN te vour absent fniends. $1.50 pays for jourown auda new subscription for 1905. Cougira, colds, hoasencss, and otirer alments are quickly relieved by Cresolene labiets, ten cent pet' box. AiU drugginte Ladies' Silk and Cashmere Blouses the latesi styles, and speciaily good value at Coech,Johustou & Cryderman 's. AIl the newest and latesi styles aitih Misses Dingnuan's MilIinery Openinzs Friday and '-aturday Match 24 and 25 A big lot of Dress goods selling off at about hall prie, somne o!them, ai exact- iy bal! priesai Couch, Johns-ton & Cny- der-ran's. Now is the lime te get a bar-gain in the Fur b ine, M. Mayer Fiumier is solling off bis entine stock at greatiy reduced pnices. The Spring ýlillinory Oponings ai the Central Millinenv Parlors on Fniday and Satunday March 24th and 25th. Haddy and Co , Milliners. The new caps are lnata The Mason Co's. The old ones will be sold at 15c. eaeh, as most o! them wene 50c. eues tbey are a snap at 15cîs. Celebrate St. Patrick's day by attend- ing the concert la the Opera bouse Fnida't night. Admission 25c. and 85c. Reserve seats at the Big 20 Ladies you are invited ta attend the Sprng Miiiinery Openiags at the Cent- ral Millinerv Parions on Fniday and Saiarday March 21th and 251h. Wo are pleased ta know that soarnany o! our former cilizens take sucli a kiadiy intrest la tie old lown as ta corne home on Friday and vote for the by laws. C. M. Cawlker & Son will have over 50 pieces o! fresbly srnoked breakfast bacon and bamns for sale Ibis week. Quaiîy the besi; pnices the iowest, Be sure aad get a piece ibis week. Ladies' Fun Coats, Ruffs, Maifs, Gauntiets, caps etc. also Mea's coats, caps, gaunîlets, etc 1ta be sold at cost price for tie next month, at M. Mayer's Fan Store Master Fredenick Ridding, son o! Win. Ridding, received the diamond ring offered'bv the Slîamrock Concert Co. last weok for beiug the mosi popu. lan baby in town. The Durham llubber Companv Band have enoeaged the olti favorite enter- lainer, Mn, Char-les Kelly and bis ne- romplished dauZhter with a good hum-, orlît ta give an ententainment on Match 17. .Couch. Jobuston & Cryderman are selling ail their Ladies' Coals at bal! pnic e and NMen's Overcoats nt one third off lie nogalar îuniee and are making big reduction lu tie pnice o! ail kinds o! fats. The Misses Diagman have purchased the Miliinery business formenlv carried on by their mothen and will hold the Spring Oponiag-s on Friday and Satan- dayï Marcb 24 and 25 The Ladies' Aid Society annoance a lecture on Good Fridav eveniinz in Methodisi Churcli to be givon by 11ev J. J. Rae, Picton The Harmonv Maie Quartette will sing. The two cornbined sbould deIgbt every one 'The Provan Ha.'tfonks sbeaf lif!ten can pass the stol) block with a. luadefi sliag, also boistens ta save frnmciimbiug le change fnom one mow b t the other. We have tbree tracks-steel. imon and wood which we gaantee. Also best llayfork Ropo alwa% s on iand. Write for prices 10 C W. SOUCI!, EnnisLillen. Parents baving littie cbildrea wio bave never attended school shotîld keep them borne antil the regular class is formedilathe Spring. lb woula gros tiy aid in the classification and progire:ss of the pnimary rooms if aIl thee utile ones staried cogether. bey, D O. Crosslev pre ached la the Cambridge Street Methodist Char-ch, biadsay, Sanday. ThePostsavs:4'Risý Children Cr~y for 11801.11 tGalvanized Tubs ai Ni holîs'. Pea Nut C- ýsp at Luttreilles. Get scur n. lk pans at Nicholis'. Flouse wantesd to teut. See mdvi- French Che*ýing Taffy at Luttrell's. Buy _Nour grrýaiteware at Nicholils. Don't cough your lIfe away-take Soi. Buy your IPoultry supplies at P. Murdoch You get 301 for coughs at Mitelis Drug Store. 'VisitCawke;: & Tait's China Parlor- Second floor, Deiclous Scald Creain every day at T. I. Knight's. Takre Mitchell's Emulsion of Cod Liver-it's good. T. H. Knight bas sorne good heads of C4bbage for Sale. New weddIug cake boxes-lovely ones -At STATEsMAN Office, ILeave vour'ordens with T. H. Knighl tfor fresh flsb everv day. Blood meal. eatmeal, Oyster shell, Mica grit, ai P. Wàrdoch's. L' Large stock of naw priaIs now open for inspection at the Mason Co's. T. H. Knight lias fnesh flsb eveny tday. Leave your orden witl i hm. Wben you read Cawker & Tait's advt. rnmember wbat they say are facts. fBuv Sour glasstes fer winten reading fom Mitchell, tl1eý Druggist & ODtician, Pratt'sPoultr-- ýaod, Pratt's Stock 1Food, Ppatt's LI,,- Powden at P. Mur- doch's. M A. James is Goverrnent issuer o! Mariage Licenses for Durham Countv. Ladies-seeounr large and choice stock of sprtag Dness Goods and Suit- ings before Sou buy.-Tbe Mason Co. A great treat for ail who attend the concert Friday aight. The old favorites Chas. Kelly and danghter will be there Sce the displey o! SPRING MILIAN- ERY at Miss Smiih's Fniday and Satur- day March 21h and 251h, Millinery Opeing days. The Misses Dingman will be pleased to welcorne ail their friends ai the Mil- liaeniv Openings on Thunsday and Fni- day March 241h and 251h. Chriqt-s' Englisli bais are lu at the Mason Co's One Engflish bat will out- wean two American bats. Over 60 di! ferent styles and shapes. O! course y ou won't miss the Millinery Openings on Friday March '211h and Salurday March 251h ai baddy & Co's., Central Millinerv Parlons. Eddie Pigoti. baritone cornedian will appear with (fias. Kl.and Miss Kelly ta the Op'era Hloa.e Friday night. Don't misa ibis entertalrnent. Mn. and Mn.s. Fred Lyle, Mn. and Mrs. Win, McRevnolds and Misses Myrtle and A'Edra Mcfleynolds, Brookhil Dairy, spent Sunday witti Mn. W. J. Trick, Oohtawa, As fine spreads in dry grass, so dots inflammation in the throat, grow down int the langs Deal prompilv ih a cold as with a ire, and whea you begin 10 cough use Allen's bang Balsam. Itlis not true that thie best cattle are sbipped oui o! town for the Englisb mnarket for C. M. Cawýýkenï & Son bougbt from J. H. Werry flivi. export steers weighing over 1401> each nd two heifers 1100 eachrfor thetor klocal rade. These caille rank arnong the ,)est fed in the Township. Tho place to buv ibe best qaliiv and theareivieyoal kinds o! monts to sýelect !rom is from C, MN. Cawker & Son, COLUMBUS. Death of Mrs Wm. Bond, occunred at the residence o! bier son, Mn.Thbornas Shotidge, Saturrlay aflernoon at the age o! 79 years. Deceasedl had been lu ber usual hesith Up 10 Friday. The funeral took place on Tucsday 10 Eldafi cemotery. The ral bearers were four nephews o! deceaiîed. Thé services were conducted ai the ilouse by 11ev. A. C. Wilson, Mytle. VOURT1O E. Miss Ethel Gay and Miss Viola Rundie are visiting fiends in Toronto .... Miss Ethel Richard3, Pickeriîag, visited rela- tives bore recently.. .. Mn. and Mrs. T. Sandenson, East T'oronto, visited fieads hene,..-. Miss Mabel Walter lias been g-uest o! Mrs. Drew, Harmonv..,.. Miss vct4owair, Oakviîie, is visiting Mns Osborae.,...,The Womien's Missioaary Society are haviag an At Home la the ctiurch Fnida'y eveing. AIl are invit- ed . ... A petition is heiagn rg 1sge to flaie a mili plaiformi put on the Grand Tnunk at MnI. Oke's croossiag. OBITUARY. R, W. ýJAIO ES Another of Our oldest and besi kaown business men, Mn. R W Jamespassed TO 13e Soldi At- Aaetion on Wednesday', March RE.ORGANIZATION MEETING. Ail members of the Bowrnanville Rifle Association of 1904, together with al otners wishing to becqme rnmembers for inî chpna 1905, are. requested to meuet lu the Pelici n Club itooms on Thursday Mar 4 16th at8p. m, Someoftheadvantages ~ o! rnernbershint: free ute o! G;oeru. -î ment Rifle and Ranige, free one hundred 4î rounds o! ammunition. Corne along and learn to shoot. OSIO RE-11 BOeRnlizlo. OsOaç-I owmanviIle, March i(SeondIteo Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Osborne, a daughter.Tiseprnetisonptewt SrErrEgss -In Mitchell, on March 2nd te Mr- hsdlatet sci'eewt and Urs. R. H. Stephens a daughter, SU'rTON-In Bowmnauville, Mardli 9th, te Mr _1 o! Dinnerand Tea Sets, lir e China Cul and Mrs. Arthur A Sutton, a daughter.Lape. 1Le&hwrON-In Port Hope, March 7th. te Mr.' Laps ec aDdMrs. George H RaIston. adaugliter. MüooREAt Bardstnu Kentucky, March 3, ' to ýAnnie Pater-son) wile of Mr. C. P. Moore. r We bave eveiîything to mtskeE t.w in,-sons lUARRIED. OLVER-BitAwro-In Oshawa. lMareh 71hQ Thanking you for the liberal patr by Rev. S. J. Shorey, W. E. Oliver anîd Alice i M. Branton. both of Oshawa. + wish you ail the Compliments of the Se the residence of the bride's father, by ithv ,CRCDNPz'o-n arh , 9'. Burgess, David Herbert Carseadden, and Ia Louise, third tlaughter of Isaac Preston, E- j, Manvers. . FoitING OLVR-In- the Metiiodjît ehurch. Wellandport, Feb Ist, by 11ev. D. NI Robert, iV L .I 8-u, Mr. Roland Judson Goriuýg and MisEvý . u B.. oly daughter of Dr. J. B. Olver, formerly of Clarke. 4 JA mgs-In Bowmanville. on Thursday., Mac, h I ýtiî iteuben IW. James, io his 78th year. LitSm Owen Sound, Marc), Sih, Abigail fl. k eioved wilef SRev . . . ete. t -d 17year. ,trrdt DUNN-In Barnetaple. North Djevon,Eg 'anOJan. 25ht, John Haines Duuno, eldest sý,n oMnSarah Dunu, aged627 yvears. Ncphew of the late ceo. Haines, J, P.. Bowmasuville. RttNI-ýL-In OshawaI,Maech 7î1,, Thos, Spear Ilundle, aged 71 years. MCCONNELL-Near Port Perry, Mri4h Samuel MeConnell, aged 85 years. SMIci-At Port Hope, M1atch 7th, Rachel Smith, agec 63 yearrs 8 months. Goîcasu-In the Township of. mitn Mai ch 7th Aun Lightle. widowoftele Henry tloheen, aged 85 years. BROWN-At Fort Granbjy, March D, Elizabeth Jans Builied, beloyed wile ot Thos Brown, M. P. DAiLN-In Hope, Marci th, Margaret Lorinda Darling, aged 61 years. 111LL-At St. Thiomas, March Sih, Giýorge Hill1, iu tie 7lst year of is age. Iiîterred at Wel- coule. MooRne-At Bardstown, 1etenky, Marh 4 Annie Paterson, wife of Mr, C. P. More In terred ai Port Hope. CARD OF THANKS, As we'leave lteold stand ta enter our new store we take the opportunit-y to tbank--our rny friends who have sa generousi belped us to bailci Up a suce- cessh I slîoe business in B)wm&nvilie We started la a mrodest waS four years ago witb the purpose o! deaing faîrix, honestly and courteoIlsly with ail, andi oux large > earl-, increases is ta us the best evidence that Our ef! orts bave been apprcciated- We hase tried ta make Our new storo as attractiv.e as possible, besides stocking il witb tha bort liges of f ootwear. We exteud a cordilinia tion ta the public to '-il and see us ta onr new quarter-whether ou buy or not. We eire just oppotsite the new Post Officeý FRED. R. FOLEY, Bowmau ville. P ULLS FOI S,ýLE,-Two young s.lbhor o bulle. Best Scotch stratus. Apyto W, C. Blackborn, Maple Date Farru, Àflarlington 1P. 0. Il 8w' HTOUSEWANTED,-With 7 rooms £J yedof Alrl Terrace n objection. Send particulare, wîtli rent per mentir, to J. M. G., Box 0, Ohawa.or toM. A, JAMEs, Bow- manville. i w W A N T E D-Steaograpîýer, Male-, .one with an office experience preferrei. Apply in own band writing to0 PEDLAR PEOPLE, Oehbawa, Onti 111w. MISS MABEL A. TAIT, BOWMANVILLE. ACCOMPANISI' AND PIANO SOLOIST Concert Engagements Accepted. We bave, several hundred bîîshels o! choce poatoes-2 varieties, woul d make a âine chîange of seed. Special prices lu large lots. Stored in fruit callans lu rear of Big 20. QIK& OUJTY BO0WMAN VILLE. 29th. elt t tb a E ,onî Deasc e largest varlety 4 and Saucers,MHugs, lappy New Yersr.* age in the pasi, w fully yours, Particular People __LI]KE beca-luse it is tightly sealed in lead pakcts, flot 1, about in ail kinds of plâces like ordinary bulk ii BLUE RIBBION is carefully watched from plantal to home and pleases ail. ONLY ONE BEST TEA. ing las. lon BLUE RIBBONIS 1 T. TI Ladie~'smpo prisg & n Silk, Cord de chene, Matalassi and fine cloths, beautifully lnmed with chiffon, Jet Lace. A~t xan~ufacturers rpioes. c tWo 10 z Also Ladies' New S pring Ooats, Ski 'ts and Rain Goa ts. iuclading, Eolicnaes, Cord De Chene, Voils, Crepe, De Chene, S ii Venetians, Mohairs, Lustres, ileniettas, Silks, for s1hirt -waists suits, Blousizgs etc etc, Ladies Blouses, white werer, undesrts and wnappers. New prints, Zephyrs, Muslins: Laces, Embroido3îÎes, Flouncingà acd every description of waosh. rnterial, -suîtabl(ý for shirt waist, sui 's and di ~s New Carpets îits and Linoleuris. Mens suits, sp'ri1ig coats, and. separate Ponts, Boys suits and kikn New syring llattt wac; Caps', shirts, Collars, Tiep,, Sweaters, and Rlose et,ý etc. Nxtdoop to Stanmjpd'd ank,, Bo wFnra i h ý 50 I-ig>-elass îegistet1ed l aekneys jw.0 Wbat dà You Klow? Dlo you know that after a Short- baud or Commercial Course with us, yon are snre of a position at 84500 and upwards per monili as a starte, ? Send us a postal, with yonr naine anid address, and we wllIl tell yon ail about It. 1R. D.NM~O Picpl t*&~&ekney StuIi~Ons, 2tvood 1Mares 'an-d .Fillies- at Wavtrley -stock q

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