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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1905, p. 6

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the iîîe, an at he s me neit ____________ "BL SS D E D Utd~Y ~ ' ELE wasdeodorjzedl A fresh and dit Soiledl gloves, bthkid and sjlk, SU FFERI NGTH ESURE PENALTY nmax bc placed uýpen ,the hands and w ashed in gasolinýe. lie iMian Who Loves fis WTork Finds LydiBai The front of wiespkbos The an ho oves His W or S B Pihans Voetale ompond. andpale cluth Vests may be treated _______te a gasoline bath; se aise laces and R est, Fod nd- edcie.HOw many women doeo nwworO orec'lhieo ey'ei -~are perfectly well and strong? We cate lace is b -etrated by truc and hear every day the samne storyeover and tried mietheods. (One is to place the over again. "I do netteel-çwell; j arn acebabsan'xr cp 't A depech ror Brekl oN ., e i 't knw wat ccuatO o tired ail the time 1" There are several gLond soaps te be says:-Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight Ilijîtis professionalhe ehould undertako. The -- preached from the fellewing texi:- answer is itear et hand. Rocs the pucsedchal1, beare of us- Mly fether worketh hitherto,ad I prepesed w ork pull et our heari,- ilig the conmmea chbm quelity. wor. trigsan ceseyeuted a Wh ni Wc uch soiled a snall pinch of about flour, buti The bistory nf ail achievemient is it by day and night? And when iin soda ioay bc addcd te the water. i ,oustndonth she sisig orsaiehem spone the history 6(f joye is wonsk. Lufe le your iio n sanvo tc on- naWg ertehet oons( se short that te acconpiish much tain peak of yenr enterprise and look twccn the bands, and rinse in sover- mnen must tei terribiy and incessant dewn on ail ynnr tasks, is that Peak ai te-ry. ut sheuld Le lined bn lu -md. ]y. Early up n nd alwaî set it, sumi- the acme of jour love aad hope? If pct r1 ewe w lnee mari/es the successiul career. Work- se, these are the heights that yen ehe vebm an aplietionetf éhier bng hard ini the teens, the youtb flnds are cailedl upen te clinîb. formed Fret nshpliatind beat he el- when sne tries himself aod develops the raw mater- Many a youth hea, askeddnme -wheth- om rsbuhanbuthevl bel ni character. Working bard in er or net hlievas called te the min- 'j vet free of ail dust. Pin it eutsh the twenties, themian lays the f oun- lstry, and 1 have alway~s answered: setlïue-nioin or n rcpsfn dain ftesi' os.Working "Neoinan le cal]ed te the ministry bv lnyn enceh nhn.Bed us hard in the thi tics end ferties, hie wbn cauolie happy eutside nf it," ip a cloth in chloefrcfnr b 'light- B ed u s slowly rears the w ails and super- But Ged enlIa cene men te sow and ' ""y oier the' velvet. thon with an- strucureWorkig had inthe ff- srtie o rep; sme teworkiii wod oher resb clnth rmb the surface àty ha se ties and -ixties, lbe stores the heuse adiesm t ignLsek; if! c/OI1aQ Be!Piboen Paelyy than she strucure. orkin bardin t ndfil on e eason e te inrk an eedgnî. fat eabecyesnil withtreaure.but o mn iscalld toany asýbecause the chleroform e e-perates se, Sih trsure. 7, butsone ne ho an je ayleL trelaytsk quickîv, and te avnid uiismemly t a o Stil w ekin at 7, iadeone ad he cn P hapy aou bre ese, More than likely you speaki the saine m- Bismarck were overtaken by 'death, and w heu men go witb leaden lîearts words yeu rseif, and ne doubi, you teed Whou wasbiiog silk 'waicte always " in the heur ni inyous aL creative inte an occupation, influeand hy far fremnweii. The causerinayble easily iren thema upon the wmeng side, h bs wnrk. What teilers were ail these parents or friends, or con. ideration traced te semne derangeient ef the fe A trae ptupnik jliShaveas ninn civm nnt an idier of pride. then they go tou ard drudg- maie organs which manifeste îtselfin laPappr if F'renchi cbalk je allewed te aea aiyieig the statesemien or echolars or 'ery and failite. These are thîe great depressien et spirite, reluctance te go reniain upen it fer several (lave. ix enters. Vht the lov e of nusic tragedies ofi lue, becauce the werk anywhere er do anything, backache, Blainck ca,bminete and ether soit and Beatrice were te Rente, that the for theni lenont worththte deing. bearing-down pain.9, flatulency, ne-rv black febrics me1 Le miade te look-T n oa ed love nifiverk is te the y outh ube Tbc-,e are the many cases where. ensnees, sieeplessness, lencerrhoea. amcnw i rae hs aeLmTed, M omnel n oudchce.Thereinre the Pro- "Sw ords cleeve te hands that seek These symaptoms are but warnngs a lete w ing eikbt uncre ni verb: "Blessed be druLgery ." There- the piow, that there je danger ahead, aaedunless eee endnee n acgeihtoxdal ofl te aMoitea, n fer, be ma lede wtbChrist Andi laurels miss the soldier's brow. heeded a liteetfsnffering or a serionusPan ni w atm w'ater. W ash the cash- te s"est, I-Te ansu ered: "NIy Father Iest ef al, w ork je eduatona. operatien le the inevitable resit. , meie in thern, rfilse thoroughly jn womketh bitherte, and 1 werk.- There is a culture that cenes with- The never-tailing remedy forall tnese celd waer te which aluni bas been The man wbe bas fourod bis place eut cnllegc. Somre echolars gain syvupteme le Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- added. [1ong '-'t '-'fdo.nis ,,d don thl kettle add bniligi tr ri and loveos lits aily task ilad ha-isnïthinuglithe univier ity seme etabledry.the opennd. hie antie is iedicinol, anid literallyj bhoi-ne wise tbrough tlieir %ork. Fer Miss Clara Becubien, et Beaupemt, Dwl-ca îtearly dry. the teatkettie. retapera tive izis amusement eut tire w jeidoin cu bcfi und iii dmp andj Quebee, writes: is ceeking, inake the heuigh for the hlm, but in lîje w ek he Lands test store and LeliaLd facto"-, in kitch- iRear Mrs. Piîîkham: SOuRtii It, RCIPEýS.pepeattthsdicio.St anuL fend anLmedirine.W e lhaa l] mn ai-Ldlanoffice. Edricatina je nnt "o evrlyar ae ofrd yt rahlanl îubo ee-'-g 2 cp ur iLu vî esen seea illustrations ni thbe striling1 gixen by otbîeîe. but a temale %veakuesseçvhieh preveda seriou usaqato lu ihataponu drain on my vitality, sappiîîg my, Sour ik, :L teaspoon sodia, two Of seit and thrme heaping teaspeon- fect. Hrce i a macalled suddenlv G \i\FR 1W ONES SELF. id cusbng severe lheadaeiîey, beariag Lnown teblespoons sugar ni iiiolas.eý, 1 fuis nf baising pnw der bote a lar-ge awe frnt is vor, ad irefims, QOeeveith etuies ccolngy by li*iger 1peins and agenerel nom-nt einutlIcp etifer asgreban oa . Put a bcapiiii-tahlespoonfui oni grni ris geforedsue, g oeabout rue o okbtelly bail ne desire te live. 1 trîsd ma-,f fout lake grid île cakes thesainie butter iniiLec iiicd fleur and mix uti gret biscul - ce leiureth1aE le ugh over the oicte naroc, "lb-ut il u ba Lda iLîn gt01rmne1Yrlif iii t jUInthinner. For jolîiiy cake, tbnrnugbly untîl the wboe is i it- hie toit, bis desr, andL îlebird cicr '1lei ilmtee im acnasntlItýk yj .Pnham's i cgetableekh1i turnd tward thesumier b1thtemcd geolngy lîy liii'- eingove!' theý Cenipound lnt-%vmnîhelvaeîni-h bet- use lIbdian inel (gmaruiatmd) iîîstad tic globules. Tiîeilcmirin eimnuglu tune twad ue so!er 1 ed sauîioîie la which lho wronght, ter cod trorger, and in four menthe 1Iwa ni tbe grabani deai-. mik te nieke e dougli as stif as for oin e l t baîî be QuWO R . e b y studios hta îiî hy p------- w ell; noi et re disagre ablc isc brge, n Rai i pi - Ialf cup raisins, t n- t a b s u t . W be tirougul y m ix- sa the picumie of a fieid 'daisy, but more pain. SeI ave every raso-n te praiT d and chppeu, heu Cp sugar, d turn the de gh on a well iosîed the Ve6-etable Compound,ad 1 consider it hal top seat îîiik, 1 gghaiftea~-i pastry huard and rmil hl' I It îî e trlove cfnishj appointed lRoberit Buîrns m-ned - ithe ' sî Vett wiîboetsaqtl for tee us ef elmina task that '-Iisred Jesus duriug tii, tlossoîrs as lbe piplei w e d d aidTwit , ho I pea sit b-ifteoron tneeen aninb i ofckes Thn af nt the woman who does the family baking-, ie who appreciates- Royal Household by- the new. eledtrical process-'because it with the simple "Royal Household - ýit makes better, sweeter, whiter, lighter Zolls, etc., and more crisp and, deliejous ever made before, and shfe is flot afraidi South Range, Digby Co., N. S., NoveMber 22nd. 1want te tell you that Royal Ilousehold Flour is 3I ever nsed in ail my life, and the only kind I wiil long as Ienu get it."1 (Signed.) MRS. AILEX. PORTE£R. fng in namne and address to The Ogilvie Pour Mills Co., nd mentionning this paper, these recipes will be sent FREE. at homne WITHTOUT Pain, Danger, or Time From Work by the WONDERFUL DISCOVERY of an eminent Toronto Specialist. À1 s1 éà;j. R. KETCHESON, EsQ., Justice of Peace, Madoc, Hastings Co., Ont., whiose portrait here appears, le cnred at 88 years, by the i ,~i~' ~ geat Diseovcry nf the Rupture Speciallist, Dr. W. S. Rico, 21~ East * Quen t. (Block m5i ), Toronto, Ont. Te ail Raptured su fer- orwh rt at once. Dr. Rice will spnd FREE, bis 1300w "Cen Rupture be nrCi ad EREF TRIAL of his DISCOVERY. Do ne-t waiWrite to-day. th - Ëb1i -;oýýý ,ýý.', u- Il -ý 1 iii -c--t- uIygs -- !~Iél Xj~s ac1Eeîsrc-wa e-ny case- of Leucoorrhoa>F aie e i ,es de,<,, and ae oees d er__ utntrs lb ---eni ~~f -4, t -t-oe]het IIg ainrt nd-- rsre- ehbtsîrsiantt 3lgun ~acwia Weakness, PrÔzlapstîs ____ --l Many v-Woinen -Victinm f-fthejnk ge-frem________________I_______________ A- Womb whifroh Hlieaxcannot tand don't l<now it. uith's Buc " mire. Alte aki iir-and i ttdo eînoiza mtol-, iiLithia- Pille -ae R71lais adai(C-sn r iALA[ZD Ifý yo rqir edca dyo firmi'sasoets. This means thet the bok on t he above nentiened 1diseaSs. Of the air passageS Caus- A despatehfei Paeaey:- ,zncebyfaortri ai rhocs wlabslte Ifyurqioreia diesharebolders wiil net eniy lose their Address, -W. P. .9=îtli C, _185 St. h Exhibition I)epamtmneut of the preints r n et. ia rcs h îlon't fail to write Dootor R. V. enie invostasient in the capital nf James Street, Montrea, Canada, el.. by a cold~. -j.aa~ oenient bas butin htisy for the * e>tist .Pierce who wMI give you the M30,000, bot theyv wiii be called on Consumption Cure' h pas-t ew daye iomwarding exhihits ef 'The FrostW~ire Fence sraee tetaviepssbe Ades dule scate th. alunelem-thercure Lung Tonic, wiIIntrlprdit renCnd t oldsPring wire tested to 200 LsOenCe L~~~~~~~~~est~~~~~~~~~~~ ad9e sil.Adesdul iLit ay ftr hr-Lee egaa îeyprcent. of strength-over twice that of. erdinaryfn ie Bluffalo, N. Y. holders are wemnen, and meet of you. Thousa.nds o the exhîbits have been shipped te The Prost FenSe is guaranteed. We wlli eartan ii ree, D.Pec' laatPlesstancies, se thaf the ms Milil e very AP TY QRREAIMpole kniow It. Vour S.Jonçws, nall ear tere, any defects due te nuaterial or woruùaiship. Ileaietadbt Dr.Pieoe' Plasat Pllee teniau' pepleb mderte ircta-destination by the C-1P,R, bloc. The Write for free bookiet. For sale by-ý are a ladies' laxative. No other severe, and wiil cerne on people wbe $'ýp4p ma. bi 0.,WDNY AM money back If it doesn't. reummening 10 'pe" cent -of the exhib - mnedîoine equals them for gen- caenuet afferd se, and whe in many iD0F.l I 41lie ite te go forward are princ'ipally tinesan hoouhes, cases wili thereby Le almost panper- C. L$ J. 5c fut n ________ o. and $1,00 mhmtisiag matter tiret are * J. MONTJOY, Enniskillen. ~ lied. ___________ e

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