anafa t ateOnx. jy e bm&.w In Advance. re- uun OUE TOWN."A» C OUZeTy iF RsT;TEWORLD APTERWARDS. IL A. JAM1l~ & ~ON Pronrietors TIfNTWT~A A WTTT e~ ~ ~ ~ - -- - - - - BOWMVAIN VLLŽE, UN'AIUL>, WLiJNEDAY, MAICH 29, 1905. VnTnMi~'. LT Wn 13 * Sâpringg 3m Imortations, * Couch, Johnston & Crvderman have been very busy opening Sout their Spring Importations'. They are now showing Ithe.1contents of- scores of cases and bales of high class goods : Dress Crioods, Silks,ý DesTrimmings, Prints, Drills, Sateens an a lovely lot of New Wash Goods of ail kinds suitable for Shirt Waist Suits. * Car pets and Curtains etThe BIGGEST Stock o apt of ail kinds as well as the fins sotetoLaeCran rson by oarselves or by any flouse in Bowmanville, No Better Value Anywhere.y A vory choice lot of Tweeds and Worsteds for Mlen's Suits. Bowmianville, Jjust Liko People HQRSES need a spring medicine after a winter'a Confinement with ltt1 exercise. OondîtiollPwdr are just what YOUR'borse needs to PURIFY BIS BLOOD and to aid digestion, thus enabiing hlm to propcriy use the feed you give hlm. They are sold only in 1 lb packages 1 for 25e or 5 for $1,0, FoR* Kersiake, .The Druggist and Optician. Phono 49. BowManvtlle. AUCTIUN SALES. TUR5DAY, Mardi %)--Mr. '-. h. Brown, lot 14, con 6, Darlingtoa. will soui ai of bis valuable farm stock ;raplements, etc. Sale at 1 P. M. Seu bille. L. A. W'.TOLB, auctioneer, SATURDAX, Apr il Sth,-Miss Voale, Wel- lington st , will seil ail1 of lier ousie- hold furniture and furnishýinge. baie at 1 o'clock. See bille, L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer, WHITBY WANTS WEST DURHAX. SupeÎrirternclent of Faites aIci ]Exhibitions. Mr. H B, Cowan, the new Suporin- mauaging the good roade train which tendent of Faire and editor of TIhe built several miles of model stretches of Canadian Horticulturiat, although oniv roads la the varions ceunties of Eastern Ontario as object lessons Four years 27 years of age. bas had conaiderablo azo he arranged the first circuit of faire experience la public matters. ln 19J1, ever beld la the province. Ten faire as editor of the Ottawa Valley journal Joined the circuit and secured expert ho~~~~~~~~ oraie fO0 h age îw~judges. The oxperiment wae such a ha rgaize oe o th lage T heown succese that it bas grown rapidly matches ever held ta Canada.Th througbout the provinces At various counties la Eastean Ontario held county timos be bas actod as seeretary at Ot- matches and sent their junior and senior tawa of the Dominion Live Stock Asso -haîrpions to compote ia the final match ciation ànd Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Associatin' Duriing ene year ho a l'i,- - , 1l -, - f editor of the Now Enu'land H oMaaea TO SUBSCRIBERS. Owing to bad weather and roads. we suppose, more subscribers than u'mal have failed to pay for this papor lni Jau uary and February. Wle do nlot like asking for money through the patper and we only do se when we need it promptly. "During next ton daye 'VO have te pay a considerable amount of mroney andshall feel obliged for pay- mentof al ccounItse ue,'1s at nceý 0fcure fter April 1, subscriptions due JaÏu. 1i, 19 75, are $1.25 and if lot Paid bv July 1 1905, the fuil rate of 81 50. The $1 rate te for payment lu advanme MILLINERY OPENINGS. A pleasing event in which ail lady readers are greatly interestod i, the Spring Mil linery Opeffn ig which took place in this town on Frïday and Satur-, day. The latter day wae (ertainlv an ideal one for snch an event a'ud the zay parlors of the Millinery establishmnents were tbronged with visitors eager to in- spect the new, brightly colored and at- tractive hats whicn are displayed thie season to tempt the tastes of the ladies. HADDY & CO. The Central Millinery of Hladdty & Co had a very pretty and artistic wIn- dow display A bell cf violets and foliage was suspended in the centre and differ. ent shades of ribbon prettil7 fostcoued, gave the whole a very dainty appear- ance. Within, the visitors were greeted, wolcomed and allowed to inspect the maay lovely hats, gay and pretty ln the now colores ad shapes. A great many sales are reportod which ie proof of the fact that any face or complexion could easily be suited. Among the, many pety bats was a much-admired 'white crnline plaque turned fromn back te front. faced with shirred white tulle, banked in back with shaded lilacs, aud mramn ribbon bow fallîng over the hair, A favorite was a Charlotte Corday shape of mulberry colored straw, large crown encircled with forget-me-nots, facing of tulle and rosette trimming the bandeau. There were also severai pretty green bats that took well and will mako easy sellera. We mention one,,a fancy green straw, rolied brim aud high side, shaded green straw forma the odge with a faciag of resedda green chiffon. A beautiful g'reen foathfer waA the only trimmning, flored ih..ts aremuch mor n evidahTn i The Corner Shoe Stores When D--ub Buy our Celebrated "German" School Boots for your family. lhey are Guaranteed We stand ready to take back any pair of German Boots shown to have: 1. Shoddy heel etlffners. 2. Shoddy inside heel pieoes. 3. Shoddy inside soles. 4,, CUt off vamps at toc caps. 5. Common cotton stitchlug. "German" Boots are neat in ap- pearanco. Z.-They wear out any otier boot in the market Tiey are n0 deaier than many poor boots. l11Ëey are "made lu Canada." They are mnade lu any of four leathers--light to heavy. They ara -ýàade in cizes to fit any boy or girl. They eau be bought only at Oshawa. ,.on the Main Corneri 011 EerthngNew With a fulll une of the best Boots, and Rubbers on the Canadian Market. Now Shoes Open for your inspection., h is Roomy, Cosey and Splendidly Lighted, I --SPECIALS-- C.Sovereign'l Shoes for Men "lQueen Quality"l Shoes for Women ',Rochester" 'h ioes for Chidren -Granby" Rubbers for .4il You are speeially Invited to our New Store. Cail and see us whether you buy or flot. Opposite The New Po7it Office. Bowmanville. Have You Seen Celebrated The Knlolf Double Action Washer Wih ~as awarded Fi rot Dpoma sudwBighest Honora lu colupetition 'with over 800 macchines at Worîd's Fair, WiII Wash Faste r, Bette r and Easier Than any other machine in tie World sud positiLvely- no--wear ou the clothes. F or sale onîy by: Phonoe 26, BowDlanville, (3 doors oset of Beanott IHoue.) MT. VERNON. Mrs. Chas. Rogers is convalescent, Mr. Arthur Milîson bas reîurned from Toronto.. .. Mr. Henry Heddon le! t Monday for the North West .. . .Some from hare onjos-ed the oyster supper at Soina Friday evauîng... Mr. sud Mr, J. TruIl, Harmony, visited at Mr. J. Garfat's THE LATE MR. VEALE.r Another ajuci neepected citizen, long a reaident of this town,- passed away Wednesday morniug ha the pereon of Mr. Thos. Veale, at the ripe age of 82 -.years, Deceased w'as a native of Corn- wall, England, and with ils wife came to Canada ovor fifty yeare ago, He bas been leeble for some time but was la, is irsual bealtb until a few days prov- bons to his death when pueumonia set in sud ho paesed peacefully awav. Hie leaves one daughter, Mies Anssie Veale, who bas carod for ber father la hie de- ciaiug--oars aud will nourn-the- s of a kind father. Hie wife predeceased 1 him about sixteen yeans azo. The fut.- eral took place Friday aftornoon from! bis late residonco, Wellington St., sud' wae coaducted bv Rev. W. Joliffe ais- sisted hy Reve D. 0 CrPsssbe , T WV,1 Jolliffe sud C. Parker, (owo> Amoug friende preset from a adistance 'Vere MUr. sud NMrs. Robt Watsqoni, Lon- don, and Mrs. John Henide3r:on Co- bourg, asking hlm to eal! a m-eetinig o, rate- Dayors to consider thle matter thoün you would soon 5e ow tho matter stood as to séparation. Witb the above , nestion ln view, 1 conld not advise the separation of Nor- tbumberland and Durham, and make two counties to Support countv build- ings in bnth counUes but if the town of Bowmanville, Darlington and Cart- wright townships, being so mucb nearor Ontario county could make arrange- ments to join Ontario county, or I think botter stil) if West Durham seould corne to Ontario County it wonld be more convenient for them tû do so and avoid a séparation of counties by dlviding the Durhams. County buildings are now very ex. pensive ty build and to maintain after boing built. In the county town of Wbitbv, connty of Ontario, 'there are Court flouse, Gaol and flouse of Refuge -buildings large enough I tbink to acecommodate Ontario Connty and West Durhame, sbould sncb an arrangement be desirod, By so dofng it might gave building buildings ia one connty and divide the représentation. Some years ago the question was cousidered ia Dar- lington at a meeting called for that purpose by roquisition to Reeve and a committeo appointed to confer with Ontai b connty conucil whicb also Sp. pointed a committee to considor the matter. A meeting of committees wes held la Port Perrv and en agreement reacbod gi-ýing Darlington and Cart- wright townships a chance to join Ontario counts wbicb was considered at a meeting called by Reovo for the pur- pose of considering conditions agreed to and as far as Darlingtoa was coucera- ed ail was satisfied that the ternis were fair aud just, and the came termes migbt be cousidered now if wanted. Yours truly, C. We,-TH For bard colds, bronchifis, asthma, and coughs of al kinds, you cannet take any- thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral., Ask your own doctor if this Is flot so. He, uses it. He understands why- t-soothes- ad -heals. - -1i bâd àterrible eougb for wfieks. Then 1 took Ayer'a Cherry Pectorali andi oniy 'on@ botile cexepietely cured rme."1 Xffl. J. B, DÂNs-OF»i, Si. Joseph. Mich. 25e', 5"., 11.0. J. .. AYER C0., Umfo Co 15s od Yeua wjlI hati r eryb-ta Ing M»s 1 yet " PllAn Oêtme TEMPERANCE OUTLOOK. Rev, W. A. McKay, D. D., of Wood. stock, writes the followiug to The Pioneer:1 Nover was our cause more hopeful tia to-day; sund tijis hopefulneias arises, not from any verv bigb expect- ations of advanced tem;perance logis. lation from the party now la power, but from the new sud inspiring position lu wiicb we find ourselves as temperance reformera. Wbst are soine of the bassons cf the recent Provincial eloction ? Firet, let us learn to depead more upon the power of the Gospel. I fear tiat during the last few years, in our zeal to obtain logishation, we bave too muci over- iooked the acknowledged fact tbat al rosi lasting reformation muet bogiru lu tie heart; aud that legisîstion is effect- ive only as it - ivos expression to the intelligent, sanctifled conviction of the peopîe humble thtimselves sud pray- tien willi hal their land." Agenuine and powerfni revival of religion, sncb as ta now being experienced tin Wales sud other places, wou)ld, I am persnaded do more lua singie monti to pleanse our beloyed land traim commercial dis- bonesty, intemporance sud political corruption, than ah the enactmente of world-wise politicans can affect luas gentration. Mcre "hneo-drili" is, thereforo, the firat lesson of our new situation. A second is, instead of devoting our enlergiesa exclusively ta obtaining a Provincial law ta close the bars air at once, we sbould attack the enemy wberever wo fEud a chance cf victory. By nafng tie power of local option, as 'Vo now ha% e it, a very largo pi opor- tion of the drunkb rd-maL-ing f actories of our land can be closed. And,,,heir cbosing, especially in rural conmusu- tios, would be an immense gain,' as it 'would removo temptation miles away from theso country lads who are now bngdcmoralized sud rnîned ia these places. I hope within tho noit yoan to see a botter crganized and more per- sistent effcrt in thus direction tia we have ever seau in the past. A third bacson 1,.- We must not in the least lower our rtandard. The exorcise cf tie fulil power of cur con- stitution to put dcwn the liquor curse is what we have been demanding in che past; Sud it ta whiat we muet continue to demand in t"e future. A change ia the Goveriumeut doos flot in the least weak en tbis demaad; we base our claim, not-upon promises of politicianis, but upon the rock of etornal rigit, Fer right is ight, siace 0-od -la- God, -And ight the day shahl win; To doubt would be disloî al, rTo falter would be sin.-, ThoF o of ns wbo at the recent electica voted in protest egalint t onest contid once betraYed, sud aclemu plerlges iguored. are wihhMr Whitnsey so long as hleivill deal justby witri the pocnple in gglpgilbativoe xpre,-sion 10 theirý enphti aud of trepeated conviictionis i.againet the liquor trafic, WELCOMIE SPRING. Welcomo, welcome, gentle epring! Hall-no, don't bail please; Blow warm on the littîe bude, So that tbey will not freeze, Whisper to the violets: 'It la timo to wake 1" And don't lot a blizzard looso- Don't for gooduese sake! SOLINA. Mr. Frank Hockadsy bas moved to the Werry farm bore wbich ha bougit. ...lenry Heddon sud H. Rogers beave for Saskatoon, Assa., thie week.. Election of officora at Division this wook ,,Roade have been plougbed and are again open for traffic. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of 50w long s3tanding, in 6 to 14 day8, Rirsi application à ves ease and rest..cI f your drugassi hasn't ni send 54e in stainpa ana il wlIi be forwarded post-paid by p>ari3 edicine 00., St. Louis,.Mo A Canadien Banker Promoted, Mr Thomns D Allen, formenly of Newcastle, Ontario, sud for the last ton ~oar wih Te National Bank of the Rcpublic lu Chicago, bas juet beon ap- poiuted-cashier of The States Loan anai Trust Co . of Quincy, IllinoiF, the larg- est bank ln Ilinois outeide of Chicago, carr 'yiug- deposits of five million dollars. C-,hicago's bass will be Qunncy's gain, Sud the National Bank of the Republic givo hlm tie bigiest recommeildattoas, sud part witbhlm with regret. Rov. W. J. Jolliffe, B.C L , Peterboro, sud son Norman, bave gone to Pila- deiphia sud Atlantic City. N. J. The latter wlll n'poud about three weeke St the seaside. Revival services In Methodiat ciurch are still in progrees, about 85 persona having decidec to enter on a new life. Few olderly people have gone forward Attendanco bas beon gcod, A largo choir assist with the sinLaing-. At prestrit meetings are expocted to close FriJai nigit. Rumour cornes from Toronto that New York Central RailwaY is securinz control of ahi electrical linos between Toronto and Buff a lu; that a four-track electnic train lino, wjll ho couetructed westward ai o to London sud Detroit sud eastward to Bowmanville ana per. hapa as fan as Cobourg. H-ooray ! The Coîbonne Express under the hoading of "Cheok sud Worse" sayé: The secessionists of Durhamn bave decided-to-reams:n-in tite-union,--con-- dîtional on a special meeting of the Counties' Coundil fortbwiti for trie purpo3e of givin ga pledge that Durham shah not ho hableinathe future for the pavment cf anyportion o! the cost for the fake but toc ccstly bridoees following each othen rapidlv iu Northumberland. if thie proposition f0e acted upon tL.e p o pte should caîl upon the 24 notorions b-ridge-jugglerq to resiguid ntone os cbloroform theml call ait te Central iiviiiierv rarlors, yon will be sure to find a welcomie and Bomothing to suit you in headwcar. THE MissEs DINOMAN, For man.y years tbis business bas been carried on by Mrs. Warren Ding man but ou account of ilîness, it bas cbanged bande and the Misses Diagman wili now welcome ail thG former customere and will be pleased to see s many new ones as may kindly favor tbem witb orders. Bore, too, the wiadow displav wae very attractive, a canoe and se veral baskets, filled with flowers. and ehaded ribbons nicely drapod made au exceedingly pretty docoration. Flower aeeomed to greet one onevery hand. Great quant. ities were ou exhibition as well as lav- ishly displaved on the numorous new chapes whicb are nearly ail decidedly tnrned up at the back. Trimmings this vear are principally shaded sud abot ribbous. mulberry being one uf the newest shades, straw braids, maline, flowers and foliage. 'the shaded veil- luge are also extensivoly used for drap- ing bats. 'In readv-to-wears the Napo- beon le a favorite but thàýre are a nnm- ber of others that are equally protty and becoming. There are also pretty lace, toques for blîdren Among the many now shapes was a Charlotte Cordav iu aoft wood-brown chip witb trimminge of brown taffeta ribbon sud brown bernies ta the samo shade. Another pretty hat was the Gibson of fancy leather-colored straw trimmed with wreatb of sbaded roses aud ribbon rosettes la came sbades. The pok e siapes are very popular and were shown la many different colore, One that took tie fancy of mauy of the ,voungor ladies wae a French poke the brim and crown beiug narrow white valencennes lace boaded by smaîl plnk roses which gave it a very dainty effeet. A double docker bat that 'Vas closeiy inepected bad a brim of mose green braiR trimmed with pinkish mauve poppies and rosettes of ebaded ribbou witb green foliage falling over thehair. Thisdeso criptionilevery meagre and to really appreciate the many beautiful designel c f headwoar we wonld advise ail the ladies to eail at Misses Dingman'a ad wo are sure they will be suitea. is a constitutional disease originating i impure bloodi and requirmg constit tionI treatmnent acting throughý and purifying the blood for[ its r-adical and permanent cure. Be -sure to -take Hood'ls Sarsaparila Nasa and other local formaci catareg are quickly relleved by CatirrI.ets wb"challay ifammation and deodcrizo discarge. Hood's Sarsapariila, ail drugist, $1, C-atarriets, mail order onfly,, 50 ts For testimonials of remaika>le cr que for our Book on Catarrb, No. 4, ý e TMMB.*-91-oû pAr M. A. JAMES & SON. Proprietors Il i VoLump, LI No. , 13