A clespatcl'h irons Brooklyn, N. Y., .lays:-Rov. Ur,. N'ewell Dwight Hillis preachcd frocm the iolloxving tcxt:- Be ye kincl, terýder hcarted.-Eph., 4. 1. Courtesy has its çeninerciai value. Some y cars agG vce business mca tromn Nesw York ,vero brcakfasting at their hetel ini Iari's. Une ni thema wîai; cimenting upnn the millions ni moecy that Ainericans werc pour- S ing into the collers of Paris, the city ni boauty, art and pleasure. H1e in- xi sixted that this golden river ought te be turned npolî the fields oi Amner- ican industry aixd commerce. 1le urged tisaI his ewn store elïered ad- vantages as mn andI great as the shops ni, Paris. "Do 30d waixl te Inoxi why our Americaxs spcnd tiseir meney here ini Paris?" said his coaxpani on. "Ceanee with nie for an heur and I will show you the reason." Thon tise lawyer and tise merchant xveat lIet a shop. The July merîxiag was hot, but the French merchant anxd his wie undcrstood the law of kindness and co'rtesý-. Thc iawyer1 said ho wis-hedl b Iook at ---me glov,,es, so(me siik tics and ~m lacs."Dt isst oi ail, -you*m-usti sit don androsI. So mnadam brougsit an easy chair and the shop- keoper insiuxîed otn bi inging A FAN AND A COOL DRINIe. Very soosi tise stout merchant fergol bis heat and long waiking. Aiter a littie ho spologized to mîadame for the trouble ho was making her. "It ino trouble; il is a pleasure." 'No conrlexy could have beca more tboughtful. In that hour kindness ouied ahl thse wheels oi trade. Good manners made buyiag and s"lhing a pleasure. The big, prosperous merchaxît quite fer- gol bimself and le beugit with opea-handed geacrosity. Net diri ho rememnber his discussionx until - he reached the street, when ho began te undet staad tse ianghxtei of his cein- Sp an ion. "Wcli," sairi the merchaixt, 'Paris has taught me oe tuiing-thc mxi ni. courtety. Wheîx 1 get back to Newi York 1 arn going' te hav e tise beads of departmnins organize an, cicrks itI classes, with lectures o n kiad- ness and gae-d miauners,- The law of courtesy has a comer- cial value. Courtesy xxiii net mako an ignorant man xise nos- a stupîd iazy clcrk successiol, but the 3 onth -oi good parts xviii fiîsd that kiîxdass[ and courtsN are largo additiomai as- sets and xxviii do much te promote his success atxd goori feelintg ameng bis fchsxxxvt4ets. ~ 2.Coutesy aid kindîxess betokess ~"Yho weli-bred gentlemtan. What culture is te the aclolar and svhat perfumo is to a, fhoxer, thnt. courtesy is te a gentleman. Kind- neas makes the youth a happinese, mnaker. Courtesy is a deIicate cx- halation. that swceteus tise atmnos- phere. Good wilh diffuses itseli in a genial gloxi. It i5 snid that n genx- tlemsan is for bis cemPanlionis' mmirds what an casy chair and a xx arm lire are for tle body. Il miakes tbe youth cousider THE RIGHTS OF? OTIERS; and once tise lxv ni kindnss is tixeli Ia the leart, ît manifests ctslfimn HEALTH IS THE FIRST ESSENTIAL It Heips Women .to Win and Raid, Men's Admiration, Respect and Love Woiman's greatest gif t l the power tel inspire admiration, respect, andi love. There is a beauty in healîli xvhieh le more attractive ta men than mere regu- lai-ity of feature. good ieiiow'ship, xvholsoniexxcss, cor- diality ai-id those r-efined attentinMsi that go to make a youth popular asng his eornpanioies. One day a iricnd asked a freshinan1 in Harvard Coilege why the boyi! aixxays chiered a certain proie'-sor. Now the freshmnan had never coassd- ered that point before and hie jumnp cd at ais nnswer and ihe gave' the right nue. 'Oh, le is so ,inid il ah- was s seens geod to have huam arouind." Some people cail courtesy' a museor grace, but hew can tisat vir- tue ho littie thatl ifted a professer to a Ilîrone and made hiox loonx larg,. above bis feiiow's? Recneiibo: that roghîscss ix a siga of weakncess. Some men are se iarsh that their soitcst word ix a blexv. There areý biuna, brutal iea xho ride rough- chod oves- their felioxis andr cosapaîx- ions, and thcy say: "Oh, yo nu msnt mind me! It ix a way I havc!"- Suppose a percupine wemo In Say': "Don't mmnd y quilis; it's a xxay 1 have."- A hodgelsog has its w ay, but tise way ix very bad. Bcd mati- ness, sarclsul and disregard of tic irights of otixera arae great fanîts. PRnemiber that on5e 3eiiow staini rins a marbie, oe black spot in the çceiling mins the iresce and one gi-cnt fauît, iLe tise absence of cnurtesy, can injure chaacter, thrcatea pros- prity and haive ones inîfiuence and x'ucccss - 3. The haxv ni courtesy forbids harnhiscriticism. The word "criticism" is ile Satan wxho icîl frnm heaven-it is a falien Word. Il begats as the nrtist's werd and. meant bo select the beautiful and esseitial elements la a great painting that shouhd be ifted wp for admiration and praixe. TITS GLORTOUS WORD ix like a seraph that bas b4n drag- geci doxxn until its piniotîs drag i the mud. Wc aIl know the type ni man wiose tengue in- a flail. Hero is tise teaccer who is ahxxa} praisiag tic briglît scholar and x'iea tise slow one stusables exchaimis "You stupid fool! " And -3ct tise boy bas worked Iwice a.- iaitisiully, despite his failître, as the other one and eanîer bis master's admiration did bis teachxer but know il. Ours is a xxoriri tiat is barsb in its judgmentg and cruel in its cîiti- clsm. Young man, restraia your i Iongne. Be kind. ]Pract-1ice courtesy. j Keep the ideais of Sir Walter Rai- eigh's gentleman ever heome ynu. 'Don't po1t. the' unsuccessiui xitb xvrds iLe stones. Conisider that what tise nortis w md cannot do teij preduce a harvest the seuls wind blon ing soi tly, can 'easily accomi- plisis. Hale ix as poxwriess as a blizzard. Love is as omnxipotent as tise stsnsinie. Distrihute joy by yor daily kindness. Go out ike a soxver and 0w heneaccios i ie a prince. Live w ith tise ceurtesy of one who feels hissseli to be a naturai king. Test y ourself by Jesus Christ. Hec scaîtereri benciactions andi cxaled kinidness. Be kind, Ienderbeasted and iorbearittg if vont woîtld rcap tie sweetest harvesl for practical SOI.DIERS' TEETH BAD. Recruits Have ta Be Discharged in Consequence. A dspaîci iromn London snys:-_ The War Office is afiictet i ailsa "dental trouble." Soee ime ago -the militas-y authorities sanctioned the enflistinent of mca w'isose tecli were bail, on 'tise condition tînt tiicy should pay for f aise teelis, or cIsc have lise defectix e molars stop- poid. It appears noxx that rnany ni the "toethiess" aho enlisted have rfsesrite fulill tisir engagemenît and PaY a dctist's bill. Tise War Office las corne 1tise conclusion tisaIt !ce men canntbc foi-Ced to Carry nul their contract, atnd must bc discisasged as not iikciy te bc- conm fficient seidiers. Tise Brigade of Guards ix thcexorst delinquertl. About a huadrod mon have 1redy becti discharged on accounî nftser tellh, wiie ns many more are likely 10 share lie sainie fate. BIG FIRE IN DUJRgAM, Flamies Wipe Out 'the Fumniture Factory. Il voir WAlir VO KNOW WHAT AILS Tou the, U. 8. mail wIlI briau Yeu the Sest modicul advIe fe 94Y th cot 0 ifp. Marty peaple owe tiseir present good isealh tthIe fact tisait tey censaiteri Dr. Pierce by letter, giviag hlm ail possible in- formataion about iheir condition, syniptomes, etc., anid received in retura good niedicai advice which cosi j/,xtxn noting. Write to Dr. lý. V. Pierce, founder-ai the Invaliris' Hotel andi Surgicailastitute, Buffalo, N. Y. D. Pierce.,y no means confiues himseh ta prescrbinig his wtii-ktiowa t'edicitses. H telle you in tise most cotmion-sense way wbat ails you, what yen onght to do, what line of treatment shonid bc followed ont in yostr particuhar case, and if your case doe not indicate tise neeri for ibis proprie. tary medicine, b. telle you plainiy andi frankly wh'ai you do need, and tise best possible methori af improving your healtis. DIr. Pierce ireats mauy chronie cases ai a distance, tbrougi tise mail and ahi you have ta do is ta write hilm youj syntptoms. "hiDuring mv two years oai married tue 1 bave net had goca iealth,"1 writes Ms-s. Dalsy Stud- dard, af 6oS S. Es-sanade PAevenue, leavenwortb. Kaus. I51 was a2l run-dowu, snd nmy busbaufi gai me ta write te Dr. Pierce. 1 got au earty replyételhtiug tme wlbat tise trouble iva. I cout- ne.ced idg Dr. l'ierce'e Favorite Prescrip- tien, and alto tise 'Pleasant Pellets,,'and nelw eau say tisai 1 feet e a new womta. I do al nsy workend do u tei tred ouit ike I used ta. fave takea eght hotes ai the 'Favorite Pre- scriptiuu.' ht makes ane feel well and trang.» Dr. Pierce's Pheasant Pelleta cure dizzi- neus and sdck hieadache. VANTARIO LEGISLATURE SPEECH 0F THE LIEUTENANT- GOVERNOR AT THE OFENING. A Toronto despatri says: Tho fIrst session of tise eleventh Legisla- turc of tise Provilace ni Ontario xvas opeoned ixib ll hidue ccrenieny onn, W'cdnsday aiterîxon. Lonxg hefnre d- e'ciock. tise hous- set ii~h open-1 iîîg, tise chatîsher uns iteraily pack- est. Tie scene on tthfon, xias brul- liatnt, the' ladies as usual occmpying tise mosl îronaiae-nt pinces. Tise gai-1 leries w'ers' crowded just a littie be- yossd their capacity. SPE'l'ICH FROM THE THRONE. Tise speech iroinsthe tismone at'the opeaing 0f tic Ontario Legisiature Nvcs as iolnows: Mr. Sî'eakp:tr andi (tntlcnî'en onilthî Legishative Asseinbly: Il aCierds nse gis-at pleasure te wei- corne you te tihe performance of your dultie's.aI Ibis, th ise dcxl sssion oni tise Ehexcatis Legisinture of lits Pro- vintce. As a resuhî of tht' habors oi tise ht'sband'rnla,, aflords tiseiondation ot ic teh e prosperitY ni tise Pro- v'ince inaitîs î-,sts. our enrixrxt thasis at-n dise te Ximigity Cod fer tlic bounteous ici-test of lie past yea r, Ina al sections ni tic Prevince are to be seetx exidestces of sleahihy ila ci-easîng activity atnd esterprisýe on tIe prtton our pmeople xvhich con- stituîo caisse for hetrty congrtla- tion. THE iN1,-TOS' DEPARTURE. Since tise last meeting ni tise Legis- inture ttireernix of the Fan nif Minte ns (;oi'cmtor-Genoral of thte Doiii ni Canada carne t" a close. The, xcv- crans- oï ~the ceint ions xhtcl hati cx- isted htu cciitiche, eirilig Gove-isos-- General andtihle peliofCanada was sixices eiy regs-etcd bv tIc peopeie of tisis P -ýniace. I)Liisg2 isstermni o ofyfct'. Len(t 11mbositrixtîcrd tise, nttatsr-tt'rof tic Caîsladiaii people te the Emipire, antî t the principles of comstitutinnal govesrneat ursier xvhinis xve iv,ad which wc soIigi-, hy prize, alike' by tise great isilertist wxiich ieho anmîiested ta evnsytling e- lating to andal aecting tise irn-ess an~ld dt chopiienit nithe Domninion, andi ly thsowietns.and statesinkan- shp xxliri distiîpîtishied his adminis- trtion oi publhic aflairs, 'tlho parw.taketi by tise Cnunbtessi o Minto, an., the isilerest whîiul cis disploy cd ini philanthropie inox-e- moents., as w'eh as iser evident concera for the isîpiess anxd confort of tise people, acre sources ni gi-cnt satis- faction. lt-dpa-ucxa s isce forr dea regrýet. - foea matter of sicerereet IA dspatch fs-nus Dus-aInusay,:j- i-ttr, ciotetisuosecsu IFis-e hioke nul in tise finisiig-montr ecri y tise peopleofn Canada toe anl ofni lie Dus-hans fus-sîlîsre incînri bore Gr-cy, as lie successot- ni lhe E ri1 TE 6ilisabout 7.30 onTlucday nigiht, anti ofn Minto, cuti I have ovecy confidence in spitbofnitbicspiesîditi eïorîs ni tiat h isxxl crepresent bis Maie. ty the To be a scesn wife, ta retain thse tise firesacîs, by 9.30 isar comapieteiî King wti ability anti dignlty la love and z-îfrtin of lier husbanri, jdestrnyrd tise hiilig and crntents. ex ery dnty tisaI pertains 10 is greal bhouiri bc a womani-.constant stndy. 1Tise dl-i Iin anti n largo stock ni e l!ce At thse first indication of ili-bealtis,1 lusîsher ans savoti, bol wit idfficrul- ITUTE GOVEiINiNT' ATLWýAY. painful or irregniar menstruation, Ix. t ix ixot nowin loxv thmc lIte yoe j'Oia 1 opicaseti to learîs tint beadache or backache, soonre Lydia E. oti-igitîctoti. Tise conîpasins ttaý ben Ithse Te-iikfamsiig andstNnrtles-n On- Pinkhirn's Vegetable Compoundi andi six s cars in opcretmon, eîiwssi -"e 'iea, . rgnuxpen'i begin ils use. flousisiing cenditiors, eiilI ýiogit-ci-al e Mrs. T. E. Gxillis, Windsor, N. S., aiîtîst sixty mc, anti pax ing some lit)r-cii - slycipicteti, anti describes hem iliness and cures, in lhe ,16,000 in wages atîîually. bout lasos- orne trie lie 'n cars'ytng pas- ýfollowIag letton:, w( o t îni istî dsock etI jt'rsî xcgs Oiis ots Dean Mmx. Piaizhasis- u'era voftelcinof h, WlfhenIi 1comimcaced to talze Lydia E, oles- ssisipaotîl a s rt'x$-ri 00f).. r nise-tfi th ie iciosi nî i tise Pinkham's Vegeteble Compounti 1 was soito a i aindtsnaeî tforoo j5Oo-ofmi'G'îx rusnsPacfir- feriag xiti wealness and Nwomb treuble, iTise 10 s ta lise toxx ch-i sexes-t',1 tut thr lu a o]tiron isb es- ireon isc- heatiacies, backaches, adti tisworn-eut, ttinliteill the les tory wmlh ho s-e- tt'l-î]te vi oi otoiiii tireri feeling. 1 haie nnly talon lise Vege- [isî,lillstttiach " table Compound a iew short steeks, anti il has matie me weil, strong anti obust. 1 believetisaI Lydia E. Finkhanî's -Vegetahle NRV SSACIO ES Cernpoundi is witiout equal for fenmale trou- ciI fnorirrs'ýo uare troubled wilh pain- l'envol Attack on Êank Vauts- ilt ea fu o irenlrmenstruation, bcck- Tlîmougir Tunnels. i h ache, bîoati1g (or flatulence), eucor- k A ateis frein Londocns says -At 7ý-,_ rima, falliag, inflammation or ulcera- tise Isîsîf -y ariy meieting o efBa- nuit desnt seem serlous buet it fa. It, lion n îeemus, downafeeing, imnabîcof, ni-.Irulon Thutsdstia d cixidend gradually works down ta the air tisI ""rin-doa"feeing dzzs iof 4,' or centl. was declae-t. The Passages 8,nd caueses congestionx nesx, fainîness. indigestion, or nervous s-tpoits for tise six sayl sontien- ana nlm aio. Slo prostration may be restored bo perfect ntpo bealth andi strengîli by laking Lydia 1 gFoi). -8 ivere $3,291,44-5. A nsmtn Cure. the Lung E - Pinrhaîn's Vegetablo Compoiund, 1 neros-u's sixarehictder tisea'attentionrs if uýrn.e ocr Surehy you cannot vwish ta eaito th,-rai Iront! tutxîsminîg ahi rondt oll ur.-te ocr sli. ,wî-ak ari dlsconrageri, when yen bthe bani. ttnd in close proxit-nily le coughs land colds,. YQUr rmOaey' migits o easily hoc cured. 'The mnedi-- tis îxtetmanaan vaisits holding tebbc-back. if it doesnt. cii50 whieh lias madie se many otier 1 co'unts-} s b"Iuma as nltes-irg facililies 406 wemen wvell will cure you alsa, for the use of explosives hy mrglars ~25, 0.fn 10 BEKINO. AND FORBEARTNGýi CIl-urtesy is Necessary to a Man Who Would Succeed. HOW'S THIS'? We offer OntesHaudreri Dallas Reward for t-ny case o ai a-sh that eanaot bc eured hy Hl's CaSas-rh Cure. F. J. CIiENEY & COý, TAedo, 0 We, lise tîtderigîter have knewn F. J Ciseuey for thse luti 55 yeame, aud believe him Pes-ieetly bonor-able Its ailbusiuness trsactionse aad laauccilly aide la carry oui auy oblgationse Marie by lh is-ut.o XVALOING KtssAN & MARVI-2, Wholesale Druggiele, Toledo' O Hall's Casas-rh Cuis taken intemualliy,. ct- ipg dieeotiy uîsot he blond and muoa srics ai the systiem Teetimoniale sent fs-ce. Ps-ire 75 ceus per- bottle. Soid by ail Druggiss. Take H Ali'e Famtly Pille for constipatioa . SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST Via the Chicago andi Nos-tih Western Raiirweiy everv d-v fi-on Mas-ch let ta Mday l5, 1905, settiers' oute way second class tickets ai very low s-aies frem Chicago te points§ in Utah,, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Orezon, WRsshington, Calitornia, also te Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster, Rossland aîîd otLor points in tic Kootenav District. Cor s-espondingly iow rat6s fs-cm ahi poi-ts in Canada', Write for full particuIar. andi lIdesetaB. 1H. BESNE'rr.Generai Agent, 2 Kiiig St. East, Toronito. 7 7w NEW CUUBB[NG RATES. THu, STATESMAN will be fus-nisheri for 1905 in connection witi the undernamed publications at the price statari: TorontoDaiiyWorld,,bah 19JI f cee $3.5-) ['oronito-Daily Star, do do 2.00 Taronto Daily Globe 4.75i 66 .6 5 o'clock edition 3 50 Weeklx Globe,with illustrated parts i 9j Dailv Mail and Empire 4.75 Weekli' Mail and Empire L90 Toronto Daily News 2 o i weekiv Witness 1 75 TicesVeekly Sun 1.9j Parming Worid 1.50 Farmer's Advocate 2,50 Chr-istian Guardian, bai 1931 free 2 00 Fa mliv Heraîid andi Weekily Star 2.0 reference to this Important Provin- cial work., Amnong the ireasuires ta he submait- ted for your consideration are: 'a bill ma king certain aniendments te the Fducatioa Act, a bill relating to the Forest lieserves Act; bis chaniging the (lesignation respectively of the hesx'ds of the Cmx' n Lands' Depart- ment and the Pu 'lie Works' Depart- ment fro'm Commissioner te Minis- ter, a bill to creal a- a flepartnient of Mines, wxh a linaister at its head; a bill rclating te the Cnunitv Coun- cils' Act: and a bill anxexxding the Ontario Electioxis Act a'nd abolishiinig the ilurnering nf tue ballot. TO EXPAND NOITHýWARD. A short Urne ago it was hrought to thf" notice ofniy it, inisters that the Uni ernînent or the Province of Manitoba had made application te the Dominion Goverxxmeat for the exlinsiexi of the hounidaries ni that Provînro aerthwar<l te the shore ni Huclson's Bay, and aise thý-t the' Federal G ernx ment might-possibly j ho willin, te divide bet-ween andi tranqfer to the coptiguons Proin ces the, te-sitor ix w est, sns'th ai-d ceast of Hudsen's Bay and Jamces' Bay. My Minlisters cI once pot thernseives jin conmmuniication w-vijth the Fedcrel Gevemamireat, aad respect- fnily sgc that before the details of amy such divis,ýien of territory sholI bc decided upon, or even considercd, thxe Governimnent of this Province sheuld bo ailoiwed te submit for con-idera tion, with refereacte sucb prnpeied division, its dlaim te that portion ni the territory which tise Pr ovince miglit fairly ut-go shuld ho alintted te il. I arn pleased to in- form , ou that a satisfactory answer bas bc-en reccix cd ire-r the Premnier of Canada, and that we are no-W. perh-xps. nttle t hope and expect that a, vcry large portion oi the vast, territory 13 îng north ni the present northerii bonndary ni On- tario, believed te be rich in miîne- aIr, andi extending te the southeî-ly and xesterlx she res ef I{udsen'sBay wilI bc incinded iwthia the bouud- arics ofniLnovProvince. AS TO NIAGIARA POWE R. The extra ordinssry possibilities, which the future may bave in store with reference te electric power are attracting icrcased attention on the part of boths scientiuic and practical in. Theo resources of the Province la this resp;iect at Niagara Falls and elsewberc should be carefully bus- bauded in the interests of the penple c? Ontario. The r2port of the Commission on 2 Railway TaaAnwill be laid ho- t fore yeu. It is 'e be hoped tisat front information drvdfrom thîs t report, and fromi other ouresthse ý very important matter of(raiwaya taxation wiili neieyorattentionb ia tise necar futiare.d The Public Accounts w!I hb laid t hefore yeu for yonr coas,(idraioni at th e carlicst rmontent, nd the et- mates for thesecomning yeair viiI s hoe subrmittcd b o u ifor your al- provai at an eariy at. BT,, provoe tyou týha, Dr. Chas' îtetj eti PI and absolute cure fu each Pll , adignpotdigpe, themanfaourO5bave gu'tanteed it. Sec tes- iim niae uthe0d y pree=a ask your neig- bore wht they thinkofiit, You cao use it and get aur onj .ev back if flot eut cd. 60ca boxait aildeaer orEDANsoNBATES & Co.,Toronto, Dr. Chase7s Ointment TO STEADY SHIS. Invention Which Wili Overcomne Rolling Notion. A despatch. frem Berlin sa3 s:-Ihe' iHamhburg-Amnelicaa Line is building a new steamner at the Vulcan works at Stetin, w hidh ilxiibe fitteid eut w ith an invention oi Otto Shil.k, an engineer, of Haraburg. This inven- tion is expected te reduce the roliing nf vesseis at sea to a mtifin.i consists of a massive hniance w heel, ,-ninted in snch a manfler as toý --courittsast tise siit'g of tis0 e oître BRITISH- ARMVY REMYOUNTS. ni gravity ni, tiese lip. Tieil e ai Pacin Ords- I - Mon ~hitietto bas oixhxbees tstt Question o lcn re sBeing in roaneclinx witimortels,huit thse Considered. j teanîship, offliciaIs as-e se cons inceti A despaîch from DLondon se' s:- [0 its utilit.î thsat thses-c reativei- Txve cd a quarter millioins a;teriig sgms-1ait onîî cs e has beew sanctieneti by the Vs-ar trial vsich -titalace ta June Otfice for expendilîsce hý1tise Quar- jorJuli Naval engineos egardtise tesniastor-Griserai on transport ce-ix'sleia lc~l orf ts mousîts. The que. hiounifplactng the gteatest tise 10 warsiýs in satlng annuel orties- for menîxîns la Can- to tise siabiAity of ithe guil plat- adn ix rccivitîg attention, foirlus. DON'T READ THIS. Every Day is Bargain Day At the ~People's Fuel and * Lumber De pot'~ * We are stili handllng Best Brande CanadiaL C ements, British Coi-a.nbia Red Cedar and other good Brando Cedar and Fine Shingles, Pine and Hemlock SLumber, Dressed and. Undressed,- Doors, Sash. B3linda * and odiga0 Fresh Mined Seranton Coal, Cannel Coal, Steam * Coal, Charcoal, ilard and Sof t Wood, Long, Sawed and Split, Slabs, Edgings, Land Plaster, Fine and Coarse Sait in barrels and sacks. We always aim to give the 0 best value at reasonable- prices. Highest Cash Price 0 paid for Grain and Seeds. * King St East, Bowmanville. Wanted, A Good Agoent, i The OLIVER Typewriter. Ov'er 100,000 of these machines have been sold in tte United States Within the 1 ast fe w years at the same price which is.being eharged for any other standard typewriter. O This proves conchasively that the OLIVER is the very best, * machine made regardless of price. As there is 110W in Montreal a factory devoted exclus- O vely to the nianufact.ire of this machitie, it caa be bouglit O in Canada for the same price at whieh it is sold in the O United States without adding from $25 to $30 to cover duty O and charges as do MI other stanbard writers. This should be a very attractive proposition to any purchaser of writing machines. Apply to the* *CANADIAN -OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., o 183a St. James St., M1ontrea1. sec fair play. The assistance render- ed by the alliance is aew thaakfitlly acknowxlpdged. JAPAN TH-AlN1KS BRITAIN. - j RATS AND MISSIONARIES- Withont Alliance Might Not Have' In Uganin i-abs are, somo of tie IDra-en Sword. womsl npponens 10 hir womb wbtci Tise Tnlio corrcespondentt ni Tic missionaries l'ave In centeati agaiast. Londion Timies cables:-A lendingITic Bibles sent out bv tise Clos-ci Japanese joumnan talcs the npportun- Missiennry Snciety to tise ntives ily ef, tise -Multicavict ory 10 tianl __________ __ Briliain lunlise namenif.Tnpan for tise atixanînges coniecreti by lier ail- liance vitis Jepan. il says tisaI, whllc nt iecs-ag Russia single- iadeti, Japan lied leamneti Iron cx-- perience 10 apprehxondth ie datnger ni n Eîsmnpeaa coalitien, aridisatilsn-ds rprto o fore many misglvings about dimaxing 'sIoy and preventýs sp!ààtiný ai tac sWos'd ut-oul. ie allante anti, Iastsoe oo oga assurance tint Gret Britain would are pi omptly cateai by the Uganda rats, whichi overrua the couîntry iii enornieus swarmis and dcx nus any hbook they corne across. Bibles going te Ugaida are now hound tin tin, which preserves them from being de. stroyed by vermin. People who sieep with their mouths ciosed enjoy better health than others. ti the ends. Cures daindruýiff and LITERARY NOTE. Clevelandi Mollett's "Tise Sianeful 2lisuse ni Woahth" continxues to ho tise iea'dtsiii,eaînîe of Success Mfaga- zine, ari tise tiirti instalinent, la tise April isuimbe-, goes de'ephy into thn question of extravagant clobies anti febtes. Anethorbig socies xviicb begias 1in Ibis nunîber Oni Succexa deais wististecriatic episýodes ta tise hîves of tieo-s cnt cciiways 0ni Ames-ica Theo fis-st art iclei, ix tt - led "Thse Pivýate-car Abuses." It shows lise ýlbhiie ut what, il înay ix-,peet fn b ra iwy Ws tisai is no, aiaitgts cuti wirxtiter ni thtset-ls i aîu MIctwin, wio ix hcst knowa as tli' joinst auithor onitlec eiebrateri novel, "Calumet K." An isîtcnseiy inter- estine lut' -sketch is tint of tise play- wrighIit anti novelist, George Bernard Shawv, Ly bis persena] irienri, James Husseker. Fr-w mets haew 'MU. Shaw ns weli ns Mr. Ilune-ker tlocs, and tIse inside xx osîbtex cs f tie clos r-InIsl man's btaiîî are tho'oîgihly analyz- e'l. Cointe HeInry de, La Vaîtix bas a tbrs-ihllag accost of n journey acrosa Lou-ope ini a baihoos. Mrs. Fiske osifoiris at hl ser long anti arrittius stt'usghes xiti tise Theatri- cal Tinst., anti Xance Thomspsers in "Spaiis Siîîce I-es-Fig-ht xiitsRacle Sarb,'- tells nofxxhat Ihat country ba-, tiiedth 1dotin nce tisexxar. lDen Carlos, th(- Ireteclir, Mr.Thomstîon snys, i is rrei-ly a J icytiig la tise hatis ni Kiixg Alpisooso wisenever; lbe lattes' xiants xc cause an 1upt1is- ing. MVany :nt'eresî:eng fiction stos-tes, anti other font ures tare in luisausi-1 ter, by ittiters no' sterling mos-il. Th-e Woman woWUId Every day from five to fifteen letters are received by The Ogilvie Flour Milis Co. from women living in the smaller towns thronghout Canada, saying they have asked their grocer for Royal Househoki Flour but ean't get it. One writes-"I tolci mygrocer, Mr.------ that I would buy 'Royal Householci' regularly if lie woulcl always keep it on hand, but lie said lie wouldn't take on another.,brand of flour untilhle was obligeclto." Another says-" My grocer ian 'old fogie' and neyer gets the newest or the best things until the year after," A third says-"We liaven't an enter-prising grocer in our town -andi are obliged to send to------ for 'Royal Househo1d' or't.ake a poorer flour." Write edired Uto Olvi>s If youý can't get " Royal Househiold " from your grocer,' write to us direct-we will immediately give you the name of the nearest grocer who keeps " Royal Household " and send you also the "Royal llousehold" recipes. There is no good reason why your grocer sliould compel. you to u.se inferior flour--no first class grocer will liesitate to order "Royal Household " for you, andi even .the smallest dealer will get it if you insist upon it. TUIE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL. US E Il, purifies tise Biood ad cures 5ABUs =Z-- 1 Rh, 1