Finish Your Floors in paint, varnirah, stain, or wax, and use The ShePwin- Wiliams Modem M ethod Floor Finishes, For Patnted Flnish-Instde Floors-rHE 8-W. INSIDE FLOR PAINr. Porch Floors-ToE «-W. PeORC FLeeR PAiNT. For Yarnlahed Finish-Natural-MAR-NUT, a durable floor varnlsh. Stained-FLOeeLAC, stain and varnish combined For Waxed FIisih-TUE S-W. FLOeR WAx. For Unightiy Cracks in Old Floors-Tsa 5-w. CRACK AND SEAN FILLE R. A complote line of finishes for any style and auy floor, aid or uew. - Gel colon cards from 0 0 0 rn(E,& eo- Phone 6 6. Opposite Post Office. SOLE AGIENTS. Snpring is Here With ber warm sun and twittering bir s and Spring suits wilt 50011 be the order lo! the day. What more titting thon than 10 go and be photograpbed whon you are lootcing your best. Why not drop in oe o! these Sping days at Tait's & (Jo's Studio, opposite the New Post Office, where you can be sure of a, good ikeness, satisfactory work and right prices. Wben the day is very bright we shut ouI some o! the liglit and when duli wo lot more light in on our subjeet 50 you seo Ibat any day will do-Children's photos are a specialty witli us. Bring along the littho ones. ichotographers. P T' C Opposite New Post Office. T T & C . Ln)It Mo c There are several ways o! doing Ibis, botting on the wrong one, making misl-akes in trading etc.; but the rniost frequent way is by nogi cîn the bealth just wben Aihe bard work o! Spring and Summer is ait band. A gveat deal can bo saved by askiug for. Mitchell'sù'OId Reliâble Condition Powders Ib is a goneral tonie and appetizer, givos a fine glassy coat, hardons the muscles and pýlaces the animais In the best condition for liard work. It cost%, 25 ets per pound. A pound of it is ail medicine-notbing added to make it heavy and bulky. RODKIMo MITCHELL&~CO.,I Chemists, Phone 92. Druggists and Opticiens. Bowmanville. OUr Ne,--.w WaI1 raper for Srn -1905- jAre so attractive and offer sucli a variety o! choice that wo spocially desire your early visit wbetber you propose docorating eacb or oniy one room, and equally welcome- if you are merely interested in1 beautiful and pragrdssiye ideas iu Paper Hangings. * Home Elegance I olargely a questionj of Wall Paper that uo bouse- holder sbould fail to cansider the claims of the strikingly handsome patterns secured by us Ibis soason. But while prepared ta meot the demand for higli- class Style and Design and Modern Color Effeet, we bave also provided the most complote range o! Lower Grade Wall Papers. Every pattern shown is Artistic and Attractive no0 I malter how Law the Pnice or bow Modest the Design. W. T. Allen BIG 20 Book store, Bowmanville, Ont. Durham, was prosent, and spoke ver __________________ briefly on the question, pnintiug out that in canaida Internai peace and dsflhoI. gond footing had been maintalnod, for Thke Great Engiis1î Re»efe. yoars because of the spirit af eomrnpo A& positive cure fora&lforma ni mise and of OvOfl givlng minonîties Semual Weaknesa, Mental and same speclal >niviliges. Ho had not 81!POIi5AYTU B rain Worry, vAmiýssiom, i$pee'. been able ta give bth subjoot the con-. 2 W'oa.Ipotençyj Effecte of Abiase or Exçeýs,'a». of which Iead te Cousumptin, sideration neafsary ta corne to an iuftrmiti naauity a4a ai~ae rc emphatlc decisiairon it, but would- lpere f. i o, sxwl counel moderation and caîmnen I t f m"-UZ& o 4 by alldruWt.«rnale4 l pj i dlEu5s0l3 1ktge ur=e i tfvcrtfloQr w a4ugrpbvuM The fCanadIail StatesiniLOCAt.6 N TERIS l~OW ÂNVLLE MA. 2, 105. Miss Phoeba Moore, Port Perry, is vlslting her sister Mrs. Frank Jackman. Ontaro d ~ Miss Greta Simpson, Vassar Colege.i otroLegislaf tre was opened al Poughkee)i,.,shm forvatin Wedresdav. Read the speech from, thepi,.Y oe aain tbroue on an inside page Mr. Herbert McCready of the Sehool of Pharmacy, Toronto, spent Sunday at Two coflISs ladies will find very home. instructive in this parer are ',Fashion Il you weint a good laugh ses the Hints' and 1 About the House" "Seven Dwarts",in the "Snow White" __________Cantata, "Refined Manners" is titie of a short Tearing'dowu Signais does flot delay but realy good article ln this issue storms. Qpiuin.laden "medicines" may MGthers especia14I are asked to read it. check coughing, but,the coid stays. Do &;---___ not trifle;, hon you begin to cough take In addition to cleaning up yard refuse Alien's LU;~g Balsam, Iree from opium, e'Y pend a few cents in soine cbeap disîn- ifuli of heatîng power. feetaut with which to sprinkle the yard. Mre. Harrv Broek. Wexford, is visit closets, etc ______ ing her aunt Mrs. John Brock and Farmers boNswilI want to read the other friends in town. artiele tbis week on "Training of Colts" Rlas it ever occurr 1ed to voit that mosi ini the On the Farm columnn. Hog notes siekness -commences with the stomach? are of value. too This is because the blood becomes li-~ 1poverished. through laek ef nourish- %fr R L. Werrv of the Montreal ment. If vou wantto get well and keep Wltneýs staff had a capital poem. in that well take Vito Tonie. R. M. Mitchell & io)urnal on "The Wearin'O' rhe Green" CJo., druggists, keep it in stock. for St Patrick's Da. M.essrs. Quick & MeMurtry have pur- __________chased 500 barre's of apples Iromn Mr Sav, men, read the summary of Rev W. H. Cbaplin for shipment. Dr. Hillis' aiFcourse on IlCourtesy," as There are manv forms of nervous reported ini another page, sind see if YOU debility lu mon that % ieId 10 the use (A cannot enjo)y lii e better afterwards. Carter's Iron Puis. Those who are If trotihled with ners'ous weakness, night If ou can enjoyv sound common sOfise swoats, etc., should try them. read the article' Science of Living"in Mr and Mrs Fred Butters, and Miss the flealth columns this week Note Sarah and Master Charles Butterp, what it sa',s about grandma and Petorboro, have been visiting Mr. flerb. g'randpa. ______Fletcher. IA domostic service union is being Not long aLyo a man wno was always formod in Toronto to eut out the e- cross and tired arrived hoine smiling gietkat the help is competont and wife that bis liver trouble was cured at trustworthv. last through Vito Laxative Fruit Pis. R. M. Mitchell & Co . druggists, keeps Weqt Durham boy ahead as usual. them. in stock; price 25 cents. File Globe said Wednosdav that Mr. S. New Officers of Florence Nightingale J. Fox, M. P P., for West Victoria was Lodge No 66, 1. O. O F. are: N. G., J. fir8t membor of the new Ontario Legis- H. Cryderman; V. G.. Frank Burden; lature to sign the roll. R. S., H C. Tait; F S., Fred R Folov; __________Treas., M Maver; Wardeni, W. J Jef- Thousanda of homeseekers are leav- ferv; Con , O. Smith; I. G , J Johinson; ing Ontario for M4anitoba ana the Ter- O. G. Wm Edger; R. S N. G., J Hel- ritories tbis Sprin2 and thousands of Ivar, Jr; L S. N G,, F O Mason; R. S immigrants are I-omiug in fromt Europe V. G., E J. Osborne; L S V G , Thos to find homes in Onitario. Tod; R. S. S , T. Wes. Cawker: . L.8 ., Perey Elford; Organist, W H. Cawker; Farmers. have ýou ever taken any Chaplin, R Allen; P. G A Tait; Mar- interest in the Free Seed Distribution shal, Wilhert boar. Trusteos, Jute ef Ontario Agricultural Colege? Read Roeuigk, T. Burden, R. D Davidson. the circular issued by Prof. Zevitz on Most sensible people waut to know atiotbor page and seud for seed, the reason wiiV. Well, the reason whv Vito Tonic bas cured so mauv severe Cous,'rvative ranka have been thin- cases iî because it bailds up the tissue ned bDy death. o! another promnent of whicb the human bndy is made; il is politician in the person o! Andrew a natural tonic, composed of herbs, Miscampbeli, a former member o! the barks and fruits. R.,M. Mitchell & Co, Ontario Lgsiature, and tatorly chie! druggists, keep il lu stock. or'aniem-oftheConervtie prtyin Temporance Rally Sunday afternoon Ontario. He aiied at bis home in Tor- by Suniday Schools of the town -.uder onto on Saturdav of stomach ailment in auspices o! W. C. T. Uý a Methodist Fkis 57th year. Heo baves a Wife but no Cburch was well atteinded.' Mrs. Thos, fatnilv family. Ho was a Mason and br rsdt cuidtecar an Odfelow.After a song bv the school aud praver by Rev. D O. Crossley, Mr. A L Brown Hore is an opinion gwven oditoriaily read the seriDture and a chorus "Tempt in the Kingston Whig from, wbich we us ni", was nicely sung by members o! differ widely lu Kingston tbe mayor the Primary Ctass, led by Miss Stella bas not been oxercising bis prorogativo. Mason and Miss Crossley, organîst. Mr. lo bas not manîftested a desire to ini . M ýWbvte sang a song, Rov. H. fluenca the committee other than tho Munýroo, M A ,related a very patbotic nue over which ho peresides as chair- and practical story, Miss A. L. Armour man. And it is just as well. The gve a suitable reauing and Rev. W. J. mfaN or should be as free as possible o! Cadm ani, the new past6r of the Disciples ail civie entanglements. He should be c'-ýreh, gaveî a capital address, ail bear-~ able,i the council. to givo unbiased in3;,-;-îte Temporance question. Special decisions anid it is a question if hO Ue~in nîUb be made of the sweet song could do this and tako an active part in 'by î; itie Miss Reta Colo and the duot by committee work, M âaster Grant and Miss Gracie Linton. -Wbitby is hot after a 1sugar .beot fact- Theîse littie people did exceptionally ,y~ again with a hopeful outlook forwelB.W.Jlifcosd itth success. Negotiations are on betwoen be-diction. the Council and The Keystouo Sugar STOmAcii AND LivER TpouBEs-Mr. CJo. The proposition contemplates a Alox M . Fînu, Inkonînan, N -B., writes- bonus o!f35M,000 and exemption [rom 'Il have used Dr Chas's K~iney-Livor general taxes Tbe Company would Pitll for derangements of the kidueys erect and equip a !actory which would and' liver and stomach troubles, and cost pr.obably haif a million dollars cau certify that thev did me a gond deal The plant woutd bo assessed for $100,000 o! gond. 1 can beartily recommend for school purposes The expeuditure tbemn to any one suffering as I did. " for salaries and wages wotîld probablv The funeral o! the late John J. Gib- amount 10350,000 per Near whilo some son took Place Thursday morning from. $300.000 or over would bo paid out ta the family residence. Concession St , t farmors 3 Oarly for boots. This will ho Orono cemetery. The mombers of Bow i a profitable unideitakiug for West Dur- manvillo Lodge A, O. U. W.. attended ham if il becomos a reality. the service at the bouse which was con- ducted by bis pastor, Rey. b. Munroe, MA The bearers wore Messrs A E. E'iior .A ame baseenmary rMcLaughlin, A. J. Mc Clellan, W. B3lake to sick headacho sinco childhood and M cMurtry and Thos. Tod. The almostj bas tried various romedies. Recoutly impassable condition cf the roads made a lady told bim 10 try drinking a cup of0! rdfficult to,reachOrouo. Amnng strong hot coffoo in which was squeezodthilvayivsfoaditnewr- . thejaice ofbaîf a lemon. Use no sugar Willi, am and Miss Gibson, Coilingwood,i or mitk Ho has triod il twice with Mr. David Gibgon Southampton, Mr. very satisfactory result. tHe hasteus to and Mrs. onDvy oot.boh make known the remedy for benefit of ors and John DMran MsAl Dvey, TooÈ,boh simiiarlv afihicted ones and aske as a Mr Bert and MLs Ethel Davev, Toron. special favor that those who give it a to, nopbews and niece, Dr and Mrs. trial will lot hivp kîîow how it acts with John Montgomery, Oshawa; Mr. and them, Headacho powders and tablets Mrs. John Reynolds, Bethanv; Mrs W. are usually beart dopressers and shoffld McLaughlin and Miss J eue Mcbaugh- not le taken indiscniminately but only lin, and Miss Sykes, Oshawa. whon ordered - by a doctor. This remedy if effective bas Ibis advantage .EscAPED AN OFERATION-'I bad itcb- that it is harmful if flot very pleasaut inur piles for six yoars, and the doctors PIJANO FOR SALE -Very cbeap Apply to lMissSIAINolseover D. DavîE' Shoe Siore, flowanviile. 124,w.1 A PPRENTICES WANTED-T w o strong young men Vwanted et once to learu plisbing ai Ilowmaivile Fou Idry. 12 if. s FRVANT WANTED-Good zirt kwantod at once to whom Ilberai w arces wil be paid. Mus. <(DR.) MAzLEwooD, Elgin St.. Bowmanvile, iitf. S ERVAN te WANTED-Gonerat Fer- vant ai once. Apply to Mrs. Wn.McK av, Cor, Wellington and Lberty sts, B)wmanlville,' 12 ti. 10% TONS 0F SCRAP MRON,1 Oo etc, wanted, Drop a card or ea= p phone17 and we wllieau on you. JOHN GmBowmnanville. 12tf. F R ANSFRSALE-Corn; legs, of lot Number Four, in the Second Conces- sion of the Township ot Dariingion. and Twenty- Five acres more or legs, in the North hait' of Lot Number Four in the Third Concessicn of the sali Township heinfi parts of the landis owned by the late J oh n oar. Ou a corner of ürstly 'descrihed parcel is siluated Providence Sehool Rouge and there lsaiso a brick bouge with barns, bcbng about three miles from the Town of Bowman-viile. Appiy to DONALD) G. M. GALBRAITH, BowIManVille. Ont. 12-tf C. J. HUGHSON, ,Orono, Auctioneer, For the Ooullty of Durham. Sales promptly attended to and upon reasonablo terms. Direct belophione communication on Dr. Tucker's Lino and Ibro' the Dr. with Bell line. 37-6m Kîrkpatrick &Bradley Bowmanville, -Ontario. -PUMP MAKERS- 0IvIterns adW sClean- ed and Dug. Orders Promp tly Âttended ta, pe.gart of the James Sband eetat andi Sth concessions, East Whttby. Apply JAs. A. Buaa's, Rsaglan, or JoriN SÂDLBR, C umubus. 4 We bave Feveral bundred bushels o! DONALD G. 21. GALBRAITH. choiceo tatoes-2 varieties, would make I Iarrister, Solicitor. Notary Publie.,et .1Private and Company çrý)neys to loan ai 10we a fine change of seed. Speciat priceS inilcurrent rates. Agent, for The Midiand Loft larglOtS Stredi fint cllar inand Savings Company. Office opposie J.1 lagetos Sordinhut elas uMartyn's soeKn, lt owmanville. 239 roar o! Big 2J). Soe ig t 130WMANVIL.LE. Good--s. Spocial BargaiDs offered in al ines o! Fancy Gonds, For satisfactory correspondence you want to use bhe proper thing in note paper and envelopes. My varlety o! everytbîng in this lino is great, and prices rigbt~. The new books obtained as they are published. A special ine at 10e. See my Leader Framed 011 Chromo at $1.00. 9% M r, irebu-ilcoc^k. "IN FLI AtiCl FR ALI-Partol -Void and well known "Mayfielel" Faro Ionging to the estate of Jos. S. Thoms mile f rom centre of Whitby Ton-ecel fur both grain and stock-130 acres. Many the Provincial Prize winning Short-borns j been raied on this farm. Gond buildi orchard, etc. Object in se1ing to diý,ev.: tate. Appiy to MRs. J. S. Tf3msox or MCGILLIVRAY Whitby, Ont. B.J.Hazlewood, M.D.,,C, BOWNANVIIALE. 0* X Physicien and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel H oop Piîtsburg, Ka. Office and Residence next Door te iEx-Me Mitcheli's, Elin St. Telephone Ne. 106 WooI Wantuâ 2e per ponnd for unwa,,hedH ndr;ge= f re tags, Aise the highest pefonr ,lhered at the Cambran'Woe ton. D.TATIý0E 5-4m. - lo)f T HE HARMONY m A I QUARTETTE, F.* H. FROST, A. E. Mc-LAUGUIi i.,T KNIQIiT, W. J. S. EIUKAI Eighth cansocutivid season 1904-, Engagements for Concertt Teas, AnDiversaries and Other Ei taluimonts, Will pro vide the eni progrom il desired.- To3rma motterg A.ddress ail communications tb F. H. FROST,; f. A., MaDager Sad ConducoiG it-9 mou. % Bowmannua..- 2O%.ENTLJRY eLoTHING ? 4' 55 5,21M . ....... 24hCentury Brand Suits or Raincoats $ 10.00 and up ini price. The New Spring, Style,,s of 2Oth Century Brand Fine Clothes for Senprin now being displayed at this store. Are you ready for your SpigSuit or Overcoat ?- If so drop in and inspeet theiù.- You will fin tatthey are entireiy'different from ready-made garments and that teaverage custom'talloî' cannot -rmake as good clothe s-certainly flot asstlihclothez.- Sole Agency for West Durham at the West EnCAL Hou-e.Special measures taken when we cannot suit you. Other maker's Suits or Overcoats $5 oo up M1en's Fine Footwear some Nobby Styles. Waterproof Coats $5.0) up (,u îranteed to keepwteot) Eiverything that is good andI new for Heri in, our FurnishingDet Mc Murtry The Leading clothier. BO WMAN VILLE. l= 1 - i --