s i Our Spectacles and EyeglasseQ t the face, fit the oye, fit the pocket- -book. 1'hey improve yeur persona] appearance and make you looku younger because they remove the strain and the wrinkles. These styiish and satisfactory glasses pst you 1no more than you wvould pay others for the ordinary goods. Consultation in our privat Optiual Parlor froc, Stott & Jury, The Druggists and 0Oplicians. Children Cry for 1 20L." Pea Nul Cisp et Luttneil's. Roeuse-ateil vn.See advt Frnch Chewing Taffy et Luttrell's. Don't cougbh your life away-lako Soi. Yen get 301 for congbs et Mitcbeli's Drug Store. Take Mitcbell's Emulsion o! Ced :Liver-it's geod. 1Iýew wedding cake boxes-lovely eues - -at STÂTESMAN office. A choice lot e! men and b3y'a cuits just lu at The Masqon Co's. Blood meai. e meel, O.vste abolli, Mica gril, et F MP dcs The uew raiicoats are in et The Meson Ce. -Se their edvt. Hlave s ou sont THE STATESMAN tO your absout frieud? Do it now. Tho new spring bat you'il like is et McMurtry'a $1,00 to $2 50 ecb. Buv veur glasses for winter reading froni Mitchell, the Druggist & Opticien. Pnalî's Ponlry Food. Pralt's Stock Food, Ppatt's Lice.Powder et P. Mur. Raîn-Coats iii aIl the latest styles just opened et Coucb, Johnston &Crydor- Smen's. M A. James is Goverument Issuer o! Marriage Liceuses for Durbami Countv. The very latest in Weddiug station- - ery and WeddinZ cake boxes aI THE STATESMAN office. SerulITHsE STATIESMAN le voun absent 'frlends. $1,50 pays for your own and a new subacription for 1905. See the new bat dopar. et The Mason Co's. Sole agents for Christvs' London bhats thbbot lu the world. Men's fiels, the very latest Englisb and Ameicen styles, juat epeuod ont et -Cottch, Johuston & Crydennîan'a. 't7Ugbs Coldis, learsenessand otlser flroat -ellulenits are qulckly relieved by Cresoleno tabileten conts par bo. AUdnuggists Our Zood featune about 1201h Century Clothiug it keeps ils shape. MeMunlny lsa e-ent for this breud o! clothîng. Couch, Johuston & C rydennien are now ahowiug the finest and biggest stock e! Carpets evor shown in Blow. inville. Men's nd beys ready-lo-wear cboth- iug, ne uewer styles and ne bettori value anywbere, Couch, Johuston & Crydermen. The New Cloîba have enivod, Now is the lime te beave your order for a now Spriag Suit et Couch, Jobuston ê, Crydormen's The Masn C o. have just rocoived an- -other lot O! Pretty vestiugs, suirable for blouses and shirt waist suits. Be aune sund soo them. Priestleys Siilians and Luster's went cockie and are o! the finest finisbhSild etthIe Wost End flouse. 50Oda, 7.5ts_ and $1.00 per yard. IWhat do Yoll Know?. Do you koun' that after a Short- banit or Commercial Course with us, you are sure of a position at ,00 and upwards per month as a starter ? $end us a postal, srth your _j iaesud adress, and we will tell Domfinioni 8u810088 cotiee, [I9. I 4 Rtchmond St., East, Trno R. D. NIMMO, Principal. Grand rrunk Railwav Svstem. RZAILWAT TIME TABLE. BOWMANVILLE STATION' GoINQo BA3T. GOItNG WEST mail ...9 20A. m. I Express .... 5.02 a. m § --es...110l" 1 Local. 7 57 i Mixed . a39 p.M. I1 'asseng r.1 36 p. m, Local......649 p.m 1 Mixed.... 7 23 Mail .......o24 p.m. Express.11.40 p.m.. Sunday ouly. TiCkts W certain points solit in accordance witla special huliday rates announned ln another column willi otbe honoreci on trains Nos. 1 or 4. STOTrr & JURY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, MAIR, 29, 1905. '"God give us men. A time like th!@ demauds Clear mind, pure iearts, true f aitb andt ready hanits, iMen wbo possess oninjoos and a will, Men wbom desire for office dces oct Iili, Men whoma the spoils of office canoot boy. Men wbo bave bonoor. men wbo will not lis, Taîl men, sucrowned, wio live above the fog Iu publie duty sud in private tbiukixg" Miss Eve Soucb, Mt. Vernon, le visit- ing relatives ia town. Miss Piper of Wbitby is visitiug relatiîe3 and fiends bore. Miss Florence Wenry, Betbesda, bas been vîitiug Mrs. Roger Colo. Mr and Mrs. John Mutton, PenrSn, have been isitiug !riends bore Miss Flore fiipk lu, Toronto, bas been jvisîting lber father, Rev. W Hipkin. Boy, C. B. Jeffory, Cerrville, bas been 1vlstingý his moîhon, Mrs. fi. Jeffeny. Division Court meets lu Bowmanville 3 Thnrsdav Mercbh 80. Iu Newcastle Merch 81. 3 Rev. Geo W. Dewev, Toronto, wbo was rotunng froni Desenonto, gave us a cal Wednesday. 11ev Caleb Parker, Norwood, was lu town lest weolr attondîng the funeral o!f the lato Thomas Veale -MrGeoge-onos eit-on Iccarne borne froni the States ou Tnesday lest1 to speud the sumomon et borne, Mn. Colin McLean, Toronto, sud Miss Lilian MeLean, Oshawa, spont Sunday et their fethen's. Mn. James McL etan. You sbould nead Tait & Co's new Sprng adyt, Wo like its composition aud the suggestion il coulains la timely Mn. R. Beith gel a car load o! pine chips frein Toronto te put on bis driviug track for teday's sale. Wo note that Roy. Dr. M. P. Talliug, Toronto, wes chie! speaker et Erakine Sundey School soiree, London. Drills by the High Scbool piîpils withi chorusos by fainies and littie children - constitute part o! bbhe progreni Frideyi Apnil 7th Dr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, Osh- awa, etteudod the funoral o! bis brother-i in law, the late Mr. J. J. Gibson on Thursday. Wrn. Hennis, Day Mills, Out,-i wants bistonical and biographical notes o! Coruisbhmen and women lu Canada. Write -to hlm. Mn,, Jos. Fydel,.Quesviibe, iseuljoy- îng e pesant visît wtb bis sister Mrs, Wm. Wright, Duke St , eflor a separa- lion o! several yeers Dr. J. C. Dovitl etouded a meeting of the Midlaud Leagne Foot bail assoc- iation et Petenhoro on Satnrday and was elected President We were pleased 10 recoivoe oeil froni 1ev. J esse Wbitiock, Toronto, wbo was down etlendiug the funenal o! the latet Hienry Ellott,-ampIon. Aid R. D Evans. Brandon, Man., la etivertising whatllhe assures us la a snro cure for cancer. fils testimoniels are strong and bis offen seenis fair.- Be sure te bean Mrs. C. A. Cawleer,1 Misses Tait end Tembîvu, aise Mossns.I Kuigbt and McLenghliu as leadiug1 soloîsts aItbe Library concert.a Mr. Arthur J.- Bond, Oshawa, spent Sundey et bis nnce's, Mn. M. A. James; fie leaves next week for Winnipeg 10 seek bis fortune in the groat wost.- c Mn. James G. Jardine, formerly Canadien Trade Agent in South Afice, j died et bis home 305 Crawford St , To-1 ronte, Manch 24tb, in bis 63rd year. c We are pieased 10 800 b)y the ExpressC that the Coîborno fHockey Club, and r o thon fiends o! Mn. Chas. Tamblyn, sou o! Mn. W. W. Temblyni, M. A., o! Ibis l town, presented hum with a bandsomev gold chain and looket on the ove of bis departuro te the heed office o! the Standard Bank iii Toronto. gn. Tamh. Ivu, wbo bas been accounulnt lu thek Coîborno office for soine lime bas alwavs0 taken an active intorest lu tbe outdoor- sports,-sud, being an alil rouudathiete, s h was a-at gamos-crieke, ockey, football, base. bail, etc. Prom aIl these gamoq, asJp wAll as froin social cincies, Mr. Tambtvu n Iwiil ho greatly missed, and al our t citlzens wisb for hlm oveny presponity inlthe future. We Beieve fi st-That most mon are honorable an d when benefitted fi wi not take unfair advantage of our unpreeedented offer. fi 2nd-That Canada doeý,nfot contain a better remendy ? fifor Dyspepsia and Stomacli troubles than our Stomach and dg 11ver Tne Therefore 4î We will seli you a full sized $1.00 bottie and when 4î this is used Up if you eau tell us of any rexnedy that ever did you more good we will ha.nd back your monpy without a moment 's hesitation. fi WE HAVE SOLD 4Î Hundreds of different kinds of Spring ~ 4î Tonics but have neyer met with one that e has given such unbounded satisfaction. 4q ThaV~s the reason we can reeommend it and sellItZ on 4î such a liberal guarantee. 4î STïOTTi" & JIURY, 4î Th' Copn1 lIi'iDruggïsts and Opticians. "Ienitebearer to P Graduates of: Detroit Optica1 ounsc e i 6 f(collegre; Chicago Ophthalmie College; 4î )uc otefr New York School of Opties. 4î Mr. Alexander Begg, for many s ears kuown as eue o! the beet nowspeper of Canada, died et his home lu New York Citv March 191h Ho taught choot et Mdoc and Osawev, andt in omI'pany wîth Mr. J. E. -MeMlliïan tartd The Messenger, the flrs1 paper pubiished lu Bowmanvî1le. Mr, Begtr s survived by a widow, a daughter of th late Mlles LuIre of Oshawa, aud eleven childaren. is romains were interred la Orillia. Ç Dr. J. H. Elliott, Graveuhurat, ny Wus a cl Thuraay. ,und.,av r.@uht a variety of weathe includiug the equinoxial thundor stora Over fortly voices are lu training fo th rdction of "Snow-White," fo >i APri Editor James Gale atteuded Gran4 >Council of Chosen Friends in Torouti last week Mr. S. 0. Taylor, Charlecote, hai boon appointod as licenso commissionisi in the place of Mr. H1. B. Lawson Perrytowu. Town water systrn is again lu opera. tion. Au olectrician !rom Toronto waE bengaged several dayd thawiug ont b3 electricity after the freeve. If enry Charles Schomberger Ellioti M. D , bas been appeiutod AssociaIt Coroner for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durharn. The Bell Telophone Company is re- pairing the linos betweon Toronto and Montreal. A gang o! 18 meni were bore last week repairîng the wires The ann ual meeting -o! the Port Hiope SkatinR- and Curling Co , will ho holc in May. Il is rumered that the receipte fur this season will oxceod $1900 00 1Mar. F. H. Lazier, Brigbton, 'was electod for the fourth time to the position o! D. D. G M., o! the Ancient Order of United Workmeu for Durhami District. Wo wore pleased to meet our respect- ed former citizen Mar. John D. Keacbke in Toronto the other day tooking and feeling as well as we have over seer him. Willîaîai Werry, a welI-to-do farmer o! Manvers townsbip, died last week ai the resuit o! a kick froni a horse fie was 53 ý eers o! age and beaves a wife and three sons. Mission Circle of Methodist Church will have a lecture by a missionary ir costume and prograni of music on Wed- nesday April t2th. Ligbt refreshmonts Admission 10c. Mr. W. J. Joues, manager of The Standard Bank bore, returned froni a trip to California lest week and le! I uext day for Cuba wboro hoe will spenc the balance of bis vacation. Counlios Concil moots at Cobourg to-day lu special session bo consider Dnrham's action for separation. Itleb said that it will ho proposed that oach connty construet and maintein its own bridges We are in rocoipt of The Sphinx' of Marcb 4th, a weekly newspapor publi8h. ed lu Euglish et Cairo,,Egypt, lu wbicli we see that Dr. and Mrs. John lioskin o! Toronto were amoug the guests at Granîd Continental fiotel Thej have bad a splendid trip in the East and are uow on the Atlantic homeward. The many tniends o! Mr. and Mrki. J. W.MDermid, !ormerly o! this town, will be sorry ta learu o! the death of their dear Jittie curly haired boy, Gordon, in Toronto on Snnday. Mr. McDermid was fl-e West End drnggisl bore We are sure they have the sympathy o! ail Owiug te illness, 11ev. C. Parker pastor O! the Methodist cburch, Non. wood, wbo mrny years ago was pastor of the cbnrcb lu Canipbeliford, bas siguified bis intentions o! severing bis pastoral connection with the Church et the end o! the presout couference yoar. -Campbellfore' Hpraid We wisb the county fathers o! the uuitod counties of Durbami and North- umaberland conldbe induced te speud as mucb time and energy over the care o! thein poor as over the cost o! bridges This would brin.- their hearts togethor on another and groater question than the disruptiug thoir union for municipal purposos. --W W-aru-peasod t- otlceby-the--in ton Yew Era that Mr. George Rice, !ormerly of! Bowrnville, b-is been givon the personal supervision of the' manufacture o! pianos et the Doherty Factory. T ho New Era savis, "~Mr lieB is a specialist in this lino and was gîven carte blanc te produce the veny best mediumn priced instrument pos-- sible."' We have received anothen picînro post cerd front Dr. John fioskin, K. C., o! Toronto, who with Mars, fioàkin ana hier nioce Miss Carpmeal, is yisitiug the Holy Land. The card la dated "Jerusaleni Feb. 22nd. 1905"'and beans thewelcome message l'Annived bore safelv. Ali wll."' It boars illustrat- ion o! the "Good Samaritau's Inn," We place il with our treesures Mar. W Vauce, the energelie andt faitbful Secretary-Treasnrer o! Eit Durhami and Cayeu Agricultural Soci- eties, bas rosigned and Mr C. fi. Wius- low bas been appointod te the position, The Reporter seys Mr. Vance bas been tbe !aith!nl financial pilote!f theSocieties througb years o! adversity to the better days o! receut years and leaves bis post with ever3 lhing in good sh ape for bis successor. We have bad a part sharo in the pleasure o! seeing the pretty printroses TO CUVE A COL» lm OSE DlY. Take LAXATIVE I4ROMO QUININE tablets Alu druggiterefud the money if it fails to enre. E, WGroe'algo tur Ison ech ox,25c. re BUY ,our POYrtY supplies nt Pl r Hear Rev. J j. Une in Methodis . Church (iod Frida.y. r Mr. J H Adams IBrantford, recently r visited Mr. B. Martin. 1Mrs. Cr. Rodd, WIýhitby, is vlsiting lie d sistor Mrs R. Crano. 0 2 Packets Of Flower or Gardon Seeds for 6 cents at Nicholis'. Miss Stephenson,, Toronto, has been r guest Of ber cousin Miss Cole$. Siighing bas dileappeared In town but country roada have abundance. Mrs. Stephen Sissýon. Bethanv, la visý iting hier brother Dr. J. C D)evitt. Mr. R. B. Andrew, Battis Creek, Mieb, t l here to See his mother and sister. 3 Piano for sale, v3rv cheap. Must be f old at once. Gretbargain for you. Voile dress good bargain 42 inches wide ail wool iu creain, brown, nile green and navy at McMurtry 's. 12 packets of .Ulowor or Gardon Seeds, your own choice sent post paid on receipt of 25 cts at A. L, Nichoil' 1 Mr. Beith positivelY refused to sel! anv ýhorses advertised prior to the salit today. Hie received some good offers, too. The music of the pretty operetta, i Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs" is fbright and catchiy. Do flot maiss it. Are you a subscriber to the Public Library? If not become one and attend the concert hold in i ts aid April 7th. Editor W. S Given. Reeveofo Miil- brook, le the now Division Court Clerk Shako! Seeds.' Gardon Seeds- New Seods Seods that grow. '2 paekots for 5 cents at Nicholîs'. Read the story of "Snow white sind the Soven Dwarfs," and thon see it plavod Friday April 7th. Advertising columus contain new seasonablo announcemonts. Read what our business men are saying. Buy iu Bowmanville. Mrs (Dr)l Meek, (use Miss L. Iliggin- bothani) Aliona, Man., ls visiting hier graudmother Mrs. Thos. Hoar and other relatives. Ladies' Spring Coats and au elegau t lot 0f Capes for middle agod and elderly ladies justoopened out at Couch,, John- ston & Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. F B, Whiting have sold their household effeets and have gone to Cuba for the benefit of Mrs. Whiting's bealth. Are you sending Sour absent son or daughtor TEE STATESMÂN? If not,why? it is an interestiug letter from home ovory week. -' Tho Methodist church et Deserouto was gutfed by tire Sunday night. Loss about 8000 covered by insurance. Rev. A. J. fi. Strike ls pastor. See Nichoils' Flower and Gardon Seeds bdfore sending ont o! town. you can get just the saine and just as good here and 12 packets for 25 cents. Speuding $300 for a special meeting o! Counties Council ln Cobourg today is money wasted. The arrangement pro- posed cannot lega]ll be entered into, M. 'Mayer bas a few furs left, that ho will seil below cost to save packing away. Ca.", and ge a bargain. Latest styles in bats and caps have arrivea. M Mayer Cail and see the spriug styles in bats, caps and gents' furnisbings., A verv fine range o! print shrtsi n ail the lateEt patterns. A fitw fu rs t, be sold at a sacrifice. M. Mayor, Fiirrier. Seo our LsG0rtMxeul of Seeds Do il now 0wr stocýk l1,<ý >," but hý,they will seoi quick,' 12 packets3 for 25 cents, or sent post pald to anuyaddress in Canada on roceipt o! prîce. A. L.-INicholls, __ The March numbor of Recreation lsaa most interosting number for loyers o! sport The gainelaws, wolves, salmon, bass and ducks ail corne in for some- tbiug înviting. Send for sample copy. Are you independent or have Sou a boss? Get ont e! slavory and be frae. Write G. Marshall & Co., London,Ont., and they will sbow you the way, Tbey have started thousands ou the road te freedoîn. Coucli, Jobnston & Cryderman have oponed ont hundreds of pairs of Lace Curtains, the very latest designs in ail qualities, and zuaranteed to ho at least as gond value aiienu be got lu any flouse in Canada. Seo tbat the Drugzgist givos %ion the1 right article-the sootbîng, belpful Pain-, killer that Nvas used in vour fauiily bo-1 fore sou were born. There is but one, Painkiller, Perry Davis'. No upright1 dealer offors substitutes. M. A, James, Agent Allen Lino, bas roceived a letter fromi Liverpool saying tliat owing to the grezt rush o! passen- gors te Canada two extra steamers are being sent March 28 sud April 11. After tbis date thore wil be pleuty of room. The SS. Parisien, tht. ol favorite of the Allan Liai..Ref ter 25 % cars of good luck. was erahed iîîto by a Gerrman vessel as they were entering 1Ilf2fax harbor Saturdav evenirg. Fasseugers were ail safelv lai-dt.d 1lfore tht. Pariian sanl, in d.)ck. It n'as se close call for 20(îO paý,son2er-,. WOMEN'S AILMENTS. Eigity per cent. of the juls of womankiud are due 10 Kidoey derangement. Backacbe, pain iu tbe side, i.cadacie, depressiou, pîmples and eruptions, swelling of the feet, bad teste in the mouti, ail come fromn disordered kidnucys allowing poisons whicb siould be carried off to remaio in the system. Dr. PitchersBackache.Kidney Tabicîs po..itive.ly cure ail kidney trouble, and, free womnen from achcs sud ailments. Mrs. Richard Meyrs, Preston, Ont., lcsa! I b ad a severe pain.n . bayek tIhat g ave ti en o r e lease in l he Dr.Pitcier's Bachkacie Kdney0r.b- ý lois cured im* of te ai, nSIhave i0ne that ..hde,ressiug weaes bu~~~ th on sfrjry."f.. Dr. PîtcherlB-.Tbltere3c a b 0ttl *;at? dru Eg i.t onbysii Dr. lina lier nCo., Toronto, Ont. Don't Fre to buy some KJNCORA CEYLoN TEA If youreally-want something economnical to drink besides ib-vour. Sold in Leaci packages. Archie TaitBowinanvl Yo uDon'it Know 6Good Jea IJntil yùu have tried, It's FRESTI, NATURAL FRAGRANCE pleases the iiost e ritical an îvill be a revelatien to you. ONLY ONE BEST TEA. BLUJE RIBBOIN'S IT. TIRY THE RED LABIEL, S i th's P hot o St u dio We Guarantec to give Entire Is I'rade with'us a Satisfaction. Pleasure. Once a Customer, always a The best equipped andci mos Customer, I Ieliable Studli., Newest LUnes of Picture Frames. Stalesmnan Blcck. 1G èi -o . - - S m - i t l i , Photographer. Bieven EOnlv left of those 5amff1e Spring Capes Ladies' Sampie Spring Oapos n SiIk, Cord de chene, Matalassi and fiae clothi, beautifully trimme4 -wîth chiffon, Jet Lace. A&t mailfacturer'z P'pioos. X0 tWC alikel Also Ladies' New Spring Coats, Skirts, and Rain Coats. Droes GoodB iin ail the Latest Weaveri including, Moienues, Cord De Chene, Voils, Crepe De Chene, Satîaxi Venetians,,Mohairý, Lustres, Henriettas, Silks for sh it waists suits, Blousings etc etc. Ladies Blouses, white wear, underskirts and wrappers. New prints, Zephyrs, lVuslins, Laces, Embroidories, Flouncingu and every descriptionof wash material, suitable for Ishirt waist5s suits and dresses, New Carpets 0i1-eloths and' Linoleums. Miens suits, spring coats and seperate Pants, Boys suits and, knickeres. New springIlHats and Caps, shirts, Collars, Ties, Sxve.t s- andi Hose etc etc. 0Groces &lao Bile t akea scasb 5Next doopto ta StandapdtNnABwmn~H !ree Gifts Of Jouiet Soaps Use SUNLIGHT SOAP anmd SAVE THE COUPONS. The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out rnoney every week.. Users of SUNLIGHT and -CHEERFUL SOAFS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing. Asic your grocer for paiticulars or write us for Premiui List. A gift is of littie value if it consists of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use every day. 2m0 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITEDs TORONTO, CANADA. Mr BÀALrFs-Iu Oshaa, Mrci l7ti, tu Mr. sud Mrs Chlarles Balles, a son. WINDATT-At Bel-Mont, Man.. Marci 15tb, tic wtfe of John Windatt. of s daugiter. JACREÂN-In Bowmanviiic, Mrci sinit, to Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Jackman. a dangiter. DEvisAi-lu llowmanvil'e Marci 25th, to Mir and Mrs. James Deyman a daugiier. MARRIED. MILî.Soaa-HÂEN ESS-In Toronto, March 12tb, Miss V. Edna Haroes, ,and Mr Hiram R. Mil- Igon, boti cf Cilarke. ALCOIi-BLAmSY- At Hiliresi. Oshawa, Marcb 21st., by Rev. J..H. Talbot. rector cf St. Georges Church, Samuel Alcora., Esq , of '5rim. County Meati. Ireisnd. eud Marlon Araheli, youogest daugiter cf T, F. Blamey, Collector of Customs, Oshawa. OatE-STEVENS-At Orono, Marcb 2?nd, by Rev.3. A. McKcu. fB. A, Frank Oke cf Bow- manville, to Miss Edith Stevens, 0rno AMY-PAYN-At the Methodist church. Coiborne, Marcb 22nd, by Rev. T, Amy, of Toroiato, fatier cf tVis groom. assisted by itev. ,,,T. Barteti, Mr. W. L. Amy, Toronto, sud Mss LiflianE, eldest dauglater cf VMr. W. . Payne. LAMMIMAN-At Currie'S OrossingOfr Ooanty, at resldence of bis daurbie, M">,rs. H. Teeple, Tuesday Maiteh 28. John Lammiman fornerly of Darflinoton (Bradley 's), in bis 855h year. Funeral Thursday Sotb inst at 2 p. m. tu Cor- rie's Cemetery. McD5BMID-At 254 Sherbouruie St., Toronito, Marcb 26th, Cordon Campbell, oily5son of J. W.aed Aie Mcflcrmid' aged 2 years, 2 months and 17 days. PEaDLýE-TO IB)mailville, March t6tb, William Charles Pendfle, aged SOyearp. N ORTHOTE.- At Graverlhurst, Marcb 23. Jack, infant Son of Frank and Gertru e Northcote, 478 Eueltd Ave, Toronto. VEALE-In Boa'manvillc, Marh 22nd, Thos.I Veale, aged 82 years. 6113soN-In Bowmanville., Marcb 20th, John J. Gibson, aged 50 years. COLTON-In St. Mary s, Ont , Wednesday March 22nd, Hiram Curtis Colton, in bis ird year. formcrly of Oshawa. HAys-In Toronto Hlospital, Mar. 251h, alter operation for appendicitis. i-atrlck George Hays, Newcastle agzed 28 ye-ars. Buried in St. Mary's cemetery, Port Hope. 1PaIIL-At Port Hope, on Monday, March 27, 1905, aged 59 years, Robert Phîlp. WIANTED-2 mon to driveý peddting w aggons, one for Darlitgton and one for Clarke. Coud wages to the right mai]. Apply to CnnSOnat t. ioaman- vI tule. 72 e., 2 ntfi 0 1 LE-I hiereby for bld anv p)erson -à front trusthng mv wife, Anie tott,,as I wlll oct be responsible for any deht econtraeted by ber, shtelisTing left my bcd snd board withý tut any just cause. A, H. STÜTT, Hampton, Mardih 27tb, 1905. 13 3w*. jOl1?N MY WOiC)D.ý -John-iMa3wood 0f--Toro)nto.Vocal- Teacher, bas seeured the -AsFemibl v Room of t-be Hig h Scho, Bowmanvttie. in which to teach Singin,- and will be here every Saturda,. ~ocstcstedI free» 4-tf. CANCER I R D . Evans, diacoverer of the famous ICancer Cure, rt ioests anjy one suffcring Iwith cancer to write him Two days' Itreatment wlll cure any cancer, exter- Inal or internai No(charge uiitilecnred. R. D. EVANS, Branduii,, Man-. -1 e -19-ri -L--W- -r-Ar- Lt 1 Y iiii au, s i -l m 1 1 1 Sprnil beginning and with iltlCe usuel outbreak cf siekuese flouse- holdens sbonld fortbwith take the eff ect- ive saDi,'ary precantion o! cleaning Iheir yards as soon as possible and gettiog nid o! wbatover refuse the sun neveels New officers o! Victor Base Bail Club: Presidet-W. S. Saudens; Maueoeer aud Captaiu-fiuberl fiigginbotbam; Secy-Treas-Arthur Edick. Maneging Committee-Roy Candior, James Me Donald,Wili Dustan,Lawry Crydonman. 11ev. W. J Cadman, Hiamilton, bas recel-yodsud arocepted a oel le the Disciples Chureb bore. fie commenced dutv on Sunday. Mr. Cadman lsaa native o! Scollaud, sud proviens te corning le Canmada was pester o! Miles Avenue Christian Chuncb, Cleveland. fis ralod as a preachon e! cousideneble ability. By fevon o!f1ev. Geo. W. H-enderson, paston. we have reeived a copv o! the annuel report o! Cembridge-st , Melh- odist chuncb, Liudsav. for 19M4. The finances vo sbown le ho very satisfact- env and no wouder, for wo cee that there are several liberal givens, $3066 70 being contributed in Suuday etivelopes andt $647.96 in plate collections. We notice eue fancicai negulati, e t ieast 80 it seema te, us. Scats are free, yet "1wbiio thero are no pow routa the Trustees uood sud expoct $3.00 per vear froni eacb person occupyingesîttîing." '>jSt tingsono the floor o! tbe chunch are, ai- most ail agsignod" sund 'Sittiugs are allotted by-thû-Cornmitteo." Total con-