V I w Littie Liver Puils. Must Bear Signature of Seo Fae-Sîmile Wrapper Below. Tes'y mmail amadas m7s FURL ~ BILIOUEi-2. F -R 'TORPIOLIVERL FOR 1ALLOW SKIN. 1FCTCOMPLEXION CUR 81K 1SADACHE.,r ADVERTISING RATES. The Caîtadian Statesman le publisýheti evcry Wednesday merning t the office 26 Statesman Block, King Street, Bowmanville, oît., by M. A. James, editor and Proprictor. Subseription $150 per annum, or $100 if pald strictly lna atvance. Advrtising rates, transient advettising, ten cents per Èue, first insertion; five cents per lhue each subsequotit insertion. Contract rates on application. DENTISTRY. G. C. J3ONNYCASTLE, L.D.S., .1). S., Ifono. Graduate ia Denttstry of Toronto lUniversity. Office:-Over Cen- tral Milinery. Entrance lirst deor West cf Big 20, Bowmanville. A. E. NcLAUIILIU. l3arristor, Solicitor and Coavoyarcer. Ofibc:-llleaklcy Block, Kintg Street, flcwinanville. Money te boan at reason- able rates. 48-lyr. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. à-%FFIEIN THORSE, Y'S BLOCrK, " PPoste Town Hall Entrance, Wbere ho will be feunti fromu 8 c.m. to _9 p.t. Night calis at residence, direct- ]y opposite Dril1 Shed. 17-Iy. MlI ARItIAGIC LICENSES-M. A. James, Issuer cf Marriage Lic- ences Residonce: Centre Street. SIMVPSON & BLAIR. D. 1B. SIMPSON, K. o.. CHAS P. BLAIR, Ilarristers, Solicitors, Notaries. etc., Morris Illeýck, up-stairs, King istreet, Ilowmanyrile. Solcitors for the Ontario Banlk. Private moueys boan-r eti at towest ratesý DENTISTS, WiJl be at llackstock on the irstï MtJonray v cf each mionth, at Orono 2Ind MoQnday, ail day, anti at New- castie litWednesclay lrom 2 p.m. offic:-Temperance St., Bowman- ville,, vear of Higginbothains drug store. UN THE FARMa TI ANING OF COLTS, A weli bred, neli dot elopel atnd tbereugiily broeoîtherse is rïreiy feunti, anti commandsa-a lontg price anti allerds more pleasure tefits ewner tlItan tioca any etiier animnal of the demestir class. Buît te proe.bir s c a lnxum'y depotîtis alameat on- tîtoly uper. breeduîîg, rare anîd ien- agemoent. Rlavina lict i flty yoars c"pcerî en ce iii raising tacm ,stoc I, 1arni oiieet that colts cati bo itteti fer thoetear- k~et withi as great or groater profit, that t'aiibe realizeti frolît tatsi lîg any ether nasa î)f stock. A gîtet imethor ivill food it until flve motits of age, ati with the rare thut oiny goot nt'tril or dri-vfng horst' shoulti bave site \ill tielber shareofetthe tarai nock withenit ieitrv aniti Ct n wviti benctit te bersoîf anti oflspring. 13v tbohu aing the tant the colt Le- coes gentie, tante and accustetotid te sigiit-scoinig, andtihie rmle et teritwagon% anti nacbiîîory, anti tthet by: really beromues hait educateti, tvhii(- au the. sanie titto hoe ladevel- eping gî-owth, strength anti actton.j At five montha et ago the coitt shoeelt ibe taken front its îiiote, and iight bort' is, a bint würth.t'o- îeembering. Separate by puttfnig eacb in a bex stali, a groutîti leer, preterreti, anti in sigit et eacb otto-ýr. This littielîc recaution prevonts imich uttoasiness anti wocry. Keep separ- ato only twelve heurs betoro letting- together oaiy fer a f on minuttes, thon scpïa rate anti repeat titis once ln ttvelt-e h,îurs for. the frat t-o tinys: then let togother ence la taoen- tv-four heurs for the next tç-e dlY,, and oence fa torty-zt,-ght heurs la tte two dnys feliowing, anti the celt vnil bo weaaeîl withoit t Iniury tetdamt. Eceed dry hay nitýheut grain anti al- wayîs fîîrîish needtiwateî le the datti duriiig this perieti. loweinti,,n a few eats la the bcst font f tii' the colt. IE the celt is noatiedinleau- tuin, the usuai practice ini Voinet, it isuwiet t tr fi te grass u7itl the îîext spring. 1Younîg colts sitoulî net lbe shut la close quartera tiuring thte wnter montha. Sutî. air. andi ovin anen antininti are preferahie te confitne- ment. The lirat yoalýs rare anti toodi of the cuit cuts an iimprtant figure in ita future. V4ell-omtred rett-einti, oariy rut hay witit a quart etet a day ci fret-, atreas te water anti sait, supplenionteti with goti las- turc foot for sunîtîer, are the os- sentials for priotn, 'grentitduîing its ftrst year. Thicosecond and titird yeara ef a celt's 1keep en bc-,furnisheti very cheap anti yet have tein gion nti thrive. A roemy yardi anti a place te rua tinter cover turing sterms are the requisites for wtnter qucrteu s. Hay aimne anti «con the Ieavinga et the dairy or shecp wiilottentimes fumaisit foot for relia et titis age. The ne-aror we cati keep the .tccd _Itbin tthe tarai crop the more mien- IdeaI Cracker Think of ail the good lids of crackerz, you ever tasted. The creamny whiteness of the first-the lightness of the second - the crispness of another-the appetisirig ap- pearance of another - the de- licious eating of the fifth. Then sce how we've cern- bined all these five points into one cracker. Perfection Cream Sodas Conjure up your ideal- your perfect cracker-and you'Il flnd it in Mooney's Per- fection Creamà Sodas. teetis containing a high por ce-nt. ot this important nutrient. "The proportion ot the potnsh, phospheric acid and nitrogen of the foodi recoveroti in Ihe nmanure varies considerably witb the cge and kinti of animal. Full grewn animais. nol- ther gaining nec loslng woight, ex- crote prccticaily cl et the tortilizing censtituents consumieti in the foodi. Rcpidly growing animais mav ex- crete as littIe as 5G por cent, of the fertilizing constiti ents et the food, wbile nmilrh cews exereto frein 65 te 85 per cent. anti tattening or working animais front 90 te 9.5 per cent. The mississippi experinenit station founti that ,yung fatteining steers exceteti on an e rage ef 84 pot cent, et the niitrogen, 92 por cent. et the' potash andi 86 per cent, et the phosphoti, aciti et the foed censum- cd. The Pennesylvaini a station re- ports experimnents ;n xhich milch cows excretoti 83 per cent et the nit- regen, 92 per cent. of the potash anti 75 per cent. of the pheosphorie arid ot thiT' foodi. We ofton hear !lbe question, Do goti roa(Ts pcy? Lot us ask, lDo poor reads pay? Pois it pay l'or a farmer te loste the sale et his crep ot whoat, cora andi eals at a1 time when the nîarl'et quotations are high simply lbecause the ronds are la such a c ondition that it la impossible for hlm te get te the shipping point with hiq produce? lices lt pay -for the extra wcnr andîtioac on the hers- es, harnez;s and, vebicles? DBes it pa;y for the excess urne -andi laber taken in transporting protiucts over tî)o-r cala? These etce façts tu be glven Ihouglit. SETS HES ,ýA1ÎLY. TIIE SCIENCE 0F LIVING. Dr. George F. Butier recently de- iîxu'ed an addî'-ess on this subject, tiner the auspices of the Chicago Medical Society, to an auidience of six hindred peopin iii the Publie Lib- racy JBuilding. Thle nddress was re- plete ewi 'h epigramiatic sentences andtia mav joqunjinîed up in this wise: "It lias been , anithat it is bot- ter te b e born lucky than rich, but it is in tact better te be bote tough than eîtbclir lucky or rich. A fter forty ont lessa and elituiinate nmore. Drink iDore pure -wnter and keep the pîsltcwanve ef pre'sprit-y con- stantly mioving dgwi- the, alinientary canlal Many peopie suflor trom tee iniucb b-Usin(css and net enougli heaith. Whon such is the case thoy had botter eut out business and se- ciety for a lime and corne down to lirnush and rnilk and first principles. Don't b& foolish. ELat less and play more. Indulge in less fret and fum-e ancd more fruit aud fun. There are people tee indolent te be healthy- literafly tee :azy te liv~e. Work your brains and keep ln tcuch with pcople. Do sorneting for others and forget yourselves. There is nething se inant, andi detrincntal te md ,ind hiealib as the conversation ot people ont their aches and pains and troublei. Tho' fret h of wiîipped oggs is a tenir rompared te it. Ail our appetitus are conditienal. Eeýiioylnelt depends upon the scarcity. A werk- et' ia aný fieldl wbese age is near ci- the],tri~e s hadlV or sunny side of fifty shoelti coasider hirescilf in his prime, food for enotber hall centtry of ttrm- petaite. ' udicious work. Lot grand- ra Weron bright ribhons andi gaudy go-na if the colors becomne her. andi ]et grat;dpa be as dudish ns hie plens- os. with finshy nockties andi che"rfnil garb. Ioth wili bc, teunger for it, and. besides, it is in harnîeny wtitb nature. Grey hair is honorable; that which is dye i s ane abominaition be- tcre the Lo)rd. Cultivate thaikful- nieas anti cheerfuli.uss. An ouncra of good cheer is worth a pounti ot mel- aîrhcolv.' 'We paiti $100,000 for the Anierican rights to Liquozone; the highest price ever paiti fer similar rights on any sclentifle discovery, We did this after testlng the produet for two years, througb physiciana and hospitals, ia this country anti others. We cureti ail kinda 0f germ diseases with it-thou- sanda of the nicat difficuit cases ob- tainable. We proveti that ln germ troubles It always accomplishes wliat medicine cannot do. Now we ask you to try it-try It at our expenze. Test It as we titi; see what h does. Thon yen will use it always, as we do, andi as millions cf others do. You will use It, not only te. get weil, but te keep wvell. Anti it will save nearly ail of your aickncss. Rile 11s9de Germs. Liquozone la flot matie by compound- Ing druga, cor is there alceýhol lunI. It% vi*rtues are tieriveti selely tam gas -largely oxygen gas'-by a process re- qîiriag Immense apparatus and 14 days' time. This proces has, for more than 20 years, been the constant sub- ject of scientiflo anti chemicai researcth. Th-e result ha a liquiti that tees what 'oxygen doeg. Ih Is a nerve foodi anti bIot fot-the most beiptul thing ln theworldtot you. Its effects are ex- hilarating, vitalizing, purifylng. Yet It Ws a germicide so certain that we publiaIt on 'every bettie an offer of $1,000 for a disease gerni that it eu at iatert-nls et an heur are what is neodeti. As a cure for indigestion a teaspotîful et glycerinc af tec meas la a perfect cure. Fer pimples, flow- ors et sulphur mixoti with glycerine la a splendid remedy. For earache, a tew drops ef wcrm glycerine peur- e i lete the ear seethes ati heals, anti eqctal parts et beilationa anti glycerine inixeti atîdirnbbed reundi the car will seothe the pain if severe. HIOT WATER AS A 1IEMEDY. 1 Headlache aimoat alwcys yieltis te WHAT TO IDO IN CONTAGTroijs te sinueltaneus application etfIcet DISEA2~S. tator te the teet anti bark etflite Dijttheiascarlet lever and utii a- neck. les are the ni oîmileao contagionis A towol telded, dippedi in bei dL-cases, anti the enos imesi dreaied wtater. wirung eut quickly anti applieti in the fatnifly, though it ia really ever tho stemuâch, arts like tmagic in best fer chilirea te -have nieaslî's cases et colic. -hile young. If preperiv rareti ffoi- A toctel tltieti severai tintes anti thiy wll suffer ne i11 ffets, unless dippet inla ot water, quiekly wrung la race cases witere there is seme eut anti applieti quirkly ever the seat ceastituttetial weakaess. It la nieei- et the pain, wlll, la meat cas,ý's, less te sny that every precaution protnptly relleve teethache andti itu- sbeuld be takea against tipittheria ralgia. anti scarlievoer. A peteti physician A strip et flanaci or iewel, toldeti givosfi as bis epinion that c sein- acterai tilaes ieagtbhvise anti dippei lien et berax anti sait la water used in bot water, thon sllehtiy wrung te wash the moutit andti tnsils ivili out andt applieti about the neck of a serilotim-nes prevent chilticon frem cea- citilti suffering with an arute attark trcctiîigdphheini a bouse tchirh et creup- will usually relieve the ant- is itîtocted ; Iýa caseý a fantily lsafa- forer in the course et ton minutes, if fectcti withitheroetthese' dreadeti tce fiannel la kept het. dîscases, remlove. the patient, if pes- Thîcre is neotiomeatir roetiy tai subie, te a sunny, tîpper reetn wbee seo premptiy cuts short congestion ot titere la an epen fireplace, anti do tbe lunga, sere tbrect etr rheumat-ism net allen nîîy chilticea on the saine as wîi bot nat' niten applioti fl'or Te -h P. rn-aeeoi4 -ate,&u-- rMIanPtiîraaLd t horrrbv not kill. The reason la that germa are vegetables; anti Liquozone-like an ex- cesof oxygen-is tieadly to vegetal matter. There lies the great value of Lique- zone. It la the only way known te kil] germa lu the body wthout killlng the tisaues, too. Any diru.- that kilîs germa la a poison, anti it cannot bie taiten ln- ternaily. Medicine is almost helpiesa ha any germ dIsease. i is titis tacti that gives Liquozone its worth te ha-c manhty. Anti that.wori la cegreati that we have spent over one millioni dollars tti aupply the flrst bottle free te eacli slck one we learnietof. Germ Diseases. These are the known germ diseases. AIl that metilcine can do fer these troubles is to help Nature overcoma the germa, anti such results arein- rect andi uncertain. Liquezone attacl i-, the germa, wherever they are. A~n,' when the germa whhch cause n.disc- are destroyeti, the diseaso mnusit andi forever. That Io inevitabe. Asthma Ra y Fever-infuctxx' A bscess-Anoemla Eldney Diseasot Bironchatis La GrIp90 louod Poison Leucorr os Brigbtas Disease LIver Troublest tlowel Troubles Malaria-",.aci CGouglis-Colds Many Heart ,TroLIc Conmumption Piles-Pneurnoffta Colle-Croup Pleurizy-Qn,)inry Constlpation P.beumatisss Cararr -Cancer Secrofiita Syphitit Dysentery-Diarrhea kn DIsease Dandrult-Dropsy omct rottc Dyspepsia 't'roat Troubt>m3 Licccoa-Bzysipetas Toberculosis Fevers-GalStoneS Tumors-utoce (3oitre-Qomt Varicocele Gonorrhea-Geeot wemen's fliseases Anl diseases that begIn with fever-all Infim. mation-al eatarrh-at1 contagions diseases-a.ii the recuits 0f ileure or poisoned blOod. In neorous debiiity Linuozone acte as a vitallier, aceo)MPIISbing what noaiugs eau do. 50c. Bottie Free. If you need Liquozone, and hav* nover trieti it, please send usa this coupon. We will then mail you an or-~ der on a local druggist g~or a full- Eize bottie, andi we will pay the drug- gist ourselves for it. This is our freer gift, made to convince you; to show you -what Liquozone la, and what lt can do. In Justice to yourself, please, accept it to-day, for it places you un- der ne obligation whatever. Liquozone costs 50lc. and $1. CUT OUT THIIS COUPON fer this offer may not appoar again. Fui out the blaaks and mail it te The bîquezene Comnpany, 558-564 Wabash Ave., Chicago. My disease is.,.... ,......... .... ........ 1 bave never tried Iiquozone, but if yout will supply lue a 5ec. bottie free I will taIre it. Give fuil address---writc pllaily. An v hvsician or hospita net using Iijio-zone Wvi Ugadly aupplieti for a test.-, FAMIY Doctors are aflrigbt as general practitioný-er, F bot they are uot specialists. The seia rai on prise the most iImport nd ant Syste e e. humait body and reqire the most ski lf ut treatmot. Ton might as Weil expect a blacksmith ta repair youf % watcb, as a family physician to cure Sextiai complainte. ltiWelhave matie a specialty' of thiese diseases for over -0, years, have luvesteti tees of thousands of dollars and have every facility knowu ta medical science ta cure thient. Ever case la taken Withi a positive guarantee of No cure,-No qe BLOG PO8OWWheherinherited osr acaulred, la positively eored forever. The virus te elimiaated from i the system sa nio danger cf return. Hundretis cf casca, cured by us ZS years agoa d no returui; bcdt evidence of a cure. MDR VOUS D*BILITY -and other complications, such as omissions, drains in theurine, varicocele, sexual weakmess, etc., are cureti by or New 1MethodlTfeat- suent mnder a positive guarantee-0O CURE--b PAY. WE CURE ALI. DISEASES 0F MEN AND WOMEN. Consultatles Frao. Booka Free. Write for question blanuc for private.Uome Treatlment. Zverytlhtng confitiential. DS. KEINNEDY &KERGAN, '-'e' l~ I #~ Fror Liquozone, .Yet W. Give -You a 50c. BQttie Free,