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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1905, p. 8

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ISUOiKWEAT Il......O 0O0il PBAs-, Blackeve, V bush.. 0 00 et s'Canadian Beauties 0 00 il 'iMummev il o 00 et taSmalk il O060 et 'sBine ' 0 00Qif SEPnn..........O( (0O Tim0THy SimED ......... 0 o BUTTR, hast table, V th.,-O0 0t BOeM, Vdoz............ 000"t POTÀrOBSs, V bUsh .......0ofio H.d.v. * ton .... .. 7 00 le côÔok'sottofon Root Compoi \ iedicine an whieh wamer depelnd. Sold iu twa degiý strength-Na. 1, for anti cass, 1 pr bx;No. 2,. 9 fl tog or for Sp Cases, $3 per box. Sol i druaa*s.Askfor Caole tan ot Caompoundi; ta: suhtitute. Ibme Cook Med cine CO-* Windsor, OI Murdoch's 'IDPEAL FENCI Leave onders now and advantage of freight in Car1 Cali and see our ail No, 9 Spring Wire Fence, put up at per. rod. Peter Murdoch, BOWMANVIL AI i ARi L 1l1 fi IiLLtiI- LIII ILIVERIPOOL AND LONDONDEUI FOYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM ST. JOHN. FROM HALIF Tanîslan.«'"Set, Mar. 25 Mon. Mai Pairisienu...Sat Apil 1 Mon. Apr Vieoran Set. Apr. 8 Mon, Apr Bavarianý.Seat Apit 15 Mon. Apr Rates of Passage. Fi t iCabin-670, andi npwards, aecondin, stearner: Secoue Cabin, Liverpool antid tindcrry$40.OO.and $42.50. London $2 50 ex Thîrd Cleessaupanian eccomnmodation, $27.50 Liverpýool. Penny,- Belfest, Gasgow, Laud Victarie" 0ý28.75. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Corlinthian ...... ....Tiusd;iy. Mancii 30iii F 1t cl lui, ":0 ani p-iid ei,$1- 'jo Tikbt-4 a-1 R3ie Ifer!IuatI( 0 5o «,- --,--e.a-d. - " l- sngfrnom necent operatian, at Toronto. 0 pany, red he following address, to wbicls Mr. and frre J. T. Morrison, bave 0 75 r. Gahammatie a uiable repi,. The goua ta Las Augales, Cal. 0 00 rernainder of tihe evaniug wae epent in a 0. A. Gaaby, bals sold. another 0 60 sacilal w»s, intergpersad uih selelonaj hlghly bred colt, to Chas. D. Brewar, 0 60 trom iha Gramophone. rBowman ville. 0 00 -- Jao. Conueil, ie maklng preparatione o22 To Mr~. and Mrs. G-aham,- . ange grave. o17 DEAU FRIEND,-We, a faw o! your Col. Staples aittnded the reception 0 %o nelghbors andi acquaintances having learned a ootgvnb h asyHri 75)of your depai tutu frons aur midbt, have tkait Trno îa ' h asyBri - en thie appotueity o! caîîung an you tliîs Ca., ta their agente. evening, ta speuti a short tUme with you and Ms Agatha Steples, had a- party ai unta envev ta yon the, regret w. feel at vonrtyossng fians edyagtI oo )nhiremoval I ram taieDunsng yonr resirece - ibr osn eîds ran. oo n co amonget us, we have aiwaysi founti pou îo lhao! e osiM0 rad resof kinti nighbors anti gond citizen@ in every Mises Mitchell, Tamworth, je lu miar seese of lhe word. Belone ratirnug va si charge afi Mlllleery Panlours at Mns. 10 d- nta'accept 'f te tpresenûs. seal11Doncaster's. peiltohan aofoun asteetni feor self and f twily, Mr. J. C. Clemeuca lias bought thie ý C- ad we hope liaI whoravar you msv ha le- k.e no cated in the future, liat yau wyul aways te- John Clanience fanm, 100 acores, east af mambar tras in tiis town yan have a nuim- Kirby. itarla. bar of warm friands who wisi you weill Mr, Thomnas Tharnton, bas received - Sîgned. on bahaif of Voun Friande. word froni Michigan, tiat bis brother Mr. Samesi Tbarnton,.a former reuld- - - -- - +- nt ai Clarke, isba left Kirby section IN THE NURSERY. about 50 years ego, died March 15th. r' Friands oi ax-Ciounojllor Millin r Every motien ehould be able ho ineat wiîl exteed ta hlm ieanty congratula t hie niuor aliments of ber Il1111e anas. tions Tha plasgevant whici calle Prompt nction may prevint serioas 1j1 for Ibis took place aithqb Daly Hanse, gtnes-parbapa save a chlt'a life. A Toronto', March iSti, isian tha Rev. get simple remedy In the borne le thanefore Mn. C-Aling tiad the keet silci gave Lot, an abeolete ueceîsity, and for Ibis pur- hlm as a life parnenr Miese Ida V. Bar. Coi, pose ther a lenatig aise so gaod s ness, daughter of Mr. Alfredi Harnais. Babyei Own Tablete. Theee Tablets The happy coupla, tooli a weddlng tour 45e proniptly cure aIl stoniaci snd bowai ta Clevelandi, Ohia. troublas, break up colda, allay fevane, Tiorsday evening Orono Ladge A. destroy wirsam, aid taethlngand niake F & A. M ,isas vieil td y Mn. E, C. little anas iealtby and cheerful. Guar- Thorntou, Past àMastan o! Woodstook anteed ta caulsin no opiate or Paison Lodge ,who took the work i the Sac lE. as îothlug itufi. Mn -Joi N. Prin- oad Degrea, cosing ana candidate. gle, Fonest Falls Ont., sys-" j At tbe close of thea Lodffe an excellent hiiuk 1 cau tbank Baby's Own TablaIs lunch vas oerveti, iollowed l'y an im-j etlpated, but star givlng hlm tha Tâb- Otis'r visitons proeiat vere Brasê. T.1 lae ha isas relievad at once 1 aiea G. Weddell andi F. W. Wlilhamson, ýR! find tiare gooti isha b ls t al reet- Dr. H. E Armstrong, of Billina, Mon luis, snd feel I cannaI say too mcInl anti MEo&rs. C. G. Armstrong, A. J. 7FAX thein favor,'" Sold by ail duggisle on Stapies andi H. S. Adan'. tn. 27 sent by mail at 25 conte a box l'y wrl- rut3eng tie Dr. Williamns Medicine C., riii 17 Brookvillla, Ont. lins. W. B. Mclinntry, assisteti by han _____________malien, Mne. W. P. Frayer, anlsnîasiad1 a numbar as a dligiîinl afternoon Pro. rta ORLONO. grn'sive lasi week.1 nau Mnch sympaîhy le f.l& for Mn snd Mns 0,ta MOcrRla ehi rmAbr C Lunuey in tis a suo! thain uitile foure 50on. Mrlog. OcrRle obrefo letyaar aid only sou, ishici occunned laet1 ColgýBelleville,.isaak alter a short illuerse, froni liai dread0 Mr Colin Staplep, vlited lu Toronto disease, dipthenia lo&n r'dB"t ~Mn. C.' Osiiornn, as one ai lie Èsu3ceass. *-Srd 1 P VVL 1~IcoIfle, la visïting luia'ntestanta in tisa gueeiug compati. a Mn Roo Be'l's. lon onganizedibythii.Mail 4 Empiro, l onl Ml.Jm'MMit andi brida of isie eaion Cam;aign. Tia conttli N-L 0%-i 10,e n tly v islted boe., waît o sgnon th.e oreot number e of a a 74F M. Daniel Hall, h vecovanlng froin polletl. ers Conpaund Ânon I'iils-andi ha well. 50 doses for a quarter. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Miss Fanecomba, Toronto, is visiting ber grandmoýther at Bond Head, That hornld stuif; no wonden eol say tiaI about Cod Liver f)1 on it Is; but il 15 realý food when properly pre- paneti as it is in "The D & L" Emul,3ioni, and nothing will add soliti flash as fast asit will. Miss Walch, Rochestar, is visitieg ber slsten Mr. W. H. Gibson, Williams Grave. For any case ai nenvousness, slcapless. nass weak Htamach, indigestion), dv s- pesa, tny Canîer«s Little Nerve Pilla. Relis sure The oniy nerve medi- cine for the prica in market. Mn. Edigar Osbornnebas1 purciasati a fine ehesînut hanse tram Mn. Mark Lewis, Lake Shore, for $175. HiE WAS LAID UP FOR OVER A iB"AR Till Dodd's ILdney Plils Curad hMs KlIdney Troubles. Now Ha's Penfectiy Healtby and Able ta Work--Gives ail the Credit ta tia Great Caniadian Kidney Remedy. _a=la, Assa , N. W T , March '27. 1(pca) -Cured af Kidney Disease that liat laid hlm up for aven a * aar, Mn. Gea. Bartiewan, a well kuown man hena, is loudf iu bis praîseâ oai Doddsj AIC-Y il5, .. . -.- - '------ forlustrationnd overinm iuoethdo nnrnMl-Au aIse ho eIainýs ho owes his cure. "Yas, I bPàd Kidnay Troubla," Mn Bartiaman tiays- "I hati pains in my back ant i a othen parts ai mý bodyv anti thougi the do clti id wat ha coulti fon e, I grew warsa bill I was unable 10 work. "Tien I stanle t t take Dodd's; Kiti- nes- PiIll, anti I took them ail wiuîer anti summen viia Iwas unable la wurk 1 ooin l ail twelve boxes, anti now I ami perfclly bealthy. 'MY pains aneaaIl gone anti m able tawork. I beartilv recommanti Dodd's Kidney Pulis ta ail sufferans ftram Kidney Disease." Dodd'si-dnies Pill, alway s cure the K*Idu.i-s. Heialthv Kiduay's strain ail impurities, aIl seetis of disease, out o! the blood., That's why Dotds Kidnay Pills cure sncb a wiide range o! diseases including Bright's Disease, Rbeumatism andi Urinmny Troubles. k'owers. A skin that burns with eczema, and is covered with eruptions that discharge a thin fiuid. may be made smooth and sightly with Weaver's Cerate. But this external remedv should'be used in con- junction with Weaver's Svîup, Sors Throat and Coiughe Asmleffcective and safé remedy for aIl tlroat Cr*9olne Antiseptlc Tablets They combine the germicidal valua of Cresolenewith the. soothing rprties of elippery elei ani Ucorice. 'lO. Mi Drv'UI0. M Notice appears in Cobourg Sentinel Star of an application which will be miade to the-Ontario Leo'islature at the present session for the con. truction of a Une of railway froni Toronto to Ottawa nassing tbrough the counties of Durham Northumberland, Peteî boro, lHastings and other caunt les, and also to extend the lire froni Ottawa to a point at or near the French River on Georgian Bay. .Messrs. Bristol, Bayly & Armour, Tor. onto, are solicitors for the applicants Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is bath soap and disinfectant, 34 Scribner's Magazine, for April is a special Sping number, with a drawing of *Sprinef" by Blendon Camipbelliris- praduced in brithiant coloring for the fron-ispiece, a double-page color-pieture by Guerin' entitled IlSpring in Union Square," and poemI. Wild Geesti in April' with decorations bv Ernest Itaskell, Chas. Scribner's, Sons, New York City. The April ilousekeeper contains a wealth of fiction, ver4es and beautitul onations, hints fan 1Eastértide parties anti seasonabla dishes, Nearlv aveny field Ofi feminineacstivity 18 caveneti in the regular departments tievotedti l fanevwork, fashions, cookery, drees. making. cane of chilidren, hygiene in the home, floriculture, etc Publishati by The tiousekeeper Corporation, Minne. apolis, Mine. Sixty cents a yaar. The Woman's Home Companion for Aprîl le lhe Easlen numûben, andi well befits lie seasan Marion Harlanti an- liste oun intarest stili funîhar in lia woes o! the newiv merrieti couple-anti the short stonias are capital. '-Fais anti Pnilis aif ashion 'tell, of course, about Easter haIs aIdg-awnsb 'vIrs. Riebarti san's practicai ativice ta "The Girl Who Earns Rer Own Living," anci alier regulan deparîmant.Q, are as full ofinl. terest as aven. Publisheti by lia Cnowell Publishiig Comipany, Springfield, Ohio,i on. dollar a yeaa-, tan cents a eopy. oruges,wnscn nine-tentes of tnieni Rew no mare about than aerial na vigation lu the moon. Where the councillors ai Northumberland anti Durhami bave dis- ting-uished Ihaniselves, howevar. is lu 1bilding bridiges, au enlerpnisa wic in tie pa8t twenly ý ears bas cost lie people $50,000 more Iban was necessary. Wbene bas Ibis monay gona ? Il is 10 l'e hopeti that a more enlightaneti elass of men will occupy tia seats o! the Counties Ceuncil who wili build and repair bridges wban needad at themr actual cost, anti at the sanie lime do whal other sensible councillors ara dolng -arect a Hiome for lie Pon. A DANYGEROUS HABIT Gladsto ne's Physician Givas Warn- ing Against a Growing Amarlean Custom. The growing habit amongst Amer- jeans of taking a minI tablet on sanie other s0 calleti digestive aflen eating a hearty meal, is somelbing that Sir Andrew Clarke, Mn Gladstoneýs phv- sician advises strongly against, saying, "Il Ie absolutely dangerous la take imb the stomacb, remedies whleb are Popu- larly supposedt t aid in lhe digestion o! food." Thera is notbing known ta the science af medielue that eau perform the work of tha hurnan stomach. Drugs do not anti cannoe digest the fond Tiey simpiy decomposa it. Wiat can ha mare revolling or diseusing than lhe thought o! trîkiug something imb lie stomaci Ibat 15 going ta turu the gooti foodi you bave eahen mbt a mass of The only wav 10 ovancome indigestion aad ils ev4 affects is ta remove ail irri- talion, congesiton ant iInflammation tram the stomach, liven anti intestines. andi Mi-o-ua us lie onl-y agent known liaI will do Ibis. When a Ml-o-na tablaI is laken hefone aach meal every trace of irritation anti inflammation is namoveti tram lia stani- adi anti digestive syvsteni, and thosa organs wlll extracl frein lha foodi al liaI goas to make gooti. nici blooti, flnm muscla, steady narvas and a sounti heaitiy body If yau suifer witb heati- aches, indigestion, flalulancy, spots ba- fore lie eyes, vertigo, or tiizzinass, palpitation ai the beant, sleaplessncss, an any stomaci trouble, gel a fifty cent box o! M-i-o-na inoni Stoîl & jury oua o! our mosl raîjable drug flrms wiose faiti in tb. nemady is siown by themr off an te return tie ioney If Mi o-na doas nol give complete satisfaction. Iieved bY wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache P1ast- ers. Try ene and be free from pain. Price 25 cents. Application to Parliainent, ~ TTIC 15HEREBY GIVEN chat N orplicatiosiwillbe madebv the Corp. latur of he Povine of at its next session fer au Act: i. To validate andi cocnr w No. 694 being a by-law intituled "By-law 0f the Corporation of the town 0f Bowmanvilie authorizlng the. Corporationý to lean The Durhami Rubbar Company Linuted 6$15,000,ü0 and to raisetesmfr the purposes of the said ban te ane o 2. To validate and eonfirra No. 1695 baing a by-law lntitulad "By-Iaw of tihe Corporation af the town af Bowmanville authorizing the Corporaion to exchange the indebtedness of The Dur ham.Rubber Company Lîmitad aoft",0so.0 ta thani ta a bonus of sanie amoiaut securefi by a mortga~eo t elatt ln o macinery.'w nisra saepatal 3. To confer such rights and powers en the said Corporation as may b. necessery or advantageaus ta, enabie the saiti Corporation ta carry out the. intent of the. said rby-laws,. and for o.hhr purposes. SIMPSON & BLAIR of the town of Bowmanvile solicitors for the. saiti appluyants. Dated at Bowmanville, M arcli llth, 1905.e 11-6w Spocioa 10o W rZ os n fram Dowmanvil±e ta Billing, Mont., S3ý.30. Cý,Iorada Springs, Denver, Ileiena, Butte Mont,, Ogden, Sait Lake City, Utah,$40.39ý Nelson, 'RoBeland, B. C., Spokane.'w a8h, $40.80. Portland, Ore.,~ate Ws., Vanca-uv. an. Victoria, B. C,, $43.30, San Francisco, Cal, 8! 3,; 5. Nor~th West Spectal train with Colonist seeper yul leava Toronto at 9.00 p. s. every Tuee4day during Mardi and April for Manitoba an~d North West, Passengars tiavelli.g wits ont live stock siiould take the Pacifie E. press ieaving Toronto aet 1F45 1p. nm. Proportionately low rates ta allier points. Tickets on sale froni March 1Rt to May lStb, 1904. For ticketi und iniorniation cal! on AF ent Stott &Jury Town Agente. W. oe), VpotTickebtAg 7T 1 uurrupLiouý 1 ýu 1 -01 -4- m eau 1

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