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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1905, p. 1

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TERMS --0,.00 Per &nnum. OtTn TowNAND OOUeTY FUrn; Tan WORwATEWRID In Advance. BOWMANVIIILE, ONTAIO, WEDNESDAY, APIIIL 5, 1905. -l prtn Zns G oods of ail1 kinds suitable for Shirt Waisu Suits. 4 Carpets and Curtains etThe BIGGEST Stock o Carpets of ýal ki.-ds as well as the iiW sotet fLc vi )n by ourseives or by any House in Jowmanville. 4 No Better Value Anlywhere.m 4A very choice lot of Tweeds and Worsteds for Men's Sits. BowmTUanville, $&Germnati" School for, your family. Boots1 They aire Guaranteed We stand re-ady to take back any pair of German Boots shown to have: 1. Sboddy heel stiffuar>s. 2. Bbuddy inside heel piecs a. Sliodldy inside suies. 4. Cul Off vanupsa aI tua e ýaps. "Geniai"~BOtSara Ieat ln ap.' pearltlea. Thywear eut any othar boot in themakt TU ay aa"aa tiI ar- a my ý Thay irmae a ai o. four 1eafther$-Ul'Jt b ba y~ They ar Wtdz izst ftý ùo r girl. They eau bebouglt 01:11Y aI On b1 MinCornemS JOHN MAYWOOO. John Mauwoed of Toronto, Vocal Teacher, bas secured the Asseinbly Rooni of the 11gb School, BowmaDvtlle,- in wbicb to teacb Singing and wil hbe bere every Saturdav'. Veuces tested free.4tf ENFIELD. Misa Ford, Oshawa, visited at W. J Ormiston's, rccently . .. .G Ormiston and J. S. Ashton rusited Toranto reccntly.. W. Griffin represented the C O.C.F. at Grand Council .... Mrs, B. Powell is visit. ing at Oshawa ... . Miss Lena Niddery visited at Blackstock .. .. Arthur Hubbard was at Lon don last week.... Neighbors of Thos. Hall Presented theni witb an addr ess a seccretary and chair prior te removaf to Brooklij. BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN, Wben yeu buy a coagh medicine for smal cbldren you want one in wbicb vou cau place implicit confidence. You want ouathat not onlv relieves but cures. You want one that is unquest- ionably harmless. You want one that la plasant 'e take. Chamberlain 's Cough Remedy meets al of these con- ditions. There s nething se good for the cougha and colda incident te child- hood. For sale by ail druggiats. Have You Seen Ceiebratedý The KnollI Don bie Aotioll Washer Whieh wae awarded Pirol Diplernaand Highest Honjora in cotçi ,1 tion with ever 800 mil chines àt Werld's Fair, WiII Wash Faster, Setter andc Easier Th aiany othûr nmachine ln thue World and pstieyne wear ontie elocthes.ý For sale orly by-: AUCTION SALES, SATURDAY, April 8th,-Miss Veala, Wel- lilugton St , wîli sali ail et hem bouse- holi furniture and tumnishinga. lsale ac 1 o'clock. Sea bis. L. A. W. ToLE,, auclioneer. MARCH WEDDING. IRELAND-ADAms St. George's cburch, Guelph, was the scene ot a vary pretty nupital avent aI 9.80 o-cleck Thursday, Marcb 801h, when Miss Editb Adams, aidest daugb- ter of! Mr Joshus Adams, Woolwicb strc'et, aud oeeof Gueiub's moat pop- ular young ladies was united in mar- niage te Mr. Ernest Ireland, et New. castle, New South Wales, Australia, but formerly et the Ontario Agricultumal Collage. 'rhe avent was very quiet, owing te the racent desth of the groom's brother, sud only the ,immediate cou- nections were praseul.. Tise vicar, 11ev. G. P. Davidson, officiatad, snd the bride, wbo was given away by hem Ifatbar. iookad vary pretty la a travelling suit et b'ue breadcioth with white trimmings sud batte match. Shea s uattandedt Tha many valuabie gifla receivad by thabrida attested luneo mali degrea te the bigh regard lu whicb she la held by herGuelph scquaintaaces. Mr sud Mrs. Iraland lef t for Washington, Baltirnore sud othar easaterui points on a houey- meon trip. Tbav wili ratumu lu the course ot two wceks and spand a faw days at tha hride's home, prier te ieaviug for their-home lu Australia, T ha brida wss a former reb.ldant et Bowmanville, sud ber many triends offar cengratuiat- tons. Your doctor wlItell you that thin, paie, weAk, îervous chil- drezi becomne strong suadWei y îsklng A ersSrsaparllla. mil1 doses, for a Frw days. The change Is very prompt snd very marked. Ask yozxr docor why Itél. Hchlas cur formila a ntiwl epa ove thou 'g h t feudi~ es.,e h.~o The Ch 'ledrI 7Eni P honoe 26, Bownanville 10s1iwlpto r.Ir (8 oor osI u Bonet Huse cenry"a. umt#se wAy*p"s PfNs if yon are r-uan.down frein overwrk-Physic-alo-r Mna-i your nervea are satrd if your appetite la poor, il yoýu Iýt.k vim ~ take a. bottle of Krlk' Bee, iroîlonU ine I1T IS aNerve Tne a System EBuîîder and a Health Gîve F.R.KersakeNew Post Office a] The Drugg Optiand n. VWe present Ilbis week, a haîf'-tonle The Duggis andelectrotNpe et our new Post Office and Cuatom 11ouýe, stute on the corn Phee ~.B~wanile.of Kifiug ad 1711perance atreets, To ot-ref-town readera we mav remiark that- Lwas on this corner the oId town hall atood for uearly 50 years. Th" Govern- $30,cOO WORTH orFHORmSS. ment bought thie site froim the towý%n for, t5000, allowying the town te use the3 mat- eria-l ln the 3ofld str,,ctuire, soune of whiých MR. Bxîm',s GREÂT rSALa ASuous waa used--possibl-Y $2000 worth-in the DAY VERY FINE ANo AITfRD"îANýCfE new MunÎÎicipaý1l Bilding-, Besid2s theý LAREceasite , the new Post Offie buiildiing cost about $25.0100and la there fore ai h-ig Afair estimate places theL teuau -rade and hands3ome bu-ilding- as wil at Mr, B. Beith's dsprio ,ale of 1 be seen% by the illustra tion. Weoban Hackney borses at fulily 20 people: ed file photograpli (rom Glee. Sib several of whom were Aeca sd aatt ucsrt Geo. P"Feead few wvere present freni the Maritime and it ila ceuceded te bej an texcellent Provinces. A cempany et New Yorkers likeniesa, came by special car from Go)tbam and i'TbelontatrwsMW tato the herses tbey purehased 7weýre sent: - - ctaa, torughly conieW, Stuiro there by express. Buyer, cmefroumwobshdwd eprec uGv differout States, Indiluan sudMh'surîrnment cotractîng. [lis genial -man- getting Several eotf ou r nia c.ur and apecial gift as a conversationîst' Walter Harland Smnith of T;M1j"Oruo ade bim aP great favorite with our wasa antioneer and well did be 'Iu- eaTgc_ cilizens" who were very so el the duity. -te sel 60 head. f c atubleretrne oOtw. herses lu ýan afternoon, îa-g'e1%iln ga- M.AB.Wtig ad aathl mOt $0,000ý, r1 eti an sd efficient Clerk et the Wujriks aud neo asiset l te idin, * , DprteM the wr s hhe.Citien nre uecce-edllwel lesi4wuh plessed to Sesome of the liackn"Yexc nceof hesti retairtednin hetethtîstructurýe and theý ret e nthe county. suýhtad ,Tpar!or character ef the internal fitinga Thig-e ea'r, waa ida rgtand Through the kinduess of Mr., Stuart, Sprug-ike Mr Beth ad rrage- we are able te g ive a delailed description ments verY complete for thýe omUfr-t ad of the buildianz. The high building'on convenieuce of the people, A csr-load the West, Shoiwu lu the illulstration, la of chips were brought from Torouto and the Ontai ak spread Lu sud outaide the show ring snd taiBak lu the stables. A monster tent was DESCRIPTION 0P TIHE BUILDING. previded in case et bad weather and a The building la bulit of Grey Cradit refreshment booth was lu charge of Mr. Valley sand tone froni T. iMurray's Thes. Tod wbere free lunch was served quarries, Georgetown and Don Valley te all corners durine tbe'day. pressed brick. Prom the ground line Mr. John Wllie et Atlies, N.Y., was to the underside et the base course ia lu charge ofet h8sl ring sud a better built Oet Scotch masenry. Prom the man fer that duty could hardly be fouad, base course Up us buult ot red pressed Hoe was certsinly the rigbu ainsul the brick laid liîîred mortar witb base course, rigbt place-to show off the borses te illa, stringcoursas, heads et windows, hast advantage. Mr. Fred Krulî, Atticat date atones, corbels and cblmney cap of N. Y.. and Mr. Win. Paiuton, Bewmn- atone, juat eneugb et atone to set off the ville, were the line-men and their ser- red brick te advantage. The white vices tbough exactiug were spleudidiy tone and rad brick bas a very plessing perfermed. The herses were certsinîy affect te look aI. Tha cornices, tire wellhauled n te rig. valls aud tower roof are covered with ellA hOsuded lu te rin, N ii . cepper, Slopingparts ef reof are covered .~ MaS~s BusrnsANbPRICSS. wiîh galvanized steel shingles sud deeks SAYoN-6 yrs., A. Il. Godfrey for a of, roofs tar aud gravel. preminent New Yorker,S5,500. ROYA DRETON- yrs, im ,,> ~* The size et the Post Office building is: ROYA DpWTo-4 rs.,imp, J T.main building 86x57 feel; extension 15x Walker, ClarÈsville, Mo., $2,800. 32 feel. There is a bâsement under the 1WADSWORTII SQUIRE-4 yrg., imp., F, who]e building with cencrete leoors. On Galbraith, Torontoio, 0, 1Ihe grouud fluor la PostOffice i uom brick IVANHo.u-4 yra. W. Weedruff, Sît fre profvault with heavy steel deers, Catharines, $1,350. Examiuing Warehouse, balls, staircase ST. DAVID-8 yra,, imp ,John Duncan, sud watar closet rorn fitted up lu grand BiverldwOnt. $1,75.styvle witb tile fleurs, wslls liued with Riveview Ont, $1175.white tles 4 teet bigb ail round the roorn, CLiFFE RosÂDon-3 yrs. imp., Prof. marble wash basin aud porcelain water M. Cumminga, President Goverumant closaIs. Experirnental FarÈa, Truro, Nova Scotia, $1.050. The first flour coutains the Custom TER-RiNGToN BaLLzuERPu-lMp.,, J. Offices with vault sarne as Post, Office, H. MeKinuon, Bethauy, ont, $700. strronau tw olergdszd W.roon ansd waler cioset ftted -Saine ail LexD MELTOBY-2yI'5,, uap., L. W.PostOffice dloseI, Cochran, Crawfordavilie, Iudiaua,$1100. MRp.DooLy-2 yrs.t L., W. Cochran. Iu the attie there are tbree bed- rooma, 8400parler, diniug reem, kitchen sud bath suld water cdoset rom.n The kittben VANGUAPD-2 1r.T1e~e.MIu has an eramel sini and gaivanized iron 810, ot water bolier to furuish bo11t water te. ROYA GÂruYsD--2 yrsW .bth sud slnk, lu the bath room is-the Jay, New York City, $310. large water tank, holding about 600 SmR WILFRmD-1 yr., Li W. Cochrani, glose!wt that supplies ail tha $W25. cieseta, sinàks, basinsà8 sud the1 bot water PR-isCILLA-6-yrs., Dr. H. A. Bruce, etn-sseu Therea lbaîs n Ibis Toroul, 8roe e olied rlrn enameled batL sud- Tornto, $825i . , sy fr on~ee porcaclain low dowu water clogot, Stayans' Stock Fari, Allies, N. Y,, 'Thle bililstrougly built with 81,625, heRvy waïll built wth Portland Cernent CANýADIAN QEI- yrs,, A. G. Yatea, up te'3girouli lina, 'The three. fleers et! Rochester, y'N. , 8600., In 2buildinig are 'eaïrie4 uj n 1r ,nd Custom liouse. diowu these pipes le main drain. The docwn piples flash sud ventilate danI Tlhoa main drain is made wvith 8 inich tiif drain pipeý frem the iower end et Teni- perance street wbere it entersaalag Sepsspool i10 feel dleep whe-re ail the oi -are caug-ht. The clear water rL1na ouW eto anl over flow pire dowu te the crce Tho drain ruas from the Town liai! t, cspo.Thse Townu Hall and Posi Office are the oaly bulildings connlectai with Ibhis drain. At ibe brow oet t isell rearly opposite, the Euglisb Cburch, tlb drain' fa 15 feet deep. This drain goeE under a larg-e arcbed brick valt wliicb exitends eut frein Rod. M. Mthl' dru- store,. Thie buiilding is aupplied With water from tbe Bowmnanvilie water Tba basting systam !la bot water, uip te-date with ail 'Le lalest imnprev.ý,eeul 1 T liere are two star twî bolIiers li uieb basemnent se laedtist lu spring and f aHi oaa ,bolier eaui be used and ila wlte the two together. Il elîber of these boliers gel out et order une eftlhem ih large euough sud bas capacity wher rutiia aIf uil s trength to ehat the whole bldn.They can be used te more iclvantage iu cold weatheu te ha murY tetr.The pipes ara se piaced anci aru,, "tttht tba Ê't la eual ed îha fis-st bot wate:,iÉ' h51-nter radiators is Ihe laI aý't ýgeýls ba)ck to the boler. This iuaures, an equal quanîity of bot water te aIl parts ot the building. Evary cou sund rAdiator in the building bas two valves se that ln case et a bural pipe orsa desira net te ast s reom, the waler msy ha drawan off and the rest of the system mun indapendant ef the part shut off. The whoie sçstern and ail the parts are connécted witu the drain so that the wheie or any part may ba tlmaiaed off at any time, The systeni may bharun witb oe aor any numbar of radiators. jThe building is enciosed ou two aides wîtb. a concrete wall @bout 2 feet higb witb an ornamental wrougbt iron sud steel tance ou top of wall. Tha building la set back frem King atreat 16 feat and froin Temperauca streat 10 feet. The coacrete platterm ou King street la 24 teet from edga of curb te, face of building and ou Tempersuce street 16 feat. There are two other amail concrete walks on the north sud west aides of building le gelte omail outrance door and caliar door. Ail these waiks are laid with an easy grade se as te mun ail ,the water away fmom tbe building, Thera is s geod wide drive way graded wlib gravai on the nortb and wesl îiides et building so tbat the matil drivera can drive from oue strea le the other round thse building. The Building was desigued. hy Mr. David Kwart, Chief Architacet fDapaut- ment ef Public Works, Ottawa, who devoled more Ihan the usuai amount ef lime le Ibis building. Rie bas made the flîtingsand bealiug syslarn more elab- orale and up-te-date than other build- ings fer the sarna pumpoecsud et the saine size. Mr. PF. B Whiting., Clarkof Works,, bad Mr.Ewart'a designs carried ont as was inteuded by the Architeel. Hia interpretation waase Imtue 10 the architect's idea,.nie h at the building wouid look like wheu up, ýthat Mm' Ewart was very mucb ploase d -with a, large pbolograph, Mr, Wblting sanîblîn. Mlr. SînarI ays: I ar more Ihan plased myseif wuth the .iook of the Bewmanville Pot Office, I bava beau building Pub- lic, build.ingafor the Gevermtent iii difffereut parts ut our faim Canadàand, 1 beg te aa&y tisat wbla Itlàtanet the Stî or dearast building I bave it la the preîlleat ene of thie lot, We have ebtaiued "ronm Mr. Falrbairus te following ilutormàtien. 'l'a lr fraIPatOffice lu the tuwnsbip ôf D)arlinglen waýa sl.tuated aI Black 's 11111, about a mille West ef Couirtice. C ol. Black was a large land hoiler in tb&I ruighiborhood gnd h& buPi a new milieu lise slraam aIflttlenorth of whar-e the present griat miiisýtqas.Ha3 was the fir.APodua ,t6r p.piteà in the owbIpnlutbeinantln i~tle pFSe l Bowmavi]etheaian~ çlDixge Miadgrown Much nsdut rapilly and beiug mrfore 1'ceuitriiy l'ýSuuated il wsst, deeided te meove the office te the latter plavaý. A latter dated General l .,.0, Quei , 3rd April 1, adr to RobI Pair osirn statedl thal ha been ap- pointad postmaster e't110a new office at Darliaglon, and thiat a coision10 would ha lssuedcnhlrmiigthe a ppoinit. meut lIndue courie Said cemiïiisý.ieon was du.iy receivreti and la daîted ',)n the 51h day ut July, 82,(1u11u 9b eam et HIA Mjestyo reign, RinUe erge -IV) .B.f'airbairn, Esq, P. fL, store. Theo west cïnd, forrlv at ing nw unecuoie, wt indlv of ctý - ccud iti 4-MrleFTh' I>~~~o ntu 1i ears afterwards it wsmvdars 1the street te the STATESMVç ledaUd Dthen again te the Prowe.r Mlc,tre 1 1ears azo te Mr. Iiggmaboth'ishii- ting-from which it wasreetvrnyd 1Thie present Post Master weilt hie the 3office alter the tire in 184à te asst hi.3 ifather and bas been practicaliv in 1charze of the office eversince, Ie waa, 1appinted Post Master on the 28ýh of January, 1857. The Hou Robt Spencer being Pnst Master General at tye tiue, 3As a remarkable leature of the work 1hereat Bowmanville there has beea 1onlv one registered letter lest since the office waa firat establishod. This letter belonged te Mr. W. Roy of T,ýroue, father cf the well known W. J Rûoy, It contained $20 and was atolen the rnight of th'i tire 1845. Certainily a rare occurence that the office bas been only in two bands in 77 u ears. Mr. Fair~. bairn bas been particularly fortunate during bis long terni of office in having the right kind of essistanis Mr Carl B, Kent, the presen t Deputy bas been in th e position si ne j Ailust 1887. Palpitation cf the heart, nervousness. tremblings, nervous headache, col bands and feet, pain in the back, and other forma of weakness are relieved bv Carter's Iron P!l18, made specially for the blood, nervea and complexion. Major Edwy White in aenÏding hi@ subscription to THE STATE5MAN, writea. "We have had splendid aucceas the last three maonths, nearly 1000 persons have profesaed conersion and we have reý- coived oyer 200new mombers. We have been oujoying sema summer weather. yesterday (Mar. 29) the thermometer registered 80 T&b S'rATESMAN .15Sa welcome visiter in, our office each week, for altbougb it la 20 ýears ago to-day since 1 1«ft the -home town- to corne into the Arm work, th8 enea are famillar ,iud it ic, « pleasure te ea of thesueceqs of old f"îiendc, atothetimes were ce Oies&a pang' in the heý,art aa read cf' t e1p1 r, g away of the frienâd of former d lys u. k re fLthe t u mot b. OcL ý by Io0aI plctos kt teqwes osmitoa trea1tnent actUng throue the blood, andtle besýt is a- course of the great medicin =ued thovusnds of cases. FGr testlmc)nwîtof remarkable Cureýs gond for book ou Lbwnatijn, No.. Z. ,Î.-,-QL 04 . LýOW9mLiMU16 The Corner Shoe Store~ When- Doubt Buy Our Celebrated tate~

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