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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1905, p. 2

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CEnuie Little Liver Puýise Muet Laar Signature 01 Se& Pac-SlmilI.Wrapper Below. Tory sSu lau& aneo0»7 I T~ FOISJLIOUSNESS. M FOR TORPlD Lt VER. Fca CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLGW $KIN. È 'àýý1 - FOR TUE COMPLEXION ADVERTISING RATES. The Canadian Statesman le published every, Wed nesd "y rorning, at the office M6 Statesman lelck, King Street, Blownanville, Ont., by M. A. James, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per annuns, or $1.00 if paiti strictly in advance. Advertising rates. transient advertising, ten cents per h>ne. frst insertion; fIve cents per line each subsequent Insertion. Contract rates on application. D N I T Y GI. C. EONNYCASTLE, LDS., Di.. S., Ilo no. Graduate in Dentistry of Toronsto UJniversity. Office:-Over Cen- tral Mfillinery. Entrance first door West of Btig 20, fowmanville. A. E. McLAUGHLIN. Barrister, Solicitor and Cneacr offce:-l3leakloly Block, King Street, Bowman ville. oney teajean at reason- ftblq rates. 4s-lyr. ROBERT YOING, V. S. O-ý FFICE IN HOIt8EY'S B3LOCK, " opposite Town Hait Entrance, where ho wlll be found frons 8 a.m. te 9 p.m. Night calis at residence. direct-1 ]y opoatsv Iil she(L 14-. AU/f AfRTA GE LITC N Sa.u M A-F WatteD f cv iaBrWAN11 TTxE M5@ ~ *Cracte" I:Od Joe Gravis ~Cnd __ By Storm. Skechai horaante iteott.A year aso, MO0I4E'Y'S intbl FrncaisibyPERFECTION C R E A M r.,B. AiRBAIRSP, Bow- SODAS weTe a heory. To- manviilie, Ont. day they ame the mms de- Hie was born in Alsace, Franice, ii, a township amoag thc mnouuitt"s,, x erv hîcar the German boundary 10hor he bas often'tolýd me that thcy ssn titeir long winter eveaings in iînakingi. torches of fat pine, whicit thcy s',id iii the German villages. that la- t ad- jacent to them. Lt struck mn as pe- culiar, wby lhe had sucit an intense batrcd of the thermanis; hie did tot like tbemr, their habits, or I hcir language. If the samne feeling I-re- vaiis among the pcasantry of Alsace now, as did whea Joe was a boy, iL wvill be a long time before they become Gcrmanized. Ris fa- ther was a fariner. Titis does not convny f0 our mincis what farmiag Mscant ianttat country. A man own- isig and wotking ten acres of laad, was lookcd upon as a large fariner, whhle a minnouniag ifrom two to live acres, was also looked uipou, as quite a respectable proprietor. Jon's father owned five acres, every incit ofý u-hich was cultivatcd by haad labor, and brought op f0 the higbnst con- dition )ufefrtiiity. Thieir main dependenceý for monny u'as firni.thc pi oduct of their cows, cbcseling a principal, article of comreamrong _them, coaseýqueni-tly great attention uns paid to their stock. Theirbua was a long, Dno-stori- cd stonc structuo, solid]y-built, so as to protct thora front the intense cold la winter, and heat in sutumer; as tbe mouintain district in which tboy l1x cd xvas ia a very high alti- tuide. One haif of the building was used aq a stable foi' their cows. Titis sens sLrange to us in Canada, but no people couid be maore serupulotis- ly dlean, and as 'nchr attention was paid to the care offteir stock as to tbeinsex es. Thre ci rcumist ances surrotinding these- people causcd themn to exercise the greatest frugality, flot a scrap of an'ytllitsg was al'owed to go to waste but cvurytitig ias utilized. for soute purpose; n2-arly ail their clotlîing hg110 u çraçt ractus m s.-ass ada.. Last juyï -the first Mooney's Sodas went out f0 tempt the appetife cf the Canadian peOe. Now,4 many tons a day arc baked to satisfy the denn& There's no resisdn the fresh, crisp, creamy deicimis- ness of these perfect sd' crackers Cream Sodas At your Grocer's blis 111e begIinIs. 11e wfIs tan'tt,- habit oA goiag to a certain wvIlinc,110P in the cit. nd spc'ninùg bis eetin'gsý tîscre çwhen off dîity, the proprietre5ss of whirb was a young uidnw. Joe homame greatIy cnahnoured u'ith her, zand after a short courtship, tbey were marrierd. I-e was not long la dliscovcring she had Gontracted a de- sire for stimiulants. and titis grew so rapidly upon ber, sbe soon becamne a confirnîed inebriale. i-le fought on with tte situation as best he could for soute lit tic tione. but eventsîally a tragedy occurred, wict put an end to ail dooisstc bappiness. Tbey had ont, chilid at thc limre, a littie girl. and the mnotiier had been ia the habit of putting te cradie on the table, and in spite of Joe'sg remon- strance, who realized tite danger, site persisted, and the resuit was that onp day flie predictecI accident, oc- currcd, and lie rchild was killed. Joe, y r leg to{ tcilice hotios, and every- thing thô.t a wvoman should bitod dear. f rhoifot sav willing, for God k1nows lhow site maýy have stiu;g- glnd againsi.' tonste t1to whose grasp sitehq d ulfalln. COnIîng JI(ome o jn Saturday ýjýTeIl ingq he found shie badbeeon ilaa oone state of intoýxication. Th'ings wenlt from badtig ,worse. no(tb1ing couild rest'rtun herw, she wos.ilti sel! everY articcm ta th huse, ir nccssary, to obtain thile inucans 'of gratfyi'ng this intense Lriïng of the physical dis- case. And1A r cornes in the strang- est thing cf ai, in connection with itL Lt nevé-r entered into Joe's minc that he could becomne the vie- tim of the~ sanie cirse. Prunkccnness a huindred years agýo was lit tic known in rural France.. The commion wines of the country were used as an ordinary beverage, stronger liquors were rarely touchod. Had his wlfe not kept a wine sýhop, whcre brandy and stroaiger liquors were sold,. the chances are she neyer would have become an, inebrinte; howei er, Joe conïmenced taking a littienaow and then. le grndually, becamne fond of it, but at this time, was not a habituai drinker; it folý lowed aaturaliy, whcn he would coine 1;ome, after a hard week's lab)os., finding her iatoxicated, he would býcosue iaccascd, and angry quaircîs would follow. Like ail Frencht people Vhey wese x ery excit- able and noisy taikers. Those living near, soon looked upon thens as an annoyance, ta thte neighborhood. But the culmnination %vas not long ia the future. Ret urning to bis home one, Saturday nigit, he fouici things 'ia the usual state, recriminations followed, antd their aoisly quarrel was beard by the neigihors. This latter tact hnd a bearing on what subse, qucntly fol owed. Joe's statemnent to me over and over again, as to the events of the aight, and which I be:ieve to be truc, were that site fell, that he picked her up, placed her on the bed, which they had, ta the, lower part of thte house, ho took Lthe littie girl with him upstairs to theo room above, and slcpt there dur- ing the night. La the miorning it was found that the unfortunate wtt- man had passcd over "that boumne from which no traveller retuýras." Joc's arrest spcedily followed, a cor- toner's inquest brouight ta a verdict of murder, and thle poor Frenchnan was hande-d over to the jail authori- tics to await the coaiing assi/es. One of the miost eminent judges of the fitne; the late Chief Justice All diseases that begin withfever-aill nflam- mation-ahi eatarrh-ail contagious dlsesaes-ait the resulte Of I'mpUrEor POiSoned blood lannervons Saisi ity Liomone acts as fb ivlteime. accomptlshing whab no flOaa u." 50c. Bottie Free. If you need Liquozone, and have neyer trîed it, please send us titis coupon. We will then miail you au or- der on a local drugglst for a fuit-J size bo>ttin, and we wîli pay the dug-4<' gist ourselves for It. This Is our frea gift, made te. convince, you; teo, boW you what iÀquozone is, and witat It can do. Ir- - e, '-yitrself, pIeanog accept It to-day, for It places you un- der no0 Qbllgationt whatever. Liquozone coets 50e. and $1. CUT OUT THIIS COUPON for tis olfïr tnay not appear again., Fin ot the blanks 9arid1tuait i t tearhe L quozone Coman, 8-564 wabaý.sh Ave., Chicago. My disease isa......................... I have neyer tried I-iquozone, but if Yen ,in. supply me a 5oc. boutle f ree 1 wslt taka it. wileglaj uivef aresrt.epaii We want you to know about iÀquo- sono, and the prodclut itself can tell you more tian we. S we asktyou to la. un buy youa bottle-a fuil-size bottle-- to try. Let It prove that It does wýhat medicine cannot do. Seo 'what a tonte it is. Learu titat It does kilt germs. Then yen will use it aiways, as we do, and as millions of otiters do. .Thtis effer Itself should coaviace you that Liquozone dons as we dlaim. We would certaialy not buy a bottIn and give It to, you if thore was any doubi. of resuits. You want these results; you want to be well and te keep well. And you caa't do that-nobody can- without LiquoZone. We Paid, $100,000 For the Anierican, rights to Liquo- zone. We did titis after testing theo product for two years, througit physi- olans and hospitals, after proving, ln thousanda of different cases, 'that Liquozone destroya the cause of any germ disease. LIquozone has, for more titan 20 years, been the constant subject of scientifle and chfemical researcit. It Iz flot made by compounding drues nor with alcohol. Its virtues are, derived solely from gago-largely oxygen gas- by a process requiring Immense appa- ratuse and 14 days' trne. The resultI. s a Liquid titat does wltat oxygen dons. It le a nerve food and blood food-the Most 1helptui. tiing ln the world te yen. i weWel1 u A 50c. Bottie cf Liqudone ftnd'Give ît to You ta Try. Trhe New Method Tfreataient of Drs. 9:> & K. lias restored thousands of weak, diseased miea te robust znanhood. No *matter how many doctors have failed to cure you, give our treatment a fair trial and you will neyer regret it, Wc guar- antce ail cases we accept for treatmnent. Net a dollar need be pald unless eured fer yen can pay after yeu are cured. Drs. K. & K. established 25 years. We treat Varîcocele, Nerveus Debil. ity SrîtueBieed DISeases, Kidney Bladder and Urinary Diseases. if un. able toeall, write for Question Blank for fatheriess and motherless for whom Joe's affection vwas most Intense, was cared for and perbaps eceved a better training and éducation, mak- ing ber better fittfcd for a lufe of fu- ture usefulness and happiness, than if she had been raised in a home de- graded ns theirs musti aecessarily -have been. Again the goodness ' f Colonel Coveri. to his humble ser- vant i5s sown,. as evidcntly the de-, tiny of the little rhild was to bimi a matter of aaxiety. One of bis daugitters,' Mis. Moffatt. (wbose hus- band was at the f ime a member of tbé firin of _Noffat, Murray and Co., Toronto), tcok ber andI trained ber as a domcstic servant. Tluring ttc Its effecte are exhilarating, vitaIizing, purifying. Yet lt is a germicide so certain that we plabliait on every bot- tic an offer et $1,000 for a disease germ tiat It cannot kili. Thte reason la that germz are vegetables; and Liquozone-like an excess of oxygen- is deadly to vegetai matter. There lies the great value of Liquo- zone. ut la the only w'ay knowa f0 kili germs lntte body witout killing thtej tissue, toe. Any drug that kilîs genmsi ls a poison, and lt cannot be taken la-o ternally. Every phyaician knows titatj medicine lsaimoat heipless lut anjy1 germ disease. Germ Diseases, These are the known gerni diseases. AIl that medicine can do',for these troubles la to heîp Nature the germa, and sucit resuîts are in.di- rect aad uncertain. Llquoizone atta,,': the germa,' wherever they are. A whnn tite germa whtch cause a 011se- are destroyed, thte disease inust c. and foreyer. Tkaý,s inevitable. Asthis Il a>'Fever-In-flucnz .&bses-Anoemis Xdne>' Dhaea.."o Bronebitis La GrIPe Bhood Poison Lsssorrhea flright's Disease Liver Trousbles tiowet Troubles )aai-srhL Cougt-Coîs M ban>' Heasri 'ioumt" Co'isusaption Pilies-Psusuon la Colle-Croup Pleurley-Qu.insy Constipation Bseumatisin Catarri.-ancer Serofula-sypbhto Dysnntery Dia erbea Skia Diseases fian&-uff-DropsY Staiacis Trou'hN Dynpepsia Titroat Iront c(,ý Itezeusa-Eryslpelar Tubereutos18 Pevers-GatI Stones Goiire-(iauC Gonorrhea-Gieet 1 Temors-.-Uteers Varleocele Women's Disessos

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