SLEG ISLAÏTUR [ EGISLATORS AR-E A~T TORONTO. 0F MOTION.L Mri,. Jssoo hes gîxea notice i-bat hC Will aPPly for an order of the Rîonce for n ret-ura of ail corne- pondeiscIe bctwvoen th, shenili 0f the e "(mIltY cf Lencolîs andît-ho lai- c Gov- eî'nmiic»t or any memsber thereo-f. ne- Spticcig the appoissieni- of George Bush as jailor iomci-the County of1 NMc. Torrnae bits giveil notice of a billi-o mnu-actise"Musicipal Act- Mr. Preston (Bantf) bas givea no- tiCe of a billi-o aniendti-ho Public Parkse Acf anti a Llii io aniendth -e1 Mn. 'uth1-t itidbfas gison ntieof a bill i-o nietjihoAcftreatinsg i-o) lIsespeti ri-i oprafo f moi-os velsiles on bighways. "mi'. Macýt1iiormniti sillinstroduce a b.1i- o anjei i-hthe Municipal Acf. MINRAMENDMENTS. Ho-Tn. Mn.anon, fan replv i-o Mn. Iltircoit, sii f-tis i-le intention of the o'e'hsit io ini-soduce ai- Ibis sesion sobno minor ameadmneats to i-be acf respecting the sale of ferncu td asepiriftoi-s liquoms." AN AMERICAN EXPERT. lion. M.i. fHaussa, replybng i-o Mr'. Sîssiîtb (Sauli- Ste. .iarie), saiti: "TIse seroivices of IL. E. Therie have been v'ngngecl for n tensporaî-y poioti for ,icial w-orlh for wirb ho e spel IvJ qnalifiee1. TtI -lu-dIes a sreport oms koniaions industries, cai'îied on ni- f1io-Cests-nl Prison, andlibehe i-ail- leni cof nasYlsteni of u-cousariiig by thle variomîs institutions in ti-e Pro- i iici ai Secnei-amy's Dopartimnca, thumCri ie lissster ini change wil us-a coi-îparatuve nisonbly si-ai-e-- nient ces eriiîg thse wock0of i-ho de- l'iiitissnt, andth -e cost theneof cias- silîoti uiader ti-e vanieus bonds of ex- ponrdiuus-. Mrlî. Thorno resides ai- tie cii-y of Port Fuiron. Ho e isan- dit or fisc th? Port Fui-on Eniiseac& 'Jhr.shc f umîpiny ýandtheib0Canadian P'ort- Ru-coisErigino & 'I'rashaer Coa-- piliiy of XW,. 4rspeg, anti other coin- iassore~m-ud wlihem b i-bte ni LscOuitanti sale of agriculturai. iîmsen te andtfhi-ashi ng- suachinory. "lh1,u.slin iFt -1 enginsi-alboti ,.aun m'eoiuLv hcanî'ied on by i-he prescrit sie-ri' Mr. lanona n'liid, for flic beusefi- of sanie newspapcsssxhicb si-tre distni- buted about ti-h sai-i-r, i-bai- M'. 'Uhîoo si-as not anti noen b atibeen in i-ho en-afoyniesît of i-ho Standardi Oiu Company. REMOUNT DEPOTS. Ola ihe questiomn ofi-he establish- nsent hx itho provinîce of resîou-ntefa- t ions for suppiying herses fer i-ho lýirtish nrsuy, :Hon. Nelson Moii-iti, V'iniseos of Ag-nbtulttmre, si-atedti -at -Onsîtiorcdth -at if caine usîder Do-- Anin juis-diction. If i-ho Ott-awa -4,tmshorities didi iof acf i-be province 'Votil-tl bave tii do se. Ti- u's, bow- oser, largaly n mati-ror f dollars anti cents. TIse Imsperial aut bonifies would nef pay, ho though-, i-be igb rinces nosi-prevailiîsg. Tt xuould, howes'ec, ho 'ise i-o provitie such depots la case the inarket- for Isorsse sboulti dechýine., TJOO MC IIPACINI. forsColingsx ,ýood ati afor-dw'ait- -il ont ile o aiiinrr et Public- ri'gilatios o Grogian IBay ho issue st-iiI<bfrei At pieseai- tisey sny Iibe sfahss are bcbng de- 11oîulatefi b poa],,, s.Tise Minis- t,-r nlllconsiW the liqruesýtiori., (RiTS TIO IOSPITALS. lion. W. J J hauss, .resincial Ste-ý îe-iary, lins decîticti that onIY publlic hispitals sho lieho -msilodt-o share !ht'ie vrurnîsfgrass- for the sup- ,(Iîot of hoTss a i-be pasi- soute '~i a e ositamshase boon ailowecl lu partmicipsai,,, bof ut i- he future ail aliliîicoifsi i e stîýc'ictiy regîstor- el andIr-'ognïi/ed as public chari- Iîts. Tise Goverssrutet grt tfeuri-hie îumrose'bas5 for' sortie years beon The portrait andi signatureocF on. A. W. Chaise, <ïhe famOus re0eiPt book author' , on every ýbox, f hias'cmad es. great prcîrrîptionî of Dr. A. W. Chase have attaincti such enormoussae that thc temptationta i imitate tiens is ccon. - tinnally grow 111 E $11,000 a year. ThW is eum le i- 'videti accontiiug to i-be lgho h s t ay of patients. Thus, wbtexe b as beenî gis on f0 prit ate inestitu-1 i-ions bas be -n i-ai.en f rosisi-he sxty -Publiclisospitals of t he p-oýviace which are 50 ba-dlin laneetioftn 'for- their wonk. ASK FOR ROADS. -ITwo tieputations waii-ed on Hlon. Dr. Hennisse, Conînssioner of Puici 14 1 Wonks, with tIse roquest tiba colon- -izraiion ronds ho but in tbkeirre espective sectiosi of i-he out.W. dJ. Patîli, M.P.P., AddingEton, anti J. S. Gallagher, MPP, ritoal-ý atroduceti a'nusuber of ithoir ucoisitu i- ente f0 i-ho Miaister. 'Tb1ey ugs- Pdi a change if the s55tem0fsp- * vision of gratits for ronds. Thcy * iproposed i-but a conuisiior so-l Ib hoappoinfet in la echistrict atid If akedt flat ronds hobufi1 ahi-b :nortscma part of thse c sis r A. P. Auibin, Wùsf Nipiesingt,, m-- f roduceti a delegation frons Vernrr 1as.sing -bat n rond ho opencti anti bid(ges consti-ucteti beiween i-bat toua anti Tenînenrai. ~1i-o-sia Will Nfake You Peel lfun-ury anti Ilearty, and give Strength and Vtality. Ask any frienti wbo looks thin, pale, anti out of health how many meals lie or she eats a dav, and the chances are that i-be answer will be "INot over i-wo, anti I tionIî feel bungry thon "Thse pitimp, rsy. and rohusi- eai- three Eqaare meals daily, and their perfect heaith ie due to a sirong stomach anti digesivie svstem, as such a system takes out cf the footi ail those euitmeai-s -bai- make pure blooti, anti give nourishment anti vitality 10 tIse body. The one appetizer andti bae that should be Laken is Mi-ona, thbe ou agent known that wilh strengi-hen thbe stomsch anti digestive stemu, anti put them lu such perfect 'workinig order i-ai- thev wIll digest easiiy and nat- urally ail the foodi that iî eaten, anti senti Vou to thbe table positiveir bungiv for thse nexi- meal. Wl-bout a strong stoinacb digestion wiIl bie poor. the blootiimruure,' anti serions Ili-or anti kitinci troubles resuli-, causing beadaches, backacheÉ__sefte be ore, 6 dyes. diiness, leepleseness, nMremeaes, irrutabnees, a furreti tongue antibad breatb, ail of which eau bie read lix overceme hv thse use of l-onan. (cosling but 50 cents a box), as itgoes right to i-be fouindation of perfect bealth, i-be stomach. Scores of leading people in this State, incluiatii editors, inimiers, banki-rs, andthein families, -Ialvatiiestif v to thse banie, strocnglbeuin,- anti health givimug effocîs cf m-o-na. Furthermore, Si-ot & Jury one of tIse mosi reliable Dmug- g-isle in i-hie seci-on, sousmLi--na underi a guirani-ee b refurit -e money if t tioe not produce satisfactory reenits Mn .A Luttrei, wbo ban been bu Toroni- ta, fer sainiesiil, bas betugbi ou% a lBahery andi C-Czeeionery business a%. 168 Me- t2aui Stret. Bisa iany Bowiuanviile bliende will join in wisbing hbu sucoe in is venture. As be bas worked AIt the business for a number ef yeare, le bIso- ogbly undoratantis ah lIse dotails of lthe ride, A particlarlyiigsa drowninq accident oîeured ai- BrooIffuP, Oui, ',nauMeadav la3t, ,lbc vielles beiu'- Lie 6 year-old tiaugbter cf Mir W T Elvis, Miller, cf tIsat village She L-i Ove151 aespale (Mtns o-vere refuruing- incas sebcool a tes, minu'es before .snoen, arii, bavicg eloppodt o play ait Me atige cf ho creak, wiich was Very mach Swolen, 1 UJ hi àt topplin m, andi vas qoiekiy car-1 tied ay Notbing was saîd by lise obber rildiemi of atalbail baopeneri, and i- vas nut tliiafler ecooei as câlleti, more iban on hour laser, ibat tie ai3xiOU8 patents eîneti of lIe f aie if Iheir chil Searai pîniiles imnsediaîely se% out sud epeai Ise leainsier 01 îLe day pairolling tIse creek, but baie bad ne înccess sa lar Lpplncoi t'aMagf zane for April opens wi h a noe Ati fcxraortiiaery at-j rstraeeio both mon antisimien teAders. Lsei-hile iî *'A Fool for Love;' its author, Fraue Lyride "Froni lthe Peistal," Isy E ziibeth McOracken, le a sweet and-i dorer tale of p3ychOlog c1 trendi. "The Mn sho Adopteti Asia' ia a thnrilliag ativeuture etory efthbeI Fan Eïst, from i-hoepeancf Wîi Leving-t mon Conifmt, wboie recînt vsit to i-e meat cf van bas lbceu produotîxe eof mnme very iateraeting fiction. Arabel n Kencaly coutibotes a bripht solety a - ry cittled "sylvïa'o Brîdegroome,' Th o spring vintage of "Waints andi Wlne" bubbles vwitI fun la varions S.EVENTY PER CEN~T. DIE. - you tny bcorSai pr-l eitits ass trit yen are gettirig eisa i-esigfs ae bsgenuine - N x ti- d sa c ss :-I-i ti octor s piri - ansd Signature are ci h-15 u dch pmn na ebotte illeha,.mbre 1-por'fet turing Ot - - bis renîctiies. This i.«clývii ls 1 -isororîglîs of Greai-er Newi the strongest guer. V orký. Ses esas rsare aise ré- aniei-bat any mati. - potied iii Passnie, N,) - w br-c'eue cnes cao ha ve, 1oftufi-e zpuh'lue rbools il lie closo, Dr. Chase'a KdeyLvrilla, one pili stxta r-ibsbslug ct,,, re ie dose, 25 cents a bo, (reboe for $1.0. I ýL aii Iedrsle Dr. Cbazs'a erve Foi, 50cet a box. ninngi-r uoiils. TIse Board of Ex.- Dr. Chase's Otaset, 0 cents a box, pc' ppruutodhy eaiCs(onmmis- Dr. Obaae's GCi-r-I e 5cent Ls -abox. -hse o istoscsiiueislai-- Dr. ChasEý's akais lstr -e acib ois, bu a xi-ba ssst i ne causse ô for $1.00. Th,-oprxbsc tfts ibos rs Dr. Cbase'a Li-r Cars, 50cnta bottie int ae b sie eiie ae Dr. Cbaee'e Syrap of Linseeti and Turypen.- issuuist'sur -iisn 70et cii- #tne, 25 anti 60 cents a bottlp. At ail deaîcni, on hy tiai poapaiti on ineccpi of pce by Etimanson, Bates anti Ce., Toroete Ms .i' i :nodeiai1asi Laitac can ooiy bo set Iy cexpress at *wner 's tro S-iîtt.osic a(tli iit j 1 r o i ' ÎTW - . - - iOSEYELI' AS IIEUIIÂTOI Rusia i andi Ja,4pan Agreed, Sqays- the Timoes Correspondant. I ~~ ON FOR: ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ _ ERFECT: HOME DYEING. EASY TO USE, BRIGHfTEST AND BEST. ASK FOR THE O&DIAMOND." AMI ruUiss ad Dales. AKENO OTHERS. te aisoitiolutU inso glarer. u Russiaris rcplIed i-ho ativance 'Vu-h-- ouf isicoe eng i-hein tisp)ositiosis. Thete wero inisigumficauit 1055e. Asi de froms hese rcsmîisucs f-- faire '1re gceuomrally quiet on1 i-ho sosîi-ern positions. Chia ýse si-niei-bai- heasy Japanese If Your Livér is Wrong You are Wrong all Over A torp ii aci-ivo liven os a in band svitb constipation. Sncb a chrouîle condtion reqîires a systeali- atic effort i-o overconie il anti estab- lisIs gooti1 bealtIs anti jerfect body drainage. Sitb's Pneapple anti Butterni-t Pilla, contanîing i-be iwo needeti eements i-o increase l-rer ac- tivily- anti muscular action go accu- rai-ely tie lu lggish liver anti boa'- e, resi-orimg i-hemi conipletnly. yspocîour bowels failedt ii-move e-î a week or temi tiys. Dol't yoit. 1.u.~Yen wouid ho quickiy pros- i-n1 ?i' lilejustthi-e sann, diffeing is dcgrce, wlset your howeis do not moi-e at icast once a day. Von know yen soon becomme languiti andtii-red, your blooti gefs bati anti you feed ineais and s ick ail os-or. Von abonîti Ibave a full, bealtby passage daily. Dont loi- serons conditions de-elop. iSmii-h's Pimesppie anti Bui-eu.nt Pille will drive bowcl poisons oui- of your sysi-en anti establishb regularîfy. TIsoy are purely vegetabie, andi cure in ene nuglit. We will senti yohs a g erotta samiple of i-bse pis Absoiutc-y F ree, sealeti anti posi-paiti-at will I cons-la11ce yoss bcyn doubt of tbeir %volderfi' curative propem lies. Ad- dres, W. F. SnîLib C., 8S t. James I Si-eci-, Montreal, Canada. -Smiath's Pineapple anti Butternut pills Cure Conistipationt, Blhlousiioss rand Slck Ileadachme la cone night. Ail dealers 25 cents. A Cure ut the PCOP1V's Prhce., Via thse Cbicago anti North Western ltailvwsîy eveny day from March ici- te ilay 15 1905, setlers' one way second cases tickets ai- veny iow rates froas Chicago ta points ini Utahs, Montana, Nevada, Idahso, Oregon, Washington, California, also te Vietoria, Vancouver, New Westmainster, Rosslanti anti otlier points lu tIse Koolenav District. Con- respondiugly low rai-bs froni ou points in Canada, Write for full paniiculars anti litie10B. H. Bný,-SNr. General Agent, 2 Kinîg St. East-, Toronto. 7 7w NEW CUIffiIG RATES. THEi STATESMAN wiil be furnisheti for 1905 ln conueclion wilh tIse untiernamed publications aitIshe price si-ated: TorontoD&iiyWorld, bal 1914 fraee $3.5) Toronto Daiiy Star, do do 2.00 Toronto Daihy Globe 4.75 . .& 5 o'clock edition 3'50o WeeklvGlobe, wih iliuîtrateti parte 1 90ý Dail.y Mail anti Empire 4.75 Weekly Mail anti Empire 1.90 Toronto Daily News 20o) weekly Wltalese 1.751 TIse Weekly Sun 1.901 Farmin.- Wonlti 1.50 Farmer's Ativocate 2.50 Christian Guardian, bal 1904 free 2 o0 Famiiv ilerali anti Weekiv Star 2.Orj STAP4PEBE FROM DAWSON Tweni-y-Fîve Ounce NuggotFPicketi np in Yukon.i A Vici-eia, B. C., despntch enys: Nc_ýws 'Vas recels-et fi-ns bn'son of a ricb strike on Big Golti Creock, tri- hutany i-o Sixty Mile RPis-or. A si-amipede ýresulteti wheai-ho ae ews rearbtiead sn.Tii-o large auggest, tise oVigîsgavn25oi-ces, have booms fosuin lu-rl Creçk H "Bdyoù1r pap a ofrilesin'g- ing tIsai- sorennle?" h-"e;but ycuum rire safe. He hougit ifwas i-be RAIL WAY WRECK.' Twsinty-eight Homeseekers Hurt in C. 1". R. Accident. A Winnipeg do.spatch says: One of the S-eci ns of theý westbound Col- onist extra train oniitise Can1adiaýn Pa bii hreofcoaductor Me2- ooad fra;ýttPotag, as deriai- et- at Drydea, a arsni staton aout 20M abeeat u0f Wiluipeg, -t..35 on Thuvstiay nîorning. Tsxo people, Miss 'Clara.Iiailey, of Madoc, Osnt., andi Mrs. Wmn. Desaso, of i)undalk, wero seriously injureti. The ether passengers escaped i ith the excep- ion of 26, who sustaincti slight ini- juris 'Ir train consisteti of 12 pas- songer coaches andi a caboo.o, anti it, is suppeextid that a broken rail 'Vas the cause of the accident.' Pour PO , esi eft t he rails. IJnediately aitor the accident the train crew andi railwa-y mcn froso Drden l.ook charge of the injuroti, iho 'Vore re suoveti to the hotel ini Dryden, wxhoe the doctor of that place, assisted by inoedical men auaîsuoned frosa Ignace, Wabigoon, and Rat Portage, looketi ai tec thcir 'ountis. Miss Ba iley was bruiseti about thie chest, anti Mfrs. ]ilsaasý haci ber right leg brok- en. TJho. a mes anti adltresses of those who sustaineti sligh-t injuries arel-3r. anti Mrs. Pickersgill, Sjm- coc; Lena Eliiott, Fairfielti Plains; W. A. MacLeoi, Berlia; Jameps A. Andc,orjo, Oreton: Suîe Loyctte, Meaford;unary Wilson, Blonieflid; Mc wryad 1Miss Gladys c1y, Naa :L'ily Bouchard. abt, le Johný Bailey, Allan Bailey, radoc; Daniel Mc'Kay, Whitechurch; James- Moins, aindasr; D. F. S,"tuart. Virs. Stuart, Ailsa ('raig; W-i. Thoms, Sutidritige; R. ,J. Ilough, Welliag- ton, Prince Edwar', County; Thos. Calderwooti Brougham; John Lan- gin, W avorton; Edw ast Lonnox, Corunwall; J oli Bolti, iXouisburg, Annie (iibson, Wiarton; Fraak Ja- cohs, Bruseie; Thos. O'Leary, Hast- L- ings. Total 28. The inîajoritv of the pasasngers on the train and ail those injured w'ere Ontario people on thieir wxa ' Wes-t on the sporial hoineseekher,' excursion. The wre&ca0 xvas cicarcie away by isoon, only fi-e hours' delay to traffle biaving bon causeri. SHE FOIJND A DIFFEPENCE. ONTARIO HAT 0UR LE 4e DOINGA N0Ti CES Te e Mos~s olw Brown label Crimson o Green 4 Blue ' Bronze Gold 25c perlb 30C 64 50C 46 70C J PEACE NEGOTIATIONS ON. r einforcern ents are cntnl arriv- Thse>StI'utieràËurg correspondent mg Of the London Tisues, clains, to have mci.etiifra-o fo orpa TO QUIT SAGHA LIEN. ahe ource showing- that Ruissin A tiespatch. fnom Tokio says: No- andi Japoni have selecteti President thing bas occunnoti here i-o indirate -Roosevelt as mediaton. Negotiations the possibility of ponce. Thse Min- .are alrendy la pregress, anti a sue;- istry of Vas 'andth Ie Ministry of pension of hoýstilities is expoecteti Marine continue, their activuties as if shortly. j preparng for wrar for years. New Tise u -siini Gover-nasent's deniai of loties are being coastnntly senst to tIse report,ýls Itt ut hati formula-ted the front. It is oficially statedth -at tho conditions on which pence might lighting colunsais are foliowing the ho cncluecu as literally anti techi- Ru'.siaiis northward. înteretbr nsCallyLi(u, but i-bore is the beet in thse canîpaign is beiag partly, aut hority f1,- asserting that Russia'transferreti to the eastwaril.- It is sttoi IeCondqLitioýns she could notirepos-ted that the Russians are pro-J accpi- iameythe pi, usent of an uan- to abandon the Islandi of' ýieinïity ati i-bdt( cessation of terri- Sý;agîalieu wheniî is waters are free tory. Coun LaîsiorfMiniister ofl0f ice. Voreigo 4fair,ionnnicated suint The Russians are strengtheassîg nsay ho CalletiRusl' negative pro-1points north of union River, ,Coron. poale t1%o th.,rso.i ov .amei- n the vicinîty of Hun.chun, fnorth- day r iwo go. Teo France, ia- Iwet of I'ossiet Bay, anti at point. doci, elogethecreifof romt-on the railu-ont in the vicinity ofj ing ber nlly Io enter upon .negolia- Ning~uk, 160 miles enst by siorth of tln ,anti ithere l is o dciii in the Kirn A od hlayeq ils pou enrfui influence of the pence cam- fna. sit ayooti iglway xte n paiga o)pueeti by the French 1prees foiPsifDy otwr oNa following the failune of the Rsii guk, whichi adjoins i-be Kirin od loan in'France.i Diplomiatie circles expres ihe I A!NOTfEjRRTEA greates- praise of Count Lamistiorff's A despatcb from St.Ptebugt astui-oaess la opening the negotia- Paris si-ates thaf the Japaýn,-se have i-ions, as hie thereby reserves n fieldi cut thse nnilroadi hotu-cen Harbin anti for compromise.' For instance, Vlatiivostock. They bav-e sent Rus- shouldti-ho Japanese insist upon an sien sioge gune, capi-uret at Port intiemnii-y, Russia w oulti be able to Arthur, in the direction of Viadis o-r offes to recetie the southen portion stock. of the lslanti of Saghalien. It ie Thse Russiamîs, aftor a severe 1lgbt, believeti that Russia ie pnepariag i-O have es-acunceti Gunshu Pass. draft froops to the Siberian frontier, anti to keep Atisiral Rojestvensky FIX TUE DATE. cruisisîg Easten waters ns a demon- A deptbfoaS.Pesug straf ion of lher neadinessa nd ability A dsac ri t eesu. to prolong the canspaigîs. The ,,,,_Isays: Japanese proclamaions have iin of Piesident, Roosevelt. as meti- reached Harbinannnouncing i-bat the- iator, which svas due i-o Japanese in- Japanese intenti to occup;y Iarbin itiatite, is regarde inii St. Peters- iabout tise inititle of April. bui'g as evidlence of excellent discrimi- ination. The Jaîsanese ixili -hereby CONTROL 0F MANCHIUHIA. secune a liras frienti, uho, at i-be A despatch fuosîs Guashu Pass, sane tiase, svill mnake it a point of Maan-buria, says: Chinese asenchamîts honor to bring the negotiations to nrrivilg hbore aîter a circuitous dsigbt à succeseful close, and svbo, therefore frons Muktiea relate that i-be lnpan- woulti not have been likely to have ese bave taken osor i-be adaministra- accepta-dth -e difficul- Post Of media- ion of 3Manchuria. They have iin- i-or if i-ho Japanese inteadeti to pro- si-alleti Japanese officiais la pince of sent exorbitant deasantis. the Cbiarse, have taken possess,,ion Thq corresponîden-a-tits, lsowever, of i-be Hussiamiiadministrative h uilti- tisat if would ho prsuisPtuousti-olge, antihave est ablisheti a1 Japaa-i expect the early conclusion ofa sepice force ai- Mukdon., troaty. It le the opisnion of thse Tewr fcnet h al highesi- anti moat-inlfluential Rus- rThe wm ort uf cneri',,Yh ril- siamîs that the question of pence V5 ro n froPot alay rato kiea la- altogethes' dependent upon infernal coiploet, giving i-hop neeibo conditions. If the uiî grows, pence will ho hasteneti. If, contrary nailroad linos cof supply, rî Souili i-o exPeci-atioi-ithe disorders subsidb-aefFegWn-lsnfo the ietiations at Washington are -PIortDalny to- Mukdo,- a ;ntiIosv' i-b likely to bie retariet. If, again, i-ho Sianintin Rond, whicb ih, Iipan.- Japanese deisanis prose incompati-j Ose are roportedti-o have Loaeti. t ble wihmdy nastie considorations. thse, Fresh Japanese troops rare report- Goveriment isill resort i-o a national d i-o ho ai-rit ing at the front,. asseasbly to (lociete h question Of pence or w or. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. 'A lonîg officiai statemoent has bora r.Wnso' otin Yu a issueti anîsounciing tIsa tieMinisi-er bMr s lVinsloillionsothi 3rp ba of tIse Interior has preposeti, andti tIse ir uuseibre -ileomî of Ifoi-es-or Ensiperor appt oveti, of a Plan si-bre- thre hit i -hilen t ethn.of d-Ju by preparations fer caîîing n repue- treti at ig h isbfrkn 0f an r sentai-ise asseashly sili bc compietedi s-bya<c hit uein nicY- 51 in one or two ni . oom-tbn uing witb pain of Cutting Teeth, senti ai- once anti get a bottie of -rs. _____Winslow's Soothing Synup' for Chil- A BAT'LE EPECTE. timn Teei-hing. It will relieve thse A BTTEEXP- CTDý poos li-i-le auffener issnsedîai-eiy. De- A despatch froni Harbin snys: Ja- pend upon it, moi-bers, there is ne pane srescutiag parties are active nimtake about it. It cures Diarrhcea, i n eadenvoring to pionce tIese creois regulates i-be etoasach anti howels, of the R-tssinni vamîguard poste anti cures Wind Colle, sofi-ens i-be Gunis, lcveiop i-be disposition anti strengtb reduces.Inflaisation, anti gives tonei if -h 1îsnio~,i-ei a fitai- a- nti eiïergy to i-be whole system. ifnteositginso ihonatuep0f ne- _Mrs, Winslow's Sootlsing Synup for toisasa'e iii or te.nauef eJ- chiltiren teoi-hing is pleasant to the panese batteries, which have pushedti asei and lei-bte prescription of on 'arfonart, ocasoaaly ropShi- of the oldesi- anti best fenmale pisysi- isr o eheli la spei-et dplae. ncians anti nurses fai-bte Uniifti nioegl n sday the edaslncsinant nhStates. Prico i-weni-ive ceýnts za phîed G on-. Mthomiko a isatiorshibottie. Solti by al! druggists ithnouigh- omtth-bworld. --Be suire anti ask for the Japaiesejpressing, forstatid in, a ",Mrs. Wiaslow's Soothing Sy.rup," detenriiici en.l-enven to asake ai recnnassnceandler SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST "TFtA ~MARKS '*rvWW", , 8OPYRI[GHTS &c. Anyone sendlng a sketch and descrigtion may qulckly ascertaiii eur opinion Mre whether au invention la probabiy petentable. Communica- tiens strictly confidentiel. Haadbûok on.Patents sent free. Oidest ageecy for secnring patents. Patents taken through Menu & Co. receive rpecwalnetke. witho-ut cbiarge, lu the A handsomely illiustrated weekly. Lsrizest cir- culation get eny scientiftl journal. Terms, $3 a year; four monthe, $1. Solil hyall newsdealers. IVUNN & Co.3eîBroadway, New YorR Branch Office. 625 F St,, Washington. D. C. STEAXSIIIPS. PRIOPOSE 0SAILINGS Portland to Liverpool. Dominion.......... Sat, Feb. 25th, 2 p. mn Canada ............... Mar, 18th,- Dominion............ .April 151, Vancouver. .. .. th, iilensington ....... 1th, Cnda.......*2nd, C ali ID'g atî ï i1fa x Westbouad. Rates. Portlandtû itLverpo il: First Class--$50.00 np wards; Second 01lass i3û.oo upwards. Chiltiretn:-First Olass, under 10 anti over 1 yr. hait la're; coderliyear Iree. Second Class, untier 12 anti Over 1 year, hait fare; under 1 ycar free. Round Trip Iirsnt lass Tickets Issneti aI 10% reduction off comblned Oust anti westbcund ratesQ. Second Class, 5%, redtsction off combineti east anti westbound rates. M. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville, Ont or to THE DOMIINiON LINE 17 St. Sacrament St. Montreail Tii- Stalard OU CnIpany' hkave euit the prie 0f ritie oilý fo the Kanisas icla two cents. E-falulisked r879. Wheoping Cough, Croup, Bronchifis Cough, Crip, Aathma, Diphtherîa Creeolene je a boon te Athmatics CiîSîrar is5 a long roiabtisrd ad Standard Troûeny for t diseasîro indirsted. ut curie boaso uthe air rms âered stcsngty antiseptic 1a carried iverethe ditssed lo n tari of tis. brinehiai tubes s wtisevrry irîsiis.giv1n;r proi.nged and con-ani treatintt. Tisaof a cmanîr tive e iodecy, r er îr.. touchronic bronchiti ir i ]iicinediate relie£f ftom eeugha or ilumed conditomnis' the tpo ateo. em i i-y drobtistu or gent pri. Pid ou rîcript o Pri'e. A Se(r îoiîneonGt- fiit iuding a b,îttie o!f1 cresosîns $15. 5ed for free liimtrîied i-oik1t i-rF1s1c, MILESCi to-L'd, Agents, 288 Si. Jami, 8t., THE FOUWDED 188U B ELLE VILLE Business College, LIMIted. Tralning-UNEXCELLED Book keepina; Shorthand; Typewrîting; Office Work Telegraphing and Hall- ca Wrc French ïnd German. * Evewy Doprtment a Speelity. *J. A. Tousaw, 1 Belleville, p . Frith Jeffers, * Secretary fOnt. f tresident. ïAViNC YMONEY BY MAIL Is the titie cf an interesting Book- ]ei which explains our: system by whieh-deposits--may ba made and withdrawn by mail as conveni- ently as if your own post office were our office. Senti for it. You wili find it interesting. Canada Permanent Mortgage Corpomstion ('ormerly The Canada Peimanent andi Western Canada Mortgage Corporation> TORONTO STREET, TORONTO GLT THL BSTO The gi-efl G R A ND at the PRIZE WORLD.S Highest FAX Rý Aw a rd t.ou The New and Enlarged Edition Contains 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the WorMd with more than 25,000 tities, baseti on the latest census returne. New Blographlcal Dietionary containing fixe naines or over 10,000 noted persona, date of bleUi, death, etc. Edited by W. T. HAlIIIIS, Ph.D., LL.D., tlnîted States Commnissioner of Education. 2380 Quarte Pas New Plaies. M000illustrations. ltich Biaa!ng. Needed inEveryHome Also Webster's oilegIate Dlctlonaey wlth zx6 Pages. :4Q0 Illustrations. Sue: 'izsOx2S~in. A Specil Thin Paper Edition De Luxe fspine trodi ema plts "aregular e itio.S FREE2, "A Test In oucîtolntt. G <iC. MILRInRI M C . BUILDS Up THE BODY. i IN 8PRING, riMEj. EýTPhe KInd Tlhat Ham Made 8uchWoduICrsg A Buffalo Lady Says:--Dr. Leon- hardi-'s Anti-Fi Differs Fronithi-e Olti Methois fain Medicine as day Frein Nigsi. Mrus. J. I. Reioi-n, ofi 169 Landon, s--, Buffalo, N.Y., gays of Dr. Leon- sas'di's Ani-Pill--i-e Greai- Systeni Tire-atnienit: "Ifs action is 50 difteren- iO any- ;hbmsg cisc I oser use(I-Antî-Pill is ro ])Jijl ansd g-clb' i-tba-I n-es-eu bougb,ýt t t ouil cur'e my cbronic cDos itiaifon. but if iiil. 'soomi -es'fs-'br of sslri chilti, 14 yods-s a-go, ('onstipatHos he- nnie frumleosoi. Iusoti evesything 1 boaî-,i of, hu timpars- reief 'Vas iii I got. 1I iisst have usoti fsfi-y bifferont seicnsii -atime "I iseis-got vos-y bacf ndst ai- Jasmes I1u-ould lhave no relisb, foc fod, ani- us-ai-t iti ont wouldi dis- tross nie ,'Perwards. I1bnci liatiache blsmnibng, -,tnsg donaius, bnck- acîso,, couiri net sleecp sWeil, easiiy iroi amni mes-or fr-lt rosi-r i. "Proisi-bhe vos-y tirs- close of Dr. ½eosîart's Ai iPili Jý bcgan i-o i- nrove. Noss- 1 au- ucil. It is wVon- Dr. Leoonhardt'e Anti-F111 f5 nolti i-v ail dmniggbsrs, or 'T'ie Wilson Fyle 'o., limheitd, Niagara Falls, 0-ni-. Sole agents for Cansada. TIse psice is 50C. TERRORISIS ARRESTED. One et Tiiens a Director of i-he ossi-b Cn-paign. A tiespa-cI io i-be Londons Daily Mall irons St. Pfrsugsaiýs i-en aret-s-tiL -ai- have üebeeu y lois. Treîsoff's sperb Ioico are offi- ciall-y rogarderd ne of i-ho grenteet importamnce. Ihi s belfeveti i-bai- i-e sîlsossers imscl'mte sre of i-be chiofs of thse terroris- organiza-iosi. Evea fi-enter imsportance 15 ati-achedti-o tho tiscovery of documen-is eloaging to i-ho pnisonons, xvhich j- is heliex cd wiii enable i-he Government i-o tenun. uiore effective hiosi upoîs i-e tersou- si-s. Thse prinrcipal pnisoner le nu- ed Zavitsky. Ttii- 5ailegeti that hois educai-eti anti weaithy. Hflisknowa too bea violenît nosoletuisnîs-anti one of i-ho diiectors oethi-be omb cn- saiga. IHo neceni-ly anrivet fromi ahuonil 'ii-h an lse pasepent, as didý aîso flic other persones in cusi-odi. Two of i-hem are 'Voasen. O(ue-is i-he i-el kaowa Mmo. livanosekafa, 50 yesare olti, Who ]batiheca saialy soughît since i-ho assassina-ion of Czar Alexandter. The otisor woniais si-isonet is deedniboti as beissg oung, ndý bonufiful. She in a iasigh-e'-of Gon. Leontieva, ex-Gos-enir o 0 land anti Poli-asva.- Tuo of i-ho maie pniseners were ciieguiseti as caismen. 12h01 hati boon untching i-be misese- ssosiis of Governor-Gcecal Trepoiff Grandti ike Viladlimir ani-idM. Ruy gumne, Miîsser of i-he Issierior. lioth Bliack anti Gren tees. aisqo a iixeti tea (Bl1ajk and Green) are put U1P in each grade. Tihe price ani description, are printeti on each label. The Bllack. teas are a ru ddy color in the clip anti have a rieh, frtlity -ilavor!- The Green teas pLie a pale lemon color anti have a delicaté, rungent-flavor. You are sýure to use Red 'Rose Tea 9oime dayv-better I kxow ou on' hesoryi At, ail grýocers. T. H. IiSTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCHIES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. 4 Pl 0 gi ti t( 'w M ils e( e( t( 0. P a a T 'w y Si c p a G iï p T rr G 9