One Day Only, Sat. April 8 5FiEach for Gold Fishm We have beeri un%le 10 seciire a large aquarium we ordered f rom New York some time ago and have docided to largely reduce our stock of Gold Fish. 11 There ha nothing mor-e attrac-' tive lu ihe home. Easly attendeS to and Ificîs wonth o!f13h food. wili last a ý car. Don't misi this chance. Stott R& Jury,- Fish foiS on Saturday Reg 15 ýSie 190 3 for 25c Eighty par cent. of the ills of wvomankind are due to Kidney derangement. Backache, pain in thoa sida, headache, depression, pimptes and eruptions, sweiing ef tho eet, bad taste in the mouth, it corne from disordered kidneys aIllwin; poisons which shoculd be carred of 10remain in the Dr. Pitcher'sBackache.Kidney 1 Tablais positivaly cure ait kidney '~trouble, and fret women from aches and ailments. là ra, Richard Meyrs, Presten, ont., eAYa: 111liaiS a aer. pa in IM y back thal gave me nao leas, l In th day lime nadi dieturbed mne nigli. ltz *iredîneoi the pain,,aniS ave nlnotbattev epalngweaku*.aa lath zcn rU7 errlr.u &beÉe4&met Trl,, a.h 'NTIrýE-I hereby forbid ans' person 1frani truSt ag mv -Ife. An"me Stoit, as 1 3Y hr ïsh(ýha,' l.g (:l HL eynd an'd hoard wlth- eut any j I6t cC e. A, HT. Srovv, EGGS FOR SALE JUBaff Orffingion Egîrs for sale frrm pize wlu'îers. Won ail tires, atWeqi Duria' alo eh Ohawa Winter Pair.Pie 15!rlegs Almo Srawberry Plants, 16 best Varieties. W. . FRANîc. Bax 15, Bowmanville 143W. Grand Irunk Railwav Svstem, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. BOWMAEVILLE STATIONI. GoINmG AST. GoIINGWEST Mail.......9 20a. M. 1 Express .... 5.02- a. m 1, - io lo .101w ilLocal ...757" Mix'S.3. l39 P.M. IPo ener...1 36 P.lii Local ... -6 49 IMixe.- 7 23 Mail .... W4p.. Express ...11.40 p.m.. Sandaiy only. Tickets ta certain points Soi Inlaacûordance with speciai huliday rates announeed in another colamn will nlot behonored on trains Nos. 1 or 14. 1 SToTT & JtuRv. Town Agents flOWMANVILLE, AP.R. 5, 1905. "New occasions teach new Iduties; Time makes a.ncient good uncouth; Tbey must upward stîll and onward who 1 wouid keep abreast of truth; ZLo bel ore us gleam the camp-fires; we ourselves must pilgrims be Launch our Mayflower aud steer boldty through the desperate winter sea, iNor attempt the fture's portai with the pasl's biood-rusted key."' Keep Easter Monday clear for St. Paul's tea. Miss Viola Gilifian, M. A., Hamilton, recentty visited lierý parents. Mrs, Fleming le visiting lier daughter MIrs. M. B. Annis, Brantford. Mr. Thos. Paterson lias gone to Prestorn Springs for a vacation. Mr. Hobart Kniglit, Belleville Ftusl- Mr. Gordon Soucil, Palmerston, is visiting bis father Mr. Wes. Soucb. SMr. J. A. McDonaid formerly of tlie Bennett Rouse bas moved to Orillia. Th plan of Opera Rouge is now open at Grand Centrai for "t3now-White" Mr Sam Clark, MI. P. P., Cobourg, wa-, in townFriday en route toHampýton. M essrs. Win. Graham aud Nelson Wagg, Ciaremont,, attended Beitb's Horse Sale. Mr. W. H. Miliman, Toronto, was recont guost of bis niece Mrs. (Rev, H-) Munroe, M. A. David Laird. Esq., Waterloo, N. Y.,1 attended Beitb's Horse Sale Wodnesday and was guest o! Mr Harry Joness. The W. C. T. U wili meet at the residence of Mrs. Robt Hoimes, King st., east, Tuesday April 111h at 8 p. m. Mr. G. E. Hughes, represenling The H-ammond Typewriter Co , Toronto, was ln town tast week and gaye us a cati Mrs. B. R. Matthews, Peterboro. slipped and tllt breaktng ber loft arm. Mrs M is a sigter of Mrs, Marsliall Porter Dr. FP1H. S. Lowrey, honorars' grad- uate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, intends locating at Bowman- ville. Part-Iculars wiii be givon lter. Miss Lena Bartielt of Bowmanville High School, bas returned from visitlng ber mother Mrs. <Rev.) S. T. Bartet, Coîborne, wbo 15 recoverlng from a seevere attack of pneumonia. Hon. Gao A Cox, Toronto, bas don- ated $50,000 for #the ondowinent of a chair in Victoria Coliege iu momory o! o! Margaret Cox, his late wife, the lady1 wbo had laid the corner stoneo f Victoria Collage. June 15. 1891, Mr. Stanley MoLean, Port H" ew0 o ne o0f thea passenge rs on t ho un"fortuýnate Steamer Parisian o! the Altan Lino, wbicb, cotlided with the German Liner Aibano, off Halifax, The Parisian bad 900 passengers on board. The body o! Mitdred Elviss, the litIle 6 year old dauLrhter cf NMtller Elviss, Brookîtu, who was drowued by fatling tn the creek whiîo returning from school, was found next morning near the spot wbere she tell in. The engagement is annouuced of Mliss Margaret Russel McLeod, to, Mr. Walter E. Baker of the Conglefational College, late, of Cobourg, Ont. Thte marriage witt take place ln the earty simmer-Monîreai Star. Mr, E. T. Slemnon, mathomatical master is under thé weather to some extent, and bas bean orderod by pbý,,si cians tu drop teacbing for a lm.E Cana bas beeu selected bt- ake Ntr.' Slemon 's work: tilt -Easter -Oshiaa Vindicator. bis lionor, Judge Ketc-hn, of Co- 4c-urg, junior judge of the Oouacy Couxrt oNorthumberland andt Durhamn, rpited Local Master o! the Suprelie Coukrt o! Judicature for Ontarlo, in place of John HIenry flumbla deceased. boto Couservatorv of Music, Thnrsdav eveingwa pseuedwitb a a- som stvercaud6eiaùiium bytechr if t..Jil'scbuIrcb, on the 00e-isba 2of hi~,~irng ro afouryear term aas cbo' lader, to aîeept a simllar pooition wïhGeorge Street Methodis trchb, tru'st ~t3-3 th1~JL"myb long sp ared tconduct bis business aniS htisIthe lest o! sgcess aniS prouponiy ay a ttend hini -ud. Mr. ýThomrpeon is 'e brotber-in-iaw of Mr. W. lB, Coni o! bis teu T. Il. Knlgrt wats yonr bt)cter n eg zs, fe rm ro , V ery top p iceýý8w i l e paiS. Dou't besîtate le hring 1ail tour !arm proi ace l ime çproviqsou lino-bel umA takel miit me amiepnuvn, lue tas 1TO C[URE A COL» lx O N AY ujxîdIe -ken te iPupply a firm DIiiMontreat n aniS euracudle a ton of bolIecr a k6eoi -andS 1000 Sos. eggs. Ho wanits vouir Take LAIXATIVE BRiOMO QUl-INE tarblef produce anS wli pay cash or trae,. Ad{izso ef glteny if fals ox e, - Ii 10100 15111%about l#s ý 1 eWeBeli*eve 1 st-That most men are lhonorable and when benefitted 4~will net take unfair advantage of our unprecoderntod off-r. ,).nd-Tb<gt Canada docs ot t ontain a better remoedy for -Dy se psia and Stornach troiub1ea tha.n our Stomâiuaci ad -4~ Liver Tonte. . Therefore We WLI sou you a tmli Sized $1.0O botUle -and wlten tilis -i'? used up il you emu tell us of any reiiedèy t1-ýte'er did you moýre good we willl hand back yor onpy *ithout W E H AVTE SO0LDî H itndreds of different kinds of Spring 4îTonies but have neyer met with one tha~t , has given Sueli unbounded satisfaction.~ That'S tLe reasoin -we eau reommend ik and seil -on UTOT & JUKrY ThisCoupn veti f r~iDruggists and Opticians S entitie, bearer tOv LI Graduates of!: Detroit Opticat a, fll sz 1Colege; Chicago Opthalmiec Çollege; ounce bottle for New York Seboot o! Opties. Rot X Buno for Gocd Frlday. Lesvo yeur order eenrly et fD. Luttrel l'e. The senta aregoisug ttfor be Suow. White 1Cantat. ieah ntGrand centrai. PrtaoutyFood, Prattl-'s Stock FeiV tt's Lice Powder et P. Mur- 1Attend the lecture by Mi,. Lalvuon iu Methodist Soboot rom this (Wednesday) e-venl n - Hlave you reserved ýour seat ý et for the Concert Frbday Apriï 7th ? Pian at Grand Central., Thie neé2w HztaleaIThe Maou Co's are P" i z .ke o ak , ~Go mndec i heir no-w bat deparîmeut. The Ladieýs Aid of st. Paui's Presby- lerian Cburch wili give P. tee in the Sehoel-room on Eester Moudey, Aprit 24. Tickets 25 euls. Misa Jessie Haw-kius, Canton, 18 xlii- Ing be sn, Muss Crrîe HaWkîns.- $lesang ea-solo very iniceix lu Congre. g'atiotial Churcu Sunday mornlug. 'Mr. and Mrs. Sampsou Gilan-d Mr. and Mýrs. Wm Guli,Brcvleae visibing relatives lui town They are movinz to Toronto A big lace Curtabu sale at The Masonu Co's for 10 dayî-see mdvl. Their new Carpet and Linoleums are -aiso being s4bown andS sold at vers' speciai pnicea The, W. C. T. U. wi'sb te tbmnk ail those who se kiudly look part lu the prognam at the Methodisi Churcbý or helped la anv way te make the Temper- ance Raily- e succesa. A grade cow lun o,'rthnmberland county rocently gave b5irth te three bolfer omives, aa ile and vers, smart. No wonder that Durham wants le separate f r 0 m Northumberand"- Picton Gaze1te. Oid boues, vegelable romains andin l fact es'ory! animai or vegeteblo garbago, ahould ho caro4fuily cotieeted andS removel from y;our collera andS ,ards Ilta sdecas'ing malter o! this sort wnich broeds the germa o! dealb. Messrs. John Diokie, MI. S. Cbapmeui, Andrew Anumu, Jas. Found andS E. Hancock were lu Bowmranvilie on Wed- nesday altendiag Robert Beitb'a ex- tensive sale of llac'kuey herses - Pickering -News The Ladies' Aid o! St. Paul's Churcb witi bouS their annuel Easter tea on April 241h. Daring the evenin)g thero wili ho a sale o! fanec, articles made by bte Mission Baud. Te& at 6 o'clock. Admission 25 cia. As a resuibof the change o! Gos'ern- ment lu the Province o! Ontario, Mr. E A Powens, Licease Inspecter of iEast Durham, bas been instructed thet bis services are ne longer required. John Kennedy. Po"lyjool, Wmrden o! these United Countie , seed-shTm. Mr. Lawsou, a returned Mtaîienary from China, wîll gîve a lecture lu the Methodist Sohool room this (Wednesday) eveniug, under auspices e! 'Mission Circle Ho wilî exhibil curios anSidols. A goed program o! bocal talent wili aise ho, rendered. Silver collection. Mn. Geo.-A Smitb, photographer, bas a number of excellent views o! the Horse ring taken on day o! Mr Beitb's Sale aI 25 cenis eacli-nice souvenir te send fInonds. Dou't failtle gel one. Ttc crowd lasbowa Pick ontyourself 1if Ihere. Mr Fred. R. Foloy had a very 'Inter osling window displmy o! ruibons 1aI wcWee lamwotrw rubbe~r -wrtiv over $80, amsammoîli rnbbcr hoot and s number of tiay rubber boots o! Malt- ese cross make, the new Everstick rubber andSail other varietios o! low ËandS hgh rubber footwear. J C Aven & Ce., lte great patent medicine bousehave voluataniiy decid- ,ed tb make publicelte exact formula of .escil o! its remedies, and heroafier pur- Schasers of sncb remodies eau obtain Ibis information and kuow juBt wbat they are laking. If knowledge is power. ;this mo-te ought certainiy te promote )te interests o! tItis flrm. Some ts'pograpbicai errors are te bc 1found ln Mn. Fmirbmirn's sketch o! Oid r Joe Gnavis, One correction tbcho oted la in the sentence readiug: "Alter leav- iag Cobourg ho 'ont t10 Newcastle." 1Thisaehouldhbel Newtouville " Furîlier on "~Ban lino,"' shouid read "Base uine," and 'heart o! a stone," should bho"lbhert e! a Stole." Mr W. Champagne anS Mr. La Boite, Montreal. wbo were here auboudig 1Beitb,s Great Herse sale wore gueits o!q Mr. T. H. Kuight. Mr. Champagne la an extensive produce dealer andS made arrangements witb Mr. Kuighl .te liadle a large qumntity of produce ,for wbich higheat cash prices wili ho .paid. Some tpvographical errera are te ho found in Mr, Fairbain's sketch o! Old ,'Joe Gravis. One, correction te ho nolcd isl in lhe sentence roading . 'After leay- b ng Cobourg ho wenl te Newcastle." This shoutd ho Newtonville " Furîber .on "Ban' Line,"tîhould read "Base uine,"1 an id harl of a atone, " sliold ho - hegrt re0 a, Stole." Children Cry fer' 801." Bouse walaief ,ýrent. Seeaidvt. Order Hot X Elimrs et D. LUttYell', Don'1 eough yeur lile away-take 801, You gel 301 for coughs nt Mitchell'à Drug Szüre., Tako icheîl's Eulsioit o! Cod Llyer-it'sgood. New wedding cake boxes -loveiy eues -al STATESNmAi olbce. Btood moal, Moat meal, Qyster shoîl, Mica gril, at P. Murdoch'e. Try Lownev'ti eelebrated imporled Ccotatos aI fi. Lit-t.ill'S. T. H. ultýbri-wifl pay higbost cash prir-elifor alilkinde o! ûlproduca. Have toîï àot Tmuns STATESMAN 10 your absent frieui? Do il now. Securo y our Seals eariy for the Lîib rary Concert. PIl a t'Grand Centrai. Buv vour glassefs for winter reading from Mitchell, Iheý Dru.ggist & Oýptielan. Rain-Ceat.s ila aIthe lalesI t yles lust opened at Coucb, Jobaston & Or-tiSer- Man 's. M A. amesis Governuient lisser o! Marriago Licensosa for Durham County. If you waal a good iaugb selo the USeven Dwarfs" bu the "Snow-White," Cîntate. Already -repeaft endors have been sont for som ~uck ellng--Bues -o!--Suits showu by The Mason Co. Meu's Rats, the very lalesI Euglish and Amerucan styles, just opened eut aI Couch, Jobaston & C'ryderman's *ceages, coeds, haaeean md aller tbt - aIbnnts are qulekiy r0tfeed by Craeolen. Coucb, Jobuston & Cryderman areý neow sbowing the finest and biggesti stock o! Carpets eover sbown ta Bow- manville Men'sand boys ready-to-wear eloth- tng, ne nower stylos and nc botter value anywhere-, Coucxrh, Johast>n & Cryderman. The New Cueths ha-ve arrivedi, Now ta the lime to bave yor rdeýr for a new Spring Suit a, couch, J obuston& Cry dorman 's Buv your Plouitry îspfbos eat P. Murdoch. Hear Ros'. J J. -Hale in Methodist Chureli Good Friday. 2 packets of Fiower or Gardonu Seeds for 5 cents at N ichoils'. Piano for sale, very ceap. Must be sold nt once. Great bargain fer you. 12~ packets of Ftower orG&rden Seeds, your own choice sent post paid on receipt o! 25 ets at A. L. Nichotisr. Seeds. Garden Seeds. New Seeds Seeds thma grow. -2paeýk-ets for S5 enfts at Nicholls'. Ladies' Spriug Coats sud an eleganti lot o!, Capes for middle aged and olderty1 ladies just oponed out aI Ceuch, John- ston & Cry derma n s. Leve's -Z Wise Heasi) Dîirifectanct ;Soap ]Powder dus,,ted bintee hatl, slens the watersud dibiaif2ct. 38 See Nichoîts' Fl1ower andS Gardon FSeeds bef ore s oda ut of town, you F can gel just the sa me( andS jual as good bore and 12 packets for 25 cents. M. Mayer ba s a le w furs leftl, tht ho willt ell below coi: 10 save packing away. Cat! iind get a bargain. Latesi M. Mayer, Cati and ce lie sprin-g styles iu bats, caps and,-gent'fribns A vers' flue rangeo rusit nailtlthe tatest sacrif;ice1. M. M ïe, iurier. See ur ssoîmet,1ai Seeds Do il uow ul toki lrebut thet witt soit qnick, 1 aht for 25 cents, or sent post.paidte any address ini Canada on receipt îif pric," A. L. Nichilîs, The Spec says wa with lemperance mon, whskey men snd disgusted Llb- erala *ho voted for Wbitney, il h a mystorv where the jCouservative vole went. "'About a Ham" isan article e' cry womau should read on another page. Ilealîli," "Fashiodn Taik" and"Young Foks" columns are on saine page and, are very iLteresting. Couch, Jehnslon & Cryderman have opened ont bundrods of pairs oi Lace Curtains, the very latest designs i al qualitios, andS guaranteod te ho at loast as good vaine aa eau he o gel uany House lu Canada. M. A, James, AgenI Alleu nen, bas received a1t)tter !rom Liverpool aaying that owiug to te great rush of passen- gors 10 Canada two extra steamers are boing sent March 28 and ApritlI. Aflor Ibis date thero wibl ho pleuty of room. Miss Leah linberbiion andS Miss Edilb Bryce o! Ontario Lde'Coliege, Wblt- by2 were guesîs a r.t ýiC. A Jolîuston'a over Snnday. Miss Brye sang two aelections very sawooîly iu the Disciples' Churcb Suriday evenlug, that were higbiy apprecaled by the coogregaîien.. lThe rivival i ~deB inthe Methodisl Menxt.In J~l~eM5reh 2';tfr, tc Mr. and Iliea Too. MeNefw sons, oIIûâloee dled. Ww~-nHarfltily, Mârch 2, y ,bie wife ai T&oen. winttjer. sht. HOKTO-A-t Ingrso, Mrch ih, to Mir. andi ~ BoWanvile, pril 1ft, the wife of WillâiamFreeman, jr., or!Ia Bon* fixai-m OsawaMar(eh 21hhejj'o W. E. Dixon. of a slaughter. ý o MýRGAN-1n Oshawa, on, the qsut o! Mardt, lile ;ifre O!f rank Morgan, -)f fa soni, RICBASB-IIBwmainvàlle, A-pril 2lit, t10 Mr a r.Thos. A.,licharzde, a daogbîter, WýILLIA.We-IîaCedler Dale, Marchinllî, 1the Vitfe ü! Mr. A, W.Wilh (Lia dugier Mrs 1,7jaeobi, aaaher M A R R1IED. egNe1Ytonville, )yRev. jy' (,UnamSe, '1arle andEh eds auitrof oucif o John iLower-y, aI o Care. Ie:uo MCKL~S~WÂT,..A1the reidenlee or Ihebrie' paens. lxHnie, Iby tbe Rv J A. [MOaeOB.A, Hgh ciltnr cRlv and J.intonget dugiter f Nil tewrtEsq., N1C0LNîco.- oj~ t hü residencl(e of tile b'ridle 8s utcr, 5,Jaine, TGole. Bethesda, Mardi B2th, by 14ev. L. S.Wight,'Mr. William T. Xichlols sleyill, thMartha Amelia, yang tda iherafte lieJolin Brown, LIAY-BA.L-At te resi;dence Of the bride'S parents, by 14ev, W%. Benj. Tiî 'ker, B. A.. B. 1D., Maieh 291h. John Gyflarien tn nM~ eldest daugbter cf0fimnI S Bal, Leskaýrd. DÂYEY-TvwEN AT-Ithe lhome niofthe bl parents, by 11ev. L). P> Qwii, . A., B, lD., Mardi Sti, Mr Edgar Duvey. esar. nd Misei,nd dautt-; Si. lSathewTen.- nant, New Park. BENSON-JOHNSToiq- In Pntvpool, Marcb 218t by Rev. D. P. Oswald. MiAs& Joûsephine, only daughter o!fie late Davidi Joinoton. formeriy of Cartwright, and Eirnest Benson, Pô)ntypool. IRELAND-A]TAI-At St George's Cinreb, Guelph, March 201h, hy 12ev G. Y. Davidson, Newcastle, New South Walfe, Auatralia. and Miss Edjth, eidest oangiîer of Mr X. W. Adames, Guelph, formerry of Bowmanville. PREWP0n-I h Liândsay. MarQh 23rd, Thomnas S. Preston, aged 47 years,S-'months. Brother of Mrs. Lewis Lyle, Bowmanviý lle. à»lCrE-In Port YHope, lStarehi 9MbMt&. Jane maeokie. relief of the late James-Mackle, In ber 95tb ycar. -ACIîIN-In Oshawa, Mareh 2s14h, J'eîama Maggie. beloved daughter of Wliam a -,nd Janet Alolhia, aged 20 yearsand 7, monlils. 1.ASTWOoD,-At the famlly reL4idnce, Clare- mont, on March 27tb, Catharine llocw, leoved daughter o!ftDr. and Mrs. Eastwood, agd 1 y tare, 3 moBthi, HonToi-At 11ngersol, Marcil 25th Charlotte Loluipe Fisher. belored wif e o!f i. N, Horion. 8FIL-At Obng March 30th, LMent, Col, H. H. Skill, ;ate LH. M. lth Devonshlire Ptagî- ment, aged 62 y c ars. GoRDoN-At Souris, Man, March 28th Martha Bragg, beloved wlf e a! Josephl W. Gor' don, in ber 29th year, Daugifer of Mr_ S. S. Bragg, Bowmanviiie.. SToNE--Af the residence of hie son, H. E. Stone, Parry Sound, April let, itey. Dr. S.4, Stuone of Sault Ste. Marie. O'Fevis-In Madoe, April 2ni, Mr. E. D, 0'Flyn, aged 74 y cars. FÂItRBAIRN -A t Toronto, 142 Brunswiek Ait. Fairhairn, J P., llnwmanville* and brother o! Ur. .1' B. Fairbairui, P. M., aged 77 years.. .yallable To gotker&. Baby's Own Tabiets are for children of ail ages-the'y are equally good for lte new bora babe or the well.grs>wn chlid, The-v will promptiy cure colle, indigestion, constipation, teething troubles, diarrhoea, and simple lever. The Tablets break up?,colds, prevent croup, and 'proniote. healthy sleop. Thev are guaranteed not to0 contain a partiele of oplate or ans' of the poisions fMund in so-called "soothinz" medicines.- E~ey Mo or wll ia s~T~e Tab ls seaks ol themin tbehighest praise. MsT.Tinilie, Pittston, Pittston, Ont. says:-- have ased Baby's Owri Tablets with the mWost satislautorv resuits 1 oaL eomn thern t(o ail imothers as a' remedûuy fortethngan'd th"r troubles of chhltlihod" ou uLa k tthe Tabiets front any meiiedelryr by mail att5 cents abox by rtn The Dr William-9 e Mdicine Co'., -Brockville, Ont. BOWMANV ILLE MARKETS. Correeted eath Tuesclay FLOUR, 'P100 tbS ........$82 50to e2 90 WuslÂT, Fait, bush.O . 't 00 i 10.5 U spnï......... 0 MOi' 1 00 II Rd i ....09DW 1 10 fi Goose 0 00 0 85 BiLay, P bush, No. 1 ... O 40" 0 42 t fi2 ... 040 0 40 il .f 3 000"te08 ilTwo rowed 0 00"i0 40 k>AU25, White If ......... O 30 et 037 RvE, fi............000 il0 70 BUCWHAwu Il ., ....O0 0Il0 : a 505 PEAs, Biackeye, P bush.. O 00 ni 00 il Canadian Beauties 0O0OSen O 76 le Mummey I 0 00"fi0 00 il Smatî et O 60 el 0 60 tg Biue Il Q0O0 ilO060 CLOVER Samrn........... 000 0 00 TINOTRY SnSED .......... 000 ()00 BUTTER, best tab'le, VI lb. O0 0 tg O22 Y' Sdoz ...........0 00 tefi14 poYATOBS, e bush .. O000te a0 O60 *>.ton.......7 00 fi 7659 Smih's Phot"o 8Studio We Guarantee to giveEntire là1Frede w.h s Satisfaction. iaue -Once- a Gso rawy a T:b'x~~~~d1n ms Customer. Ihlat tdo Newest Lines cf Pît tu F Ia ni Geo. Smith, Statesman Block. 1Photographer# That's what any wotnan-1s i<e alocp--FEraýgranT It chases away that Old Tired Feeling and fuis lier with ncw, -- life. Se Delielous 100. QINLY ONE BEST TEA. BLUE RIBBON'S 1T. Eleen 5N,1V left of those Sample Spring Capes - n S11k, Cord de chette XÂ4talassi and fine cloths, beautiîfqlly trimmtid wit.h Chiffe-n' Jet Laioe, Â~ :Pf'icceR. 'XC tMo a1lce. -Also Ladies' New Spring Oo&ts, Skirts and Rain Coats. DreasGeoodâ a l 11th.e Lateut Woa7es includimg, lEolienues, Cord De Chene, Vouls, Crepe De C'hene, Satin Venetians, Mohairs, Lustres, Henriettas, Silk's for~ shirt waists suits, B1ousinýgîý;etc etc. Ladies Bloiîses, white wear,udesis and wrappers, New prints, Zephyrs, Muslid a.e, îhoioieFouncings and enits and die'sses," Messuits, sprinc coats and seper efi' s, Boyý"s sits anIknickers N e w p ri g ,l a ts a n d C a p , s irt , C 1 1a s ý T i s w ea t ers a n d 'ýes a nP, o llaetiet e Groco-i &UdmeBIUa le . o &ah,)'ý J'~t Mr o8ASidr ~n> O mN. i1 I i41.o -î4 î,pwrdî er iônhia 4 iirLit.od t.,EatToronto. R. niN Z A JO, Principal. a'*- ---io - IMM 'OYAL Bcik", ilig 1, 0, lï,*.t and n'ote healthfugl foo'd. RO7; .. QOKaNG POWDER Cf)., N EW YORK. Do you feol tired andS wearv' witboat any apparent cause? Doa'tbhoalarmeS, al s-on require is Vite Toule. it will ,ioon brning bmck your strength andS eu. ,,Y.- Botter try a bolle. Mnr, R.M. Mitcholl, rgit tesl lsok P IANO- FOR SALE--Verycheap. 68lyf0Ms PÂx.nîse 0OVEr .Dv APPRENTICES WANTED-Two A srourE yOung men Wanted ah once f0 learu polbh n aBwian ville Foundry, 12 if. ý 1 ý 1 H OUSE TO RNT-Good Frame H House, noorih of Furniture Faciory site. Mats, JOHN YELI.OWLEES, BOWmnaaVille. 14-f f. S ERVaN z' WANTED-General aser- vant atimoee. Atlily f0 ln, Wm. McKay, Cor. Wellington andiSLbcrty Sis, Bowmanville, UTANPED2 mou bo drive poddlbng YV wagousone for Darlington and anc y!or Cira c wages t0thie righ ma. Apply f0 JOHN GRIGG, 32 Ontario sf., Bewman. ville. 12-f SERVANT WANTED-Good gIrl Jwanted ah once ho wiom liberal wages »Wl ha paid. Mes. (Ds.l HAzLEwooD, riîgbn St., Bowmanville. 1*f dâTONS 0F SCilAP IRONJ ioqjqjetc , wanhed. Drap a ecard or caîl up pionea 17 ai wewill cal] au you. JonN GaeBowmanivlia. 1-! 'UOR SALE-A frame bou1se, Baril, danP and orcilhand, wioi branaoit watcB, Applytlo Jcy AnsBÀrrD.L-amb's Lan ,-wian- SCANCER f Cancer Cura, raquasts any ona suffaring wiýhiCancer la, write hin. Two days;' treahaYient will cure auy cancer, ext er-I R. D . EVNS, Brandon, Man.. AStrong Feature ---of our usnes 'W iIrmore room in cur new store wa bave on- largeS anS etreng îhenesi Ibis im poýrtant -branch.. Special vaÏueo lu Heavy Footwear at 'rlees fxom el 00 and upwardB. F. R. Fo0leyV, p pý'Èt ouet lpîOce, .flowmanville. 1