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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1905, p. 8

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I - t 'which was xou-owed oy generat aebfmty, eaitdn 'tMËI±1 Iw.%s but a wreck of Myseif. eth rvous and exbaus 'ted, 50 able ta hIp ime pernane tly, 11mriks ta Pru 1 arn a well woman t' I co4d neither vork or enjoy "I nytos i,'rLrebhZ. Tfe. began taking Perna eaid ce'nnow of.Peruina to iaire me 'weilIand etrong., to-ay.-LoiseWestbrook. iset enid enjoy evcrytbing I eat . I have I nevt-riar akcehaah er Mis JesieeneWestland, No. 7.7 beEn . well over e yeaxr now." - Miss ing down- paue .ny oe-Y rnc BeuLbieu Âve., Detroit, Micb, District J( sýs-m mo'Westlend. Muxphy. sile0ial One Wo-Y Ezoui'o oi from Bowm.a3irîle to BîIlng8, Mont., 835,30. 0~lrad ~rlns.Denver, Helena, i4itte 'Mont,, Ogden, Sait Lake City,Uth403 lNbelso, ousland, B. o., Spokane. W ps Ib p)rtla,1)2 Oce., Seattle, WRsb,,Vnov er V Ictouria, B. C,., S43.30i' Bapn Facîo Cal., $45,05. Speclal tran it Gloie seepper, wïý 1;Lv 'f Oronte at 9.00 p.m. evry Tuesdy durinq: marei and A.prIl for antoaaic Noîth West, Pa0sengaestI&v-l1ue wxEL out live îtock should taire the Pacific Ex- prese leaviing Toronto at 1'45 p. mi. Pïuportieneteiy iw rates te other pointp. T-ickets ona sale from Mareh let te May Ic ickts a nd tntaymation e'Ili on Aýýent Sbott & Jury Town ALenfp. Wood, DpSîktAg AULAN4L1INE IX 19,1W0L AIN'D O OJ)i OTLMAIL 8T.EÂMIfSý PROM B, JOHN&PRO API'.fÂX EAvrlu,,,,Si.April 15 Mon, pi 17 î gnip,, Sat. -1pri 1 22 AMon. Aprl'ilP4 -Jtif, ,Sat. April 2'., Mon, ýMa'? 1 ~'it*~i-875, ami pwardsacor-Di t OOf>e )ad85.O Lod 2.50 extran. kZ',V WYORK 'TO0GLASG0W w A. JAMES. Nwis the time ta h-ave vehicles- fixed up for Summner, lie. rai~n' ndPainting done promptîy BOM-NVLL DiJRLINGTON (COUNOIL,ý HAMPTON, MARICK 25, 1905, Council met tisis day; rnbers al present, Rteeve Pa8cos preaiding,,.' Min- utes of lest meeting road and eonirmed. C Axford comiplained o! road noar Sans' Hall.ý Re!erred to Mr, Milîson. Cern- plaint waa madle tsaItishe rnadway at 11. T. R. creaaiug botweeu lots 6 suBd 7, suad Ae rcis1ed bridge between icteý 28 suad 29ý was lu a baid state Clerk autis- orzdte a ttîv tiseailwax Ce. .Heeve ,oportcd arneetmadelýrîpriting for culirreut i ar. R'-eve P'as-coe was appintd a îated te pecialmveeting aitie Coun1ties Coui!cil me sepairtion A omuiainwas reueived1 frani Evan 1H1 MeLean wsewas appoînted ïo1îcitor leo net iu tiseitereats of tise cauiv of Durham lui te matter of pro ceediun-ge t e netakete toprocure sep ara- tiou,ruquestiug,, a resolution te ha passed !avoring tsncb a cure.luwas rnored b v Coticillor Wig ht, seconded by Coun- ciller MeL-aughlin and passed nani- moualv as foIluw;V WIJEREAS-î>, tise eaunty of Durhmba las] long beeaunited ta tise counts' of Nor- um,ïlnberi"ndTandwnieas te0 couuWv o! Durbiar is cnmposed ai tise townshsips af Camtwrigbt, Cavan, Clarke, Darling- ad villages o! Millbrook sud Newcastle, and tise îowns o! Port Hope sud Bôw- mzanville. And wbereas It wonld be, more economicta' ilmd iu tiseinterests a! tise said couuty af Durbat t be eeted uita a separat-ev.ouuty. Tisera! arc boit rgsolved tis-nttis Municipal Coancil ai Ljtise corppratian ai tise tawnsisip o! Dam. liugtau la in favor of tise complote sep- artin ! is lidConnty of Dulmis !rom tihe-said Cûtnty o! Northumberfland for miinicipal, judîlcal sud ail other purpose9s, sud tiasssîps bo taken by tbis Caunicil wtis tise other Cannlle i ths minür Muniaiplities c o! ise Canty o! Durhsam awd witis tise cîucillors o! tis sid niedCounnues wbo areffeeted frorn ktise 0Connty fDumisam 4to0 oîsin seamtin d ta csause thsesadCut cf Dnrarn ta ýo eeetýed imb a cauty- lu ail wayas opjarýatc and dsic rt tho sald Countty of N r tiisumnbàiia nd. IR Was- o tiop n fesolr.ed tar2easin Fivan ., Loan Â,iionsol sud sal!icîlI. olr to act in proceedirags lo bo lakon, caurneillor Wlgs.î pa1d troasuzrer $2 forý tim-ber sold, TiteRoveWas a'i4tis rizeedt( ar oixadr ntieraueJ 75, ;-T J,lTbornpsaýn damagetâ4 feWces 8~.Sykûà & Soc, lmo 1.4 Cal . Z . NMaso-ÉiSoautsAfrýicam Me, arn a ud $; ,15Elîliot, saalary t8O. Indîgeuats : Wilson $r5, MeGUllni 4 Sproûukle RaHse $6, Lane $3,Brno Q3, P Hr ueu $,50,Adarna 2,1 Hoidgc $1, 'lshser $250.. s1d- ourrnèd to m(et ou Satnrday April 2?9, at 10 ocicka.n, H.ELIOT(PT, Towusbip r, . 'A G UA2 RANiTEED: c UE FO R pýL E S. Ithi!,Bind, flleediv' or- Protruding Piles. faits to cu1re anv case, no rmatter et how long standing, in 6 to il days First application it send 5f0e lu stampg ana it wlll bcforwarded Poostpald by, Paris editeine Co., St. Louts,ffMo1 Mrs. S. Sbertridgo is borne tram Wituby ... . H. Arz'ue continues unweii ...Mrr. Win. Taylor is convalescent.. M.Nrs. Sua WIsrs and dengister are' beome frorn Neýtlktai.,..Jas Moore ef Hiaîdan, visited Mre. E G Paacoe.. . .F. Hock ada3v and W. Lammîman isad sue- cessful wood bees.. - . d. Sauders visit- ed ai L. T. P'aacoe's .. . .Misses Vice and Htr; i, Bowmanvilie, spent Sunday i"ee.. .Mansd Mrs. R. J. Luke and in imiiv visited. at Fermer Werry's... N.ew otuicers of Dvsioan: vW r-S Short- ridze; W A-E Vice; F S-A Baker; Tirr'asirer-A L Pasicoe; R S-P West- lk;A R S-L VanNeau; Cou-B Bal- son; A Con-E Spmv: Cisplin-N ara Wverr'~; (O -F Westlake; i S-. G Scot;- P W P-J T Rundle. S a! Y P -Mrs S Sisortridge; Organis-Loute VanNest HfAMPTON J Allun, Camneron, spent tise wcek end ut W. Allin's.. .. Mrs Isaac Kerr, adapt ed daugister ai Gea. Stonisause. Brook recenuly leaving ahsnd and four smnall chidren. ... . Wiilis Hannarni as eurgaged witb Walter J. Langmnaid, Zian ...John Lord lias mïoved- ta tise- fari reoently vacuted b>' W. H. Gai'... J. T Cale, F T. Allun and 1Mrs. E. Hastings are able ta bc, aroun2d gain ...Mrs Oliver and daugister hare returued tram- Colbane..,, . F. Bate, Peterboro, is visit- ing ut W. bat'e's. _ NMiss Gertïe Creeper in l ToîIoula atuendling tise marriage of lier brother Ewamuta MissLae Ellitti, au;ly dauglitcr af John Elatformyeri>' a! tissVillage. Reporta!f Sobool for Fobrlxary, Namea in order of menI. !V, AloIs aMartin, Prank Bma-wu, Lotqe Horn, Artisur Wamd, Obarlio Joabus, Roy iller' Nelsont Wiicox, RuJýseol'Noble, Oscar Welsh. Sm . ILillie Bumuâs, Gortie Martin (even), Elma Gilarire, MYrtie Truli, Peïcv' Clamýko, Frank Moo, By>ron TaylrAthur Clare, Jr. 111I. Mildred Cole, Lyra Treouts, Risada 1Job1s, Edua Hannan, Pearl G l b soûn, Ruis J abus, Sydney Kor8ei,- Wilie Tayor JaesGeorge, TisomasHexîder- soin, Berthsa M(eDoualid, Sr. Il- Mark, Harnamý Naney Johns, Miîulied Martin, -George 'Clarke, Hamry Wejsb, 'Tom peters. J(uaaTaylorBeripada Me- Donld.eJ-, LT:hitoîu Petns, Ldwsrd 4qftrjs Wiie Wakhely,WlVIfl7e 3Petlay, Vern%iWri sis, atie 'Wamd, Lewis Waad, Lucille Pe1ter8. Jn Pt fI I Hîlda Clarke, Leua Seactt, Arthur Allin, Claeoce ti, Luther Alirl, Lyia MeDonald. Sm. Pt. 1T: Fraikie Johns, Albexrt ÇoIe, Eber Rabbins, Milton Wilcox, Willie Whsite, Franirl.e Cryder- man,. Jr. iPI~t: 1-oland MeDouald, Nomui~n~E Ter.'rees: F. J.-GROAT, R. JOfINS, FÂxuS I T UEST- MRt, J 011NCLARY, Port Hope' Qt, ae-"atwintem I was se bad i-ith a eoid that T eouid nlot spa abayePewiisper, and hadji retp islu tise ebest. A fren a- -i sed mei ta try D.r. Cisase's Syrnp o Lîsennd Turpeutine and ans bottie cnred rny cold wiîes1Ibelieve wouid baive proven vemy serions If 1 bad nat udIbsmedicine." uý-o nà-q m o(Iruig fast anj R.lR. Lossoxabe aîred for ciamagea -üý-üaI ýe0t3 fl-li wee MrSon acconnt ai street drain hie a prop..1 W. Trewi ivisitig- ber dau ' ter Mrs. erty. Refezred to Roada and Streets Hl. Co1lqacott, T% rcne, .. Retding GCircie's Committee. pie social on, Good Fridav. D aos se eriso' te o c'own a tros. Referred ta Ronds and NOTHING EQUAL TO CHAMBERLAIN'S Su. Gommlttee, 'with power te sot. COLIC. UHOLERA ANd DIARRHOEA ý'A»namiser ai otiser petîtlous wore RFNEDY. aiso received and iyled. -- From tise Dominion Government, "Webav usd Garnerlin' Coleasking coît of dmewlng np deed for Choieavud ariomedlu auroletransfer ai land Referred ta D. B. farnilv for years," says Mrs J. B. Cooke, thepion ta of Nederlid s, Texas. "We bave giventhco. it ta ail of! aur chidren, Vie bave used From W. Tcrdiff, F. 13 rus and AAm- other mîdicuýîes for tise saeepumpose, broie Alfin, applylng for p-.eltion as but have use,\er found anvthing to equal -Nigisi Wlcismau and Garetaker of Cisamberiaini's. If -ou wilil use it as Hlall. Laid ou tise table, direeted ît wilil aiways cure."' For sale Conn. Mason, Cbairman oi Finanoe by ail drugg-ists. Gommittee proented report -reoom- meuding payment o! accoante,atnount- TYRONE. ng ta $889 53, ns !oilows: Ronds sand Streets $168.52, Fire Depart., $173.08, Mrs, TFhas. Brimacombe la auffering Pub. Prop. $443,35, cisarged against [romi brancisits... M esma. Wm. land $6.50, Pr!nting $17.08, Police' Hambiy, and Gîea. Carr are remodelling $52, Poor Relief $27. tise S." A. Berraeks int a dwelliug Coun. King, Gisairman of Fire and bouse for Mm. WVm Wight ...Rev. L. Water Comilttee, preseuted rep@rs S. Wight,1B A , preached a very im* ecommendln paYeynt OfsocOaunts presbit e evaugelistie sermon Sunday smonntlug $172.08. Recelved and eveuing on "The Tbree Grosses. ".... adopted. Mrs. Tisos. Woodley 15 visiting hem Codo. Cornush, Obairmin of Poor daugister Mrs. Robsert Stevens, Mitchell Relie! Oonittee, preenteil report for - ...Mr. Arthur Stock bas reuted tise that Gommittea for Jan, Feis. and !farm recenitly oecupied by Mr. Gises. Mrais, amountlng te $177, Receir,,d Tisonpson, Long Sant.,.,Mr. Thas. and adopted. Curtiy bas improved bis residence witi îîmnsfh,.m ' boys' program at League Friday. ,$100 REWARD,.$0 The readerq ef thi s paper will bce pleased to learn that there la at least one, dreaded i dsease that scieneel lias beeni able ta cure In alitsR stagesaudthat 15 Catarrh Hll'z Ctarrb Cure is th only positive cure kn-own tc0 the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a couttn- tional dsae requires a consiltutional treat- 'ment. Ha9f'S Catarrh Cure le takeýn ntiernally, acting direeýlti pen the bleod and imucous sur- faces of the s y item, tbereby destroying the foundation eft t he diseasie, and givlni the patient stre.igil by býuilding up the conistitution and a8sliitlng nature lu dolng its work. The pro- prietors havýe so mccli faith ln its curative pewers tha,,thtey offer One Hundred Dollars for any cs that ît fails te cure. Send for Eistof Address, 1F. J. CsiNmxy &Ce., Toledo, a. Sold by Dr uggists, 75c. Taire Hl Faffilî Pis for Constipation, IDEAL FENCeE'ý I'eV' orders now and get 'adantgeof freighglt in ù-5r Xotý Cail and 50e Our ail No. 9 ol S-prig W-re Fence, put up -at 45e- per -V0d IPeter Murdoch, T "eey intest lu Wedding station- ery and Wedding cake boxes at Trna Soro Throa@ .nd Co'ughs, A sim-pi ffective anlds afce rcmcdy for ail throat irritations h fopnd lu CrOaO!,ne Antiseptic Tablets Tii.y c dime i.ermïcidal valu.e ofCresolenewith th.i oetW Llâ' roprticç 01 uippery chu and IfOwmcs JMiss Butler bas returned fromn visiting lu Toron ta. Mr. Win, Richard attended tise apen- ing o!tise Legisiature. Miilem's Grip Powders Cure, Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mrs. Gray of iHamilton, la visitinglier sister-in-iaw, Mrs Pope. New life for a quarter. Miler's Cern- pound Iron Pilla. Seld by Stoit & Jury, druggists. Miss Annie Millig-an bas returned ta ber borne neer Lindsay. Milier's Campound Irait Pilla, cniv 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold b.y Stott & Jury. druggists. Mr. Geo Gray and daugister, Miss Nellie visited tise eity reeeutly. Tise beat cure for Eczema la Milier'sj Compound Iron Pis. 50ý doses for 25c, Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mm. andi Mrs. Jno. Ricliard entertain- ed a few friends Tuesday week. Milier's Worrn, PoWders meLnke tisei ciudren isealthy. Soid by Stoit & Jtiry druggists Mrs. Gea. Richard bhas'been laid up as tise resuit of a fali an tise pavement in Bowmenville. Be yonng! It la a niy necessarv ta take Milier's Compound Iron Pilla ta retain yonthfui appearance *and vigar Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Miss Wiimot lias returued froni Port a-id Streets Gem. reported reoommend- nowvsting Mrs. Mealfe or ache irom the old trouble for mniay months. It is eertainly a most wonder. Ing'the planklng of the bridge on the Weil people do not worry. Take Mil- filnmn. For sale b v îai l du~ss Klogsiton road, imlnedlatily south of ler's Compound Iron Pilla an -a be weil. ______ Souh' mli.50 doses for a quarter.- Sold by Stott COURTIGE. Conn. Ottmens aloo reported the & Jury, druggtsts. parcbase and meaauring of 172 yde. of Tbree sono of Old Seotiand have atLa oio 132 rie eeadeggdwt ,H Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. B. J. G ay, to:,, a a ost f $03.0 arive hee an enaggd wih W HToronto; Mrs. 1), Polard witb ber siste* Coun. M4ason, a% oue (A the Deputa- Pearce, Geo. Gray and Neil Osbnrne, 1r - NIM. Ontirtice .. . Jas, Reid has dlon wbo attended the meceting ikt Co- $7 0O a dav, every day for a year 5mvdIt i e os.E rhr bourg, regarding thie qràestion of thie good pay, Il la belng made .with oulr Osbawa, bas mnoved, bis famnily here, . separation of the Oouuuites reperted asi goods pHonsehold neocessities, eve3ry Wrn Found vislting in piékering.._ ta 0n1r18 Vo the meetng, Sa report famiiy needs thom. WArite to-day, G. Leaguejý( genjtlemen entertain this3 Wed. of whiob appears ln another colarmn Marshali & Co., London, Ont. nelyeeing,. .Wahrl n Mayor Tait also reported inOn tae Mr. Gabb bhas returned borne to Dak- grandson L.K.Stves r here from meetig concldig wlb Cou Masota beig accoimpanie3d as far as TorontoAtn. oui Mrs. Bradley and ber suether, Mrs. Tho Re Oon' motiot GonniC511. 9tainthorp. Spry anDd Olements wae ccelVeàdm You say you bave used everything for /C JJLJ.JIM ZI adoped.that obstinate case of constipation; tbifs Comnunatlnslaid over hem lestroves tbat vou hvenet tried Vito apeeting wfroread bt oi, G. Lyle, fLaxative Fruit Pis, otberwiqe you! A1 -,A I appling er Zlgh Wath, Jnito cfwould be cured. R-. M. Mitchefl 0, Tjowa Hall, and Eng!ineer ofvi etnng druiggists, keep thein in stoec. Over 30 Year stttion. W. Bennett, applying for! Misses Eva and Maud Rcar ae- J erno J position as Nlght Watoh end f1Ja0ltor. companied by their brother. NormnU Thse communacatlon of WN, Tardif1, F. ,ere recent g7ueSts ofMssPar itt epe fWs uhm Borneo, Ambroz Allen, W,, Po' 1ton aud U'obbledlek.e and joi3eph Fletcher? wewc aiso rend, Grurfbling and cmîilgwili not Iwibta teuider You my hearty thankâ McVed by Ooun. Spry, eeouCCled by tale ont tbe pain of au IsctsstlngfouRUailpast favors in businless and %salk. Qoo. rok,~k~ M. ~.F1k~hi' b bt errY Davis, Painkilier wii do ù til3y6 CnitUd aronage for the eugaged at ( a fary of .3~per Ïos, vey e timi it oj ftre. Weîare cosning agaîn this lUs danI13ata 2 be t Ysoh, Jaultor i o the soe opo. ' ric(, 25ci &au4500, sp1jig witb a new stock of goods, suel, d l$,ues as Dry Goodaore, Tsiware, a ofTow n Ra1î, naEngluear 1ýf puip- misEseca t. atigh-Graitwre utlery and sncb as are Ing Ltation. ter l Samuel IHen1r5- dedrci 2 .wyslueluor o' eryd. Move byOou. Boaksec byibefun~altoo plce a±irda taWe Sbaîl be glad to sou tbem ta, you, Ifý Qoun, 016ees tui t e, C1etk'1 be ln- Orano cemiètery. von need tbemn, at righit prices and take Strnoted to. iotify Mi. '. . C awker You probabiy know that your sallow sncb thinga, as we are accustomied ta tisat ibis Coun cil han no furîher uùçe complexion is causeýd tUoucDh ti1u, poor biandie in exebange for th,- goods. for tise poetlu as lise "Dummy biood, but yoen probably àon't know MrJae Sten wiirvl i Yard" te Ouncl rfered aoktisat by taking Vito Tonyou can baveOlarnJOumwagstêel-will be raund la On aoqomh otionlrferd' akbrigist rosy cbeekis. R %i. 'itchell & isoeuas heroada are good enough, ta th-e order o! bisiness for tise paosing Co., dr 'uggists. keep it lu stock, Kindly hold your stuif, scrap iran, etc , ofB-iw Mrs. (Dr,) Anderson rp4ý:eived1 word tili we corne Drap ius a card auy time Gon omstiassu ed leaved to of the deatis of ber nepbe, R 1ev, J. C. if we ar-e fot soon enloulI. ,Tro huad- Introdu1ce a By-law ta amena the By- Scarnan, R.A , at th isereeral. HiOspital, red tons o! scrap iron wanted as soon iaw for the appointment o! Town offlo- Montreal, from typhoid feVèt'. as possible,. la. If yen are nervous or dyspeptie tryJ H On motion Ruie 33 was îusipended Carter's Little Nerve Pillsa. Dyspepsia JO N G R IGGY and By-iaw wam ,mendsd, making the makes yon nervous, nervouaness makres 32 Otarl>o St,, Bowmansrille Troear'a ialip'iS O lnmîeai .t$100 you dïspoptlc; elther one render8 yon 1t4-tf, Mm.i Wm Harding, wiso lias been- takixig a carrespondence coureleiee- trical engineering bas secumed tise posi- tion o! assistant en 'ipne0ýr in thse Ideal Nan!aciuring 'Co., i3aGrt Hope Ris. rnany friends and acquaiutauces wiab hlm mueis suceesa. Ail cases af wealr or lame bacir, back-- ache, rbenrnatisrn. will find relief bv wearing one o! Carter's Smart We9d; and Belladonua Backacise Piasters. Price 25 cents. Try thern Tise S. 0. E. at their regular meeting' l'uesdas ovening week iseid an luterest- iug debate on "*wbicb a is e greener, tise civ boy iu tise country, or tise, countr,' boy in tise city," Geo. Law ieading an tise latter aud E. Thaokr&fý on thi former. The decision was i ronV lu laver oattiseformer. SERIOUS STOXACH TROUBLE CUIRsD. 1 was troubled witi a, distresa lu my stamacis, saur stornacis aud vomiting'- spella, and cen truitisully say tisat Chamberiuin's Stomacis and Liver Tais- lets curedl me.-Mrs T. V. Williams, Lainsburgý, 'Micis. For sala by ail' "I bRae been sumbjeet ta sCiatiC risen- rnsis fo-xars" a'sE.H.WaIdron, o! Wiltou Junctinü, Iowe. M'yjoints were stiff and gave me mneh pain and discon!fort. MNy joints v _uld crack wisen I traigistened up. I used Cham- beriain's Pain Balr n sd ibavetbeen tborojughly cnred. iaveunUia&u-aju- -L

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