ACough that Hfangs-On is one to be afraid of-there is danrger Ift it. You can cure Ît quickly wîth Shi- Battr PPudaing.-Ona eplat Of milk, ~ 'Our IbnumKpLI1 Ure, ihue e Ù4s, cue iablaspoonlul of the Lung Tonic. Your melted btater, oae, teaspoonful ofi moneY back if it doesn't Sait, t-o he-aing teaspoonfuls of cure youe baking POwdci-, mlree and a hall dtip-40 fuis of Poeur, oaa piît of bluebennies 2 t, 0cs n IO (canneti or' lnesh). Bonitishe eggs 2 ct.50 tsan $1 0 whites anti yolks, together until "Y liglit; tbt,-n doires tise tilla: then the pans, in a notierate ovea. Wisen fle)ur. Beattltil saiool-h, addtimlt- jcold do', anwîth vanilla ucing. ed butter, sai,anid bnking powden. Drain the jeris. tiredLce w-us hfloun, stir - into thte Pudding-, tura into a BINTS F01R THE SEAMSI-RESS5' gi easad pudùuig ut,0iti Cover anti l1oî110 dvessrn-akers îvho have trou- set in a p~ot Oi boiling- wei' - Boil t-h. la littiuug themîselvas are ativise-ti Staadily tlîîeo isours. by a practical niodiste to buy one MWalnut 'ake.-Butîel. sze of anj anti one-isaif yard of stîoag 4i&ing cgg. one cnp cf augan, tw ecggs w-al 1 andl dut a penety ltigbdc beaten, tit ce-iuaiters clip of nîbhig.j pattera mc couie five-or Six iacht's elle antl-(i ou-h.gil teaseoufuls of below- the waist line. Bcne ani baking powdier, floui- eaough to mnalaa ttch it as if feor an ordinary tiress. a battai' faiilv Puani, bait not tbbck. Iliîsttad of bocks anti eyos, sa',v te-j iheppet i valnts. oaa, dupr-l. Bake" gerber clown the front, tiian stufl lise witb of panrifor a lewtiiiag lbfrnly w-th swadîn-t, sisaping minuîtes, tisait rowa. - it as the w-îrker proceetis. Sew- a Coulah.-Su baîcon antd cuatons'lîuing acnoss tise botteni 50 as te int littie cubes, atic. a litile buttai' stand on a table;a, ait stockcl nti fry h al te a aide bow-a. Havej lai' at necl iti iet flaa reay cal rmelan lef cu jtoacroas tise top Tise model is moa,-t ctbout hallich cubes, cm. er tugist usaful for, cýraping andti tniinîla rj tidltit S!nimer inis 0w-n mica blouses, also fon fiting coEars anti iîtialiueisl une s ,one. Il not yotkes. tender, adîl bouillon or uatan tili Iiinunîrable litile bînts are givnem donc. 8-eaSen W*th sait, ofcfoturse, bu titis sanie dressimakcn ahicis are ana ctcay Cilme p-ipp-r to t.aste. Thickan, vuduiLablo for one w-ho i'n"t eitineiv' wth aEtefor.Oam aepnuficiaîuî in tise art of se-wing, anul iaîly en-augi for c-na ieani, or bv tise hisert thte expeî lance of eider bouse-- gallon, ais it tvill kaep a long time, laiepens. (ina- valrnble littIa suggeSu- anti 'vroacti up, a littieata a time, tion ahan sensiag on buttons is, bc- %vili he nl'ways like thai fneshhy ion'% you la tise button On tise gar-- matie, ment, put tise threa tisouai sis Fruati Graham Mur-,'lhs.-Pcr thin thtia tise lnot 'vili be on tisa nigisi uix onue anti a haîf pînts of grahiaint ide. Tisat beaves it under tise bot- Pour witis hall a eup of sugar, a toua anti prevents it iront being eup cf w-ieai floui- andi a teasponrful ijuoneti anti torrnw-ay. of t3ait. Sift w-ibh tw-o ieasruooaluls ILelore yoîu begin sewing lay a large cf crenm 0 f tartan anti one of soda, Pin or if stnan's dont buÏton,a or iwo - 'ouatiat" teaspoonaluls of match'or sorntbiag tisa same. siza. bakiug pow-der. Then adtit o w-ali ,tisai tis-, tisîcats go over tise pin. beatea eggs anti a pint of mi lka. TI t antise sewing is coiplatcti draw- large spooniels of tise dougis in ý.totishe pin ou'tise match anti wiat 'lieanif-ytsm ode riv. thread round anti round benentis Serv\e hot. j1îbe button. Tisis mnkes a siani to Bake.d Turnips.-WashÏ anti Pane sustain tise pulliag and w-ear of tise a gooti sizeti turnip, andti hen eut in cross-wise auraes about 'a quarter of an lis h ~botU untit tender, Cô09g cet D,.,.4 tcommune. bnt not toot soit- ibmn renaove cane- coks -9uaa fully, anti place ina apant w-ih a - The onafeacilmonthl i m~~Iedcnen he oeea siaconful of butter, tbree tnblesîuoon- jà - tiepenti. Soltiiatwodegreesof I fuis cf w-nier anti a litile Salt, anti strength-No. 1, for ortinarYl isao utila ade rewa. \'iea onc~-.~ i cases, $1 per box; No. 2, 10 des- bale utila nce row. Wenasr-strongex for Speefl placeba aveg"abietuai ant covrCaes~, $3 par box. Sold yu al w-bih incaîtegebue. Servediso 1-ç du-ui.Ask for 'ook8 Got- with ed btter.Setono b oot Compouni;ake ne Oster lialls.--Fry a dozen gooti- 1J subtitate. 7-did oe5ters in butter; thea chop Thse Cook Medicine Ce-- Windsor, Ontario. anti acason weh. Mix with n cup- fuI of well-cooked ride, toe gg, a ittteaisole, anti presentis a iaiicil little ehoppeti onion ant iimilk eneugis bitter appcaranee when tise garmenu', to boidthtie mixture iog-.4iser uxIhca is buttouicti up. ina into halls. Rol in egg and1 Wisin sewng blnck cotton nate- then la cracker crumbs anti iry in ais, uh sIalncoh t,, buttr. A. icelunheondis. 1anti black pîlaits» alw-nvs -use -silk. Creani Sponge Caiie.-Wisip separ- a iebak swn otntri nîeîy anti then îisorougivîytogacluerras t i blaclasang cotasiiigra tise yolks antiw-ites of ibree egn-ç ust,-ts va nt -aiaat anticaocuf of uga, ,ae tsir cf spils tis a npernnce cf tise artiCle7,s and ne up o suar, ne-hirdof crn-Wht(h it is used. cnp of milk, one,-hailf of n teaspoon- Anetiser admirable suggestion lui of' Soda mixeti in tw-e seant cup- whiicis nîna roesna dressmaîk,-rs l'ils of flour, anti oaa ceaspoonful o ae et pwrofessiona ti l trantof artr, isglve in mi . nys best to ibrent tise neetile lbe- liake in n square tin, ant i asr-lfore cutting tise coîton te insuire spit w-hen cool anti atitia fill i. t j jg tise igis anti, otherw-ise Dfateupfîul f soI bter -bix hird13it rmay taugle. Cnt your ctica; -e of acupiii f sft utte wih 1 - .3uot bite it on break it. UJse tise igisi cupluls of brou-n sugan. Wlîen part- sizé i-aetle, anti suiîable coiton forj 1,: eneamati brealk ia two eggs and ormaeîI i-ai tise rixture îintil varV lightký u mtnil Tisc adattihall a cupfuh ofl milk. A PstidLý,AIN ENS 111 cupf'îls of sifiti Pfon ha w-it-h OSCLA N B TS have been uaixed tw-o tpaspocafuls of l Zealous youîîg iousekeepers aonme- baking pow-ter. Beaito n smooth tiuaes nake tise mistahce cof leaaing botter, ihen suir la hall a ttaaspcoii- paint w-th saati soap. Dýon'til hi oniy fui eacis cf cinnainon anti untsteg. satches theo 1 aitt; tise oison soap A&I ihall n Poundi cf des w- ý-b iis hwdodtise ivcrk. hiave lisatitis tones remnova I ,u<t traite your carpets, andi evea your smnall, aîi,aumx w-ih a Uil fleur. oileleths, up once a yeaîu. Thun bent isard for tw-o or t1iree j If you put rnruItiig cdewn, ha sure mintes Bka inilluali fatey patty ise floons ara iisoroughIly dry berone ________________________________ s laid. j 'enn olt i utttat rai n a iîeii zýU 5, by baie-g aiped iacp -,ih sali nuit ~~ I5c(lan suulsanti otiw Orl of bots careluill, going over joints and -r el, s cf s anti evci-ycrevice 'vith i C.)ýrosive sublînante. 1ýY w-ny fr guartiing againSi Possible tuai crea- tuiras. Pý leana out closets anti LTreus witlu turpentine w-nier anti use -natrous - proportions cf tisa turpentine. It'sl a gooti ounce of pnevention agîainst Dont abrouti picture andatmirrons - - îi~~in nettiug-ii tbay're tcoumuucis trou- - ' bic to keecap iglît, put ieu-yýtiing you eanaaw-ay. Linîng ibuueauu anti chiitoslrtisaw- iýef ýYeu-s antidcoýi tsislves w-bis isavy whte papal' kaeps tise contents fresis, HO**MEE SLETETD RlZICPLS. ,~s, ~ A!5~ î CURR Fc~ l'~Uui4A~ ISM A ~LiRfi. XT~ ¶'t~ ~O~~bt3 fSLAVERY IN ÂUSTRALIA. At Loast MVr. Walter Malcoimson Says. So. Pnd -%hould be rûnewed f.;om Urnet timle te be always perfectiy dean. Wash white inarbles with cleî water and a sc>ft brush. Bave ail your implements hand bel ore' vol, becgil your cleanli-a broomls and braislios,,plenty of scrui bing ami dust cloths, brcomr bagý sOaP, turpentine' and chIî,rides, caustic soda, for pipes. Take every book froin your caseý and dîîst tliem first, "Jibrarian' WaY," which is by strikçing.: one wil another' lightly, s0 that the duý flies out; then dust themn with cloth. Take the saine precautic iwîth the tookcases as you did wit bureaus-wipe. theni ont Nvith tu, pentine water. Little insects; ofte 1 l]aY havo,, wth v'u1uablù books an POTATOES AND CHEESE. One of the most delicious of Frene] vegetable dishes is potlces prepare, with ehecese, but itiis so deliciou, that At is fast becomng alrnost a Vwell k1own here in Arnerica. -And Potat0es are so staple a thini -se npctssarv a part oi cvery day': meals, that the pleasant lîlending e cheese and potato is a chanîge that iý aimostrqînt After Il or seven potatoes hav, boiled until fâey arc, înealy, mas. themn as si-noo th as possible, addin' a couple oi tablespoonfuls of butter, sait and pepper, and enough hot rnilk to ltake, them quite soft. Gratc a half cupfl of ices and beat it îrb- the î p~hdlotatop 'sid gratE a thiin layercf hes over the top, sct in the oven until the choesc toast!,, and s&rN- e. Or cnt-thin hoiled potâtoes ln ra- thcr large piecee, as if for frying, end arrange in a bake dish. Grate cheese ovor cach layer of potatoes, SHIRT WAIST FASTENINGS. No hooks and eyes on w'ash w aists, shouid be the motto of the amateui dressmaker. Buttons wherever pos- ,sible, for,.under anv dîrcumstances, they are lfai' preferable te heoks. In the dressy waists, huttons and but- tonholes ean bu hid under a fold. In the wash wnlsts, ha4idsonie buttons~ rnay be fastened on with a tiny spilit ring and readiiv ý reînoved when the waist has te go to th,_- tub. In ih waists which fasten at the back, but- tons are mucli more reliable than hooks and eyes, or hooks and 1oops. So lew people make. good button- holes that ther temptation te use hooks atnd ey cs as being less trouble, is very great. But it is a mistake, just as is the using of s'trings, in lieu of buttons on undergariuents. The best Lt ting garments, whether those that are visible or those that are hidden, but none the less require smoothness lut order to make the garaient set properly alove them, are t1iose securely lastenicd with plenty of buttons which will flot, break in Che wash. The need ni plenty of buttons should be empha- si7ed, beý.ause the tendency seems te bc toward fastening a shirt-waist in the bauc with about(iive buttons, and this means unsightly and untidy gaps. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS SIOK? Let your xnorning urine stand for 24 heurs la a glass or vessel, and then if it is iitilky or clondy, or contains a red- diali brick-dust sedixnent., or' if parti- cles or germns Iloat about in it, yonr lidneys are diseased. If thse kidneys are.well they ,filter just 80 mnuch blood, but it- they are sidm or iveak, froin anuy cause, they leave thse poison ini th ', biood, and this poison affects thse entîre systeisi. It is natural te Pass uirine three timnes a day, but înany who rear teiseltres as hcalthy areohgd to pCasa water, six to n tne aily an_ r oflged to get uîp f'à_rcqucntiy drthe nijht. The hae sci~kmdeysanti l'adider L*.lhîa Pis cure Rhe-aumatlrm n iuail Kýidrîny ant Blatider diîsease, andi ;Inake new, rici blood. Wc %rilI e dyiiu nga cr esanuple M05t pEui Pree, together with Our large bîook &oa thse abo'e îentiecti dk dîaes 4u'as W. p. Sunith cý., 185 St. 3anu'5lret, Montres!, Ceancrde. tii -ai ib- ýsi l's h st 'Ir 'h is WHIAT ONE MVAN IIAS DONE. j Use cf tise Knife somnetinieas Net Prove a, Success. D oeg I 44éé.~ IAMONDFOR PERFECT: *wp HOME * * DYEING. elu s____________ EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. A&K FOR TU-E 9"DIAMONO.- Ail Druggists andi Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS. - - -- ~ jThe London Tirces says: We take the following extracts from a latter addressed to fis by Mn. Walter Mal- r colmson, who atiimatlverts upon statemnents made by Mn. Walter I i James, Agent-General for Western 4 Australia, la thse Times of March 4. i Writing from Marine Prade, Holy- -I ~rood, near Belfast, Mr. Mlalcclmson "Tie Western Australian laws at present ia force not oily permit slavery, but make it coinpulsory. THE MARRIAGE QUESTION They alsc allow any hall caste or aborugun-il chih,, isaving nttained a The professor who announcedti iat "love suitable age, to be apprenticed to endi romance due ont with the sounti of tise nocwitg ,frayp- wedding-belle," was the first to stant thse anca Wîtighm, onaypr ball rolliag. It would sceun a brave womaa 1Pose, uîtil 2-1 years olti. Eight or who marries with this echo in bier ears, yet naine years is generally 'a suitable we have flot heard that there were fewer age' in the eyes of thse employer. Ask inarriages during the year. There ara un- the~ consant of the parents of the happymarried lives, but a large preceatage cild? They nue duly teasts cf bur- of these hoe are due to the ill- Durinofgae e motser or daugliter. den, unworthy of tise slightest con- Durig alon peiodof- racice Dotorsidera Lion. Pierce foundti hat a prescription matie up "Mr. Jam1es snys, 'Dr. hloth's i-e- entirele of roots ad herlis, without the usef port discleses abuses of which the of alcohol, cureti niaety.eight per cent. of iGoennn aln nweg. sucli cases. After using this remedy for 1 oennn ain nweg. many years ln bis private practice he putj densr ibis. 1 can subînit indisputable it up in a form Cthat can be hati St any store evîdence to prove tisat the Govera- where medicines are handleti. ment w-re thonoughly w-eh informeti Backed up by over a third of a century of 'o1 the matter. remankable and uniform cures, a record -r ae as Teojcin sucb as no oth er reauedy for the diseasea M.Jmssy, Teojcia anti weaknesses peculliar to wcnxen everj able practices have been isolated, anti attaineti, the propnietors and mnakers of Dr. have occurreti where close and regu.. Pîerce's Favorite Prescription now feel 'lar police supervision is impossible.' fully warranted inl offenîn to pay SS inl This, in face, of Dr. Rotiss report legal Vy0 teUie Statesi or any that 'the v o1ic1e recaivo paymnent for case of Leucorrhea, Femaïle Weakness, Pro- lapsus, or Falling of Wotub which they can- each prisonar or xitaess, and conse- aot cure. Ail tisey ask is a fsir and reason-i queiîiy airrest the natives on the able trial of hir means of cure. slig-it'-st prc'iext, and starve and Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription cures bt-at thero.' Anýd Mr. James' rermedy iseadache, hachcache,' nervousness, sleep- 1i s 'more pol ice supervision.' lessness and other cousequences of vwom- anl dieas. Favrit Pescripion' "Mr-. James says, 'For yenrs pasi miakes w-ealç women strong and sick wom- tisera bias been a chiai protector of en well. Aceept no substitate for tbe aboinigines.' Mr'. Pinsep lias proved ci medicine whicb works wonders for WC&k uîiierly unfit to protecitishe natives, b., 5woefli reply te a heiter of mina la 1901 mn hae wrote: fi- ATTEMPT ON CZAR'S LIFE. -'I ana say,,as an impartial manl, yeý Stmngr Gin AdUîthai for iLnany years pasi tise ment- hiv Djis'uised tanertoGanace it ment of tisa nativeaslbas been one cf a generolus consideration for thiai'h, A idaspateisteo the Leadon Chroluicle hAp, ess ant i gnorant state.' Dr.le fronti St. Petersburg that a mai loth, aiter a faw weeks spant inh a cariai thtie lniform of a Cossack M'est Australia, reports abusas to was arresctd, ithin a iawv dais. in w-iich Profeasor Piiisep has remabned NC thse palace ut Taarskoe-Salo. Be wis ofllcinlhy bli for years, C noticeti acting suspiclouslywbietise! "I w-lu Palnis bv askiag Mn. James guard was being changeti. Thse dom- w-hy Ern-est W. Anderson w-as re- manding officer examnined iihl, andti caseti- froîn iail-secreily-ast year, found tisai bis au onti w-as net of tise aftan about six years of bis kinti used by tha, Cossacks, b)ut was life sentence. Chde Justice Onslow, Ch an inlantry ollhcer's waapon. The la -seiitenring Andierson, saiti, 'Yourfa mlan was therupcn arrastati. A pacla-' crime is nethin'- but a deliberate, o et w-as afterWards fountid oftaining brutal, base, anti cruel imurdar of a iti ta o bomnbs. A seanchin-g anquiry ne-! man and tw-u womnen, anti the iii ott w1ltet inlitise anreat cfo 12 secret pc- huý,maniifogging of mare girls he- biU lice agents,,w-ho arc suspected of be- sdes.' Ia seatencing him for liue, Ch ing tho man's acopie.the jutige saldlise trusteti that la d[r Accortiing to a versiuionfcf the a1 ,Aatiersoa's casa tise sentence wou1lti Iby fair given hy the St. Petenrsbung cor- not be reduced to c f' tw-anty respondeat of tisemms a strangaryr(Aiero -a qute disguised as a coliýonlcf Cossaclaspan- wh lgeibsindliutii 'to ieai teredth ie Palace ai srso Sl n- j ha tlio)ý lesao (, Monlay on, tlise ccaîl ftise 1 C e, i.nwith a kmathtie if pe. Ti lont G weekly neceptio Cfoffcers heItte s 3-in Ip1yt qui)te pora l er palace guard. Bis actions excï! esîulîapepe pu oo adr suspicion, anti ha was arresteti antid U.S senrebed. Bomba w ana foui lin his t pockets. APPENDICITIS. a COST 0F THE DFMBARGO. Butchers' Chairmiari Says Britain Loses a 1Xîllion a Year. XrTi105Ii IS ES 131GIVEN tbat 11cappllýetlon w-lit ha madie by tiseCompor- etIen o!the-îown cf Be-wmulnvile CctiseLegîs- laicre of tise Province of Oniarlo at lis neri Session for au Act- i. To vaildate anti'cnfii by-law No 694 being a byrlaw intituleti A Lontion tiaspatci s ays: At tise Bwavlsatîhigts oprto to lean Thse Durhamn Rebler Comspany Tteeting of tise York Butchers' Asso- Limîteti 815,000,û0 ante o mse the saute for lation tise Cisairman saiti;t hati tise purposes ofithe-said toan." moen estimnateti by mca of sotînt jîudg- 2. To vaiite anti eoaisrni by-iaw No. 695 tant that ibis eouuutry bas î ost over beiag a by-iaw lntitulsti ie inilhboas cf mcney in se-'a *'By-iaw of tise Cor-poration of tise tewn o! 7ans by tise exclusion of Cnuniia Bowmanvlie sutsorîalng tha Corporation to exehange tise indeisitnes o! Tise Dem- ivaeentie anti uniras some reason- ham Riibher Company Lîmlted o! $8.030.00 ubie cause sisoulti bc showa îvly to them-to abonusofsaine asoni seeurei 1ase store catîba shoulci lac îxcluieci bachnry.Fe onlitsreai astate, pisantn te iaitained tisai Canada iati a S. To confer sncb rights andi powers an tise gsît t e nnt their stock bora. said Corporation as may ha neaessarY or ativantageons to enable th@isd aCi(orporaion to carry eut thisaiaent of the, Rald by-iaws, qOTHiNQ EQUAL TO (;HAMBERLÀIN 'S andi for ther purposas. COLIC. CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA SIM4PSON & BLATU REMEDY, of the Cowa of B'owmanirvlle soicttors- for tise sasi applicants. '&We have useti Chamberliabus Colle, Date t a lewmanvile, Slarch 131h, 11-65 ,holera anti Diarrscea RRemeds la our amii,ç for years," sai-s Mrs J. B- Cooke, 1Nederlands"xas - We bave given te aillof our ehiltirea. We h ave usied ber mîstileines for tise sate Puroe ait bavea never foumd aai-thing to equal U Pr YO E iuamberlaiaj's. If Nou w-ili use I ast icectet i t will aLlways cure." For sale 11Y1MAI1L )Y ali dmu2'gists, IN'IERNL CEAILINSS.Is th~e tiihe cfanlnrerestleg Book- Il- ail tise Pub lis'iseti aueuounts of Jet whicb; e-xplài uSOur - s$ieen by îismtSwbh Europian ei~ sîn bave , tg4desits, "n>we made and inade to tise 'apanese bosp)itais wlubdrawux byrsmail' aig eveni- ;ircss is lai on tise hmmuaitu front enîiy as f, yru. wapoat cffice he afier-effects cf w-ounids w-hici bas esultecifromntishe Japanese soltiers' eorofcu ire of tise body 'vithia niiihu. - Sentifr t ouýh Tise Japanese soldier," -says onefn liueein, isserver, "bas been inugisi iow te 'raat bis inside, anti eoasequaintlybi nsicie is rtow îreaîing hlm w-ih Caé,nada. ion to ibis, flash 'vouatis, cý,ing toD ue national cleanliness, have henlei r I a rI sry quickiy. Cmpeto BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOR Ca-mî'j nfinadi ua nen- t anti CHILDREN. Western CanatS.luintgm*,Csruoaton When you buy a ceq'ih medicine for ~_______________ mal heldron you want ne in whieic _________________ ,u can place impliciteconfidence. Un vtinue tisatnot enly nelieves- but * Thse Renarisable .&chievement cf a Remarkable 1Van-A Splendid A recant discussion of appnanimitis by tise Royal M1edical anti Ciirurgi- Exaunple cf Whnt -Untiring Devo- car oits~ ts otc al tien Cn lIc.Express, matie cean se-serai inierasi- ing points about tise tireanttsease. Four years Dur. J. S Le-onhardi, of Sir Frederimk Trex as, Mn. Charters Lincoln_ Netb,, tudiedthtie puoisi--' Symontis, Mr. Pearse GouIri, anti cf hnow hast to preveni anti dura -dis- othar aminatît surgeons wbo tank case, part l is theiscuîasionl w-ena generaI- lIe .w-anot satusflet w-ih tisenue- ly agreeti ns to the tieirability of iotis andti raiut in ganerai tisa inmediate rasent to tise kaife w-han ý and alter long stutiy ant i urs ex- tetilagnosis is dafiuita. peniunant ha tieclanadti ta: I w-as shiow-a, iscever- tisatinf -['upiisouicus producis of thF' fer- many caen mre on leas serious doin-i mentaîbon anti cicoapcsitioa of un- plications folhew-operatiuuoitontisai cigesîecifoots nasorbeci l-',tise _,r apiacradixy, anti tisemedienh press1i temlarethefirt cuseof lrn,,,t C"S Ol' tise eanrc.t consitisin-1 Ove-n-dsne auae lî- tien cf tibese casas by operaiing sur- Efe kaauv tiat ail tisa metdi,iii- geors. ~ta 'Fise "Tnspital' ugss ta prsîieifor tish soiai anti btw- _now ta appenticitis is sncb a: Ils coat-acI aic tus prpntte asisionable illness, ih is quite proba- al-cislai beintihn atniti P ble tbisni ue iagrea of openatuve conitin o tie nuccs munli-ae jîatnîpi~ace exsts.' hiigo iastom8is i be(Ihw-els 1i'o surgaon spot-e turing tise dis-- ibs ltr ffctirrîvraInblY r-iîe-csbnin dea'-c of Ieaving tise un Copana IduesEti appendix uamoleataýd, anti j D-.Lenhrtt iseelredoeriaI it w-as plain ibat ne one rea th tai to correct ilisortiers of thle as being oi tise leat use- to tise bu- stomacis anihcuw-ls bniunsi prodiie-mana oganisîn. an e etu-e madidine contnining ai oSir Fre-,erimk Treves fouati tisai l ut Iv nariansiacus subsýtanices sudlu as among 230 patients oparaieti apon arc foint ia tise ortihaary pj , foir appýen, Iiitis,, ai a Uieî han tise Pc a_ utcrr'deti anti tie restli bw, amuie manifesations bat sctbsitisch// calieti Aitti-Pilh. neo fewrs u-tisan elevan- subraequen.tlv f r t.Leoishadtits Aiiti-PIl w-Ii ji,ýFcompînainedthtii he5 acre ut iat&J permanntnly- any i, aseofI yspe;'i-ia reliavet bý, tisaoperniion. 0f eve-r1 or otistn Stonr7acis Tuonisic, Bilioii5-huntinet pat -ais ifiisounaniaq nes.s or Co'a'sipation. sceas in tisa appeadix r'eg!on is r50sc. a boulet],. AI Trnis, or otiaaa§ no fewe-r tisa 17 par dl it. - Tse ilson-iPyle Cg.. Limnitet Nia-f atrdns sifer front recurranc'or, dSC alsOn. So--a-enafor ofiser serions troubla. 'a a. Ot.S,1- gers Mn. Charters Symontis la~a j 122 cases, of whiscis nona batd, after T00K A FATAL DOS. vM. Parse Coinîtibaset i Uniobser- I Mrs Hamlton mani Bel1tin a t in oniy 10 par cent. of 'cases la ffs amilhitake fr ak1Tlednir. which anabsress bat bean trente-t in Xitakef ' r a Tnic j, 1 isaont removal of tise-aPPy ardix bat A Sinatisrov daspatris saysi Mrs.'ltire-e bean e-ny necuIrisace, cf symp- Bamilton, ivife cf Mr. John Bamil- t oms.. Many compiiesuubdIns battu, ton, blaclas-mitis, of this plame, 0tietihow aven, iseeîu e' d t alter lrom tisa fePars oi takiag a Iose cf Tise gansan view- ef t> e- surgieal liniment coaîainiog beilatlonaîa is azordit atiai tise ciea stili offers morning la mistalie for n tonier s4ue1a f muetufed fcr i n i cwork. bat bean iakiag. Tisa fatal dose w-a, removalaiftise ap'peniIi atdimin-isiereti h5 bar taugisrr, w-ho -- pirketi up th isa n-i, bottu', w-ib w-as markot poison. Poctors Ihýn darson anti McCabe w-are a ahetiun ro sonta tinte afiar, but iota laie to e i, C, save lbar lue. F i n s a i MASSING INORTH 0F INIMA. RusanToosAre Being Garrji-SrigTi soneti in Boishara. A Bombay teapaici s ays: Tise- Times of lain aauihentically sinisa tisai -Russiana trocps hava replace-t ibosa .1 tise Amaar of Bokiara at l postis on tise Uppar Oxus, ian te( dis- inîicts. cf Shigna nti Boisa tisai -44-1)O mca bva eau iahc-Iroani. tise Maryg'rrion as apz% net addition 1te tise Ku ij anti iura gisai verfolres, anitiaitise de- fd alea erv 1bas le eict cures. Yen 'raant one tiat hi u-let iontial hrmes.Yen wanlt onetht la pleasanute takîte. Cbam-berlain's dtos Ise'ýre is aetbiUsgZod for tise cf)1,'-ha anti coitis tncidtien* Wo ebldt- bond ËFer sale by ai druggists. M.v'rgare-' Mrs. Tiakýer Caflet whiilf" yen iraauay, imcmii." htrs. Moi )grn-' Well, tisank goind-aa 1. wWn out!1" Margareî-"TIsat'a w-bat shor' sait. nuem!" Rr&LL QýqDTHNOS mrXust Win upon their. imerits. The International Dictionary bas won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general- use than any other work of its kind in the English language. A. ri' Sayce, tLE.D., D.D., of Oxford ,University, Englauxd, lias recently said of it: Ht is indeed a mar-velous work; it is difficult to coaceive of a dictionary more exhaustive and complete. Everything ies la It - net only what we might expect to, find ia sucli a work, but also what few of us wouid ever have thouglut of looking for.- A supplement te the new editlon bas brouglit it fully np to date. 1 have been looLing through the latter with a feeling of astonishment at its completeliess, and 1the amount of labor that lias been, put into it, - FrE5E-"Â Test anunito, n struetiveand entertaining for the whole fam iAse Illustrated paipn et 3. & 0. MERRIAM 00., srai f~ PUBLISMERS, ,,iieiv SPRINGFIELD, PMASS. EXPERIEN-CE TH FOUsi)ED 1889 B ELLE VILLE, BPusiness College, Trlnn-UNFJXCELLED IBOc ilnîu; Shorihanti; Typewrutlng; TnADEMRce or1 Telegraphlng andtti<al- DEsir.Ns Way Womk ;Freacis anti German. COPYRIGHTS &Cr. E-ie,"r feateaaSoii Anyoale sandlng a sketch and description mer' quletux asertain oîîr opinion fmee waetiuer an . A. Touîaw,Ielleville, J. Frits Jeffera. inenion sprciuabiy uateatabie, ,Commnnisua. Secretary j Ont. lrsteî tions strictix' confidential. Hlandbook on Patenlts (511)eu sent free. (ildesi ageney for seeuiumng patents. 1(5 Patenta tairen tiuougb Mena & 0e. ecelve 9 @P«ecll tic, without charge, in the $cktlfîe Bliricau, A liandoomely ilntr.ted weekly. ,rgest cim- Al1's~ enlation of any seinîti5c' i 9ms.$ 4nn AAjJxMSl Ysfl onto Parlafent. y8ar;. four mOnilis.$1., Sottd bysl unOsudealers. JW N - o--8.a., --------------- ýo 1 ý, ci ti ti i , w