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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1905, p. 7

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SAN.i'D CONSIDER THUE ZA>LuL-IMiiPORTANT FACT That in âAddressicg Mrs. Pinkbai you are ceafiding yeur private ills te a yvoiman - a wemnan whose expeience w- h wo- t mans diseases dovens a greal rnyn Yen can talk freeiy te a woman wh1en il ZE la revolting te relate yeur pivate tr,)ubirs 5,- te a man-besîdes a man does net ucder- stand-simply because hoe -is a man. Many women suifer in silence and drift along' from bad teatrorse, knowing full well that they ought te have immediate assistance, buta naturel modesty impels tbem tea hink from exposi ng lhem- selves te the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. it is unnecessany. Wilhoul momoy or pnice you can censul a tooman whose kaewlo-dge from actual expenience ia great. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation: Women suvfonring trom any torm ef temale -weak.. neas are invited te promptly commiunicate witb -Mrs. Pinkbiam et Lynin,-Mass. Ail lettons1 are.recoived, epened, read and answervd by women oaly. A woman ea treeIy tlai ehbr pivate ilinesà teaa wvoman; Ibu., bas been estabiished the eternal confiden-rce bettreen Mrs. Pinkiîam and th-e rwon - et Amn.rica twhichbas neyer been brokzen, IOut ôt thfse vesl volume ao expeniende wbh îshe bas ta djatw tnom, it is more titan possible tIsat iie blas gainced tIse very knowledge ~ tIsaIt ,ili help your case. SIse mita netb- ini etura excopt your good-will, and bier, 11d9ice bas re]ieved thousands. Suneiy eny woman, ricit or peer, is very foolisit if slite dees net take advantage eft tIis genenons offer et assistance. - Lydia E. Pinkitam Medicine Co., Lynu, Mass. Following we pubilsh two let- IlAs yen ka. tera froM a Woman Who aCCeP- said Iatust ba v ted this invitation, Note the live. I i tea w Wesilt. moenta. I f olle First lbIter. tirehy well.. I "Dea Mra Pfnhemache en a pain, DearMrs.Pinîhamle Lydi a E. Pin "~ For eight years 1 have sufened semnetiicg 1 wsh everyi terrible every menix i itniy peicds The titestimonial paies are excruciating and 1 can handly stand ing tea na ihern. Mydoten says 1 bave ovarien and irmi'ck-, wocb trouble, and I must go titrougit an op- cîcg P. O., Waý eratfon if 1 wact ta get toit I1 do net want t,) suivit te it if 1ea pe8ssuy heîp it. When a mie Please telh me what te do. I hope yen cen in rostening t reifeve meY1-Mr.Mar' Dintieek, 551h and E. wbese teslinni Capital Stý., BeingF.0., Washington,D.C. yen cancet w Second leIter. 1 doe nt bel Dean Mns. Pinkhein-Yeae l d "Af 1er fellowieg canelnlly youn advicee yof areia and taking Lydia R ikxmsVogotabl e oet da Compound, I anmutveny anx ,ieus te tend Yenu emond, my testimonial, that others ttay kcew tfieir hem, Lynn- valueaad witat yen have done fer me. it in tree and CARTWRIGH~TCOUS, CIL.. ;LACKSTOCK, Apnil 3 d, 1904. ,2R-gu'ar snett ng; memberi ail prn- >ent, exco5pt M.Hcoey,who wau ubuent, attendinig ehe a ericflia brother. M'l ubea et previous meeting resd and couirrnod. Conmuacattio!3eracalved fnorn Wilson & Soue, aleo Garniey Ce re weigt> ecaiea. From 0. P. R. ne scales nt Notleton; freni Hart & Rud- dail, and a niîmber cf otetutousaived and fyIed. Me. Henry Brown pa' d te Oounaoi $1. as reet et roadway. Mn. Jamed Byora introduord By-làw No. 461 ta appoint puthmuutere, poundkeýp- er anti fencevlewere, whee the foliow- leg were appD'nted for 1905:-le No., 1 di#vuloîs Daniel Kuapp, No 2 Si ephen Page, 3 Wai. Hubbard, 4 David - s'. B'edbure, 5 Wm. Vernie, 6 Dangai Mo-Dougall, 7 Johnt W. Mûhifnî , 8 Statfrd Swain, 9 John A. Maop, 10 John Wray, Il Jo'n Fonrder, 12 John WiZht. 13-14 Rabert Eloey, 15 Fred- eeick T-aylor, 16 L-îuis Greheni, 17 Da- nid Mime, 18 Robe, t Spinks 19 Samuel Bnre, 20 21 RbtA rýuî 22 Samnuel Arche-r, 23 Jhn W. Fiey. 4 Gorëge Fowlon,. 25 Anidreýw Dvn 2 ila V' bi!e. 27 AibrEnt Essîh, -28 -29 les. McKs'e, 29 and a hit A'iïtàJonce on,ý "0 Dvt ehat,31 IeoWIsfue' L-oMrey.31 jaa, 35 J'ceseph foredei%, 6 3c.phMaioo 7 38, Da ,idJheon 39 Sarn,îel Mebîuitlîn, 40 R cel,îrd- Phiip, 40 andi a hatt, David Fu:Iie, 4 1 oluAn Lune, 42 Peter Wright, 43 Got rgQ 'I-anýIowe, 44 àM'ohpea Citai- man, 45 -)Dàt'ld Ma'coinx,46 John Chuep- niu.n, 47 Jamr s M. Enmerson, 48 Wrn Perteous. 49 Richar f Suggttî, 50 lowvard Glonunie, 51 Joihn Groinr, 52 Corge cGil 53 Alitent McGiil. 54 L eus ot' 55 Devted Heau!ip, 56 Ne.- Êou M ove 57 Charles Williamts, 58 RihadSheckie;on. Fenceviewere fo: J90-AnertWerry, DavItiBal, Wnn. zVirýýheai, George Falu, John Edger- ton, C'han-ce Fallas, Alaxon Grahamu, AbrbamBeccok, Robent 0C Jackion. Pou îdkeepena for 90-DvdMime, A-thur ibtnLevi BauheftxJohn W. ý'nesn. The trusteesa("f 8. S. No. 5p esêmnted a ýn applicationuin e el 0' et ion a 1k-.-,e- ,ti Be raci.-te i-eue Debouuesý for lite erucion ofR ew Echool toc-n le ýhae tmourut of $2 000, beri3g inten e tf4,fper cent ,repay- ablie In fi e uqi1Za e tunneluiaq at'n A By-taw IN, n 462 waa ý n pardtia id ttcei e afi s; Ra fihecco d (lR aIùg graet the rcqncxr cf Truns --&3in mtett er., - Mnlimpbrey Wo- d masi 8 ro appi ce ýoii t Coercci.t) have Mn R'ch i,id St t -'~ ppo n ,eIlond Kcep- tw, 1 wrete yen that my doctor ve an eperation or 1 coulti net wrte yen, tlcyou iMy ail- owed yean advîce 1%andi arnen- can walk miles witiîouî an and I otre my life te yen antd ikhuan's Vegetable Com~pound. sufferng w'oman weuld read Ù andi nealize the vainee ofwrit- nd your remedy."l-Mrs. Mary ànnd E. Oepitol Streets, Ben- ashine.on, D. C. rdicine bas been successtul to henitit se many women .ocy fa se unquestionabie, wel Say, witboul trying il, illeve il ivili help me." If don't itesitate te gel a bot- E . Pinkham's Vegetable once, and write Mra. Pinkc- Mass., ton apecial ativice- d always itelptul. or ton; 19095 On mot on Reave igneti erdere atu Tr;ý isunutr ai9 felowu Robenft acte,, on indigent (ion 3 mîn:he) $115 00; j4r, Jeson Inwîn, Il- dîe'$4,00; Ssmut MoK,.lzhttwo thiru vau 1a'eep kiiod by doqe 4 G7 lanrt anti R eil fon Rngie or B M & Deeth-e, $2 35; Jrne Bruce, f 'r ose et Seiteol roonümiplePtfovipcai Etecîlon $4 00; Jamou Bruce, 1 ubepp killed by doge twothrrde value $8 67; John Anmtreng 1 udtej p kffleà by doge twro- tnlxd vaîni 6 00; Eiwand G.4tbreitb, repenson hid $2 50; John Pneîcott ehoveliing saoFn 1"a WI h onudary balf amn 3 50; Getero L. MoLsugh- lin f tr exoenae.e ýýo Obatî rg, andI eieo te Port H ope, (2 itnp ) 8$1700, ne the Sepenustionu of the Coontie. Ceunnoîl dj ýurnsd tii Mey lut 1905 BIG If -PREShUBE DAYS. Men and women alike have te work incessantly with bralu and haud to hotd their ewn now@daîs. Nover wene the demanda of business, the wants of.lite familv, the reqisemnns of qociety. mue uraneus lie final effeet t irite praiaewrt hy effo-rt rt ekeop Up witk al thiP e ga a emmoivseen in aý weakl-eiied or dtbi!itated cindition otY lie ie votus sysýtone wheiresuits ile wet nt.raon nt ut u bo-d. an braitad din iextremrne casesle cmploe novo-u, prcstrationi, it la cheanlv sou t tat witat is neode-l le what will austain theo sîstern. give viger andi tone to the iierves, and keop the, fdigestive and assitailative funetion- heaithy and active. Frern persona, knowedze, we cari necormoend Hood',, Sarsapenilla for titis purpese. It acts1 on ahi the vital organs, builds np lte whoie s.% strni, and lits men and woen for theo hig'itpress-une tIys. BOHOOLL BE! ORT. Titi folewieg i3 the repent of Sbaw'e' Scebol brase for the rnonth cf March, 1905, in orden etfnimit,- S'-. IV--George Trewln, W. A Allie, Kurhleen Trewin, Fred Brae, Geonce AlIte, An:her Allia. Je- 1V-G'ady GaIbnath, Otto Bnage, BerthealunY. 8- 111-Robent Trewte EdJua R okard, WilliaJameco, Arthur Grnenn Sr. Il- Verrie ,hnwci, Ry Alfi, Fted Gib ou. Pvrcy V Jnni'. r. l-lrneTre- wit, Ba-t Joe-e, Ciate oW 8a1, L Brine n,Ce C l. U-1uine , 'Aibeit inln'e.ýî kit, R-i y B -ZFr4ntitTrewneEi Vincent, Jr. Pr, I-E n'a Trea-IN - Pt. I-J mmy 9L ct r. M. (Accuiiiî, Tti WOMEN9 mcdo te l aIlit toi hytarning f LowRNa uNDsoa, Canleton Co., N. B.,- until lte tops totîci. Titon iay a Ap-i 10-(Specil)-' Ymp, I have good sco doer the iunctioi autO ho carobrut healtit ever siece I used Dodd's Kidieci fini titrowiegia bbc firist fexv shovel- Plilla." '1 hi speaker was Mn. T. il ffuis, la att olti ditoit bcd wc cat fl11 %elea, ps'maier itere, and oe eoetthe moqt rapidfy iviit a teaneand pieîv inost higbiy respocteti men tintlîis part cIter a foot ti rne bas iten i troun cf thte countrS'. Aaked to give his te iitit the shovel. expenience toith lte great C'anadiîet j Kidnejv Rernedv Mn 'Blyea eontiaued:- POU 3TRY 111CKINGS. '1lhed been trublid with my kidneyis for a numbor cf years 1, tnie teer eai A chifck whese libe blood isabciîîgiki ids cf piasters and ether kinds et fsut'kedb-, vermin caîtot thrive. j pbustens andcther kinds eofinedicines, f have nil bî'ood crîeps xx cl made as1 but did not seeni te get any lasting thex shoulti latiforber rs. .îbeztefit Ilearinîg Dodd's Kidnev Pilla" Cloane,Ory quarters- anc iecetdeor se igiinrecommended I decided te Inr bealth iti runmner as wlito s axxb tei and the,, made a complete cure cf toi' me Thatilatwo yean'sago newanti an Noe lotol or lot of foula u'îî t tor jI1saiti befoeo1Ihave hati good bitlh rleqinfrtUtcecsaine cutirut rof food 1ever 8alaCe I useti Dodd's Kl.deey Pilla oucitmcci.Dodd'sKidneyPille ceureonce ant fi Icîl ho baveo Iniloti at'er- ail. 'I bre is ne stage or terni of KOi bhitnt hex hie uttlfrtakein shculd aey Dianiaso that they do net cure donc- nt ti thc potnitr ' ybt iitss. piteli andi "ericanëntlv l1sotOpr-arns ,reliewe s___ Thvcent hobu ot renchuck !)y pro jLOOTING IN THE CATJCASIJS. i-c"t'in'g iheir geiting a Stant. FOI' the geed of ticefoock rounueve IPensantts Burn Public Building~s cci foxi I ttat 'shows5 Cli \ 'iges c adofr stts beinrg sick, -e'n if the airiment isýJ ad'DsryEtts slight. 1A despat I rotem St. Petersburg tic net ti ccc-ivint bte blieving sai ,s:-Officiai nOvice, repent contin- titat prnctical qunlilies andi fancy ucci diserders iiilte Calicasus. Witb- peints cannet ho breti in lte samne in the past n eek poasants have lolt bird. c ed dburruetipublie cflices je the 'lTe irst stop in starting uitit Gene district, sacketi chois anti pri- poultry siteultibcho 1 make'sure cf vate estator-, cutting deon trocs, on ample suppiy ef green fecd for. and thrcatening te kilIlte police if evory day in tlite eai'. they iîîterfored, anti forcing prier-Is Nearl * ever:- persen ivitegoes into le go w iti thtem and lake an catit thte pcultry business bas great vi- ef solîiariti rw iti theIto cause. rions of golci antiflame, many go out fSirmilar but losasori-ui disonders 1 cuit a thin peurse and dir-gusî. , are repoctet ini the Tiis district. At The slnictl-y oa ltitx fowi does net Kir-binefi 'a dnîesday atpiciuer-suc- baie 1boel oicmpiaint: looseeiesq of cessiol eltremrpt - Io î~f~ assasS, the' boeuc in lewis is siahply an inaete I-ssistant Police CemIlmissior'ný dication ef indigestioîn or tirange- Kirligi mont of lte digestivec ergans. I Shut up the lbon bouse cccasioeal lb igec -gitl neehgl ly ns tight as possible anti brnc seme1 develoeof in birds titanin y ani sulpitur inii i. rTe fumnes ili rendit nal, Y fl TU EADR J~M oven Canada there are people ~ ~H UAM ;&ÀI L 1f111Ii wlio have solved the question 01 wha-t fea f0 use i, their homes. vo y oars, ago, w decided t lay a A I tîle drai i m an(341 ditch bcd, vriteS correspondent. rhe open ditcn xvas L in the a and \as u4a ryn, little 0 more ater titan would rue through a four-inch tile wth a good flu. Te Ceylon tea heu thousands of get the t le dlown te th e proper frienda-the friends. of years. it doPth we like te havo themr four foot beiow the sui-face) it uns noces- neyer varies in quality. sary te put themn a foot or more ho- lew the bottoni of the diteb. ______ The fr't rtep fa tiling is toeos- tahuish a grade, or, rather, te ruai a level i.Tfs rmaý-t le n by get- SoId only in aeaied lead packets ting a surve-yor, at a good deal o f trouble and co.'t for nîost localities -Black§ Mîxed, and Green (for or y byie a lex clin-ý instrument, Wbfch is stili moiecsty yi- Japan tea users), 25c, 30c., 40c., Prevising a bomoema.- ceditch level, i SOC., 60C. or 80C. per lb. whicb takes time ad is not vory ac- curate. îBut te pet a gecd, acourate V level in ait old dlitch of titis kind xvc did net Mecd any cf thoso appliances.' Such ditries contain xvater theîro- tire lcngth at som.e scason cf the yecar which is scarcely moving, andA berce practicaliy level. lanlte sprn ýi _11 holin our dilol w as fa tbf s condition 1IÎ totok somre stakes, a' eut five fo Is for sale by ,il Leading long, sharpcnod thomr atocao end aO_ýGoe" îaarkcd tlîem plaînly w ith a line just three feet frcîîî th, opposite ed. WPegýinnieg et the ont], 1 of the draini, ihese n1ard steke-Iw ere di e down je te cetrecfthc ditch, I100) fletaat, until the îîîark on lte j very crack and crevice, and ho sta'kes ijost touched the surface cf d-mit vn n idd(en, there.ý the wac' The tops cf these stakes! There is ne food or1 corrective, se wero theii et a wifter level, or if the h way of a digestiv e, that equals w atcr' w as fiowing i-.lightly mfghtl charcoal. It ia easiiy Ihad, because inncline a little ton ard the outlet, vericus formrs cf the article may ho wbich woul.l do no harrn. 1amade by rte poultry raiser hiief. Nothing more %vas donc ;intil after 11he stili barrel ai-d eflen slop pail 1barvest, w heu ticetocre redy te iay have proved a watery grav e for the tiles. At this the diteh bcd wns many a fine chick-covers over themn dry-no wtnto or rnud te boher- tout1 prevcnt this-moreover coverod Yet toce had a tonton lovel to go by. barrels and peils attradt less fies The next stop nes te note the con- Iban uncevorcd eues. tour of te land uith respect te thce Do net over-feed veur fouir; that higbt of tho grade stilss and the' have froc range, thitey uill pick up Idepit at wbihl the outiot could hoý the langer part. cf thoir liv ing froîn placcd, and decic'e upon the grade,! W-ced ceds, scattered grain and or amnounit cf feý. Ini this case we. bugs. Thtis givos thena exorcise, the found w c could secure ttue inches flu1 ber-t possible ration- and toili pro- te a huiidrcd foot, and that te eut- duce the iargest possible resuit. lot could bo placcd six foot beleo theo top of 1 r EACUmNG HOIISES TO STAND. I THE LOW.EIl(IltI STAKE. Prof. W. C. Barnes, a noed herse We docided te bave or 1lino frem breaker, gives bis snethod cf tcacb- w hicli te moasun c the gi ace just ing herses te stand as foilotos: È lve foot aboxo the 1bottm'omf thbo1'«As -eue as leho bd bis Colt fainily fditci for convenleîncce uewrkieg i gentle and bcd ridide him a foxv thie trenil, hocco titis u-oulif brng it limies, ho xveuld throw the reins one fr-et belowthebb top cf the louer dewn, take a strong but selit repe grade stake. As tl;e fail uns two hebitie and hotible bus front legs. inches 1tte bundred fot and the Thon lho weuld fasten a stake rope, stakes 100 foot apant the lino wlould1 say tuenty foot long, le a front log bc two inches higiter at each succes- I and theo loose ed to a stout stake sivo stake, hence toc measured ,dowon or post. froni the top) cf the stakes 10, 8, '" Oidinnuily the herse w oulO ccx or 6, 4, etc., inches. resPectively and iov,ýe thur- fastonc),d, but if ho did hoc drew a lino. These lnowere just iscien camne te grierf. A loto lessens of five foot above' the bctý1tom cf thé titis sert cur'cd im and no"ver wcie trench tebho ug. fogite pAle aw1i liehowiulJý Our next stop toas te drive four r-ialy f'n islngrein bu h foot ieth et each side of the grade liorise's frotlegs aîîd t1t tons gon staksos c e bbc beks cf the rdjtcb orally --cot e mgi bc about 31 foot apant acd tack an- thal this ,ould be alîtto 0hurt ori other iath to thoni lorizontally so laine a herse, but I have donc if .o its upper edge would bo at the height hundreds anîd nover seiron oe burt la of the marks on the gcadc stalies. the least.. The gradie stakes tocie cot rinoxci j"0f course, xvhere they get siaat, and a lînto stretcited tigbrly over the like Mn. Wing's 'Saakey' mule thore cross piocos. The trench uns new1 is but one romedt', ccd uc usod to dug, the bottem bing dtermieed by pass our noies through a stirrup and ineasuring dlown front the tino coca-, thon up to and over the bore of the! sionally with a five foot rod. If the! saddle. This pulls the lîcad nround lino is in the way it aa ho pur-bcd te one side, and tbey gcnorally de te one side cveî' the top of the ver- acf. get fer. This is an old cowboy tical latha until needed. trick, bowevcr, that I presumne evcry- The tüools iieeded i diggîng an or- body knews about wbe bas been on dinary trench anc n ditching spado, the ranchi." a round poiated, shovol, and a g-rad- ing scoop whicb beaves a round sirnooîh bcd for the tile. We find the dlown te about six inches of the bot-B E L tom witit the spade and.shovel; then bogie e t the louer ed and takel I HT E R NC cnti the lest spado Sa,1: l;dean up the, cerunliur wth the shvoind use thel j puIïll rde co f cli tho final clo-I T 1. H.elyca, P. M., Proves Tha. ing, e il the bl wri j aknidf Doddl's Kidney Pis (Cure to iadlte tpper 1nd cfthoenh Measre d Ile ronttheglnading lice ý"-!P ;irnently. The tlscan thn h eas-ily laid from t ho. u iet upurd, lte vork- SoeeYears Since He UedThezu Now ma ivaiking backwnrd in the ditch qnd.He Has lIiad Good Hleithi Ever, We find that ryieet tules arce ntjf Since-Storv et a Well-Known New ýs] e" t the end and n bcjBrunswick Men. ORONO. Mr. James Vnton, Port Hlope, was U tewn reOent1y, Mies TVA Linton, has returntd home Dr. Armstrong, has returned to hifi -omea' Billingo Mon. M4iîs5Ton* ColiIlle, bas returned iroam a viait with friendz aa, Tyrone. 31r. and Mrs. Thos Doncaster, viSlit. 1 Bawmarville and Toronto. friendu. Mr. P. A. Alfred, le u pînp in cheeRe ,:x machinery, ta manufaclinre hie own :heejqe boxes. Mr, Frark S. Fàlrfilid, willI leave 1hortly for Kleonna, B. 0, or return liome ta Maine, Mae 500 ft. of hoae has recantly bc en ad dd à t, the fire departaient, making 1000 it. of new hose. M:ue B lth Chapmin. han aecured a iuation es bock ketper wlîh John 3;ýtirn. grecer, Oshawa. Mr J G. flor.ey tfîer &tten ding 0. 0. 0. F. G-And Oniuncil st Toronto, î i'ed 's a uahtrr, Mra, . WL.Long, ît Hier&. Mr. John G-y, of Dârling'on, sud 'rnde nte MiasuBail, are mevir3g te the Eoward Walsh faMm which lbe has 'eîîsed for a ternioff ave years. Mre. KKrr, (Jurl-vate. NW. T for- m nry cf Orono, bad ber heupe and ail ti cüwntt borne I on Feb. 7,h. when ha therneemeter reg, 40 beiow z-'ro. MnrIVili Simpon, son et Mr, Jo-epb Siml a, n, formenly cf C Yanke, hai hbeen ýAtected reeve of aeeoe the new tewn. îtilfu et the NoDrni West Terrîtenies. Mr willimPttrofe eadl 'evieltifle hbie aehtrMre. Herb i3eet Mr. Pattere sn lu neccv'ýeriag from thnoai, srcub'e whioboonfined hlm te the hcuse a cotipie fet mon hu. âir. Wa!'demar Huûte:r, b~as retura- ad frcmn a trio te VictiOIA, B. 0,, where he met the Letszh tumily. At Calgary, .Aue&, ha met Me. J.ý L. Rowe and eail y, wrhnm he fonn]inm the best of heâýth îai sptrltr,,Mn. Rnwe having a geod peaitïon with the Cilgary Sad- diery Ce. Mr. Aaron Rabbins and ion Bic and Mr. and Mru. Ornuldo Turn- er. are as. fbeee. A D ANG EOUS HABIT ladstone's Physician Gives Warn- ing Against a Growing Ameriean Custom. The grewing habit among-st Atmer- icans et takfng a mint tabiet or sème otiier se calleddigestive atter eating a hearty nneal, is semething that Sir Andrew Carke, Mr Gladstone's phv- -ician advices strengis against, saying, 'It la absoiutely danigerens te take into the stomnach, remedies which are Depu. iarl1v supposed te aid in the digestion of food" There is nothing knewn te the science of medicine that stinpertormn the work, of te hunnan stomach Dru2s do net L!Ud cannwet digest the fodO Thevý simply decemnpos:a ItL WhRt car% be more revoltiog or dsutn than the îtheugýht ef t àk;inLpsemeptiing into the 8tnmacli,,that is .igte turn thoe geod food 3ou have eateu inito a i-miss et corruiption. The eî.lv wai;te overcomÎe indiges-_tion aad ha eovil effects is te remeve ail irri- tation, eongt-siton and injflqmmation frein the stomach, liver and in3testines. avd %-Ii--na is the eniy agent knewn that wili de this.- -Nhon a Mi-o-na tablet la tak en before each ineai everv trace of irritation and inflammation is removed front the stom- aci and'digentive sstemn, and those organs will extract from the food ail that gees te make good, rich blond, firmn muscle, steady nerves and a sound L'ealthv bedyvif you sufer with head- aches, indigestion. flarulency, spots be- fore the eý es, vertige, or dizzines-s, p&lpitation cf the heant, sileepiessuesa, or any stoxnach troubie, get at fift t cent box ef Ni-o-na fromn Stott & jury one of cur most reliable drug firme whoee faitb in the remed v la shown b-x their off er te return t'ie inonev if Mii does not gieceipiete atifci EADYILTON CHIEF KILLED. Hîs Buggy Coliided With a Chern- A d!espatcb freým I Uni1nîltnsy As a resit cf ,a cellisfôn.betweea bis n g and a chemnical iionie, which oc- corred wben he xxas on his way te a tire about 10.35 on Wednesday meon- ing, «Alex. W. Aitchison.. chef of the ire departmet, wns se seriousiy in- jured that ho (lied about an heur and a halilaiter. It bas t1ways been pre- dicted that the chief would iacet bis eutcaefl erer C te * Wantod, -A Good Agent FOR 1 IThe-OLIVER Typewriter, O Over 100,000 et these machines havt, been soid un tihe United States within lte last few years at the same prie *whieh is beingcl hargod for any other standard typewriter. * This proves conclusively that te OLIVER us lte very best machine made regardleset price. C As there is now lu Montreai a factory devoted exclus- * iviy wt he mnanufacture of titis mc it ati e be bought * iii Canaýda for lte salue price al wich ut ts sold in thte * Unitvd Saiswithout adding from $25te ffl to cover duty Tis shouldi be a very atacieproposition to anly 0 purchaser of writing machin esý Apply to dhe SCAINADIAN OLIVER TYPE WRITER CO.,0 183a St. James St.., Montreal, death whîil performing his duty, and, Hospital, and i d d shortly after 12 unfortunately the prediction has o'ciock. Driver Britton wa.s badly corne truc. The fire did net amiount! cut abo if the face,. but bis injurioq te much, the alarm bcing sounded; are not serioes. becaise a quantity of grass was on Citizens wcre deepiy shocked at the tire at the head cf West Avenue. The death of the chief, who was a Most chief started off to the ire, his driver efficient ,head of the lire departinent, Matt Britton, being fn the buggy his faine n ot being confined to Hamn- witbh hai. He went up John Street. itea alone, and he was pepular as The cheinical engine carne aiong the a mnaný sou'th cf EKfng Street at a rapid Pace, and before it could be stopped The clephant in his prime siceps the tongue cf thc wagon struck the enix five heurs a ilight, and the eid- chief's kig and upset it. LThe chief er ho grews the less sleep he nieds. was thrown over tue dashboard and1 jWlen eating a cake in a Fani s ros- landed on the asphait pav enient. I-le taurant a littie girl ciglit yeara nild %vns lnconscieus, his, 'kull being frac- was bittea by a hungry dog belong- Cured ai]d ic roceix ci inliirnal injur- in, te the ownor, who had te pay ict5. I-le w as roinox cd-te thc City $240 dainages. pURC-EST HE L2O . à MKES810 BRACES' THE NERV-ý'IES. PEO"'PLE WELL -UILSPA TH IN SPRING FI ME. gThe Kind T-hat Has MadaeSuh Wonderfui Cures.-f - - ------------- -------------- A--' +dýý ut ýý-i When you have to use hard water it is flot an easy matter to wash household utensils. To do good washing you should have good soap and soft water (rain water). If you use bard water you must have good soap, and the best soap you can get is Sunlight Soap because it soffens the bard water and makes a copious creamy lather. Use Sun- light Soap for ail household purposes and the results will surprise you. ASK FOdR THE OCTA"7fGON BAR, Sung~h So 2vaslzes te clotizes wi/ ithz njet ue hands LEVER 1ROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. 6a DON'T REA D-THIS. Every Day is Bargain Day At the SPeople's Fuel and * Lumber Depýot., We are stili handling Best Brande Canadian * Cemetits, British Columbia lRed Cedar and other good * Brands Cedar anld Pine Shingles, Pine and Hemloek S Lumber, Dressed and Undressed, Doors, Bash. blinda * and Mouldings. Fresh Mined Scranton Çoa.1, Cannet Coal, Steain C oal, Charcoal, Hard and Soft Wood, Lung, Sawed and Split, Slalbs, Edgings, Land Plaszter, Fine and Course Salt in barrels and sacks. WVe always aim te give the best value ai. reasonable priees. llighffl Cash Prie. * paid for Grain and Seeds. * Mng( ýst East, flowmPenvIle. *

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