advautage. il Siln311er1 butter, Omat was mod(e by th !-dep caiti ln di- luting the 'ýnilk vwith jwater, innot be held at ail. It does no0t keop and would flot be worth any mr 'than soapy- rease b - Oetober. Tt haS to go at the ruling price as soon as madie. Herleabouts suich butter, no matter how good it rnay be, brings from 12 to 14 cents; in Octobeýr sum- mer butter whici. has fairlv well kept, brings 18 to 20 cents. These are fac(ýtq thait cannot be disputed. A fei o! the srmnIIbutter, making farmrts aveprict- ustomers who pax (ttho i trprices the ya roun 1 d. TIey matke a good arlirie; but th m111o tyare dependent ont t)e reguar mrkt,, nd nuth,,1(1 'point theure is one greavt tiraw!)acc ýabOUt his butter bsesViz.: a inrge aoun of butter matie by ,farme(rs la noor. oarticulariv whcn iiwe bave lttie creama, adm very palatable butter,- owhtad ig that our two cows now nea the endi of their lacteal period. Our butter at the preseut time 15 o!-- arather-pale ,colorn asý-comDpare-d with our sunmmor butter, but it f5 noue the worse for that. 1 have ne-ver founfi a single consuiTer wlio object cd to our butter on account of lack of color. No on)e hes ever askëd us to color ouýr m artifici- al]y. 1 have takeýn espertu i Ins to fînci out n'hat their wsisneeas to thIis, andi bliee hat alrtifîci'al it was-'ý n't for the enier.1Thucon- sumer7s Waut n o cioin iaterpu intfo their butter a ýt il, aii thie ed. 1', shuId mcn uner hesame heatii ns aditeroation o(f other food produets. It shoufId beý foriiden by lan'. At best it is a d;iLy, flIthy TI-I VWINTER PItOIUCT. dihnsy îCIlaua î semeto Ie that this et net be. se. The10 ofohfarmners kmowl $100 REWNARD, $l4Xà Perm anen( foe , ll~,ycon's, blit manîe( rir MotaoCorpo3retion pains te keep thofil ea. If cows t -hat sine!bsbeen abieto0en i KlILs aceie hCanadatonf t es, anti &Uthat lis tarrh ,Hall'a Catarrh <t'rmely aîranet ati re egectd i ths drecion fltir- urais the oniy positive cure kuown tetHe WereruCaadaMorgaexCoatio n)d -wili find its way inte thre -milk pail medicai fraterty. Catarrir being a contitu moe rles annd from suchI polluteti tional diseage, requires a constitutioqai treat- 2 1 OT C STRTORRONT-q7ý M I"'MIlk even tire bli screarnery couici"le"t ifall's Catarrli Cure ta taken înternaily, acting drectly uponnthe bîoti and i ueonssur- oet makge god butter. faces o! the syslem, tbereby tiestr yiug the _______ ~Milk pails are uwadxses con- feujdatlon o! thetilsease,atiglviný the patienit structei ~ . tenq8ib by building np the constitution aild AN XPESIV UTLE AR. fled asik. keop t-cire rt ont e! assisuog nature luntiongIlis work. The po Aý1ý EýXE1NslVEllVA 1Stvaieumrs, yotfon anti prietors have se mueh failiin lu it eu'ý"Ive cheee coth ar usti o pex ntifr-pý,%ers that they offer Oue a ndtreài Dollrs for' Âccodingf0 acaiulaton e et ege s lthac-sdropîn; into tireay case ibat it faits te cure, Senti for iste!o ma !te-t oan expdirioara i lk. A similagli rpi i lit ofre o i reli Lioeilgi. ofddhe orma. F. .C £XEv & C. oei, f Le aSo h-etAfia oistesale m9n ,c augo. We <id net Subi by Omggists, '75c. (4ove '-e 3 28 arks per d whicli Tare halls Familv Pisafor Coniî, tiHn. day, like it. St iii is oeCaO nbebf equis ýabouit ;-2,500 per aiuum. A toi 'q and m;,ýoe prartiraL. l[owGer, if Derýiman tat1iotician sa-,s int ithe i l trefirat pinr e nu dponflit isa1aionod eniecost o! lihe Ber War for Eng-) rto getint etxopaiu or on the PP ELE X'NSS ,anldwoke net et U.5() per man xiii bu *ery rmucl ot Po p ies goos on as hoe begian. tntday t . "lis au ' acoiplibeit-i preaching andi practicitig tice simple k~ mat las - avesoe ets ir' 1)oit cutra perfcctîy ch'an. 11e,Ilie bas leoq ,reduring display fore lie eau have amy worth wh Ue cwiax nvr d li r iiteeu aii n aain he quainfanie cbrus, curry-comb or 0".This, as may be lmagiedil frulits. sponge ant i & 'ae-a îi5erai use net i esati. factory te flie ists -o f - tiae hnsmgitî,k juuie a of 1'OSOlil~01aou h ai diffeounco 'ith tho cew anid tlie but- irn.W iltia ictra[gixr J toi' Tbot'e m lwal s -on,,oltter o jht pot-iftlromains as affable andi ac- a con'W l h's lijeu 1mVingrcsi ac s cicr to fri('u(s o!fere ds ( own.s 'I liereareL ',Lose bu irs and ~5 daisi lu to forai o! scab, et rlieso ting ncd rmrm Ctlu.ien't it, hlien muerbigger or weuv minus before ttenibie sîîm sceema n'lion you haýve te mihiu ps t l ark than'Vif n'as we ou Eç a bilis hed 1879 tnt01Win ueatenids f0 bis ,o'sbo'rovedit Who!gcough1 Croup, Bocii hsrglrytiea dcl. enly1 a Cogh Cip AthaDihtera few miuearteired eah fl., 'tif le eseeninI fliat 'e n ait sent Crso E4el a booýn to Asthma,s feifteen inutiies after tins andibfr CRmSOLmX l a Ion,' .stA1bllhed and Standadeey we niik, se as to give the sititret il-p for th. die.,., tedîe.t.d. I cre bcae heaw ru dust sufficient tinie to settie, or' cisc dcccl asteogiy antsept i, ta aried user the dieased sur. some o!flua swould lmpart undesir- fac.a of th broeil .tb. witiî evry breati, givlng able flavor te tire miik. 1 always -A n fcld poo:ged and contant treatmeat. Thoseofa censtnp- wan to tkefa thlenitli ot wa or liv. teude cy, or sufreers feue. hro.le bronchtis. Sud w n o bk alwt o ae im,ýe5itscre1ief fron ceuglia or jinit.iud ceuditieny ef wlfh me whea T go fte erow bood. Ut must b. cur.d quick- titheni tablIe te mille. With a clolir or My and permodiently,. ShilIoh' a I Vap a cteieel ed sonetire utders shouild be waaLtheýd ty -cglt r etpe at -bd WfradyclfrIf'Cosrpl Cure, Cthe Lung ptdoarcip fpre,. 1a irlie . W t idý-col 1 jli "f prr~sseoi- ii mpfejb. Nofhing wilii remlove T0nlc. i le-aart to t.kceand cretitu $55. Sud fr , . ,~o rpr-epare tire utder aay btter for crstoogl.Yu oe 1,otel and.~e. -T WArUtU0,ANTP SOPTENS IT. - a5%s,5 ts n l cook's Vftoan Root CompounA. Theonly safe effectuaimonthiy 7 n etixoîne on which woinen eau, 'j dpenti. Soiti in two degrees of atrength-No. 1, for ord±nary casesl,$1Iperbox; No. 2, 10 de- NM greezl stroager for Special Ca, $8er box. Sole! byiail pgfts Aslt for Cook'st Cot- T.11e 000k Medioie Co.. Windsor, Ontario. Quelyeýc as fac norith as Lake Abitily-l. Thence thlno rus toa point igit miles lnorth i eo utiet e of the Ai tibi Riveýr, dlue n'est to t he N'ipissin- Aig:oma b1oundary lino., thonce soetýh1 on,! the bountoary lino, dix ergin4' 'ls greatnorthra bnd o! the àMotroal souternbounary o!ftrthc om'sip o! ~ ~ I Coen1,11,tonruaalongth thle 3 ad th rocssions 0f T-or- cain townýship to Lake Temiskamling. FOUR $LSPASSED. Gilmsby'S wiii coufirming water %vorks byý-Iïans w ont through thre Pri-vate Iifls Comrmittee after brie! No opposition w as offereti to the biP ofriu agrooîments betweenl, London ai itsif street railwaV. Brmtnasýked confirmation of bî h1ans -;,-uti0ng a lbanlotheficCope- lanf-ChttesonCo., xthich la bocat- ing thoe. heby-ian', whirli nas voted on lied t,-)bo omendeti by fthc C'ouncýi] for sisfactory reasons and heue the f.cgfshture's sanction is asked. Theo bil] passe pending proof thaf ail cndto ,!the act werel Strtford .iý.M.C. A. m'ist pay taxes on1 local Ipoeius The by-iaw' confi mng ncororaionanti grant-ý iu eemtin nasamndt f0 this C-RAI?4E COLLAPSELI. El1ev-re n iVien illed in Russian lýavy lYard. A Su. Prtrsur espatrli says: ilicro n'as lacrotiedisate i lie PUtîlufI iu - W,.ho n Tuest!Il. A craîo o-('H:lpd ad usiddon'ail up- I ontn' gîabotb1îeaking trie decks CHTEF'S DA'UGHTER BTJRNED. Seven--year- aid Chilid Ferjshes Near !Caledonia. Ilie 7-yar-old dtiifro! i-ie! Inianas b 'Id o dea0flionIrle liad bctsntt undoWn sema! B ELLE VILLE lBusiness College, Book keepliig; Shorthand; Typewritirng; office Work .Teiegraphing anid IHall- way Wuri; Frenchi andi German. Evelry Depertrnent a Specialty. J. A. Tousaw., Belleville, f J. LrrlthJeffers.-i Seectaryf Ont. I. Presidentr). (35) Application to Parliamnt. apx ainwili becae ythe Corp'ýr. ation of the twn f 3Bowmn,viieto tfin begýi2 isture o! the Provincve of COniario nt its nexit session for au Âct: i. Tfo valdate andi conhlrm b ýy-iaw No, 6,4 being a by iaw,, iiiuled IBys~wf1hCor9raiono!thle town o! ~owmavIii autorlz 'lite Corporatin to Ioan Thie Durham RublienGompny the purp3osEs of theý said ja. 2.To vaildate and conhrbi ,ylaýw No. 695' 1being -Uv iaw o! tuie Corporation outhelictown of Bowmsi-nvifle autborizlsg the Corporation to eyclaesge the Idbtrneatf TlbeDur- hala Rubber Cowmpany Limited o!$8.030 00 te them to a&bonus of same ainount secureti ma mortgaet on lts reai estate plant andi 3. To confer sncb rights andi powers en the said Corporation as may be neessary or ativantageous to enabie the salid Corporaion ta carry out' the intent of the sald by1aws, and for othrr purpuses. î SIMPSON & BLAIR of tbe town of Bloivmauvtlie solicitors for the sad applicants Dateti at Bowmanvilie, 3lWarch 15th, 19011. il -6w BIGGEST WATliER-FIPE. 1The biggest water-pipie ii the world 1 --capable, it la ssiid, of holding an average rvrf owned by the On- ;tario Power Coi:npany on the Can,- dian side of Niagara Falls. The gi[- greatest of health - giving, exercises for womnen. As with ska.ting it calls Into action every muscle in the body, drives miiadulterm&ed air into the lungs end stIn-ulates the mmnd with the feeling of speed and unusus.l environment. Bi- cyclIng Is sutnrner skating. The new 7 wIth the Hy9,ienic Cushion Frame and Suils Handie Bars makes the har--dest road smooth as Ice. WRITE FOR CATALOGUES. Canada Cycle & Motor C. MAKERS0F THE--WORLD&S& IYLS TORONTO, CAN. Agents for tie Mmisev Bicycle, Bowmanvlle gantic pipe, whîuni l rade o! steel the big tube e L; g matie w tirrougireut, fa amile and aqa terfle thirirness off slanti la ength and 60 feef f crn u!e- ing tire-m togetirer 200ltns ence. Thre steel plates frora whicli ets wiIl lie re'îuired. jet which exiains our ayeilim by vwbich dcepDsits niay be mratie and withdrawn by mail as conveni. ently as if pour own post office werC Our office. Stendç for it. Yon wLll finti il interesting. ~fe - r W7EAVEWSCERT j Cleanses th nz Beautifies the Complexion. ful pon the system, compieteiy eradicat- ToCure a Cold hi One Day Fc-S-w ç Takee Laxatiýve Bromo Quinine 'rabiots. d i 01%z0 Sevn illon iboxes sola i past 12 months. TESisîsinature, ' #.-7PL-bo Au L 1 Co,,