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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1905, p. 3

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DOMINION PARLIAMENT"Ïi NOTES 0F PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE 0F COMiVONS. CRIMN!NAL CODEý. tion, VOlS gi\,en aV, on enig T;he am1deut maks itleesr to hve ~itnrs fes aid or tenjder- cd.beor a ~ tusscani !,e- a,ýrted1 lor failurie to aotend;out The bull1 a1se rvie a qI!ický and cheap, ensofý appeal from, a 1Maiýs_ tr-ate's, colIvictioni, by aikîig it liel to thl- nearat iiion Court, in- sEteadl oi the CAr ol ene(ral Ses- BILLAs RA A T11iRDî TIME. Th' ie Sollo-wing bUiîs wece,ý renld aý R1aUlway of aaa-î Schell (Ox- tord.) Repetigth Edmonton, Y ukonI iind l'acific Railway Compan3,.-Mr. Resecingthe Toronto, Hamiltoni and luIaoRaIlway Conîpaay.-Mr. Zimmer-man. Foi: theele of James Arthur Pyor_.-Mr. Ca'î 7et. Rospecting the Board of the 'Pres- byterian Colleg el k1a1î~- Sinclair. Respecting the iagra St. Cath- arines and ToIronto Railwnyv Com- pany.-Vr Clet RTespetcting the T(oro te an Ram ilton iliWay Cmny-r Cal- vert. Respectin the Cana ýdian Northerni fi'la Comnpanly.-Mr. L1nont. 1 j~ig Comany.Mr.Scot t. of thle bih1 pabe the iïritishý Colniba Lgi.latcc on Fridayl 11(111h is intended te exclude Japan- n'e rin that Province. Mr, Nossel state islbeqnently that Sir Wilf tidJ gaveh aquran)ces that, the bil wvould be disallow cd. iN- ITHE 513'<ATE. Tiche at gave the third reading' Io a blîlý respccing the Guelph & t4eogia Day iailway Company, and te a43, ur iincorporating the 0,,.en. ion Meaford Railnay Co1npany-. 'lhle Ottawa Electrice Compny'sbill -es read a second, liule and refe ied te the Railxvay1 ComnmitVue. Seý,nator Edwxards' reso-I litii ini La lver ef Government ac- t ion te checýk thýe spread of tubifercu- Iceis w,ýas a1doptedf, and Mon. R. W.1 I1 You L e i s Wrî You are Wronig al OVeý1r pii 'effort te vroi il alid esiab- lisbi g0od liaP an~erf c hoi Butterinut P4.,cnatd t necded Ilwnt o iücreasez liver nc- tivity and nxusê #erion tg arcu-1 rately to the elugeish >iwer snd bow- eis z'etcHlg tbeeipefy éuVfpose yOur boel failiel to nieve for a Weelc Or ten dsYs. DeWt y kawyou wuuld1( bc A'ncIly, prcs- tratd? l lajnu th flaIne, (lif&feijg la dgrea, When1 youir bowels eîo 1,wt move et jeat oae e iday. Ycii kueoW yenoui becG= Inguidi und tired, your blocd gets- bed an yen feel aieasi alid njck aWU ever. YonI M11OÙM have a fuli, he*lItby pasae ily. voust jet sroscrmnditins ile-6.. With's Piiewl andl îtuteraat "la i;l-dr-m t pe i o ut of rA i~ir systeen au"sabis euai %rTby are èueyvpal, ad xcre in eue night. W* illl;sez ilyen a trous smpie of! tIiese ;Ila AhsoýL1t0 Fýree, stéakd an'd postpai, ti wt wii1 convince ' co4 oito! tLhfàr tlrecaýs W. P. .3Iitb Cen., 'S,5 St. Ja5es Pilla cure Constipation, Blîlousues ad Sflk Ileadache lint uerght, Ail dealers 23 cenKlts. A Cýwe et the. Pe0p1e Prl1ce. Scoti thnnked fthe mover very hîglly fom Invling brought the matter for- wat'(L BEýST KIND 0F STABLEý-. Mr. J. H. Grisale, agricuituriat atiflic entaiExperhacutal Parni, drcedtice Agriculture Comî-lnitîe nii je rtock mal fers. lHe dcveted1 mo,,t (et bis tim0teadvice as te 1mw te huP f tIebest kiad et a stabl. Be d\îied careful lattentin tech'nies liglît, warmth and ventlatin. ianketing ed herses ini thtc stable ra recomiaended as a Prouetion and saviîîg iin giuoming. As a î'atio)n of îay, Mr. Grisdale reconnneaded one pound of hny for encl one huondred pouneds fhe herse wisfor cacî ineal. MR.SMAT'SRESIGNATION. _Mî M. Talor waa iufoî'ncd hy Sir WiVîd întMc.E.E. Cory was tIc resnt eputy Minister 0ethtIc lut, ir.Mr. J. A. Smattlad re- ig-ud ila December at. and lad nef bec supeanuatd. There waa ne reasun on rcord for is rusignatien. 1e lad sol scati 1 1y been employed by tic, I2patint oethîe Iuie,'ior te do some speial werk ai $10 a day. RAILWAYS AND- CANALS. Accordlng te a rturm brought doua thiere las been expendcd on raihu ayxs and canaIs since J uly 1,, 1878 feor constructing, equiPping and sulisiding up te Pcb. 1, efthîe pre- sont ycar, tfliouleowiug suais: Constructing and eqoipping aihunys ......... _..........>$88 '31o *791' Subsiiag rai.lways... 59),2-87,995 The et ura anys tît "ne offciaiJ esti1tqaeaubu inade at i prasns te t toalcsiiat l iabi-,if y -in-1 !curred by CanadIa on, account etf île nt r e ...... ......... _........... ,5 ,4 1Manitoba ...... ............9,2,2 North-West Territories .. 12.90.7 rifisI Colomnbin ...... ..... 2,9W.,071 Tofai ........ .... ....... . 0,5639,54 POWERl TO BIID GIVENý. lie Raihway Commitîi ce reported al bil extenig too h D.A. W,.CtA î' ler sent direct te the dtSeQaee parts by the improveJ Blesr. Heala the ulcers, clears theai phrasa'e, Stops droppions inithe. d peat artanmacures 90,000 M"EN NEEI.ED. Cry Frorn West for More Assist- ance in Farm Work. A W ilinipeg despatch S'ays: "Ex- JutnItng over theIoe of this -year, ManIIiteha will reqire the, help of about90,00 incmersfor sei~ hayin, hare !Itn(ind arm work geer1l,"bndJ. J.Godn Pro- vincialImirto Co isonr last yenr, when abiout 50,000Were2iý brought in for that purpose. The, class of imigrants comning to this province this year is much superior to that of any previous onie." Reports fronà the "Soo" Line are that settlers are pouring inte the West from the States in unprecedent- red uumbers. SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE CURILD 1 Wa-s trélubled with a distross in my stemRecb, sour Stomach an-d VOMiting 1spells. and can triithfullv say that DChauiberIsin's Stomach a nd Livor Tah- lets ciired xne.-irs T.,V, Williams, LaisbugMich. For sala by ail tdruggists. *«I have been subject to sciatic rbeu- matism for vears," ïa,0 E, H. Waldren, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "M.v joints were stiff and gave me much pain and discomnfrt. M'ý; joints would crack wben Istraightened up. I used Cham- berlain's Paýn alm 'and bave ben "tbereughlv curedl. Have nethada pain or !h rom the oild trouble for manr: IlmnthS [t la cartairnhç a mot wonlder- LONDON CHURCH CENSUS. MXethodists Lead, Anglicans Sec- ond-Onl-y One infidel. iA LndnOt., deaFpatchsa: FigurfeS t hechur-ch ceus lathisl clwert ivnout oa Wtedlesday ilight, am liuw adhrrnt heiof :37 dfiierenit rects. The return,, for the ] more prominent bodies were as fol- lows- Mthodists........11,225 Anglicans............ ..8ý,545 Presbyterians ... ..... ...... 7,123 l3aptists ..... ....... ......8,756 Roman Catholicq .........3,385 Congregationalists ... .....515 Ont infidel 'vas inc luded in the re- WHIAT 15 ANTI-PILL? -Y 'i ad Fa'r»fBlkwe A Seneiat Peculiar Nanse Ex-. fe.Al dealers,,cir1)r. A. Wý Chae Moil1cne Co., Tot'ooioand Buffao, plaiaed-How Dr. Leoenhardi 1 __ __ Camne te Cail His Famous Pre- l laînilfonp Gait and Berlin Coin scrption "Anti-Pill." pamy. Tices, uIfa and Nanammo. Raîhway bili aa reportcdf, auflorir.- Dr. 1cibad ond ij 1 i srctc in-gtfle sale et fltîntroacdtutehîe thaf Chron01ic ostptinanifis canlladian Paidýc. Ticlîbill wasidc crpant eoîl ei f nmede, owuer t of cýci Iel-th re d Up condition ettic mu11cous teea setcreditors)n. aciLanining of t1,11m, ban '1lhe Mclénicnn anaCa-boce Ieivsigdfrte n p)any'sbîlh respecutfig fie JamI1es Da:y fonl thint (tus coition wats ai Elaiwaywnsrcpotod cmoworno-abl brogîtabot byfietacof i ad lwetoy alid rOm Sudbiur hesarsnot esderman e wetel t heCnain i t hea a nd flua ms adtiaiig ecfon i~ui;id ond Port Ai hur. Ti i n ih bout an Mnfîonl a~dicaefor aistmIl at, bowel ThceOtfawa aid ou 'i irk Bail- drneofswil ol uctie wayobtlae fic onuittees a- y tI c rfi";ah ýjrumlnous iattet'. prevl et le1.islàtiOnl toeetp IXto waytf.'li a etfie ourycc- ,1, -id i,1c ,hsletic dOer-' srpa te hf ei ty of al1ldfaMo ý nýl en.S haei tilvaiiceetomates îiîumt UeBritish t-enslind raaena e aei _____ _____ _____A ti-Pi'îhiwil h cure dySpep ia . bil- iMANY VILLAGES DESTOE.li5 cicetipio eely an-eltoc cicr-cure te afay curot- C ylone in 1Vadagascaàr Caused wdohno lofer. let obaovr Grea LOr e Lie. Oc. AI] dinggists, or lic Wilson- A despatel ti oi- 1, Atana iari o", File Co., Ltie.FNnaataIlsý dow the Iotreeti. i'ItinioreSay$ cd, i omis ucre lo ecuîoaaBiti otimbins bjette on- dewntit riei' tetre~ AVan :1-11 .C,. desof wici anys: Clsuand tct treJnpannse, wero tkenfrom fIla scity te flic Keoena sînglemill ai Saînro. Tic hiteb rtrePte aliow tIc Ori- tojrced fhrmte fake tIec nxt train to1itc nactstaionl.'Vie entais, aad IcainiL work rfbu fhem. Aniohrattmp wllli police, to Inauid t Asiafios hn îIle peopie ieo sinig m about wIIantiIig te bw aigi,woulave ine t rouble in geltfing 1their eglbrst Russian ýGarrison at Vladivostock I Greatly 'Strengthnd rree G*ifts of Joulet SoaPs Use SUNLIGHT SOAP and SAVE. THEî£ COUPONS. Th*Ie Coupons are thp same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out rnoney every week. SOAPS for nothing. Ask your grocer for pai ticulars or write -us for Premium List. A gift is of littie value if it consists of something you have no use for In exchange, for Sunlight Soap Coupons you cati get soniething you rieed and use every day. LEVER B ROTUIERS LIMITE.Do TORONTO, CANADA. ONTARIO BIRTHS 100 FEW IATEST RECORD IS REPO.RTED AS UNSATISFACTOUY. The Provincial Vital Stafisticas- Marriages Show An Increase. The thirty-ourth annuai report ot.. the Registrar-O encrai et île 1Pro- vince et Ontario givesany initer- estiug details regarciing -!irths, miar- riages and deaths for the year end- ing IJevember 31,10. TIe estirnated ppltinas2,- 198,692, and the nuomber ofbrts nlding sti1U irtî.s, 48'1,7421-, 0f this 25,071 were mnaie and 2,7 femnale, a raite of 22-.1 p,- theusa"ý1nd of fhe ppuaioZ'chw,, Lesi than ,the rate t nîl Europeancoun- trieos, vcb igte flic rettimna or. 1900, the ntatavilbl, ilithe exeto fFrance-, la whi"ncb cot- ty it ws2 1.9.This rae, thele -- port ;y-ii naiatr, 'anid la- Contiats flic hIiglust irth rateý Edward t'e howesf, 14.6. Terevas a marked fnlibig oý t nYokCony and 61 in 193. Ticnt -bc e fui. biruLs iras 492,or 8 esthan, num Jretinfants bora eut c f wed- Lick a 72,or16i pcl' 1.400 '(1 h Wales in 1902, and 625 et et endli 1,0 irths la Scoýt]Land ini fiat INCREASE 0F MARRIAUES. The marriages regisfered nrumbeiedi 19,880, or 9.0 per' 1,00) et the pop-' ulation, an increase et 1,8412 0or tIc î rcceding year. The owstmar !rage rate %was il aRnny Rier Dis trict, 5.5, nind the inhstl Essex Couny, 6.3 lieliterligure Uis rinuce rate is cniee aifcoy Juoc was fhenIeSt pof,01,1;,nt formrras. ydoniais thc Metho-diat Cuclii h h si n te nu oe f marae,3 4por cen1t. tIc Plresbyterian Chi:iurc hlad 20.63 per ea, tic Chur-cî of Enigland 17. 20 and the Roman Cntholic Chiurcli 15.9.5. TU-E DF.ATH RATE. The deaths,, inchudling sth-birthis,l numbcred 2 ,064, a proportion ofi 13.41 Per 1,00U of the reperting pop- uhiàtiou. slîghtly in cexcess ef 19"2, but love'r by 0'.2 per cent. than in 1901. 'lhe rate for 190O8 nas, how- ever, the highe.5t recorded with the exceion- of 11300, when iii wns 14.0 p)er ýent. 0f the total deatha, 8,- 684, ci 9. per cent.ý, happened be- fore the fith p ear of ile, and 6,7001 or 22.5 per cent. eftIte total, oc-I1 curred in the irst year of life. On- tario's infat inortahlty wvan' thus, 111 pur 1,000bhhs that of Eug-j land and Wales, for 1902 mvas 13:3. The menths , f June and Septembiler; were the healtiest of the ear Whihe! th etafrom enteocic fvrsblowedý bu ittle cang ovr thluse et thee preced1g eh, h inecton asgen.- cmlII net ;a city haviag be 1fe fro iits aeu nlec.Pemr det11- fren tiibrchyisin 190 nee2,728<, anidfil 9229 show ibis foe~ eposbe 1r, abouit 900011-1, hemaximum! et'atswa ,8 l0. There 1 were15 ucde.eorcdeaths REASON No 14 WHY YOU SHOULD USE ?d Ro e, 100,000AT VLADVO CK7 ton miles away, andfirequnently cav- Adespatcl frun, ToM X,,.~~-Ifs jalry akirmiisîca take place. The pris- reperted here that the Russians arce ncra capturcd have sabre cota ou cent inually reiuforcing the garrison their heads, shewing Iand-to-Innd at Vladivostock, and tînt the work askirmishes. ot strengthening the tortresa is pro- grcsaing,censtantiy. If is aaid that WILL CAPTURIE VLADIVOSTOCX. "the plans ot tIc RUssians cent cm- A despachIfreino Washington says:. pinte a garnison numibcring 1000Field M-,.arshal Oyaîna plana te cap- men with 500 gouns. Many addition- turcV' iostock before tice Russian ah ateriaredoubts, liarriers and Pleut, or any part cf it, can rench puts are la course ef con1struction that Port. This informration las, ai n aemous gaontc mun'- been rcceîved here throu- htrust- tuien arc beîug acilaeted Tewortîy chamiols. For the Japaneati qusiansthef ia raid hoe t 5the capture et Viadivostock wouid caupte ofortresa nt g i wil be hoa'trumnp card. The thawiing of capale f wthsandag si~e. the soit and fthe înuddiaess ofthtI VLADVOSTCK QUADON. rends la a factor now working heav- VLADVOSTCK QUADON. ily agninat theai. But if they suc- A despatch froi St. Petersbuîrg ceed they wililhava cîeckmated a says:-Tiore is an, embargo on nuws ipossiàble Rusian inove-the assin- froni Vladivostodk ýcenccerning the b oge tanpart etfti,, t a ti usincroiseraRessa, G-omeiýb 01, rn base, andl subsequient harass- aud Buatyrand i ni ' entoetJapanese ahipping and raids theugi fie- dmratydoa otco- utransporta. firai tIc upoiiotîtth have 11lu haing eut- fleir ar thgîe pot to e sa t elcin ieîsenan ap prevut mieiain. Corieabe ehave tried te fese-ýe ahI irritation la aietd nnvlci-psilecnigace.A gthese dles at the activ;ity of B;iisislýips is lic chiance that Roj(estvenky ay iný Chinese wtePrs, whidh ae repor- le able witi aàpart et his ileet te cd te bc steamaing trom lHong Kong Leape Tego'a slipq and, make h is te Singapore, and their ac;tio)n is at- way te Viadivostock. Even if there tibuted te a d*eaire ,te 'keep ha tonch, shouhd le a pitched battle between with thc Russian aquadron and me-i the *quadtroiis and thu J apanese wero port its movements to -the worhd af decidedhy the victors ln fIe engage- large and te gvcat Ilritain's alhy iin ment, a considerable nuimber et Rus- pari icular, as happened in the casesian shipa might make their way te efthfe British armured roiseri Sutlej, flic naval base, and, by strcngtbeuing whicb arrived at Singapor,, Strïif.s the detence there, inauke it a niucI ,Settiement, ycsterdny., nd 1rcperted bharduer nu(tot crack aft4orwardý. it bi ing passed tIe Rusias ed ,onàd tiln nd forces et Jupan Oaa capt)ure Pacifie aquadran ai da liglt, April VLadivo estoc!, ducing thecocinunig tIree 11, -steaminig north. oir four weelca, or hefore tIc surviv- STO:ESSELors et Rojes-ivcusky'a fluet can get STOFSSEL 3ONDENED. tsere, a grent point wiil have been A desaacl frora Cmacow says:-Ac- miored. cording to a ncwspapcr bere, ýtIci The Japanese believe they can take commission nppoiatcd toencquire in Vladivostock during the coming te fIe surreuder ot Port Arthur h lsmentI. Nimost any finie nowmamy condcmned Gen. Stoessel, who sur- come news et tho arrivah et Gea. readered fthc fortress, te bie siot . IeKnwaîîi-tia's ai'my before tIc city. sentence is n tormnality, it not beinglIt la well known tînt Ovama la iuteudcd toeecute if. -makiug f a Peumovemneat la terce toward lK-irîn and te the eas'tward READY TO RENEW BA,ý,TILE. thercot. This terce irs uppjorting A dcpntl frin ai s sas:-ap-Kawanvumia, who Srhould new lie near tain PReoteleg_,raphs te the Matin teciy tînt hle ýibahen the g oe f Gear. NWRJSA ON front. ls osrations showed tia et fieLLndon Timewssa nrpt cd 1 nd l; prepared tote ee ile baet- tnst sfo l fetnete a baffle forumt)ion10) fla ýrcpercdît4 ih3t hc ferîci' guard, the deapaf ch adis barehlyI'scribed for. Bexai W7iEakes etla _____ ___ iîato'roeaIîaotsei ciectsetorAbuE or I frLiapper iras cryiag loinily for ilica, ile 'wih laieCnu~o,îî,nd orfttnateiy for hu, a baflrit~,In.aity n~ a carf 1rve. ri î,iilicrau Whewas re'turnîing bn ue,17 by alldraggî.ts or malled inluPain blv anelther pati, leard lis cies anti rsk areeeptot»î4e.WrtetorPaa)%let. uhd o. Tcfw 'iiii ...~ Meclloee Oo. Win1or, Ivhes thea ft'néd and lied, leaving BATTE WTH OLVS. 1 Macdonald bieedin- and exIîaitted ou BATL WT WfIS. te groitnd. John acdoald' E-ýg RECIFROCITY IN BUSINESS. North 'Cape Breton. Tao.ccetiMkpaeFlr A cs'nclfîon laîfx nb:a ,Mý,ilîs iooled sfemly at Ic uprovisioný1 tlîiilng to eta fappra affe dnIe,ilaie hadfor som1e Y.Cars sup- tue atinie ortter peit 0 Cae j Thoe hst appies you sent us4 tlicevti nsafcd tir"e miles a' - tells aie, smnleLrflhan ever eb-1 freinfI sth, matbý iapack etf!l Pue~~~~~ 'oti .nig l s1 pylpigfore. She say s liat fie fître bar-' fn nmi oet'e th, hi 1, le la wold -scnrccîy make twe and n la o is lij, but, z f lîoy ' apiiy - ___ gaiîîcd, lhe awniitcd their cenîing wifl'] ,eeetttîetî'ý- 's a loaded gonl. Ris firt sheotbruh * dean tih eadig prsur, dlomi- flie momenIlt Lstepped f1i leîcml flit' coie. A ailoit roni t411scon ef lhl ecipruerau ic pa"Ik ana f0 ouPaga;inIc tico m-.. torwaýrd, iand Onle Oftica l iia îic-, finli tt ie frapJpera 'gun. B ult C1e lie co1uldagi fire tic w3vM er freai his body aavd Ilis am ii -ý11__ -0s tirent.-0110-1 PI ý0e4*4S4CCee * halt of the proper sire. Hvvw do y3ou faccount for it?" -1 can't," suld the provision denl- er, with apparent distreas et mind. -1 siun, 1 can't! There 1 lad mny wife rend me dean three ot y our bar- Ërels that we've beex getting fleur ln, and Just pncked the apples- in and headed 'cnt up with burIap. For ,,,ys I to hem, 'I behieve 1u recip,.- cityv, and I'm beuud l heh have juîst as good aicasu1re e f apleseswe geýt etfoe'IayNow dent ic bent aI" ye' c looýk igyg cr han cc. "Tha's t. ou xaybc s'Inu'r getting eoid l\' en y\Otir f-rind tel1 yeu yo c okigyUngeIr 1thanî ever"' Frot WaireFenc& It will tuirn Stock witholit în try --beauItify the Parai aad ' with reasonabie upage wihi Ist a hf-ii.Booklet aud full particulars given on equest. FOR qSALE e IY l nîiSki1 È, Because the quallty neyer varies. Did you ever use a pound of good tea, and afteir or4çring more of the samie brand, find it muich inferior P The Eastern climate chianges very rapidly, and for this reason tea planters find it impossible to produce the, sanie quality frinmont month two lots froin the sanie garden% are seldein the saine quality. This is probably tht reason why the tea yen got the second t'ime was net as good as the first. In Red Rose Tea this serious difficulty bas been overcome by sdien'tifically blending several tea" together, se te always obtain unifori, flavor and strength, and this bas been oeeof the greatest triumphs of Red Rose Tea. The quality neyer va ries-yen can rely on getting exactly the sanie quality of tea as long as you use it. T. H. ~TBOKS.John îr, NP;B BRANhES:TORONTO, WINN1PrEG. * DON'TREAD THIS. Every Dîa-y, is Bargain Dayv At thej * Peopleri uel and Lumber D,,epot. * We are stili handling J3est Brande Ganadian * Cenients, British Columbia Red Cedar and other good Brando Cedar and Pîne Shingles, Fine and Hemalock S Lumber, Dressed and Undressed, Doors, Sasli, Blinds * and Mouldings. Freeli Mined Scran ton Goal, Cannet Goal, Steani * Coal, Chareoal, Ilard and Sof t Wood, Lodng, Sawed and Split, SiabaEgns, L.and PIaster, Fine Rand ccars. Salt in barrels and sacks. We always a-l te giVe tthe beut 'value at reasonable prices. lTigh63sit Cash Prie. paid for Grain and-1seeds., Mcelellan&(eo, SKing St East, Bowmaniville, Wlanted, A Good Agrent IF 0 R 1 The OLIVER Typewriter. Ow Over 100,000 of these machines have been sold in tne United States within the last few years at the sanie pri(e. which is being chargedl for any other standard typewriter. * This proves con4lusively that the OLIVER ià the very best machine made regardiess of price.. O As there is new in Montreal a faetory devoted ý3-exclus,- î vely te thexafcre of tItis rnaehline, it enaub. bouglit in Canada for thte sanie prie a t whioh tit essOld in thue * United Stte ithoul.t addin7g frOïll $2à to $30 tu cover duty and charges' as do alil other stanbard wri,ýers, This eshould bc a very attractive proposition to Ray * purch1aser of writing miachinies. Apply toe CANADIAN OLIVER TYPEWRITlER COu., clfea Economyi- It iqalt ahrtnpretItaesRed FthrCeyi-on ttîle morteonmclftas Black, G,'e or Mied-neve-r put up in la u aiwnys li >ccriEizei parchment.ineidpaags4c per lb. 0et fPvd Fe£thcr in your cup

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