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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1905, p. 5

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4î The Curing of or N'rvQo18Troubles Caused by Eye=train Ia partu of éur business to which we,û.v 4î special attention. e ~If you are troutbledî with headaches or are '4Î run-i-down generiall1y, wve ean tell in a few 4~moments if the case is likely that of eye 4 train. If we do not believe it is we will say 4Î sofrankly. 4îIf we advise the use of Glasses we wI 4î ~guarantee Satisfaction Stott&JÏKury, Druggists & Opticians. E aster Perfumne This Vear. We have in- stock odorsJ f0 satisf y the most exacting. We know we eau please you. Our litce is complete and, ,our stock fresh. As worthy of special mention we would ýuggest a trial, of Colgates Dactyle'sg or, La Frane BRo sle Sacket Powder. StoCt & Jury,' Druggist & Opticians. Tire snperloity of Dr. Pitcirer's Beck- ache-Kkmney Tablets over cirer forms of t'eatment is due te tire fact tirai they are the pr1escription cf Dr. Zina Pitchen, thre fanions seils-eeuse'd saccessfuliy ,T,110 t ed iin prvate practice by mm n-for, manjy yecars befOme the]y were givea te tire public et large. Tirey cuiaexpenisi.vm ýspec-ifî i ingredients not found jin any tirer K;iney any wonider, thn, thepy cujre lumbago, diabetes, grevel, Bngtsdisease, uvie 'acid i bl eod, s-hematsmnenraîgia. dropsy, irritebility .cf tir iladder, and Kidney trou'ibles of oid rcop1e ýnd chilien wh2a i-i rer remiedîea Read wirei Mrcs. W.M n, Orange-. ville, Oi., bas te Say:. "lSome ttue ago I bad a good demi, of troublevithiniy back, due te a cold fhtiristttled in tire Kidneys. 1wes aise tnoubled withi dizzine-ss and headache. , ai ntcd taling Dr. Pitcirer's Backacire- Kldaey Tablets, and by tire lime I had 4scoee httie tire backacire, ireadache m d feelings of ~zns had ail disap- sarod. I considrtire 'Tablets a gond Dr. Pitçherâ DBackachc-Kidney Tableta, arso. ový , igee f' 50ochcoate-coat.d UWOÉ, &ld bï dmugglste or seut by maiL Potatoe. Weae severel hund(rod hbusirels cf choice pctaioes-2 )venellies, woui dI make Sà fine change cf seed. Special pnices lu large lots. 'Sýtored in fruit colera ln rear of Big20 OuIlu & gCmuriTRY, THE HARMONY ML SquARTETTE, 1, Egaeen' s for Conce3rts, Cirurch Tee, nn'.eranesand Otiror Enter- talumouts Will! provide the entirei pro grOrn*jif dcsircd. Ternis moderaLto, Addéress ail comiunicti.tluiBto Zlanuger and OonidO tor Grand Trurlk Railwav Svstem. i UAILWAY TIME TABLE. BOWMAN-VILLFl STATION4. Mail,......s 20A. M. I Express ...5.02 a. mâ Vixpresa . - 10 10 w" Local ...... 7 57 I MixeS .... a 39 p.m. Passenger...l36iP. nM, Local ...... 649p.m. IMixeS.....-7 23 mail-...10,24 p.m. Express ...11.40 p.m.. Sunday pfy Tickets to certain points sold ita accordance wth .pcl h liday rates announed i anoibr colum il ot bo honored on trains Nos. 1. or i 8sow' & JURY. Town ýAgeuts BOWMANVILLF1, APR.19 1905. Rein is ueeded agein to ropbenisir the cisterns. Buda have beon afraid te open se coid iras been thre weather. Miss Meggie Graham,. Claremont, la guest cf Miss Kate Murdocir. Mn, James Stanley recenlly visited iris brother William eti Pickering. Mn. and Mns. E R. Bounsaîl are visit., ing relatives lu Indianapolis, Ind. Mn.-Wm. Quey, Port Hope. iras been visitiug i1aist8er Mrs. F. Bleakley. Mms D. MeConuacirie and Mns A. Colvillo visied Mns. H. Felt, Oshawa Geo Smith'r, photo gaiieny wiudow la tire meat ogrgs-lrecrdiniary attraction lu Mns.- W. C. Ferguseon, Bleacirc roceutly vislted et her fetirer's, Mn. John Becock Mr Ciras Ccx and bri de, Emporiumi, F., a re spendCing tiroir honey moou wilh iris parent8. N. e nd Mrs. C. W. Soucir. Mi. Ver- non, spent Sunday witir iis brother, Mn Mr.Chas.Heru of. Califoruta, ias been viiting ber iis brother, Mn, Mart Hemn, Odoîl St. Many of our citizona are suffoing (romi tiroal trouble. Tire doctora repent aumorous cases cf teasilitis. 1S t av in veur owu back yard," and1 dlean il. is a very applicable suggestion te irouseb olders attire prosonltuie. -Mn Willerd Caldwell, Peterboro, has purciresed tire eat liçeny bus;iness for- merly carried on by Mr. J. W. Kuigiri. Miss Kathleen Meatir has gene toTon- outo wirere sre iras accoptod a situation lu tire Eby, Blala & Co., establishrment. Mna. J. M., Jonesa and Miss M. E. Jouesa have netu ruod froin speudiug tire winter et Mn. H. C. Britain's, Stretirroy. Mr, David Grahania who lormenly wes in change of Mn. R. Beith"s fan, iras engaged wilh Mn. S. C. Bunker, Ficher- îng Mn. J . H. Dviti, -'.lP. P,, wes an invited g-uesi t abtire diner gîven ,ai Go enet HueTnaouTirurs- d ay, Soýme poaig asbe nue 0ou huir ih ands, but seoding wili 1ho slow, aed lire seascu for sowin.- gÉnerally MnrCcii H Osho-!nne iras eccspted eý silu.1tionlutire uing dopantmeut cf I te Ge lariein tzman iPiano Conipaur, 1ev. aund Mra. H.Mareeenand tise- mn os t Faul's choir nS e fsýw fÀInonda Veven pleesatlitiy et lie1 Manse recently, Mnr. W. G. Williams, fermeriy cf beelnias punch)S ed tire Mayhee f arm, about twe m-iles nortireast of Port Honefoir 40, Ja-s. DAddson, rtculder, waýssel1 .zoal .1er trementira bynI. W l-Jnso, P M. fr irretonngto talke Ur. Gteo.Brown'shife. Mn. ind Mîs U. ', R.Mecuiliugh Rand ,hein li1lieson, cf Hacmî1ton, wr ua. ojveýr Suudav c f Mrn nnd Mre .f H We lii adverlantivomtt froioun report cf tire ' wWht"conc(ýert lest week tire name cf Miss MpfcWjan wbho assiaied lir the aning of tirose tl ingprt aud desenrves qpoiaimeint- nu foýr efficient servies enderedlu t0w CiiIdren's Chorus, tie oîwn ston Katlee KnihtRita Rceîig.k, Kathleen McGili. Toronlo Star lest Fniýdey ceuleined t[o portrait of %Mn- ThornasL-ynden iii c il t lad PrinceAibot 11oEC H we:s ln charge of Orange Meel break- lesýtto( bc ethle pure bcd show l McscV ll, Ternto.anid tire 1bootýIr Thoma-ýs îla i Bowrnanv'ille boy anld served iris apetieiip l iE STATESMAN 'offII nder Fonren Wm, McKRo0W,%i REAL BRAIN F00»., !s lu very tin of (Clark's doudouos pork anud Bgans-5 and Io cent tins, W. flark, MIr, MotrealI, Tire New, Clotha have arrlved, Now la tire lime te bave vour orden for a new SýpriRg Suit et Coucir, Johaston& c-, donman 's Our olden clî nvvill romenibenMiss Janel Bruce, houisekeeper for sanie ers for tire laIe Mn. Johin McDougaîl gran ercali-Bymanoticneesewirr fl î o seen tiri hondatir eccrred Pra S sacf ber; S'ie as a meniben (of Kniox chancir andi was alwea very ecli've in Chulrci work By hon deatir tire, Frs'oinchanclirlo'seýa evaiued mebrwhoso memry will ho evor gnn ttireur who knew hon. S-ire was Fsdoth ie W. F. 'M S Sire lived with hon twoü sisters, Margaret a'îd Lizzio,who kee afancy good store.'1 TO CURE A COL> UN OXE J>AV. [AlAXTV RM UNN alt heur, gynasîm, uedia aviae, etc, aujd ail provided free for tlir mployeea. Littio wonder unde3r sucir conditicpns thoy turueut sucir excellent feotwear. AD VAN CE IN KEATS. Ail kmnda of mnoet have gen U l priseci nd ciroic ef la ,[ searcebuC.M Oawker & son have hougirt 28 choice steena £nd hei'fera;' even ai the advancoýô pr~,for theàrs~n trade. 1 Heur Rov. J. J. Rae's lecture Good Friday night- SS~day was a bright, celid day with snew flurries. Peanut Crisp. l1 e r Ilb Saturday only at Thos. Tod's. Buff Orpington Eggs for sale-fil for $100. Sec advt- Geo. l5mith's jihoto gallery will bc open Good Friday. New wedding cake boxes-lovely ones STATESMAN office. Tod's leavo your order. M iss Eva.Stanlick, Oahawa, apont Sunday with Miss Ida Richards Attend Torento Horse Show next week-Aprîl 26 te 29th-l.ncusive. Hot XBuns for Good Friday. Loaveo your order early at D. Luttreli's. Oddfellows' church parade April 30 Rev. Bro. L. S. Wight te preach. Miss Eva Cl-atworthy, Toronto, has been vis4iting Miss A. L. Armour. Miss Dingman is attending the Sum- mer Millinery Opeuinga lu Toronto Miss Ethel Y. Kiug cf St Margai ot's College, Toronto, is home for Easter. 9 Mr. Robert Sinclair and Mr. Norman Tyler have goile to British Columbia.'1 A uew pair cf shees for Easter. Buy a pair of Empress Brand at McMurtry'13- 1RIeserve Good Fridav oveuing te at- tend the lecture in the Moihedist church. Pratt's Poultry 'iod , Pratt's Stock Food, Ppatt's LU j'wde r at P. Mur- doch 's. EasFer la here again. McMurtry la -howing~ a sweil range cf Women's Kid giloves Miss Nellie Halladay, Newmarket, la gnest cf Miss Ethel M. Crossîcy at the Parsonage "The Sehool we ail attend." Hear this lecture in the Methedisi Chureh, Goed Frlday. Have you tried the Tutti Frutti Ice Cream in'Bricks at Thos. Ted's. uothing- nicer for teas or evemnug parties. Couch,, Johiuslon & Cryderman are new showiug the finiest and big-gest sitock cf Carpets ever shown in Bow- manville. Meu's and boys ready-to-wear cloth- iug, ne newer styles and ne botter value anywhero, Couch, Johuaton & Cryderman. Weekly Globe, and Canada Farmer and THE STATESMAN te new subseribers onIy 60 cents te end cf 1905. Order te-day. The store reconLy vacated by Feley, the Sh ooman is being fttod for Couch, Johuste-n &Cryderman Their business1 la isexpanding. SDo you want a bicycle ? Rice & Ce.1 asu the new Massey-Hlarris with the h ygenie cushion Iramo, -S-ee s.vt. ou au inside page. The Ladies Aid cf St. Paui's Presby-t terian Church will give a tea ln thre SchoQl-roorn on Easter Monday, April U.1 TiüLkets 25cents. E Mr, 'ihos Paterson anid Mr. Geo, or at Preston Springs.3 SMiss AtwelIla attending the summer1 Milinory Openinga iu Toronto lookiug Sup new syles for thIe Contrai Parlers. Hear Rov. J.ý J. Rae and the flarmony Maie Quartette Good Fridaiy night inL Methodist Churcir. Subjeet cf lecture : UThe hol w ilP1 attend " Ouly 15e. Hello! have you heard that M MayverE has a largeO stock cf lhatscaps and gents' lurnisýhinga. boys' Scotch caps, tam-e-î ahautors, in the very latesi style? Cali aod see themi. I Good Friday whenyeu get your geod clethes on drep inte Geo. Smith'd3and gel a dezen, beautiful cabinet photos Ho niakes good eues. Coach, .lohnsion & Ceydermau have mest opendeut a big stock of Ol-clotirs and Linoleums lrnm eue te four yards wide. They have ne bass than sevoni patterns lu four yards wide,. The Wychwood foot bail club of Tor-f entOa will pîay a gaine with Bowmanville1 on Good Fridav ai 3 p. mi. on Drill Shed groundd. Adwïis8ion 15c; ladies 10c. 9 Rev. D. O Crogsloy wiil preach suit-1 able Easter sermons in, the Methedisi Church nexi Sundav. A choir cf flîty voices la prepariug a special musical service. Ail will bo welcome te thre services, The Ladies' Aid of St. PauLi's Church will hold their annuat lEaster tea oni Api,l Q241h. Duing ý-tir eîeeniog there( will ho0 a sale cffac articles made by' theMiso Baud. Tea atIl6 o'clock, !Adm ,iss ion 2 5 ets. Mrs. W. A. Haiee, Torouto, writes:1 "We are- lost-did not rocýeive last Week 's *0S'rA'rnSIAN-firt i lme I il ied te corne in nearly ,six -years." Always1 drop ,a linowhen paper fails te, reach1 I miust go te Srnith's and get my Essir,"saida m thr on StdýA. Top Prices fer~ Butter and Eggs. T H. Knlght wants yeur hjuiler anýd eggs, fermeira. Verv top prieos will ho paid. Don 't hesitîate te bring aill our fanm produce lu i)ýe provision lino-ho eau Isike aIl ai best prices. Ho bas undentakzon te surply a fin lu Monîreal aud eau haudie e& 1on cf butter a woek and 1000 doz. eggs. Ho wants vour produco and wiIllpay cash or trade. Call te soe him about ït, Childreu Cry for '-201." flouse wanted l t eoi. ,Seeottdvi Order flot X Bites ai D. Lultrei'sq. Dou't cougir your hf e aiVay-iake 301. Keep Easter Monday, clear for Si. Paul's te&e. Yeu get 3Q1 for coughs ata Mitchell's Drug Store. Teko Mlitchellý's Emulsion cf Ced Liver-it's geod. Mr A. E. MieLeuginlu l attending Military College. Eggsira nobby range of Mou 's Eaator Hais at McMuriry 's. Poanut Crisp, 10e per lb, Saturday oniy ai Thos Ted's. Leeve your order for Hot X Bans for Good Fridev ai Tires. Tod's. Bbeed nea, lXeat:meal, Osier sabolI, Mica grit, , P.Murdoch's. Try Lowuey's celebraiod irnporied Chocolaios ai D. Lut'trell's. 11ev. B. IL. Hayden, Buffalo, N. Y., la revisîtxng fermjer fnieuds. -T. H. Kuigiri will pary higireai cash pnices for aIl kinds of produce. Hiave îou sont Tan ,,STATESMAN 10j your absent fnieud? Do il now. Geo. Srnith weints te take Sour picture beforo E aster. See hlm. Miss Milîman, Toronto, la guesI cf ber sister Mrs. (ro2v.) H. Murco. ~-Remember Rev. J. J. Rao's lecture in tire Moîhodiat Cirurc Gocd Pniday. -BuvL .ur glasses Ion winter readIig frorn Mitchell, tire Druggiai & Optieian, Raîn-Coats in ai ltie latesi Blyvles jusI epened ai Couch, Johuston & Cry-der. man 's. M A. James is Govornut i ssuer cf Marriage Licensca for Durhami Couuiv. You eari buy a New Lincoln lounitain Pen et STATESMAf.N afco for $1.25. It la equal le cirer W80S lu s, Men's Hats, the Tory leteat Engliair and Americen stý les, jusi opened oui ai Coucir, Joiraston &, Cry' dernan's. Ceagis. neIdâ,hama, and ether tistoat *ilments are qnickly relitved by cresolene tablete. ton centsep»r box. AUldruggiatiî -Buy your Pcullry suples ai P. Murdoch, 2 peekeis 6f Flower or Gardon Seeds for 5 contsaet Nieheýlîs'. Wemen's raincogi ea fine showinz cf these fasineble garmonts ai Me- Murtry 'a. Seeda. Gardon Seeda. New Seeda, Seoda lirat grew. 2 packets for 5 conta 12 peekets of Flow;,er or Gardon See, your ewn choice sent post paid ou receipi of 25 ets ai A. L. Nicirolia', Wash greasy dsepots cor pans with Lever's Dry Soap a pond7(er, ik wiil nir ne the greasoýb with tire groateýt ea-se. 36 Ladîca' Spring Ceais and an, ole4gani) lut of Capes furmidcleFagrcd and elderlyl ladies just epeued a,, et CuiJ chu- sten & Crydermen'a;. See Nicheils' Fiower and Gardon Seeds beforo scading ouI cof ion, yen enu gel jusit the same, and jusi as goiod here and 12 peeketýs for 25 coula. See ourassorrie cf Se-eda. Do i uow. Our stock is laroge but the'y will se11 qUick, 12 packets for 25 cenltd, Or sent pesit paid te au'y eddress in Canada on receipt of price. A. L. 'Nicholis. Tire very latesi style in mon 'a stiff haa lu brown and blacir; aise Fodoras lu sbveral dilfereut shados cf brown. Seo tire pnint shirts aud neckwear. Cail and see for yourself. M Mayer, Bow- manvle. Coucir, Johnston &S- Cryderman have opened eut hun.droda cof pairs cf Lace Curtains, tire very leteaýt designs in ail qualities, and gan teed10be et leasi as good value ap, cen be got lu any Houso lu Canada. On Good Friday tire Foot-hall team wiii play tiroir first -game of tire saeson wîth tire Wycirwoos-a-, fast Toroute teani.Gmetcomnet3pn.n on tire Drill shed goaa Admission 15c; lïdiea 10e. Co-wneandseethoegame. Dr. and Mrs. John Hoal,4ia and Miss Carpmnael, wira have b euen eiga e trip te tire Mdtrac Egypt aud Pelestinc have retuzîrned -te tioir 1home ai Tire Dale, Téoono. filis many fionda lu West Diuriai will ho glad te irear tietDr. Hoskia's irejalti larepart ed te hobemach iilprovod hy tire sea voyage and rosi Iroin business. 1Do'You WaÀnt Pure, Tea? Tea not mixed with sweepings, dust or refuise, but the Ohoice3t Young Leaves earefuflly seleeted, manufaetured anid packed iii. lead to Preserve their Freshness. THIAT'S WHY YOU WNANT imi W.- EWe are shiowing this week atn eilega-nt lot of Lace Curtains of the nerwesýt desumns and .evddunl 1-tle irom ~.Ot4 30c, a pair. I3est value in the Tad.See them. -For-the Floor E AlsoLinoleums, 2 andi 4 yards widae. lor011 Cloths-lydId, d, and 2 yds wide. Japanese Straw Muattings at =,E 15c, 20c, and 25e, per yd. 90- i~~ FrteLdiesI Urlancl, Ont., April 17 (Special),- Mr. Chester Loomis, an old and rempect- ed farmer living in this section, is spreading broadcast the good news that Dodd's Kidney Pilis are a sure cure for the Lame Back and Kidney Disease so common among old people, Mr. Loomisisays: 'II arn 76 years of age and smart and active as a boy, and I- give Dodd's Kid- ney Pis ail the credit for it. ",Bel ore 1 startea to use Dodd's KId- ney Pis I was se used up I could hard- ly ride in a buggy. and 1 could flot do any work of any kind. Everybody thought 1i would net live long Dodd's Kidney Pulis are a wonderful remedy. " The Kidneys of the young may ho wrong, but the Kîdneys of the old must be wrong. Dodd's Kidney Puis make ,0! wrong Kidneys riqht. That is why they, are the old falks greatest friend. People of West Dar-lington, Cart- wr.ight and East Whitby w ho deal iu Osaaare requeste.d-to read Burus & Co's niewoot and shoe avrieet We ha.veý fouiid- prices there 1very reaso-n- able and a large and -comDplete stck cf footwear is ket he o e- tl MNr. Buirns that you read the anrounce- imt and de(10us a laver tee. TO SUGAR BEET GROWERS. The Trent Valiev and Sugar Provi- sion Companv, Peterboro. have appoint- ed Mr. William Foley, Boïwmanville, their representative for this district. AIl contracts for growing sugar boots will be received by hlm. 85 a ton will ho paid te growors. 14-tf. B ICYCLES FOR SÂLE-Two good second-baud Bicycles for sale cheap. Appily ai STATESMAN offie, A PPRENTICES WANTED-T w o strong young men wanted ai once to learn polishing aiBowmanvllle Foundry. 12 if. DIASTURE TO LET.-Parties desir- -à-lng pasture for stock may lie aceommo- dated on lot 26,con 3. Dari'IngtoD. Terms on application to A. J. SHORT, Courtîce.15-3w, OO1 M W A N T E D-Comfortable £b Room, witb or without board. Address DRAwEn Q--Bowmauville. 15 if. 1'O R S A L E-The Promises and .Ldwelltng occupied by the !ate R. W. James, also iliree building lots. For tparticulars apply to Mrs. R. W'. JAMEus, Kîug t., Bowmanvile. or to Tria STATEoSMAN office. 16 2w*' N TIEI is L tintyunder- siood tntI ef y home ai Hampi on because of nnspotanid abuse fromt my husba ud.AN NIE STOTT, 15 sw*- wife of A. H. Stott. EGGS FOR SALE, Bull Oroineton Eirres for sale from prize -lwiers. Wo1u ail firss, ai tWest Durham also ai Oshawa Wluier Fair. rc, 1C o 3ers Alco Strawberry Plants, 13 best Variettes. W. 0. FRANLE, lox 158, Bowmnanvllle. 143w "IGS FOR SALE-REGISTERED) -V YORKIesîes-ýWeare now offering for- sale a number of Yorksbires fromi- one tu si-, mouthls old, bred fromn prize wtnutng sioek We make spcalmntion tof tw(to yo1-boars- rdyfrserviue, same breedingasteparo 1ows ihaýt won tie bacon 1hog ;prize lasi fail. Our herdà 1 headed 1,y an exellent boar bred by frîr. 3. E. Bretboumr from imported stock, lif f Veterinary Surgeon and Dentîst. F. 'H, S ,Lowrey, 1-ITONORARY GRADUATE cf Ontario _ULVeterinary College. Toronto. Special aUttention given to Denttstry. Day or uigbi calls-promptly respon.ded to. Office in resideuce 2 ýdoorsnortb of !P-e's Blacksmitb Shop, Phione no126. Stî ver St.. Bowmanvillle. I15-if*, Waist Suits, Lustre and For the Mxnz- len's3 i tld13Boy 'Cloth ing-T h e E perfetâfttig andup-t dat, I d E you tosee Our 1ti. 0 0n Wiait h, YouKlo . D-o yen knuow ibat atter a Short- hanrd or Cýommercial Course witb us, you are sure Of a Position ai i4. i n pwards per mouth as a Seird us apot, with yvur inlame ad address, and w-e willl tell yoal about in. 4 îbodSt.., Eaýsi, Toronto,. R1eEý-in Bowmanville, Aprîl isib, tu Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Rice, a son., ~&Lne-n Drligio, Aril7th, to Mr. and4 Mrs. Norman Aluin, a son. SEIU-nNewcastle, April l2tb, tb Mr. Hazr-In Oshawa, April lsit, to Mr. and Mrs. John illoI, a son. L9 Il]f. " Cox-EX'RaUM-In Emporium, Pc., Aorill îth Tn esns s--e . Mr. Charles Cox, son of Mr. Charles Cox, Bow- strikin)gly handsomue and morre ilMiss Rose Exrirn. both of vaed taetr. D erdl Il1. Mo@sE-EBT-In Toronto, Aru th, ai renownied for' Trinity Mthodisi Cbiurch bJy eV. 'W. lH Hincëks, Annie Maud, yonnjgesqt danghtor ofau-5CriotEcnmy Mrs Robert Burt, and Dr. Joýs. S. M. Moses, B MdeiExaminer for P. R. R,, 0Ù City, Pa, 11ey. G. W. Henderon, Mr. Albert Porter andPO «-GL-îLnsyArl2h y* " eyftwe tesfal Miss Letitia McGili. botb of Manvers. DBD. PowERn-In Darlington on Mondcy Aprîl l7ih, Martiba Tufford, bolovod wife of George Power lbe 9hya .3'frowcvleCreSh eW o tI Funeral Tbursday 2tb insi., f rpm famllyh 0 e s W7t ,residence. near Maple Grove. Serviceat 2p.m. tory. j.i BRUE-At 2l12 Smith St. Winnipeg, Man,,*. ~ 1ti ' April Sih, Miss Janet Bruce, agedf 66 years, *m j u *~ former]y of iiowmanville. L v g 1i ALLIN-In Vancouver, Aprfi lth, Guidon L. W., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'W. Allin, MAresoN-At Port Hope, pi15hCatn William Manson, agod 81 yocrs. t jPPnîln GALBRAITHa-ITI Darlington, Aprîl l4th, John N Pop'uo[I'I Arcbîbald Galbraith, aged 65 yoars. ~o 6 FLEMING-IU Bowmanvllle, April, l4tb, Jh Fleming, aged 93 y cra. John L WA"Rr-In Columbus, April 9th, rEliza Jane H#11, bolovedwif e of James H. Warer, aged 4-- Every SU ,sr- nce -e 42 yoars. ZOMkKI bty fi,$h r.R ý the dernand for this lPopulai, Cormack, aged 65 yoars. iioeor men7. ' They WoRxmAN-II2 Clarke, Mcrch Soih, John S. .Workman, aged850years., Iishear.omfotabe an.he HE EEL ASBlack, Tan, PatÉent v f i i See our choýice se-leu.tioniS and you will dlecidevorneîPrhe Mr. Chester Loomis took Dodd's* Kidney Pilla. PouaveV naro And Ireni a Used up- Man ho Beca me Otro as Smart as a Boy NJew Dress Gos hr Skrsàhr Vassi ik The Annual Couggress otthe Canadian Whist League will be held in the Temple BnildiuL-, Toronto, on Thurs- day, Fridav andf Saturdav, April 2 nh, 2lst and e2nd. Whist pla% ers thr-uigh- ont Canada are most heartilv înviîted to attend. Programs and aniy ether in- formation will be gladly vftirnished by lon. Secretary, R. C. Sinclair. Toronto Whist Club, 86 Toronto St, Toronto. Tire Tounist Association cf Vancouver, B.C., la sending out au illusiretedbck ]et entitled "Tire Sunset Doorway cf iho- Domiin.ý" wii sets forth tire tbeaujties and hoaltir giving propentles Gf tiret gree;t wstrnretropolis eitý,iy,, tire Province cf Britishr Columnbia 1 L'sae Most iuterealting littie volume ed set forthOlenidinducemnenta te lesuo seekers. S'rnd for a eopy te tire Secret- any of tire Aqsociation, Vnu Er, BC, il

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