FOR * _____________________PERFu'î' HOME EASYçý TO USEP, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. *Ail Druggiste and Dealers. TAKE NO 0OTH ES,. * ~HOME,~ ~ai< * sugar to tise crack, put to it a cul of cantiieti orange peel, sisredticd Spread in slîallow tins te isardea. Lernon Rc. amatie in thu s8ain wny, except that tise juice of' hall icinri is squeezed la wisen tise cari ( readises tise crack. Ginger Iiock-Make in exactly thc w;W M«4 sante way, puttrng a cup et canditen bodiies - i tise- cellar- beneatis tiseJ SELECTED R1ECIPES1. ginger, cut up, la pince of other heurte." So'itheril Rîce Bread-B'eat nblgueon ulni ,eggs Witiseut sepratiag untilvo', Vnila CreaintSticis-Boi tisree Tst nbli reon uiu,1 ligit; att a plat anti a haîf of mili;41 end f granuinteti sugar witis iaîf tis coession te by lexa ner Ilix; atitoeetablespoonful of ascîteti a prat çf water; let if dissolve Show- Ded riesonathtis cerOoernoonitiqe butter, one pint of whbite cornaxeal, îy on a cool part of tire range; thoen hnetigsete eoisrsialy balni t hait a pint of colti boileti rice, ai atit a large tablespooful of vinegar ivsiaets erbybua îr teaspoonful of sait,' anti bout tiser-, anti a teaspoonful of guru arabic i-tefMs ercssat e 3 ougisly for about tisree mninutes; the, solveti in very littîr' water. Boil tilt year-old daugister Annle, at the-i atit two tablespoonfuls of baking t tt is brittle, tisen resieve fronattiehe use, a squalid-lookiag structure, pewtier and beat quicrily until tiser- lire, anti haver witis vanilla, jpepper-J ear ise railroad track, at tisen'est ouglîly mixeti. Greaý-e thrce jelly- mînt, cinuamnon, or irbatever . eni of tise tewn, on Wedaestiay cake tins, tura lu tise mixture, anti nisis, otily renîembering tisat.ail weork night at 8.30. baise in a quicis oven for tiiiry mai- nmust be quick. Rub tise isauts wltis Dcsroches, wiso is a Frencis-Cana- uItes. Or it may bc baketi in a sial- sweet o11 or butter, anti pull viger- dian of about 35 years olti ssrigns low Lakirig pan. ously tili tise cantiy is wiite; then neo cause for tise decti, beondth ie SpaeCake iritîs islppeti treamn- twist or braiti it, or pull it eut into fact that lien'as anigry ant i, jealous. Cu ise cener froni n spenge cake, long tisin strips, anti cut it off. Desrecbos tolti his story te tise. cor- Frea pcce of]at~-iuîersdipetifa Lentoln Creant Stici-Is fiavereti Yor's jury coely anti quietly , anti 'cofetine s sgar anti- water witlî lemon extract, anti coloreti pale shso(, ne trace of insanity. Lle isas aLgailast tise sldes of tise cake. toiliilow w~~i'iitis tincture safîroi. tlwa-s lborne a faîrîr- gooti cisaacter tuespae aouni tsen ,rtisFredis Rose Cream. Sticis-Is matie in tise illtise neigisisonîsooti, natihas neyeor arîlidt fruit cut lu bits. F111 tise 1Sane wny, but flavereti iitlr r-escex-bencviti before of anny crimin- epen space wiitis chilleri anti traineti tract, anti cloreti witis a few' drops aiý offenrne. Tisere are rie traces of, frtstak-en fot crean asuectenieti,ofccsnabereicol. insanity iii iis family, n'hicis la lia, rt anti unippeti. Surroundth ie clu NTRPESjdds a nuînbeî' of n'rll to-de people %,an itistire entis of lad,'y-fingers. jD-ý NTRFE, in Tîuy Tow'nship, near tisis tewa. -Ilor-sîradcisis BSauce.-A-dti to --six ----f wien matig abe-tahpi o -1(as >iwcver,- been aln'ays re- tabie-spoonfuls of grateti iorseradisis get tise ment tise igit before wanted gardeti as being a littie "sefît" mnr- tiseyoi of onu egg anti hall a tea- anti sprinisle il withî sait anti vine-I tally. Tise, murdereti won, whein osoafl f sait, Mix therriughly;, gar, to whicls has been atideti an ise marnieti none four years ago. haci atit a taibiespeenful of good i vnogan, equal amouat of salat il, tise ment eigist riltiren before l rria ge, anti anti tisen carefuiiy a (Viarter o will be more tender anti a mnucis aider iser narne nas Mrs, Margaret "Pri-ke. clupful ef icreant visippeti to a Stifififavor, TE U1EERSSTTM ENT. roi.If tise iorseradisis is nîneatil' Wisen tea isas been put into tise tea-TH NUDR ' SA in vînegar, omit tise tabiespouful of pot, it shoulti at once ha- filleti up is sn'ern statentept, as matie to vîregur, anti press dry tise herse- with boiliag water. Tt is a great Crown Attorney J. R. Cotter, of radisis. Thsis is eue of tise nicest mistake te put enly a littie drop of sauýces te serve with colti mutten or waten on tise leaves first, filling tise at tise nost inopportune tinte. T.1his with hot corneti beef. I suppose it pot afterwards. may be avoideti if lu sen'ing tisent on, couiti be sireetenet iIf desireti. lIs spots on maaogany ntay bu ne- especialiy down tisefrent of a bodice, Cisîckea Pie--Use two youag ciicis- moveti by touching with a feathen tisey bc scetid on w itis a buttouisole ens wisicis are too large for broilers. dippeti in oil of vitriol, diluted i vitis stiteis rather tisan la tise ordinary Cnt thin p, put lnto siillet, season twice ts quantity of water. Tfae îray. Tisey n'iil beceme flrnt a isaif iti eue teaspoenful of Sait, one- spot shoulti hbcireil anti quîckiy tise tirne anti n'il net beconte loosea- hlnf teaspoonfui of pepper, anti fry, rubbed. 1eti as quickly. brown; atit one pint ef w'ater, cover For a spraiu netising will gis-e ne- Wisen mcntiiag kidi gloves, use dot- closely anti- lettisent simnieron back licf more quiekx- tisan coiti sait n'a- ton ratiser than sili, as tise silis is of steve untii pie crust is matie. ter~; swellings ntay olten be neduceti likely to eut tise ki. Tt is irortis Make a soft dougis of sour creant vcry quicki,1 by frequent bathing ofci 'sle te pros'ide onescîf witis a glove anti soda as for biscuits. For gravy jtise part affected inl strong bririe, antiede hihcnb prhsda take one-isaif cup of butter, one itaisea moderatcîy, it is an antidoe aneedle, w-iscisatire uciaetifat tabepoonful of flour; mix thoroigh- for aicoisolie poison. Tt is anexl-tepro ha odiryndes lyaid ti itotise siiliet w,,thtiselIlcnt isair tonic. Buttonisoles on sklnls sisoulti be friticiicse; tii nepit f raer If beef or muttons drpptng ist usîcheti round itis streng cotton tisat gravy ntay be pientiful. 1o uset!inla naking pnstry, beat it to a just ouiie ltise buttonisole stiteis huea sen mis rocs wits tsecreaýnt witis a tenspoon of baking while they are nexv. If tbi is donc 'do'igi, roliedti t one-qtiarter-iriri,,)mder anti a squeeze of lenton juice. tisey will ast nintost as long as tise ai iLr r por ino itthe h nîsoTh effrctually reinoves ail taste anti shirt itseif witisout tearing away. en ad rIiVi,ývy coer ithà ly- lsohels mke he asty lghtanti Wien joiaing n bias piece of mtr ,or of dougis anti baise tiirty aminutes. crisp. tie!atlsilei- lIto a Strnigist picce, always iseep Ebony Jclly-Soak tisree pottats of Wsea tise w'nl palier iý5ile but tise biai, piece utîternentis, as tiss prtnes over aigist. Put in a doubleý otisrwise in gooti condition, dlean it, prevents'it front stretcising. boiler on large kettie, ai cocis very 'anti Save tise experise cf fresli paper-1 Half-worn siseets sisoulti bu ent in slow ly unti plurnP anat tender. Drain' - g.Taise a fresis loti of br enti, Iisaif lcngthwaytise sels eges seamoti offih isce. Wirrta parti,î cooleti, ceti warnt if Possible, remnove.crursts-they tegether andtihie nen'ly-dut etiges pianti juice into veal sacepan ant i tue tilicieus teont at tis sstage-,iscaîneti. This cotîsitieranly icength- Pitsandjuie ito sacepn ad 1anduse tisis gently on tise papen, cas thier lease of life. to nisr crns.Atieue plutraief sugarery mucis as yen do a rubiser wisea Whea înachining a thin materlal tre putls dssonveti ti one you nlsh totecrase a icati pencil mark, sucis as chiffon, Place a pieco of paper sf i u1ý!1 dssoled, d oe ôniy dabbiag it ou rather tisan rub-, undemneati tise mateniai. It wi11 pre- package antia a laiofefgeintine, n'iicisvnhtpceig nict aiyb ýj i-17on in oe cuful nd abing. Btter stiil, if yen care to eti ukrnadcl aiyb lia ben sakei b on cuiniant ntaise tise trouble to make, is tise fol- removeti nfterw'nrd. half of coiLi uater. TFaie frornthtie lon'bng mixture. One quart of flour, To avoiti rarking velvet when sun'- wls tisr unes, thi i ssitied., tilone heaping tabiespeeni of SaIt, one, lng it lay anotiser piece face tiown-- b tginipgunesili.anddethriee litla- 0f onof soda, tt'reetabiespoons wamrd to rest your fingers on, anti ')ýgiuiin t chll.Addthee ea-ofamrnonia (tise common isousehoid yen will finîti iien yen have finisiseti sonus of' vanilia, eue plant oh kinti), eue plat of nain water. Mix sewiag tisat tise pile will not bu fiat- sheruiry, alnti suficient caramel to anti steant one-isaîf heur la a gruas- tenti m-akue very dans. Tutu into 1n'etted cci tin pan, eut in pîcces te isautle nd moitis. . riile stillihot, anti kucadti ioreugis- BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOR PulfibefrlMou t;,re-tFabl e rint ly. Kee,-p lu air-t lght box on jar HLRN of suri,lone-"icuuf ptoaofles vn- a util rnyto use. HLRN euaole icupflef trï ber ()r TN-xt tiine tise irourg board neotis ila rcveigtry leaving tweive or When you bii, a coagh medicine for rtsbemy jic; dssove1 taspon elistenincises of tise ig endi bare. amal childreD n i u want oeei wbicis fuiofgeatnein nequrtr upOn thlis tc loosely tise cleaaingl vou can place ipiicnie1e You 1col wte, iione-qu1aer cup Lotis, six hincises or se square isiwait onie that nelt euh' relleves but bowiiiiter abn d sslet, atti e eougi, aving sm c nougis for cures. You want one that ie urquest- wiis egg îeter; putit itoacls-tni x papor, etc. You wilîl hoionahblyharmnless. You-iwant oua ýtlat ,coucen, mitiatti acr ii roienir surpnisuti tet fiati hon' mucis longer 19 pleasant te take. Chamberlaiu's3 itise siseeýt iseeps fresis anti dean. Cougis Remedy meats ail of thiee con- anti~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~T roksitfrt'oior. ev e ep breati anti butter fresis anti ditions. There is notiing se goed fer ascCea-Skon- qurteer box .meistý n eu ct, put ila acool place, tise couA-s and coitis incident Le cisilti- ge inbn one-hal plat coîri water cover clesely witis a serviette on hood Vr sale by all druggists îive muintens, anti place in farina boi- can ciotistisat isasbeen wrung ont _ +- -o.uti gellatine is tiiesolveti, anti et coliS water, anti many heurs alter echn-"ou cant ent? Why,j whlen (ooi Ïbeat w itisan egg beater it wl cas moist art miea irst deut.,irhat 'sise ml'atteý r wlth s ion?" et nn' ils lth nec oui te isebrenti anti butter for tise aftern-1oonwisOcIt0mcs ov conisistc,,ncy of creant; su\eten anti tea lu tisis may. dent feci lise catin-g unytising." fivrto taste. Bent tise '171,tes of WE N ESPecis-hat-"Iuis! Alter you mnrryj, rw egs1 a stififrflotir, anti wisee E OE EW.tise glirl x î'l be tise saý nie 'ay, only ' geaieis colti mix ail togetbemr anti Netiiig is so annoying te tise av- Wii1,e indigestion thien!f ,et lai ia coiti place tiil matt!.oeage noman as1o have tise hooiss- Oranvge Rock-Beill a po,îidof 1 on ber dresses conti1nualiy cemiug off Evmy u-e atan sceks trutis. ea'time ny Tieif J1 Ves, if there is 'Red 1Feather i your cup" it will be Red Feather Ceylon Tea is "a tea of flavor." Its packed, ne-ver in i lead,î but in moisture-proof and germ- ~ r&of packagYes, parchînent-lined. Blac, Gren or Mxd at Oîne price per pound-4 . Get ed Fatier i you cu "A fc'liow's lotiser is neyer mati, ]Bunt on1y serry, if you are baS; Anti 1 telI yen ýtiis, if you're oniy true, Slne'1l ahwaYs foriv-e you, wbate'er you do. "I'nt sure of this." saîid Fred, tise Witis n nanly look ta is limlauging i day, A feilow's a baby ,-tliat don'l ob)ey." AN 11ONEST BOY. Jarnia Norris n'as a littie Scotch latidie, n'ho came ah tise w'ny fron bis far an'ay honte beyead thse ocean-to isis aride's homnlaAnîri- ca, alone. le n'as t;oily oight yenrs olti, mien a lon' feve-r carrieti off mweci. Alter tisey were bunrieti, neigis- bonrs nrote te Jgmnie's uncle anti ,asiset wiat n'as te o b donc n'ith tse orpisaneti boy. "Tng bit for Bax- by express leoiewias tise repiy. So alter a forlnigist's joum-aey bo reacisetitise station te wirncis behani been shippeti anti n'as taken in charge by bis aride, wbo nas mniting fer bis, arrival. Janle n'as iorscsanti tireti alter bis long trip, but bhon'as a brave litîle fellon' antii wimîeti bacis bis tears whbmn bis auia kisei iin anti melcoîn)et i hlmUte'tie prairie hiome. Tiiere n'ere thme isltren'in tieNorris hoýno, liSmuce, aget]ielevea; Fracis tn; nt liti Jenabout eti tbi Seoiris amli uiat it wi- wa ti fo w iu , vey iel tat li ia e ntl etifnlbiîs] Ian 1he se in a fIi-,Ist. W caileti, J'ambie obenucd t i t î o f tise scisolals as-rt ncb,"n afirs, -ben if causete"Jani Nons, osiel rdieo"-lr, as sehat hen ncusoxet t d 6*166,64461 A Terrible Murdi Penetanl A Pele tanguishone despatch i-ays: "I was jetious, and tisey abuseti me and s4ar-teti to kick mne on .Vednes- day night outside our house. 'SOI Lbit my wife on the head! wibis an . axe, and when Annie, tie littie3 girl. screained, 1 bit iser too. 1 kill2d le thern, botis anti then stnbbed thein a [ywitlî ry pocket knife to make sure of tise job. Thon I strippeti their le clothes froin thent andi hiti their that he did flot kniow whnt Was meant by thesu answers, she explain- ed ','If you have flot whispered onu C H. L D Word dut ing study hours, answer ýment,' but if you have, 'demerit.' "Thon Fum 'dlemerit', -replied atJamie, "for I wisispered several er ~~~Io C m n teti ' often'r" questionecf tie guishenie. -eIsd1nt know,," Jamie eued quietly. "As niaay as two?" urgeti the Barrie, and ltise iury is substantiallY teacher. as follon s: "More thati that," said Jamnie. -I ain ltiseiusband of tise nurtiei'cti Tisree, lfour, or lixe?", asked Miss womao, Maggie Desrochos. 'I know Ray. what isappenod at our hourte on W'ed- "More tisat that," wns tise answer. inestiny ntgbt. ,I was splittýiag ,vOOti S i xIl ight or ten tintes, I su- tisere, about 8.310 oclock whPri Au- et. oie Priske camne home and ,rsked "I tiidn't know tise raie, anti so whc-r her rnotber as. She went to in't lcol) count." Wartis a nieightor's isouse, to look ' Ihen Il". have to g-ive you zero." for ier, but did net lint i ier. When Saidtihtb teaciser, qternly. "You sise cani, back I tolt i ier I ti~d ot ougist teo know lot to wisisper i. know wher ier motisor xas, ats she scisool, cren if yori were trot telti." isnd not beets at tiseisouse. Anirie "You'reo a gilly to tell, saiti xvent away again, nnd soon carne Bruce on, tise wy home in thse even- back witis her motiser. TiseY abuseti ing- Vme anti kicked. ane outside tise house.. "Buit 1 did talk, ever so nmach, Tisea I picked up) an axe anti bit my insisteti Jamie. "What eIse coulti wife on the bn.Slif neyer mnoveti I do but tellP niterwards. -Anescrersamed, andtI Wisy, answer 'ret' like lire isit lier, too, wiiiitise axe. Thoun I rest Of 11s, of course, Tise tencber draggeti themi boti inside tise house, dida't see you, anti it'll spoil Your and, as Anale still show)-,ed signs of report, droitn'dfully. Just thiak of life, I bit h-ragl witis another it. zero the first day.Ftir l axe. 1 hatil broke isie frrst axe thîns it is awful. lie awnys wse w h cn I1 iit h e r. i u n d r e s e ti hti e n t u t o g e t ' n e r it ' I l w s e botis ant i istithir ode its cl "NOt if YOU do lot deserve itl lar., inthe ol-Jantie returneti. "Anti I can't Se la.I aise stabbed Itient botis wvith what difference it makes whether tise 1my pocket-ktîife to aake sure tiscy taie n o rnt n were deni. Iditi net kanw wist eyself, anti that's tise sanie." was ioig. wn s ry agr. Tsey "NO it isÜ?t," centradicteti Bruce. , hati botis quarreleti witi ne that -htsr f-hseig(0s' monig hn.1 el',i) vok.ahe treblo sa1, itiý foo.counit, antinlatise fiîr turenswer like 'is ti ttsey b ld stai sow and f101 I-10. WisY, Ie alldo that 1kid of sten tstthew ould flothus i hw ,- taîking-: Making signs anti writing thontisew iser coties ti he cl-notes nren't tnîkiaig." lar.- "But tisey are breaking tise taie, Tise two axes anti the pockpt-knife at ia' iesne"prîtr were subraitteti in court as evitience. anJam 1,1 yth ae,-kee fron Desroches isad. a few blooti stains on braints ue fe iibti -hs -cinthes _when nnestd. i gtheW-uletewr tmibt if Dcsochs f n el-bult anctian Anti he helti to lits Scotch resolu- shaven, anti of intelligent appear- tien despite tise twittinig of thse Lanre. H1e calnot peak Englisi, andi scisolars about his soit conscience bis evidetîce iras girn to tise court anti big "(cemerits." If he, whispered through an inte,rrter. 11o_ is net, or tiid thitrgs aga-inst tise ruies, ho, ensily atigereti, antit iose, who have diti not caîl tisent by some othcr iknown hini for yeràre mest sur-anlsortyo ca itofhe. 1prised aLthtie horrible dee t tewhich anti yet tiespite bisporertie ho hascoufeseti.teacher saiti he was one of tise quiet- est, rntst obedient pupils in tise ~ sciseol. His lessoas were always Swcll prepareti, thouig it was a mat- XTOIJIN'Gter of regret tisat no honors went hie way. A series of pnizes for higfi standing L K SI in classes anti best reports in conduc _t 1were te be disttributeti on tise clesing D<>D~oc3cc~jo3oco >0& day of tise terni, anti, as usual, mucis interest iras feit in tise oxttceme of A FELLOW'S MOTIIER tise contcst. "A fellow's mnotiser," saiti Fred tise Its award, Jamile's trarne was Wrise, neannint t ah, but alter thre Witlsisbis rosy cheeksý ant hi ss aerry resulit of tise winter's contest isat eyes, i ben aneounceti, and'tise pni7es dis- I\nows wisat, to do if -Ca flo Lgt ributti, tise president Of tise board, hurt wise hat been spekesman on thse oc- ]iy n thuntp, or cIle or a f all in casio0n, saiti, "I haveo an.otiser pni7ze tise ft to hestow to-nigist; one ne nt n- tiene inlatise list Of Toos t eis 'lfcllow's mothtr- ! lins bags andi a golti mnodal ant i t ges t Jamie strings, Norris, tise bey sVho alirnys_ prefers Raits anti buttons, ant i lots of 'tiernerits' te untruths, ant inf con- tisings; 1 sequence carnies aWay a report be- No matter how busy she is, siseti low tise average, tiseugi nccording Stop, to tise teacher's estimation in both 'l'o cho w neluyrirr ,an spin your work ndstionduret ho stands higiser top. tisan any otiser pupil la school."l "She dees net care-neot mucis, I THEY KINOW IT. mecan, If a fellew's face i8 net alwnvs cdean; Tiseusantis of people tisrouighout Anti if yeur trousers arc' tomn at tise tise counîtry know that tise e'rtinary knee %remedies for Piles-eiatnieats, sup- She can put inr n patis tisat 'yeuti trositories atîdi ppliances-will net nieyer sec, cure. Tise best of tistu. only bning pnss- Want your moustache or beard BUKN H MS OYE .dieautiIu1 brewnorrichblack? Use VLIDaeusono.MsAlu considereti by Josepis Soisu. "Tise Edu *cational Outlook" is discussediby Ossian H. Larng. Ia addition to tise articles already nameti, wich are mnainly of tise nature of îreviews of tise Isast quarter, tise pn'eseat issue img relier. dotins tnree papers on spectai sub- Dr. Leoiardt's 1l-T lit Is a jects: "Amenica's Eicoaomic Future tablet taisen internalhy tisat reioves intise Fan En st," by Baron Kaaeiso, tise cause of Piles, Ixence-( the cure bs formerly Miaister ef Agriculture anti permanent. Every package solti car- Corrmmerce itise Japan'Ese Cabinet; ries a guaranîtee n'itisit. - "ise 6-ovemameut of tise Great Tt ns perfeetly hiarmîess t1o tise Most City," by W. Rotimnan Peabotiy, anti tielicate, constitution. A îmonh's "A Ni Edition of Defoe," by Prof. j treataîcat l i a cci acag.Solti at W. P. Trent. I $,00 Atan)Y drug soe or Tise Tise, Api-il Atlantic-,epens n'îtisan WilonFye C.,- inttetiNiagara. ilunsiinaîlg article o(n Tishostof Falîsý, Ont. Wan, 1,y C. J. Bulocsn'selookýs uPoil Vmnrfam%,qasapitily beconting Great Britaîi ls casily flrst amnLonig tee ex-pensive for endurance, a fact tise nations in tise application of tin alnes for pence anti arbitra- mnechanical poe ef Ui eogns I in fast as nations shaul begin te reaiy vpalofVcrtheimrengnts. i _reahize ýtiseir burtiems. Chsarles F. sexerl imortan citDole contnibutes a paper on% Tise ies mosssnotor fîre-engines whiicis Blght ai Wrong cf Tise Monre Doc- ar e a olu ainde0fan'tehosontrine. A remiankable paper, Wlihi on tiscontnent.wili challenge attention, is tisat in wisici prof. Hugo Mjustenberg philos- NOTHINO EQIJAL TO C.HANIBERLAIN'S oph soerTieEteraLiei a tOUGVGI-OLERANAWDFARRMMEA meditative ant i oeticallî' psychsolo- REMEDY. gic sein. "Alcbpisron (isemeolera -- Jurclus) adtim'sses bis caustic epistie tisis mentis 10 Artisur Jant,'es Bai- "lWe have used Chaml-be iai' Colle, four, tise Englisis premier. Notiig Choiera anti Diarrhoea Reniedv in our except tise tille is dry .or tidtictie faucil' for yeann," swus8Mrs J, B. Ceoke, about Wintbrop More Dan iel's bril- loINederlands,Texas 'Wbshavegiveil liant annuai revîew- of literature de- it to ail of our ciiltrea We have useti ioteti to lu discussion of carrent Sig- other medicines for tise sauce purpose, nificanit Books on, Ecotiomics anti but bave nover folant anvtbiug te equal Poltis Antiren' B. White continues Chambenlain's. If sou wlil use It as bis crics upon Tise Warfare of Ru-1 directeti it will alwa3-s cure." For sale mnt'wt nesnwt is by al druarg1sts anityonChristinraseantis aflns ___________of te osnobtale o 1thcasaene Tlîe Guest (alter dinnei)-"Your leaders in theo freeing of thiougist anti wiife is sncb a beautiful wemn it's a breakiag tise sbnckles eh pedantry wentier you're tiot jealous of lber."I andtihie tiseologians. Col. T. W. Tise He)st- 'Oh, I ant! I lever in- j Rigginson contrihutes Letters 'of, vite nymaisere tisat aay sane Mark, as bue hfîmorously entities mompýan mouldti ake a fancy te." sonie toucising or amusing specirneas SENTENCE SERMONS., You cannot lead witheut love.' The only livingý art is tise art of living. Work is tse oaly coin tisat- buyeýýq wisdin. Labor for God is vain wvitisout love for mati. IHumility gives tise level headoi tise lofty height. Throwiog sanidini another's eye Is no proof of y-our own grit.. The public kicke(rs oitei n\av but ,veak private cncecs f Vlien tise ibl hides yu rte rit i AM to dig tsogii ohn. ,It is alwaysý easler to, go ý1aheati u slipperyý places than it is to turai arouni. Maay are willing to give tise Lo)rd seeci corn if only they c'ati have a miortgage en thse crop. It's a good thing to have bilg ideals, but there's no sc lu i keep- ýing your bread in a ballooti. If thse mMn ho thnks Only of sav- iog isis own soul ever gets into hea- through a Icuothole.- Tpn hen betCuylngMedc.5 fr L u pn g h t d p e s a on o ' Ilfe. LN'S LUN BAL SAM o ntabe isou1 NOOIUMin 0.n TnyendI aosje I p ot ] ncas s o CR UP OLDS , ee -s at d OU HS Tn frr i nwand b. convînurýd. BRAC 1% UEIS TAENERVE8'S. PEO"PLE VWELL 8~D5UpTh BDY JIN SPRING r ME. Th Krd ha asMaP SchWNdmflFIes~ 1 I It took years of experimenting to, find the blend whîch P roduced's It is made from the finest Java, Mocha and Plantation berries and is the richest and most delig5htfu1 coffie that money can buy. NEVER SOLD IN BULK, only in onë-pnoun-id and Ltwo-pound tins and always at 40 cents a, pound. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADI31NG GROCERS lu ail e a nd ut lfe- th at, te offe tn o rks ad ody t Ç Wesknes are guaandtexd cure by ucn e stn dt reatminètheor Ne a P u fton ue nu fr oisi S ya le e . ~ u e uiy e t e bqst i maIL ELlE F ilED e cmer s aee l 'ta rag auot a "I arn yrsutas and mahlexisWtene OtezG Iledatga \ nonye. fyindnoacoorcoviforttlaercese mad troble fr me aa,fetae Bionts ofJie-e. Mari e ffie, a utifacrtsoy and ~~-. ~/ ut bo tr e and Itrfessvetionas. ale li t tratt Yuen oDru kenney es ut roian. T e uiew thu bUlEI tueR muall E , physIcLE lyNenoasu d e itl ly. ýi ee n ect lîk a atilu ver'IIresp et. T cf ate admmxear s agoTheuyonar 1 oet ekifu ad esouiMefuncaly o h atere ucese mdeFarublee oi caibecre y relia ble do trs "-WrA. elton, B nsti8fct ~IRE G~RN1EDORNOPI. h om 1napp7. 1Froo-ooseo--OeslilonBIn Fa00ilHed reii 1~ Dr eaninefoDy e&crgn n , Krai. heSr e M 1 e! d LiiTrAPY NOTES. A discuissin of -American Poli- tics" by Ileniry Litchfield West opens tise Apriil-Junei: issue of Thse Forum. It is nturally concerned in thse main 'ith thie policy andi adtministration of Presiîdeant Roosevelt. A companion ar- ticle on "Foreign Aliýairs" by A. Maurice Low touches upon several European problemns, but inys special stress upon tChe internai and exter- ual fortunes of Russia. A. D. Noyes analyzes thse iiost ntboepisodles of the last theemnths in "Fin- ance," and is followAd by a revieW of recent progt'eýýss iiAipleScience-(" contributed by Eeny arrisoilSu- plee. I. IW. Io'ilspaýper on "Liýterature" reviewstms t fc w)ý,ila- portan, cnt biographies. Presenit of oditi letter7s ifrom o oc-Ple,, whil have cornu w'ithinhiexrin. Thorenu'a interesting Journal ço a- tinues, andi Bratford lTorreygie, delightful sketch of a sutheiiriiwinter, as seen from A Florida Bav-Window. Margaret Sherwoodl's ùew serlal Tisa Coming of the Tide continues to eai- list nnd fasten tise attention of readers. Short stories an4i keche are The White Liama, aIISouts-Aner- icean tale by V. F. Lummis; The ýRc- compense, a Dickensy seth b,, Anie H T. fonneil; !c Srn:jrt Fiction, n ýcrie celeC jo 50wich no- other tisaisLlcdoBancoulci ha\e writtn. ]Pooms hy Nia . Branch an a dionCaeiund a lively fu{î i p~t chsar, d