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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1905, p. 8

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tý-UEN OF ACTRESSES PRAE S P-RU-NA* RAMPTON. Attend te6,o.bllmatch at Bow- nianville Good Friday-BawmaflvillO va Wychwood....Viisiors--Mr. an d Mrs. J.HI Cryderman and son Fred, Mists Mabe1 A. Tait, Bowmanville, Dr Jý 1. Eliott, Gravenhurst, at Mr H. Eliot'. .. rsJ. McDougaîl bas me- turned to ber home at Chatham».... Anyone wishing to secure swine pure bmed Yorkshire should read W. Ailin's advt. in another column .... Mr. and Mme. J Cowling, ir , spent Sunday at Mr. B. Fernson's, Mb. Vernon... Mrs. A. Moore has returned from Whltby.... Miss Leta Clark spent Sun- da with ber sister Mrs. John Brock, Oshawa .... The newly elected, officers ofE. L, <U E. are: President, F. J. Groat; lst Vice Pres Miss G. E. Creep- em: 2nd Vice Pres. IMissE. M. Rtobbins; Brd Vice Pros, Miss Alice Creeper; 4th Vice Pres. Miss E. R. Johns; 5th Vice Pres, Miss M. Roach; Secy. Miss Hulda Cryderman; Treas. Tom, Taylor. $7 00 a day, every day for a year le goad pay. It is boing made with our goods. Household necessities, everv family needs themn Write to-day, G. Marshall & CJo., London, Ont. DISTRICUT NOTES. Mr. Fý C. Anderson, Commercial Master of Cobourg Cllegiate Institute, was prcsenbed -withi an addmess and handeome dlock by his pupils beïore! leaving. At Port Hope. Willie, bbc iour-year old sou ai Mr. Jessie BraadbeutL, bak, met bis death by drawning. fie was play ing around Wattou street bridge, 4-- _ýe nd whiie kicking stane into thc Gencraska rvrfl n Amang tbe Japanese. canctipabian le almost unknown. lb wauld be MISSJUi.IA ARLWE.equally unkuown in Canada If eveny- MISSJUUAMARLWE.bodv used Viba Laxative Fruit Pille, ~ ca3~Natures remedy, composed oi berbs, barks aud inuits. R. M. Mitchell & (Jo. arecenla ýtter ta, The Peruna McdR-t'On for the nerve cantcns. P d' druggists, keepe theni lu stock; price 125 CI, isJulia liarlowe aife gested f ood furnisheeths cents, k lybs U flain a a a le vthvbaîyWhc 1a&trAdespatch irom Toonto says:-"At M ite(,ady nervos, and thue t(>ýLi te requet ai several County Cauncil- 'Ianga owierycndorse- Peruna la ingree4t fa'or 1 ors and an the recommendatio n ai bbc oto toratrrndPeuMmn epca-1th 'ý ~ Povincial Secretany, bbc Act aeeîsting N e é- tnk. Ido so rue n enciat rety tng a e "ôhaE ta bbcextent af $4,000 iluthbcocst at 'rlJy,".=4ula Mrlow. ta. Fotin furIs~îs 1 eiding county pon bouses erected i~vnsnsia Mr owe.o1"9maug - to 1906 wil be arnended bjy ex- leu1. This condition le due ta anemlc ouli1 ramamti . en rigbt countie that have not me centers. The naitva contera are nwld ta.tes ara W ý%Z0Ofi recbed paan bouses, and sevemal depu. reservars ai enRaas-. The bhIi~g ïeed tions rcpeseting tbcmbave urzed reý-cvorsofnevoisvitality. Toeevery year. Snuc ts eî(1,4èm 1bihesxtension oi time." Narthvrnbcr- ,tr hnMc ,blood s frw to surei[ proves thst Pmiun,% ls l.n#f landand Durham bave no flouse ai h sprLr sa -,,tEvary epïnn a- 0f A th dl- toi ~ ,-x, Do you realize that every onganlu tbc arep zced abo theofà- yï j hiran bodv le compased ai iny cli e c ýJ'boitl of jeUralled tissue? If thie2 tiesuois hep"',- aslyobiated by bb tY7hdofo 1CIv ou ueed have nô di-ead of diseae. 1Panina ikes at the itsfroftipérilna thdtU 0- Vito Tentc rcnews bbc tissue aud bulde Ofatiedfiriyboretn c p'ectewiPe to Driat Ci> up tbbc syetem. Mn. R. M. Mitchell, ~a, lgietio urielice btn- Irnbj, Oiaduggisb, keepe lb la stock, vve. c'anotThe sudden death accurred at Port ule o gl'a Hope receubly of Mrs John Walker, ~er nd igntur ofaboe tetim nia ~boh ~4lThe dcceased bad caten a heanty supper ts land whcu retiring was seized witb Yxifstrtesits 1)1 geuineess a ppopiexv, aud died lu about an boumi ------______________afterwards, Sho wae amang bbc nnrn- W il IV 8BARD E' T~Dr t. Jou' hurch. ber ai bbcoidc.t ctizens ami was bomu S777orCETRLluabb4 counby orCavan, Irclaud, lu 1825; rbECuML5~'fS TIS cimcta Canaýda lu 1827 and settled Îlu sican astr Dy:-laIe hr,5band lun1845., hu 1851 .tbY1 At pulIcmetin, i ws mvedby Momingpryar oranpmeudeprceeion. ook up their residence in Part Hope, !rohu BlwBaamieen scode y ai b1ymu, I.:4; E,,Fiier 3athe- hitarwbere M.Walkem camried an a sc roe.phKln, i Kng ra., eenrspeeovr.'Gl6a àtr; T DmaJub- essiul funnitune and underbaking 'Tsî hi mein ao bcBor c lt, haeSYO ommacioi1, Ber 'ce business, Prae f hbydeeîres tate lic ., nlÇom;' yT5o 316. .Are yau' suffering ironi indigestion, ICulvemwvell, Myaeagýing Dîrectar ai Evening. prayez; argan preinde; Fracas- sicknese aiter eaing or dul, pains lu Uhe CentralOtao Power (Jo., Lmt loa yu1U, Gloria petri; Magnfcat, voaur stomach? You cati asiiy be ured .d,, foci xplanablons lun connecîlon N-nncDinitti-hymns 140-135; offetry if vou take Vita Tontc, Nature' e m.m tiîh the furnlsblng ai electnIo So--0! Blest utedeerner." Hyon 138; dcmoe ihre ak u ,rom Bnrlelgb Falls ta Whitby a.d oth-nbe-' laohyritou;"p fruits. R. M. Mitchell & Co., druggists, k.ce_'sional rnarch. The Rector wfil preach utkeplluso. r Lahefront towus. And thia meeting bth scea,. eptinsok ei recammends tUa praject ta the manu- facturera as weil as ta the Investiug public aif the district." Carrled unant- moneiy. D. Ormetan,Barrisitir, Chn; C. A. Goodfeiiow, Edtoim, acting Sec- netery, Othere who spoke ta the reso- leton iwr, -CJol. -Farewell, K. .; Andm3w Rose, Marchant, eud Thea. KnTanner, Percale wbo blave boys an girls studying for lic ntarnce xominetione ta figh ~cboi ehnl noe hat candidates ae 'nai equred ta take 40 pan cent, on saab rajee,â sud ààan ggle of ai60 per cent The per .couIe formerly xcquined were SSL- sud 50 mcpeoivEiy. Only thoge Whba beS Sc doa wi'h examinationa cen reelize loaw niucb t»e iucreased perceutages mean. fience parents, ebould ses Ibat pupils d' thir work faithfnlly sud seud thea reg- ulanly Io echool. Tha Pct Hope Guide says. "IA yonug Poil Bopen lnckily sscaped from a serions occident ou Sunday lest, fie ises luBois ruenvile ansd attenipted ta board e feet napv ng tra in. He miEsed bis grip sud the Pan hPebind pmjected cut a coniderable distance sund struck blm on the head with conaideeable force. fis was knacked doisu jusi a sjhort distance front the rail but ha- lng uncanecGtiaus ho disfMot attanipt ta uave frot is peilons position and thes no funtýher harno befeil hlm. Hae is brongbt home ('n the moignigbe train sud la pr'ragosiug asiseilAe'c-' be expeced.' Tho J. MeKay C, Lùnited, of this tavu, isbP"ý as lare Milli 'rasburued doisu lest Fail ar e aiec ing Panais building. The contracte.,r ie Mm, W Brook, The reir stueire will h oi ossoaa atoe udIbrie rfai brgh The mit-n build- ing isi 8ho 2xdO bbs ngnrcom oetare ud v032 tahS a hb eu prcbmao, sud nais maecbintmy The jcot isihibe $#13,000, sud t in ex. 1m;t ta1baveail l mi n n dýer by Jul7, EN NI BU.1.LL ENY. Schaail RepîDrt for Mncnaines lu oferaiment, 'regillarity, pueIlofelaiity Bel, Ia errng SaleVintue, Wal- lace Stantcwr. V-Al er lng, eMary iBell , Retta Rbbinsj, hary Oralg and Gertie Steveus (equal> Elile 14ountjoy, JFne Sharp! Hazel Pascoe; Sr, III-WIllie Preston, Robert Sherp, Stanley Preston; Jr. III-EHowa,-d Pye Lila Leai, Douglas Barton, Mverwin Monntjoïny, NMavgae Oke. Rueseeli Woenï Olarnce,ý Gay; Sr. 11-EF3tber See Jfl'te Brcit, MorI.y Holdg, B igla Bell LotiecAlver; Jr. IW're PrIeDelsBy Gay, Les!ie RLc'bblnE, Tene hap.Liile Fice, M aud ahem Sm t lOlgafloldge, Adam Sharp' Epdlth (hy, Ada AveýrY; Jr. 11t, il- Cîïcli', Brun, Mary Brut (equal) Raob- hie Prelitou, cella Bruni, MIsses Burgose, vas home ecetly. Mise Kate (Jeliyar, Newcastle, le visittng hem aunn, Mme. H. Hooper., Mise Minute Jeffery, Toronto. le vlsltlng bea ster, Mme. J. E Richarde. Misa Martba Harvey, Leekerd, bas besu viaitlng at Mn. fi. Arcb'esud assteted as brIdeemaid et the weddlng recen tly. Mfiss Edua Morton, vlited' Mme. A. Mr. Manel Maguire vlsited friends le Janebvilie. Miss Hatie Stevenson, Oshawa, le vlsitlug ber aunt, Mme. A A. Gamsby. Mn. Fred Pearson bas falien beir ta a coaederable fortune In bbc aid coun- try Ibisa eportad. Messrs. Joseph Rtckaby, sud Willi Pettaeon, of Gordon-MoKay C., Tor- onto, wanc home recently. Rav. T. W. Jollîffe, Boismanvîlle, peacbed lu bbe Methodiat cbumch Sun- day morulua. George Waunn, oftbe Stb Con., le leautng babebmng wltb Mr. J. E. Mm. aud Mme, Alfund, sud Mr. sud Mre. Stevene, aif(Joui lIc, etteuded a psrty nt M. Hamilban'd, Kaudal. Mr. John Moment, isha was expect. ep home ou a couple ai monthe vîka- tion, iîli lnstead go ta Germany, b y nequesbf the Princeton, N. J. Uni- va-lt'y, ta perfect bimsecf ln tbe Ger- wan language, aud ou bis raturu isili become Frençb sud Garman master at the Uulveralty. Miss Edua Reuwlcl<, played the organ lu bbc Ptesbyterian church au Suuday eveuing wbek, lu bbc absence ai Mre. Gamsby. Mrs. Rabert Cooper sud Mme. Poili- ard isene sppoInfed doeecetes fono Orono, W. F. Ni. Sac!ety, Preebyterlan cburcb, ta bbc convention lu Peterboro Mn. A.- J. Bawen pucbased recentî,y irom bMn. Frauk Grim-g, Bowmauvllle, tbe speody green mare , Muriel Wilk%." Mmr. Wm. Lockwood, Ganaque, i as, been augaged by Mr. A. W. Car. FveU as millen et the Leekard Mille. The oltîrens iâ fSi. Savlour's Cbnrcb ae-Pecplas chumcb Warden, Mm., Richard M1ontan; Minîsters Wamdan, Mmr. Thos. Cothni-; Sîdemen-Masors. Tho.1c08b Richard McGrath, Frank Haîll;Caeaker, ~ir.Alex- 1The BasI Clanke ,Phone "Co., bave ecthe fbbcr4llowiafloes-Silas G. fiuasî,Preldent; Dm, McKenzle, ViePreaildentl; Sec-Trea., Albert IR. WaWish. DIrectos-R. N. Smith,Rlh ard W HalloielI, S. Cutteli, J, R. OSHAWA. Mr. O. A. Dnew sud famly, Franklin, Ceuter, have returued ta Osbhawa. berafula cumed by Milier's Compound Iran Pille. Sald by Ebtt & Jury drug- giete. TUe bady af Robent White wbo was dnowncd lu Scugog latte Iset falbas been iauud sud interred lu bbc Union cemeteny. Miller'e Worm Powdere ion reetîes- nees aud peevishuess. Sold by Staît & Jury, drugLrists. Mme, James Leutan, iormerly oai0Osh- awa dicd at Passuuipeic, Vermont. Mn, John flouiden lestcuding the funenai, af is ister. Mme, A. Townseud sud daughter Lena have nebunned ironi visiting iiends lu Ammanda, Micb, Mies Lena won much pnaisc for hem vialin playing wblle away. If you once tmy Carter's Little Liver Pille for sick headache, biliauses or constipation, yau wihi neyer ha witbout theni. -Tbey are pumely vegebable: emjali sud easy ta balte.- Don't fonget thîs. Osbawa Canning Campanu have ne- clected bbc ialawîug officens : Presideut E; J. McDoweil, Oshawa; Àeec, J W. Babcock, Oshawa; Manager, M., F 8smitb, s-aa;Treasuner, J .S. Restau, Osaa; Secrctary> E. I. Thomas, Oshawa Au important cougregational meeting was held lu tbe Presbytarian cbunch Wednesàay eveuing. The paston, Re'r. J. Hadgee, apened tbc meeting witb de- votianal exercices ailter wbicb, W. E. N. Sinclair, chaîmman ai tUe Board of Man- agers took tbc chair, Au instnilmental solo was reudemed by Mrs. W. A. Rame sudM!r. F. Symnde, sud au organ sala by Mise Dillon. A ebnspectai bbc congregation was given by tUe-chair- mnu, ai ter wbicb Mr, Morris, Treasuner, gave a ummamy oaitbbcocaeboaitbb present cburcb building. ie concludecU wit'e placiug the tarcb ta bbc morbgage wýbicb bad juet been paid off, sud as bbc iust wreabbs ai suioke arase bbecodeg. regation sang ec doxo-logv. Appnop- iabe remanke werc made by Messrs. Dr. Hoig, Robt. McýLaugblîu, J. D, Storie sud Dm Montgoumciw. A ilk gowu wae presautcd ta bbc pastar by Mmes, R Pingle sud eut glass ta Mme. Plodges by Mvrs. fi. Park, wbiie au ap- prapniabe sddmess was rcad by Mme. Me- CullacU. The pastar eplied thauklng bis people for thai'r kiùne-s. The niiebe'a5 salamy wiil be incneascd ta $120. Fombenuew membe, s were1 recently neceived inta this churcu A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Binud, Bleediuig or Protmuding Piles Duggists refond nioney if PAZO OINTIIENT fails ta cure any case, no Matter of how long standing, le 6 ta 14 days. Firqt appilictio viveseassa ad est. Soc. If yourrmegF.tha.en'î a it 9eInclustampa Sua it isil be forwanded post-pald lDy Paris edilua C., St. Lcii5,lMo Wrg Ri'rnrr DAIZLIINGTON. Base Line Union Sunday Sehool An,-' niversary May 4th. _.., Mm. J as. Towns la movýing ta Torant..,. .Mr. 1Jas. Pleance had sanie sheep tain_ by dags necentiy. Mm. Wesley A Nichaois visited bis brother Mr. Anchibald Nichais, Hamil. ton, mecently. He 'and bis bride intenud removing ta the Ambitions City wheme he bas sedumed a po3ition in the nursery. MII)LANI LIEUU.E MEETING, Dr. J. C Devint, President af the Midlaud Football League. attended a meeting at Petembaro Fniday when Norwood, ýBawiranville, Peterborough Quakers, Peterborough B. A. C., and Harwood werc represented Groupe and couvenars are: No. 1- -Bow ma nyil1le and surnounding teams; couvenor-, Dr. Devitt. Bowman- ville, No 2-Cobourg, Baltimore. Har- Wood ; canveitor. L e s i i e, Wilson, Cobourz; No. 3--Norwood and Peter. bora Quakers; canvenar, Dr. Morgan, Peterborough. No. 4-Locust fHi and surnounnling teams; canvenan, M. R. Hoover, Locust fHi The firet gme must be plaved on or befome May 7, and tbc fimst rouind muet be verbefme une3.After cansider- able dicsilbwas decîded ta frorm a Hunior serles, aud il was moved, and 1 -crîed, that noa junior player shahl be ailo0wed ta play m1ore than One senior game, and oplaver in the senior sertes bealoe ta 1rpbakta the junior senies untjii i team bas played twa gaines The olow gsebehdutewas adopteci for tbiseilfinals and fialfa tbe seniorsei: Group A semi-fiua-ls-J une W, winner ai No. 1atw ~a i N 2 Jue lb, wuer ai No.,2 a u erofaiNo. 1, Group B-Juný- 10, winn-_em aiNo 3 at winnier af No 4; Juneý 17 winner af Na. 4 Pt wvîiur1,ai No. 8. Finals-J une 24bh1, winner ai B at winner ai A; .jly 1 ;, winiem o ai t winner aiB. NEWTOVILLE, Mn, jsubs, Peterboro, gave his stereaptican vîws ere on Satunday evening anîd ou Snuday gave an ilIustrat- cd address On 11tUe ofa St Paul.....M- Mn Jno. Penwardeni bas punchased a piano.. Mn. W. WilLiams,ýad Miss Jennie Nesbitt who are undeng-oing treatment at Taranto general hospia ae irnipmoving nWcely.., The telephone une- ta thc station je about completed . . n ranStaples, Orono, and iss B13essie, NewcastLe, wcnre homeç over Sunday ,.Ms gi rug Yçwa~te, a~rue Sunday.. MnNeil Machnnewashorne froni Toronto Busi- ne ss Collee 1YîRoNE. Miss Maggie Li'ndsay, ]3owmanviile, ïS vlslting at bornec,. .n.Pecy Dason Mnreal, le guesi ai ýMn.AW Cenn .AIl are pleased ta biear of Mî-, Fred N Fanrel's successiul aper ati"o for appen- dicitis, ii Taooo Gieral Hlospi afnl day.. -. TnaneSabathSchool ar r- Parnrng for their annivcmsany servi1ces ~unday ay ~ .- M.Rchard Coates is memoving t , bolgc. .Ca nad enjoy the cA1 I- musical prograrn)ta begîven by Tynone n Bteeachairs in Tyronc cburchi Good Fridavevin..M.Wi J. Martin i le aig extensive 3repalirs on bis nCsidenice.. -.Tbat Tyrone boys nre up-ta-date entertai ners was proven _1y the success af their efforts at League Friday 7th, when aven- anc huniidned pensons en- jayed tbe choruses, quartettes, trias, solos, necitatiaus. dîilogues and spceches, also tbc peanut taffy and mnaple creain 5 generously supplîedi by the baye af the Leagne. That fulinese, aftem meale promptly rclieved by takiug iacoaiMiller' Coin- pound Iran Pillq atter nach meal, Sold by Stott & Jury, dnuggisbLs. Visitons: Mrs. Samnuel Souch, Bowrnan- viLle, visited ber sister Mns. Gea Argue;i Master Russelli Wotten, with bis grand na Mrs. Thompean, Bowrnanville; Mn and Mme, C. E. Stewar,ïýt visited bier brother MnrJ Metcalf, South Darlingtan; Mn. andMrs. J, CurtÎis, Tyrone, at Mn. James Pvp' ~ A ,.a,~,-ê ...;; î e i... e j__ Epwoth eag ue Thursday evening Àpril 2o, admission ouly Se .. .. Special Esten music will Uc given Uv the choir Sunday cvcniug le tUe Methodist church.. . - Our boys ietend wi tes he bcgreat Foot- bail gamne lu Bawmanville Good Fiday. Our new seede have arrived including Long Red Maîigol, hait Sugar Miangel, Ycllow lutermediabe Mangel; Rayai Giant feeding, Sugar Beet; Jumbo, Baugholm, ekinviug aud White Turuip Secd; bal long Wbitc Cammot Sccd. Alil choicest qualitv asud wuili Uc sold at pop- ular pices. W. M. WarmuN, Geucrai Merchaut E NF I SD Visitors: Har7vey Hoar, Colu~mbus; D. .Montgomery, So)lina; Miss Lily MeCul. loch, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J T. Rundie, Solina; Mr. an)d Mrs. John Paseoe, Mt. Vernon. Mms Jas, Gilbert and Miss M1abel Jewell at Port Perrv; Miss Ida MIcCttlloch at Toronto; Misst Fanny and Mrs C. Reynolds at Cart-1 wrigbt; Reee a nd Mrs, R. Pascoe at1 Kinsale. . ..Wm. Ormïston bas rented1 the McNa)Ily, farm adjoining is .... Levi1 Rettir wllbuflcçi a baru this summer1 Jas. Coebrane3 and family have1 mo% ed to Oshawa... . Albert Nidderyt bas gone to Fenelon Falls.... .Donald M4cCulloch sold a horsefor $190 .... Geo. Stacey and Mîiss Babcock, Raglan, were married April 12.. . .Wm, Knapp bas purcbased anotber farm from Mr.t Mackie,.. .W. J. Knapp contemplates extenive repairing on bis bouse... Miss Edith Wot1,e, l recovering f rom a serious iles.. iiinwitnessefs initiations tevery we... lvrand FaIl wheat l100k ,badl kiled $10 EASTER WASHINGTON EXCUR- SION. Via Lcb"igb ValleylRailroad, Fridav, April 2lst. Tickets only $10, the roundý trip from Suseso Bridge. Good 10 da3ýs. top over allowed îat Baltimnore" and Phiiladeipian return-ng. Tickets good on ail rglrEpestrains hu- cluidilig BlackDim d Exress. Side trip Ptldepia Atiantic Citv and return $1 75. F-or tickets and further particulars cali on or aeddres, ROISI S, LEWIS cavadan Passenger AgQent, 10 King SI .' Enst~, Tfoaolto.> 15.2w, 1 1W .L ,F *.ALE5.1 F HEILTU AND STRENUTE, Sopriing bio)od la bâd blood. It la clogged wîlh lmpnrftles thât make thenilVü es bt in many waya, snob as plrnple and emuptlons, poop digestion, ocoealenal beadmobea, twlngea of rben. matism, a lszy feeling lu the momnlog, aud a strang deelme ta avold exertian. Szmet!mcs the nerves are anstrun,yon f eei dulitand depreesed, and your stmength la eilpping eway. You en ouly be put rlgbt by enmlcblnjg the bload and drivlng ont th3 Impurîties. Purgatk-ee wan't do tbls-tbey ouly make yau weaker. What yen need le a tontc, and theeeest tonte that medical science ha. yet diecovered le Dr. Witt- lama' Pink Pille. Theoe pilla ectualiy make new, rloh, red blood, brace the nerves and brlng bealth aud euergy ta weak, despondent and eaelly tlred men and womeu. Mr&. Chas. Blackburn, Ayleufomd Station, N. S , Bey:-" For bbc peat ten veara Dr. Wllilams'. Pink pille ta the only medicîne I bave taken wben I foulnd 1 needed medicIne. Lest spring I was feeling poarly, wee weak, eaally tired and depressed. I got tbree boxes of Dr. Wlliamse' Pink pille, and they made me faet lîkç% a new persan. They are tbc beet medicine I kuow of when the blaad le out ai condition." If yen ueed a maedîclue thîs sprIng- and there are few people who do nat -take a icw boxes of Dr. Williamns' Pxnjïk pille, sud yen wlll flnd an uIm- proved appetite and new health and streugtb sncb as na other rmedicineenu give yen. Theme le no dîsease ai bbc blaad these pille will ual cure, sIeln1 becae tbey make the new, rlch blood thet drIves dioesea rou the systeni. The genuine Pink Pilla bave the feu naine, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People," on the wrapper arauud eacb box. Sold by aIl medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cent% a box or six box- co for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Wil!- lame' Med!cine (Io. . Brockviile, Ont, NEWCASTLEr Mn, Chas. 1,3mit. Newbonville, bas opened a bî 'ry re tMiller's Gnip odr Cure. SoId Uv tOtt & Jury, druggiate. Miss Hooper, Torouto, bas been visit- ing ber sister Mrs. Gea. Eilbeck. Mr, John Middletani bas Iost five cattie since last lu irorn Inflammation. Mn, Fred Richardson, tho celebnated horEeman offCalumbus.was beme reccntly Betten nesults- follow fram bbc use af Miller's Compaund Iran Pille than froni auy others. Sold by Stott & Jury, dmuggists Mr. fiarry Pearce bas about finisbed sugaring, baving bad a profitable scason on bbc aid Pioneer i arm. Can't cat? Take Miller's' Compôund Trou Pille for a few days and . observe bbc resuits, Sald by Statt & Jury, drugr- n. ýGao- Alum ise egaged -Aitb bis bnoberin-awFuller Ciatem - on a famm nartb af Bawrnvilie, Wii bc iaund an excffllent' remedy far sick bheadache. Carter'e Littie Liver Pilla. Thausande ai letters inom people wha have used tbem prov-e Ibis tact. Try tbem, M. Kirkendail and iamilv ha4be ne- moved ta Bawmauvilie, Mn, K. having secnred the position of foneman ai anc ai bbc depamtmnente lu the faundmy, Mme. (Rev ) j. R, Rel, Picton, wll spcak: on Missions lu tbc Methodiet, church Eaeten Sunday eveniug, Miller's Warm Pawders fon saliow ekin; aId or vaung. Sold by Stotb & Jury, druggists. Mn. and Mme. Alex Ràutherfard, Kinby, atcndcd bbiinfneral ai bbc late Chances Tamblyn at Newcastle. If sick beadaclie le misery, what anc Carter's Little Liver Pille if they will positively cure? People wbo bave used tbe.m spcak fmankly ai their. worth. Tbey are email and easy ta take. Mm Robinson bas leascd a portion ai bbc old. Evaporatory building far a oper auup ana. wîî put.,iu macuîueny for turning out barels., A plain question : Do you rcaliy get bbce anly Paiukiilcr-Permv Davis'- wbc, nto ask, for lb? Bebler bc sure tbau eonry. lb bas nat, lu 60 yeans fbail- cd ta stop looscee- and pain lu tbe bawels. Mn. John Ha ll bas bougbt bbe Elevabor buildings, (bbc Massey propcmby) muni Mn. R. Warren, sud ail the land reach- lug down ta bbc Kent residence ion $1500, Re will erect bwo ucw nesideuces. CuOUP ABSOLUTELY CUIIED. "There le na remedy lu my opinion that eau act marc pramptiy than Dr. Chase's Syrup ai Linseed aud Turpentine. lb cumed my sou ai croup, absolntclin loan night. We gave hlm a dose wbcn ha was black lu tUe face witb cbokiug. lb gave hlm instant relief sud cure."- Mu. Wan. MaGuu, 49 Wright Ave., ra- mronta, Ont. TUe Epwartb. League have elccted bbc followiug OffJPicers:--Pres., Walter, lekard; lat Vice , Harry Pearce, with Misses A. Wilson. L. Gamnbsy sud L. Riekard, 2ud, Srd sud 4th Vices respect- ively; R 8S, Narman Richard; C. S., IMise J. Atkiusofi; Treas., W. Penny; Pianiet, -Mise Fbo Rickard: Delegate bc, bbc district execubive, Pres. Rickard. AS A CaýNVALusoMT .11OOD. Mu. WYMÂN N. TuaseAs, Ompat, Addiugbou Ca., Ont., write:-"My wife had con- gestian ai the lunge along witU aCher troubles, aud became very wcak sud run down. By bbc use ai Dr. Cbase's Nerve Food sUc was made as straug sud wcli as ever 01, course 1 had sa dactor, but abe wss weak, and lb wae Dm. Cbase's Nerve Food whicb bulît Uer New telephanes : No. 126, F. H. S Lawrey, Vetcninany Surgeoni, Silver St. Nos changcd: No. 88, Alex Hume, Butcher, King St; 124 s S. S. Brooks ,' shipper, Caurtice; 124 b, Gay &àss cantractors, Courbice: 124 c, A. E. A simple, effecc eard safe emedýcy for ail thrcat Cresolonz Anttlaoptic Teý.Icte They comebine the germýcldal value of Cr-solenewitk - te sotia r Iiresteippeýry at ad o à o 80. M DpUae. 40 The Twenty-Thirci Annuul Meeting OF THE SIIARJhIOLDERS OF THE Ws telri Baï]k of Ca llada Oshawa, Ontario. Held at the Hea,,d Office of the- Bank, on Wednesday, April 12, 1905. FiHE FOLLOWING SHAREHOLDETIS WERE PSESENT :-JouiNCWA. LW.FP. COWAN, J. A. GIBSON, _R. S. HAMLIN, 0. W. ScoOT', Trios. M=:.R Du. MaINTasII, THos. PATERSON, W. W. TAMBLYN, U~. FOSTER, W. H, WILLIAMs, T. H. MOMILLAN, HY. SWAN, JNO. MCLAIJGULIN, and othens, The President occupied the chair, and Mm. T. H., McMilan acted as Secretary ta the- meeting. THE REPORT. The Directors bave pleasume in submitting tbe Twenty-third Annual Repart for the yeam ending on the 28th of February, 1905. The business af the Bank has côntinned actiye and progressive. The net profits of the year have amounted to $78,836.36, or about 161 per cent. upo)n th6e average paid up Capital of the Bank, which, adeed ta the balance carried for- ward from the previaus year oi $2,887 70, amounts te $81724.06. Ont af this enm two half-vearîy Dividends of Si per cent. eacb have been paid, absorbing $33,924 81. $82,500 cannied to the Rest Account, and 529.5 carried forward ta the credit of Profit and Loss. The Deposits af the Bank have incmeased $527,032 25, and the circuiation $34,640, and the gross assets $718,148 85 aven the previous year, The lasses of thc year were small. The Reet AcLouut af the Bank now stands at $250,000, which !, equal ta 5U per cent. of the paid up capital. 17he Agencies of the Bank bave been recently insoeeted, and wene fand l a satisiactory condition.1 JOHN CUWAN, President;, Oshawa, Apnil l2th, 1905ý Statement of Assets anid "Labilities11 On the 28th Day of February, 1905. Statement of Profits for the year ending Febvuary 28, 10 Balance at Credit ai Profit aud Lose Account on 28th ai Feb., 1901 ..............a 2,887 70 Net Profite af tbe vear... 78,:8861316 581,724 06 l LIABILITIES, Capital Aceount ........ Reet Accouat. -- Notes lu Circulaioin. Depusits with Interegit.., Due ta Divideed No. 45.. Due Rayai Bank Scotlaud Profit sud Lace Account 441 875 3 868,669 17,500 69,309 15,299 25 $5,162 653 68 To Divideud No. 44.. L 945.. Tmansfcmred ta Reet Ac. ,caunt Camied tao rtidit ai Profit aud Loss Account.. ASSETS, Specie............. Legals ......... Notes and Cheques ai ather Banks.e ...... Due from other Banks iu Due fo Frigmom Bauke lu Feoeigu Ch onion Depasit w,,i tominione Goverultitan.ecu. onat DMiniona Prdoinial Munpa ud at. e Assereaiycovrile$,28283 Bille Diseounted (Jument 3,128,041 O8, PastDue Biii1s(iully sccumed1 86,474 81 Real Estabe............. 12,085 44 Mortgages ou ResI.Estate, 12,368 16 Bauking Premises ......... 25878 84 Office,Safes aud Fumnibune 19:597 O& $5,16j2,658a68; T. H IcMI.LLAN, Cashier, $16,424 81, 17,500 O 9U5,00 1529 42 Moved by thc Chairman, and secanded b% Mr, Haniuin, that thie repartPas read be adapted, pnintcd and cireulatod aniong the Shareholdens.-Canniei. Mm. Poster, seconded bv'Mr. Swan, maved that the tbanks ai the Shanebold- ens are due and are bereby bendened to tbe Presi lent, Vice President and Direct- ors af the Bank for the mannen in whicb tbey have conducted the a ,ffairs o ai e Bank dur:ng the past 3car. -Carried. Mr. W. W. Tamblyn, seconded-by Mn Miller, moved that the than'ke aof tbe Shareboldens he given ta the Cashier and othon Officers ai the Bank fan t heir attention to the interests of the Bank.-Carried. Dr., Mclutosh, seconded by Mm, Gibson, moved that this meeting do n ow 'pro-~ ceed ta elect, by ballot, seveu Directors ta 11il the place aio those* retirintg, and that Messrs. C. W. Scott and Jn'o. McLaughlin be ecrutineens for said election, crs, but thaït;Èhould frivemiutesclpeaay time without a vate be!Ing taken bbc pali shah Uce deciar8e c.ascd, sud that bbc Scrutiulecjs be paid $4 each for their services.-Carried. TUe Semuincers reporbed bbc iollawiug gentleman as bavlug mcceivcd bbc un.- animons vate ai tbe Shareboidere, viz :-Jobn Cowan, Esq., R. S. Harnitu, Esq., W. F. Cowau, Eeq,, Dr. Meîntosb, W. F Allen, Esq., T. Paterson, Tsq, aud J. A. Gibson, Esq., wbo were duly ciecbcd Directone ion bbe cnsuing ycar. A vote ai tbanks was then tendcred ta tbc Chairmen for bis sble couduet lu tUe chair, sud bbc meeting then adjourned. At a su.bsequent meeting ai bbc new Board, John Cowau, Esq., wae nnls mously elected Presideni, sud R. S. feuil, Esq, Vice. President. I f>risim Rody Mixed Paxikts are what you want in Faintbs, Our paints last; they iiever lose their brightness, Peel or F;ae. that is why they are well rec- cornmended by those who use thein daily. They are nDeat andC solid. They stay whs1-e Ltey are put. Our stocek of Y ints and Kalsominin g Brushe;i iýý com- Pr ýCaeoOn.I7 W. *DUTAN t Ide, uifl --r -r -r 1 1 lé L -L -L -

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