__ anabi~n J.BL1aM~:-OI P er Annam. Auvaiuce, tten, Our TOwx A» UOUeTY 11E8T; 'Tan WORLD APTERWARDS. - A 2 - ---- - M. A. XAMIl' & SON. PrunrIetnrs. BO.>W MAINV ILLE, UNTARIU, W1EDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1905. VoTXTmp. LI No. 18 importations Couch, Johnaton & Cryderman havè been very busy openîng 4-1 - -------- - L - out tneirk of scores 0 Diress Trïv Goods ofa Tht finest am( by anyH ýpring imAportations, i'ney are now sflowing thle 'contents 7~ f cases and bales -of high class goods : Dress Goods, Silk st ramings, Prints,,Drilis, Sateens and a lovely lot of New Wash al kinds suitable for Shirt Waist Suits. Carpets and Gurtains e BIGGEST Stock of Carpets of" ail kînds as wellJ as the vrtmeint of Lace Curtains ever sbowný by ourselves or ouse in. Bowmanville. No Better Value'Arîywhere.111 very chloice lot of Tweeds and Worsteds for Men's Suits. 4 ~li JolltoP& rydorifian, Bowmanville. The Corner Shoe Store The P-oropver Shin 11,01 the merry munîli of May-' Our hanidsome Clioclate Shoes, COCQOLATES For L4ýd1es and chidren! UUOCOLATES For Men and floys _smart and up-to)-date. N~o dearer than black 8h00 5. LAIES' 113HES With Rubber licols, A very pupular<stv le at$. SENSE -STYLES, Low licol shoes, strap slippers and elastie fronts, Soift uppers. pliable -soele's, PATENT LEATHERS. Good patents with or without rubher heels. Study our windows. TUE BEST MADE. Our big assortment o! knock- Iouts, 20 styles, tougl aud trusty. OUR STRAP SLIPPERS. NU Larger display than ever. Vbldren's a specialtyv. SPEOIALS Child 4 to 7e' 49e, Mýisses 8 bu 2 , 890. Laoruse 8I.oes cheap and ýgoud,1 Oshawa. " " 4 "25c' Cobourg Souinel-Star adminisers a robuko bu its contrere ut Coîborne, suas- ng- Lot bthe Express consider that the Counlies Council le thoro becauise the law cuhis for snob a body. Thev du the business-called for, sud if God made stroants, the Council muet bridge thet or puy damages. Theo oui> way t0 gel rid o! kiekers sncb as The Express and Ca.tppbeiford Horald le lu lect the oditors bu the Council, and thon tbe people would aeriasblngly kick thein- selves for doing sncb a !oolisb net, as bhey would be likeithe proverbial oyeter, ,mute sund duînb Fow peuple are aware that tlie origin- aloi, o! the Toronto Ilorso Show 'was ýMr. Robt. Beitb, ex-M. P. P. o! Bow- manvillo, We hourd wliile in Toronto ut tho great show hast week frot a cit>' man the etor'. lie not oni>' sugosted the show but interceded wllh theDVomi- nion Goverumont and guot a $2000 grant. This-year's show was the llth annual and ii seeme bu grow0 u opular tavor for it was ahead in number sud quality utf horses sud in attendanco. Large nunîbers frumthIis town and surround- ing Country were present. 'That Li8tIoss When you have nu appetito, When you are always; tired, (even mure so in the morning than at night). When youir nr are shatter- ed and when you Jack vlîm, some- thing is seriously wvîrong. 'Your systemm Ne2edm&-a renew it. A modicine butoutûe up and strengthen you. KER8LAKE'S 1EE90RN AIND WINE la the remedy w hîrch wlll do this for you. lb las zoldi une . size unly, regular $1.00 bottIie for Thets. Quality guaranteed. The Druggist and O0ptician. Phono 49. BGowmauville. SATURDÂY, Mu>' 18-Tho em(eutore o! the nid Déaon D aCe. ioýý 10,co,, Darlington.wili sou it b',)Yauclion o the promises. Sale,,ut 1-i . t, h.A. W. ToLE, auctionoor. Top Prices for Butter andEgGSý T, H., Knight wanla ts our l4'tber and oggs, fartera, Ver>' top pneu.Is Wiibho paid. Don t hesitube lu býýrin- .all >'our! fart pocetthe proviîuù IIIlino -- le1 can take ail ut best priCc 11Hobas 1 undertakon luveupply a friîntra and eaun handie a bo n o! bWt cr a w'yenk land100dzegsfi tsyu pro)duco and will uy as 'o ttde CuIt b ee it about il, THE ROSS FUND. It la the intention o! thoa Liberal Association o! Ontario to muko a euh- stantial «it in mouey tbulHon. Goo. W. Rues, ex-Premier, very suon. West Durhamu Lihlerals wIshiug bu baye a share lu the donation'mu>' baudstme lu John MeLaughlin, Prost., faydon, Hl. C. Huar,. Sec>-Treas., Hampton; Robt. Philp, Cudmus; A. A. Power, Orono; W. Rickard, Newcastle, or Dr. A. Boitb, Rowmanville. TORIES BREAKINQ PLEDGES asked, Mr. Graham again taunted the -1 Governmont with vloiati»g thoir pledffes Nu3w Govz«mmer, ALREADY RUNNIx and quoted a resolution moved in 18951 Awây Fitox luziR RuoMîsEs. 'te str:ke ont hissalarv, for wbleh motion mess. Whitney Willouughby and Newspaper reports of the proceedings, Matheson. three membersof the present la the Ontario Logisiature mlght lead Go vernment, voted. He went further the public ta think that littie or no work andquoted a resolution moved in 1895 was being doune, and that the proceod- to aboiish, this office, and this was vot- ings were rather uninteresting. A ed for by Messrs. Whitney, Foy,- Math. great deal has been transacted thW'and eâon. Monteith and Pyne,five members the debates have been ansthing but uf the present Government. This was dul, The flouse lias many bright one of the most useful oficS and Mr. youung mon, who are ajready making Southworth one of the ablest officals their presence feit, and the oider mem- in the department, ana they dare fnot bers have beau doing their share. The koep their promise. More end more debate on the address waB pungent. Inone>' would have ta be spent in fore- tbought flot lengthy, while the budget stry, and honorable gentlemen knew it speeches were wbat the butter men ver>' well, but they thought tao bef ool wouldcali llt-eged.the electorate bgy uch resolutions when The burden of -Premier Whitney's in Opposition, tat they , now had ta speeches and those of bis followers who shanxefacedly confese were. blncombe. took part in the debate was that every promise made by tbem would be kept. and the>' assured the country with 'f le same thlng occurred wlien the superlative emphasls that theý abhorred vote for the' department 01 neglected the very thought of following ithoehdrncmup MrGaamuoe !tsp othrprdesreen the following resolution: the mostriemote pariculars Thils left Moved by Mr. Meredith, seeonded &anopenlng for the Lîberal Opposition by Mr. Clancy, that ail the words 'of to make a slashing attack, and they did the motion after the word 'that" be neo negîçct It. The Premier, 5howed struck out and the following be inserted t hat t hurt, for ho lost his tornper, in lieu thereof: ',ln the opinion of ibis which alayo the fiag f distress a l fouse havlng regard to the efficient doebate. work o! the proposed iaw, no necessity exista for the appointment of a paid Education Departmont ostimates came iup, and the tiret item was $4,000 for thie Mlnieter'a salary. Mr. Graam aruse, and lu a speech o! about flfteen minutes. tuld the, Guvorument. the>' dure not keep their promises, and muet and would folow lu the footriteps o! their predecossurs, notwithstanding ail the big and brave -words that had re- eounded blirougli the chat uer. 'Wny" saidhle, "you promised bu abohiali the position o!tho Minister of Educattua, but bore a salar>' leasked for au office thiat, under asolemu pledge, wus not lu exist,,the moment the Consorvative part>'gotinto power." This soemed 1 news tu the younger mombers, ani the ýPremier insisted thut Mr,. Graat was ont o! ordor, but that was nonsense, anad the debate proceeded. The met be3r for Brockville informed the Min- istor o! Etducation that ho liad to thank tho Liberaîs for there boing an>' port- folio for hlmi, for bis leader and friends had vobed on more than one occasion thut bhis office was altogether useless. 11hl to prove thut' the usking for ai Mintister of Education was a. complote abadouentCf Mr, whiney's >au- nounced polie', Mr. Gîraarosi3d these Moùved by Mr, W bite, secondod- by Mr. Clanc>', thut Ithe words o! the Imotion af 1er the word "thut" ho omitted, Iand the followingboubstitutd-"lThe said Bill ho nul now rend the third time but that il ho resolved tbat il le expedi- ont lu place tho educutionul deDartment undor tbe control o! a non-politicul bead and thut the said bill ho referrod back to the committoe o! the wbolo flouse, witb instructions to amend the auto by provid Ing for the abolition uf the office of Mfnistor o!ý Education ator the dissolution o! tho' prosent flouse. Messrs. Whitne. and Willoughby voted for Ibis. And agaîu, tbree iears later, in 1894, Mr. White inovad, second- cd by Mr.,Hudson, that thie words ot the motion afler the word "that" ho struck out, and the following substitut- ed therofor:- -"'Itileossontial tou a non- partizan management of tho education- ai affaire of this, Providence that the flepartmont-sbuuld nos bo uxîder the control of a political- bond. sud that -the office o! Minister o! Education sbould ho uboilsbed. Messrs. Whitney and Willoughby voted for ths. The Premier declined bu shlow the new Minister cf Education, Dr. -P3 ne, tu reply, but fatbored the teeli bimsei!, but bis speech was not onhy too beated bu ho effective, but lb was roali>' oui> un upology. for forsakîng bis promises, doubly made, cnly a few years ugo. But Ibis was uni>' the beginuing for A. ali8iop, o! Huron, a briglit young frter, guI after the Premier's pledges when ho came 10 bthe ostimates for Minister of Agriculture. -Ho rocalied a resolublun voted for b>' Mr. Whitney lu 1888. whicb declared aguinst haviug an extra Minister added bu the Cabinet, wben il was proposed to makea sopar- ato departmento! agriculture. Mr. Whitney said ho nover had voted aguinet having a Ministor o! Agriculture but Mr. Hlislop saîd ho would read the resolution, sud lie did:- Page 186, Journals 1888: Moved b>' Mr. -Meredith, seconded by Mr. Creigliton, that ail the words ut the motion afler the word "«that" heo omstted and the !olowinz subsbituted therefor: --While this flouse concurs lu the proposition lu give greater attention b>' tbe Executivo Goverumont lu tho agricuiturul intereste o! the Province' thun bas bitberto been done, il le of -qoinion that -the-endi eau ho a--ttuined without ineurring the expenseofo! dding unother momber bu the Executive Council snd the inevitable addhtionai expenso whtcli will ho ceneequont on sncb addition, sud that thorefore the said -Bill ho nul now road the third ite, but ho fortbwitb îeferred back bu the commiltee of the wholo bouse with in- structions tu amend same b>' stîkring' out the third section theroof." Mr. Whitney voted for this. That motion, voted forby Mr. Wbib- ne>',spoke for itsejf, Mr. Hislop said, sud be-thought the Premier, wbo up- pearod ver>' indignant, would do botter if liewouhld nùw acknowledg-,e bis errer. manfihly, than, b>' abuÈlng tmbera' wbo quotod f rom the recordls bu prove thoir 2contentIon. Auld thes apologies (nut eGvrm diâ Dot stop thereWhien the appro- priatio for ;ho lerk of F t3t!u> B provin~cial iciai tu U8 calied thesuper- Intendent of neglected and dependent chuloren as proposed b>'- tbe taid bill, and that the sid bill be not 110w read the third time, but be forthwith reterred back to a committea of the whole flouse with instructions to, amend the saine by striking out ail the provisions bore- of îvroviding, for the appointaient of such an officiai. Messrs. Whitney and Willoughby yoted foi this. Hie also pointed out that 2,800 child- ren had bean reecued by this depart- ment, and taught, useful, empioyment, saving hundreds of tbousands o! dollars to the province, the municipalitiet and the individual. A very interesin1g part of the dis- cission tooli place wheu the estimates for the liquor license branch came up Member after member arose, incladinz Messrs,- Preston, o3f Brant, and. Mr. Dougali, of Ottawa, and ridiculed the promise made by Mr. Wlutney to raise the enforcement o! the l-aw above1 polities. The universal Verdict i,4 that the warmest partisans in everv constit- ueney are heing solected, and both thei Precmier and Mr. Hann&uhstaig. acknowedgeuta tet Iuddd ,,Ito, have memnbers o' their ownu party in charge of this business 1: is tàü spoils- system as zLpiliezl to this one branch, pure and simple The answer to the charge that the appointees were in every instance the strongest partizans obtainatble, the Government said that rnay be true, but tbcy will enforec the law wîthout respect to partyismn. The discussion was warm, but it grew more torrld when Mr. Graham followed up with quoting this resolution which Mr. Whitney voted for in 1890. Moved b>' Mr. Meredith, seconded by Mr. Creigliton, that ail the lwords of the motion after "that" be struck out, and the followinx substituted: "The bill be not now read the thirci time, but beforthwith referred back to a comn- mittee of the whole Houso with instruct- ion~ to amend the sanie su as to provide. that the license commissioners stial hereatter be appointed in the countiesi by the county councils and lu cities and1 tuwns separate from counties, shall be elected by the municipal electors o! suchciies or towns." Mr. Whitney voted for, this. It did not detract f rom the rising temperature an>' when the member for Brocliville, read the following, the seconder being nu less an individuai tho-n the Premier Whitney himself. flouse Journals. 1896: Mr. Maiter moved, and Mr. Whitne>' seconded, thut ail the words in the motion ufrer "thut" be omitted and the following -substituted thoref or; "The present mode of administering the liquor license laws through the board of cummissioners and in&pectors, ap- pointod by the Government of the day, has resulted lu a partizan administrat- ion. Af the law; hu@ subjectod thoso on- gaged in the liquor truffie to undue influence by and ln the, interest o! the dominant party lu thIs Province; this flouse is uf the opinion that it is essent. il to the honest non-partizun and faithful execution of the liquor lioenAe laws that the present mode o! appoint. ing bourds o! commissioners shoud ho abrogated, and that lua future the board of commissioners in ceunties should cunsist of the County judge, the wardon o! the county, and une ap.poîinted b>' the Govorument; and in chties and towns, not eonnected with the county muni- cipality, the county judge,- mayor and one appointed b> the Government."e that the Opposition have owned or dis- I wned, as circumstances or exigencies required. The people now know buw slncere tbey were lu ai those buncombe resulutions vçqted for during the past fow years. Peuple cun depeud on ail the drink- ables their fancy craves whený they visit Caourg, as licensea have been grautod as follows: Cobourg: A. O. Gelguri, Dunbam flouse; Albert Wood, Britishi Hotel; Owen Heuley, Baînioral flotel, John Breen, St. Lawrence flutel; Wm. Nules, Commercial Hotel; John E.Quinn, Albion Hotel; Mrs S. Smith, Coluimblan Hutel (six menths) ; Y. P. Phelan, G T. R. restaurant; M.Sutherland. Arlington Hotel (six months); W. W.ý Hooey, shup; J. T. Lalande, shov. Michael-Muihali, Mansionflouse, Grafton; D. Corkery, jr., Lakeview Hotel, Harwood; Cliris, Pickeringand, Geo. Cookburn, Balti- more; Noble Brown, Rosmount; Thus, Harris (uew); Goire's Lauding. (six mionths) ; John Mlurphy., Commercial Hotel, Roseneath; H. Calcutt, Jubile6 l'oint, (6 menthe), According to the population Cobourg had more than the necessar>' number uf tavern licenses. NEWCABTLUP Misa V. Moase. Marîposa, visited lier uncle Mr. Ai!. Mitchell. Miiler'a Grip Powdors Cure. Sola by Stott & Jury, druggist. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nicholîs, Hope, visited ut Mr- Jacob Cobobledick's. Mrs. Highet and daughter Miss Mabel Hlighet,Cobourg,vislted at Mr.j Pbilp's. Paie cheelis rapidiy becomo ruosy wben Miiier's Compound Iron Pille are takon. 50 doses 25 cents. Soid by Stott & Jury, druggists, 1Master Grant and Miss Bessie Mowat, Brockville, recently v0sited Mrs, L. B. Uvidson. Their gontle action and good e!! oct un the s.vstem roally make tbemn a perfect little pili. The>' pleaee those who use theni. Carter's Little Little Pis m> Weil be termed "Perfection." Miss Eleunor Venner, Orillia, and Mrs, . Hi. Jeffery, Toronto, wererecont guests ut Mrs. Muson. No one knows botter thun thoso who have used Carter's Little Liver P"Eis what relief the>' have gîven wherlalo for dYýpepsia, dizzineAz, pain rlé thý side, constipation, and di9c'ero stomuach. eir> are starUtin ohatch rapidiy, ,n WilI soon be readiy for isrbto NearI>' evor>' diseuse originatel. fro5M impuired tissue, that ls whv Vitt Tu&ý rurel>' faits to effect a permanent cure, its acts as a f ood for the system. Pat- ent medicines, on the otber baud, pro- duce only temporar>' relief, Vito Tonic is composed o! herbs, barks and fruit. Mr. R. M. Mitchell, druggist, keeps-l in stouk, At the Vestry meeting o! St. George's Church the treasurer reported a balance on liund o! $90. The following officers were elected: Minister!s Warden, Mr. J. K. Allen; People's War Jeu, Mr. Wel- lingtou Poster; Clerk, Mr. Wm. Gibson; Sidesmen, Messrs. D. J. Gibson, Alfred Lako, Joseph Coulson, W. H. Anderson; Delegates to the Synod, Dr. Mclntueh and Mr, Thos. Gîbsurn. WAâs CURED or, AsTînu-"I1 tiret used Dr. Chase's Syrup o! Linseed 'and Turpentitte witli m> daugliter who suffered tromn a severe fort o! asthma. The least expusure te cold would la>' lier up and ehe wouid neari>' suffocate for want o! breuth. I.must say 1 found it to ho a muet satisfaçtor-y treatteut and il bas entirely curod her. "-Mrs. A. A. VanBusgkirk, Robinson Street. Moncton, N. B. Recent visitors: Miss Vida Scott, Lindsa3; Mr. John Grievep, Guelph-, Mr. W. W. Tamblyn, Bowmanville; Mrs. Humer, Gravenhurat, at Mr. A. Sim- tons; Mr., Thorne, Toronto, with bis daughters, the Misses Thorne; Mr. aud Mrs. Coleman, Oshawa, ut Mr. John Uglow's; Miss Baskerville, Toronto., at Mr. S. Baskorville's; Miss Maggie Wil- son has «une ta the North West; Mrs. A. MdIrose, Guelph, visiting Meis. John Grioves; The Misses Everson, Oshawa, wlth their uncle à1r. W IL. J ackson; Mr and Mrs. Geo. Warren, Bowman- ville, ut ber fatber's, Mr W.- Bonathun; Miss Nora Coleman. Toronto, ut homo; Mr,. and Mrs. McLeod, Orono, Mrs. Black and Miss Anderson, Toronto, ut Mr. S. Seymuurls; Misses Litle and Dais>' Parsons and Miss A.gio Mangban Oshawa-, Dr. Butter, Badon, Mr. Ray Butler, Toronto, ut "The Etma",, Mr. Ernest Wilkinson, Chicugn; Mr. Atlan Lockhart und cousin NIr. V. arren, r7or- onto, ut bomne; Mrs. Todd. l'ort Hope, with ber sister'Mrs. Jamîes Stapieton. Thero le the Govorninont'8 promide ru5l une o! tho frainers of that rosolution while anoblior tomber of the Govern- moýnt voled 'for il. That waa their tg verY oftea acauired ipoliv, thero le their pledgo. "*T& - oid <Governînent '" said Mr,- Grabat o! tbOUSg 0 era,Ïhrf Broekville, "loftthe offices ut licou'"' Bàdhbygenefouakimer commiasioners vacant su that ti i -- w2,ip nouuced poie>'conld ho curried ont, water,» are amont its Causes, sud bbe country expocted il. No logis- [t jg e4"tesj o lation wae necossarv fribome bla h -# ing bliose varions positions ibu ou itubeiuth "and where k, la count>' could bavé eeounained, just us 1*fow.4 to romai tuwcu". essily as theOothor gentlemen whO bave lis î* heeni nametd. There la Dot a scintilla 188 O @i~plu 1 o! excuse for violatiug Ibis l enbtVsr o aero, plodge, The Governineulbi ng ho id gretotd rot uo b>' the patronage co)mr'te h i ffice seeker, and been crphc aH o ~ ra aiI scrofula. Cet Hood'i. lb. fotro he"u, h a"lhe" l toox * ver* Dbc ~ ç tir abeoncz of ptlllolple-iun i. A Couc a If a man' s wife is a good baKer,nàothing but tho bu flour is goo d cnough for! her. There can be cq gmteextravagance ta the use of inferior flour. Winchefter Springs, Feb. 27th, 05,, *fm about Royal Housechold Flour which is puri'- ~e1by çeltr-cty. To read abouCdFevowman paying freight 25 miles before she would be without it. Royal Household was not sold in our town., I was asking about it and m grocer told me to wait a day or two and he would get some, and 1 arn glad I did, so. My wife i good baker and made good bread out of other flours, but what she has- now made out of Roa0 oueodis s a ahead that 1 would -be willing to pay freight fiftyI miles jptedof twenty-five,> rather than go without IL. There is no flour just as good' as Royal Household7" (Signed) JOHN HENDERSON. Now, is there a single woman in theý whole country who, after readi%-g wh* ~ ~esnsays, 'Mill fot at once scnd 'forthe4 Royal Hfous ehoki rtecipes and give,, R~ya Hosehod Four a trUil. Me tits pape:,r and acklress THE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS CO.,>IITD MOýîNTR.AL. prvi