f v v Cenuine Eauter W2dfing -Be'la A quiet but prettýy weddinîg wag MO. ejmnïzsýd at 'deyOïl Konday afier- noon, April 24th, -At 1hait pesi three, by ev. G.ý W. Heudierson, pâasor of Cam- bridcge StreetMetbhod;isi ohuroh, at the home of Mr. and Mfra. Dougali Sin- clair, Pool aireet, when their cnly danghter, BEa Liiiiaïi,beeamne the bride of MVJr. Frederick J. Mitohafl, account- ant of the O>rtarlo Bank. Bowmanvillie, and son of Mi. J. B. MltcýejI, Vice- Preaient of the Dominion Organ and PianoCon,. of that place. A year ago. MOO0NEYýS PERFECTION C R EA M SODAS were a theory. To- is the e-i ffirato off h i asgscu. ed nYacM Sio7 Consu;aioyCur, îtho 1DoL, Thun nsff peo e nowit.Your mone bak i itdoesn*t. Li isuonte death f M.3Rbbn Dahagain bams -eteired our mdt lia-s takeii away a ioving friend, But -ha WaS ready to meet ber Saviour, .And to go at the Lord's command. Our lie is like a vapor-1 llow very truelis said- We wheare with the living 1Wiii soon bc with the dead. It came lonto their home 'So sudden!l,,, indeed, And from their midst it snatche& away, A doar kind mother was she. WHY YOU SHOULD USE "'V'! f 1 PEA 1 s 0 r,,i ; 1 1 1
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