&IIy corn it is an easy matter to quickly remove~ any corn if you appiy our Corn Cream.. T]jes:rest cf, al The ios tonvenient ,2 con eusions ree. corn cures. for 25c. and -ut STOTT & JURY'S only. The Loss of a Tooth le a iefortune.1 Losing al .your teetli is a calamity. 1 Avoid 1losing anv of them by. Grand Trunk RaiIwav Svstem,ý RAILWAT TIME TABLE. SBOWMÂNVILLE STI,rON- Gon<0CÂeT.Goxmo WUST Mail.. 9 203. m. 1 Express . 5 .02 . Io res . m 1 jLocal.-... 7 57 al 39.,., l . M. Pasenger..1 se P. nM. Lo -l 6 49ýp1. Mixed.., 7 23 mail ...1024 p.M. . .......11.40 p.mu., Sunda" oniy. Tickets to certain points soli in accordance witts spectal Isoliday rates annousiced In another column will not bc bonored on trains Nos. 1 or 4. SToTT~ & JuRmy Town Agente BOWMANVILLE, Me 3, 1905. The water placea in goblet, bowl or cup Changes its form to -Its receptacl e; Andi so our plastie seuls' take- varions shapes Anti eharacters of gooti or il], to fit The zooti or evil li the friends we choose; Thberefore be ever careful ina vour choice, of friends. And let you r special love be given to 1 Mr. B. Martin iii vloitng relatives ln slmcoe* The sesson for treut fishing opelled Monday. >, Mre, Balfour, Bathi, le gueet of Mre. Mcready. -Leàson ot Birds, reati the article on an inside page. The roads are in splendid co9ndition for wheeling Order your Pansy plants early et SJ. Jackman's. Two weddinig reports and lot of lo2als on an inside page. New weddingecake boxes-lovtily oes -et STATESMÂN OffilCe.'. Mr. Manies Cryderman, Gravenhurst, was.home over Sunday, SMiss Miltireti Grigg recently visitoti Mrs. Chas. Massie, Port Hope., Durham Rubber Company Bandi will furnish music for Victoria Day. .Dr. andi Mrs. Gray, Sudbury, havei been gueste of Mrs. McCready.1 Inside pages this week are very int-1 eresting-one whole page of locale. Druggist & Opticiaus. Tise wonderfuily rapiti efgzet of Dr. vibcbe-r's B3acklacise-Kidney Tablets iu cur- ing tse seees kidney, bladder and uriu- ary troubles, anakes tisose affected rejoice. 'SucIs diseases and disorders as lame or -weak back, sweliing ofthtie feet, puffiness ,inder tise eyes, gravel, brick deposits iu tise urine, scalding, frequeunt calis during tIse day or uight, pain iu the joints, uric acid in tise blood, drowvsiness, headache, irapiti lossa'of fiesh, habituai constipation, liver torpor, ivcakncss of tise uriuary or- gans iu chiltiren andtheb ageti-are all quickly relieved andi permanently cureti. Mr. E. Dawson, Main St., Kincardine, Ont., seys: "Hard Work- andi constant stoopiug, togetiser witis exposure to colti, brougist on severe backache andti Kdney trouble. Thse socretious were thick andi ecanty. Nothing relieved nme until 1 gat a batie of Dr. Pitcher's Backcce-Kidney Tablets. Tiscy soon stoppedth ie pain anti soreness. The Kiduey action became normal and, Isealthy. 1 ami exceedingly qratefu, àîti gladt t add tiis teetimony to tise expressions of goodwill I baveiseard etisers give utterance te." It is no wonder Dr. Pitcher's Tablets cure sa well rbey are the~ prescription ef a Kidney specialiat anti contain ingrre.. .4ients trot found in consmon kiduey pilla. eo Tabiets in a bottle. Prce Soc. or 1 fot ~I.25, at druggists or by mail. The Dr. Zina Fitçher Co,, Torontoe, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoar had as Euster visitors, Dr. antd Mrs. Meek, Manitoba, Mr. anti Mrs. H. Goodman, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Iloar, Oshawa, besides other resideut members of the family. Ilorsemen desiring bills or cartis shoulti cail at THEI STATESMAN office be- fore placiuoe their ordors. Webavo the best display of horse cuts in the county, anti the work we do cannot b2 excelîcti, Evorytbing le up-te.date hère. Dogsare not allowed in the streete of Ottawa uniess accompanieti by their owners anti are net -permitteti to be lot loo0seat nigbt to bay attIsermoon, Some such law as that would suit many Bow- menville people but the doge might net llke it. The.Corticelli Home Noedlework forJ tIsesecond quirter of 1905 is tu, baud. It contains many new anti beautiful designs of banti needlework whicb will interest ail those who 'do fancy.work, 50c per year; 15e per'copy. The Corti- eelli Siik Company, St Johns, Que, Mrs. Rots, Smith's Fells, Mrs. Jas.j Wilson anti Misses Mryand Lily Wilsoni anti Mn, Tugman, Toronto, Mr. Frank1 B. Lv le, New York City, Mr. alla Mrs. W. Adiams anti Miss Adams, (Oshawa,t Miss Harper, Chathamn, Dr. Geo. E. Gilillan, Uxbridge, were among the guests frein a distance at the Mitchell- Lyle wetidiug. Report on anothert page. Mr. J. R Finkie of tise Bowmanviiio Evaporetor, is at gayvillie, Mich., buv. ing potetoes froin farmers toeovaporate at 10e andi 12e. per bushel anti cen buy thonsands of bushels at those figures. Ho bas 40 bande busy and will be for perhaps a montb yet What would West Durham farmons thixik of raising potatees to souet 10c. e bushel? We rallier faey tbey would feoul the "mnrphiee" te their stock fir.t. Thée Mission Circleofetthq Metisodiet Oburcis helti a very pleasent At Homo Friday evoning et the resIdence o-f the Preswuenu, AMu. T. E. Higginbotharn. Af-ýer si uging and, praver led. by Mrs (ttev.) T. W. J olliffe, a, short progrein was given consîstiug of a piano tinet by Misses Grigg anti Fisbleigb, vocal duet, Master Grant anti Miss Gracie Linton, reading- by Mrs. F. R, Foisy,, vocal solo, Miss Beacock, anti a telk on the work in China by tIse preeiden.t. Daînty refresismonîs were serveti by tIse mein- bc te, the littIe tables being very attractive with bnigIst fiowers anti pretty comia. Tho Thank-offoring wes very zenorous anti the officers anti membors feei that tbey are ciosing a meet succoss- fui year. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itct.ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund monoy if PAZO OINTMENT 'ais 10 cure any case, no matter o! iîow long~ slatnding. un 6to !4 de y sFi tapplication ià senS 50e in etamps ana it will ho iÎorwarde-d Dr. Julia R. Thsomas, Toronto, bas been guebt o! Mrs. M. A. James.- Dr. Thomas Is recovering fromn a batily broken wrist. Tbe resuit of afaîlwhen alig'bting froma a qtreet car two monthe If you want an np-to-date anti good photo cf yourself, eall et Smitb's Studio Hie work is consitieret ifrst clese anti heelbas tIse iatest ideas anti pretticet mounts for photos. Now is tise time to bave saine taken in your new Erpning ýclotbes. The Mason Co have matie a speciel purchase o! a clearing lino of hew Up. to-date tweed anti worsted suite. These ,Wene opÊe otiut on Tueýday, May, 2, 10 adare boiug soid at about the reglarwhlesleprie.Coins 'quick for choice: The regular meeting of thse Wonaen'e Institute was bould in the Council Boom Satuarday af ternoon with a fair attend- anco. After disposing of soins com- munications 'Housecleaning" in ail lis phases was systemetically discusseti by al-present. An essay, on "Economy" wes reati by the President Mrs T. Power, Rev. D 0. Croesley gave a gooti prac- ticel sermon Sunday evening ln the. Methodist church frein the wortie,',Covýet earnestiy tisebest gif te." Hoconsidereti what wasbeet' to do with our time, talents, money anti noighbors' feults, lin a manner that cannot feu te be bone- ficial to ail who Isearti it. A choir ef oever 30 voiees contributeti the musical service.' The law regardestthe sale of cigarettes to boys as e serions criminal offence anti fobacco ventiors shouiti take warning froin tise-verdict o!, Police Magistrate Horsey on Friday wben an Orono tobacconist appeareti before hlm. on a charge of seiliug to minore anti was fineti e15 anti $8,45 cost, makingean eut. lay o! $18 45 for winking at the regule. tione. Others are uÛder surveillence antiha betbtter Ilwatch eut" or tise iroblins wiil catch 'eni. Tise new officers o! the Epworth Leegue of tIse Methodiet eburch were electetiNlonday eveniug as follows: Hionorarv President-Ilev. D. O Cross- 1ev; Prcqident-Mr. Bort Ferr; let Vice - Miss Stella Meson; 2nti Vice-Miss E. E. Bcacock; 8rti Vice-Miss Fb Mason; 4tb Vice-Miss MlildtretiGrigg; Secretery -Mi'. Herbert Totighisi; Assistant Secretrv-Mr Howard Varcie; Treas- urer-Mr. C. H. Reddy. Miss Leila Gaie rondeneti e piano solo, Miss At. iveli, e vocal solo anti Mr Bort Farr reati e gooti paper on "Christian Couirage." Several new members wore receiveti. Buy your giasses for winter reading from Mitchell, the Druggist & OpXticien, M A. James is Governinent issuer of Marriage Licenses. for Durhamn Countv. Rain-Coats lu ail the letest styles juet openeti et Couch, Jobnston & Cryder- mnan's. ,You cen buy a New Lincoln fountain pen at STATESMAN office for $1.25.; fj equal to other $2 50 kinde, Men's Rats, the very latest English anti American styles, just oponeti eut at ConcIs, Johnston & Crytierman's. Cohaghs, coidS.boatsones, and oSer thiecÉ ailments are qràckly relleved by Cresoleue tablets ton cents per box. AUldruggsta Buy yuýllixltyspplies et P. Murtioch. 2 paekets o!floeror Gro ed feàr 5 (,e nts tL; cos' Seetis. Gardon Seetis. New Seede, Seede that grow- 12 paeke3ts for 5 cents et Nichoils'. .12 pachets of Flower or GardenSeede, your own choico sent Post p'lit on receipt of 25 ets at A. L. Nicholis', Wash greasy disuhes, pets or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powdo.r, I wlll re, movo the grease-with the greatest ease. 36 Are.you sending your absent son or dexîgbterTnrTuaSvvsîtÂî? If not,wbyv? Itisean interesting letter frein homo every week. Ladies' Spriug Coats and iau elegant lot o! Capes for middtle ageti anti elderly ladies just openeti ont at Coucb, John. ston & Cryderman's. See Nicholls' Flower anti Gardon Seetis before sentiing out of town. yen eau get just tIse saine anti just as good bore anti 12 nackets for 25 cents. Ses Our essortment e;! Seeds. Do it now, Our stock ie large but tbey wili sell quick, 12 peekete for 25 cents. or sent post palS te any atidrese ln Canada on receipt et prie. A. L. Nicbolis, -Tise very latest style lin meu's stiff bats ila brown anti black: isýo Fedoras lin suveraI different shades o! brown. See tIse pnrint sbirts anti neckwear, Cai anti see for yonr4elf. M Me4ver, Bow. mauville. CoucIs, Jobuston & Crytie.rman have openeti ont bundretis o! pairs o! Lace Curtaine, tIsevery leteeýt desigas inail qualifies, anti guarenteeti to'ba et Ieast, s gooti vaine as cen b6 go, lin eny Ronce in Canada, 1 Snta Thsw'a* und ,oghe -1 TO CURE A COL» IN ON£ DAY. A -eipi, effective and elfe rceuedy for ahl Ibrea Take LAXATIVEBIIOMO QUININE babileaTtscy combine tIseffermilddal ausoCroiewfI Ai l dmggse r!und the maney if lb fails tcacure, ths ethibg properties of stippy eim and licence. E. W(rove's signaturelîeon eaehbox, 25e. 45 MIoeny lfe, wltlsouî doubt, te Ayersil Sasaarilia.- Itlte mont wonderful medl- orne, eh world for nervousneee. lfy ure le Permanent, and L cannot thank y ou hog. Mite. DELIÂ MOWELL, erN.. 01.0 a boutte. d. IAll druggists. frCoeIMs., Laxative doses of Ayer's Pille each, nlight greatly ad the Sarsaparlla.- LTADY CILERK-tor, Dry Gonds. 1JExperléeced preferred, H. A. PORTER & Co., Oslwa. ]5-lwt A PPRENTICES WAN TED-T w o strong Young non warited at once0 10 learn polishing at Bowmanyille Founidry. 12 t!. P ASTURE Td5LET.-Partîes desir- fng Pasture f'or stock îasy ho accomnmo- dated on lot 26,e003, DarlUngton. Terms on application to A.- J. SRowRI, Courtice. 15-3w,~ LAND AND HO-USE FOR SALE OR L trent-îglit acr-es oflanl, a good orch- ard, brick honte. goohi barn, north of the town of llowinanville, just outside thp Corporation. Possession immediately. Apply to R,11 oUCis, Box 39-ý, Bowmanville. 171tf. EV GGS F'OR SALE-Buif Orpington Eggs for sale from prize wtnnere. Won ail tirsts, ai West Durham also at Oshawa Winter Pair. Price ki 00 for eggs. W. C. FaANK, Box 158, Bowmanville. 145bw. ,Veterinary Surgeon and Dentict. F.HS.Lowrey, il fONORARY GRADUATE of Ontario -1 Veteripary College. Toronto. Speeial attention given 10 Dentîstry. Day or night cauespromptly responded 10. Officein resideiice 2 doors north of Percy's Blacksmnith shop Ph.onel026. Silver St., Bowmaniville. 1f. Not long aoeo a miax wno was aiwaSs cross andi tired arrived homne smiling bc~fll;h explaineti to his deligblud wife that bis liver trouble was cureti at Iast through Vito Laxative Fruit. PUis. R, M. Mitchell & Co. druggists, keeps them ini stock; prie 25 cents., 'e g: g: g: E E E E w- w- E w- w- w- w- E w- E g: E We are showing this week an elegantl. lot of Lace Curtains, of the newest designs and exeeptional vdlue from $6.00 tô 30c, a, pair., Best value in the Trade. See them. For the,@Floor Also Linoleums, 2 and 4 yards wide. Floor 011 Cloths-lyd, 1;îyds, llyds, and 2 ydswide. Japanese Straw Mattings at 15e, 20c, and 25e, per yd. F . or the Ladies New Dress G-oodsy Shirt Skirts. Shirt Waists in Silk, Muslin. For the Men Waist Suit&, Lustre and Men's and Boys' Clothing-The most- perfect fitting and up-to date, It will pay you to see our clothing. F Next Door to Standard Bank, Bowmanyiiie. 7 s) Po Yeu know tisat alter a Short- hanu or Commercial Course wjth g, .you are sure Of a position at l2 .0 8,uil upwsrd>s Per cuouth as a starter? Send ns a postal, wlth yoor namne and adslre8s, and we will tell yots al abouit it. 4 Ricbm(Ind St., East, Toronto. R.D. NIM2UO, Principal, Mrs. C. C. ]u1o~ Brighton, is guegt at ýDr. J. O.PVitte. a Seedlng le nýw %A1>ut over but winter linzers in the, Iap cfepring. Mis A. L Hlancfck Visited relatives la Newtonville and Port Hope lest week. Mkr. M. J Hutchi.noon, of The Exam- iner, Peterbore, !Asited friends hore over Su.nday. May Day was chat acterlzed by l!co andi snew and yesterdaýT (May 2) there was a heavy snow faîl Ir Bewmanvillo. Ladies, &se the olegant range of lad- les' summer blouses, in Tbe Mason Cos 'window. L>trger range, botter values, than have e\ er beo&n shown in town., Somo very epeq Ra1 cM time bergaineý for the week May urd,. to May l Oth. inclusive. Sec The, Mason Co's. advt. We arc sure it offere, a chance te save Mrs (Dr) W, E. Tilley will net re- ceive until Feul. Sheo is staylne in To- ronto et the home o F ber son, Mr. W . Norman Tilley who with hie wife bas gene on a two menthe' tripto Englend. Dr. Ambrose Stenton, son ef Mr.Thos.j CojwAxs-rn Bowmanvflle, APlII 27tfl, 10 Mr. and MVrp. Samai, Cowvan, a daughter. BRF'N r-t Mahone Bay, N. S., April 22nid te Dr. anid AMrs. Brent, a son.* CItlNu',soN-In Toronto, April 6tb, thse wife of MIr. W. Cinnarnon, of a 0aughter. SALX5BuRy-ii Oshawa, April tird, thse wi!e of Alonzo Salisbury, of a daughter. JAcIICoN-On Coliege HilOshawa, April 25, the wife of E. J. Jackson, of a danghter. 1 MAcDONAI.D-In Cedar'Dale, April 21st, thse wife of J. H. MacDonald, of a 'daughter, OÂMPBELL-In Oshawa, April 28th, thse wife of Thomas Campbell. of a son, ($titi born). STÂNTON-InOsIsaw a, Ap ril 28th, the wife of George Stanton, of a. son. HoisiEs-In Oshawa, April 271h, thse wif e of 11ev. Jas. Hodges, of a daugh ter. Emui-A1 9 Maitland Place, Tor, nto, A4prît 26tb, bMr. anSMrs. Johnt Herm, twlu daugh. ters. BOUavaat-HOOPFR-aAt26 Cady St., ]Rochester N. Y., AprIl 26, Mr. Ernest Frederjck BoulIer and Mise Annie Maud Hoopér,Isoth o! RoCtiester. MCCALLUM ICÂkRTER-In Oshawa, by 11ev. R1. Burns, inrl 241h. at thse residence of Mr. Levi Shepherd Mr. Thomas Edward McCalluin, formerly of Port Huron, MicIs., and Mise Annie E. Carter, Gaît. BTAI&-HmUR.nur-In Oshawa, April 26tb. Isy iiev. . Burns. rQW, D B n- atîon 1 flnal ité Bisecu1ît cake, rolis, muffins, dumnplings, etc., a pure leavening agent is indispensable.. -While the Roval Baking Powder is reported' absolutelypure and healthful, the officiai re- ports 'show rnost other baking powder"s, as welI as the cream of tartar of the market depended upon byiemany housekeepers for raising biscuit and cake, to contain either alum, ammonia or suiphurie acid. The Government Analyst of Ontariosayià-. 1'CAs a resuit of mv invest. e5