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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1905, p. 6

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____________________ PERFECT: HOM¶E DYEING.: e EASY TO USEe BRIGHTEST AND BEST. e ASK FOR THiE "DIANIOND.1e eAilDUgi* and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS. SU.1MER F AS M.ONS. White linon and mnislifn gowns are being shown in ýail the shops and are boiig agnnde la quantities f or thc carly sun=er. Mn-ny ef these efiered inl the shops aie robe gewçns, and,' as- lias been feintocl eut before, thec robe is really- an eceneudeal purchase. The latest opera bn-g is off Eng-- lish menrecce in the -shape of the popular vanity bag, and includesa a pair off folding opera glasses, ud-kr- rer, a, saits -bottle, perse ai-id card recptacle. Shn-ded wiags are anoci on sti<i hats. and aieretüboly placed iladde t1ie b'riiuî, but -are usoci on the top off thýe hat.L One favorite shape, the iaround lint, lins thc wiugs put rfir-ctly in the front, standing-' triatacress, while the huim la 3zint in and eut ini supposedly graco- fui curves. vFaay off the new shirt-wais ut are made off voile and igiýtne fabrics. Very gooci, indeod, are the greoen ndbine plaids la tlih ia tenis. They are ideal for rVl ling, as tliey do net accuonulate dust, auii are rendily cleancd. What answers for a shit-was suit this seasea is usually a ratheýr \ rante -cestume, aimest invaniaîly nmade with a squiare rut bodice,ac Cempanied by a transparent guimp. The sleeves froquiLently rail fer thii undersiceves, and the costume for street çwear needsa.a cent. There are uuany variations off the White, linon stocks whicli inae an ,overlap tieci et tie front tlireugh a big buttonliele et eadh end. The latest has a butterfly bew made off colereci taileta, lined andi stitcheci with white silk, which buttons by eonus off an undertape threugh the buttonlioles off the I-p et the sides. The street gown i which socuos te be takiug btter than aniy other inedel is thie princess skîrt andi short be- Jorojacet.The priacess skrt is the nihssoff the fashionable, plaito 'd ~kr. i ltioxlt-fitting, anciï~Voals The ýinos oï 1the ligure oter the is Teboleros are the slightest littie aarmn-ny off tliem hardy more then capes, andc the eflects are al looso aýndi informai. Emnbroidereci desigiis are fouaci sprinkiniufail sorts off materials. Evnn fathe iiir'pensi..cli .-.y y -ioO flets in cler ceaubina- tienýs are fouiid. Scotch giagliams, with pin lines off white spetted with embroidered spots in- the colora off ;tie varions ground toueg. are tweý,nty cets a yard. There are many separate coats, bol- leros, box cents, andi redingotes. Thev bave taken the place, te a large extent, of the useful anid simple cev- ert coat. whidh is euirely tee plain a garaient te suit the el-borate stylos off the momnent. These cents and beleros are made of nlmost nny seaterial, silk, cloth, henvy lace andi liglit woolen nraterials. Somoe kinci off a separaeocent fa a n ecsit y sire tlie acivent of tic sirt waýist PETTICOAT MjTFIT. As 1hé skirts increaso fa w7idth andi flare It becomes doubly ncanr thiat t ho unider ptticoat ho decidodi1y fuili. Wth n cloti or velvoet akirt partcuSry l it important te have a very wide gooci silk petticoat, for netbing fa uglior than te sec a cloti skirt sinjkiieg in about the fot, Al ekirtsanoff course. made up witi undeysý,krt attacdl, se that thceinn- IfYoufr Liver is Wrong Yeti are rogai ver A torpid, inactive liver goes band in band with constiption. Sud a Icrncconditioti reqnirea a sySteln-- etUc efort teo vercotne it -and estab- iish geod beaiih andi perfect body t iltentpilla, ihe Iwo i ee mnents te nceaeliver 'aC-~ tivity ziid mrzizir , orgracir ~rately a- the slugish I'-'er an] £-1 carestoring the1co.pitey ou oesfaileci-teo e for a weez cr ton,- days. DOWî-' ou i~o- yor wodd e quily pros iratýed? It la just the saine, differing 1 ;ia degyree, when voue bowels do notr jenîty vo umacu arcenpt te givo lit-- tic thougit te tho petticont. jTie sh Ik petricfots non imado up feu easin.g Wai nr n-ne fnsniating te a dogmee. Tie daintlest off fleavereci sbiks n-me emnployei, avilch arc tnianmeci witi nuumbel-leas yardis off lare ,nuchimionand ruffles, n-iti u-os('[tes amni ibbon stren-auaoî's, aiti cfiffcn, an ailainwaîth silk. Tic detarisile fleunces are Stifi popuîlan fer cross lptticeatsanad h fa upomu these fieunneýstint the chief lniom and ademnaucat off tic petticoat an-m expmnded. Thei'e la awys a I aide si lk fleuîure bencathi the lace I uffles anvimch avemlcinet off thc'uîselvea ho stili engi te nenlly n-ffet the hn-ng off tic sUrt. Loegs, rosettes and lonug-uibeon-streamers nnorclUai tiroum'à t[la"lare and 1chifon hua cbn-mnmiug confusion, bt n-aa'rowand aide rî'hhîbe ing fre-queatly employ- ed n-t once, avilie fleunrces are useci on [ie rolered sit pLttinoats n-s wlt-e n-supc-I tie al avwhite andi tie floavereci., Fer navnlkin-g ism lile silk pet- tlcoat--pmovhded [ho slkint is lincc'-- slaould lie seme incie s sherten [iana [be outsi de skirt, but for thc eveubug gewna a pcttilcont s'lould bc ne moee thua-w tiic hlrecoinmares nt moat fremua th(; fieor. llow To Avoîid Stilitens t[ho Stonuacli and Diges. Strei and iyeu will kecp weill Wicn thene ilaun- epicemie of -erm disoase, and meat disen-ses arne causeci by germs, IL is tie persan niti a weak etomanci wio suetumba firaL. iPeople witli icilthy digestiog. are erdirianily Bet subject te sickines, and cenU throwefff readily nny disease germa ta tintethle avateza. Stnongtion tfic stomaci ani digestive ergans with a Mi e na tabiet before- ecrI a ln-, andi evory ntom cff foodi laiton-Iiritei st-mn-ch will be digeateci &ndadnd assimiatei, anad the wholb digestive system ande se healtiv, cdean and aweet that there will ne chance- for disen-e gerate bu'eed. 1If yen suffer with pains or distres nfter en-ing, headachea, belching off gasca, saut foodi, a bn-c taste in tie meti, dizzimicas, pains la tic ýheart, spee.ks before tic cycs, nd a generaiI feeling off deapoadeicy and weakmess, yen- sien-id geL wcfl at once bystreagth- - liag Lie stoe i mith Mi en--s. Juat t mie çuiseli 1'. bletOt 1 , .#l4,,., -, -.- WilTry to Advance With Artillery to Gensail. ON TIIE CORPAN BOIIPPI. A desf'nteh froua Tokie sn-ys: It la sat- tui lint 3,000 Rilcianus ivie aere Intely ru'oeted oun[lie Cenean border n-no aivniting [lie arrIvai off 5,000 ne- infoenuicts andniartiliery frin uai-- divortdck, n-len tiey n-ll try te amvance on (feu an. ceusfsting off si* battaliemis off la- ffnntny and si xteen setuf as off rnval-- ny, anmdc)iao battory off artilleny, nt- tachoci Chnngtn-and Siaotatzu, nom spoctia cly, but rotren-[cd nonth avien tie ether liussian force w-ns defen-teci nt Knivuaîa." I-tISSIAN LOSSES AT MUÉMEN. *FORCE'PPTO REPTIRE. A despntrli from (un-siteFnas, A doaýputl u'n t Petersbîurg Manchunin-, anus: Au exact 'tn-to- anys: tinder date cf Apmil 26 Gea. iumemt off [he o ases unn-l ategricA Liuîevt"h reports fuu'tlaenn-iinishing lun[li£ battle off Miukldeît frein Febru- on lis lef t flanpiand lien-nRaiyun a -y il te Mn-mb 14, cemileci by lie says [lie ,apmme re aitsledged tihe([en-ral Staff, sien-s tintt[ho, by n-itiflcery froua lheienm utrncrmnts asun-ties wene greatiy ovenstatecdinl andci itiveml te a ilhi, wn-un they en-ier îreportis, Statemnaots frein avone pmeparn-ig tl efdcfend. Japanesuc sources i-dr-atfn-g avole-, sale captur-es off pniseners, criormeus PLUSSIANS RfETIIIED. boe[y and camion are new dcenbcd. A dmsptc'h froua- St. Itnmuo an raity, it appears, tie Rusain says: Gon. Linevtch reports msfol- losses nauunted te [ave Geuaei'al, ions:--- weeo alçen- prisonera, 1,9855 staff "Oun outpe-,s5onaSatmrday foredfnd et heronoilcers, and 87,677amu, tie ecueîy te evncýuatc succcsiey !of whom he grentcst part bou Nanchensu 1n-n-ci Ncmnnpaeuen-g. The 55,000 n-ere n'um In l acuta Jaan-se 0omnuphci a fortifmid pnsi0- Murdena nd rererati,-g toe i orthi [lors souti off Nemamîpaoýraa-. vrltciusnals 2fus f "Tli' nçpcnun-ac offa ahlci tire avieo rtars, t1ince oli offn-nlilryoppcit dtaruneuttyee fielci guas with pisten action- o rié opstiahir litlinkn--i6quc-fnflas Oftisee forçci tihe.ipancsqe to e -ire fiahastean26uikfr rs.Othsjg upea Kalyn-aihlm. eli, Suu.daýy waven-thiery overy gunan anil tiean- foncaci the eemy te retire ffmeum munition cats were sent nortla avo ICalycanhiea. Ecang [he.- onomy idn-is.beo re tic netreat began. bn-ci.,ave approncioci Changtuf m, but PSIiE Xt-PA-p as thu townaans toumîd [o lie ecupu- I RD EAG -:T . ed lu crnald'naible force, ave rtired." Cencrai Knrkvltci, tiec riief off tic- staff, celculates [mnt otier bass- RUISSIANS LOS'P 20& MIE-N. c es ide frein- 4vounmdod avene as foi- bics: 15ý,000 kille, 7,000 te 8,000 A despatnli frein lokie sans: Tie kuaeavn o lin-e beca rn-ptured and foloil-i i f'chal aummtomucou.-- art ias 10,,000 te 12,000 misafig, off iviun- umadeloiou Vedii£sdmy:- soeen tieusanda avore drivers, anmi- "(an - Meaay a ll'uiinferre, ror:i- tn-ry reuisséivmat corpa, enifloyees i-figoff fixe battaiomîs ofîhfautry, anad etier uion-renmbntants. A veny sîxteen etmnas <f ravairu , and oeelarge mamben avere slightiy w'euudc-d bn-ftcm'y cf irtileryV, in pr'essinfl Ournanîd ntummîccite the rann-, nmany adan d ae cavn-lu-y, attn-icd [hu i in ci-ca resortbng te dLnepthon iha reu'ir tic viciuity off lCehyun-iaj. Ourm Kai- to eaio-uctic bespîtai. rThis ibuxcates -yuan fore attnnkd the Rusma-mu lu-[lntbalite exteat off tic Japanese vin- reforma, defeateciand paursun-1ci li atory and' lie disorder Off tic [bus- nrt e tt Minnu unchili. Our rn-axal- sia retreat lave beea gren-iy cxng- ties ancre tii-t-eight. Tic eieiy geratociand shewsava lnt the, spirit off lofft aboeut-900 Icdeaoncmithc field. tic Russian arnny lasil stromîg ami-c "laveo other Rusi-an fe-rres, ouia thti[reeps net dememnlized. mi11 novesi soeoimprtant informa-IN W FR'T VNYAKIS tien in ceuasoquoiace off the action offr] WSPP' M Y T I ' tic Cu-ouaeu"s jury. lier husîmauci feels ticheaostionuof fnfairs keemly, fltter Thinga Comning iinarn-acks and ridicules tie idea off his aiffo'sIand Camrp For Hlmi. rempli rlty in tic crime. Ho la a[ A despn-tci froza Ottn-wnagays: linrdw-erkiuag rn-linany mnborer an alns - Conditions for "Tonamy Atkhms" in becamn-nf cd te cwomammset on1bau'rnck -n id crn-np an-no tebe ian- 5 ana. Mus. Coeci's first husianci proed. Tcmîlithýa 1 pa tct l ansAudensea Baken, ana ielueper] buaýy niitc'pa .Tiese ai-e te nt 016. Redîey, and by hlm siclin-c be seme otrÀi preveanoaf s-- A'- sevenni chil]dccii, but tice Oly Oei e no-styýlo ecsta i aImsprng-, fer living la [hoeaife offanaheteikee-pen la perrn-nemut corpks,t[O replac eiblard Slniroee oun-cy. -annlb eaec ovLu us,. n- 4----Leifen, Torîo , Ki- c) oiand BRiTSil FLEET DEFECTS. Other po uts. Now hespital tcits, beaoeeting, and your digest L'e 0 Fle Rttehp ~d eL n tem 'of ventila tien will lie i utroduceci wili become se strong- that y ou will lie fit, for Action. , at the cemning camps, aise mess the mbolinut 0 i.00dhealh ad Te Daly rapie o Thrsd t"nts. Tie latter will cuatie the spth eand ne ea o g ealt ieancieni-s np'conylirda ilitianmn to aSit down te maenîs te- sri tsc t-,& fary ghwrSi thse nîerniug cemîinenceci n sorios off ar- gether under more favorai.le ýcircuin- Asi tot &"uryto howyoutheticles calling la question the duration stance's tien forrnaeiiy. T[le i mprove- guarantee under which they se11Mi- o f tie armiameut off a modern British mnsl i ot r let ooe nu; it costs nothing unles it cures. fleet lunan amener which, if the farts FI sohe Pîrector off the Amiy -gfvem. sieuld be substautiatoci . Medical Corps and Colontel AIacPen- TWO ARESTSIWABE cn-l'ulated te cause a grent sousa- nid, Mn'ter off Ordnau"e, lias under- TW RET Â ,-tien. The n-iter aiiegos that flfteen cnie-to h rvdn f h battleships unfit fer action lin-ve onsdrtoatepoigo h Charged With MYurdering M'iss boomi discovered, and tînt the 12- miilitia with aý uniform n-skie beet. Loivry at .Rodney. inch gumîs constftuting tiec main A Eodney despatch says: Aloxan- armemanent off theso vesseîs are incep- ýIOOO PILE CURE. der Willis, 85 yonrs oldi arri ed n-lie off iring 50 full charges. A Thousanci Polear Gun-mnîtce goos fathor'off four yen-cg chlidren, aad nl Thc latest Woolw-ich patftera 6-inn \viiteev byttle off Pr. Leoouhntr-dt's farmerin the towaship off Alcibore', viro lua lias aIse fn-fled uidere- lmtof.te only certain cure for iS undor erreatu on th'- cha"rge off mur (~ilieut, and the quest iea uiituralliy 'r frmof .ls Ilh e aigitiff th t .gd,l(chargIll tat aet ii iogidv Iop- If Lcoi-rt'a em-Iid uof L1ýcig f o nsbe adie tiltudi xeiouta i mul"i o\ tory nc aeof ie f vilae is cribly octdovrtLI Muesiecl-sa ofIItI, hi ,andicv iî scile1lli a devepmusiii ,i., nt1is case.,niaiciia tlîritiIebursting coff hiain hcaniledugPlsn-dutre thmoeateaed foir a'[hue toenoac withoutî 1soven e ut off sixtecui big Br.1tiai; guns evori'thîrlng. 0intmniemîts an-c local being cleareci up. Tic freai oevidenc ou tic Jpxeebnttieships. Tie tron-taients faileci but Pr. Leoniardt's which Petective Rogers gntheredi wie onsot uteta enRi ue within the fat few cnysbas Greit ripoin tet, furtowr t îîm oîccm nn e, porfecly." fasteci suspicion tery stroag-j ias a<opted tiec manufacture off wiroabettaeniner ,y on Willisaanin. nd thefiu'ygu11112ualiy wihich reneves the cause off Wre impresseci by tie tonles off'M r.1Pie.$00alDugs oTh and-- Mrs.- Cole-<n-d1Pr.'--rvey te C.. irtt&Nin-gnra bring- inithe felewing VeFalict:Ont 'That Pli-n Lowry n-es nurdereci nt the barne off Benijamnin Ceoveoli, HTHDB LET U about eue mile noîth off tue viltageEECRI BLE -OfTton5 on the migltoff the l8thlE-7 off Apnil, -1905, n-ni w e streiagiy sus - And Are Just as Fine Chickens n-s pect tint Alexander Wiliis ceriitt- Ever Hen Clucked te. edi the crirne, -and- ne believe PimnE1Mso1e7lda1erioyds bettu Ceveli knowa niallcelim0tAciMn-tc sa e:-ll M. an er, a chides- the nimurd er auci l ielduuîg__ticef-airaseecîggotraut panutv c.'7T"-frein na tttng off eggs -tint premniseci- vilae na ldwnj 11 t ssmcif iraiankfor rSTôtt's Emnuision o ios ln- celot u' ac tie amrcst off Wiilia n-uctMrs. Crveti., ee-IC ll h-ta-ereaauigegs af-- ~n-tor-a litiescrnh nas i-rstcUb t'an- -knows ycu -ought -tar- havetheliue pacian etirigt 1 eunbtyiC nstabie-,Smalo liritedkoa thel his erreat vomy mlly and w-kJIL Dacn't be surprised, though,buifatcie nidtroio eleug te Dr. borenands offic, hrefyo aeafrdsmthg current. fl tweiity heours ho hadl he was brougimt beflore Magistratei hatcasfinel trceneggs nadie h- i-lunt anci roînandeci uutil Mn-y4. els6m.- Wines, cordials, extrâcts, ire sfn hcea snn iha Ilills lis mut Pesessci te y""1. ver clucked te. The wnrmth frem] bols mpa lten. les a th --er etc., ofcod liver ail are plenti, i elcrcliglît wsjs toi ion-a y tuetelncti-ir Waa juat stroni dinker andlias net assecin-teci with' u but don't imagine you are eneugli. geecicempna1es île a auntive -getting Cod liver ail when you. off tis aciîafty. lis father is liaving"- LARGE IYI1îIGRATICN. in one off the western Statessu tai-e them. Every year for thirty Sadis separateci from ils naotiei', w- r- ears we'nereyVO been increasing -over Seventy Thousand Entered 1ides lu Petroit.lis niffe is avem'v1 ti sales _of Scott!_ __Emulion--___Canada. Onltrspco-l-tî o a-alai _a ticdagier ffJoa lencioff tIais Why? Because t 'has always A hdeslpatri froni Otta-wan- ays:- village. Th i ect chilc isl a briglît been better than any substitute Durilig tic ime menitis endeci Marri girl Of feurteell YeaîS, alld tic boys,1,31st. '76,320 iiaîigmans lan-dec inl tbree la numnber, ramage frona twolxe for il. Carn-cia, ana lic-rase off 6,614 ovor te tirce yeara. Willf s' furm fa on ti.corre rrniva ycn per ta te r>c tic sevenacl concession off Alcbro'. - Snd for free sampla vueus year. liï-vsbyoerprt Mfrs. Covel vas ex erwhlelmed whea01. -an2,4 am lfru i nie eusabl nimiacd aci in-ed er}tetaileci 50,880. an inn-n-ase off 81-1 undeci'arrest. She ceulci net uader- SCOTT & BOWNE. Oherniste -Tjtiteci Statesý, a de(rrense- off1,447. stand the change fa tic situation , Toronto, ,iTe %u ncouid"n-bcarrnse tla nad naturaily prot-estec lierrontinOn-,inunigm-tatin fr(i [he Unitedcing- ronce, but aanuy people expotae 0e and $ï.00. Ail druggçista e e n- ----------- DEATHS FROM CONSTJIYPTION. Dr. Hodgetts' Figures-Ignoranco off Diet Kilis Children. A despýatch from Toronto says: Ir, his report ta the Provincial Board off Ilealth at 'its quarterly meeting, on Wednesday, Dr. Ilodgo(,tts saici 500 livos had buzon lest frrn tuber- culosis in the quarter ending March 31. In mnnn valne, ho peinteci out, this representei a less to the Prov- ince off $560,000 at least, and inl other respects the less w as incalcul- able. Dîr. Heodgetts suggestcd as a measure off relief the possibility off giving previsienal treatmnent tlroiugh dispensaries until preper sanitai i- uis are erectcd. Diet off a suitablo -kind, as' of niilk andi eggs' couldc thus bo supplieci or prescribed., The cdeatha from cerebro-spinal inenngitis i the Jast five years, while ntoff an alnrming niature, wmould jsiyscientilic in.vestf:itiQn by thoý Province. Dr. logtsurgeci greater atten- tion te disinfecting blankets ifn Pull- muan car s andi greator caro in pro- tecting water us'ed in trains and ether places frein pellutien. Hle thought there sheuld bc a systoni off insr octi on. Pointingeut that the filtration systen iof Philadelj 1,hia had wiped eut typhoid, he arguoci that if water were filteroci imnîunity from water- berne diseas'es coulci bo guaranteed. "Parents sd tic e oducateci hew te feeci their infants," declareci the 1d(octer in commnlong on infant mer- tality. Ile theuglit chidren wore "sacrificed on the altar off ig- norance." andi suggested that circu- lars be issuiec by the Boeard, gîving instructions on infant diet. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Lirs. Winslow's Seothing Syrup lias been used by millions off mothers for their children whi le teothing. If dis- turbed nt nîglit and broken off y-ur rest by-u sick chîld sufflring and cry. ing vith Pain off Cutting Teeth, send- at once and get a bettie off "I'Mrs. ýVie-sIow's Soothing Syrup' for Chli- dr7en Teething. It will relieve the poor littie aufferer imiaediately. De-. pend upon it, mothers, there la no mistake about it. It cures DIiarrheea, regulates the stoniach and' bowels, cures Wiad Colic, ,softeog Uthe (uma, reduces Inflanmmation, and givos tene aigi- enorgY te the whole systeia. -1Mrs. Winsiow's Soothfng Syrup 'forý chilciren teething is pleasant ta the taste and is the proscription off ena off the oldest andi best fomale physi-. cans andi nurses in the Unitedi States. Prire twenty-flvectontsaa Iotte ýu! Dyai rugi tnre'u,91- oit ie avorie.' lBe sure nd usk fer "Mca. Wiusiow's Seotiag yrup."ý IIOMESTEADENTIlIES. Raturan by Dcpn-rtunen-t off Intenior Shows increase. A desîatci frctm Ottawvaays.he Pepartracut off [he Imteni or lins la- secithle felinmgstateaient show- iîîg tic imber of homosteaci entnies la Félzruary, 1905, n-s cemparec i nia Fehinary, 1904. Tie total nun-ber ma-doeaas 1,169, as reaupanec ith[ 1,128 la 1904. Th-e immrense fer thé meonti, as compn-ned ah theti prececi- ing yen-r, \vas 41., A1 i t 1 , , o s t t a f f [ o h e e t n n mnis, of[oprsna cnprc las-t fiscn-I yen-r, la" as ffoo-:- Increase ...., ....... 648 An Open Letter. Froza tie Chapin, S. C , News: En-ny in the sprng my wîftm and Iavene Laken -wititdiarrhoenaad se sevcrc-werc tie painis th-t wc caie d a phvi8icsau who prescnibed for us, but his inedicines faileci te --ive annyrelief. A friend wivi hn-c a b&ttlce ofChn-mberlains (lue, Choierand Dia-rrhoea-Rcmedy ,on baud gave en-ch of uq a dose and we n-t once toit tic effects. 1 procureci a -batLle nad before-uaing [lic enUtre -con tenta ire were catirely cuneci. IL h a -wonderrn-Vremedv hn-adshenl-ibe-ton- ini c-verv hausehïolci. H C.- Baile, Edutor --This reffiedy us for sala by ail druggists NEW GNUITIh UE I 1-inm Physinian is 1Vk1n -Use eof lodine Frepamiatio.[I -Prof. Levi,' off-Milmm, lsrocently.- milareveneci a ucew tre-tmnt fer1 eusaniption, ceusistinfi off nepen-teci suinutaneolus injections off epdiae naudiflýecinl a pauticular n-lnn, says the Londoen Pably Mn-il. -itherto tie tiisiufoctbag powver off bodine lis n-aever been surcessfuliy utilizec inlii ring i ifentieus bateruai disen-ses lainun-n bihgs, fer thoe rensea tithavica ieldiue cernes la contact w iti human lilooci it banaccid- intely reiifes avicli tic aikalfune oile- 1 un-enta te ferm aikaiue iodures, tie vcry samuli. Proef. Levi mn-s neceally sucreedec in prelaring i leuinle unli aa i-an-or n-s te depm'bve it oet tus preporty nad te cause f t, ilacricuulationa lin- iabxed tireugI tie tissues off tie humnemi fr-mu1, te corme fa rontant- n-li [lautuibe-rcular microbes nd brnig te b a n-i ts curative poerc aiaide-t thin. he professe.ýis' atates tint n-fter oli- The Warld's Ilost Remarkable College Oraduate wm -The aenbffHle 8Klerslife is tic, biegrapliy off [avewondorffn- agaiat wfîLnII da;ý and the kîndifngenious andipat0ent ten-oher who hais led lier charge fate csunlight of knowledge nd aof a wuki alIthumanity In 18861, nien Misa Anale Sullivan nas called te, Tuscumbn-, Ai-., tai assume tie care off Helen,,the dhulci bac been living for mien-nyfilve years faL the mental- dankness that foilowed lier trebie affiction rean-lting freza con- vulsions, The [n-sicoff ecincation Aecmed weil-nigh hopelesà, for the one sense tliron-gh wih the child's mi nd was tei be awakened te coasclousnesa was lier sonse of ton-ch. But la June, 1904, elgiteen years Inter, Miss Keller gradu- n-ted ffrom Radicliffe with distinction, andi receveci ber degnee of B. A. Titis ffairy tale of education, this romance of the con-qeest of obstacles, ia a sn-porh triumph off concentration. At lier entrance examination lu June, 1900, as If Nature in-d net sufficiently hanclfcapped lier efforts, she itadtot sulimit tei two atiditionai trials. The questions were givon lier la [he Amont- rau Braille syatem off writing for thie blinci, with which Miss Keller nasi only silghtly familiar, having learnedtheti English Braille-tic ina systema en as differeni as [no distinct systems off sitorihand. This dem-y fa pn-zzling on-t tic translation-off tic questions was funiher aggravated by thi c artt hat lier littie Swiss watei hwlfh raoiÈ1e figures hati unfortunately been lbf t at home, 50 she had iino muns oM.gauging ftic time, yet lier typowýrfter ciie on-i tic ananers nd alie "pnsscd" with1 fiying colors la every sûy During 1ler coflege course, in mn-ntjy studiesns Sullivan repeaited the, lesson -white e len's fragile fiagers feathering the,(Ir way over lier mno' face, [nanalateflth(,tic uanular motions oii speech lai deas. Shle studje.fl EnglisI, Latin, Frenclh, Grecit, Germmn, poiitién-i eeounuy, , higier, nu-atiteniaties, emerisry and ail the other nir-d phases off coilegeïý wisiomn, tirougi lier wenderfn-I fingers. Site uses [lie, typenniter-la five laniguages, hlniarned te spcn-kyit cicar articulation, ennau siz, ren, play carda, cliessa nd linakethail; ?wance, andi penform a lindreci other seemingly Impossible thinga. Hcr mmery la mrnavellous, lier temperliment sn-nshiniy ani happy;* lier mmnd la wondorfn-iiy, broad, sn-htiind tior-gli,nd lier hbook, "Tic Stny -off My LIfe," besidoý;, being great as a biograpliy, la [thc meat Important work off the century on psyciology n-s a revelatien off the humain minci,lits metiodsa nad possiblilities., Eni&cl iîccorîimîg to .Act of-the, na,înýent of Ca ,in the year MO4 , y W. C. Macle Mrt he Depa-inunnt0f A,ý1uitU-5u0. taning sn-tisfn-rtory result aviti n-ni- - 40 per cent, of the seediug isý finish- mn-la sumteriug from tuberuiesis, ie cd. Of t[le total en th"e ren-c(Ivievr appiieci hi-- metiod -te huma -pa- sectiou, 80 -per cent. i ei.The, tfonts aiti gnon-t saîcceas, esperialiy- same pemcentage appiies on tic. in tiec icntrizatien off sprezding I Meosejaw section, wiere tiere la an lesiens nd the forumation off umiewiir'ease off abo-ut 4- pen- cent, ilu-acre- n- iealtiy tissues. Tiese nesuits age. Canon, the euiy poinît on ticý wi-reprmîvod tîy the eaantin ofSwift' Cem-reit- >sectien-- neports 90 mn- pn-tients -adc by autopsies pe)(r cent, -donc. Tic -Lariviene soc-- mad, by-a cmuisouof-chmctens mn- tiem reporta40pe rli, eme. Ti n-arais xpeimmaite upe INpilia sctierîu net-ta75-po ffcsn- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rae if8er2 pYdn-icih wt e ent T conmt'snThe b l -i n-ad pîEaiy aei fandan in te amn-etuomi i5manr-cept,, -'od Cug brut Shapein llàrth-sec.tin 75- per cent. Th ertaii sec- -A IG aCh rom WE npeTED. [tiern ( 8 per cent.Thonl e. hent, TheCandia Paife cop epot - bn-un 82 per0 remt.Tcnt. orca showyseedin-g ond n- ntsii God seace 807per cenit. Itici itr sc-- fie Caniadian Pacifie tic seeding ina 75 per celit. Ereekd-ie bm-unc 77, bocn lunmeat fiinlshed. Tis applios ipenrcemît. meo'e pnm'ticumn-niy oi tic Bren-dvîew! Tir gumieal feelinig tireghn-ctith section, aviere ticeniajenity off tieï'loulntry la aiest hepful. and waiti stat ions report 90 per rcuit, of tic smufl'chont raia [bore shoulc ibe a ,rkdonc. Tnklng- the scton -iin geecirop, as tie seed i ha lu early detail, the average fait igi, on thoeeugi andi the l aud is fn geed Bu'auiden sctioa it la estfmn-ted tint!shapeý W-ant your moustache or beard ~ l,,cauiifui Lrown or riCh blaCk ? Ue _ ._ ,il a r +«He4>161 SWELLSy,C SGives the True, Golden June Tint that Guapantaes Prize -Butter. The Largest and Best Crearneries.and Dair4es in the W-crld Use ýIt. LOOK FOR 1THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. ,BEWARE 0F SUBSTITUTES ANO TTINS X-ty j-ars nas iougnz

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