13e have on hand the largest stoclc of s]eý azo,-r $traps ever shewn ýin town tnd our prices -wili plcase you. Â eoice une of razors every one of whlich wIll be sold 0on the "Money bck if'flot satisfarctory" pla.ýn.1 1 SZtot-it & Jury, IDrggist & Opticians. W e have arranged 'to have a Practical Demonstrator at ourt Store May 22 who will givo instruct- Qins to ail interested in Amateuri photography. Every one w ho owns or ià thinking of purehasitg a camera shouldý- avail themselves of thîs opotnty. Ca.11 and get full particulars. bIttOU&O J Ury Dr ggists & Opticians. Houlekoes Bangdns HouSehold Amnionia, . per bot 10e. Llest Powd Borax..... Il 10c, Ess. Lemoni(1 oz. eq. to 3) per oz. 10e Genulne Imp Castie Soap, bar .25c. Feather Brushes, (worth 75c) 53c. Turpenutine.......... per bot 10e.- Uest ' -',-P6LisBh (95) 15C. Best Baking Powd.er, per lb 15C. Moth Balis, for furs, etc. 11 15C. Toilet Soap Special (2 cakes), 5c, S"totti& Jry Druggists &Optielans. Lev our orders tis week fo)r ail kýinds of l3edding Plants. Some elhoice pansies 20e a doz. Stott &Jury Druggists & Op5ieians. Grand trunk Raflwav Svstem. RAILWA'Y TIMUETABLE. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GoiNse WrsT. 00111e WES5T Mail........ 9 20a.m. 1 Express ...- 5.02 a. m, gExpew ...10 10 1 1 Local..-----..1757 ; Mied..- s3 9p.M. 1FUUU.ngr-.1 36 P. m' Local ...- 6 49 p.m. 1 Mixed.. 7 231 mail .......1 24 p.m. Expressý..11.40 -p.m., Sunday nniy. Tickets to certain points SolS ln accer aCe With special itliday rates announced lu another colou will not bc honnred on trains 2Ns. 1 or 4. SToTT & JisaY. Town Agents BOWMAN VILLE, MAYi 10, 1905. I anm glad 10 tbink I arn nol boaad 10 make tite wndgo rigitt Bal onl»Y 10 discover and te do, Wilt cheerfll ieart, lte work ltaI Cod bas given. I will trust in Hlm- Ttiat Be can itold Bis own. Lacroase match and'Base Bail match on May 241h. Slow Horse Race M ay 21 aI bite drill i sed grounds. MYrs. Brown and baby o! Toronto, le vliling at Mn. B..C. Tait'a. Resenve lte date May 2,41h and attend the sports at Bowmanville. Miss Butlledge. Salem, visitd her sisten rira. IR. Moore, Brookla. The Northt King will inake her firaI trip 10 Port Hope on May 29îh. Nxsr. IRobert Richards ila>visiting ne- latives and fienda la Toronto, The miiitary camp aI Barniefieid, Kingston, will begin Jane 27thi. The Milsses Clemeas, are visitiag i hein uncle Mn. David Roberts, Cobourg. Mns. Mary- Allin, formeriy Maîren o! The Bornae, bas accepted a position la 1Oakville. Miss May Livingstone, New York Clity, je v1itiI5z her irnandmother. Mns. Mns. (Rev.> J. J. Bare, Whitby, bas1 been visiling ber sister Lfrr. T. E. Blig- ginbotham Mn. Lestock Reid, Bank o! Commerce, Winnipeg, Man , la visiting bis latter, Dr. IL. Bl. Reid. Mn. Bobt. Beitit is an executive mem- ber National Live Stock Association,1 See report on an innen page. Il you want a Zood assorîment et Dahlias See S. J. Jackman befone orderna. IBe bas about 40 vanielies. 1Bay of Quinte Brancit o! Missionary Society will meat la Simcoe street citurcit, Oshawa, May 30, Si and Jane 1. 1 The Sons o! England will- attend 1 service la Trinity chancit Sanday mora- fng May 21s1 aI 11 ar.. Rev. W. Ilip- kin wîll preacit. Miss Maud Goodacre, Victoria, B C., whio la attandinz Wititby Ladies Col- loge, was necent guest of lte Misses Clemence, Sitaw'a.' Mn. J. Frank Rowland wito bas beau la lte Standard 1ak duting Manager Joncs' absence bas retarned 10 bis bon- mer position la Brightton. The priceso! beef la soating, but therG is one nemuedy iet-eal more aggs, citease, vegetablas, etc., and lasa meal and S OU Wîli escape asany of lte ls o! lite 11ev, J. Thtom. B. A., Toronto, wil preae h ilu lite-NMthodist cbi-ch Suoday. Bev. D. O. Crozsey wlll coaduet anl-I versary servicee in Crawford SI Metit- odist chancit, Toronto- Mn. Wm, Gist, Bowînanviile, a form- er resident of titis town. and an old friand of our Senior, was la bown îodsy snd made a pleasant eau aI The Guide office.-.Ptrt Hope Guide. Fine dastroyed lte barnas and ont- building of Mn. Wm. Jackson, Hope. 1ia aIse lost two Jersey cows, large quautity o! grain, itay, irnplemtiats, etc. 1 Loas about $3000; insananca small. ~A xehanga sav lit a awoman who eau make good butter, darn soeks 10 s fnazzla, cook a meal that tickles bier itus baad dean te lte waislband, and keep lte chiidren'a nacks dlean saldom figures in a divorce case. Politenesla a citeap virtue raquiring little lime and effort, and- bringing pleasure in itspractice, botitto the give sud thuareceiver. hitbas made lte fortune o! many a man, , nd lte woatlar le titat there are se lew people wito make il a constant babil. A grand lecture unden lte auspices o! E L et Newcastle wili ha givan la lte Methodist Citarcit on Mondav May f 151h b « y 1ev. J. C. Speer, D) D., o! V Toronto., Subject- Crawlons, Cratchers sud Climbens,> Admission 25 cIa. Dr. Su)eer la conaidened oeao! America's greatesî lecturers. Don'l lail te hear hlm. Wa hava two communications, oue compiaining of lte 1disg race 10 bite Coancil" for leaving, Kiu-g St. West. *"wonse titan auny vroad la bbc country", aud lte otiten for leaving aver !n Saturday to Monday in houpa soe loads o! gravai ou Stepitens' bill. Scagog RZoad,-an sel o! ciminul-carelessuess."l As lte mime o!flte writers o!fteso lattera were net saaéd we do nol pub- liai th î ~ A pieasing avent wss sglemnized on Wedneada5 aveniag May Srd aI lte nsdneof Mn. and Mrs. W. F. Dale, BaK-ing, Street, wben teir utIle son The, snpaerrty of Dr. Pitciter'a B -Melville Stuart waa baptized b R1ev acbe-KiCdney Tabletp over iten formsel~ D. O. Crossiev. Mn. snd Mrs. Richard tr*atimeat je due tolite fact taItbe> arc Durcit, Mrs. Daie'a parants ware prasant the prescription o! Dr. Zïna Pit.cier, the Itecnseig u aartdIe famnous specialit-wae e ed snccessfuily Golden Wedding annivareary, bpfng and testeS inprivate ractie by him fot rmany yeats b fre t y'were given loe mamrieS ll tae(ld Country May 3, 1855. public ut large.Tey contain epensive by Rev. Mn. Porter. epecifie ingrediento nI fcuad l any other- Bowmanville Fool BaIl Club wili IXidney ramnedy. la il anY mwouder, titan, practie e very Tuesdav sud Friday that titey cure lumbago, diabeles, gravaI, aveuingsaut lte Publie Scitool groandas Bight's diseuse, uric geid inilte blood, and a inte drill shed grounds Wednes- I'beumatismn, seunalgia. dnopsyr, irrîtability day eveaing Alil play ens are requcat of lte biadder, and Kidney troubles of old ed te tara ouI ut once as sSveral p__a--_ice people and cblidren witem otar remnedies gamnes are expected lanltae near future. ail ? Everv oe inlaresled in foot-ha il will ha Read what Mrs. W, Martin, Orange- cordially wclcomed. Final gamne will ville, Ont.,ha le eay: IlSome lime ugo I ieyh ji Tynone on Tuesdjay oni hll a gond deal of trouble -with my back, Weèdnedyevnn o et eka due t'a acoiltat settled i inte Kidneys. 31 90p.m- (n ofgamecxpacbed as I 'iasalan, trnubled with dizziness a.id T% rone la raporlad te have an addition 1 'started takiig Dr. Pîtchér's Backuche- onegul at eam il -vest hi KICIuey Tablets, and by lte lime 1 i reiaâ ea. Dn't forget lite pracîlce u'sed oaa bottle thte backacite, heudacha îihtîs _éd folin1goclziesz buai al disap.. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILEýs, p..arad. conaïider the TableIs nogood ~thn.BlS leîgo rtnlgpilej Medicine." 4* nrggists refuuId nIy if IPAZOOIETHENT1ý___ý11ý Dr. Pilotier'. Backache-Kidriey Tablets feuls te cure aux caseano1, malter i o long art 50C. a bottle o! 50 cbocol stan1ding, in G 1o 14 ysFlrýt aplictio t"blets, IolSby druggla aor aattby MAL5 ten lcusem aaIwllbfrare ,îorZn tke eoctOnt, postpaind YI,'aiý Sîdrc)., St. saM0 Thse 2' May Concert will be thse beat of tise season. Chrysty'Is London Hlats, "te best 'W the wold," are soid by The Mason Co, Dominion and Provincial Parliament reports on an inside page 8hould be read. Re-opening of Thos. Tod's Ice-Cream Parlor Salurday evening. Orchestra in attendance.' Mrs. D. 0. McDowell, Toronlo, la vislting ber daugbter, Mrs. T. E. lli'ggin-botham. Mr. Wm. Hosevear, Cold Springs, and MnWs. Macklin, Cobourg, are visit- ing MIrs. L, A. W. Tole. Mliss 'Mary (Doily) Wrighit and IMiss Bilda Dettman, Toronto, ane visiting at Mnr.William Wight'a, Duke St. Miss Mabel Tait, F,T. C. IM , officiated aorganist la Trinity Churcit Sunday in the absence of Miss ndith Freeland. Conglatulations 10 Dr. Arthtur W. Morris on passing bis final exama. aI Chicago Dental College aud obtaining bis D. D. S. degree. 1Thte Lacrosse Club here have entered te C. L. A. and are going aller the Ontanio Junior Championship for 1905., See the irst &rame May 241h. .Charles Darlington, Uxbridge, wbo was killed April 29 by the upselting of bis loadeci wagon, was the son o! Wm. Darlinglon, formerly marchant aI Tyrone. Attend the reopening o! Thos. Tod's Tee Creamn Parlor Saturday eveanw. A full assortiment o!fiavors ina1Ice-Creami and Ice Cream Sodas. Music by the Orchestra. Doa't be ashamed o! vour guesta or do not negleet your neigitbor or a friend who is sick or bas met wilb anaccident. Report il 1e Tiua STA&TUSMAN that-frieitds may kuow about il. Potatoes! Potatues!! -T. B L.Knight, of the Model Grocery, bas a large 'Iaanlity o! potaloes, excellent cookers and good seeders. Be! ore doing your ýsprigg planting, you should cafl and -n six sons and oee eughier. Send THE STATESMAN to vour absent friends. $1.50 pays for yoar own and a new subseription for 1905. Coughs, cola, harecas aa other tbr.at ailments are qikyrelioved( by Creenllene tabiets, ton conts pur borz Ail drugglets The most satisfactory dress goods soid over the count ,ry are Priestisys ln Black or colora West End-Bouse sella them, Men'a and boys read(y-to-wear eloth- ingh no newer styles and no botter value anywhere, Couch, Johnston Cryderman. Thestoe rcenly acaedby Foiey, the Shioeman la being fitte-d for Couch, Johnston & Cry dermian. Their business is expanding. As the weather gets warmer you wili want anice cool drinki. Nothing better than an be-Cream,,, Soda served [rom Thos. Tod's Soda fountain. 1Hello ! have you heý ard that M Mayver bas a large stock of lsats,caps and geats' furnishings, by'Soc caps, tami-o- shanters. la tha er la -t st stye? Cali and sec them. Coach, JobnstQp & Crîderman Lýhave jjusI pndou i so of ii-elotbs and Lnlusfo a fouaryards wide. They have no lssthan seven patteras ia fou yrd wde The New Coishv rîeINo0W la the lime to laoy U orer or a if vou wa-it an up. &e aad good photo o!yousef, Leaft SihStudio Bis work lacosierd ir3t class and lie has lte latutida and prettie8t mounts for photos. Now is te lime to have some take ai y our new spring elothes. Buy your Poultry supplies at P. Murdochi. Read advt ofblate Levi Arnot's fanm sale on au inside page Dahlia Bulbs and Pansy Plants for sale at S J. Jackman's. 1 Blood meal,MeAt laSal, Oyster sheil, Mica gril, at P. Muuiioch's. Try Lowney's ceiebrated imported Chocolates at D). Luttrell's. 500 Books, regular 25e eaeh, now 15e eacb or 2 for 25c. AI Nicholls' T. B. Knight wilpy highest cash prices for ail kinds of prodace. Have YOU sent Tua STATESSIAN to your absent friend?- Do it now. 600 Books wiil be s'old atI 10e ach or 3 for 25e during this sale nt Nichoils'. Buv yoar glasses for winter reading from Mitchell, lte Druggist & Opieian. M A. James la Governmentissuer of Marriage Liees for Durhtam Countv. Bain-Coats in ail the lalest styles just opened at Couch, J ohaston & Crytler- You can buy a NeIiw Lnoafountain pen at STATESSIAN office for 81.25. It la e rqual to otiter $ý2,50 kind S. 1Men's Bats, lte very latest English and American styles, just opened out at Couch, Johnston & Crvdernanà'. Lifebuoy Soap-dieinfetant-ie et rongly -reeommended by the medîcal-prceiin as- asafeguard against infectione diseaes. . Are you sending your absent son or daughler TuiE S'.IrESMýAN? If not,why? Itilaan iatereating- letteýr from home every week. BiX doings la tow,,n on lte 24th May -Wear a 201h Centuiry suit- and you'll foel juat night. West End House selle tem. $10 up. Ladies' Spring Coats and an elegant lot of Capes for middile aged and elderly ladies just opened ont at Couch, John- ston & Cryderman 's. The veryiý ateatst ale la men's alibI haIs in brown and(, black,; also Fedoras la suv~eral different shades, of brown. Sec the ,ur!nt shirts and neckwear. Cal aud ïoeefor yusi.M. Mayer, Bow- manviIeI. Couch, Joitaston & Cr¶denman have openled out hunidreds o! pairs ofL Lace Cartains, lte verY latest t.eIgîns la ail quiplities, and aned to be at lea-st ýas good lvalue ;, ns eu eot iliany Blouse in Canlada. -r Children Cr'ýI for "0. Farm by tnie-e dî Read every ý,e ,othîs weekz, Don'% cough , jour lite away-take 801. Book Sale At NÎcitolls-500 at hal price. Port Hlope PIa y Base Bail bore on May 241h. ,You get 301 f,-ouA7gba at Miteitl's Dnug Store. Take Mitceýli's Emruiýsion o! Cod Liver-W-ts gooe. Order your rýansy plantts early at SJ. JackMan'sý New weddinz aeboe-ovl nes -at STATESMAN office. Town Council and Cartwright coun cil reports on 2n'd page. Midlaad base bai11lulague achedu1e and list of officers ou 2nd 'page . Nichoîls is seiling ont his Books to make room for Souvenir Gooda, Unden Fashion Bints and Home lady readens wiIl find mauch 0f interest. Now la the lime to order Dahlia Baîba. S. J. J ackman bas a fine assortmnent, A grand day of sports la being an- nanged for May 21. 13e sure to corne. Incabating and Brooding is an article of great value and Interet-on inner page. The best readvto-wear Suila and Overcoats are sold by Tite Mason Co. See. advl. 10e baysa a o 1- f you return it and pav 5., you get a new one at Nichoils'. ý Ganong Bros. 11G. B, Chocolates"' "The fineat ita lite land," a bail uine aI Titos. Tod's. Boys, doa'tfonget your comic oatfils for the, Calathum plan -procession MaS 21 aI 9.30 a. mn. Carpets7 aad Linoleums are seliing very fast. Just inow extra values 8t The Mason Co's. The ver y latest la Wedding station- ensy and Wedding cake boxes at Tua[ STATBSMAN ofe.ý 27tt aI 1 p. m. On motion lie Raeve was aubtorised le grant orders on lte Treasuren as follows-Mrs. Virtue damages 81.50; J. Stainlon, damages 8j 50; C. Axford, damnages $5; London Guansntee Ce official bonds. $7 &J; W. B. Woods, sitecp damages. 87 83; MA. James, prnting $24. OS; F., B. Mason expenses incarned ne-division of coual. les $17; CapI. W. C. Frank, salary as Asseesor $110; G. A. Stepitens on lumb- er and cedan conînacl 8200. Indigents, Rose $6, Wilson $5, MaCulough $4, Sproulc 83, Lana $8, Branton $3, Dant 538, Ilnekea $2 50; Adams 82; Hoidge 192; Fîston 82151). Ceuneil adjournad te meet on Saturday, May 211h aI 10 a. M. Hl. LLioTT, Township Clark. Poo WaeryBlood The Cause cf Pimples snd ail Disfigur« iîng Eruplions-Dr. Williams' Pink PuIs ltae Only Cure. Poon, wýatery biood-paie blood -is ltae causa of -every p'aie camp.ýexian. lBad blood(l-blood flled with poisasions rnpurities-is lta e of evc-y baS coiplxin.BaS itlood is responaibie for rptos.sd pmp asnsdtolr bIOO. sud lte only madicine %ritlactu giving b1lofoc-is Dr. W',iliiarns' Pinkt Pilla Ion Pale People. Te ucw blood which tieso pulis make ea eeles cvenyv argauansdpart aoflte body. Il dera te complexion, n)anishes pimples and eruptlous, sud bings itealt, strenglt andhiapl-ineaa. àMiss Lizzie Lobsirpgen. Carlaraite, Ont., saya: "Dr. Williami;' I Pink Pills a iste hast nim c de I know of for claaning te blood of impui ilies. Mv bload waq in a bad condition, sud as s rosuIt I was not onlyv weak sud run down, but was lnouhied with pimples sud exuptions. I lnied saverai m-edicines but tey did net itelp me. Titan I was advised 10 lake Dr. Williama' Piak Pilis and titese soon reiievedl me of ail me' troublas. 1 can recommend lte pis 10 ayone suflering !ram badl bloo,"' BaS blood la lte cause o! nea.ly Very dsaeltat afflicîs itumanilv ll because Dr. Williams' Pink fPilla Smake new, nicit raS blood ltaIttey cure sucit troubles as aniamia, boan -t palpitation, iteadaches and bacitacitea, riteamatism, nauralgia, indigeelion, kidney sud liver troubles, sud aliments e! giniitood and womnanhitd.But, ou must gel the genuine pilla witt ltefll namne, &'SDr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale People," on the wrsppen anound escit box. Soid bv medicine dealers every- wbene or sent post paid aI 60c a box on six boxes fan 82.50 by wniting lte Dr. Williams' medicine Ce., Brockville,Ont. st5e neW. Horsamen desiring bills or carda should caîl aI T ' L STATESMAN office be- fore placinoe thair ordens. We havelte beat displaY o! herse cals linlte counly, aud ltework we'do cannol be excelled. Evenyliag is up-to-dat ao. Miss Editit L Freeland tobk part la the piano reaI givea b.y the papils o! Mn. J. D. A Tripp, aI lite Consarvatory o! blusie, Toronto, Satarday evening and fnom bier past record for Iborougit. nass we are sure site did bier part well. Thse friands la 'W est Durham of Mr David Roberts, J. P., Cobourg, willý regret 10 leanli tli e ta dangeroasly iii wilt vany slgitI hope o! recoveny The Misses Clemens, Centre St., Bow-ý manville, are down tise reasaisting t0 cane for temi uncle. A special feabure o! tise Sabbath Scitool cenvention bore next Tuesday will b hie addres lu lte evaning laulte Metitodiat Chancit by 11ev. W. Frizzell, Toronto, chairman o!flte Provincial Exeevîlve, on bis trip te lte World's SuntlaySeitooiConventionataIJérusalem, illastrated w ilt h lime ligitl views, Collection. SevaîsrI peopla ia town have eecelved endiess ccian letbens and carda askîag pravers for missionanies sud asking Item to write Ion similar coInmunicftt- ions te otiters. Titis May be pleasan'L pastime ,,)far ebîdenndidffIers but we and su ggeat titat ailPaucitmissives lha eonsigued te lite lire on -,aste basket. 'Meetings will be held under auspicea o! West Duritam Womaa's Institute te ho addrassed b 'y Mrs. A. Kinney, Grand- view, and Miss Jessie Bis, Toronto, as follows. Bowmaaville, Titursday afternnen, Jane 1; .ltamplea. Fniday aternnen, Jane 2; Slnas, Fiday even- inig, Jane 2. Places and hours ofmreet- lng publisbed laten. Baservaelte dates. "Saint John, New Brunswick" la ltae titIa o! a Booklat received from lte Tounist Association of St. John, New Brunswick. Mach valuabia information for ltae sportsman and tounisl is contain- ed lanttis Book let, as wall as good maps and beaali!ul illustrations. Copias malleS fnca te any sddresa on application le Mrs. R E. Olive,, Secrelary New Bru nswick Tourist Association, SI. John N. B. Bowmanville sud Dalinglon Sunday Sehool convention -will b e blS hare Tuosday May 16. Aflennoon session will ba held lanltaeCongregattonal citunci when practical addnesses will be given. The evening session will be bald l intae Method la citurcit wicn Bey. Wm, Fnizzeil, Ph. B, Toronto, will give an address on bis trip 10lite Holy Land illustnated by slareoptican viaws. AIl sessions wili be intenestîng- and ei Sunday Scitool in lte district sbould have a nepresenlative. A venv înieresting meeting was held at lte Mtiodist Epwortb Leagaa Mon- day evening-. Thé newlv elaclad preai- dent, Mn. BdnI Farr condacted lteé day- olnalexrciesMn. Chas. H. Baddy nead lte seipure lasson, 'lMissioaary Heroes,'I was lte îopic and was ably ceait wilhin l papota by Miss Jon osa and Mn.-Fred-R Fol.ey--and-a roadlng-by Mns, N S.B James, Misses May Sitaw and Violet Fisitiaigit gave a piano duat, and Master Grant and Miss Gracie Liaton sang a duet, and Miss Beacock a solo. Mn Herbent Todgham occupied the chair. The ranks o!f mr eider citizens are beinz reapidIy dapleted. Wilhin a !ew weeka amongthose who have passd from lte stage of action, to Item etennal rewand in titis lown and vicinity, includ. ing former reaidents bere araelte following whose names we recail Mn. Chas. Boney, Mns. John Collacott, Mr Beuben W. James, Mrs C J. Lester, Mrs. W. Allia, Mn. Jota Fleming, Mrs. ~David Cox.- Mrs. Thos Bobihis LMn. Henry Eilîot, J. P., Mn, BobI, Fair- haimn, Mr T.Veale,Miýrs. JamesScott,Mlr Wmn. S. Yeoman, Mn. Thos Beekai and Mrs Jon Mdlad.The lasI two have died aine our lasI issue. !I aour sad datv te chi'onicle lte dealh i o! rs« Johin Medianid, whio papssed away Sundav eveninig iii iberl 6;7th ear. Docca.sed hadbeau il! only a law da,%sai) d deant came as a -,reat shock te ber lamily and 10 our citizens gene5raily. Verv great svmpatby la bfell for lta bereaved hasband sud faîil l tiai vrydeep aorrew Ibis beigzit- e second lim-e the Death, tna .ear. "LieSetlither youn- est datîgiten Min i lu inJ uly asat, W as a savae tral. he aves aisaid, DABL1MUTOY COUNCIL. TowN HALL, Baàmpton, Apnil 29, 1905j. R-egulýar montitly meeting, membens ail presenî. Reeve Pascoe presiing. Minutes of lat meeting nead and con- àtirmed. Commuinications woee eceived from C0. M Bay8, in repiy 1telite elenk's request for beller drainage aI bite cross- inga of tite G T. R. between lots 28 and 2'9 andf lots 6und ,(ie) From J. J Smith askiz3g expeadituLre on road ho- tween lots 22 and 23 con. 7 Reberred to Reeve Pascos. Claims for damages by'-, publie paasing over lteir premises la winten wenrce (ived rons Jas_, W 'iama, A. Sitarpe, Wes. Oke, W, T. Law and Jas. Staînton. Reeve and,( Coan, Milîson were appoiýnted a com. mitîe 10 investigabe, Councillors Milîson and Courice wene appointed 10 examine maltera complained of by A Arnot, J. Balson aud Mn. Hantock. Jas. Gallagiter complained as te Pare- wel) an indigent and wished some action taken wbereby he wouid be re- Ileved of bis cane. On motion il was resolved 10 havehlm committeed as a vagranl. S. V. Hoar applied for a grant towards building a wire fance by McKay iu front o! bis farmi near Bath- esda churcit-SO reds-15c. parrond granted, W. Knapp applied 10 lease tae rond between lots 24 and 25, con, 10 -laid oyen Jas. Slainton applied te lease roadway betwean front parts of loba 20 a.nd 21 con 8,-laid over, On mot ion il wss resolved to appoint John Munday and J J. Cooledge Patitmasl. ens in place of A. Lawnie and J. W. Brooks raspectivei.v. Beeve aud Coun- cillor Milîson ware appoiated 10 arrange for gravalinl Division No 5. Applicat- ions were receivad from H. Wilcox and E. J. Clarke for managing Ithe Road grader for cannent year. On motion E J. Clsrke's application was accepted aI $1 75 pen day, Mn Ciarke's offer te furnisit man and team at $3 per day was accapted. Assess-or W. C, Frank returaed lte Roll for 1905. wbicit was on motion accepted, and lte Clenk aulh- orized 10 give proper Notice of Court o! Revisinu n h behia;d non ýtiirda,,M..,, enemiag god p~oguimo! sports tanltae aflemnoon sud final class Concert in tae evaning. ilocreition for May presenlsans en- inoiy differcal appoarance from te aid Recreation Wonderfui changea have beeu made be' Dan Beard, te aew editar, sud tae magazine ia fast giving promise e! boing lte leader a! thea out- door publications. Becrealion, New York Cilv. Cornialiman who recaully organized mbt an Association lu Toronto celebral- oS, ltaeitappy censuamution by a ban- qulMoaday nigbt aI whicit E B. Osier %Mep P',responded b lite toast of "Can- ada," XW. Pnideaux, 41 Givens St , Tamento, is Secnelury sud wsnls the addrcss o! ah Cor-nisitrebidents la he City. Font H IopU l'4ihodist chancit celobrat- Od hla Unercamyauiosa Sunday. lu 18 û5lte finI Mebliodisl service was heIS lintaI town 11ev W. S. Griffin, D. D , Toronto, was the pîe&ciem. A thank, offcing frori every persan aI- leuding lte chancit was asked aIlite- rate a! anc cent pr ecar for escit yea ilved. Fao rcep osnulot 82, cou 1, Clarke, lu oc itiamli eanS season- able pastlie a!fls gfol suekensMn' J. M.Cbiaiklteoownem o! it fihig rsene lad cmolintwitit Palie Mgisral HoeeybMf re vwhom 260cosîs. 1Rather de tu h? OaeOnRNE-In Bowmanville, MentÙ,t LZ aud Mirs. Osborne, a d&ughtLs', LUKE-Th Ushawa, May fr, te wf Oliver Liike, of a daughter. 31 ARIXIED. Ap E11, E.J 1Holliday, formeruly ofiîk- îknuan w!e 15e iR. Browi:,foely O GAE-ANAM- tthe radneofth ore ovrerurnito.Aprîl 2'n.nyrcV'-,%. HMnroe1r. Fred :J. 1,,aic.ort 'V hil, cd MissBerte H.secnd dnher of Ht. ,Thcmia, MCOELAN-ND~ WAt St. Thomasi Epicopl hnrh, aIle reetMich.. April 29t1j by 11ev W.EHOso MerH. George B. MGOleflan, Manager of tie Crown Bank111o! Canada. Comber, Ont., andlonise3 Barri't. on daugliter 0fM5r. andMrE. rH. B, An1drew, om erly of Ecwmanville. P-rower, beloved wif e of 5r JohnMe; eS aged 67 y ears. Fonerel Thnrsday Servce t ,St. oba churcli t 8.30 p.m. SUTIILILAND-AI Atdr," Wnenk May 3rd, the Ioai.,Jame s u ranMlt of Public Works for Canada.tn his 56th yer Hc7-'½AULr-At 752 Qaeeun St. West, Torontor May 3rd, Michael MCKLanlty, in his F801h year.7 baciFa 141JrvileMay 5th, Toe Beekel, aged 7à years. An SI-InDelinto, narMapleGoet bis son's residence, May 200, Wilson AC n~ aged 70 y cars. WALKLR-In Oshawp, April 28th, Mme.Hee W aliter, aged 79 years. j.3t, Hrenry 1-. Mundy, e58eabrtt f E. Munny, Oshawa. BmavY-In Brighton, May',5, Jae crl beloved wif e of LàwtnBtbgc 3yae sister of 5Mr. Thos. Morris,Oawa DesicAN-In Beaverton, Duncan, forsrerly of Ohw r SIITEÂRi?-In ceýdar Dale, . ýShcarýin, ag1d61)years. ? Eà eoU âb--We are showig this week an elegant ~~ lot of Lace Curtains of the newest designs ~ and exceptional value from M.00o -30C, a pair., Best valuae in teTraeI-ý See ý P or---the -.FIoor- EAlso Linoleums, '2 and 4 'vards wide. EFloor 0W1'Cloths-l yd, 1 yds, 1 ys,, and E2 yds wide. Japanese Straw Mlarni'gs at 15c, 20c, and,25cej per yd. SFor the Ladies New Dress Goods, Shirt Wai-st Suits, Skirts. Shirt Waists in Silk, Lustre- and E Muslin.j For -the Men. Me(n's and Boys' Clothing--The Umost -- perfect fitting and up-to-date, Lt will1 pay-- you to see Our elothing. *., .w.bM 0wn 0un ~ E~' 10tDo~ t S4an'ard Banik, Bowrmi vîiHe, -i A MA TTEA& -~ OFHEALTH Ah~L~!y Ptire Waakly Globe aud Canada Farmer and THE STATESSIAN to new subscribers onlv 63 cents to *end of 1905. Order to-day. Coucit, Johnston& Crydarýiman are now 'showing the fineats- dP biggest stock o! Carpets aven show-,n la Bow- manville., Great preparalions are' bieiag- made by lte commibbee on Sports for Victoria Day. fCalstlimiu neint in the 1 -r -r -r -r Son. Throsut &nd Co~zgho I The Methodis t chureh has. been re- shingled. The interior je to bc renovat- ed .. .. Sundav Sehool aaniversary Mav' 2lst and 22nd. Sermons by Revý S J. ShoroGv Oshaa.... 'heKedron seuxi!- iary of the W.M.S held their April meeting at the home of Mr. and Màrs Edward Cole, Geneva. A mach %II- preciated and heipfui addresg was given by the pastor,R1ev Chas.'Adains. Thei folalowng officers were elected:-Pres,1 Mrs.J.T.Hanicek. laI Vice Pres , Jesmie1 Webber; 2nd Vice Pres , Mrs P. W. Lee; cor., Sec., Edith Cole; Rec. Sec., Lissa rhomas; Treas., Etta Hancocit. LADY CLERý'K.-for Dry Goods. -. xperienced preferred. H. A. PnORTee& Co.,. Oshawe. 18-iwt W ANTED-A reliable lady to t ake itrs. NWe hýave pitdisrcin n Cn., t 1 03,, ep, n.11w, JOHN MfAYWOOD. John Maywood of Toronto, Vocali * 'eacher. has secured the Asnl Boom 0f the Hï11gb Schoolý, Bowman ville, l% which 10 teaeh %inig and wHIi he bere every Saturday. Volca ested f ree.4tf V7e erirnary Surgeon axid Dcntist. F. H. SS. Lowrey, A ~nale efeciv cd al ~eiey oraUibraltTDNOA BY GrlADU ATE of fntarîo Krriat on, s found in..L VtniayCiee Trno pca Crosolene Azfttlseptîc Tz&bI.ts "rten'ItiOït giveî to inisr.Da;yornga The., coMîlluethe gennici4eil, vo Oeeoefwth e lspnpyc e ree . lc neiec - bie xopc. AUie . o i'at5 Pa..a 16.Il e' . Bnnisîv ll -L 11 -U rk -U e 1. ----------- -'. -,
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
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