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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1905, p. 8

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-SY8TEMIO OATARRH WTO CWàms NMany Tosad.A Taeda'l Thanks to Fc-ru-na, HIJRSE RUE s - a DarlillgtoIl »!owllship Ollicors yr 1905 T04 j Camnpbell U j Scott îî8 -R Penthamà î8 ', R IHall 123 W 1 Knapp 121 WAvr 125 G Moore 6'W Glaspeil 14A OrmiÈston 122 ~Co1or, Flavor, Fragrance are the ýstronig poinits of Its Rich, Clear Color, fresh Fragrance and Delicliua C'ondition lpowders isaerltonieandaptîr, ive lego toat, hardons the mslnau lcsthe a inMluthîe tcdtionforha wrk. -et 5 et-, per pound. A pound of i0i lMedenenth ddeld.1tot ake it heavy and bulky. Chrngt 1 Lg- 1 n1O.icŽus Bowmanville. e w APPrE1 1E- -Ai - woi TA'ND AD IF)u -RFORI AE 1 1in renjt-Eigh'ýt ars Elan, a oodorl arbrc ous3e, good barn,nrth of the v.wn ofBowmvlle just oîtside the Coro in Posesson mmeietly.Apply to 1ISu c Box t owevll.1 f. J2. Egs orsal fomprize twinnc'rs. 'V% on aillisI, a WstDnrhaqm 5ais et Oshawa WincrFai. 'iie iSOfo egs.W. C. En r u 15q,& eman il t 4 w T HEUk drsFiedis prepared te pay th ighes,1tý Torout0 price in cash for un- waedvoolErc ftutAegs.Also the highcst }) rie lr asctllle, elipvere.d e-t the Cern r . WTA1OR, Muroch'sY ICYLEý FOR SALE-Two good LÏFsecond hardci-I8 c5forsale cheap. XITNTE-bySUCCESS MAGA- 'Vzince on a straiglit salary ba8ja a Young min nirwonun in every colnîy to tgake charge ,ot -u suh.crlption bincas. A few travelling pitnsalso open. Postions permanent. Itaerences rüqudred. Apply to Success Maga- eck University Buildin.g, New York City. 17 tf FLNCE FOR SALE, The East, West and South Fence on the South Ward qulc hehool pioperty. For Particulars rpl to JoHiN âMc MuniuïY, Chairman cv omi tte Bowmaniille, Imay 2d113j . 1-f Canýcer ureree ts any ,rie uffering 1 with cenr towr- ehl Two days' fe. D. EVAIS r, Man., THE AR ONYMALE,' Y. H1. FROST, A. E, MeLALIUILIN, If ' J.K QI W. j. S. RiuCKARiJ. ighpth couse eutiv e season 1904-5, âlanuger and Ccrduotor, Bownyfle On faced a starter. Inutending breeders of lizht herses will consult thoir own interests by calling and inspecting this horse, For pedigree and route see bilîs. Ternis $10 0toinsure. A. A. OAMSBY, Prop., Maple Ave. Stock Fan, Orono). COL. GARDNER,(8i3032) Standard bred, Willtes stallion, the propert 'y Di Wm S3trong, Enfield, will have stands as follows: Monday leave bis own stable lot Si. cou. 10, Darlington, and proceed to Wm. bittle's, lot 4 con. 9, Darlinzton, noon, thence te Coulter's hotel, Ponty- pool, night. Tuesday-proceed to F, Ferguson's, Lotus, noon, thence- te T. Swain'shotel, Blackstock, night. Wed. nesday-proceed te Jas Gallaglier's ~hotel. Burketon, noon, thence to his own stable night, Thursday-proceed to Angle's hotel,lRaglana,inoon, hogme for nighit. Frida-y-proceedt t R. Nesbitt's, con. 7, Darlington, noon, thence to hïs own stable untîl the following Monday moranz. ,Ternis $10. NEWCASTLEa Miss Amy Hunier is visiting hei' sis- ters ut Bracebridge. Mil]er's Grip POwders Cure. Sold by Stoti & Jury, druggists. Miss Ella Fligg, professional nurse, is homre frein New York City. Miss Kate Anderson has socurod a situation as teacher at Kcarney. Miss Franitie Jewell, Bewmanville, speut Sunday ai Jue, Clemence's. Miss Milligan, Lindsay, 1is visiting bersister, Mrs. William Wagstaff. Miss Florence Hunter, Orono, was recent gu6st ef Miss Jessie Davidsou. Chas. Hancock shipped a fine Short If ru, iv e years old, weighiukg 2250 les A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occasîonallv will keep the children healthy, Sold by Stoti & e.Jury, drug- gists. ___ -juo. uoulson sotav-ait'ofHacineys this week to Graham Bros., Claremout, for $680. The best remed-y for Scrofufla is Miller's Compound Iron Pilîs. 50 doses for 25cents, Sold by Stott & jury, drnggists. MWr. McCaffery and Miss Adams, sawwere receut gu-,ests of Miss PlUsOne ater ech mal. Sold-by Canon arutcombje, Toronto, and 11ev. FredFarnembe, olaud bandiugr, MethdisiEpwo th eague sui- erry y14 a ndu1 Eev, Dr. Speer,, Teotlecturies MonduÀ1y e îg Mis. R, 1'uker urd bnee Coe weredown from the city las;i Thus attending the funeral 0f iheir uncle, t!býe late Chas. Stiggants, the former re-ý mah9uig over uutl efrt g&,'tb e ok, DIv1 IIN NO 3 W E 0ourtice, Road Comuissioner No i F TGuîy 12 A Osborne 13 R E Oshorne 14 SJ Witeo 15 JTruli Z3 SamnuelRud 2 4 AlbrtdRu1de 25 RCutc 4o C Corn:i-!4 S2 j Flîntoff 35 J jdso 36 S Norîheoti 37 j Armeuýr, 38 Blake Cutc 34SSBros 39 JSle D ivis i No 4 j W MceLaughiiiný, R-oad Commissioner. 53 j Hendecrson 54 JRRCoIc 55 R HICllacotti U W R cole io6 W LitiLe 95 Vv Far-reil 120 W Rýynoid1S io8 R T Slemonc 83 A W Annis 84 Ed Thunipson- 85 j Col wihi 1î CGAv try 926 R Gabriiýi-a i b Ul F Rundl 68s V Hoar 97 JSeo U j Frasîcer 82 R 1Hawiey 70 PH Wood. 56 FLBrg 81 TSct DîîtsNo Rchard ast c, lR oad Commissioner 62 A 1!Igarh 63 T'ta1t7 loi F SThompsc1 9211/2 Wli-, -5 P Whim 77 LTFso 102 DFruo 1 03 ASih TO.C1l~ . C lx. I 'uOeE A,ï7 Take LAX ATIV BOOQINN tblt Ail drufmgîg srlr iemoniey If D Il 411Wte Ure. J Hodg-son W Ruudie, T Woodley S Rundle W R Cole W R Davey DRaI' TN W Little S Mecoi Te Base bine Union Sunday School W Hooey Anniversary will be held on Sunday W Allun May 14th conumencing at 2 80 p. in. DivisioN No 5 Addresses by Rev LBS. Wight, T.y roue, i W j Lagmaidand Rev. H. Munroe, l3ewmanVille, WS J Langmai Siuging by the school assisted by the Sw Aleaer Allin Brothers. j Starl A NICE HOLIDAY IN ENGLAND. The new Ailan bine service froni Gao Smith, the uew photographer, Montreal wo Havre and bondon' every successor to Freeland in the STATESMAN two wee3kS, commeucing May lBth. Block, has been turniug out some výery Onîr eue class of passeugers carr-ied, fine Photos for Easter souvenirs,.fls alled second cabin; ail the accommo- work le much admired and he will 'be dation on thse steamer being throwa pleased to takze your trae likeness any open, Toronto te bondon and te Havre week day that you cau caîl, readors. and returu te Toronto' '889 30. Tickets ____________good for eue year. No incidentai ex- penses, a nîce way te take a holiday at COMISSONE COMBS l tile expense; sin-le f are $466, 5, Same CONNSSIOER OOMB'YISTI. fare frem Bowmnanvili e. M. A. j am es,1 Agent, Bowînanville. The Sali, ation Army had a r eal Ibld fashioned good-time iu the Barracks Monday night when Commissioner F ile s Coombs, the pioneer leader of the S A. lu Canada, houored the 27th corps with a visît and received an exceedingly ""1 ~ !,~'- ' cordial welcome; especially f rom soldiers A.i and citizens who knew hlm in the eight- les when be was lu charge of the Can- - adian bruuch ef this great soul-saving and bumanitarien organization. Mayor Wniy be troubled with Files Tait was chaîrman and as Chief Mag. and bMosquitees this sec son when of the council and citizens a hearty you cau buy a. good Sere Do weicome and wished Uemiuissioner for 75 c e n tse at Penn lugton Ceeuebs and hic woî-kers great succes Lu their efforts te lift.up humaniîy and Laplant's. established thetu net only lu the faith of We have a large assortment ofè the gospel but lu thse way of home coniforis and good citizenship, Ex- Sereen Doors anad Window Sereens Mayor James supported the civie wel and eau fit and hang auy sized door come and made a brief speech, 'Lieut- Col Pugmire anud Brigadier Taylor of yen may require saeîni day as Toronto Head«uarters assisied in con- ordered. ducting thse - aftenmeeting. Com'r Coombs' address was ver'y tuteresting F'or ÀMiIk Caus, Milk Pails,i being a brief review of the work of the11 Army lu Canada, Australia, Europe Oreamery Cans and ail Dain Sup- sud Asia, iuterspersed with personal plies eall and Cee nls. Our prices incidents. HRe promised ta returu seon te give further accourt of the- Army's are right ulso fer PingPieFit l. good workiallande. The Durbaru tings and P.ïlber'sSupis iRubber Ce. Band assisted lu the musical! prograni muad the large audience groat1- i lyoiijo)ved the mneeting, Adjt, Scot llff wiî te sldersan itizens, and de- I, tride ofice u cage, izs, ery popuur s 111 1 secnv"r uc atrga eudanfo e eer Pien 26 & [ýll reiusulatrgaisenberefrt uc 'YW" »Fjanvt île14v0rableodIios Dofflinloil Lina STEAMSHJPS. PlIOPOSED SiIQ Montreal to Liverpool Ottawva... . May 151h Ottaw .juile il' L(201h Kenon giIl..021 Canaa........27Wh Cnd,,.,Jl Sonthwarlr, .June0 3rd Sutwr.,. Dominon . .June 1Oth Dmno....1 The CANADA i te te fas5test steemer iii thle Can adien trade, holding a reord $ ,f5 diays, 'm hours and 48 minutes hetwen nsoe Head and Fatherý Point. Midship Salons, Electrie ,.Lighits.Speed. and Comfort. 1 <Rate$. First Cless-70.00, SecondCls-0oen upweidg nccording tD steamer an d bcrl h Third CJess-t87.50 to principal Blihot~ half lare; tinderlyearires. Second Class iuniler and over i iarIaf fare; under i yerýr free. For aIl p- ticu r as to f rei ght andff passa ge apply bo M. A. JA.IES,,Agyent, Bocwmianvillle, Ont. or te TEE DOMINIONLINE 17 St. Saceratuent St. Montrea, Onie way tickets et lo;w pic o ale daily mlii May l5th, t its la Mnaý a1 (inlorado, Utah, dign, Wasigln TLtouRaDds viaitfr, eenevyytr for üreatmaint 1 hueimdgsie troubles. andre-u od ers. 713SitULAed near Detroit, îh ie quchlyan cmfo tb reached hy the GxRndTr-urk, Th o eersnI hi famousWeilar. splendid toiSt~e udirec in f thF Grand Tujaelve mle rmNizigaria Tickts o sal fno Ma< h.t1 t S oI&Jury Town Agents,' W1WvDepot tIvke4 ,Ag Phone 92. MI r

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