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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1905, p. 2

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Litie Liver Pis. Mduet Becrs Ignature or, Seo FaceSI'nfle rapper EBelow. to tala e ea' FUR4 RILIO CNEZS FOR TO14PND LIVELf FOR OTIAIN FOR SÂLLOW SEIN. v 1 Ruinousli to Business ilabitsý and Opposed eto the Spirit of Modern Jndustry. A 'despatch freiin Breoklya, 3N. Y., but ixhat is maiimportant, they says: 11ev, Ur. Niei }w ight Iîh aemaubeol1. Wealtli that La preachetitrern the tollow vingshct rightl pcodered supports the" work- ]iaokmai ing anti ga-mbling at the e r, but aise gives hlmn self-reliance, races represenit an ecenionuc felly. industî-y, courage and the powrer ot The epening et tbe l3elsîsnt race f er'neracre. track anîd the" scencîs incident the-re- BýUt gariibliuig reverses the, icbuie te have brought te many people econlo n et oflifo. The -gainhier is her about a sudclen revelation et the, supporUti iîy flhc productive iîîdustry grouýtli et the gambling spirit in our 1 f others. andti ispauporizes hlm. yeung uren. The quality ef the i Thbe gambi4-'s pleasure is at th(eex-- mnen an i wemen foliewlng the rares pcns taf nocrs pain. Thiis brutal- la the qualitv- that esiialiy is fot-iod lies hlmi. 'i le gambler gets w itheut wlicei-c gamling and iueo are pro- givnJig, sýttiog asido the loir of ti valent. On ftie iigliwai s leading 10oxclasie, u Iis nat os bita the l3elmont race track are the auto-j thief. 'h4 sicians tell us tbat tiiere mobiles of the worthless andi aoie certain skinî disce;ses le îvhicli rîch an-id the cars croirdeti witliti the h e mcr of parasites give ltie wortbiess anti fast peo-. sinarsatuei et bediy gr a tifi cati on,, aid 0ur city in,,luck ' tw'e classes of thc ,su; 1crer Scccanîis w itlî hellei [parasites., There are the ile riri, iaugt',r, ocra, ion"cl by the wsith- supportecI by th ir fathers' v caltb ings oet tlis" parasiten,, upon thli anti ibo go everywliere secle sh- acrves." Soe Lb fi asures ci gailu I ly excîtenaent. Tbchn tbeî'e are th'e ingace nmbîi, i f, unnatural itile peer, wtho are parasites, anti ai ilstructix o. Tltrfo e c tate these aise 111 eanwliat etheýrs 1haie -hoiti pro, cct tli gaembler agante producuci. Tha i1db ici are tic par- his' f. t punishs-thce ult-be AxIe grease pays one Vh'ousixnd! per cent, profit. Yoiung colts, well trained the first year Of thelr lives, mauy bc made docile and gond natured se that it will rarely be rejuired to use a Tlhere iN no noed of rivalry betwee.n the roadster andi draft horse: ecd lias its appropriate work, which thc, 0otherý cannet do. IdIe hr. shautId not hc left tooe long la th!e stable at a tinie. Manage in 9omýe Way to give their, an oppor- tufity tLo exercise. Goti grooming brings com-fort, coeifort bogets gooti spirits, spirits awakzee ha-udsome appcarance, and appearance s'els the herse. A human cooisideration for the health ai comfort ef the herses will met-e the thoughtful moan to kepthe stable dlean. Hfo'se breeding is more profitable if successful, and i-olves larger lesses if niot, than anvy other kin.d of stock breediing,- accorcding to the kind yoli breed. A lick ball noici relislhcd by herses i made in this w ay: Pake twe reps of coarse sait, eue-half cul) ef air sI îckeil lime an'd four cups ef siftoul wood aslics. Mlx wcii and add water tii maXi it lil'e stiif 'nud(. Place-in a box or tini tan of seitalile size an I bake le the oeie tilt dry and liard. Kecp it le the feed box wicbe the bouse cao litA it at 111 Cc-lic in Hlorss-For home treat- ment- et spasmodir colle ie b wses, ""-"11 iluinier ci Siarriage Lue- '"'.Y"-'-'44 '-44-"-' '-'4-' -4-"- i '4-- '-" the 0W il 'r ai <i lii - 0catIer~ea frhîel: . "-"'4-' " " ~" 4-"- I .~-. . '".~ ~". " 4-" " 'o'- "tse ie for constipa- bis w euld be as bighle as ow, tho tien, andhbasfoudîbm - hretns-sgaad cr perfectîy satistactory. 1 utrete s raat hi an glad cf this apporte.-ep troa eesct downerl r- luy of ma-ng known ta eue hIall, with but a sciail increase the, ublic the great bon- in grain and hay. It is because po- MR. POIïçiER eit £ have obtained from ntatoes are a mrneY Crop OetMtl farai Dr. Chase's Kîdney Liver't, hics Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pil, aneifill a ta foor edo h cocs dose, 25 ets. a box, at ail dealers, or Fidr fon- son, Bates & Co., Taranto. Toatetye The' cni plant îs the key-keeper againgt imitations, the portrait ai sgaueo h oain lvrsple h of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous e D of tcreo vmateial anti ern manetac-; author, are on ever-y-box. ,le trcs lt into itandle hunm îiforth tue tiio utbeb1iis (i book on the abeve mientionled diseases. Address, W,. F. Smithi Co., 185 St. James Street, 'Montreal, Ciaada, AHO eAeLL fiORM5 OFP KINLY AmND Aý- .ý lADDi EPf1L e S NT4 A. C. Seelyin Lesies Mentbly 1Magazine fer ,Juîne. The writcr shows wliat work lias ben dene in bringing about artificiel immuni-jtyý thi-ougli inocelationj and incicates the- lines aleng wbicli physicians are w orking to cur!) the contagious dis- eass ithat no,\ir ravage ithe orl1d's gopuatio. Th oter lteretin Lighinlawelglit Artistie idesign Reasonable in price Also a large line of Standard Farrn Gates always on hand. Everýy progressive anid lup-to-date farmer insissen lhaving RS GATES. Catalognd pricea onreque1st. ýP FOR SALE BY C(e OTJY nisiln G ,,e 'o, o,, WHY YOU SHOULD USE Because it i.% teqted by skilled tea tasters. 'rea tasting cau well be called one of the fine arts: A mian who cau taste several hundred cups of tea a dayot and, by bis keen senses, detect the sligbtest differencc- between them, and who, blindfolded, eau tell wbere- each and every tea was grown, not only the country, but tlie particular district, anxd ofteu the very plantation -sucli a nmiu is the professional tea taster. Trhe head mian in my tea. rooni, Mr. W. R. Milesn> is a master iu bis profession. He learned the business. in London, Eng, and is a tea taster by right of birth. as both bis IFather and Grandfather were tea tasters. It came natural to him and be is recoguized as one of the best judges of tea iu America. He and bis assistants do nothing- but taste the teas; -~ I I -'-1 Canada Permanent Mortgage Corpcvption (v ormeriy The Canada Pei manent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation) TORONTO STREET, TORONTO e) VNe bridge distanc-e -With our moisturc-proof, dust-procf packages. Hali- fax ar.d Vancouver are brought to the avens' doors. Farms and small towns are put on the sarne plane vvith the big cities. Moonet,7S Perfection 1Cruirn 'uSodas are packedlin I & 3 lb. air-ta Packases, fresh, crisp. delicius- a.nd reach yee lin ticame con, diton, no mate,îr where yen live. h, AT ALL GROGERS 4 4

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