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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1905, p. 3

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layers of stewcd rhubarb betwecn endi WHAQ_,1 IT IS. over the top. Serve wtth a coid1- O r~ustard-saulce o wooe ru. -The- Mecouais mb a aud tihe- 4 Rhhuburb Betty-Mix togethc'r three Important Part It Plays in the ciuptuls of fille stale breadcriirnbs, Onel Health or Sic,--es ofthtie Body. cupfiet sugur, a pinch of sait, oe teaspoontul ot mixed ground spice, Thre Macous Mrsru gthre in- and oeehait et a cupful et moited side liiing net the bed.iy, andi et al buitter, lu a baking dish put alter- 1 sýtita e n ogn.Te m t auto layers of rrumbs and fiacly cut this uosumsebrms out N E ~~rhubarb, adding, more sugar 'if the eonf toe r eltî,illitesq S '-fruit ta tbought te ho very tart. fCiloýv s si.,%ly, hlu oi forai er IBale tre qates fanbhierin a ohr creum swccen In niaetyj, aine cel as eta hnse ~~nv~r~~gtr, t ~~ lilsUubarb Pie-I'eel the rhubarb andideaelaitbeinnic eede iýL0À e~~r ut qutefile.Covr he pe rate gJïa, ei- ttisMrn erlxa n ith goed rîch crut. Fi with riru- It oy dlirate und extiýrraly ti justat seirr11,r rcnest 'b iss b, Ibaaiiug it lin the conter.Af ab e.srtoie us essuai ey oecetptiiet 'sugar mixeS u'sth two Eal edae th;n 1,fuelaceCzýn hvetabiaspoontuis et fleur. Soee ike E If s ea are irot faoliisg wùIl You p3 a dîniky littie dore eada itegadnta. Coer may he sure that the Murons Mcm- e> Ever lisa-jecri-?' Hit thre edga with an upper crest, cutting a suit braire et soee rganii s sick and re- s et as thre hla ? uac , in the conter. flake in a quick even.qursimdittrtxe. tashlr If the juice threatens te evcrflow et, There isen oaa-diria t is in- te bcean e epert stol. ptee hefer used, roll a shoot tcucod te act, aund doeaact, irectiy aalinjetasente fiurs If McmI j~of ~ et ginred note paper tna sa nl tubae and curatively ou thre MuronsMeci yen ru letan e xpert yOacte gor and push it dowa threugh the center rn t sD.Lerhrts Anti- as muci on the toor as ia the unti it alimost touches the loc. iii. fernare. ~crust, Do net reeove until iepe IhppiBiliousin os, and Ceni- TheSuahme "rarli as partly reolefi. 1 stipatien disuppear as souri as Dr. wiir godbi dor Rlhuburh Shrbet-Stew together Lor-,bareit's' Autt-Piii haus ;rcs-toed quipped tha od ido.twr, quarts et rhuhurb anS threc tire Murn emI-rane teits-intur l Van roe put yoexr shorel jn and drap tire coai just wm-a il îs jpinta etwater inati the, fruit is r-ielivcondition. ý5O ceuts a bot- -wýanted na t-ouble, no taking aitn nleiiigï, no scattering, or -. drd eaplp hnstuatreg o at aillrggt, or Tir- Wilsoni a rieeseciotir. leturn to, the fies ~eC. irnit ,1iga 'al annoyuî d ufcetsgrt k ey Eveytie soo tie uehi cei on theiranae scale Odansilriu tgrt mk ey it. Soie agents fer- Canada. Evertling aouttheSimsincfursu-cet. When the sugur is dissoivodi 0 tfehtf'ineers. add the jmire et a smalil lmeex euSj Sold hy ail enterprîsieg denlers. Write fer bookilet. sot aside. Whebru hîîîecî put la, the' e"forsxwe~ e nrir freezer and xork untit tike thici lite, Arthur, 1 hax e reachied the sud mush. Add the white et aur cgg bout- o et htyud e oect, e n te a stifc trotir, with twe table-,Atu-M lu! h-T i spoontrils et powdered segur, stir it use proteail g; yen shoid have j Se~~~~~~~dwi n letteremixture, a-fns teiarcd sm edlustut id treozing, thlon sot aside te ripen. girl!" Arthirr-'Wti, durlirng, 1 diS -~~LONDON, TORONTO, M - _ L, WMU' ? EG,VACOVilS JÎ TIins sherbot nmay ho tinteS a pailen11Y xcry hs. <t ~ ~,,-f ~ green with green cier paste. --~ HARD ON THECAT. PENNIN~TON & LAU [JANTE, Solo Agents IITII STRAWIA3IIRIIES. . Haeouvr enaatetVet puis SPonge-One. quart struwbcýý)rrics, U iH a sheve set sticat f'paer'?mie î NINGTON LAPLAN' Sole Ag ~~~hait box glatieta, oeeanS a hail ptha oeofsikflpprI rups stater, oe ecup SIgr .uQe *s -i h îfieteu tti e real et t of tis lite Thre terrifetjnp "i't with pate -de up loettend support- -onreieron, boutoirn-ites et four -lg, slttnreïnZciau psos oS by a roll et paper l ta inthe lefti e-lgs Su eatn trhitcMet~ ost ludicrois spectacle te al onlook- -,7 bantî. Fit tire cdge towîurd you Cureo ir- wtr. Mairtreben s are naed causes au immense amount of \tar uliy toe i rhaine fer about a add hait the sulgar to tbem. Bell tire latghter antdiifn, but whenthie frantic II W ! 'yr. hnso nouetr termlder et sugaranaîttise cup et andi inatdeneti 1et becomes simost * ~ ~ ~~X i stcip ou tiptee, hold whut yore have, iter gentiy tNsxety mianutes. u srthedbtesic'stfadth 2îte se ac tght enthtreiiugnibvbarres srougr airui stee.andd theg fitd ofr il - oth eiigw- h oristehroitissg sirep, tae dd1dape carpets, curtains, e'c., etc, your bond, ietttnýg the strsp bang! gelatinto biig fu, aerein b , ntei be reaiized, tie 1houc-ewite U4o u uaS Th. Iis gives yeu ir Ù,und bryiuce -ae ails te appreciate thre fanny skie ot the 5Mbotshba nds te finish pnstiug tire end' the bon-ilit a pan et ire wutier and' iod.iltithen andtfi ere deideé ]'(W '10 HANG WALL PAPER. . 1sbortedj'tisons tirat lisedouauI.bout nitir an o* heat stgaedu Vho er iiveie minuýtre. that ini future sire will use ouly Wlo' My Waterloo la household duties ireiS the lfti hastS euS ettire atntpi Adil bouton whites unS boat tilt it F4iy Pads, which are three bundreti wns c-paertg wrîesa cerrespeet- evculy with tire rollinustire tit haîsd begins te thitken. Peur into n itteesnreffcuIaicaotd ag dient. Tiere sems iraS te ho isma- and i nui a sehisi, broour run thie x-t tiolds and set ounire. Ser%,e carpets or furniture Ail drugo, ts ticS nS tire waiis propared tfor thre u-irle strip on, uuteling us ucedeil. 1 with creant. Esl toeepr elWtiasFPat3 aprbge.AnS that n'as tire Tire diituity lies ini sturtiag itl Another WaY-Orîe quar t ef struw- Avolti worthtess imitations- bus,, irne et yeur xitir hm, lier- straight os tise chair lisse. Ti e ie ure trogra ursee haps ho did't conte wien expected, once doue tirere is neo fvrrher trouble, mlx wth three piats ririr rreum and COWS WITII EARRINGS. andi tisetanîîly iraS to camp osnt, or as sraii paper is ubseiuteiy struight, sWeten. Whip te a frotis, add huitf dot tp in tire kitchea. 1J liuliy Se- aid is more easiiy put Ou nret ounce dusseis cd geiutiue, serve tra D, rrsngs wcre nover ;muSe forE cided tirat n'ait paper haagieîg coutldItisaninls ny other xay. lusses. cows, but exery row lai Beliiu-sMua bcmateed airStirat 1 suiphiasitIf ireol ctren aiuire'e1:- us Mý,,'ti,.rbet-Oile quart hernies mushml Wparth ieirsnon, fora tregulati.a irs svoT add tire pi-eessiona xa ges te catesitu oeawriakie la tire papes'I, cuti prilikie over these cre plut efusugur,1 been is;sueS t1irt a il aimais ftr myi pin ssonay, or put itlatiio botter tire papler les"hxse et-tirewriukie onid tîte jeire et enelereeon aiir aitbox me pucAs arcIote h tresadora- tas4 Igs. oreover, tie jet-' wouli tnadtfoiSl ri a.Tins s sx-'tîzent peut et nator su wiichliras heen dis- oeS ou rîeuririag tir go et irrue becz tlero xx-betri'cted. Ilere is tire n iii no e oireýuIyv 0roireu-,bIe as siot atablespoutul e enie. oftr. u sai~ at sa rasuit et what 1 have learisad. tie re nkt euoýi,ih. Fraoze as, yeu xoutd ice croiaiu. -srieedeopeattr.ito Tise n-als muust have cie olS paper Alirosit uty oeai, îraug sidewaxl Creii-MI'asi. eue quart berrar s dcic nohegnae neass telt on tlremn. Fvaiiif it scoîrs te) paper. Thriie are- a lew 1i.rnks tisai nith eue cep pon Se5 sugar unlodn for sbrreoi.Bedr be vory tigir tlire moistrcieofthtie ocre gts altos a litte tint expedite tub tirrougira nlhuir siex'c. Dissolve are fiigd'ekc) e tit coa pasta ou the esexW capocr iii ioesuet j naters considcrubiy. CQue is thatinlî01ocrands ialiaIrit ouneofetgelutinle iti, t ixaaisis asc ytos n it, unS wlvisan dry ;ýaeîrit xiii bacc li 'wiiskitig' ou a strip rauil 5hotu onei5Cplt ef S,\,et, mitir..Stoam anuStire ring-, ou -h-l noa a a ics tlisters, as' Srýpoi et. Titis, ttira weî-k lrom tire centre oft uic strip netS cie plat etof edrieaur and j uinber, is lsrtSil, tirse nnl nttst disngrccable part (Àthtie aork, îiagecnlty towasd tis edes. Aise" tic barry mie. Peour lun-t nroid car te-r theo purpesse e prvct heti mnust tee doute ehtier tise profe.-sion- ncaer try te ibondfla strip. if seuj andrlset ou ire te torîn. substitut-iin etncanamal ton 4an- ai Lager or hum-e talenti Soes tise qrd eue 'wn cding' toke it ofi anS d-l-- otîrer. wcrk. tart ever, Put tire bor der etc last, mAr OF r se Ta, O--TOLED.O, 1s 'The n'aii xiii ieLecsee iziug uia in tue or trrea yard ci ee-s. it, is LU CAS CrirT'q. fCrdIi ohro less it Lbteces wiitenesIect.La In t st ttcr te inuka. a cisik lite ton tire FPANu .J. Cîxxmik~es st tai hoelathe'tue i oîe f~erairî causeaespoeit el -trîis .it ,srat iîerelr i5 esxaosso f tisa s-rli r ner Oe iraemof F.S. Cc-"su'& Ce,. - ,ar and pper cc--e anyunevnii dûintzIRisîné,, Inthüisaiy t ToeduoCountý" 11M ot,,bsssnasufre o water, xith a tittie islesaaidaci. wseuil xvi'loett tro"ublea -u. ix o os- -n IStte afaîest.9Iaid lth tsalut fieutwililîay~ta feht a enasfee o Tireoiceat »ii round p~a'a. I fiaS t ecal acre te lte hasting unSd. lths ,,iimteof fONE HUNDRD DOLLARiS ftir-reans' years witir rl'euîn;tism," sar s W. ho 'a plaire, smeutir fleur p,sta, wrelu oet--Il ct-es tirai uiey ny net Casisrit es'ery rase cf Catare-is htuacannûa I. 11 IIwird, et Husisani, Pa. Attintes ne lumpîs andS tiin ctreughtr ti rip up xvlitr îy. roted hsie Use oftHLLCr's OrAP.nu01CREc. sue was uuahile mes-oe ai ail, while ah very treaiy tront tie re, iai. A whitle- Air aps'oescitigu, dcap pokets is fivoîn ta before me 1F1 sA J. Hed n my.atlt ime - knwas pin - I Lpre- wasir bruiar iii do te paste tritir. aimost a ncesa iy. Tire poc _-ta ire-'erce, tiis Gth day cf fecesaber, A. D. 188a» senteS ber xiii a botie et Chamber- If the paste la otein ht tairas trie are teireid tire sissors, a tonal lu A. W. GLSrt, 5ns Pain i3aim anS atter a ten' appli- long to spsc-ad lu, iattussg part oftthtie xhirhts te stipe pasîy itîgers, tire {1 SEA' } otary pulitt cations sire Secided il was thre Mest papes- get tise solt aird tender bce- uiisk bruceutsacsd tiere oll et paper i "ý,'* one u an elvtsiebSee E lie'5C's-ti-ieCrets trken c'tt'rtssuiy aut trioS, la fect, sire ta nover wihhot-etil fore tire rest la rendy teoiracrg. ,j trIto h radsa tre esîred for Uc, jarts eureety oui aibaS danîd ncus icifaces ,' 1te sa illmsabet ak have tnîsexen palier' tht wn's put on Yenu xxiiilii, if yrru n rk ualo,, ai tirs ssteus. Sei tfoi teslitoelrs, fiee. madsa -.imsal t ak wii te hir hst t drr>taouaibt f ou do h. riist F. J. CIIENEY & COt Toledo, o. An oecrasinal application et Pain Balen xriri tr rea ecsse eer irefur ia vn aîutstu e rktI' b ail t eges .c keeps awv thie pain that sire was forai- body v jî otbcnieOe- h lo htvor antsopt aeHal's Famhlly Pille fcr constipation. ýrty trouibied wvi'-. lFor' seyal heateît interon, takitg a thsinceai pet thrna gaies uttii tirestrip us -----*nicgst oft plil.tor"i 17 wittIsit. pastel ccn. henre tirapochais. A PEEC rMN ___ T'ena pntiag- boardi use cite 18 rap lu also (iaite ruseitiai te proteri As arESENdn EryF iN Se ai iu sren nfrn u a liiss ieanS about 8 fetr en F tr uer. Atauigsoyi odo ai cv hen nfotwl n ladanoa atable. Ain ays han ., If voeu are te put estftire heaxvin- utand ils wre i ho were ii a railway 1 dune a'1 ceache horse te pick up iis thereiiagpupr trai Ilas e a pliîkigitis, or soime tf tire îl.i.k, test acidert. Tise,- ite, teiiing tire bis- Lu-es. but if sens shea uhns heavy ait liýýd o ecste standun iigi 1portin assdsrape er IBagdadS paîterîisa 1tory et it ail te a >friand: "Ve wece tire ticn, o, irexviig-t iustIte lu sand enougr seIhat by raisieîg (ccatipÏteeyou snav finS il. secessary te îssiOsudîteieiy brwnu et oftuhe traiunon îh0i ire n't pick thIln- u11. îePs- yourauouir tire-cailicsg ,1tileY curr h nails asrd Paer. Il Sode it te an enisackmeit. Johr saiS lpi'.e - ioe si wl dt hea< l'risreitbeet ret el inouy u an-tm hecz dyx iue: 'Are vou hurt?' I suiS: "Noetpugha oe-sf -oudxiidsh sîatlmg treovar-ieai sriu. ors unît risîores cusritrecepen, so a bit.' Thoire ie P witir iis fiat unî t eni iayiesu donu pote iratipre is M ire a iralk iise aier tire urauneni as teSirytire puliser as rapidly us gaxve rue a blaak oye airS ne cinimeS atonadt hkniofleipon e iris et acareetr, 1 luhesfrete to îessisl Ottetwis liet eceas et $500 damrages. Non', l cuilthatire oiacteeni ieti fato ia ange t is riiîsg er iesurS aute ssay sook lietisethe dy and preseureetfmuI."-luna -ia. ettalsait iekw su ,giu te suant tire fraistri p sy j cause celons te ia, i.+ truts-, Asý h tieppris 18 lîscies -Nirte tiet-s, j ow ERates To Tire Pacifie Coast, %ei louetueo incires te caine Soxtn RI1ARB FOSSIBILITIES. t4 amourît i rould ho alloe donsatre E Iiubarb Duisreiiugs Muýlke a nr'ir Te Chicago andi NorthsWestcrnnfi- s' :c Great englPh Rermedne on~~~~wl tire cridsaneaitmanSitire saine1 Tse u- atsRe-eîy endu of l te stri s. Work towant bisauin'estwitiroeequart etf fous'jriihaeonslefettChesc ai -A positive-nrfor ail forma e1 t !rdiiso, then tise laps, xiiitusra eu Oe teasi>eofuuioetsuit, tu-e on ce way second clasasLIr'tcesa exaWansMna n en'y remtie lgit, ir xvii niug-teasisepoistuis of bukinig pnatorrhocery lw rates te point iiofCAbiforora1 a\afnttebl. adwiln tou aissuust cfusnri niOregoin, Washingten anti BritisihCû.e'- ssail of wiioileaS to Conenoi0t4 j V C £C- ou casset rin wn n ianuse. A pound of Red FeathrCylnTa may not - foekeutr er eniaue sal thsyui moe utitdes or trat pun e ~ -Yeur goods have ltuile te So nitîr your w,:akest spot. No n'igh --morSbut i attemorehere aitu d o.1ht.- excellent tea. kTtre aare aincys pleuty et P5'o sE BIack, Green or Mixd-never put up in leadbuon a pount.Io!CnsmtnCue always in steri1LiZed parchmcunt-iined packages.-400. e Cuplnityv easiiy" oveucemnes Lie easy ~LîgT~c i ec pcr lb, e,~fF4e ~ ~ --cncece r~~ n 1 A end u ii ra-e sf- ~ Tie ucrer mfd i neto sictal cre OU.Yoi.r ronî Of,- te Itic 1sturro ray bac , i itdoes't,'E M ueup, itd ie auth ~ ,_ As a Purînfying Agent for FoodProduets, llew modern Science is lJîlising Naturels powerful agent te purify, stcrllizo and in- prove eur food., We have beon se accai omaci lu the past te hearîng alîneul weekly et seine non' andi Mareelloits Sdeveleprirent in tire fielS o e etricali cience, tirai we are crew net greaitl sus prisoti ah any 110w molcianlcal appicatleineofelectrieiiy- the rvîrelessiehlegraph. lis lelephone, elecînie Moros' andti le maneelleni X Rays, Many efthtie wonderful inventions et Edison and ti heurà are now past hislorv anud acceptIeS farts, but saitentitls have Peen busy cxperienaig witli lhe 8e c- tin entrettleor cher liraitmeciractal parpoes, apptyeug il in rire practice et as W'eilas lathe arts, accoures and mauy manufactures. The latest but hy neoiteas the least implortant application et tire elochrice cunment cu fe,- tre putrification and ti t- lizaticn cf varions teed pretincts, Exinients alon27ttese linc's hanve heen carietiontou me y ors Pa"l,,but ýho reelS discovers' etofire value et9 lire oble miat currerlit ir e j5uejicaioitana sternubsahcon oft dent*, 1)as tirnctet idue- spi euS attention, user eu-yoie lu nalural- Iy iuterested inaaaying per taining te tire puifticriof tfood, IL wi5 geite'5li3 considened, lirat with tire ÎmprLovod machinera' non' emnployed an thoneigiy up-ho-date muile', thttire mlilhîeug cf fient' laS psscricaliv reaciret perfection; and in, se tar as lire handling cf the fleur during tire procoss of manu- facture is ceecceniced, tis is ne doubt qurite truc; but tire ciscovery oftire El- ecînicat process maltes it, possible te greatiy impreve tire finuched produet. Tire nen' process ta extremely înterest îng bi lîfly it consista iin pnrifŽîng air hi' pasuing il thugi a treruentious elect- nical flin e, lire action ofthis flame upen rire air being socuething iu tire nature efthlie action etflgbting lu tire air; tire fleur is Il-eu passeS througi sipeciaily designeti punit'. in- machines where ht is subl-chedti h ie aetion efthtie electnicaily purifieS air, anthie resulîs are certainiy tile teEs than marveibeus. Tire finisiret fleur emerges frein tire etecînical puniflens, ua beauritul ulver- whbite celer, pertectly sterilizeti anti ah- solulels' pure. Tire qualitv lu improved as tecl as the appeacance, tire purifieS fleur ta treeti fei-cmevory partîcle cithlie tson-rutrjment lit s Most csl'assim- ilPable form -,%,wiih iakes a bre d sà1vers- wleih lan celer, pure, wirolesome, andi deilu te haste. î1 r, y o! lire e aSdin g i c -neu tts iun Gr ealt lImiaitFrarceandS chnr C, uninies scuneailiai irncintite au'cepi the ctais rude a ho iSe out-uis ebh Senived fru li 0eeetrclpîfmta et varions foQît predueýts,but subssiî,-iueah E titerougir andSextensive oxponîteents, covering a 1perleS of neer twe semns, Jiat e concinive v eshow n tiraItireose ecp- tnical processes net oîVly punify butj iolltanti imuprove th~e vs'ins othrr qualitiesof et our andi similar teeS produitas. TiraIlIre patents covoninz tirese pro- (,esses are valuabie, is evidenceti y hilre extenusive litigatien itn wi lte varions patorules are unvoîxet in lti.irEnglaS anthie United States, frein which is disceoseth ie tact liaI practicalîs' evemi' large anti important millesr in dir ceuntnues iras adopteti somee on oir or of lire varioens patentesa sl sems in iris coilîs artt-isstapenraps tli meucon- cins!Ve evideirce 'tftire men t oftire proces In vîew ofthlie apparent great fim- proeriitntire wheiesemeness anti niutritive quftlities et finur by use et tirese inventions, Ili3 hepeth-il il mas' net be long befone cveny Miller wili at phie electi ical Eystein et purification Tire greal anS growing question et tice as' is tire purification ef teed proS- ucts: theretore everyliring lirai conhnib- rites ho that end is halleS as a bcon te irumîsnity. No expens sirouiti espareti le bring es'ery lfod proettet h ie iigîr est peut-urne degmee et pnrity. TWENTY-FOUND ATHLETE. Araaziflg Little Dwarf anti Sonne of lus Peiis Sinaun Sing lpoo, thse amalest utietou ir theorlincaSeis lis-st upperannc e eore tire London public recr'ity . lie lu trvouty-tCO years ot upc. Hilahrigtst is 34 luches, bis chest msnsuoecea t,24 lu b-s,, anSdiris fightiug reigii20 hMs. Semg TItos auorsptlihîurnts are net ceafimod uo acrobatic tricks. i-le ta a g-cecinhcguist, fer ire speaks j Fisghisir retl, Giemcan fluenuiy, anS Frech's u r-lnot te mentiona iis ratix c h3tarms"se. la prov'Ses a su is nhieg exaurpie cf tir' or us oet tntil se-nelng, for ire becarrir'addirted te tireirabitini iris nativerlacdS ai tire eailY ugeocf th rue Perhais tire ust anca tua ting abotut Sirg itîce lailie fartt Liai iris .ppetite iissci ci l ail uPro- por't;in teiris s/. lie ta acces- - o toe.tte at. ciceýn, itir orchisry mois1rtnis, antd eut jcst as ccuch as any ce.' ni tithctablte. l r lteaktn hoirelitkca hrre o four e anrd as a picl,7me-,tcp iret jlau uuim. n te s'-o loti a cotuple cf do5/rn ers ai a siLLe.5,. Hoe atas a i , a<iistlix' cof mme ai. birr is nuL toînietiorucas o e'aC At it.e- "hîs trrasrnd po sssions ta ~ pct-Iic-nirt'h larlerntian a etiing rie',tri'th ho Nettis j j nteShis PIhuie troc n xxrisi. h rocs pi is5i 5lo ii t irMiss Loi" Furits, Lug a et ur ie aoneur turs.e sua rc ~a o eta ha fo E ~IEIE]~,EEE~E~~Fo Ifants andOh drn a V e g f m i b c P r c a tI R uali b - Beara the .-. Pro~~s i~esienCherou - gnature opmurtLorphiuî ifor minerali. XOT NAM, C --T 1C. .4 ese - Apelfect Rcmcdy fer Conalipa- Jtien, Sour Stoipiàch,Diarnroea, errns ,convutsions ,evrishi- [E ess and Lo ss op SLEE. i acSiralle Signasture of -~~~~~~~~~ pI!CNARCMPN.MI>TR L n07 When the Sno begins to meit thecrc aref0 oleaka tlu "Wrede'P.RooPfs. NËo open nail 1hc1es, no seani, f eCkCs for wet ta lea.. 1Zthrough just a salids heet ofdmprof water-proofraofingtI'atkeepsbrl and out-buildings as dry as tl-cý bouse. Complete roofilagottft-n-ails; cernent, etc-with every rol F>R= E BOORLT and samiples Thentop wo, amanags, rie o i andthet ellerusi raler tocshotwtr haelittle Ptron'do "Wihte engieso tif d c.fn.mnio hsppr IThpudfles th ood and ce t Bitou vrgtignoht-ac Humors, Sait Rheum-1 Dlavis Lawrence Co., Ltd, Montroalh Fiot ice to Creditors IY l'HFMA7'TER 0F TuIE Est ate of' George Paris/t late 0oftte towns/tip o/' arlington, int/te Countv of Durtanz laborer, deceased. NTICE 13 HEREBY, GIVEN p-1- r ,B..t te sec.388 ef cap. 129, R. S. 0. I(1897) that ail persons havtng claimq or demaýndn _gaine t th',e.est ae of the sald Gorg Paisi Seeeased Who dted onor about thie th day 0f January 190 Lare requIre te seuI by pout ipreý paueS or de iver to the undersýigne xctre th ast 'W'1111anS testament o h aiS"_dere(aSed on or before the SEVPLNTEENT'H DAY 0F JUNE f1Ci5 thelr christeanI and surnalnes andadrse 1it tf ariCuarLs la writingnfet thir daims andS tatuoenut of theer aeo ,unts and the rnature of the scrte i any) lield by tei AND TAK!I NOTICEN that atterthe siN 17L4 E lly t Jne 1905 the Said execabter xil, roe te diiiutetiee assetsof ithe sa'd dcae amiong the pariesetfled thet eto hiaviig re- gard ouly te the laa of whieh he 3hh thien have notice and the saiS executor willIntb -eable for said asziet8 or any part thueeet tainy 1persG or persans ofwhase clainis notice sha1h net have býeii recelvefi by hlmn at the lime ai inch distribution. Dated the 15th day of May 1905, SIMPSON & BLAIR, RIItîARIÂ Av.ey, sete&totrs for eceuctor, executor, Hamepton, Ont 20, 4. A balf headofI l an c an't lose anyý thing by trying a new patenit hait resto1 er, USES FOR j ok i lth cvraeand tinware, -polisliing brase wa1rk. GOLO DUST I lengbt otpipes. , a nd tha-,iaUefineit Zoft soct3 SMade b31 îPî4ý N. X AR ï, OMAI.MnrS,.Q-dkr o AR O L~~e e m o nï Z 1 00 je-z'e -em

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