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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1905, p. 4

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THE SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT gives satisfaction. No paint can give more. No man can expect more. S. W. P. je asatisfaction-giving paint. The materials that enter into it, the care with which il je made, the men who make il, everything connected with it, are of the satisfaction-giving' kind. lb neyer disap-. points. Always does the work, it is expected to do. Costs least. Does niost. Color carde free. SOLO BY Warmi Weather Goods wiînterest you. 0cr, stock of Gasoline Stoves, Sereen Doors, 0-11 Stoves, Window Sereens, Hammocks, ie Most comiplete. We invite your careful inspection Opposite Post- Office. Phone 66 I Spring is Here * With ber warm sun and twittering birts and Spring suits *will soon be the order of the day. What more àtting then than to go and be photographed when you are looKing 3 our best. I Whv flot drop in one of these Spring, davo at Tait's & Co's The Claladiail Statesinai BOWMANVILLE. AAY24> 1905. TRUTHFIJL JOURNALISM. The ieading 3ditGrial in last Thurs- day's Daily Globe was a plea for fair. frank and honlest jýurnalism and wu read it with keen reljsh and commendcd the hig-h standarct set up 'bv the wýier [le ciaîmed the righit o! Canadian jouruals 1ta speak the trulth inbodes and incricsn politiciens and pbi in2n gg3nera;lv he held thatj unist shoul,,d b, expected to commend the i ight and equally ta be expected to conidemu the wr6ne. One thing to be [miD r The Globe is< that ilt i one of the best examiples of this "fearlesqsuese in journaiisi" ln this country. Now, as a theoxv or axioni the prop- osition to allow cf independence, high- spiritel boldness and fair criticism of the public acts o! public men bv the editors o! this countrv le ail right and uinety-niue o! er'ery bundred people of sense will approve o! the principle and readily grant the privilege, but in our nearly twenty-seven 3 cars' experiene in journialismn we have been nmade conscoos very many limes that fuily as lirge percentage of people resent haviug their faults held up to publie criticisin let it be done ever so justlv and kindlv. 'lho approval cf the editor's adverse comments depend altogether on 1 whose ox is gored." Like the ancient prophets the modern scors who perforai smilar public nuty- the editors-are seldomn popular men, that le if theý net on The Globe's teach- ing and faithf cliv and fearlessly perform their duty as crîtie Old Socrates tried his hand and peu in atte mpts ta reform the Athenians accordina' 10 his views -~ -, -~ ,- m---, ,~p -4- SABAT H CHOOL GNVENTIUN. The elevepth arnnUal Couvcptio)n o!i Bowînanviliuj anid Darlington Sabbatli School ASS)cIation 'was hfeld heri' 0o) Tuesdav 1,; TlÉe firat session openeilt P. rni ini the Congrexa- tional chueh Qe-Îîdcnt Arthur W. Annls,Tyln.l h chair The Sec- retar,iMr 1W.C Iloar, presented bis report shoviiing that there were 21 sehools iin tie îotwship. 20 cf whieh were a!iv, a»d 19 had sent in reports There were '230î teacliers and 1761ý sebolars, rnalïin.g a total of 2001 eugag- cd in Sndaç Schnool workr Average atteii n mcof sch(,,ars was 132; curch MemberýS 7, 62 o! cfwIhich J, ined this i-car; there are thxiee Rome Depart-I ments alid t% o have ispecial meetings for study 0of lesson. Presidlent Annis gave a. short address emphasizing importance o! the work, the ambition o!f every teacher should be to bring ont strong- points of tesson relating to Christ, the lasting resuits of snch teaching, the object o! using our talents should be to better those around us and to seek to live in our daily lives whether in business or Drivate Iife s0 that the whole world may be brought to Christ. fie hoped as a resuit of this convention everv teacher woul ask the question,'- Have I been doing my best? R.ev. L. S WigSht, B A., 13. D , the popular pastor ciTyrone circuit, and one of the ministers who have flot the opportunîty of going to Sabbath Sehool on account o! bis various nreaching ap- pointments, gavean alldress on "T rhe Pastor's Opportunity in the Sabbath Sehool." one of the excuses offered b y pastors is Iack of limie, a tendency to shif t responsibility on Sundav School teachers and officers. to please church officiais rather than lead boys and -girls to Christ, tendency te minimize conver- sion of children. The feeding o! the shecp is necessary but the lambs must not be neglected. ' The pastor should he in touch with ail denartments of S. ~ Empress Footwear, for Women S!ýoe A tae',Attention-If1 they are 5 orreot in shape they wil b axttractive than a hat Get the shoes riglt-hav theu IL hvethem well made. have them up-to-date. Our Empress Brand o! shoes for Womeu will suit you for they combine ail these qualities. You can't find better wearers or more eomfortable shoes and then they are "Made in Canada." Emipress Footwear $2.00, to $3.50 a pr. Empres$2.50 Dongola Oxford wîth patent tip is illustrated in Cut. Cotton Hosiery Bargain White SBargains Quîits ed20e to 25e Cotton Hlosiery-black and 10/4 Marseilies white quilt regunlar ont grounds with polka dot effect, clearing $1.25, just 10 doz. in the lot, Ibis week eLi outoddsizs, erpair ................ 15e........................ ............8 , Rarzasi.n Lacesrnn~ a-n~iaa~ Z_-

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