Flower plants May 24th This le the date when a great miany people put out there Flower plants., -Ornew-stock la- just- in-and we nevor liat a niGer thsoJ lIRont. Choice Geranlums .31.00 a doz. Colitus 50 ets a doz , Stocks, Asters, -Mignonette,Phlox, Feverfew, Zinias, Petunias (very fine),Verbenilas, etc., Hoxeso! 15 to 18 plants 15e a box. Pansies 20e a doz., Finest Dahlias b0e a doz. Druggist & Opticians. if you bav-e "bilions attacks'" or "sick heatiachfe," or "sour stomacit," oir yen are troubled with constipa- tion, you Need Our Li*ve-r Pis. The gentle but effective liver stimulant, andi reliable cure for constipation. Thev completel y remo-ve the cause of siek-beatiaches and biliousness.j Special Offer 2 boxes 25 ce. Use ont box andi if net satîsfactory bnîing baek te other box andi we will buv it back and 1y -;t 2c orn Stot;&JuryT Dili,ý,ggîsts &Optîcians. That medicine will rot cure. These are oiten cuieti by wear- ing the perfect fitting Spectacles ltaI we supply. Money retumneti if flot satis- factory. Large expenience, latest ý-m- provtments in instruments andi an Up-to-date Optical rooni. Cail and coisult us. Fret of ail charge. wStott & Jury, Druggîsts & Optîciane. The "uperio*'ty>' Dr. Pitchem's Back. 4he;idguey Tabet. aven other forais oi .oict is dfe te the fact tbat ihey are Ibo prescription o! Dr. Zina Pitchen, thb. 'amous specialist-wene used successfülly und iested iun rivale practice b>' hlm for any years hefore the>'wene given to thb. >ublic ai large. Tbey contain expensive1 tpecific ingredienis neot found nu an>' ther KIdney remedy, 1s il an>' wouder, then, that the>' cure lumbago, diabetes, gravel, Bight's disease, unec acid in the hlood, rheumnatism, neuralgia, dropsy' irniiability of the blatider, and Kidney troubles cf oîd peeple and childien wheu ciber remedies fail ?M Read Ahat Mijs. W, Martin, Orange- -ille, On t.,liS ay: Some lime ago I hati a gooti deal cf trouble wiih my back, due te a col à thatotled-inl the Kidneys. I n'as aise iroubled with dlzziness and headache. 1 started takine' Dr. Pitcher's 1Backache.. Grand Frunk Railwav Svstem,. BAJLWAX TIMe TABLE. BowMANVILLE STATION. G«0150IrÂtT. GonIXOWXEBT Mail ......... 9 20a. M. I Express - .. 5.02 a.-m §Express .... 10 10. seijLocal... 757 e Mixed ......339 p.m. 1 Passeeger-.1 36 p. M, Local .... 649 p.m. 1 Mixed.. 7 23 Mail. ...10 24 p.m. Express:..11,40 p.ni.. Senday only, Tickets te certain points sole ac cordance witli special h liday rates aunnoced in another columu willnfot be ionored oU trýainS Nos. 1or 4. STOTT & Juax'. Town Aqenite dOWMANVILLE-,M&A 24, 1905. Mn, Carl Schrag, TËoronto,speut Sun- day lu ton'n. Mr Byron S Vanstone, Toronto, speul Suuday aIt home. Mn. Fred Roblin. ila-milton,- receutly visitoti friands hboe Mn, W-. J. McMutry, Toronlo,visitod bis mother lasI n'eek. Mise Mary HIamlevý bas relturneti freni i'isiling friends in roroîtto. Mr. -anti Mrs. F, . BWiting bave ne- tumneti from- a trip te Cuba. Miss Clara Colwili. Wbitby, is visitiug Miss Elva Pon'or, Maple Grave, Mrs FrankJaekmau andi daughter are visitingberfa-tliFiP n r llPiry,-- Mr R. B. Antiren', BaIlle Creok, Mich, is visitiug bis moîber n'bo is quite ill. Mn A White, Sarnia, n'as guest of bis aunt Mrs. Jacob Neads over Sunday. Bas' o! Quinte Confereuceofo th" Melliodisî cburch opeus lu Pieton June lst Mn Arthur Minzeauti bas been ap- poluteti engineon o! the Ton'n Fine englue. Mrs, Rd. Allen anti Misa Allen are spentiing Victoria Day n'ltb fieutsisnl Torouto. Corne to ton Iis (Wotinestayý a! Ion- r-oon for sports anti stay for Concert to-nigbt. Hon Fred D Cherry, Schenectadiy, N Y,- visiteti bis mother Mrs R Cherryi aven Suutay. 1ev. W. A. Bunner, Castletou, basj hotu invitedtal Norbam ctrch for the ceming' yean. Mre. W. P. Prower anti son Mn. Wmn. Prowen ýrwene recet guesîs of Mn. L. P. MIeNal, Port-Hope. IL C Rocken, o! the Toronito New's1 bas purchasedthie Orange Sentinel from , the estate e! the late E. F. Clarke, M P.1 International babbatb Sè bool Con- vention meets lu Toronto -June 23rd1 te 27th, 1,600 telegates n'ill inluaI. tendance. Mis Go. Mitchell, Toronto, anti Mrs Lick anti baby, Oshan'a, recexitly visitet Mis. A., MeCreatiy anti othen filouta lu lown. Scîibner's Mag azine for June cen- taine an exceptional fine numben o! articles. The short stenios are aise quite inteieSting. Mn. Chas. P. Metlanti, n'o n'as cahotd ho mo fromi San F rancise, Cal -.,on at,ýcount o! the deaîb o! his mothen , left Mouday fer the Wetst. 'l'h representative o! the Provincial Agicultural D)eparment, Mn. J. Ford Fhimbairu O0. A. C., Guelph, visileti Mn. J MacWain lasI n'eek. Mns. Muin anti daughten IlMiss Muir, ha,&ve returned from a pleasant igbt moniths' vieil 'itb bier son Mr. James Miuir, B. A , Honolulu. Han'aii Islandis. Dr. anti Mrs S. Edn'amt Sanderson, Detroit, Mîcb , are tht happy recipients of congratulations on the ativeut o! a 'oung son Suntias May 7, 1905. Conzratulations te Mn. T. Herbent McCrcady anti Mn. Sidney M. Scott on succeSSfully paSSing their final «1xame at Ontario Colege o! Pbarmacy, To route. Mr. Cecil Mavnard who bas a ne- sponsible-positioun'itb Rynie Bros. lu Toronto, is visiting bis parents, Mmr. anti Mms J,F. Mayuard -C'a mpbellford ie raid. Friende o! Mn. Alian C. Hutchiasen n'ill be pleasedtalekn' ho le home froni tht bospital n'bere hoe bas been sick n'ith appendicitis since Feb. let anti is impreving slen'ly. The Town Council bas met tn'ice lu special session since lasI regular mi el.1 ing but mnalIens taken up n'ere maiuly1 o! a coutroyonsial nature anti very littho rital business n'as dispeseti of. Tht 4ootb annivereany o! the birih of John Knox, thé founden o! Presbvten- janiei, n'as fittingly celebratet inluSt. Paul's cbumcb Suntiay, 11ev H. Munnot, B A.,, pastor, paying a fitting tribute te bis life anti works aI each service. The OntarieReformen last weo'K issueti a special illustratet odition o! Oshan'a n'iîb a write-up o! tht business places anti leadîng indiustries. Tht edition 's n'oll pinteti ana. is a credilte tht Reformer anti our tbiving si-Item ton'n. Mn. Go. Ross, Chie! Post Office Supeintendent in Canada, n'as lin'n on officiai duly lasi n'oek anti bononeti TEE STATESMAN n'ith a caîl. Ho thioke3 Bowmanville îs one o! tht finest ne- sidential ton'ns lu the Dominion ant iebi travols froni coast te coasl. Mn R Norman J olliffe, son o! Ritv W J Jolliffe B C L, n'ho is leavlng Peter- bore te continue bis musical studios lu Toronto, n'as presenti n'ilb a banti- soetsoliti golti ring witb naiseti initials anti on the inside theoengrave inscript- li), "'Charlotte Street choir 1905." Oine o! our oldeet anti most respecteti citizons, Mrs Jacob Noatis, celebrated bier 9Ws binîlitis'. alw 15. A number o! ladies droppet inl andttek a fiendlv, cup o! tea n'lîh hem andti ýenii a soc-l boum. Fen' citizons baveý seen anti fillei n'ith interesting anti helpflItm Standard Fashion Co, 12,1,1,16Vda SI.,Nen' York City. jCut those dandelîons NOW. IDahlia Btiltb and Pau"v Plants for, sale at S. J. Jackman's. 500 Books, regular 25c each, now 15e each or 2 for 25c. At Nichois' Great admiration for Chie! Jarvisl large boti o! tulipe lu tbe lown parke. Mise Etina Newson, Cambrav, le vis- iling bier sister Mrs. C. KetI, Ontario St ST- ,TE5MIN and FÀamiiy Reralti and Weekly Star from n rn' te ent O!f195 1 non' subscribers for 60e. The Mason Co bave special lnos of clothinZ thal no other firm eau get' Se themn before you buv. Mn. and Mrs. W. C Ferguson, Black- stc.were guests o! bier fathen, Mn. John Beacock ox er undav. iMirs Boa- cock returnotihom&nith,-hem,. Mn. Wm. M edianti, Toronto, je lu town,caIled'bore on accounit o! the illnes andi side n deatb -of bis sister, Mns. Charles Davo.-Port Hope Guide. Coucb, Johinstou & Crytienman are now shen'ing the finest and biggoe stock o! Carpets ovor shown in Bow- manville 11ev D. O. Crossley conducteti ro- opening services Suntiay i Zin Metho- dist churcb, Little Brîtain circuit H1e reports very successful services andi a cordial n'elcome fremn the people. andyou-wJl-ge&the bestpos sLble-,satls-- facti on. Sole agents for Cbrisly's Loution Hats-beet ln the world. A Frencb chef o! Winnipeg has re- cently been delighlng the womeu of Western Canada by the publication o! the 'recipes of some o! bis most dainly dishes lu The Western Home Monthly. The recipes are so simple anti the directions so dlean that an good bouse- n'ife can easîlv follon' tbem luber own homo and grace bier famuiy table with the choie morsels that bave' made travellersfrom over the whole world compliment Ihe menu o! Winnipeg's moet famious hostoiry. The New' Clothe bave arrivoti, Non' le the lime te beave your order for a non' Spriing Suit aI Couch, Jobuston & Crydenman s 10e buys a Book- If you returu It and pas' 5ý you gel a new oue aI Nicholl'. Cougbs, colds, Ssoarieneot, and other tbroat aliments are quickly relieved by Cresýolene tahiets. ion cents par box. AUl druggis Men's and boys neady-to-wear ciotb. ing, no newer styles, and no botter value anywbere, Couch, Johnston,& Cryderman.11 --: Josie Carr, aged 13, stole Harrv Mc- Harg Murray, a 9 months old baby,lefi in a go cari outeite o! Eaton's store, Toronto, and took hlm nitar ber homo and trowuet i hm afler stripping off bis cloîhes She n'anted carl anti clothes Sho bas confessed ber crime The body n'as bld in a culverl, J. W. Knigbt will carry paseegers le and froni the whbarf evors' Tueetiay anti Fritiay te meet the Str. Argyle. Duning July anti August ho w'ill mako daily trips leaviug bis office at 2 p. in.- Single trip 1c,; round trip 20e. Leave1 cal]îs at Devman's music store, Raruden Block, King st., or phonoý No 9& Heorses for bire. 21-3w. Tht topie Monda, evening aI tbe Methodiet Epn'ortb League n'as "Christian Patriotism," unden direction o! Miss Miltiret Grigg anti Mr Chas Allen. A e dvtoia x.ercises con- ducèteti by Presideul B Farr anti the Seripture reading by Miss Ethel Morris, Miss Grigg took the chair. The Pro. gram consisteti o! a piano dluel by Miss- es Grigg ant i Fsblelgb, piano solo Miss Lena Horno, a vocal duel by Miss E Beacock and Mn A W Plckarti, au iu- teresting paper by Miss 4. L. Haucock anti au atitrees hy 11v D O Cnossley. Sons o! Englauti o! this town le the number o! 75 marshalled bv Chie! Jarvis attended divine Fervice lu Trinity Cong-1 regational cburch Sunday monning9 wben 11ev W llipkiîî. the non' paster, preacheti fromi Il Cor. 6-16, a very sait- able sermon in whi.c al n'omit counsel- led te make the best uýie of Ibeli oppor- tunitios so that thex' migbot bit nonthy citizens o! the great empire in n'hicb, we live bere anti o! the beas'enly kiug- dom pritoareti for thet oed o! Goti. On meturninig t the S O E Hall a heanty vote pro poset by M A James, Past President, n'as unanimously carniet tbanking the preacher for the excellent sermonl. tht Trustees for the use o! tht circh and the choir tinter tht direc-i tien of Mrs R D Daviolson for their service o! praise. The choir n'as assist- eti by Mrs C A 2an'kitr n'>o sang a solo1 anti Mr W J 8 Rickard. Miss Freolant presideti at tht organ. The pulpit n'asi draped witb hIb nion Jack and a finei collection o! plants liioti tbe front o! tht plattonm.- The prelty cburch wa..9 nicel-v filleti. The Women's Home Companion fur June bas alI Pages filuet witb the spirit o! the early sumrmer. The fashion1 notes are e! special i' teresî le tht June bride andi the gi-rl gra-duat Tht short Kidney Tablets, anti by the finie 1 had !ml.WI o r 0sn st used one boille the backache, headache non' subscnibpis at Iisk rata? If s, and feelings cf diziness bac! aIl disap- A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILEs. n'e'il accepl $1 This rmeans that n'o'il peared. I considen the Tablais ségoed Ic-bing,1111(i, Bleedliug (or.Proptuding lis Sore Tbroae emd Cough, sen t no STATESMANS 10 any is'ti9(- Medicine." Druggists refeind mlone'y if PAZO OI1 MNTr ffective and afe rcmedy for a11 tbroat dressýes and tno'e Wkly Globecs te ln'o Dr. Pitcher'a ]Bacýkach.-idney Tablete jfalatoecure any case, ne materoet how long ,rîaîossondn'tdresses la end o!f1905 fonr oui>' S1. oc.a bffl ofýcchoolaI.-o& tanding ilu s t e 4tiy, First apiain Crosolene Antliseptic Ts.blets Isn'I ibis a barg-ain oler? Atitresse: an.soc a oul cf~o hoc1at.c.~ igivttease and tiea. 50.if your (drnggietbasn'î Thpy combine the germnicidal valueof Plnsrs AE UBI IRIHJ2 s, owantlo -altul Y drugg'st% or @*nt by usi, j1 a senti 5oc lustaînis ana it will be forwarded 'h-soctii tprte tsipr-m nti lioorioe, u haî Dr. Ziuaa ico C.Tra. p .îo-pad by FPariS edcilie CL, St. Lous, Mo 5"ni 0. Au ig*»ÎfflIM 1 Book Sale at ;Nieýhols-50 at hall price. Buy your .*Pou!trY upplies at P, Murdoch. . Order your Pansy plants early al S. J. Jackman's New wedding ea1;e boxes-lovely oneE -at STATESMAN office. > Blood me ai. àeat mef1, Oser shell, Mica grit, at P. Mui'docn's. 1 Try Lo.wnev's cele)Vated imported Chocolales aI D Lttel's T. H. Knîi h w -,,%y highest cash, ipî'ices for ail kinds cf produce. Nicholîs is selling eout hj3 Books te make roomn for SouvenUir Go Have you sent te TTEMN1 your absent frienti? Dû it now, 600 Books wiii bc sold at 10e each or 3 for 25e during tbis saisý at Nicholis'. Nonw is the time to order Dahlia Bulbs. S. J. Jackmau bas a fine c assortment. Riîn-Coats in -aIl the latest -stylos just oponed aI Couch, Johnsîon& Cryder. man 's. Pratt's PoultryT Food,,tPratt's Stock Food, Ppatt's Lice Poewder at P. Mur- dochs. M A. James ile Government lesuer of Marriage Liceuses for Durham Countv. Ton reasons why, -ou shonîti buy vour ry goods frein The Mason Co. --The very la-te-s-t lu ed-dîng-station. ery and Weddinz cake boxes at Tha STATESMAN Office. You can bu 'y a New',incolu fountain Peu aI STATESMAN office for $1.25. Il le equai te other $2.50 Mindq., 1SendTi E STATI'ý,MA N to your absent friends. $1.50 pays for. îour owu and a non' subseriplion for !19015. Men's Rats, the veîy latest English andi American styles, îust oponed ont at Couch, Johnston & Crvdernîau's, The Mason Co have a. ful range of wasb gootis for shirt waist suite, blouses etc. See their choice befý'ýre you buy. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Read) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as il is boili soap-aud disinfectant. 34 If you n'anî a zood assorîment of Dahlias. See S. J Jackman before ordoring. 1le bas about 40 varieties. Weekly Globe and Canada Fanmer andi THE STATESMAN t10 nOw subecribere onlv 6) cents 10 endi of 1905ý Order to-day. Ladies' Spning Coats andi an olegant lot of Capes for middle aged anti oldenly ladies just oponeti ouI at Coucb, John- ston & Cryderman 's. Hell.o! bave you beard Ibat MI Mayer bas a large stock o! balscaps and gents' furnisbings, boys' Scotch- caps, tam-o- shantera, lu tbevery latesIt style? Cal] and see theni. Coach, Johuston & Crderman bave just opened out a big stock o! Oii-cioths and Linoleums froni eue te four yards n'ide. Tbey bave no less than savon patterns lu four yards wide. If von want an up-to-date anti gooti photo o! yourself, Cali aI hmaith's Studio, Ris n'ork is considereti first cines and lie bas the latesl ideas ai, prettiest mounts for photos. Now îis lba lime te have some taken lu your new spning cloîbes. The very latest stlie (À menj's stif! hats in brown andbak;ls Fedoras lu 3uveral different shae ! bow,ý See the nirtirtsanti 'vkear. Call andi see for sourself. 'Mî. Mayer, Bon'- manville. Potatoes! Potatots!! -T, R1. Knigýht, o! the Model Grocery, bas a large quantity o!potatees, excelle-nt cookers and gociseeders. Beforo doing your spring planting, you shouîti eal anti site tbem. Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman have opoeet out hundreds o! pairs of Lace1 Curtains, the very latest diesigns in al qualities, andi guaranteete 1 be at leaàî as good value ai cau be got lu any Rouse lu Canada. THE WEEKLY GLOBE A1kD CANADA FARNER, Walter Jameis Brown, B.S.A., L.L.B., for Iliree years Principal o! the Cana- dian Correspondenco' aCoilege anti a graduateo! the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,, bas biten appointed Editor o! The Woekly Globe and Canada Fanmer o! Toronto, Tht interests of the agriculturists and homemakers of the ceuntry ara rapirlly assuminz cern- inanding importance, antI The Weeklv Globe andi Canada Farmer, witb ils non' corps o! editorsý and assistants, will devote its energies 10 the solution o! the probleins affecting the promotion of agricultural industrips andi the dovelop- ment of Canadian homes. We bave made arrangements n'bereby Tht Weealy Globe and Canada Fanmer and TilE STATESMAN mav bit had b', any nen' BU WNAI VILLE ýDISTRICT EJ IG UlThe Ministeriai session of B6wman- ville District was heid at Hampton May 18th, at 9 30 a. m.' 11ev. S. J. Shorey, chairman of the District, presiding. Af ter devotional ýexercîses 11ev. T Snowdon was elected Secretary. The ministers of the district were ail present exceptinz Rev. Dr. Workman who is now Professor at Wesiev Coilege, Mont- rosi, and Rev, Wm. Joiliffe who so re- eatly was bereft of his son. The chiaracter of ail m'Lnisters and probation- ors was examied,-ad fouuri satisfact- ory. 11ev. Il. o,. Brown, the onIy probationer of theDirctwa contin- ued at Coilege. ~ Thé annuai District Meating was held at 1 30 P. . ,Atter opaning exercise conducted by the chairman, Rev. F. J. Anderson was elected journal secretary and 11ev. W. B. Tueker B D., _was appointed Statistical- Secretar-v. Besides the ministers, the foling Layman were also present: C. M. Cawker, Bownanviile. J. 0. Guy, W. E. O'Brien and R. Bassetti' Oshawa; Thos. Douglas, Newcastle; G. M. Long, Orono; Geo. Mitchell. Newt')nville; A E. Clemens, Tyrone,,F. T. Alln, lHamp- ton; Geo. Argue, Enniskilien, W. R. Courtice. South Darlington, R. Phiip, Cartwright, 11ev. L. S. INight, B. D., and Mr. G. BOIN. WmITE-In llowmanville. IMay 18th, te Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White, twins-boy and girl. LAmnnRT-In Oshawa, May 12, ta Mr. andi Mrs. Ohas Lambert, a, son. 111A 1.IFE0. TALLING-WETLAYE -11u Whitby, by Rex'. Mr. Wright, May 17th, Mr.oy Talling,Oshawa,ý andi Miss Daisy 'testlake, Whitby. DOBNEX'-HIersa5Q...n, Oshawa, May l7tb,l by Rex'. Rob. Bures, E. Dobney and E. IHick- liug. buth o! Oshawa. BIIÂNTON-HUNKING-In Breokîle., by 11ev. Chas. Adams,' Ma-y lîth, Wmn. A. Eýtaon Oshawa andi Louise L, Hnnking, East Whitby. MICHIN-GRDON-At the home of the bride's mother, Contre St., Oshawa, Wetinesday. May 17th, b y Rev'. J, Hodges, B, A., Mr. Norman Franklin Michen andi Mise Lena Hall Gordon. MCOULLOCH-POWELL-At Victoria Chapel, Toronto. May 15th, by Rex'. R. McCnlloch, Thomasenrg, father of theeroom, aFsisied by Rex'. Chancellor Burwash Mr. Etiwrd Allister MeGailoch, B A., andi Miss Mercy E., daughter of Dr. N.A, Powell, College St., Toronto. DIED. MCML'LLEN-IO Toronto,-May 15th, Miss Mary McMullen, granddaugliter of the laie J anies Mc- Mullen, Port Hope. DÂAVY-At Port Hope. Ma y 2nd, Fanny Medlanti, beloveti wife ot Mr. Charles Dax'ey, ageti 66 years. Wiasox-In Gartw right, May 1tb. Dalton S, third son et Mr. Win. Wilson, ageti 23 years. Lüma-le Oshawa, May 5th. the lnfant dalugh. ter of Mr. andi Mrs. Oliver Luke. ScHNiDER-Ifl Oshawa, May 14th, Frances May, dangbter ef the laie Adam and Clara Scbnîder, in berý 1811î year. LuES-lu Belleville, May i4tb, Renrietta, Helena, eldest tiac-gter ef the laie Win, Hylanti, Oshawa, and beloved wile ef Thos. M. Luke, Interredin Union Cemetery., -1 HALL-At the resîdence et ber son in law, Mr. Robert Argue, Cartwright, April 218t, Margaret Bradiley, relici oýf tie late Robait [Hall, aged 84 years. JOHN MAYWOOD. John Maywood of Toronto, Vocal 'Feachert has Se.cured the Assembly Rooni of the i!igh Shoo1rnauvilie,- in which to teaçli Sngngan wLl bel here every Satarday, Voîýces teste free. 4-I, tf. B >WMANVILLE MARKETS. Correeted eO uaa t ou, 100 Ibo ..... 1-A2 40 to $2 80 WHAT12Fal, 0 Otel1 O5 Il Sprin ....000 il1 00 n Red efe ..... 0 90 le1 10 Goose ....0 (0le 0085 SALY bush, No. 1,,0 40 fi 0 42 if e If2 .0 40 et040 et le il 3 .0 00 If0 38 il etTwo rowed 0 00 f 0 40 OAws, white et ........... 0 88 tfi08 Ry., - le .......000il 0 70 BUOKWH#UAT i..............O0 00.11O 50 PlIAs, Biackeye, P buah., 0 00 et O00 il Canadian Beauties O0 0 teO075 IlMummey 'I O00 fiO0 0 il Small il O 60 le O 60 et Blue e 0 00 il0 60 'CLOVM SEED ........... 000 eo0o TimoTHY SHEsD .........O000 "e 00 r8UTTER, best table, te lb., O 00 't O 16 ginis, P doz ............ 000) Ir14à POrATOES, e bush ....... 00CO O-50 Er'-- 7 ffl 75Né AMF01R SALE Olt TO RENT- ..Igood f arm cof 22 acres, 'with 1ý acres orch- &rd on let 7, con. 6, Darlington. Good frame boeuse andi atone stables, hard and seft water, For partlculars apply te ReEax' MAlcrus' Tyrene. 21-iî B.J.HazlEwood, M.D. ,O.M. BOWMANVILLE. 0 ONT. GOLD EDALIT ofTrinity Un.- Ph rsî ty, Trot, Purcarme AHend Py1inand Surgeon at Mt. Carel ospit:. Pittsbnrg, Ks. Office and Residence next Door to EàL-Mayorý Mitchell's, Elgin St. Telesihosse No., 108 Veterinary Surge on and Denrtls, F. H.S. Low %vrcey-, 11ONORARY GRADUATE o nal Veerioary Coliege. TrutSpca at ion xien te Detistry. Day, r 4V b ,ealspemt ercy's Bl» acesibSe 2dor nresonde Pe. OàBlffie lureidn Phono e 126. Silver St., Bewmanvilie. The following laymeu were eiectei as members of the Annual Conference: J. J Mason, Dr. W. E Tiliey, and C. M Cawker, Bowmanville; E T tiemon, B A.,i W. E. O'Brien, R Bassett, Oshawa; W. H. Chaplin, Newcastle; Edmund Cobbledit.k, R. Moment, Orono; A. E,.(lemens, Tvrone; Geo Mitchell, Clarke; S. Eversoii, Darlington; Geo. Argue Enniskillen; F. T. Allun, Hamp. ton; J .M . Emmerso 'n, Nestieton. Rev R. Burnd was eiected'for the Stationing Committee and 11ev. Jos. Ward, B. D., was elected Rteserve Rit- presentative. Foliowing were eiected on the differ- ont committees: Sunday School-Rev,, L. S. Wight, Dr. W. E. Tiiley. Epworth League-Rev. W. B. Tueker F. T. Allun. Contingent Fund-Rev. R. Barns, Geo. Mitchell. Sustentation Fund-Rev. F. J. And- erson, R Moment, Temperance and Moral Reform-Res-, J.- C. Wilson, J. J, Mason, Memorial and Mliscelanoous Resolut- ions-Rev. D. O. Crossley, A. E. Clemens. Sabbath Observanco-Rev. W. J. Young, W. E. O'Brien. Church property-Rov. J. Ward, J. Emmerson. 1 State of the Work-Rev. S. J. Shorey. S. Everson. Norminating-Roy. J. C. Wilson, Gito, Argue. It n'as moved by 11ev, D. O. Crossley and seconded by îtev T. W. Jolliffe, and carried that the District Meeting convey to 11ev. Wm. Jolliffe their briart feit sympathy in the great loss ho bas sustained in the death of his son. It was decided to hold the next Dist- rict Meeting' at Simcoe St. Methodist churcli, Oshawa. F, J. AaNT)rsoN, Secretary of D)istrict. CLARK'S LUCIOUS LUNICH TONOUE, Ras a flavor ail its own. The delic- ious juicv taste stin1ulates ail the di- g-estive functions, GIRL WANTED for genlerel house- work. Apply ai oece te MRs. M. D. WIL- LIAMB , Queen si., Bowmanyille. 20 tI. W TANTED-by SUCCESS MAGA- V!zine on a straiglit salary basis a Young man r wsra leevey county te take chrge ef our subscription business. A tew travelling positions aise open. Positions permnanent. References reeulteti. Apply te Suesa Maga- zine, Deek University Building, New York Cit t y 1 7 -il FARM IMPLEMENTS. Farmers and others îeqniring Farin Impie- mentsoetalilkintis, wilido well te caIl on nie hefore placing thicr ordere, Farming Milis ancubators andi tarm scaies ot the best make. Repaira kept on hanti for Maxwell andi 1Fleury machines. Bee supplies -a spsclalty. Cali or drop a cardt t JAs. G. BURN-S, Hampton, 21-3w* HARRY WILKS' ROUTE. HARRY WILKs, JR, (1004)-the besi sire of Quality and Action ia Durham, will bo found for service at the Benrett ilouse.,Biwmanville, on Saturday noon duriug the season of 1905 Harry Wilks, Jr is the sire o! Eva Willts 23.0k; trial bit 2.26j; IHarry Wilks 2.84, anti of rWuriel Wiias whom the owner will match against any green horse owned in West Durham which has nover faced a starter. Intending breeders of light horses willcoiîsult.tlbeir own interests b', calling and inspecting this horse. For pedgree and route site bis. rermas $10 to insure. A. A. GAmsBY, Proprietor Mlaple Avenue Stock Farm, Orono 21-ti EM EE the't zi F--or the Floor AlIso Linoleums, 2 and 4 yards wide. Floor Oit Utht-Iyd. 1lyds, l4yds, and 2 yds wide. Japariese Straw Mattings at do [Me 20c, and 25(,, jpeî yd. *a For the Ladies S= New Dress dG>ads, Shirr Waist Suits , Skirts. Shirt WVaisus in Silk, Lustrc~ and ~ Forthe Men~ jýýi Men's audI, Boys' C1othing-;- The moýst È= ~perfect fittinu and up-to date. It will pa-ýy you to see our elothing. ce- ~~Next Doorto Stadard BankBOmafy11.ý What do YOu KllowPi Do yeyu kuow tbat after a Short- biaud' or Commercial Course witb us8. yen are sure et a position at -w 0ani upwvards Per aofia STius a pestai, witb your naie ntiatdreianti we wIll tell yen aLil bu t 4 tRichmond St., East, Toronto. R. D. N [MAO1, Princ3ipali. ROYAL Bakïing Powder Wi th Royal Baking- Powcler there iÏs no .mixîng with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfectcleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. FUI] instructions in the "' Royal Baker and Pastry ,~ book for making all kinds à aliki~a. ck ~iih Roal ak--ng-P-oder -Gati toany ;addres,« P0YA L BAKING POWDER Ce., NEW VORK. ~~fl8HStIOIushBtmsmàIêBmêêBmIImesBmBsmsamiammame~BBBIiaaea5maBaaflam sale * Houp the publiebers o! TEE, STATES mAN. Hlunîs up, tee, p'.easo Non' la the righl lime, We are giving oun subscnibeis oue o! the hesî local papers lu Ontario. Our lisI e! subsencibers le gmon'ing fastor Ibis year Iafn for years. Juet non' ne are offeî ing a hargain thai thousanls Ehoulti rrofit b',. Do ýou kuon' that for a menth n'e are giving THED STATESMAN te eut o! 11905 fer only 60 cents, and- Tht WeeklIy Globe anti Canada Farmor Iree as a "premiun te ever x person n'bo sentis u,ý a non' sub - 'cito or Our paper antii 60 cents. Or --v person not a suwrie onb seis>Uý us 60 cents eau e botbI papers te enti e! 1905. Papers mav fho sent te fui im-provement lu th'a itfavorite iaifull nen'spaper Kintil', maltýe our greal bargain offer- knen'n te youn neëighbors- anti fioute anti belp) us te get 1000 morn inombers lute aur STATESMAN r "VvIr- 1 l-,MyyyyyyTyyyyyvyyyyTTTYTTYTTY"T"yyvyyvy"y"7"fvvvvvy"yy""Ty""Vi