Açmî trfiyin Wo-menis Very Rae-elh AMothrsa nd c.h5ldren akl pyHomnec, Many women long for a child te bless of -y chià, for it helped nie give blrt te, ry ebir hoebut beeause of seme do- bey and aise niade aie streag aiter the ciid camne. 1 amn, therefere, very giad te renom- bliyor dispiacernent ef tIse female mn orVgtbeÇrpudt I x cr ansEy are barreni. iiectant mothers, and fe.1 sure that it wiii > repiration for beal.thy maternîty is help them as iL did me." üa-ceomplisbed by Ly, dia E. Piakhams Mrs. Mae P. Wharry, Secretary..ef eetbeCompoind', more sucessfully the North Shore Oratorical Society, timan by any ether meidicine, because it The Nerman, Mlwaukee, Wis., writes. gives tene and strenigth te the entire iicar Mrs. Piakhaim: f emale erganism, cariag ail dispiace- 11I was miarriefi for five vears and gave monts, ulceration and inflammation. birth te tweý, premature children. Lydia E. A weman who ie lanl geod physical Pinkham's Vogetabie Compound was recem- condition transmits te lier chilfiren the muended te me, and 1 amn se glafi 1 toolz it, for blessings of a gond constitution, Is tchnemerma eknev wen [1 to a strong, happy and beaitby oe withia ntthat a ne te prepare fer aseven nnts ithin tvwo years a les ely healthy maternity ? littie girl nas br, svhich is the pride and If expetânt mothers weuld fertify cf our heesehoifi. Every day i hIless t1ýenseves ithLydia Di. Pinkham's eydia E. ?lnkham's Vegetablo Conmpound for Veýgetable Cempoundi, whiclt for thirty the iigbt, health and ha"ppiness it, brenght te J years bas snstained tbousaads of Our home."ý wogzen la this condition, there weuld If aay weman tbiuks she is sterile, be a great deres am arags, in or bas doubts about ber abiiity te carry safferiag, and la disappeintmcnts at a child to a mature blrth lot lier write bLtb , te Mrs. Piukham, Lyna, Mass., wbose 'J'le lliwing letters te Mrs. Pink- advieco is free to ail expectant or 4, ami- d1-monstrate the power of Lydia nei imethers. She bas helped Eý. Pinkixhamus Vegetable Compound in thousaads of wonsan through thia aux- sudscase. . ons period. Wonsen sufEering with irregular or s Mrs. M. Reener, Ilebroa, Yarmouth, painfut menstruation, lencerrhoea, dis- N.S., writes: placement, ulceration or inflammation 1;Dear Mrs. Piakham- of the wemnb, tithat'beariag dewan feel- "Befoe iny baby was hemn I was favery iu r ian trouble, backache, blnat- IfnIffes Adumirai iiefApone oCm m and Baltîc Fleet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FIlSNEuES SIATTERD. ~ CHAOE F PPSONRS.but die best flour is good enough for her. There can be A desPatch from London saYs:-AcF. A despatct frm St.,iPetersburg no greater extravagance than the use of infeior flour. mirai Dirileff bas been appointed tw says:-Eussia having acccpted Ja- the supremo connnand of the u pan' s recent 011cr to exchange pris- Paciic suadori s son Rssian oners, Capt. Baikofi, of the navy, is 1 Paife qudonassonas it reach- going to Japan to arrange for an W incheater Springs, Fcb. 27th, 05. es Vladivostock, exchange. The St. -Petersburg correspondent hsdeparture fnr Vladivostock isf A dcspatcb to the London Tele- " edaotR ylH ueodForw ihi ui k'ept secret, lest it indicato Admirai grnph frornTk systa U ied by eledtricity. Ias reau aoout tew man payxng RojestvenlskY's inovements, but it is Russiaiis are active, in Northern undrsoo tatho w1libe althdoea.pher ad-vancre guard is at freight 25 miles before she would be wiùhout it. Royal ample leisure to prepare' for teKiu Torpedo beatsý from Vladivo- journey. This implies a further Se-,stock are occasionally ,ýsc'en off th 1o -odwa 1 *l i u ow , w s sig bu journ nofdm rallojestveislkyeý;ifiecut . IORusantros tI3s iy soufflera xators. siet IBay havo heen reinfrcofiowing i toi ada ortw an Lh The St. Pe'tersburg correspondent te the ndvance of theo 'apaiiese it and mrny groceme to - a âvor 1 of the Times dlaimis te have high qrmny. authority confirming the report that The Telegrapli eaphnsics theool e o e n m gld1âds. M iei Admirai Birileli xviii succecd Admir- bv despatch ns furtber prof ofa ai Poicstvensky in cormuanfi ol the !Japanse advance on, Vladivostock. £ 1'ian f et hen orrespon e thad- asae ta h rm ~gooci akerand madle good breaci out of other fours, but -Asoc. A igb official of the 5taff i ten. lnsegawa, whicb was ireported i imaeo.luel ldQ infurmed the correspondent tha~~te ,b) ave laadod at Geaisan iiseilownat sne nas now maeot fR yl ush di ora, iaiL lzojestvensk-y xas 1un1, crneU tks age. ot R yli a cd by sickness te abandon is en hadta 1 uin t rih maad, but Ihat bis nierxes 1have JAPS SEIZE TWO( STEAMIERS. aedt at ol ewlin opyfe tfiftvmiles been sbnttered by the terrible strain hoe bas undergono since lhe left s. ~A despatcb from Tlo(kio says:-Theint d f *r i Ihr Petersburg, and bis broakciown , Britisb steamer Includen was sei'zcdsed ofLVVtyiy verahe LanÂA go wîhou î. T er proabl. Nverhelssthostaf ~ by a Japaneso warshlip on Monday confident of bis physical ability n Cra.rm reci temr 5no fnour " sa retain connand long enough to on- o a pg an won atoae dy aar gage the J apanjese, and it bopes t bat shipofapnothsie yne "î ed JO N HDE S. hoe wil11bc able te takoe the fleot t the Pescadore Islands, Straits Of Vladivostock. When that is accolln- Formosa. The cargoos or destina- Sge) J HN H N E S N piisbed bis ardiuous and glerieus mia- tions nf the twe vesseis are net an- sien williho more than i'ulfiled. enei Now, is there a single womnan in the whole country who, after reading what ]ZLAGUE AT HARBIIN. Mvr. Henderson says, W-11 flot at once send for the RylHueodrcpsadgv TO PHO'rOGRAPI .TA[,p AIMIES. A despatch te the London Tele- RRoyal i. jousezioajrialuMenrecîpes anu gndîveres A despntch frein St. Petersburg, graph froni Tekio says there is ri--RyLHu~odFo~atil eto hsppradakrs says:-A recentiy invontefi apparattis, ablo information that a severe epf'k- fer pboten;rrphbiog panor amas ofnide i odemie of piague is ringat lrbsn. THE UUILY[1- LOUr ivMILLS CO.; L11II U,' stretcbos nf country by imeans cf a The deaths aviýerago 0daily. rfh0, camera suspended ironi a Uitc bas hespitals are v,;led w1- victzns, andi O T ~ L been acquirefi by the W'ar Office, and' the niedical staf s are inadequate te e.Peiaen (s and trials have licou con-ý deal witb the sitiiat'e-.. ductofi lu St. Petersburg for- ses oral wck itli such sucoe ss that the! COSS ACKS FORi THE FRONT. gencrai l tafi expects impertant re- i A despatcb ifrom St. Petersburg IS HE A BRITISH SUBJECT ? suits frein its aew îîancîroiephays:-A furtber mobiiization cof cav-,~