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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1905, p. 8

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MN PEOPLE SUFFER WITII CÂTARRII OU KIDNEYSO Pe..=ru=na is Invaluabie 'i Such Cases. Vlsitorî : Mf. and Mrs. N. S B. Jameso,. BownmanvIIle, and Miss Treleven, Strat- ton, Enig. at n J. A. Wecrry's; Mrs. Lewis, Toron-,to, visiting fienda: Mrs. W. Noble, andl family, Brooklin, at Mn, J. Marin's; rs John Virtue and fam- ily. Toronto, at YMn. J. W. Virtue's; Mn, C. Pascce, at home; Mr. Webster Virtue, Toronito, at home; Messrs. Arthur and No)rm-an TrebIlcock, Bowmanville, at Dr. P. C Treýbilcock's; Mrs Nathan Byens, Port Pei'rv, at Mn. C J. Méount- joy'; Mn. Sherwood Potten and ýMiss Ma bel Robbins. i3owmanville, at Mn. James Pye's; MH4lss Lyla Gilbert, Oabawa, at Mn. C. . tea U'..,.ev.B Great- rix, Port Penny, preacbed excellent nýros te large audiences, Sunday mornnng and oevening, wbicb were higb- ly saken of. Don't forget mir Victoria Day 24th and corne to Enniskillen. Thene will be a game of Foot- b#ll, Bow- manville vs, Tyrone, Eveny minute on Wednesday from 8.30 te 10p.m. will Ine an intenesting one. -. ____ i Backache Mr. Addison Rickaby, Toronto, was ____ home. Mr. Steve Stevens,, Courtice visited the Firsf Mrt P. A. Aiford._ Wm. Bradford, Toronto, visited Mr. Symptom of ,James Mccormack, Mr. Fraser Little visited bis brother, Catarrh of W. L Little, Kirby. the Kidneys. Orwell Sharpe visited his aunt, Mrs. Culver, near Cobourg. Mr. James Linton. Port Hope, spent the past week in the village. Mr. Joseph Henr'y bas gone to Boston, lo ~to0visit bis oki friend,, Mr. William -------- -Nokes. -_-----_- --------- Mr. 0. D Austin is back again at j- .halh-- Barrows, Sask., and is enijoying good nfamed with poison, nMy stomach _____________ Mr. Win. Armstrong distributed bA GROunDNY beaetroughtera to mynoia -- -- isal Edirot Cbpmnat hicy oonto b Senaton n he ur 0f an iatdrn ea omueadand ep :3Ham ~j erfin.M Wlbn, saa Chol lmNt onalfbt kg oiemotse hfor- -- vise ber iotr. Per na C e Kln y. alt* ue. eln w hti------------"* r ot otr rn an g ________tune mylogt ePruna atd wiunsoticerksMiss fittin pman coiceite R. SrdR ensetoPanitetCurndoferandceato obga tnl."-T1hmas ----i lier ry e Pale. elak saa Choi lmnso aingî frfsemnkS.foe1 a istdH.ewis, ohrono iitdMs "Tw yargof .aIo e iotspins l eL. Eared. 1erieent - h1 sMr villagoer England. a ttaeThe Kths nd h teafd o Str eet Jackenle a., witnees: ________________ rksC. P. MedluadoffiSa n raes spedig ~ mnts or ude teas finci that hsen 1-To rcal M. , wer i he llae. rcntv oare of .eue the mst, ranentOpyera el oanme ftemue-Ms .Paebsgn oBlioe siinsad e~ivn iii o o eoitHloo l h SretCenigDe kMr. HtoLvisTron, r Alfed Peise Rous, lot prigs, rk. wrtes L ze wiercels o sth ber s ceiatr rs. r tI wak erte asand o tr f'rna. iifoi1Smentspn 15ckiy ofElac,ovi-es lttierfandli hid b t trousule, St- T1he ma r es eiyexoe d ton heratMinn ý eap l Mn. fSnFaeso li I noicd ared im roe ou, ncem nc f he wethr a * Cel.,eand r Chown, enral Scretar Thee bg tottint ely curedee. 1 can lmbr hauht cenOfd, 'w ic i te nilener ncte vladeral Reform chreeofulonefto medperuontpy nelvlointo ueuoniaekmdn eyom. - ME irss . ed ietasgstroadlmre, afite as driving l"--- red no.enl. il or troubthe, SretCred throgh pate-- IM 1 , odiiathurhsndrAlfed. et ~lsinadeM. Ho kry 1131ia.,,LIs- Us ent laiteuay-SofL.Jaksenviller.- elsttmnt0 yu csanlo l r ancombsi eNewcste, MacDowp little fa titt aftrusn cbtendhent aSrcesetsa hlpiasextogiv yo'hi aabe - "inneapolisent . mt M . o tle noi.k bouga omare mrove innt. lctory ou1sf thm e se ofPeranda Âdes Pev ~ie~t~nDrd.. on hnMcMlle.ea Thre tles nirby, MrIel.ome, I eu writerat oc t lartmau, ivig ate Th ofr TeCp r .aui Man oa e o he deveope int pnurnoiaekidny o; S.L ERLE.RdOrno bnumeeftingst roandar ake cheerhas beencprompnd defrom Lieutenont t afflitFd asA 176acens for 8a oule, F 'e Cued Oro AL the* M PErD.If t h cbùde reuire pys nn ihog atmh a mes -iks 1,3 11hS t., Loestat'e. o acts SOL al, ei- ulsatretofyu asadhowl r, nieMiewastlorm Poder an8t oesin sEawTttw. py 0 tn entEofSt est n. nnhPnc bn Te pl S. S.t Aniverns a wll be ao-n vervpleasaRobet otake. old by P,,tor JAS A Bme iala, reJouaFi SDER elndthf oudotb ar uli ehromt er stSunayad oda u ne18an ttb ury, rugat us. ,Bvii i DONALD È.brog. 1 on G-ALBItIdd4. MUatory, Chularm thfeomittelBD, Datr.0f Wooreen Mpetoiat Lizie Broa stili-contnuerointe 4ar iritr oltor, Notary Pblic.e. Bowmat ncle, MD, ay 2nd,105 8T uhe ortoan afrmr upl o ohaho h tnadBn, __________________________asorbealtb, brkped romLina eitna nch Privte od ompn~ mneystebanatEow-FOthR -oSALiEprech t btb ervies.thecte.oDa.l Grie ner s. enani cuenratAt frte m and ean _______BiihCouba anS avise opa off1 ad,ine o heosit . oB jasMllrs om ode an t cnesinEatW fty l Ie Th E, reest an 0eSouhFnoffn TeSgS Mavrar-wllbn evpomttaer chargeSttt JA.A u.,s aln r oxDEcl-the SoEtosad-Puoveîer Sho perfaniosuna adlady ue18ad on.Jr, in o! Pis urbu.48t b orp rti ho ri ppte JHNC-Ondy fSoliita esa c ommyoucd .A. new Exhibt at Ottawawr uetao!Miss BrvaE nd rpaigne t la t oe pa 15 th~entho i safato1therv iceoiin~ibres n r .Fn will cureratecancegenter-ruslieens.lhensbarpnîng and e d . rs. ong, Manaer, N eastlen and Sving Compnyl inoeoppoare e. B ritis Colebia R. D. Evans, rnMn, pairing o LawofMowee, M. . in Cace lare preparedn on sfeigive Ricb, Mdanoager ncred of Mis- wahdwo iefe as Ietehgetre_______ cur____ancr,_____________Th_________and______Amston,_anaerNecatl wash,ýdp W.______________tags.______the_______tsbarpened; ligbt jobbing a specialty at Stott & Jury, dru-ggis3ts, t rice for washed fleeee, eird at the Cam- teWs n mtv igs ran Wolen blils, Hlampton. tT. West End SmitH Kinga. Mr. R llockîn bas one of the beat D. TAtYLOR?, M. gardoW H ItLAMns in the village, Hia vezetables Propieto. 19-2mBownianyill . are ail well advanced, but bis potatoes Anniversary services o! Mt. ernon take 1"the bian," fHe billed them n u on Sabbath School will be held Sundaly FE .tbe iL8h and expects to report them June 4th, Rev J. H. Borland, Columbus,. ready for the table in a few weeks B argaifis wiIl preach at 10 8f) a m and 7 p. in. Vstr:M.aM r.Ba r New life for aquarter M iller's Com- Special music by the choir. On Monday itoMr and Mrs. F. Hur ant, Mrs.awaPoUndlronlPiýll. Sold hy Stott & Jury, June 5th at 8,p. m'a grand Concet will n r.JF ulu$Ohw rgit8 be given by the following talent: Ms oes aioa n n r.dugss M MAuamond, M A., the popular WV N. Pascoe and Master Cecil, ZAon; Mr. T. W J ackson, ho that runs the NewFam TaonGerEloctîtionist of Ontario Ladies' CoîlegeNMn James McCulloch, Manchester; Mr, Livery, Omnibuses, Mails, Express, etc , New Frm W gon ear.Miss Nellie Smaith, violinist, Messrs Y, Chas McCulloch, Chalk Lake; Misa J. is also reported to be an applicant for Symons and D. J, Brown, soloista, and Ashton la visittngfriends at Little Britain the agencv of the Argyle at Port New- TTi- 1 ý èrmwà-me,, P-- TT ,... . .The entertainment here Tuesday cistle, Sand alan for our Temnerance WEAI( LUNGSI Made Sounld and Strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Piis, If Yoar blood is weak, if it la poor and watery, a2tonch of cold or influenza will settie in .vour l unga and the apparently barmless cougli o! to-day, will become the racking consumptive's cougb o! 10- mornow. Weak blond is an open in- vitation for consumption 10 Iay uponl ynu the band"o! d«eatb. The only way 10 avoid consamption and 10 strengtben and brace the wbole system is by en- ricbing your blood and strengtbening your lunga witb Dr William's Pinkc Pilla, They make new, nicb, warmn blood. Tbey add nesisting power» te, the lunga. Tbey bave saved scores from a consumptive's grave ---nmot after t'ne lungs are hopelessly diseased. buti wbere taken wben tbe cougli first at- tacks the enfeebled aystem. Hene is positive proot Mrs. 1{arry Stead, St. Catharlnes-Ont--savs -_'IU-e.w-Y-ears- ago 1 was attacked witb lang trouble, and the doctor after threating me for a lime, thought I was going into consum- ption. I grrew pale and emaciated, had no appetite, was troabledwith a back- inz congh, and I feit that I was going towards the grave. Nelîher the doct- or's medicine nor other medicine that I took seemed to belp me. Thon a goed !iend unged me 10 take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Bv the time 1 bad used foar boxes il was plain that tbey wene belping me. I began te recover my appetite, and lu other ways felt botter. I took six boxes more, and was as wall as ever, and had gained lu weight. I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla saved me froni a consamptive's grave, and I feel very grateful ' Now, Dr. Willîams' Pink Pilla build up the strength in juat qone way-tbey actually make new blond, Tbat lsa al tbey do, but tbey do il well. They don't bother witb mere sy mptoms. Tbey won't cure any disease tbat isn't caused by bad blood. Bat Iben, nearly ail common diseases spring from that one cause-anaemia, indigestion, bili- ousness. beadaches, sideaches, back- aches, kidney trouble, lumbago, rheu- matiani, sciatîca, neuralgia, nervous- nesa, genenal weakness and the special secret aliments 'hat growing girls and women do not like to talk about even to tbeir doctors. But you must gel the genuine witb the full name, "Dr. Wii- liama' Pink Pilla for Pale People," on the wrappen around eacni box, If lu doubî send the pnice-50 cents a box or $2.50 for six boxes, 10 the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and gel the plilla by mail postpaid TYRONE. Recent visitons :-Rev. L. Pheipa and daugbter Gladys, Lindsav-, Mn and Mra. W. R. Clemens, Bowmanville, aI Mn. A. E Clemens';Miss Mande Emmer- son, Toronto, at Mn, B. Moore's; M n. William Gardiner, M r. R. Biingham, Toronto; Misses Maggie and Minnie Lindsay, Bon manville, aI bore; MrsRoSICAwd, Cannington, and Mr. Jas. Woods, Cabray, aI Mn. John1 Awde's; Mrs. 3 C. Vanstone, Miss May, -anmt Messrsw -C. n B TS Vnstioe J. Helîvar and Mrs. G. H.- Jardine, Bowmanvile; Mr. and frra Rd. Chan non, Lindsay; Mn, P McLaughlin and Misa Prankie Houidon, Osbawa; Mn, Geo F Annis. Mn, T. Penfound, Cour- lice; Misses Lily and Llzzie Penfonnd, Countice; Messrs. Wm. and Isaac Mann, Bobcavgeon; Mn and Mrs. T. Creeper, Hampton, with fienda .. . .Old fienda were delighted b meet a beloved and higbly gifted former pastor, Rev. L, Phelpa, Lindsay, who preached S. S. anniversary sermons Sunday. A full bouse o! appreciative listeners enjoyed bis morning address frm m 'e výords "SuiferlitIle èhildren to coîne unto me," whule lu tbe evening his dîscourse fnorn tbe sabject "Hezekiali" waa full of earnest, practical suggestions ior younrg People Fine weatber and the singing of the S. S. pupila contrîbuteci iargely 10 the interest of these very successful annivensary services. Contributions by collection and sabseniption $69 90... Ail are pleased 10 hear of! Mn, John Awde's recovery from an attack o! pneamonia. Mns. Awde la still ývery 10w, suffering frona panalysis. fias it ever occurned to you that meat sickness commences witb the. stomach? This la because the blood becornea in- poverisbed througb lack Qf nounish-t met.Tf ve.,want te.-oatw~,oellndkeeno Our 1 'onest Belief i5atthat we bave brought as near Perfection as modern methiods and ivaterials will permit. Blue Ribbon Tea hias a Distiinct Individutality that lits i above the line of Comparison withî other brands. TRY THE RiED LABEL, Si'o. Reasons o Why oYou Should Buy Dry- G( T he Mason eo. (l)-The Mason Co. have the largest and beat assorted stock o! Dry Goods in -Bowmanvîlle. This la particularly the case in1 Stapie gooda. (2)-The Mason Co. mark their goods on a cash basis as their sales are largely for cash, Credit and produce or due bis being a amali percentage of total sales. (3)-The Mason Co being sole agents for the Butterick Fashions, books and patternls, are constantly in touch with the new ideas in styles and matenials and often gel them in stock and seil them before other stores know they are the correct thing, (4)-The Mason Co giv e your money back for any goods (flot cut off) not inj'c'red and returned promptly. We guarantce satisfaction. (5)-The Mason Co have an exeeptionaliy fline choice o! worstcd and tweed Suitings and having Mr. $kitch ln their employ, the beat cutter in town, customers can depend on being fitted in latest styles; prices right. * (7)-The Mason Co give large importing ordeËs, O large lots and buy cheap and always give their eu Othe benefit. We save your money * (8)-The Mason Co instruct their employees al represent their goods exactly as th ey are. Union gc flot ealled ail wool in our store. (9)-The Mason Co neyer misrepresent theirg advertisment. You will always flnd the goods, prec advertised. * (IO0)-The Mason Co have their own premises * rent to pay and low- expenses generally and con ei can and do seli at closer prices than a.ny of theïr enta oods *TH- Mf'ýSON CO, O I3OWMANVILLE. NEWCASTLiIS. Mrs Robert Barfett, Port Hope, visited ber sister, Mrs, Pool, Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr and Miss Martin, Welcoine, visited at Mr Gen. Rickard's, Rev. and Mrs.,J.Tbom, Toronto,visit- ed at Mrs. (Dr.) McNaughton's. ,Miss Plossie Wright is taken a course ln the Central Business College, Toron- to illr'nCODonnnnI ron ,Pills. nnh, font. A man can't stand everyîhing,. Onepil a dose, Trv tbeo, WilI positively cure sick beadajche and prevent ira return. Carten's Little Liver Pis. This la flot talk,7buit truth, 1One pili a dose. See advertisemnent, Small dose. Small pnice. The Metbodist cburch, by the willj of the late A P. Walbridge la becueathed Standard Bank stock amot.iutIng to $3000, which will give tho churcli han annual revenue o!f10 SYouj probably know that your gallow complexion is caused throagb thin, poor j blood, but.yoii probably don't 1,now ~~v. ~, * et a lady wlio wsgralI da. ._.Mr Paul Williamns moved a barix E-'arnilig ,eaves Toronto at 5 p. m. J. Anderson preached on Ca!rtwnight dsrse wtb cea f For Tici ets o'u- fuSli raî~ îkt a eextcnded for- the ircuit..:. Union meeting cf Epworth'- hefc.The docteras dafery 0rd ~.Js c ,tseason u7-,n >apPcafion te the pursuer ILeague and Prayer IeeL'ng ', ý ,ednde(lsîn br wtbndiio Catw%,oithiy, Hampton, cnginccrcdth sudpaneît ( Bc adrion , dayniht... guarmeein Cortwhich was doing negod. job satisfactonily ..,Dr. Yason, Toronto. SIOP &JU.Y' PA zT Ai egtolcteanhaddrmp Archer 1. O. F Weduesday evenine' &MAibntis caJse cure was ef- preached morning and evening at t'h Fr 1S U78 eted in sevenz days with advent churcli Sunday .. . .Everybodv is lyý and carefully. MyBaol nbxe r.Caesiîan.Iobexpcctcd. at ourcomingannmvcrsarv Sun- ~ a.~csae-onaccommodation Êt Ail intelligent reliable men seekineo, c sd crsweebstn. day and 'Monday Two -ood swift bail Ar~osedm yur .-t .rý ~ae, pleasant eýmployment, on salary orl h eto hc r bs' iten ae u epac odySln a wonder te ailreqdvsedwhow . eni- or Ednsa1s-1 - ~vrywek I.CANJAacent, Bownianvilie, don, (Ont, o ...-. .2 I iilo xia ngt cod. tis- the bea-t and sureat --t reat. ment for coughs and cuIda that we have ever been able to flnid "-MRs GEo GooD, TîcunBOuRN, ADIJINGTON CO., Ont The Minister ni Education, lon Dr Dr. Pyne, bas g*iv#jn instruction for the, Union Jack to fly over the School buildings durirng achool 1mars if yoa are tîred takîng the lange oId. faioned gripieg pilîs, try Carter's1 Little Liven Pilla and take snme com-i A number oio! cr sbsnier lowed thernseîves 10flito arrei their favorite famîlv newiuspape: are very desirous o! geîting- or balanced for 1905 and have senjt ý those a vear in arrears. 1Those, as will confer a spcialfaorjej b5 -payin!ý aIl amaunts dus c advapn-e ilaminratwe anid ïi Pas bayer and seller. Rleader, blow stand w1th ou.r publisther ? buy' in .ways to -ods are prods in cisely 4as and no0 ,quently ,petitors. -un = * DO I e e e i i i il e e o o I e * 3< e e o Il

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