Il you stop to figure out wvhere the truececonomny - in paint buying cornes, you'l soon sec that the best paint iis Ccapest. Two-thirds the cost ofpaint- ..V ing is the labor. It costs just as niuch to put on I ~ poor paint as it docs eood paint-more in fact because the poor paint docsn't work so casily. But the poor paint won't last as long; it makes you- repaint sooner. Even the apparent saVing în cost per gallon îs eaten up by the iact that it takes mnore gallons of the low priced paint. The truest economny is good prepared paint. The truest prepared paint i IESIRII lLlI AN SOLD BY RI~~I3 ko Warm Weather Goods will interest you. Our stock of: Gasoline Stoves, Sereen Doors, 011 Stovýes,. Window Sercens, llammocks, is Most complete. We invite your careful inspection. Opposite Post Office. Phone. 66 SpI&-r'ing s Hgere Witli ber warm sun and twittering birj s and Spring suits wil soon ho the order of the day. What more fitting tlien than to go and ho photographed when you are looking your best. Wvhy not drop la one of these Spring days, at Tait's & Co's Studio, opposite the New Post Office, where you can be sure of a good likeness, satisfactory work and right _priCeg. Wheiithe cl&y- isvery-brigh t-wo sliutoutsome of thie-- li-ht and xrho n il wxrnltt- mrel40t in, on ,nr abnt cs, -vol, 1H'j3. Our' w 13KISm iBut Dodd's Kïiey Pis Made himn a New Man. Richard Quirk, Doetored fotr a Dozen. Years and thocught his CJase Incurable -Dodd'a Ridney PIleCured lm. FORTUNE HAUBPoR. Nfid, May, 29th. (,SVecial).-Scores of people liu this jieigýhborhiood are living ,proofs that DoId's Kidine'y ill cure ail Kîdney aliments from Backache te Bright'a, Disease. Among the most remarkable cures is that of Mr. Richard Quirk, and ho gives the story of it to tuie publie as followa : ,I suffered for ovor twenty years from Lumbago and Kidney Disease, and at Intervals was totally unable to work After ten or tweive years of doctors' treatment, I had made up mv mnd that îny complaint was incurable Reading of cures b-v Dodd 's Kidnoy Pilîs tempted me te try them. I did se wlth little !aith. but te my great sur- prise 1 haît not takon more than hal! a box before 1 felt relief, and alter the use o! seven or eight.boxes, 1 waa, fully eured and a new man. "Yes, Dodd's Kid ne% Pillas cured my Lumbago and Kidney' Disease, and the best of it il have staved eured. " The Galladiail Statesinan BOWMÂNVILLE. MAY 31, 1905. [DURRALVI BERALS, ATTENTION! The Second Annual Meeting o! the Durham Liheral Association will ibe hef-d- ilithe Town -Hall, O-r ono,-on di di à% Tt TI (1 1 -11 ~ ,- h L i ~ - ~ ~ - - I1 hUI.Y.IIUILLL& UU.,I L1 rd on Booker ,ue Monday evg amti Mrs. Tri ýt the Lree3 wola 01D oy wIio wa's trouiwook Iwith wormns and they eured him as weill - I oth children are no-w the - ictura 1 Of nliLAY. YVI .I L UnXL bL tings ana eilum-ter s buppies. w subscribers at this rate? J! s", 4s'ilt cet$. Thsr Inaha il~lnnninnfnn V I nniîn speecial patterns of Wall paper I -our inspection. Mr. Wm. Armsatrong, Manager New- ýcastie Hatebere, deliver8d salmon tIront frv at Kingstoýt and( Thouasand Islani Junction Mliller's Çorýpound Iron Pilla, orily 26 cents fo5M ' doses Sold by Stott& Jury, drlgglsts. MelvinMel, son of MIr. John Moise, Norý,h Ward, wa seriorn'lv inj;uredl Tuesdav eveaiog'wFek by falling from- a horse whiciflhe was riding bare-back. If the ch1ldr(en require physic none acta îo nice -aM ~rsWorm Powderi,,; verv pleasant to take.ý Sold by StotIt & Jury, druggists. An open air mneeting on best methods of producing pure seeds will be held June 8. Speialis from the Agricuit ural Depar tment will give addressea. Alil intellig-ent relliable men seeking pleasant emnployment. on aalary or or commisi on, are advised tou Write now to Marshall & CJo,, tea importera, Lon- don, Ont. Mr. T. S. Jackson, son of'the late1 John Jackson. Keridal, ex reeve of Clarke was suceessful at the final exam inations at Ontario College of Pharmacy, Toronto. Are free from ail crude and lrritating matter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very amalu; verv easy to take; no pain; no griping; no purging Try them. Messrs. Wm. Armstrong and 0. G. Armstrong, ln companvy with the Supt. of the Erie R R., and Mt. Fred Hawle% of Bradford, Penn, are fishing north o! Owen Sound, Does it stand to reason that Perry Davis' Painkiller eould have held public confidenèe for 60 veara unless it really did eure diarrhoea, choiera morbus and ail similar trouble e common and so hot weather. Wolverhampton Lodge S.O.E., about 50 strong, paraded to the Presbyterian church-Sunday -morning when BRey J. A. MeKeen. B, A., delivered an able- A Charin'x Dp1ay of~ Priestley's Dress Goods, at MýcNMurtry's. The Black ThatI Wont WIash Siaietness, "Rermodorf" hîstory is the witness of -black üp q ness hosiery suceass. For Hermsdorf made black hosiery and spendidf ashionable when lie made iti Fast. As it was iu luttc, and ate the beginning so it. Mstdyte 0one dye that stay unsrp assed there undor ail conditions of wear or washing. 0 r waki "Hermsdorf" means truc black, insist 0on having only liosiery stamped with the signature of (Louis - Hermsdorf) dyer adyou'll have the best. This store solse "Hermsdorf" hosiery and have a most omplete range of Chldren's, Misses and Womens line. Mohairs do flot cockle-theYPr es oct 5Cpr are smart and sericeable.o ands'O O50 r retin their color to the lait. Rolled on 9"Varnished BoaIx1» and Special Agency at ~tPd~ ~This Store. J1ý Spe!a Agecat- hsSoe--- ----------