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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1905, p. 5

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Hiave YOIISeen, Our Optical There is not a better equipped Optical Parlor in, Canada. --Al -theltei- atruments 'and 2 k1d Opticians in constant attend- ance. No Ilisfits and, No Guess=work Any Physician in the county wiIl recommen d our optical department, to you. S- No charge for testing sight J '-Jtelt & Jury, Druggists & Opticians. AHalor mB03rush OpportLu ity The following snaps are > o be seen in, our Windows., We got a great snap in buying and are going to share -the advantage wÎth dur~ custoniers. Uail early and, get your c hoice. 'We hiave divided them into four piles. IC,47c-, 8C0 and $1-38 Some- linos aeworth more than double these prices ail linos are froi 30 per cent to 50 per 'cent lss than regular prices Stott & Jury, Druggist & Opticians. COAREFULLY, If you have any of'the following mlfptoms you should stant taking DR. PITCHER'Sý i BACKACHE-KIDNEY TABLETS chy are the only remedy that guas-antees a rapid, complete and permanent cure. j:YMPTOMS TO CONSIDERI f Pain in tise Back. -Higbly Colored Urine. Brick Dust in Urine. * Irritation of tise Bladder. Retention of Urine. Frequent C alls, Pain in Uinating. Impure Blood. Pain -in lse Joints or Hipa. Sweli;Lag of lbe Feet. Rapid Lac)s of Fleý9h. S Bowels Coustipated. Persistent Headacise. Breatis FouI. Tongue Coated. Tired, Worn-Osst Feeling. Inabiliti' te Sle8p. Deraniged Di.gestion. Remesuher tisaI Dr. Pitciser's Backach. idney Tableta are tise prescition of tisa s.ted Kidney Sp*ciali-t, Dr. Zina Fitchar, ~and cure where other remedien fal te *.nefit. Thse price.of thse Tablhi. la $*c. ar3 0t 'i The- -Electrical Floui' patenlts Co~ PAID Up CAPITAL. $250 ,000. INCRPI~AEDUSDER THE LÂw, OF THE DoN'INI01q 0F CANADA, Owners o: Alsop Patents Bradley & Lovejoy Patents Werner Patents AndrýeW&Patents IlcDougali Patents for the Dominion of Canada. iHaviing purchased ail the valid- basic patents -for ,the Electrical Purification of Flour, we hereby advise that any -unauthorized users of the, electrical flour purifying process i Canada, will be prosecut- ed, Application for the rights to use the process focr thie purification of flour by electricity should be addressed to The Electrical Flour Patents Co. 18 Youville Place, Montreal. Grnd rrunk BaiHwav Svstem.- RAILWAY TIME TABLE. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GoINl A gÂsi' 0011WEBT Mail ....... 9a.m.in1Express ... 5.02 a. su1 lEprC a .10 10 "ILocal... 757 ' Med.- 19p.m. 1Passenger-1 -36 p. in, Local.... 649 p.m. 1 Mixed..-. .723 Mail ...10 24 p.m. express.11.40 p.m.. Sunda y oly. Tikt ocertain points sold in accordance cu selil iday rates annon cedin anotherI cusnwill not bic honored on' , ains Nos. 1 or SToTI & JtlaY. Town Azents d'in~ BOWMANVILLE, MAY 31, 1905. MIESsPearl Osborue, Toronto IUniver sity, le home for vacation. If You like a good stony nead The Junior Parner lu this issue. Mr. W. F. Dale spent Vitoria Day with his mother iu Brookln. Miss Ella Stewart, Toronto, is visitiug hon cousin, Miss Millip Mason. Annuai meeting West Durham Farm- er's Instituto at Onono JUDO 17. Miss Mary Kennedy, Osbawa, V~ent Suuday with Miss Mary Paiuton Miss Bossie Scott, Oshawa. spout Sun- day witb lier aunt, Mrs. Lewis Lyle. Misî3 Bessie Crts speut Victoria Da3r with Mrs. Geo. Wandless. Oshawa, Mrs. (Rev.) J.- F. Chapinan, Minden, :i s visitiug lber fathoèr Mr. Levi Morris, Mr. A. J. Reynoids, Danf ontb, gave 1TnE STATESMAN a friendly c'ill Mouday, Miss Bunner speut Victoria Day with bier brother 1ev, W. A. Bunner, Castle- ton, Dr. and Mrs. Garnet M. Trewiu, Osbawa, reeeutiv visited bis father Mr. Win. Trewin. Mrs. James Morraw and danghter Hazel have returned from visitiug f riends lu Wbitby. Annuai meeting af West Durhiam Women's Institute lu Bowmanville Saturday June 10 Mrs. W. R Blowers, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. M, D. Williams. Mn. Blowers s-oent speut Sunday bore. Mr,-sud Mrs. W. H. Williams, spent Victoria Day with bier brother Mr. Alex Paterson, Rchmiond 1Hl1 Mn. aud Mrs. llarrv Baskerville snd daughter Ina, Toronto, visited bis mother at Mr, John Caurtice's, Victoria Day. Rev. E R Young, Port Carling, bas been visltiug bis parents at Bradford, who have just retuned from a trip.te Australia. Mn. sua Mrs. Wmn Martyn, Sprng- flid, aud Mr. Philip Martyn,Port Perny, have been visiting their brother Mn. J. B. Matyni. Speciai sermnons lu conction with the Lord's Day Alliance have heen pneached lu ail the towu chunchles duing the past twc Sabbaths. .Miss, Armour spent Viec'toria Day lu Toronto, guest of Dr sud Mrs. iloskin, "The Dale," wheu a number of their 11ev. T. W Joiliffe Sas received a unsuimoup invitation te become pastor af Claremout circuit, Mn. John Anderson, Camphelville, sud sister Mrs Audrew Wiisou,Osbawa, woro guests ai Mn Johin James, Victoria Day. Send TEE STAT}I5MAN ta tour absent fniends. $1 50 pays for Sour awn sud s uew subseniptiou for 1905.' Mn. W. B. Concis, Bowmanville, was lu Iown aven thse 24tis, thse guest of Mn. sud Mns. J. L. Tisompson, Ellen street. Ho and 'J. L.11 spont quito a pleasaut timo auglinw lun the nanthen rivons - .Port Hope Guide. Ladies, dn ual fora-et te attend the Wamen'6 Institute meoting luin(he Council Boom, Bowmanville, Thursday aI 3 p m. Mns. Kinuey ef Grandview, aud Miss Ami' Fuller. Tenante, will give addnesses. Corne sud brlug your frieuds, A meeting ai nepresentativesaifall thse faternai orders of Oshawa was, beld reeently te arrange a union decoratien day for aIl the lodges It was unani- mous]' decidod te adopt the suggestion sud tise deceration day will ho held about tise middle of June. It bas heen suggested Ibat thse faternai societies of Bowmanville aiso observe a decoratian day when aillise societies shail decorate tise graves af departed members. Tise Epwanth League attise Methedist Cisucis Monday oyoning was fsvored with, au secount of a trip recently tak en hy Mn. Alpha Pinch 1"trom Bowmanvillo ta Cuba sud returu." Mn. Pincis related soaevery amusing expenieneO5 sud sigisîs witb a lot of practlcal anid iuteresting informaion sud exbibilod s ýfew curies fram the -Island. Fer au houn sud a hall Ihe Leaguens wereweilI eutertaisîed. Mis~s Jennie MeLean sang-i a sooasd Miss Loua Haddy ýread thse acnipture leirson sud Mn. Bert Farr, Presideut, accupied tise chair. Tise thanks ai ail preseut were expressed lu a motion proposed by Mn F. A. Haddy sud seconded hi Roi'. Wm., Jolliffe. On Mondav eveuing tise oditonial staff of tise Bowmauviile Higis Sebool Chronicle visited tise homeofaiMn, James Gilfillan, B. A., Principal, sud presented hlm witb a type written copi' o! the first numben ai tise paper, nicelv bound, tho caver hoiug embellisbod with a photo of the schooland the colors. Mn Clare S. Tbompson read the ad- dress sud Miss Loua BanîletI made tise prdseutation ou behaif of the staff. Mns Gilfillan ser'.ed cake sud caffee sud a very pleasant heur was spent hi' tue young people witb tise genial Principal sud bis good wiie. The addness ne- ferned gnateiully ta the intenest ahowu in aIl tise students' undertak- ings andîbhe desire ai tise edilanisi staff lu Ibis instance te produce a papen ai s bigis arder-one that would ho approved by aIl. This copi tise principal was asked te accept a.8 a Ilsligist token o! aur recognition aifiSour uniforin kind- înessud interest." VICTORIA DAY VISITORS. fionda enjoyed the aununal picuic. Mn. W. J. Colwilî, Toronto, at bis Mn.. sud Mns. C. W. Hoskin and motiser's. daughter Lqls, Centre St., visited bis Miss Florouce MeCimmen spont. Vi e- cousin Mrs A. J. Saunders, 3740s)sing- taxis Day in Terno ton Ave , Tarante, Victoria Day. 1 Miss Flma Walken, For~t Hope,guest Dr. William A. White. New Yark ai Miss W inuie Joues, Cti', wiso bas been visiting'bis muother Mn. Arthur VanKleeck, Port Hope, sud sisters aI Millbnaag, was guest ai witb fionda lu towu. Mn, sud Mns M. A. James lasI week. Mn. Ceeul Welsh, Toronto, witis bis Mrs Alpha Pincis bas netuned troni cousin Mis W. C. Cole. a pleasant vimit with -fionds in Cleve- Mrs. Wm J. Webster, Oshawa, aI honr land, OCila accompauiod hi' Mrs. father's, Mn. W. L. Keýs', Lambort who will spend a tew weeks Mnsu MsTedoeFsegb here, r n r*TeooeFslih Mrd. W. L. Maillot' came down frmnOb ,a n eI alys Bowmanville last week ta ôokis ton bier Mn. James A. Lawrie, Thediord, witis cottage. She beaves shortly ton a trip bis brother Mn. John N. Lawrie te bier fermer home îu Esîgand.-Uo- Mn. Mauneli Bellamy, Whithy, witb bourg Post. bis graudfather Mn John Heard. Mns, R. T. Courtice, widow o! the lato Mro, T. G;. Cotwill sud sou Allun, Boy. R T Courtice, wbo was once past- Wbithy, at Mrs. W R Williams'. on of tise Bible Christian chuncis, aI Miss Viola Bottereîl, sud Miss Quig- Hampton, bas with herdaughter settled ley, Oshawa, aI Mn,. T. Botteroll's. in Linusay- - Miss FIe. MeGxiII snd Miss Loua At a piano reidl givon aI SI. Max- Jarvis, Toronto aI Mn R. Jarvîs,. garot's Colleze, Toronto, Fiday oves u-Ns ing. Miiss lthel Y. KinLy, assisted au the M r. n . Fred Roblin, and sons prognan rendering -Tise Minor Chord" Charles sud Max, Hamilton, at Mn. M., sud "If I Knew." Mayer's, Mn. sud Mrs. R. B.An Mrs W. A, llanos, snd son Fond, Aurew, Battle Tforante, at iertathen's, Mn. John Cneek, Micis, attended tise funerâl of e is nother Mrs. J. B. Audnew. M. Bsbcock's. Wm Danîlugtan, Uxbridge,,aise attend- Mr, sud Mns. J, Shirley Denison, Ton- eà the funeral ef bis sister. ente , aI ber -tatben 'a, Mr, J. B. Pair- A greup photo of tise graduates ef bairn , P-M. Ontario Colloge ai Phanmacyi l in Bg Mn,. R R adTell Teot Univer- 20 wiudow. Thice West Durhamu boys ait', aI bis aunt's, Mrs. MceGill, are lu the grouip-Mssns. Bussel Bing- Lihorti' St. bain, î M Seatt sud T. Ilerlbert Me. Mese3rs. Ed, K Weekes, Fred Pattin-< Cready. son, Ennie5t SnitbHanry ITyler, Toron- to, aI homo. Mn 1 sud Mrs.i RobI. M. Ashtonu, Laurier Ave., T1oronta, gutesîs of Mnr A. L. Nichoils A GUARANTEED CURE FOR I'ILES. misses; Lots Mavnard, Risoda Varcoo, Itcistng, BllindS, Bleedliing or ProtrudL ilsadaTbn sd Mis Bila Morrison, DruigLgits refund inoneyi f 1AZOOITNTMENT Tono to,8thir bormes aistcueascaenomatter o!,-- 1Mr 5cti Ltzlong Sadad standing lu S 10 14 ttsysFinal application M.F.k age is tnad iiveqease&iud resi. Sc. i fyotir rugisthassn't ak Coîborne. wss guesî t t is grand- 111 sendêSue in saasil viii befo5are pospul b~ Pais dlçn~ o,,stLOueMO mtlir, Mrs. Aike,,n, Victoria Day, at 2 3,0 aud 7 p ni. by 1<0v .8, J. Shore, Oshawa, chairmnan of District Seeci singing b'. theý chlldren. Tes- meeting on Monday Jttue 1,2th aud a. lecture bv Rev, Chas. Adamns, Boklin, on "10 OW0 Miles by Land nd Ies. Tes 25cents, Lecture sud ïTea 85 cents, Sor* Throm &ssInd Conughja A simple. eîective andI safe tremicdy foýr ail thee i,ritatiom. is founi il) They combine thegncda afsooaek the, r U Dza ' _ lkeç e. Bock Sale at Nqitholls-bW0 at hait price. Buy your EPouite-k isupplies at P. Murdoch. New wodding cake brixes-lovt1y ones -at STATESMAN O1iCw6. SFor exclusive styles ini Muaýlîn Waist% see The Mason Co's rauze. Blood mea?, Meat rbj Q, yster Aiell, Mica grit, at P. Murd Kh'is. Try Lowueyv's vlebatediported Chocelates at 1). Luttre4ls. T. H. Rnight will pay Iiighest cash prices for ail kinds of produce. Nicholîs is selling out hiï Books to make room for Souvenir Gonds Have -you sent THn STATESMAN to your absent frienil? Do it now. __ Seo h --siotlPahrlecs- for Summer Dresses at The Mason Co'rs. 600 Books wil bo soid at 10e each or 8 for 25cduring this sale at Nicholls'. The Mason Co. have Just received s&n elegant lino of ladies' new neckwoar.- Raîn-Coats lu ail tho lýatest styles just- opened at Couch, Johnstou:.& Cryder- man 's. Pratt's Poultry Foo,d Pratt's Stock Food, Ppatt's LiceY ,owdýlr at P. Mur- doch 's. M A. James is Govrnment Issuer' of Marriage Licenses for Durham Countv. Levers Y-Z (Wise 11ead) Disinfectant Soap Po'wder dustcd iu tLe bath, softens the water and disinfeets-, 38 Men's Hats, the very îatest/English and American styles, pust op'ned out at Couch,.Johuston & Crvderm-ans. Woekly Globe and Canada Farmer and THE STATESMAN tO nQw subseribers only 60 cents to end of 19105, Ordor to-day. Are you sending, your absent son or daughtor Tnp SrTFuI.? If not,why? i It isau interesting latter from home every week. Ladies' Spring Coats and an elegant lot of Capes for middle aged aud elderly ladies just openod out at Couch, John- ston & Cr3 dermans'. Cashmere hose bave advanced lu the British markets. The Mason Co. are selling their owu importations at very low prices Buy now. Hello! have you hoard that M, Mayer bas a largo stock of hate,caps and gents' furnishings, boys' Scotch caps, tam-o- shanters3, lu the very latost style? Cal and see them. Coach, John8tou &. Cry.derman have just opened out a big stock of Oil-loths and Linoleums fromm one to four yards wide. They have no loss than-sovon patterns lu four yards wide, If y ou waut an up-to-date and gond photo ef yourself, eall at &nîth's Stixdio Ris work la considered firot Clasa and lie has the latest ideas aud prettiest mounts for photos. Now is the time to have somes takon lu your 110w spring clothes. The very latest stvle iu men's stiff bats lu brown aud blaerk; lsoFedoras lu stveral different shades ofetbrown. See the vrint shirts aunclne(ck wear. Cal aIdsçefor yourself. M. Mayer, BoW- manville. IPotatoes! Potato)es!! -. . Kuight, of the Model Grociery, hesalag quautity of potatoo,extellentcoks and good seeders. BeEoT U 'oig y Our spring patnyUoL)i an sd1 ose them. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have opened out hundrods of pa irs (4 Lace Curtalus, the very lstest di;gus lu al qualities, aud zuaranteed to; ho at least as good value m an eaWhogot ilu any Hanse lu Canada. 500 Books, regular 25c each, now 15e tiaeh or 2 for25e. At Nicholis' The Mason Ca. have just receivod an- other lot of new Christys' hats-tho very latest STATE5M.N asud Family Heraid and Weekly Star from now taoend of 1905 to uew subseribers for 60e. 1Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman are uow -showing the finest and biggest stock of Carpets ever showu lu Bow- mauville. The New Cloths have arrived, Now is the time to beave your order for a uew Spring Suit at Coucli, Johusten & Cry derman 's 10e huys a Book- If you returu It snd psy 5z you get a new one at Nicholls'. CoUgli., olds, boaràenesg* and otiser tIuot aliments are quicly relieved by Oresleus tahiets. ten cens Derbox. AUl drangs Mau's and boys cloth- ing, no newer styles and no botter value auywhere, Couch, Johnstou & Cryderman. IBuy your new suit at, The Maeun Co's. They have such a large assortmeut that you can select a ehoice pattern sud have it te yoursolf. BORN - RACE-At Port Hope, May 2ard , to Mr. sund Mrs.,C, 'L. Race, a daughter. RAC-At Edmonton. Albierta, May 23rd. ta Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Race, a daugister. MASOSR-m Oshsawa, May' 22nd, thse wlfe of Win. Manor, of a daugister. EINTON-IN RarMony. Maiy 2 lth, the výife o1 Robert flinton, of a daugb-1ter. LoTT-III EaSt WlsitbY', thse wife of Albert Loti, of a daugister. Newtonviile, May' 24th, by ltev. WV. J. "Yoonig, Mr, Oe. Sear> and 1Mise KHatle Blue, both of Kendal1. HÂSCCR-OîJuîcs-AtCourtiýe, May 2th b Il Bey.S e, Toroiito, uncle 0f thse bride, orace Hancock and Mary Eva, youingest daugister cl L. U. Couërtiee, Esq. QotIo Courtice. AsaToN-CLsEMENcE-Aît the residence of thse Wilson. Newcastle, Mr. W. 0. Ashton and Miss Mabel Clara, daughiter of Mr. John Clemence, both of Darlington. TRîcE-RATToN-At thse Parsonage, Ennia' kIllen. byi Rev. T. Snowdon, May 24th. Mr. John Triek and Mise Editis- Rampton, -bth of Darlington. MULLIN-At Port Hope, May 26th, Eliza- bseth Mary, tieloved wife o! John Mulilgan, a native of Nottinghsam, England. PzRPR-At Po rt Hope. May 28th, aged 20 yrs. and i1 monthe. Arthsur, son of Mr George Perry. HumE-ln Bowmanville, Ma y iSti, Eiz a Yellowlees, relici of thée laie John Hume, ageti 8i years. COCHItAN-In Darlîngion, May 281is, Samuel Cochrane, aged 79 years. CaoNaniTE-At TbessaloiMay l6tb, Adla0racee Williams, beloveil wife of Wm. E. Crouiite, aged 50 years, 8 monihs. LANGMI-At "Fairficl(i," Palilngton, May 23rd, Emelineý Annis, beloved wî! e of Josephi Langmaid, aged 58 yearî, 7 mon' lis. WSIT-ID Bowmanville, May 19tis. infant sou of Mr. sud Mrs. Arthsur White, aged i day. WHITE-IO uowmanville, May fftb, infant daugister of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White, aged 10 days. AsNREWS-In Bowmanville, May 24th, Mary Darlington, rel et cf tise late J. B. Andrew, in bier 8tis year. LyNDN-At 103 Wright Ave , Toronto, May 24th Erances Catisarine, daugliter o! Thomas E. Lynden, aged 2 ycars and 9 montiss. MEÂADws-In Hope, May 25th, Marion Jean, cnly daugister of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meadows, aged one year. CLARK'S DAINTY MORSELS. A thin lce of Clark's luscioUs, juicy Lunch Tongtse between two thin slices ofa bread well buttered-a delicious sandwich. Anniverssry at Eldad on Suuday was exceptianallv weli attended, The churchwas nicely decorated with flawers sud the cblîdren ou the plat torm looked their beat and sang very weii at the aiternoon service. The choir furuished the music for the eveniug service, as- sistedhi' Mn. sud Miss Crvderman, Mrs. IL. Cole and Mrs. F T. Allin of Hamp. ton sud they excelled theinselves ou this occasion. Rev. Vernon H. Emorv of Whîtby, (Who bas been invitod to Bow- mauvilie) gave two masterlv addresses, lu the aiternoon on 'Childhiood"' sud in the eveuing on " The. coming anistoc- racy." Collections würe most liberal. 1Tbe atteîîdence was so largo that mani' could not gain admittance sud stood Iround door sud wiundow8 where they heard the pneacher's dlean aud resonent voice witb os se. There wore many home corners as usuai, among them w e nottced Prof. J. B Revnolds und i iFe Guelpb; Rev. C. W. Re. nolds, White- vale; Mn A. J, Reynolds, J. P , Sean- bora; Mn. sud Mrs. , H. Hoopen, sud Chas. Hooper, Oshawa, Mn., Jabez sud, Miss Wîigbt, Blackstock; Mr. sud Mîs. Samelîs, Csesarea-; Mn. sud Mrs. A. Viee, Bowmanvill'e; Mn. snd Mrs. Jas. Moore, Ilsydoti; Miss -S. A Olford, Bowmauville, sud many others. mou- day's exorcises were manred by a,const- sut down pour of nain the whole alter- noon, 11ev. C. W. Revuolds offered prayer suter the opeing b'. mn. Pastor F. J. Anderson. chairman, opeued the prognain with a bnief cougratnlatory address. The singing as usual was nuder tbe directlii of Mn. A. B Cry- derman sud it wvas decidedly the best we have heard bore. The sele2tions were lively sud the scholars sang ont lu full. round cadences Perbaps we should sai' that the femalo voicos per- domiuated. (Wby don't more youug men join the singing cias 2) Recitat- ions wçe given hi' Ineno AngÉe, Elgie Tailor. Mary VauNest,Mary Reynolds, Gertie Paecoe, Ban RIII, Ida Vice, Mamie Wesitlako, Everett Vice, Ea Taylor, Bessie Reynolds. Willie spnv, Flossie VanNest, Nelson Rey nolds, Mai' Reynolds, Wiliie, Her- bent VauNest. Master Elgie sud Misses ,4ydiasud Edua Ta%. on sang "Outhe boughofitise tree" vorv nicely, anai little Lydia Taylor, sged 4 vears, won loud applause ton bier splendid singing of "My' Kitty" accompanied bx' hon sister Lona ou the autoharp, sud little Fbornsie Vice sang 1 Nearly Ton" inu a mannrto menit spolause. 11ev, J W. Dowoy, Davespont, ,sang tbe beautiful, sang 1 "(i.el my Mothen l'Il ho There" sud the whole audience jaiued lu the G IRL W AN TE D-To do ligbt housework sud attend a baby. Apply or write to Elsu Dînng ugll, 659 Youge St., Toronto222-1w* F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- .2good f arm o! 22 acres, with 1 cres nrcb- ard ou lot 7, cou. 6, Darlitgton. GooS frame bouse and stone stables, bard and'soft water. For parilculars appiy te HOSEERT MAsIT Ii, Tyrone. 21t W ANTED-hy SUCCESS MAGA- zine ou a straight saiary tasîs a youug man or wowan in every couniy ta take charge of our subscription business. PA few travelling pstons also open. Positions permanent. Referencea reqnird. Apply 'tC Succeas Maga- zine, DeIr Un iversity Bilding, New York City, 17-tf LAWN MOWERS. 1 solicit a eall fromi'oy')d and uow customers. The sharpeung sud ni re- ýpa!ing ~ o Lawn Mw~,waruiedte give entire satisfaction every ' (lià. Scissors ud kuives Grouu; as sharpeusd; light johbing a speciata tise West Eud Smitbv, King st. W. H. WirLiAms, 19-2m. Bowmauville. Moutreal Business Meu's League are sonding ont a besntitnlly- iliustrated, booklet of Mouitreal, giving a descrip- tionai the unincipal places sud pleasure reoats for anycue loakiug for a pleasaut spot to speu-d holidas. Write for a copy te 228 St. J4,mes SZ., Mintres]5 Canada. Veterinary Surgeoni and Den tiat, F-. H. -Ô,' Lowrey, fl-YONORARY GRADUATE af Ontario ic Vtrinary Coliege. Toronto. Special attention given to Dentistry. Day or nigisi cailspromptlyi-rcsponded to, Officcîn residence 2 doors nortis of Percy'S Biacksmîih Shop. Plouc nn126. SilVîr St.,BowMauvillc. is-ti' JOHN MAY.WOOD). John Maywood af Toronto,Voa Teacher. bas soeured the Assemnbly Boom of the Higb School, Bowmnanville, iu whicb ta teacis Singing sud will be bore ever-y Saturday, 'Volces tested free. 4-tU. FARM IMPLEMENTS. Farmers anS otiers requiring Farrn Impie. meuts o!alil kinds, will do weli to Cali ounine before placiug their orders, Farming Mille aucubators and farmn scaies of the best rmake, Repairs kept on baud for Maxwell and Fleury mnachines. nec supplies a specialtv. Cati 4" drop a carS to JAs. G BiURNS, ilamplton. , w HARRY WILKS' ROUTE, HARItY WILKS, JR, (1004)-the best sire ai Quality sud Action lu Durbaml, wiIi bo faund for service at the Bennett =I[sBowmauiville, au Saturday noon duiu the season of 1905 'Hari' Wilks, Jr is the sire ai-Eva Wiiits 2.k trial beat,2-.20k; Hart y Wiiks 2.31 u of Muriel Willits whom theoaner mawtçis a-.aixnstanx, grAo nse ow' u, in IWst tunbaru whieb as înover. a starter.Inedgbedrsa hi, calling sud iuspectîng tibb Fan pedigre and route se 'rerins 81.0 ta masure. A. A. GA Propnietar Maple Avenue Stock f Orono E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E t: E E E E E Lace eurtai'ns We ara showing this week an elegant lot -of Lace Curtains of the newest designs and exceptional value from $6oo t.o 3oc. a pair. Best value in the Trade, See them. For the Floor Also Linoleums, 2 and 4 yards wide. Floor Oil Cloths-lyd, 1 Uyds, 1iyds, an.d 2 yds wide. Japanese Straw Mattings, at 15c, 20c, and 25c, per yd.. For the Ladies New Dresa Goods, Shirt Waist Suits Skirts. Shirt Waists, i Silk, Latro a d Muslin. For the- Men Men's and Boys' Clothing-The nt perfect fitting and up-to date. Lt wilI p.y you to see our clothing. ELNext roor to Standard Bank, Bowmianyille. îl ýâIl i Éa i b at do YOD Kno'w' Do you knuw tisat after a Short-, biaud or Commercial Couirse it us, you are surs of s poition ai a".0 sd upwards per montb as a starter ? Send wr . s pota,, ith your name COud3Addresi, sud we viii tel you alll abouLt it. 4 Rte is , 1dSt., East, Torouito. R. D NIMO, Plsiepal. Revenue Department cf theCaa dian Government show the Royal ý0 be a. pure b-aking powder, superior to iail othe-'rs in leavening strength. t therefore makU~ purer, more whole- * sme andecoonica-food--than---any other calking p(owder or leavening agent. Royal -Bakin-g Powder is more con- venientew for use than cream of tartar and Soda and makes finer-fiavored food. ROYAL BAKING POWEDER CO., INEW YORK. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Frou, 100 flis..... .2 40 to828 FHiA=,Faîl, busb,. 'O0 0 nsIC >'Spnng..... 0 01i 15 s' Red File .. .090 s'Goose ....0 00"0 O BAnRLFY, f bush, No. 1 ... O 40 0' 4 il ,l fi 2 ..0>40 0 O fi il fi 3 ... 0 00 i 0O Il 'ilTwo rawed O0 0 0O OÂTs, white ....... 088"0O; RirE, '. .0 00"fi07 BUOKWEAT "......O0 0sl 0O PimAS, Biackeye, I bush..- 0 00 fi 0 0 il Canadian Beauties O0 0'0O fi Mummey r' 0 00"0O0 a.Small s' 0 60" 06 s'Blue s QQ" Q CLOTfSOVRSED * 0 00" 0 0 BMuRr, best table, 1f lb. - O0(10 0 1 EZ2q, Pdoz ............ 000"fio: POrATOBS, Y" bvsh ý.......O 0 0'i 0 & v.ton ... -70 1- 7 5 In 1

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