LitieLive &lits* Must Bear signature 01 See Çacsik'Wrapp'per Be!ow. YC sYcmafl all as easy e~FOR EEABACHL FR t-IZZIPES, FOR TfiPID LIYLR. L F] CONSTIPATION. - ILLOW SMIN. FN11E~ PLEXIOH GSia UT RAE>$NATL»nE. Z 1_5 F 1 C- DACHE. A1VERTISING RATES. The Canadian Statesman ls poblishied every Wednesday morning at the office 26 Statesman 13lock, King Street, Ilowmian-ville, Ont., by M. A. James, 1;ditor andi Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per annuni, or $1.00 if paid strictly in advance. Advertiseng rts transient adveitisirrg, ten cents per ihne. first insertion; five cents per line each subsequciît insertion. Contract rates onl A. E. MýLATJGH-I,. ic, ,r_11erS1tor nd Con eyancer. Offc":lieakey 131 ock, King Street, Iioîn, vll. o oey to boan at reason- able, rates. 4S-lyr. ROBERT YOUJNG, V. S. O FICE IN HJOISEY'S BLOCE. opposite Town Hall Entrancj. Wheire he will be found froni 8 a.m. to ()p ni. Nighit calls at resideoce, direct- IY Opp osite Drill Shed. 17-Iy. ]IAR'RIAGL. LICENSES-M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Lié- enses. Itesidence' Centre street. SIMPSON & BLAIR. Dl. B. SIMPSON, K. C., CHAS .. BLAI, larrssrters, Solicitors, Notares etc.,ý Morris Block,- up-stairs, King sEl r, BoWmanville. Solicitors for the Utarjo 'Bank. Private moneys boan- ed at lowe;rst rates. DENTISTS. Will bc at Blackstock on the frst Monday of eacb montb, at Orono 2nd Monday, ail day, and at New- castle ist WcdneSday from 2 p.m. Office:-Temperance St., Bowman- ville, reýar of Iligginbotharr's drug sto.- *Curp that' u a, re mniiil ir, f4. R liaciaetad xed hoe sucritet et thoffbieieavenke both partuers sthng lnly t-th doncwhiblhad clee se sfîi e-, o hin heri." "Crump, thutsaliremarkaboie gr," dawiesed the jenior partuer abs e hlm. Ie lit a cigtetis e and ane hisoves nthe scoltisef inesuken brie sloe ivtethtclie g. "'tng oto bîniswrk." in auied th eutior art- Ysbuffe aresste iofstdeskand cl'ibd ipms i h se Admeeu fone and 'thcatin 'etbise ba allthe fact tht be badpiung-s hd lotow bis woa rain oce Natowhae rumpthemjnior pawr an newaity, na r ef age. F'erty years before e n tet Bastow and andail the moe crmp pees hu' iteito panicng conce.'n. llastow had been a son e powern uud enoerg, and, ratiaily nste k-s la,,, bchobacwi benth rm;Crutn op ary uributode, aacotent itb bies, and ut timoes ovor fergot thatlhe w as a partner ia the firm. I'roently George Bastow Ivalkeil acress te bis partnoer's desk. said. "XVe caai't- aflerd te pay more cierks than we want." rThe junior partner's pen cease t ls sccutching, andi the ou uer looed up oPiefl-noiuthed. "Sackcd Lemming? orep atod. "iut he's heea with us eigbteen yeurs and werked w(,11, "The trutb is, Cramp, the firmn ist geing te the degs and îve'vo get te sure nmoney seînebow. ho have hoca going dowabill ever since Pater-diei.1 You'ro a Plodding elti herse, Cruimp, but you've neo braies. Andi as for me-weli, 1j ust bute the busianess. "We bave certainly beea uaiucky wltb our music lateiy,- agreeti the. junior partuer. "Sensible remark thut," sncercd l3astew. "And you xith your forty yoors of exporience cannet get tbe firm eout ef the îaess, eh?" ".But these littie pioces et Miss Dauo's bave goue rutber well," re- pleti Crump, lgnering the sarcasmn. "At mere dreop inti'he iOceýai. But, as I said a mom)ient ago, Miss Danue is clevor-deucedl1y ciever, StilI, it will take, semne tine for bier' musicr te mature, and inlathe imeantimie. Crump, we shall break." Sevoral weeks passcd and the firmn of B3astow and Crump remaineti inl tPfe saine terpiti state. Front mora- ing, tiil night the Junior partuer teiicd at bis desk, mnaking fresh w\ork for bimnself in the iedgers"-ubon Passer-hy lest a colliion iJic1l in- She hhall grown sutdeally wbteý, antid jure ntrmnhait rose from ber qclr. ISe bie trudtigeJ iloutbrough the "Two years ulgo. Opes o' ~he ~ sus, bs hat bet aaist beask aay nmore quesiis. T, would wlnd, anti bishursrgg like tbat like te go home if 1i may. I do'tý oft uld eà man iv.e ois geiuig te accemiplish feel qtslte UP te tPe lmark. I-T shol somie great tlbing witbout cecsnting bel glad te sce Ibis business tbroug,, Maye yu hin ~ lhe cost. Bastow. (f od-niight' Maybe yu thi' orPThy xxce conscieus thutle hadi Mooney's, Sodas only a.s a [ IIL lett the room. A moment moeaund toothsome tidbit. Don't "T Lord Praybi'ook -ai?" the front clber banged. The junior cverookheiroodalu TPebuter ~ctidoui uttbeiiipartuer bad gene, but biebati left Thed fiure ett on b at teilîîakbebind biin- bis secret leeket inlua' tPe ueston.weaîian's bosern. Mooney sd"Wthegiag or appr re Ho walkoti swiitly dow'a tPe pave- Perfection y~'-ou?" lie .ai, as lie pecceiveti thol mnsuci nxigueo h voilaboneutb Crump's ceat. sgeog,an bis tbeughts ruceti "C eri ninly net; T w isb toe ohlmi on ubead et hlmi. The violia bhl C e m S d s on important business. Tel bim il I gen e To uigthog h os.Žti I.It is ab out a ('remiiona violin. Tîats ih eovs buh1h bud ar aeCof finest Cana- aitaetemsae" xusflby bati taken away bisr dian wheat flour, pure but- A ionienltoribewns standing tret ad i ogttefv a 1Iýde pountis that loy at the tirmn's, ter arid rich cream. There's fce te face n ith tPe doxetiporl credit ln the baruk. es wlose lamie w'as 'know.n far annd wide Iepue uIel usd ag nothing else of equal size a the owner etý the. finest collectionH ast ulelyotsd a0 b ouse, anti us ho reconised the gute- contains ~ oetviolins la the woi'lti. I~ h buh Ct us lx and- cost that cnan"s I keem te know yeur face anti honidoti isfetep. e msgt ,hael much 'tholesorne fleur- y et T cannot recaîl wbore, 1I et yen 1 gi at i s e ord Craybrook aiho ismn.betore," saiti Lord Craybcoek.ý n e oàCabokaot "W bt devoi wat1"pnhlisbing that song. T he vieiin An ideal food. " o feem eyx' deti' 1weuld b h ero. Ho might ex eu play An iealfoo. -vil ffeed ie fve undedla fisnai sonaln on its striluga. Ail grocers have thern-Çres peuntis toc this viollu tue years' Ie wntslexvly UP the chiixe; thpin >ý ad crisp in 1 &- 3 lb.packages. .ago, ' replied C(riup, 0roduicing the as lhe noaredth te clior, lho saw ca instruamont. "Tt is yeurs te uigbt xiiiwo P a' French wno ntelw a ut tbe saine figure, if you ilîl buy." ILord ('rai brook took the violin 1I oijt tevr oms antibo5 itundr te lgbtxvbbe i wbicb tbev bncI taiket togethc'r the, iliu7 and'red ti tenrritulîv. vl" 'enigbt beforea, anti perebance the[ k , '~~inpet, Icnstoe. su el ain xasstill thero. -~ ."Ah, I rorpebeti n aLotyn orrible tomiptation took posscs-! 5~lil '~ ' ~ s you'?Cior, o soîethig. ess. îHecolidbide the vîtîliji unde r rornmbos'I uns surprisoti that al reot. Andti hon-w-o w'olid maiin yetmc position shoulti have, k nout ______________________________-__ ancbauinstrument." Ile pieotiufithe hou' anti drow it 1 e re a g lntbreath anti rrcîti thestrngs thn, vitout1 a cross tihe net grass lu the sbatiow ('runp w aiteti tili their 0ededt C'55 iesrig;towiu Ile enteredth P e ont antitoit is fo leetsteps died aax'y en the pa,.ci!sponkinig, Iho heganu leplay, softly otý corridor, thonldn h ri uxp te b is 1Orisiliniat last the isoles sollet, inkit hlikcre.Te dock again anti bont bis bead loxxe ihr ibgber iameoiyetigrad oti;borit fntom itise thon usuaioe r bis books. qih s1Onsa epîs ibr tl reat~n fabat nfoto s ixth wiiti, paqsiossate firo, tbmr sink- ndtliho uns ioTsclosis that soineoea clac xx nl the roemn, greping i lint-i soar 'igaisiandi yot te falulike avl1P takes bis1 vti bckc. iîsia.The nmoenlightbt healing ssddeniv! The seni or parfiler xvas clearly iii isejno'lirer1rni c n front a rlonti-huuk illiinninietitheï therto w of et tsper9K T'hre îîeatbs to the sbatiow, bis oyes fixeti tpt) lo"auîithexit ri. P bati pass'i, anti non, as ho beuncote h d fr ftiepoe, niteigure'ofeta womaststanding titore. lie othe -offtce andtior0eopea lus lot- instrument plavrd as lho coult i nerrTesutiu't bogsPsprb tors cox ago'ly, il nec evidiemt that iplay it. Thon, as Lord Cr.svbroek 'cThlips ustd itO eatthogh rds tr la somietbisîg wus amiss. laid the instrumenit tiown, lhoad-r n olatCvad i "trusp! liereaetilih a mti an~o a ou sopsbaiinci, 1 setioisg Iknockiiag tiown ta large valse bull. "Stop thut internalîpoil- ratraiti Pv bis imevoeuts etfbraking toteaclicxbc e xt tif po tP hinerit~ erees.Ho cauglît ber cloak anti dcuggedi tonhing youre bucy xvbeîî yen kuo 'l aote oc a oupleet a est W-1nt'"W bat-,w'itt is ,that tuno?" ho.. ei' te himfserceiy. ~ lp îs not fo a oupe o nonths?" tbink1T knew itle stocks et the grent - pa!hogsebslscoe lljunior partnerci' osfully biot- masters, asidi)yet T do net recegnist'i agins e ae.-htapyen tell telasitfiguire lPcbail suade ani it." rei 1 boe? laid clownsbi's pea Thon, te bis astonisfinent, Lord i Iub!fe st' avcn's msaore.lotie -I, met Sinipseon yeslcrtay," s-ii Ccayhrook leept te bisaide anti'r-010 b uI e ut u tr.l iistxv l aqieervoce anlefreibîi a '1 is t ather! IlbImustt sever ksîexx% ,1to me a qenitor vthie Pn is for "Yen nt cai.that 1 saitk se 10w us te coee hck tol ni inconidece hatbisfîriý Yeuare n comparative stranger1- a thiot!, But it xvas for yen. I v7ere going te aile us for tîxat feur te itie,', ho saiti, qsickly. "Anti-trot et erttongti or busicidpeusits. To malte matters' I fel I mst telyen, Tt is net atiy ese e ib uyu n face. Yen sel itibiath' viella toi xverse Pore is their bieter this siera- long stoîv. I bati a tiaugbier, anti1I auve tihe firnis, anti T knexv it was! isîg: '1aloss tPesian et teur lnan- loveti bei' w itb sii xx Iole iheurt ant i h ligyorsu. S - en (Ireti penats exing te us ila poitinb soli; she wuns ail T badinluthe world. lkc seaiis! es elS - e three tiys-' Oh, yen knxew tise She xxas a inusician, a quiet, re-4n- There were footsteps on the stuirsi usual sort efthting; it la ino gotitisive girl, xsho liveti toc music ul.o. bvnthdorsmeewaci- reatisg the lbIter tbreugb " I Thensisie fouluinlisve. T tidti lt1n iie hecoa "W bat arec xvo giag te to'?" asketi kstox ber lever, but T mneastt ber te -"Have pity! " she breuthoti back r the junior pactacr, bis face a shatie marry'wecli. She nas te, saarry aij as lie stili Pelti besr, umazet I vbyer- i pater thaît usanal. title. v on undoi'rstand, etherwise she consfossiess. "I wotnîl rathor ihny "Deo? TPat's jtsst wlit tITask Yen, r sîtosild î lot or'avîsii' xx tbm' cou- 1self than tisat lhe shoulti finid- ;le If yen tion't tisink et sometbing WCeisont. T titi nt) kod thonw'bat a telre smasb, tlsat's the long andtisbes'tiwoemasi ulître fer -love; if T lad of it." s i sig-t bave beiatiny aide uew. 1wT ust tbem formadtat l. Thr "And tiulat theii?",We tlseri ee tts lover tof hbeslwa dooiuefrbt te nget t; 'Starvation for ut~~~~~~~~~~ysoif anti£la wbeba soeab aca'frem ia edteter u bymgtis uStvtli t cetor job" Itrappeti ut the gate. One, aleno "X l f en mthi ssxx11t arve?"b."That sigbt, as T sot clone inysi'ceisît go frte wle the etber r e- ? ,, studi'heo, ha iber piaying a ,aol infor + e, *00 There is not a more Con1ven- Ïent, article mrade than the bicycle. it mrnr.-es you inde- pendent of oriayc ity or country- vehicles. It g i. v e sa above ail, h-ealthy exercisç«,. why forot.Coodluckthevery àulïeJ ZLLSnow donet know whlatj color drifting upjward lu Pis cheoks, applto '- - -" wusI orfot Ueti ick-Pe er'is tO ae a edac T cannot Bay tee "It is worth a goti deal of niesi- M. . JMESAcent, 1T1lînew yen would ha pleaseti" nsch in faver of ibis imedicisie, for ih bas dons vl i1nt" Cinkel ~~ she sait. "T tolti George se, Now, doctor's illa" Ydllrsî,"el, od rabook offered ýme B or onna oe nise s addn' o- ulersdnev etrîve es ont, 13.1suýWelt," harelieitrig e1p aomnie n s soon as we have settîcti cow'u yen Dr. Cba-se's Nerve Foodi, the great blod fi-ve Puis drti Poxînds toc Il wben ho. ê 1If or E DOINOuLs gttIsoe rend eaeo,, yen " n't-i aldesOr ives , 0 eo. T omat, pe'ar iit. Ic'rn t p M, o~ o nps 1 "a ~2 ho oithiaci g'asin tP hit.e Iorras sd èr, urefD. .DW.(haA. hé Leci rnysyk! bydo Ot 17 St, Sacramont St. Montreal. lt adtebigi nbson anu reçeéipt olf autbor, on ver b mntoox,'Wîiuttilesc t" __ Eut wbat yen like when yc.u are taking these wonderful fruit ' 1 ver ta-blets There is an eaSy Mway-a qflick way-auda sure way-te be free of ladigestion,, sour Stom-aclb, Belcbiug, Heartburn and Constjpn. tienl. Foliew the goad adach e et Miss Anderson and take Frait-a-tives : as" I have purcha' cd twx t bo-es ofF. aiit-a-titi s anti find theni splendid. Ily sister was ey peos ly with IndiDtst oea ani they have relbcvtd lber weou(icrflîiy. We have told ou rcnshw tgotiFruiýti Oes , -"mi ss I. ,ANDtt,-SSebinigston, Ontario. At ai l Druggirts ;"c. aa :ox. by!âveit-bI t- 'ves ted, Ottawa. e ¶