arti' rj s Vttie F r 7). m'dust Bear Signatura 01 Se aPc..Slaîle Wrappcr Beilew. YtO ~2~ siuRas easy 019". le aON aLEMiîr. ADVERTSI NG ATS. Th e Cunadian State5sman le paulisheti evcry Wedneschîy noriîig ut theu office 26 Statet-na Block, King Street, Blo wuîanville, Oît., by M. A. James, Editor and t'rnptietor. Subîrriutin $1.5 peI1r anneu. or $1.00 if 1aid rtricttyinl advance. Adverti-ing rates. trauîsicnt udveîtisiîug, ten cents pier ;Ae,. first insertion; five cents per lina each subst'u1ueiitLinsertionu. Contract rates on applilcation. A. E. IffLAUJGILIN. liinteSolicitor and Conveyaacer. Ofle:-i0llkey Bllock. Kit g Street, 13.11nuuuv ile. Mroncy to louae'et reason- aýbie rates. 48-lyr. RIOBERT YOUJNG, V. S. 0 'FICMIN E HoISEY'S BLOCK, 0JoPOisite Tiown Hall Entrancu, wlîere hie will be found froni 8 a.m. to 9 pua. Night calls at residence. direct- ly opposite Drill Shîed. 17-ly. M ARRiIÂtIl' LICENSES-M. A. .1 James, Issuier nf MarraeLie- en ses. Ilesidetice: Centre street. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, K. 0., CHAS P. liLA11t. Barrîtetrs, Solicitors, Notarles, etc., _Uolrris iBlock, co-stairs, King Street, Ilownaiiville. Solicitors fou tlîe Ontario Bank. Privato moaeys bann. >dat iowest rates. DENTISTS. Wil 0e ut 1lackstock on the first Monday ofI cd.inonth, ut Orono 2nd Mfoaday, ail day, and ut New-. cast!( sI.Wedinesday roni 2 p.m-n. Offî1ce:Trpeu a tBomn vill,rer n igîotu's ru y r I acre, uandcl cenly distribîîteci. Frnslî anireach ycu ia the saie ,ne C- Said nuiu Ind1wihsi mianure is lhable te caue'forking ni dicDno ru meer wh - e you IAnd j 1ow iny iîair, the' mots. The land should be- TAU ucaAdsoie u luu l'ing Loys. lily each plowed as decp as possili and sub- ATAL r Z.3w'stftuil aceý suu'woeld be usqeful on sous1uLt n -,) i aîw theY're a w ai t i ng- aother a harO îýuiisoil, altbough it is genler cînbrace. alyin avi abie te sebsoil iu spmiing-. In ra-ictîce we apply 100 te 200 and pulicO whilîe y en.-, anîd the T 1rech toe ci h race thocni. Ah where poîînds pcr acre merlate or sulphato usmancîop stored. arne uy i es? aof pctash, sown oniithe latdin lulu___'hey're g&,eefroîîî mny sighI. witbeut and biîîi'ow"'O laalthouîeh the salnen lamoe lior înoise; îaiay lOeappili lu 'inspriiug, or ivuati WITII TUE DAIllY (ALIe. Btint th,'ro coine te my siclýi'src fou ashes nny be let. 'lai ,toc are L-et us stact Ilith the al aU i, as I bcai led r' ci, prnnreclOygaronrs n ur ope tethît is the lOcal trme for bîîtiîthe A-i ilu IFletUx aew lwaîd oft altacits ni the cucrot bouse, gener'si output of umik antd for the 1eatii whicli apponaste give littHo trouble ainst siîcessfui ,vork VeTith a dairy heme. ca'f, w vrites Mr. W'. L. IXîrott. Yoe - But th,,mniden looks uIowus with aîî TIIE FERTILIZER-S pro tirollF bale a frcsh con' la the j Fr e l' ber oesn o l h a nay bue o'îutted if the land is in vcry fl an d one in the sririn- ou the ad- 1 awarhoeoflv ibth a r, gond lîcarI., etherwise itir ueIltn atr. Seite cuIFsls scems te Pc udvisale. About 250 drop hercrail la the lail, say about j tucei by tho .years are lier hait te 400 îîounds acld phosphate, 3 Octeber 1, 1 allen'-, it te stay %v'ith nldher hbmw. s1crs pet cent. avaiiaîuic, or its equivaenat, lits înnther 24 heurs. 'Thon it i fai hveive, hei narn ibat le, 90 te 140 pounas ef actîîaî aratecl fronu bier andi put la a geeoodbi. phosphîntic acid, and 100 le 150 ,warni stail. lFor tcn days it is fed ~oe u vs essacvcn p,,uics înitrate of soda ivay bc ap wol mikri e uequrt. n plied as a top-dressing. UsuallF thc.iî gradualiF lots uhole aîilk untili gml hai nIitIs ou beotetlinoagit is Put on skim mik onticciF. No Gene are iîabis and boye and gravel liaf o i isson bfor tinungsLim, miik Is fmd CXCOpt the meo- 'Oardcd mcen. and hall aiter lbinnîug, the land be--1clsth orofyanIavte lag cultivated alter each top-dressimg. ther's, or uîilk front a row ircslî.I clos th entsfIl ndluv h Another way is te sew the acicl about the samre dc. WbVn I sayasttloe phosphate ut the saine lime as th-- skilmm iik I îînean separaled niilk ut And comanesillontly clown the tlia'," encl, ut f tisis oncIl houd a temperatuce nI about 85 degrons %vrm staîr. liedisribtedove a idt ofscvr-I The fond is graduanlY inoreasoedTi atJ!Il ecrhdaie, May 15th, 1905. al nho ofsrite everanwdth ni svnr- thabonuit one ga>iou is rearboti, or about il, the nitrate ni soda heiag appiied 1ail the ral wil dean ipi. -ainne as a top-dressling. i At four n-cePs nid it 15 give bel Do net applF thls top-clressingu cd coru anîd bran witiî an ocaiïa whcu the leuves arc wcte t r t il teasp(oîs of pues il meal. Fet h ic s buta the fluage, aîîd do net nix ni gond cnover hay andi ireshwb e it longer thari a feu' heurq belote ap- should aiiiays ho wiI.hin rc Gori.s Brood plicatien; othncwise cceiral Changes ru;wnksWheu s'i nuV errer and cause n, mss nf valuabin n-eeks 04nid hie rail is roudF r il ltf o -1 -1t esrlr.Euhqfit und *~~~~~~~ (elm>eîiil h o.I h qt hntt 'a pa.stu1re. Yo'! wiil n cd if the ýSt-ornach be 1 l nifJipoc, i u ii-c Oîereveyrisiyt tl ye pared la in spring b!v disklug (Jeep l ili--fed LÀ ra i maion.e that bas had atît reiucag Ie su l a vty 1aelie run wl tLlîis îaothnr. 'hsis-the lut, te cie~- ar en'bing.- vcty ay I lanOie ntillking ttrais oI Tho ieaibîmeeýdingplae for disease usn-fîl foi- this purpose. Il the soil Sbocthoriîs, anti I have jiistfuiit-is gerns 1s a wekStnîach sud d1ge-tuîue is adl fitoc oris îetdee nuugb îetîuug 960 gallons IniuP te thre as systein. The fe înc, insteati of benus fAtw'll euRtoAhcfornuienetrnt-~gaod cuitevs -as ayoeu dwe o jsu-muatet I1, tn itRa fm ,slu s'4i' shapeu, short, forPed and samal 505. Witli a seliarator oll i' onsilyF1 menIitiîgmaMs.ea-,using gases, distress,1 I _ ý -jsorirsmiik ffiecino- nuu-ntses. vr, [Ialtereautine'.boloue. nuîsaea su<1fl-ut-I hiardenorsrnwol CAR1tOT CULTURE. The ideal soil for carrela is a decp .~ t' saady ioamn, or an alluvial soil. They grow wcll oui decppeaty soils and give gond crops on iight soils il there is a gond rainfali, or oanciay menIs t lounis if wcll draineci. Parsaips xiii tht'lve ou heavy lounîis ai-d even on VVe bridge distançce- dlaY soil if weli puiverized. The cul- taie of thlîe c rups ohiers few dclUb- ith orr oisîure-prooC culties, but like all other moot creps it is essentiai that the Î,r be dioenc-pofpcag~ ~i ab' tbe tîmne it is neûdnd, net later, fax and Vanicouver arc for the'se creps cannt be uegincted, or they wil sifier a check, weîs brought to the ovens' î,îli get ahead, the yicid be reduiced 1-n ai snl and the cxpens' e incieanieg render dos am n ml the cop unprelltahle. It is btter îowns are put on the sanie for the iadillereîît farmer te stick te the crop;s whirh ho- knows ho can plane wmith the b;3, cities. grow, aed foc the gond farmer who bas a woody piere ofIMiid te grow a tHoG3nC fS Pc rccI.oy crop o ni e-ile tadlof rmots. It is îu'cferable that the land be Cream So4jas w'oii îîneuced for the precnding~ croîî ai the pi1ex ion:s nutumn with retted , Ie rpd(ed in 1 & 3 lb. airtight ma-re,n,tot less lb,,,,12 rut ns pc parkages, fresh, criLp, delcciu- TIOEVACANT ROOMS. By lls P .i-Ieîry, Oh, tîiose aaitmin t the top) Wili thrt cnai4is bcs anti un- uscd riîîirs' I droGani as 1 sinl a boy's caîLp chair, Ii In Oni th ,osn m- ns t the top of t-he stair, t W îtIî lsdn sIcra renis are Thoxh nestcps(nuthe stair, ne bu ut t'e 1- o I iuî'ar neýt a ru I lagliter or Slii tiy, oh sil,,ntly ,pas thcy ulougg- 'Ihose deuriy beioved who ia visineis Ghoe'ts oi the absncut who onice liingered l ce. They renie with the surshiîn loto thc reoul, The lithleoencs ole with thcir choci s al albumr; Witàu their cicar trustfî.l cyca look loto myface ';' 1 guther them nal lanoae long, fond emibrace. Tbcy slip front my arme. Lo, beside ny !chair .1't e 4, e 4- iigý, 0 + WEI BRE-àER' S TALES AI MUSIN' KAPER WIE B3URCl'fARS (Kaureed uwn vrim las' wii.) NOW, 0o koose, e7 theYs tu buirgiars Ixaz a stude they kutie luke out ,lroe tha nies wat waz macle vur tha ayes, an', o' kooso, zec zakly wat thees yur veiler waint up tu, wle-out 'c zeil' tiîey. Woii, thees yur voiler turned-utt be tha butier, ur wat tces they caris min. 'Oxsurniviî', tee s tha vellor wat Ilukes arter aul the winle,'ail' 'o vorth, an' 'e waz rather von' e' ces leetie drap, ze Ive yur'd vlts ay B3e ez twulil, 'ec cum'd vore rite long tha passij up purty wull 'orne ta weî' theN s veliers waz a studo te, an' thon 'e sk-wat ecszull clown pin a. cheer 'oxue zide uv a kubberd place,I anl thon tha yen begeea'd. -I think l'il try a ieetie drap o' aîaister's vury vile oie pert," e zaith tueceszeli, an' 70'e pue-d-eut a gurt 'an-veel o' kays an' starteti ver ta aupen thons yer kubberd. -Du 'a zoo tha raeps axxt? Aul tba rajst o' tha vokes lIaz a gaun ta balO, an' 'e wuz gwain ver ta eojoy ceszuli bc 'avili' a kwiet vucdlieaual te ces-zeil like, dalla 'e zee. 'Owu- mii, l'il gett awn anl' tuli 'e zakiyl wat 'aPpeii'ci. ï,, poer'cl oui a drap o' wieeanu' 'adl a ttriiîk, anl' thon 'c iaiî'cl back enu tha cheer, an' dracil wan 1ii' crass tutiier, jiss ez ec I'n waz o, 1 lal'rd. -Thees yur Cc5 wat 1 arls i aie vI me tiîies," 'e zuîth tueces-zull. -Ta zit yur ail' *avc a kwiet zip o' mais- ter's bes' port ces w at 1 caris a bect u-v -irite," ail' se 'c waint awîl tella' tu ces zu. "Yur 1 rau zit et me aize anl' lekee round' ail' zc uni tha oie xazhin theengs, ail' tila scits e' arnier, an' se vorth, ivat tha gurt gran' vathes e' tha pcesseîî Squire used ver ta pet awnwa ia they waint eut ver ta Vite. My hý"vecs!" 'e zaith, "they'd gle nie armer, I recken, ci they waz ta ketch nme yur drinkin' tha Squire's uvula; bet thur, they bc aul clai an' gene ver yors, zqe1I reru.on thcy want kanaw ort 'bout %vat be p te, tue 1 'ave a yur'd vokes zay that tha gesso'mini du waek 'bout yur- now sîlaîtinîns, but gestes'3 dauna vritea nie very much e daun bieve thur.ces zich theengs. Bel nz twuiî, cee ther ces, yurs tu thur vury gule uith," an' wie tha zaine e enitecd rip aiîuthur glass vule. Wuii, uow, o' koose, aul tha tiae that 'nd Oi thur tullin' tu ees-suli Lbeys yur tu burgilars 'ad bin mainhîl' crass ta w'aîîtîîther 0 ta wat thcy shiild u, anl' Ivin 'e înaiîîizhia'd 'bout gzostes, wli, 'c kedea a 7cd crI.beI.- 'hyjisF gi-d ini tiiîn výnr ta "Ptaltha kays yu'vea got ,en ta thic a il' o' mine,' ai' tuli rue Wur tha Squire kapes cO'5 muniny ta, wur tha Squire kapes c's munny te, noxv, anl' vu, yu theni, gent awn ta buid, uls l'Il aiv yur live wie wanl blaîz 0' nme V\lt." an' e usaz za vritend that 'c 'adclen The Neýw MethodA Treatmeât of Drs. I~ .bas reî,tored thousands of weak, diseased nrien to robust xnanhood, No niatter howmany doctors have failed Io cure you, gîve 0cr treatment a fair trial anid you wili neyer regret it. We guar. antee ail cases we accept for treatmienit. Net a dollar need be pald unless cured1 for yen cia pay after you are cured. Drs. K. & X. establjshed 25 years. We treat Varicecele, Nervous Debll- ity, Stricture, Blood Olsepseà, KIdneyj ~i Bladder and Urinary Diseuses. If un-. able te call, write for Quesi~tii Blan for r ~Ij c r home Treatment-C&sultation Freo. NOT ADOLLAR NEEDDE PAID UNL£SS CURFD. De. EN DY& EfA 148 Sholby stro DON'TREAD THIS. 4 Every Day is Bargain C ay At the Lumber Pepot. ~« We are still handling Best Brands Canadian SBrands Cedar and Plume Shingles, Pine and llemloek