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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1905, p. 3

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RU~31ft g[EKg__j~pu'g 1[R S Xeepyurblod den as e% 0epyou I ïe D r WVV iliL body ciras. YOu dou'i vwait ioutil your body is foui h-efore youcanse il. It'as nmaitcr o! arrietuat a po pe 0 aroe ocarefui to have clean Uoie.d ti n linke o, f,-i-tto ýCpthe blooti cIras. Everyoile -kniows thai unciranness breeds disease;i liat ihose wio do soi keep their botiesà in a -whloescrne condition and whoCZRA E JPN T MS dweli in filtiy annîoimdings are the irai to CA SE JPNSTItS fali wbeîî soute epidouic of disease sweeps A tiespatcb froin St. Petersburg the country. But fouI blooti is more dan- geous to the individual tuas a foui body, sayy: As a resailt of the meeting of An uicean body ls amter a passive tien thui Couiicil of Mifters hein at an active huîîtraîîce to healili. But uncleau TUsiirskoe-Solo on Tuoatiay, iinstruc- bloot islaan active ibreat againssithe very1 tions w cre telegrapli on Wednesday lif-it makes tie body a prpareti brerd- atront h usa nbsa lng- place for disease.atroo to te usinA as- It fa part of Nature'e plan for lhsa dors at Washington andi Paris te tic safcty that lu lsany cases wbere tic Iloot i ellet tint Eifissia la tisirous o! la imipure or corrupi aie sets a igu on the i, alnjing Jap-an',q pence condition. body in proof o! the eorupt carrent tiat la____ flowing tirougi the velus. - Scrofuia with A BIFFERENT STORY. uts disflgurng sorea anti scara,ezema wih lis irritation, sat-rienis, tetter, erysipelas, A desj- atch frorn' Paris says: Tic bouls, pimples andi otier emupilons are only St. Pet ersburg correcspondient of the tie outward signs o! tiheixpuriy of the1 blooti. But often in tic carlier or simplet 'Temnps says tint ns a î sut o!fie stages of the blood'a iînparityithere arc no couferonce at Tsatrslioe Soelo the par- outward sigria of ibis condtion; only du1, tisans' of peace are conisiderably dis- langaiti, luggisb feeligs, whîci are coun- co n !,,t vni. A war te tîhe bitter euti sntily attribateti solely to tle sluggislunesi oee of îhliver. - sfr-e. Of ail preparations for pnrifyîng tle Tiche its and American Ambas- blooti Dr. Pierce's Golden Medîcal Discov- saators tideîy tfiat -tbey have bon ery easiiy takes the irai place. It lintîn- chargocieÈ to talko auy stops toward aies front,île blooti the lements wlich iopcîîîîî,f .any îngotiations fer ponce. clog andi corraptiti, anti wbich breeti andi feed dsease. It acta direcily on tle blooti- YUT IIT NLO ON snakmng glanda, inecasisg ibeir acivity, OBIE IT NLNDN anti so increasiugtibe supply of idi, pure A despatch from Lonion says. '[le bil-oot whicl la tie life e! tie bodiy. st atement frouai St. Petersburg that 1""ccrpt no subttute for "Golden Mcd- I ussa is auxiena te lean Japan's leal Dscovemy."1 There is uohisg 'j ust asF gond" for diseasem of îhe scatonl, onitioïns o! peace isý not sUpporfet bleeti anti lunga1 . froi ny source la Paria or cIao- ers, la sent free on receipi o!fîuecn uan itrnnto to coutum tapunps topay customsa anti maiinug only. ighting at al resta is reassel-tet, e.ddress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, coupletl itb a report that the whoio - -western frontier of Ruasia wil l e dei-uiduti o! treop.9 te relaforce G en. TIE !FrrE 50 Linevitchi. BELLEVI LLE ROJFSTVENSKY'S REPORT. Business College, A desatch roin St. Petersburg Limltesi. 1s'ays: An offliaI report o! tiýc battlc Tralnîag-UNEXCELLED lu jnTsus-rhima Straits bias beon receix,- BokkeepIrg; Sbortianti; Tvpewritisg1; et fromî Admial Iojestveasky. .TaI Oie Work; Teiegraphirn, îd Rail- F1it hoe states tint ho was unconscieuq v ay Work; French anti Germas1o. owing -te bis wounids, whea ho wa E-very Departuslut a spoilt . reumovoti froa bisfl'agslîip, the Kninz JA. Tousaw, - llv e fJ rth Jeff ers. SaretaryfJ 1elOnlt i lJ'riresideuut. 'Suva-e!. ifUROII'S MOVE. AMoscoW, Juno 7.-lt la reported ïthat Gen. Kurol'i, whoe commranlda -71 the cîgit wiig o! Marshai Qysmas PR narinis îîîaking awitie tuuig VesUit lenans of Manufacturers,moel n- Etnguneis,;d otbers who realize the adtisabil- y e!hav ti rPaient business tlausacted RUSSASREUSD snotrat. 0c Inetfr'sAd 1f e, etoo Mouluaiaîand uon or,, .S.A. take O,,tario & Say of Quinte Steamboat Go., Mt. -Routa batween- Côb ourg- Ro hester- -Port Hope ,,NORTH KING" Commeflciflg May 2Oth. Lv, Cobourg, Ont........ .. 1 30 P. M. 1Port ilope, Ont.........233 Ar. Summervblle, N. Y. (Port eofIRochester) .........7.45 " NORTH BoND I 1Iv. Su'nmerville, N. Y. (Port o! Reehest43r> ........... 9.00 A. M. Ar, Cobourg, Ont...........I130 P. MI. Port Hope. Ont ....,... 2.3.1 1 Baggage oheekedt irough. Fuît in- formation from al G. r. R. agents, or ~E. 'l lorsey, Stott & Jury, Trafflo Manager, Town Tiocret Agi, Kngiion, Bowmaanvbla By Tender, T ENDERSwil ha receiveti upothîe T-s ib Ensf v s )x t by t i e ilîtle r si g netd Adla. Isîraitors of fise Estateef the laie John Code3, laIeý of lime vilage o! Hamptmn, Coaniy o«Dfur. baui, anti Province o! otîtrlo, for lie hollon-- No 1-,of as acre on Niiii Street, Hampton. 01 tib is h le ia roiiglîfratas hocco i anti liturey ,5X,11 t. mii satone cller.Alan frae DiVh ' zg Honie 25x30 fi i4 ft.i. gh wih atone stabfle unatter. No 2-20!, eres. Part of lot 15 os. 5, Pari inion. on ('l'aýsste of Segog Hast. ou ibis lt tueir ha a1frame Barn ioxW0ft16 ft fpo'sta A lsu bot actes o! oreherd tn good beeing Ne 5-beiag lots co 41. 42. 43. Prry Plan of patrt o!i aie village cfmiaptn. No -Con! se' o los 6, 5.81, 82, 5,51 85 sit ti. oat !EihuSt., Hampton. Coti tehig abut 4 acre. No -besg oi ae44"st 45 oui lIe w'est siteo! e - 4.tea3uiuc aiseframe lbouse 2.1X24 t fi etîr sorey ibîguuit l tone taller unîsue lesmi fîti Aine a iatue stalle 17x2 il 12 IL. osis. No G-2 iots ne si eut 38 No 7-ta cemioseti or one acre on fie sontî, vrest corîer of lot 23, Cou. 6, Daington, muar Inflie. On tiis ta a goot cime siorey ,framue bouse 18x22eami 15522 xilb kitchen 7llSfi. mush The fîlghmeal or esy tet ien soutîîecessarily aN sepie. 'or fumI.rter patiieîla sappiy tî ',. T. CuLsE lpo, P. O. or ta JAntES Me Lr-As, Boum nietirille, sctmtisnttors 23-4 W E M A RMaKa8 Anvoe 1uga kth ntidescription atay Ivni on iî l Irvaht'I'mrtie cntuie tiOc-nustircouueî li -sueononPtui seit fnee. Tleaere o aenugptna Patitn ukt bo.hMn o ecr 8erun, icn yî tu f,ýeU ." 1 la N -ff -adsuN~ Xr fracs l! e~ iflt. Wabiato,4C A udespach froîîî 1,paici froua tiho e Japanese n-mies iii pîublie on Weiuesa- "Tie creiîy'a i Tokio says: A (1e- ýatquarters eof the athe field, made .vr aifternoon, s~s nfantry, strengt Fash.ion ...Talk : FOR, SUAMER Sb'1OPI-'uhs. Vci'y nordl velvet pinî cusulonsa miucînigit serve for iiîcxpenalvo prises, are macle la caricature sihapos o! bleds or mon. Redi punps nith fini. silk ilbon bons are a neveîty. Chiilren/'s sauîd- a coenluitiie lilen, ftan icather anti se!tnose-colret kit. A coelui enmce for thlic raveler or picuieÉer is adnce of pigskinansd cea- iains a fiat tunîbier, a !oiding kaife, foldin;- fork anti folting conkscrexv. Seine very hlîsoitîo e -ut steelcut tus baie round dises o! bine andt goit enanuci in fie contýres, anti a tiing o!fie latter aleuuî thicenter e(lge. Th le ii'xvwest thiîîg in io on' a i l tie sitrap anud buckie fasttining. a rpionict sioe tieaier's xindoîv ces filuet niti ail kints anti celons o! n'onicus Oxfords, nihfbereo înrow stralîs amît uckies mtent e! but- fois qor laces. Theb Its o! leatier nnd sut- cons- inoct are vcry serviceable, suitcoe tan gucnt vunnles o! colon. Very cool anditfresi looking are fie cheiecvoiele frocks matie over lama. slips anu i serti geueeerusiy minis Valencinneuas. Tiese may le bat rcnniy-nadetin la evrai colori, auand ai-o juîitet fic iig teoea nJuIIne. A coiivenicuii ecpfacie for mli-- pis 1 a lonug, ovni shapet basket iuu china. The tuvo ides ainmost i cci and fiemi flanc aiuuptiy tovandthfie enuis. O! colors, bloc flreateus te le as iiiucli fie îrage as w as lu'own %iast xiuter. 'hein- aro sciverai pupular shates. botutjax y. sann' slianie o! royal, anti alice arce inoat lu iogue. Soine otit tisbies itu whic f0 serx'e ice creaienare b l-sItipcdu ninto!flino wh ite j crcu-iin, necorateti miti a cliuitor o! cih-rics. 'hiese cherrin-s are tincheci fo lIe disicas in suci a mantîee liai fi 'x appoerf0nele i- i, inl tih- sauors vw luth cornc i:r tIi' ettis. A frav ellintg lung w ici la one o! thei mou convclilenf thiogs in fie itni et î's sqîuare uandi titep aus(lmate lit-o a box nîi tte co-ýe- eincuuingat tic- centre. Ihi P lineti witi kit, and by mo a5 o! stmapa anti compart- ments tfliero aa flace for ail fie reqcuisifes o! a frai eling outfit. Tiný adsarcetdeep enonglu se fi-at bot- fIes mny iLe placet! iu tliestraps np- uigt, anitt hecovrnspace la utilizet for follet accessomuca?. Voylonug st- r renef nowini aaiotndth fi rond lungtI akrt o, firîs uc a 7 I--,iii, at us )le x'cex jol atfLie, boýit-n nins 1.,- eiliyainpuc ai tic ce ntrle Wo!fie >fPeace. flot mnentioned, attacked Machatun, two miles north of Weiyuampao, early in the moruing of Monday, but wore repulsed. "The samno day our, force, -which had advanced to Shahotse, nine miles east of Chantu, disiodgod the enemy heading for that vicinitY, and'occu- pied a neighboring eininenco. A portion of our cax alry drove the enemy iiorthw ard toward Chichia- Vzu, 15 m il s nortb of ICwangping, and Machatuin, severi miles east ofi Chipatuni, and our troopa occuPioti their vicini tie.9" IIATTLESiIUP RIDDLED. A despatch from To'Ao says: A corresgi ndnt lbas been permiittut to inspect the Itussian battlos;hip Orel, now l.,ing at -Maizuru. 'Iho "rel re- ceived a terrible battoriung. 11cr bull shows forty gapinig holes, pierced by large shelîs, ant n y srmalcr, where she hai been bit, whuilo the superstructure, lber uper -work, s anid uppor docks \xere ridolled by shclls, steel fragments and splaters. The starboard forwa.1d 12-incli gun was sm"lshfd ton feet from tho muzze, ectber by shoîl or by explosion. -A fragment of the gun wcint over tbe bridge, smashing the rail, anid after carrying away the breech of a 12- p<yun(deî, burioti itself in the signal locker. Froni the nmain dock upward the condition of tbe vessel was tei- rible to bohoIri. Steel partitions wore sirrasbet, the gangway was broken, nnd stanchions wrockcd. Gear of '.arious kinds covero.d the docks, anti the state of the alley- ways shows that thesbp ae aro seweral times. 'tbe mark of the flames incroaseti the scono fdooa tion. TIhe main arinor boit is in- tact. 'The turret armer gonoraily withstood the battering from holîs, aithougli twuo!o tho 6-inchtrrt woro reonderot iiserviccab eby shots wbich struck close to thcir base. Sev- oral sutaller gn were disminoti anti smashed. A gruesomne sight was a bull heat I bspatte!ïoti with blooti, fragnicnts of filesb ami hait'. The Ore1 Js sound strurturalIV, ai- though itfiwill bho necossary to. prac- ticallyverconstruct hoer from the waterlinc up. The condition of the ship shows thiat the, crew unidcrweiit a terrible ordeal before they surren- 1 &red. are iscet at fie' back çkit, i velv et ribbon ani-i are shirret antid ooia the front. Little fichcu capes anti tiuîy bolorý1os are seen over tua feocks andi linigerie waista, andt many o! the cents are matie w fili short sleevee te show tic olaboraf ceullbeiow. 1Wîti these, aise, is very gomiraiiy mon tie loung wrintieni giove. A staterooni bag, i i brasa eyc- lots ande!hooka witi wiicb te fasten if te flhe door, la mate o! nalural linea or- Ilowereti cretonne bounti niti tape or uibhuu. Tic bag coul- talns four pockets, anti icops for botties. Gils ceho cas afford mny of fie beaiilifuul anti oxpensive shirt n nai.t will ho interestet infaboxes la wbici le kcep thSn. Some o! the non' ones1 are ruverot with pietir c iatzo-s anti cretonnes. These boxes are srrangoti on a table se thnt tbey will pull eut lit-e dmnwees. NEW BE!ýLTS AND GIRDLES. Evcry dy aec snon'girdile. Th2 rev1iva-l o! quaýint E1totilstyles Lis sait te lerensbe for soinse!ofif; bat, as n ý uuatr e netbere's aiîuply a fat for' th ifr ihy are juat as mucb worn vifi every otier sort o! suit asti droýs. If la reaiiy fie na- turai outcelue of tic uliquitous weene- ing o! blouses. A girtie tint matches th.- blouse ienigfbcus tie, Waist lino; andi (ne tint matches fie iri shorfejis if; and, as a lrmtg-xiaisteti olP-ct is emn- ,eutiy te bcdesiret iIn the-e tinys e! stuaigitfiernt corsets, tic girtie mole efien matches blouse tin si-fn. Somnetiiuîesiftees scnitier, tht il, exactly. For instance, fion'ered girdle.s, are if not whute, like fie blouse, anti se contfinue ifs leiigth o! line r aflier fîn t-ic slzirt's. 1- oweed anti coloreti girtiles are wnom uîost o! ail, thougi, , xiÎh' ress- os ratier tisa wifi separafe blouses. Exquiaite floweret ribions nî'c coru I tidswrethin- like an oit fasiionoti Sansi, or immdc up Pute a ahirreti girnile, or, piriaps, flîto souncfiing between fie fao, xiii a short bow (sonicfimes îîotig buf kîxofa anti ouaIs) set ati fie lunch o!fie girdie., F lou oretisilk boita, ctigeti n'ti leafier--n bite or a tioliente shateofo piuik or blue-are new, andi are worn miii bIodlles nici are cou el-ct iti IMFORTANT TO MRIA~EO WOM'EN Mrs Mary Diminic!4 of Washington talla HowLyiE. Pirikham's Vegetable Compoui M ad6 e Uer WeUl. If is withi grre" t plea"tsure we plIl!,Ili theý loloi ltter's, as bhey eavie-5 ingiy p)roýve the aim vwc have se mantiy fîme maie-iirse clmas iliaf Mrs. PlinkbaRn. of byna. Mass., la !uily quali- fletito& giva helpfnLl eAvice tosickwoman. Read LMrs. Dimmices letters. Uer first latter. Dear Mrs. Pinkham Il[I have beeuî a sufferer for tie pat rigil years with a troublhe wbich firai ori-inaten,' from painfulmnsrato-tepains were excruciati, wiii iifammation anti miera, tien of the wm.Tho doctor neya 1i must bave an opeýratien or- Icanet ilvo. T1tdont iriaite osubit te a opratnif T can oa bly Vvoid ih. iplease beip rme,"-Mra Dimnmick, WDigtn . C. lier sacconti letter; Drar Mms. Fnkiam adtoiiel "You--wLlrememberimy cniimwe last w-ute you, andt that the docter said I mnuît have an operation or 1 cold net live, 1 recesiveti your kInti letier anti foliowed your 1ativice very card! nly anti ani now enturei- mail, As msy case iras 20 serions ih 2eems L miracle tbat 1 ain cûreti. I know tint I ow&- neut oniy ny heati lut my life to Lydia Li. pinkbami's Vegetahie Compounti anti toyour ativice. T can walk iles wittiout aunace 0o- a pain, andt i velavery suffemlng womas woult readthiis letter anti realize what yen, 5.. Cedofo he..m -Mca Mary Bimnenic SO9, 0<O<> 1~~Co~I3 IYOUNG FOLKS b-O-O-GO G0-O>C(-O-O-O>&C-O-OOO-0-'oO Constance ani Tommýy about the brook >which ïmn i unde !ýr tne big hecch- trocs anti ncross the pasturo. The wator froni the, pond turnied the wheeis of the mil, anti emptioti into Miii Brook. There was a big, soliti gate to keep the water in the pond. ilion the millor wanteti to grinti corn into yellow mieal the gate woaid be hoistoti, the wateî- woulti rush out, the whei would begia to turn; anti thon tho brojok, wicih usually fiowed s0 quietly over the rocks, aniong the altiers anti under the bridge w oulti bocome a tierce, rushing stronm. Xhen tuis bappenoti, Tommry woulti cali ont, "Constance, -Con-- stance, the miii is going!" anti both the chiidren would runacarosa the pasturo, anti watch the nator corne ieaping dov.n over the rocks. At the bottom o! the pasture wiere the b6eochtrees grcw, at the otige, o! the brook, w as a sandy littie covo, anti bore the children playot i a rua- ning, a milI. Tommy woulti take the littie woo(lon pail grantîma hati given hia, anti bring a pailful of poubles for corn, anti Constance would play that she was the mi lier, anti turu tie pebblü.s onlt anti filthe pail with il 'lnsifor moal. 1"I wisi1I coulti lollow the brook," Constance woulti say, as tboy playoti noar- the-' big rocks, niere the streamr turnot ai-i flowed undor the altiers, acrss~ gvoafelf~uutio te-htghi wootien bridge, anti thon wantiereti among big rocks, until it onîptieti into tlîe bay. "Some day, whca the il isn't going, we wili," aruswereti Tormmy, beldiy. Que warin summer day, when Tom-i my was tireti o! sailing bonts in the little cove, hoe saiti, "Comne on, leî'a foliow the brook.- If you want; to -effay viorusheal th take They rre a verite.ble short eut to la.sting eýnd perfect health. pWeiared ouly luy tile proppleter, THlOMAS RZEtIAlII Kt. Helemfl utglau& Soid Everywhei-o in Canada and U. 8. America. In boxes», 25 cont.. TO KILL, VICE-PRESIB)ENT. Luseafic Tircatens flic Li!e o! MmI. Fairbankrs. A YFlint, Midi., despaf cisanys:- Wiile aîd-essiug a cromu f to! tay thousant persouis on Weduesday af- terne on Vîce-Presitit Fairbanks wans iuterrîspfeti y James MeConneil, anti savot frem ,possible injnry or rlnath by tîree Detroit dteoctives, wio tireîv McConae oiithfe plat- te a police station. A mol follewed the naggen, cianîoring for MeCon- ueii's life. Me. Fairbanks bat jnat fînishet a sentence cehicli breugit a Inraf o! appiause, mien McConneli matie ai tisai ton ardthf e speaker. Ïslarugiht hati rested n fais pocket caare volver covereti mith rust, wiich con-1 ftainet a 82-calibre cartritige. Social- andi EnstCapitol Simeets, Vashington, b. C.' WY donu thticbridge?"aketi isi dcmnaieefut n hm Hew easy it was fer Mrs. Dimmnick tn Constance,.as n'e as sevorai carteitigea. ]Joc- write to Mrs. Piakham ai Lynan, 1Mass , " Ye," ansu cîct Tommy. "il fors wiii examine McConni to- anti how ifitile it coat lier-a two-ccnt take tic pail, bocause, we'il go homo morron'. stamp. Vetho-,vnluablowasthereply:! by the rond, anti l'il take n big MeConnel la saiti to bave been con- AsM[us. Dimmicla ays-itsvet ber lifo. stick and go ahoati, anti fiat places finet lu sevoral insane asyluma. lie Mes. Pinkham lias on file thousants for yen to stop." amîucceetietinla scaping from fwe, anti of jixat sucb letiers as the above, ané Constance boîti ber cleasu gfîgiam wns reinaseti from one several weeka offers ailin-g women heipf la utice. dresa up se tint it woulti nof get ago. He renciet ton shertiy a! ter aplasieti, andti tby startet out. One fie Vice-Presiticnt's train arriveti - - - -~ ~or two feega boppeti up on n big fiat bore. Hie followvot the cneîiage which flhe Inafior. Thle boita are rather rock anti croakoti n littie, but tie Me. Fairbanks occupieti in tic parade wid--eouh t cushdon itoa ciiltieîî iti not hear thoran. h andtihti police noticeti bis actions. witc-eiouh t crs-lowniluo " our graîîtimotber wl e At the station MeConnel oxpresseti narrow line tt the bnck. 'prisoti wioa we get homoe anti tell bis tisnppointmeni o! failiiîg to Cide res lhihi atc, wil rall tic way we've boni," saiti carry ont bis sciemo. lHe was sîight- belt ar lo, wichis he ostConîstance, ns fiey ivatict round tic1 ly intoxicafeti, but ho was emphnfic markcti diflerentce oweutiem. For big rocks anti "scoochot" dowa te in bis tieclaraf ion that ho woulti yet iceather b,'lt; anti suk irtiios tra:dc escape tic overinnging branîches. t succeet inlakîliing Me. Fairbanks. naturesn'ith apparent uncoucoîn, aud "S'posn the miii shouiti tart np!" beconse icather grilsanti silk boita, i _T+_îyatdny or mix up, witiout "0 Tommy, what wouid wo do?" FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. regard to their caace.aid Consanuce; for te tic liff le g-irl Mrs. Winslow's Sootlîîng Syrup has enso! th i c entiergieilesare ticeîrushî of tic nater doien fie quit br ,t y îlloî o ohr o triime wih bttos cvorti itistreasa was n dangerous anti fearfuil foecite ii tig fds tho ontir, nti onyo! tem !ateu tbng.turled iat aight andi broken eof--"u n'ith tic harnes uki o'e on I onîy sait 's'pose,' "replid -asikcItafern ucr- for y ars, anti somoiý,-ow cat, î't sem Tommy. "Doe yeu thiak aaybotiy f g th pa1 sckin o! uiîsig Taind tiy le get aloug nWitioutl. Sete onit orewadied downa fiabrook.before,i et nceaniogf a tti e e! "Mu-a. narrow boîta, are iiatde o! ticsanme Constance?" Wiusiow'sSootliîing Syrup- fer Chli- sert of lestions th1ithti new wist- "Lct'a idrry, Tommy-"aniti Con- dren Teetifg. If ii reli*eve the baga anti purses are îîîadce f-seft, stance. 1orlti ufrrimdaey e mnottieti kintis, w tî nîmosi a change- J nat tîoîîtitre canme a rusîiîîo- d poo lit, suflerhe eiy no abloellfect, green anti lau entier, bîcie souni frein iecas. Round tic curve:pn p.If ohr, oe1 1 anti green andstviolet anti blue being la tic streari, ont from niter tic mieZuatke abote . tmch n diaroea flie jnost. popular.- - altiers, andti ibre ivas ticgreen Ifid rgits ti tmc1at ee A variation o! tie siirred grleie andtihfe siopiug shore; rigit nient cures iiat Couic, soltens flue G ura, sbirred a intervahs al the way w as tie big wooton bridge. Tomreducen Inflanmmation, anti gives-tene eouti, re e!gaier pt "inrey, Constance!" ale omy Enti oaergy to tir whoie systtrm. faouldi ea lw ofgacame îfiputi _Mrs. Wnsiow's Soothing Syrap for in wt iny "piucî-îoatdiing."lfor 11k if beilidcmeternafing hltri Threceor four rouva are set as close 1aeat osac nrei hi.trhlg1 laatt i togeiher as possible, andte paceber foot siippeti, anti sant solitily 'taste ant islatir prescription of one bewe tegopso o saies iown ila alalow pool. o!fie oldesf anti lest fomale physi- bromtw te fi e rupao! osvares Tommny pulle liber te ber feet, anti clans anti nurses ia tise Unitedi Shidti nlboî are matie ap into kept close boit o! lier haut. Tic States. Prîce twcuty-fivo cents a thepeetiei itîe grtiea ti abt-brook began toelucinf liff le tîdes bottie. Soit by al truggists flîrougi- thepretist itte irdesth,-hd-about thiit'feet; but sexy bore waa Ioutfthe n'ontd. De sure anti ask for ing biog ail o! ose color. Or two, a chnce te sci-emble asiore, anti as eMrs. isow's Soofuing Synup.". or evon tbroc, shaties o! a celer arc ticy reacicdth fe bank ticeuater titche totether anti matie Up. came swiftly tiowan iti iiitle wmite Tiheîîcwesi huckles o! silver or golti huila o! Ioam-upon uts terrent. PERMANENT CORPS. are brontier tian ln- a slittie 'M!"gset1r-Na whn -u more 'broadti tns qaeat are twe rblt figures came fate bler In Case o! NýeedL Forces May Be just wltcbanda ofMet a' ioft on- cleati kcen. .Raised te 5,000, Men. tiroiy pjauin, for ribbo)n nîarking o! "Wýe've boon folloning the brook," nOtw epac as-i your iutiaIs, ou ongîaved lu oit sait Constance. A taa dsae as-.h Englisi faslîionî iuy baud(. Tien graîîtmotber smîloti "Wiy " Governmîcîi have tecid tic ot increase Linon ni.d pique bi)>ta antri girdies sic sait. "tiat'a just wiat your tie permaunent strengt o e! ti er- are leglojn, ouritee in bilti c-_ mother osedti t do wben sic mas a maneut militia corps ti 5,000 mlii. broitiery or in tic b Iroderie Angl-aise littie girl, anti your grantimotier, This tocs îlot meana, fiugi, thiat patterns, wiici seitn te have tîurne'ul 10," aie attot. 4,000 more aiea are au ence te o [tic ombof tory n'ont upsitie douvn. en orolicti, bat it tees mens tintounr Soi-e o! tieclceverest bave f iny WHEAT A& FOOT HIIGH. permanîent tefensive force may le la- ,,mntci pockefs (tie ides loroweet crensoti froua ifs presen, strengti te froua, leatlier bei,,ts) o i e ie Canatian Pacifie Railway Crop five thousanti o! ail renka eitber lhis witha smal, flp t buton ownReprt.yca, ,nerf car er ex on.inter, ns ne- witi a sint,"a ndlip ebuto o mnmzn A spth 1Rom rt. e syýccssity requiros. Tiose 5,000 iaen fie danger o! loaiugif. Tliurstlay's crop report o! tic Can.[ thus-rled wl editiue JUST WHAT £EIRYONE SHOULD DO. Mr J. T. Barker o! Irwinville, Ga always kgeps a boule of Chamberlain's Colle, Choiera anti Diarrhoea -femedy at banti retid i for instant uze, Attacks of colle, choiera morbul suad diarrhoea corne on so suddý'clY il î t there b no timri to bunt a dector or go to the store for medicine. Mr Barber sa' s: 11 have frîed Chamber'ain's Colle, Choiera and i Darraoea Remedv whtch ls one of the best medicines 1 ever saw. 1 keep a boýttle of it lu my room as I have hati severai attacks of colie and it bas.proveci to be the best medieiue I ever useti." Sold by ail druggists. ELFE FOR RIER CHILD. YMrs. Buzzle, Killed nt Cherry River,Qubc A despatch huf S-o:! oouQue., sa s: Nos bs 1rc1Ahtihere of a terrible accident that nccurred nt Cherry 1Piv r onon nt,.uiy. 1Mes. i nef- s Puzzle scnt two o! hec <ýhildrien out to play , ald a f v-, minute-s Inter [bo y ouiier. a ir;r tot, wansilu the injititilo f tho rati. ay ini peril of bei ra ovcr by a tcm ouicarri- ago tînt v~~'î nu î~na ainPacilic i-ailway notes, rapid groîvtb iuring the weck, sonloc points sta-tiulg that the grain bas dion three inchos lu about as many days. A liberal supply of muisture an'd f a-- orable xether conitinue to contri- bute to the vigorous maturing of the, crop. Iu orily seattored instances are untoward conditions reportoti. X orkton branrb shows the mosi ad- vancoment, the \wheat bing reportoti as eigbt, ten an'd twel'.o juches high at Birtle, Iluisol a"nti Yurkton. Eczea atd.,oroul Seven MilUoboxeuns soila npas 12 months. ('svaley.... ........... 1,350 Artiiiery ...... ........ ..1,100 Engluxeers.......... ...... 300 Iifaufry---------------....1,200 Aeîny Meticai Corps... 150 C. A. S. C,... ... ... ... 150 Ortianco Corps.........150 4,400 Leaviug 600 iianfo spare. Tie disproportionî o! cavalry teo r- ALLA LI1N E IJVERPOOL AIND LONDONDEttiti ROYAL MAIL STEAME RS. Frcrn MONTRIt.AL. Frorn Quebea Ilavarlan ........Friday, Jane 1i8th. i a m. Victria........" Joblyht, 5 .30 ar. -4h.9,-a rn Vir'ginianl...... ...." 2111,8 fa.rn. Tuuisian .. .....280~, 9 arn, F1,81 Cabin-S75', andi upwards, aecording te steamer: SeconaCabln, Liverpool an-i Lon- douderr4495.0$45, $4750. London $21W extra. ThIrd Oass, ?27.50, Victorîan andi Virginiaz% $28 75. MONTRE AL TO GLASGOW Direct entau .... ..Wednesday, June 14, (dayiight) SONTREAL TO LONDON AND HAVRE. Porneranian May 27th-Sardiuian Jue 102L,, Oaly one class carrieti -2nd Cabla rate $iO. NEW YORK( TO GLASGOW Nurnidian.*,**,Tbnraday, May 18ch, 10 a. niý For Ticketii and Every Diformnation Appl tem A.. JAMES, Lake Ontario, Naviîgation Co., Limited. SIR. ARGYLE Newcastle and Bowmanville To Toronto. - Service in effect May 23 and every Tuesday and Friday after 'that date. Leaving Newcastle at 63ua. M., Bowmanville at 7.10aam, Osbawa nt 8a. m Arrivîn-- at Toronto at 111D c m, Fare s Newv 75î, ( T-ickets mby v lee fE the season upon aýppica'ià and pa-,mentcf 35e al Freigbt sollicited & tIed prompt. ]y andi carefully. M lealE or stateroom accom modation ai teasonable rates. For fxrtbcr information apply te H. CANN, Agent, B owrnanville. relieveti o! the congestion of cars from S outh-western Manitoba, w hile the miain lino botwoon Winnipeg .. nd Port Arthur will li-, freeti of the hantiling lack of the trains of emnpty cars. The now link wili extenti front Emerson, at the boundary, to Vas' sar, on the miain lino between Winniý peg anti Port Arthu.% anti adjacent to the border,.it is exp-cted Chat the lino will ho reatiy for the wbeat rush of 1905. CUBAN DIARRHO0EA. U. S. soldiars who -serveti in' Cub-a during the Spanish war know what ibis disease us, anti that ordinary remedies have litie more affect than sù rmîech water. Cuiban diarrhoea bu ai- mosi as severe anti dangereus as a mild attack of choiera. Tbora is oneremedv 1 howavçir; tiat can always be depemideti 31upon as will le seen by the !ellowing -certificate frons Mrs. Miaulie Jacobs of iL Hoston, Texas: 'l iereby ceitIfF 1 tat Chamberbaln's Colie, ChoIera and Diaru hoaa Romedy cureti my husband of a severe attack o! Cuban tiiarrhoea, icihah brouglut home froîn Cuba. We lad several deetora lut tlýer did hlm ne go. Oie bottle o! bis renîedy cured i m, Ps our neigh lors wili bih! y. I thank Got for so valiu-ble a medi- !ie " For sale lv ail druL-gisli'. ARM TATTrOOED WITI- DATEFS. tiiiery anti in!auute. is expiainet by 1 Tic arni o!f i kin'îLondton tie fneftnttihecavaley figuîres. in- gentleman migith Li etsci a s clatie 900nmocu. ted rihîes. n geîeaiogical tfi-e, for lu la rapitiy beiag coxerec itmii atslaaddi- tion te is ena antI b-is 'fo birft NE R IL AYLi dtes andtihfe recrd o! iioenharri.- CanaianTiotier Deite ~age, ho iafie naie atitiae o! fie Candin Nrtern Deide o liri i o! oaci of bis cltra Important Link. A -Winnipeg tcspnfc.î aays:-ThiC. N. IL lia icidoti on fie contunction i o! thbe nosf impor tant lino, !rom a -éL G'a E uS eny strafe-gie ataiudpoitut, tint ia bee- ~A positive cur aloraso underfaken since tiheasf m e 'o t , Sexa ekos etla ifs planîo! aeenuigece.iuf. A-s a ro stusAmn inra rin Worry, J1!a a, Sper. suit, by fie soasor o!fie nient î-ush uzaorouha, .fuajoeency1 Effect. o!Abus.e or E Xcess, ail o! mibc rat te Ci-oumotion, tic, traffic cf allicshe 'et r nlirauAty, In6aniy eariy grave. Pnice linos n iii have beea divcrtod freiom pe pkg,*i for $', One will ploase, six miii w~~~~~ iî.pgt ouemr iet [,ytare. Seitly ail tuûggists orinailotd in plain Winipe toa rutemor caec package on recciot of priee. Writ ef or Pamphlet. 25 miles. Tic local yards w 11l e l'îe Wood i Md!,GlnO Ce..Wlaflaer, OnfarIo. CueDrPý III eTaI~tse i 'lhe a il --A --l ut r.7

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