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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1905, p. 4

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IT'S lU THE A 18, Everybody .knoýs 1ing, inside or out- about SAWP.Its side success is in the T HE air, t gains fame for itself xith eve-ry gallon that's spreadi on a house. Uniform good quality has given it a popularity ,greater than any other paint oia the market. When you want to'paint a build- SOLD BY and more econo- ically than, any other. It will wear longer, look better and cover 'more surface. It's a paint wîth a reputation fou nd- ed on menit. Ask us for color cards. I WVarm Weather Goods will interest youý. Our- stock of: Gasoline Stoves, Sereen Doors, Oul Stoves, Window Sereens, Hammocks, is niost complete. We invite your careful inspection. Opposite Post Office. Phone.<6 Sprngis 1-ere With her warmi sua and twittering bircts and Spring suits wil soon be the order of the day. What more itting then than to go and bc photographed when you are looaing your best. Why not drop in one of these Spring days at Tait's & Co's Studio, opposite the New Post Office, where you eau be sure of a gIood likeness, satisfactory work and right prices. When the day is very bright wo shut out some of the 1,4ght and when duli we lot more lîght in on our subjeet so you see that any day wili do-Children's photos are a specialty wlth uis. Bring along the little ones. Opposite New Post Office. T T & C . -mmuu JEWEL PAINTS Must have more merits than others. People don't express a preference withotut ample reason. **.çz The Tewel paints, whieh we selI more of than any other kind, ave many good points to reo- mIend them. If you have paint ix 1 eaLs eyou and the re sui t will ! ~ .~- shiow you why tb.ey are so ) popular. Our stock of PaÏrît and Kal~ smebrashes is compiete. V'JU W. H,. DJUSTAiN", The FiIIing of Prescriptions Is one of the inost important branches o! tic Drug Business-probabiy the most important. We invite your linspection o! our "Prescription Room" whîch is one o! the cicaneet land best equipped for dispensing purpcsc s, tint is 10 be found anywhere in the country. Ail prescriptions are fillcd by our Qualifi.ed Piarmaciets whose watch-word always is Accuracy and Purity We want your Prescriptions. Prompt attention given to Phono Orders. Ring up No. 92. Bg'ODuKU aMa MIICjHELL & CO.y, Chemists, Druggists and Opticiens, Phone 92. Bowmanville. DONAL~D G. M. GALBRAITRI. Barrister, Sollettor, Notary Pulic. etc. private and Company moue y g 10 an at owest entrent rates. Agent for The Mjdland Loan and Savlngs Comp any. Office oppoite J. B. Martyn'a store, Klng9, St. Bowman ville. 22-tl WooIWanted 1-tli he tToi-rto price in cash ,for nu. 'wse wO rec from legs. Aiso tb ghest, .ce fer -waelhed fleepe. 4elivere<l et the emt. N WouIen Mille, Hamptou. ~'Tl M. TAYLORl. PtopritOf~ What do Yu Know?. Do you knuw that after a Siiort- hiand or Commercial Coure wth us o re sure of a position at $L&4JO aue upwards per rmonth Rsea starter ? Send us a postal, !th yonIr name and address, and nw j..u ais enoutel. uniin Bulsines Uoi eup, 1 [I, 4 RiObmond St., East, Trno ,,*.a.J, Ersncipai. III 1! "c stands 10 roceive lie greater benofit two horse power fias been applied fr rrom conferonce ooming- b Bowmen villeoyhyle power-usors In the lwo towns sext vear. One reason Ivhy weshoald alone. - ~tipualyie tuhextbt-iy oner eace here is liaI in ail buman probabil. Soe Thuoàa ndI Coughe lty 11ev. J. J. IZe will ho lie nex t PreQ' A eaimple, effecti-vc und pale r-cmcdy for ail throat dena ad being a Wst Durheinboy it irrtaionaisfîouzain Wo-U.ld-b6--a- fo zn umelle 10- ,> wAniL«Optaîý Tmb. - hanpen n neanr bis ni hom n d la the~ cbirtch wbere ho spent threc moal iappy )..soohin p oi~ f lippery rlm sud liceoi. years Au nîs pastora&e Bowmauville. The Calladian SttesMRi bave Meimberi pe&tialyleetedZthAl BOWMÂNVILLE, JUNE 14, 1905. old plan nf the couuty parlient bein- composed of lthe m&eors and reeves t! Wouid il be any wonder were oeverail te Ontýrio LegiJstature et its neit, coi F.rvrtivcee in t¾e Ontario Legisiat- spssion w~ill amen d the Muniicipal Act in ure to boit we Premier Wý%hitne -y set oral1 p&rtiuulars we thinik now is aý turnied. thom down for Frank; Cochrane favorablid lime to discus.q lis question tbe new M1inistor of Lardb' and lMines -,in the eoienlC¶ pres The June sesisionis who bas no5ver hoeld a seat in tLeHo use? wili 5ffQrd present U. C's an opportuluity Azain. if lion. Mr. -,Cochrano is financ- to discussi1. We should like to receive laliy interested in New OJntario, shoul1d shor t, snappy loettersý from th ose quaiifigd ho be put in a position to use bis public to give an opilliGo. Wbîch la lthe better office to advunnce bis nwn ubUsiness ? way of electing1- coun-ty coanciliors 5tnld wh3? __1______? Lot us al rejoice and feel glad bo- Parents are often indifferent or ig-nor. cause Nature is once more don ning ber Rtthe Iaw demending attenldance aummor dress. Thte wermer woathe3r et achool of ajil ciid reýn of chool age. o! the past few da', s bas caused vogela- One citizen waai sumumonied by the tion 10 burst forth rapidl -v Fruit trees8 truant officer before P. MI. orsey las- ara in blossom, the feul wheet is begin weok ýwho was reluclantas boeis a labor- ,jing tb look quite strong' and green, ing -man, to impose a fine of $20, as hoe the bey crop is promising. pastures bave might çdo, so aliowed hlm to. go on already a weiîh o! grass, and alto. suFpenoed sentenice, bis future action to gethor pro&pects for a gond crop are in determino lhe action of 111e court. The evidence State providos that overy child shahl have an oducation and parents muat bc We again invite attention of farmers hold reibponsible for sending their cbild- ini West Durham to ennual meeting of ron tb scinol during lhe rh î uirod timo Fermers' InstitutoeatOrono next Set- urdav, Jnne 17, et 2 80 P. nm. Why ail Bownlenville's" new poat office is sgid fermera in lhe district do flot join tho by tie officiais wvio have had to do wilb InstiLute wo do not understand It ta the publie works of tiie post office conducled entirelv for fermera at con- departmenl to blite model post office sidereble oxpenso to lie Provine and of Canada, regard baing had to ail should ho of practicai intorest and the conveniencos and internai oquip. bentefit to evorv one who attends tie ment. Saturday week the Torontc meecings This meeting la for busi- Globe gave an illustration of it with a ness. receiving reports o1 officers and portrait and sketch of, Mr. J. B. Fair- olection of samne for onsuing yoar « Lot bairn who bas been longer postmestez there ne.a large allendenco to show than any other man ini Canada so fat that the change in place o! meeting as known . We are now in recoipt of à wes not a misteke. communication from the sp6ciai Cana. dian correspondent of lie Utice Salut- day Globe of Utice, N. Y., asking foi Our town looka vorv prolty and per- more particulars about Bowmanville'î bapa more prellv homes in a town o! ils model building and veteran postmaster. aize is not 10 ho found in Ontario; but s0 liat our town la gettinz more tien a we have a fow indifferent ontes wiose provincial repulelion throughitis fini told to tldy up their bouses and sur- public buildings and worthy citizelis. rndnga mer the appearance o! tbeir- sîreet. We shaîl not use nrames, but Excursions are usually taken foi tiey siouid feel eshemed 10 be 8v6- pleesure onlv, but lie Fatrmers' In. soros in their locellîr. Il la the con- sîllute excursion 10 Ontario Agri dition of individuel homos liat malles culturel College et Guelph on Pridaý the generel appearance. Visitora are June 28rd will zivo both pleasure anc continuelly coming and our ambition, profit. Indeed, we know of no othex should ho. every one of us, 10 help 10 excursion that givea 80 greet returni make and keep Bowmanville the for the oullaY, a ýery amali outley con preltiesl residentl town in Canada. sidering lie1 long distance travelled Our new public buildings are a feelure an opportunity of stayîng ovor 10 nexi Ihat ail are prcud of, so Jet us make lieý day et Guelph, or coming back as fer ai resl of tbe lown look ils be3t. Toronto and sponding Friday nigi and Selurday in lie city, as many Boys enu aid their mothers and persons do every year. Teke a fuI] Bilers greellyin lie effort 10 make and lunch basket for tee on lthe relurn, keep onrtlown looking nico, end .in You gel a free lunch et the coilege or, winning for il a gocod name. We ail arrivaI-aill 'vont cen eat and drink like mhe boys, bless their. briZht cheer- Take our advice-Give tré boys ani fui faces, and frorntthe youngest 10 the larger girls a holiday on June 23 and a oldest cf them, tiore's iardi-y anyliing couple of dollars oaci to -enjoy lii we would nol do 10 beip them 10 win grand dey's nuting. Ail parliculars are success or 10 make them happy; and we contelned ln an adverlisement tin.n wish tbem. as tiev grow np. and leave olier columu. the deer nid homes, an(l go ou ntobthe world, ail sorts of prnsperily. Partic. Opinions differ widelv among gond iearly do we like lhom wben lboy are mon respecîing îow to increese cînret gond bnys-not goody-goody boys, but membership. Allihe Disciple Conven- gond, earnest manly boy s; as most of lion bore lest week strong ploas werE une town boys are. But there are a f ew advaeced for adoption of modern meti. boys who are nol makifig gond use o! oda 10 secure lihe desired growth, whilE their opportunities, and the question etthe Montreal conforence of Methodisi cones wiat cen bc donre for boys whio churcli e Ottawa Rov. E. G. HuxtablE are not ambitins to tise ln lie world ? and Pvev. E. Thomas are reporled aý Cilizens, lhink ot-er tuis problemn and oaking ia fevor of a retuirn 10 primi- lotus know our conclusions. tiemeid i huc or."iti i ie imovfle maciinerEwol cilizons Who came lu contact wilh.ï'h ai - ruEasiedarciotes. etc.,t he dologetes btic Dý isciples Coniven- rs~igsiiulbenefils dlo not cum- lion must have beený pleased witti lie pnre fa, orabîywîvtiitie old lime metiods feelings o! satisfect;on tiey univeraaliy adoptod by our fetiers, and by which expressod over their recoption àad the as mnaay- as 9,000 new memiers were provision mrade by 'the local brelirenaedded 10 olbtodismn in one Noar, " said 'and sialors- for thoîr comforl., They Mr. 1'îxtable. Mr. Thomas depreciated said lhey nover enjo',ed a Juno meeting Epworth Leaguos, conlending liaI 111e more or received 'warmor greelings beague pledge, la in lie nature o! e fetter The weicome extended by bis Worship predelermining tis linos o! spiritual tbe Mavor was ver y cordial and cilizens developmnenl and thernby hindering the genoraliy echoed the sentiments of lie wnrk o! lie Holy Giost. citi Id ddress by Iheir courtesios and_______ generous &iospilelity. We belleve overy visitor loft ont town carrying a la ticohol e poison ? Mrs. Tins. favorable impression o! lhe Place and boar, Prosident of lie local braci o! its people lt waa a great pleasure te lie W. C, T. U. has cailed our attention enterlein them and tiat pleasuro was to tie opinion o! Sir Frederick Treves enhanced bv their expressions o! set- wio geinea a world-wide repulaliea iqfaclion in rosolulion of convention through bis successful attendanco on and bw word o! mouth, Their presence K'ing Edward in is serions ilîness, on did n3 gond and tie severel eble and lus old question, "AIl alcobol," lho edif3 ing addresses dol ivorod wili, wo said "ifs dîstincly a poison, witi ertain trust, bear gond fruit lu more useful uses lue oter Poisons, but limitations and holpf ai livtis. The Disciple Con- on ils se sbonid ho as st.rict as on vonlion o! 1905 will linger witi ont arsenic, opium or strychnine. Il was a citizeas as a pleasant memory dtttionslv insidious poison. produciag ___________effeets wic seemed to lho only reiievod by takiag more, a remark wic applied Seldom if ever has Bowmanvilie audi- 10 another insidious poison, morpie or ence had lie opportunily o! iearinZ a opium," If litote oxisîs aay furlier botter address tien was delivored O11 doubt, lot lie crowded prisons, lunette Monday nigit of lest week by Rev. -C. asylnms, pour bouses and lie meny C. Rowlison, Presidont of Hiram Col- wrecked lives in every cilv, lown and lege, on ',A Young Man's Heritege. " hataietspeak. Yes, aicohol ise poison. Personell y, we regret liat wo had nol Lot il severoly elonre. known o! lie superior ehility of tie leclurer in lime 10 have given lirougi ORTG, Ibis journal a botter introduction and e more urgent appeel 10 hoar iim Cor- Mr. John Oke sold 10 Mr. Fred Rich- tala il la liaI we canntbave 100 menv ardson, Col1umbua, e span o! E7aat-Fioid sncb limelv and lnspiring lectures 10 Laddies 10 go 10 Calgary, Alla., for young people The nighl o! hle bd- $0-a hrinsta-nce lhiI il pays b is 1- Ls it y n d' IS d ;t e 'S h Willdow Stades, Curtain polesi ~41 and Pitume Pull stock and prices r,ý.ght, No matter what yo-a want whlsupply it. Sample bocks ol mspeeial patterm oftl ai ar-forý-- 1 1 1 1 1 i i 8 1 1 -F- -u- 1 - A i B.JlJazlewood, M.D. ,C.M. 110 WMAN VILLE. a ONT. G OL MEDALIST of Trinity1 Un. irsity, Toronto; Four earseAttendleg Physician Mn Surgeon at'mt. Came Hospital, Pitt.burg, Kg.- Offlice and Residence next Door to Ex-Mayor Mtchell'S, Elgin St. Telelohone No. 128 We have our shed flled with High Grade Ail-Rail Coal and are prepared to boom ordors for present and future delivery. The eonstantly growing trade which we enjoy evidenees alike to the- satis- faction experioneed by our patrons in the resuits obtained from our Coal, and to our methods -of doing business. Our coal is from the niost noted mines of, Peusylvania andi O h i o and comprises N u t, Stove, Fuirnace, Grate and seiected Lumnp for Thresh- ing puirposes. We also seil Best Qu'ality Manitoba Florur and Feed and are Agents British Columbia Red Ceda r ShingçIes. Inl sesson we are large buyers of Grain, Seeds and Beans. 1 F'ootwear V ahies are Found at The West End flouse.. For Men he wl rssdmnthis suimmer wa -i made and wearable. Comfort is the evident aim in making, them., but grace and style have These shoes are sure to fibte en omialbuer ndt sd h crtlbuyer. Recommended Footwear for Men Chas A. Eaton Co., Brockton, Mass,, Jno. MePherson, Hamilton. Jas. McCready, M ontre ai.King Quality, Toronto. Manufacturers of Reputation. No Fancy Pricdes at tlis Store. 25o Dress Shields, 16,Dress Shirts at - 15e. -Reduced Prices Pare gum rubber dress shields large 2DesSit eua 75 o 50 Ssize regular 25e, per pr. this week on sale 21rssSir6.eur$,0ford$5.00 per pr. .. . . ... . ... . . . . 5.619 e .00' de 4.00 4 fi 9 99 ý5.0 de 2.00 Empress Brand Chocolate' Oxfords for 3"à " 6 50 .50 Women $2.50 a pair. i ~2.75 1.75 2 " " " 4.50 "335 1 Oce Toweling 7e. 2 Gray Lustre Press Skirts 4.50 "2 .00 2 w ebs 167 yds of terash tow eling E b o d r es a d a e t c o p e e regular, 10e a ý d on sale this week per yd 7o mrieisadLae tc opee Mens D es OotsRegular Prices at Regular and RancoatsReductions in ail goods adver- a dRdueed.s tised at McMurtry's. Every spring overcoat and dress rain- Men's Store 'of this ScOat ta kes a fait out in prie of $2.00 to $3.50 of a.reduetion on ecd coat. Ashiver - ounty - Smight eost you a coid and a Poetor's Bill.wl yufidbetrje' A reduetion on these coats miglit save YO furnjisbings than at this store. They al ~ $ $$ (Take Advantage.) Ssay we have the exclusive kind and costs 2th Century Cothing (AH-EAD.) no more than the ort.inar~y kLnd. Try us. McMtrtry, The Leading Men's Outfittel. BO WNANVJLLEj-!, Cash for Wool-llighestPrice foi' Produce. THE HARM4JNY MALE QUARTETTE. F. Il. PROST, A. E. MeLAUGIILliN, Il J. KNIGIIT, W. J. S. BICKARD. Eighth consecutive season 1904-5, Engageaents for Concerts, Cburch Teas, Anuiversaries and Othor Enter- tainmerits. Wiii provide the entire progrom il dosired. Terms moderato. Address ail communications to Manager and Conduetor, 15.9 moq Bowrnanvilllont Wny ho troubled with Plies and Mosquitoes this season when you eau y a good Sereen Door for 75 c en ts at Pennington & Lapiant's. We have a large assortment of Sereen Doors and Wiudow Sereens and eau fit and bang any sized door you may require sime day as ordered. I For Milk Cans, Milk Pails, Creamery Cane and ail Dairy Sup- plies caii and see us. Our prices are right also for Piping, Pipe Fit- tings and Plumber's Supplies. l'hone 26, B Yi âmi1e, (3 doons out of BennettHos~ Murdoch ys 'IDEAL FENCE' bave orders now and Ce, advantage of freigit in Car Lot, Cahi and see our ahi No, 9 Coil Sping Wire Fonce, put Up ah 45be per rod. Petear MurdocJ,%-h, BOWM ANV ILLË,. ROoffiPapo years of his pastorate.

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