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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1905, p. 6

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1140W TO WIN A H-USBAND, Worae' ahere , îiàthis noil cetry v Dot Lieianey mole than ie man's. She co1e cccupy aimost aey business position C r professýion, and yet the popular riew cf uuomanihood le tisat sha het fis the pesi- ti0on of wifeanad mtlier anîd hcad cf the îiousahold. nvery girl should keew lier ,,car', and aise know that lier woinanly systen:iseaqual to the train ci marniage. If a girl is naros and irritable tee chances te oei a .due te semaietrouble peculiar te ,voinanhood. Cupid has ne place le a girl's heart if the is nervous and irritable, feels dragged clowni, worn eut for ne reason that eile ceni think of. The weak back, dizzy spelîs and blaccicrcles about the eyas are only symp- tomis. Go to the source of the troubleaned correct the irregularity. Stop the drains on the womnly systemn and the other Sntoswill disappear. This ceni be ,doue easily and intelligeutly. So sure cf it ie the World's Dispensary Medical Asso- 'tiationi, the proýprietors of Dr. Pir' Fa- VOrite Prescription, that they offer $500 reward for ionen who cannot lie cured of Ieucorrbaa, femnale weakness, prolapsus, or faiiieg cf fthe womb. Ail they ask is a fair anid rea sonable triai cf their means cf cure. "Your 'Favorite Prescription' cured tue ef ulce1ration aud icflsmr1natlon ,frcrin which 1 auf- fered for m nany years," wite., Mrs. DeiphiaJ Wheetaoe,, Presideet Ssnta Bà-arae awn Ten. nisclbArlngtoe Hotel, Saunta B arbara, Calif. "felhwas censpletely broken down when 1 betgsn -its use snd I was Iu dresdfnl pain suost of the ime, but ten botties cured mec." " Favorite Prescription" miaies weak wernen strong, sick women weil. Accept > ic substituts for the mnedicine whicli works wsonders for weak wcscan. Dr. Pierce', Pleasant Pellets are the moot desirabie laxative for delicate women. 'TEFuee15 BE LLE VILLE Business Cotiege, T'raining-UN EXCELLED l00<1<ý keepins; SIIortba4nd; Tvpewritlng; Oflice or ; Teleg rupbing and Rail- %vai'Work; Frencb and Germnati. Rivary Deprtment a spbolalty. J. A.,Ten;saw. UBelleville, fJ. FrîliJeffers. sEýi crtiryf Ont, PIresident. We s l tIe busineqss cf îMeniurcturers, anieessd otherg who realize the advisabil- ty cfhving their Patent business tr'ansacted by Experts. Prelimninaryadvice free. Charges mederate. Our Inventor'a Adviser sent uu request. Marlon & Marlon, New Yer ,ife BFdg, Mconteal ; aud Washingrtn, D.C., U.S.A. Lake Oitario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., LM. -Route 7between-. Coburg-Rcliste~.Port H 0P 0 "INORTH KINGn" Cornmencing May 29th. Sou ru BOUNe: Lv, Cobourg, Ont........... 1,0 P. M. 1 Port iHope. Ont ........2.30 Ar.Sum erili,,N. Y. (Port cf PRucliester) >..........7.45 NORTIH BouND. 1 v. Sinnmerville, N. Y. (Port of!PRo'Cbestgr> .......... 9.00 A. M. ArCbug Ont ..........I130 P. M. 4, port rina Ont ......2.0Il Offcii Rpot Of the Battie of Sea of japan. TRE GILE T SEA 1"1(' lae scre lh~ial nay, makie; isî- cialreortîgl dîalTg'Lfi Opr~i ~onable doînucis. (,,r- cial re o theficBaffle cf thse 3ea 1ta;î nimto.shv be oci cf .Tnpaîiboe lr. 'a lu' tr basosulicui "Our order for action ws cs gron u9 aiely asfollo-us- 1,55 peu. WC beaded soutis-wc-st for lri lc ccute c h It a short fisue, as if faiig a course' Pant-s_ý, reterto'-ateox'r oa directly opposite te that cf tis ene- 1 rosd li rJune iacrat c-iny. Suddeeiy, ut 2.03-, ,weecndtthrrtue f (huumý -eschunging front, andi pressedt 'lis',iîontoa eio fts dsageeaily agaist flicencmy's baud. aTe rdChine rinlrontod).i Our armoî-ed croiser aquadron clos-d*g Foostrt is-gri: or rle.t foiiowcd our course, wbile the dlvi- .strategical valuse cf fuis fori i,,-,sh.îs sions of Admirais Dewa and brin, been orerestitatcd ceci is sa(1 ihaf the croiser aqoadron, cnd tise dlvi- 1its liC t ipsixiiio sionc ccmuasscied by tisa younger r r1isc-te di onsoswiy. o g Toge, foiioncd a course pros iously l 1-th If la nct thougit fluai Ja- plannod, aînd proceeded southîrerd te pais xviii de-naed the deioit'on of atracir fe eeensy's rear. itfli fortifications ai Xladiso'oc-.11 'Th e esny opessed fire cf 2.08 p. Sixth-Tbe aurresuder of thIslndî sei. We did not replyr util we led1 of Segisalion wi Il nef bc de-anrile- bIs brouglif oxr slips withie 6,000,T suoltres. Tsnw ocurfd~ Jupan, pninclp-ally beausse, Japan a ls Sire onmithe tire ioad]ing slips. Tise nt î et carrled fise tar i."nites.îs essomy found hjuýisseif prossod escre ýterrîtory. tewirrd tho eutiesand betis bis1 :Soventfl-An iîed"rsfass lîntroa: es xeo_ýred gn iyto tise at-,le; as: lndeminL-pis frot imnpossible2,, vi-rdý-,assoming an irrogular vritical.:because it ila O 'clured Japoinxiii feresaticn. Tu this psiio hlsecoîtent ic-slfxitisderanrlisg tise encg cîîisseda cureparaîlel cest cf the na' * teour. Tse ussin btfishi OsTh'?e Jugeaý se Mini5Uter h,,re in a?) hiabla caîstght fire aîsd loit fisulino.i itevie ,,id f lutif EBm-cia loncat- Moantime our croisers apercd le in y d'sircd henre se ,couri dhaveIf. fisc enemy's rear,___ INCREASED IN EFFECTIVENESS,-,', LINEVITCr U RIOi'E, "As n e ceas cd eus fîre lîscreascd jiA d's,9f ch freirn St. Pet prsbcrgs efectvenos. The Kelaz Souvarc,,Il ax ThIe Ga 'cite pu1'iýised 01on aisd tflic- tle der III, burnecd Èçse-t VcIeca isinecrviexw'nitli tise lg. Tlie enonîg-1's lino becanue ccirsecefry cfflie Ciincse Legatica fosed, uai ,amoke ronceaicd flem hro wi lropîosented as s a yiisJ Therefore, ixve suspeeded dre. The se tii Ruasi sustinsairepeac in - suit of flic baffle ivus decided u edifia9s li lautIle te attire 2.45 p.m. Tlho Osiabia sunir cf 1 that Cn.Liiîesifdi is sîîrrousvded. p.m. We prcssed flie cnemy soufhi- wurd, flring whiest cy of their slips IN A IIELPLESS CONDITIONK. irete risible. Bg 3 o'clock ne blin1 A desjpatci ru flic London i<ailg nlready appearcd le frsontsf cfhlicen- M foiSol ocý asta ees's lino cf adrance, 0cr course blic."MailrmScl 'oesl la ie; about aeuth-wesf. tise nexements of the Jnpese "Sudýdeniv fisc enemy liudcd uonsh, pan-rsucs agcîîîst C ln. Ibi11,-ts u- erîdefly lanning te escape le fIati pr o;rsingsepc the 'I is n of wfeu' idis'etion urounri eus' roar. 0cr main d- iol e is pligc ia scicadren turneil 16 points te port.xxii prdsalx' pirove tise ecisive ar- rorcersing Ifs crOcs' eed steerisu; f ion cof the anpein (oi. Iiiuý- nerf hxest. 0cr armered cruisers ai-I vif ch lsa'11anc alesoat heiplessu pe- se cbanged front, folloieg flie sanmesifion. fliiforce lu chliinferios' te course, ced pressing flie eneîuy fluet of fleicJupue 'se. Tlhe lZusrsians southn'ard. The cnesy tIe+n cinîgùd are saalen by f lir rcpeated rev'crses tote easf, and ire promptly furjecdced tise catastrophe lenflic Sea cf 16 points te starbeerd-(, crarm1ored Japan cana dý consternation amnonli- cruisers f ollowiieg suitl. 1By -4.40 thens. o'clocir ftie-cemy eensc t le liead-1 ed seufli. Later we lost sigli f c RIAINY SEASON SFAE-TS. hîm in thse sinok ire edmiat. 'l 11e -Mo,,i!correspondetCsI of lieLest- "Dy 4.30 o'cioci (r ur ain squad- dois Tolegrapli aays flic raiîgseasoni renn's gai se _,e norflinard lias stuî-ted ia Maise,,huria. 'Ilie-e le eurli f ficmai hoy c ficAs a cotinuces downspocr except for onemgy. 0crarmov-red 1crif-sra ed afewlheurs afniglit., The roada are souflinest .againat 1the asmgsCrois- 1inca dee nunud. Neveriisclcs milii crs. 0cr main aqiatilika*Ethise n'qili nef lie intcrfecdi Irul, andfid six cf f iseiny055'siwith.> Gied tidisuga are expectcd ia slips runîing fiorfis cuat. Wc pur-, sued aîsd cauglit fhei n cd cisiecoed feir dayb. tire. The ençusg clsuîsged lis, course ( REtN IMJIIN nestivardad tison eorth-n-vestxwrsd. ODRN 11I.iIN Onea cf flice eey's baftlesips xras A despateli from Berlianaa s:-Eus- disabicd ansd ceothor xras sunir. 0cr s'a l'as erdered 200,000,000 cari- arinoreci cruisers, pursuisia tise on-ridgcs c IeLdîi .exoa einy sonflui-ard,-obserred flhe Aloxaîs- facfory, Ileri.i, anediinir nOs ýte gise des' III. approacl tins Admi rai bsak- ftso saine lîrre a ltrg6e order for hiesoli and corortîrn and alir lier, rifles. "At twiliglîf eus' destroyess edi terpedo bouts graduclly closei l MtI'i rI Iroins tse iorili, casf and sentis f . lIUS NIE-CE WEDS Finding fhoin placei, eu' cai squadroîs let leose their horde of Marriage of Prince Adolphus to1 torpedoes. Princes, Margaret. Their 51ufferenigs Arc U;a-ually Due ta Uterýirse _ Disordiers Perhapo Ursu3pectedl A MEDICINE THAT CURS - Cean.we dispute the weli - known S facthiat Caeadian women are uer- vous ? Howcf tan do we hear the ar-.pras- seq1n, "I am se ner- vous, it rcems as il I should fly; Il or, i-na." Little things aneoy yen and inaka yen irritatble; you csn't siaap, you are unabla te quietly and caimly pe'forma your daily taska or care for your ehiîdren. The relation cf the narres and geis- eratire ergans in wemen is, se close that fine-ten-ths cf th-e narvons pros- tration, nervous debility, the bines, sleeplessness and narrons irritahility arise from 'soeadarangement cf tihe organism whioh maires bar a xreman. Fits cf depression or restlessness and irritability. S'pirits easily affeeted, se that eue minuta sha lauglis, the next minuta waaps. Pain in the o carias and betwaeu tise shoulders. Loss cf roice; narrons dyspepsia. A tasxdency to cry at the least provocation. Ail this points te nervous iprostration. Nothîng wili reliera this distrassing condition aed pravent months cf pros- tration and sufferie; se surely as Lydila E. Pinkbum's Vagetable Com-Pouud. Miss Lalah Stowell, cf 177 %Veling- ton St., Kingston, Ont , writcs:- Dear Mrs. Pieklham.- 1" Your nieiciti is indeýed a God-send ta acf- ferieg wnien, and 1 oniy wish that they ail knew wdîat il ean do for tbcm and tLera wouid be neoersed of their dragUing out miserable lives in agony. I saffered lfor yaarswith. bearisg-dcw n paieis, extrema err ousess and erxcruoiati.iig h'cadachos. but a fewv bottIeýs cf your Vegetebie Cempound iade 1ife iceir new and prouidsieg to nme. I amn light and ha p u o not know what siclkiess is, and 7 haveenjcycd the Lest cf, hieaif b nowIfor orer four years. LydaE Piakham's Vegetable Compoundbasetu- shieinto thorsaedscf bornes and hearts." Will net the rolumes cf lattars frorn womau made streng by Lydia B. Pink-. ham's Vegetahie Compound conrine aIl iromen cf its rirtues ? Sureiy yen cannet wish te remain sic< and waak and discouragod, exhaustad eaeh day, Ihnyucab aiycrda other women. HELPING TErE POOR. Gsving Iiioney Often thre Worst Thing That Can be Doue. Tise greatest liarm te tise poor is attention for some tme-Youth'sr tire xxiii makce ou lire longýýer. It dccc b y thse kmd-hearted, over-syma- Compunioe. xiii maire vois beaithier whicoue do pahei po 'ewlie say that every lire. It wxiii proi-abîy suaie people bcga holdle irnwhat lic asirs TAKINO- COLD AT INIGUT. irn4. e elselne.I will fo o ý foisev ees case siieuld go taire the tangle eut cfyens' nrirves, unaded T g1 e bggar o te1-lundreda cf fhensands of people, the irritaiity eut cf yurtempos'. street a quatexithcisut ierestigaf Ibabies part iculariy, taire cold ut the N'nisskies eut of your face. If se;bi afer laeqal e ivi; lm iht and n ne ceau dise)ver the xviii maire yens' cgee brigliter, vous' a kick Ir dxxn-adi for se long as J'ecause cf tise cold.- Maîsg a niglif one face f citer. eue get 1 c.i lucs easiiy ho xiii r goos te bcd feeling n-cil, but irakosi- nevor nc;ý rk ,;i deavor te gaie altin the inerning with a acre throat'I TU RELPNCA respectablepoiton but xxll alnîply or crac pa"usssosia or pieurisy. The 1 ELPNCA encourage othor i azr drunliars-da te cause of this is tise unequnil distribui- As civilization advences, double ehiulate lus exarnple. Thus evcry fion of tise ciething and the ceese- Windows and oerr iseted rooms lu- rentý that ig gis an ie inicriminate qilent sînequal profectioa cf the crease, tili wo are obliged te go, eut- charitg net onig isnjures tbe individu- body (uring tise eight. The. shoujl-- doors te gat a'sy air fit te breathe. ai but strengilions theic dtestubie deis, arcts, chest, and flîroat, wshich Mos-c attention te ,vvntilation,'Pure s 'te i fhgge a mpostur'e are nsaost isisceptible te coId, arcei'l lehsseedcretlvn nwhlch ae-y citizen sbouid unite te inost likelg te becoeo cxposed. Wisea w-,ouidimips-ose flic balth, tereper staînp out. -.'The propos' ced enly re- cue, gues teled liche oom is 'va;s.andcr-ves of thousancis cf :omeîs lief fliat should ho gis on is xx-rk u t but durieg the iiht if coois cil, and and chiîdron. fais' xxagrs, saeitarg homes, sinail olue's shouiders are ini da.ngecio- --- parirs aed piaygrounds, and protec- cOming CuIld. Whe c1e0n'ai-os up TO AIR'1TUE SICIC BOOMH. tien against flic opplossor nuein in l the niglit feeling chiig or cold Te air the sicir rocus, rover flic vrious foreis cud diaguises is layas asnd tucira flicbedrilos downpain vrwlodngt;]to secksnig te ic hePorand tùarounri bis shoulders, flic feeling eu ai ntoe'wucdngi;c ce loiy nou por tie ishewlîudow ut flic fopswing oo lol.relief fiinstanîfsîseus. Aill sii alar, ,~do .1. . KLSO daneros fue; forit llins 1 rai idly, but quiefiv, bacirwurds and .T . -geos th . ng, for,.t forwardsfoi- a foîr mius; io it xiii IAL O VERWORKEDîHEUARTS. Se large a Place is givra in thoe daSte tIcdes'olopriieîsîof tfli us- cUuas ', 1stmn. il, c sin letise ruse of bc,ýs, f liat f'lie dangers of overoxer- tien as-o, sonlo,!iý,res lorgotten or ig- sîoscc until iselsief lias b ee-n do'e. Th hoheurt, ns cli irno,is tflic1largc-st ced înest important escledocf tise body, ails flche icmoet it eeasi3s fg do ifs ' oî-rkperfecflg fis' ixiole sgs- tin suffers. lf is rsascîialle te stup- pos~e tfIat 'sc iuportaiit un orguen i se ceesfitufcd as, te be chie te eee a gocd deai of straisi. But If is citen fergoitesi tise b 'arts dut01- iîa midiuais as imcl as do ag otbeî 'parts cf tise body, and tisai of fn-o yottlsof apparenît- ly equni phian equipmeisf, tise ameurt anad kmnd cf exorcise tisat Qe xviili riveon055mag perreîaeîfy dis- chie fisc other. Ail exoriion nîcans au lecîeased blood ssîîply te lise heurtf muscle, ona5 cf tise iînmc'diatc epfiets.of whioh 15 eanîore s'apid lpuise. Wlie tise ex, artion lias hi -n xvolln itîsin tise per- ors of tihe isîdividual flua in.eréased lilood supply teeds ecly f0siesr fhe the li heort, ai-id tise rapid pulse xviii rery scon go baci toe ts normal boat auci therexviiillie a feelinsg cf cddocl stroîiith ud xrol ltin;.. if, ci e lcetier lmnssd, foc u,,urs leoodla constantly forced ilito a heuart îîef stre;ongC'Ollgjl te use il, ,Lhe iuscle grxxs, tee big, if sireteises, loes ts U niatuurai clasticîiy, ansd becoînes fiab- by asînrea. The luemporarg clist, iiiion cfrfliceor- guli, nhidi la ncrenal, flîrsîs ie ta more o. ~lesu icrîaiutdilatation, gixie; risc e tnîucy siges cf un- îîaired licaits. Thon foilcîrs fliat conditioin keoxvn te aflloes as "go- ing staiL." 'lie puise is fee'sle unO irreguia-. fliccolos' pale, sloep cotis iaîpaire'c, and tise scusse cîflatigue psermranet. ý If isesri strain is earlg recognized anid pscpor froatînont îîîsfitnted flie reroverg niag be bell ciiiciranc ee- plot o, bg reasesi of fisc greaf powý- ]ers cf compcinsation wifith wdbhthesi beurt lias bcen eidowed. Wls' e tiseî- lias bu'en a, con-ditionî of siruisi"d heurt ut is very impor-tantisef affer flic perioci cif necossary rosi andi freaisocit ha.ciapsec tise retura te eeg fes-'n of active exercice alictld bo1 leoicd chien as experiîeicnta,-ii should bc boih guarded uand gratinai, -and tic patient icepi uides' medicul cannot lie downe ban back ila a chair and close ycur eyos. jusi ore averything. -Hest; relax. Even il * C basa'0 ntmnent ia a cartaie i I acdabsolute cure k eauh and ersry form c f itching, lainndpretruidlng piles. thse manufacturera have guarantee4l Ji,,' se tcs. timonials le the (daiiy reas aeUak )-<.,-ih- hors wbat they thinir0cF it. Yen can ul it -,ad ey5 srcu b acirif neu ured. 60e a bo3. ab Dr. Chase's Olntment JAIL NOT FOR TRAMPS. Grand Jury at Guelphr Sassions Advocates H-ard Labor. A Gucipliclsîiafchsanys: In thecir presentinent to,- Jsîdge ýChadwick et the dounerai Sessiions ce clesday afterniooe tise grand jury teck sfroaig grounds ceIi, nID aî ssane. Ili thG s isit of inspection they founri fno iiinatcs cf ltac jail sent down for vagrueoy ansd oces for lue acY. The jury doclare noue' cf thcro should ha there. -Ther cceisidered sue whe pester ipeople and feus cr170 woirnaby !heggin;g shculd ho scnt down and, givea av aijor, andI if ne othýer work la fortcoinngshcuid ho put at work brenk-ine- stoes., Tiey de, To Cvwe à àTmoJ Eyuiu Sen Millin boxes "oId In p"st 12 notb. ThAIs intr.b~ i ~ WHY YOU SHOU.LDUE Beeuse i Is perfcctIYy deau. Wouldn't you like te know that the tea yo.u drinki bas net been touched by human hand since it was plucked on the plantation ? This is what yeu get in Red R~ose Tea. The old rnethod of rolling and paclçing tea by hand has been entireiy done away veith on the tea estates where Red Rose Tea is produced. There, as we.l as in the blending and packing coins, mnachinery - scrrqtdctsiy ean machieery-is used exclusively. Red-Rose Te-t is neyer touched by hand after being plucked. This fact alone will help you enjoy drinking it. The Bliue Label is recornmended. T. H. EfST ABROOKS, St. John, N. B. JBRANCI1S: TORONTFO, WINNIPEG., braie, with cold foot. lt is the pros- MILITARY SCANDÂL. sure cf blood on the braie that keeps iJL in a b.timulated anmixrakeful st'ste. Report of Fraudulent Sale of, Overw or] cd andbuissnn and South African Stores. wvoniui rmust, when they go to bcd, make up their ininds flot to think of A London dcspjatch says: A blue thecir weîk. This is t irst great beok containing the report of the point. A short, quick walk 1,efore War Office Consmittce, headed by going te bcd and a good spolige ani Lieut.-Generai Sir William Franciq rubbing with a rougli towci xviili ,,thlButler, was isssiod on Wodneday. It aid tne ualizing the circulation and f ully confirrus the forecast, cabiod on promotin.; sleop. liublbin g the whoie June 2ed,- sliowing that the leiproper body wth. a tcwel is especiali1Y hlp- disposai of nsilitary stores9 at the fui. 'Eliru the Ventilation of the coisClusion of the South. African war bedroore snut lbe 5001 to. 'The wne- had revealed a hugo sada. ThG don a sbouid ho ioft open top and report cenlsures a numrber of officcrs, bottoie ail day, and the top haîf who are aileged to have worked ini 1 ept don-n a gccd way durieg the, collusion with contractors. The lat- n' .ght. A light of any description ter bougit stores et absurdiy low should nover be Lept burning ie a prices, and afterwards repoid themn bc-drooiri durieg the niglit. te the military authorities at enornn- ous profits. The value cf the. stores TARE A REST AT NOON. iexoixed in these transactions i% lieý- tnoei $30,000,000 and $35,000,000. Cet into the practice of takinýg a The officers les cived ail beoig to reat at noce. Lie don n if cnly for the airny service corps asnd pay de- ton minutes. or lie minutes. If ýycu partu-jent.

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