t ~tE~flX ~11. Oun ,Towxl ANDCOuNt-Y FierSI z 1 oïD AFTERWAËDS, M.A. JAME~S & SON, Proprletors. VOLýumE LI No. '27 bnce. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 f Importations Coucli-, Jo:hnston rydrmn aveAI been very busy opening11 ieir Spring Imiportations. They,, are n0W shQwing ýthe contents ýrs of cases and b'ales Of h14rh casgos rs ~os ilks TrimmngsPrints, Drills, Sateenis an.a lovely lot of New Wîas3hi of ail kinds suitable for Shirt Waist Suits.i Carpets and Curtains The BIGGEST Stock of Carnets of aifl kinds. as well aý the finiest assortment of Lace Curtains o-eersbown by_ ourselveès or, b- any Hiouse i-n Bowmanville. No Better Valute Anywhere., A very choîce lot of Tweeds,, and Worsteds or Men'ýsI Suits. BowTmanvll StoreFIRST OF THE SEASON. Seashore Excursion $10, four Special Excursions frorn Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, toAtlantic City, Cape May1 Ocean City or Sea Isle City via Lehigh1 rix, and Sept.i Tickets only $io for the round tnp Goodx5 days. Alltrains via SI tPhiladeiphia Tickets allow stop over returning. Tickets good on R-egular o ir Express trains leaving Suspension Bridge at 3 5o and 'é. 1 a m ,62o and i0 15 p m. with. or For Tickets, Pullman Berths and further or broad particulars, apply to RoBT. S. LEWIS, Canadian Passenger Agent, xo King $00Street Fast, Toronto, Ont. 27 4 w. ters, also ENFIELI>. Eat grade, Recent visitors: Dr, Robert West and Mrs W est, Woodstock, with re- t, elastie latives here; Mr Hl Ralbert, teacher, stra p, lo)w home to Barrie, NMr J llal bert, Owen ..$1,25 Sound, with relatives bore;. ... Mr. and MIrs. W. Willard and Miss Ethel, Port vIci kid, Perry, Yir. Alex Secor, Toronto, at J. Nidderys Miss EmiIy _Sherrine,Gi- NEW PRESI1DENT FOR CENTRALI fONTARIO POWER CO. 15 H. N. K[TTSOIN 0F HAMILTON'. J. A. Culverwell, M anaglng Director of Fthe Central Ontahio Power CO., which owns Burleigh Falls, announces that Mr. H. N. Kittson has accepted the Presid ency of the Company Mr. Kittson is President of the Hamilton Board of Trade being partner of Gillard & Co. wholesale grocers and director o! other prominent Hamilton companies. He oniy identified bimself with the Central Ontario Power Co. two months ago and then>accepted a directorship, but since considerabie Hamilton xnonçy is being invested in the Company he accepted the presidency. Power will be transmitted from Burieigh. Falls to Peterboro, Oshawa, etc. THE LATE THOMAS CASWELL, v;a the death of City SolicitLor Casweil, T T fl m h bIfrl'M I Julst as milistonles grÏid corr, so your teeth grind, ýr tmasticate .If youir food 13 snot properly maStieated, your so~hi vr worked, and yen wiilsey have Indigestion, Ward ,Tlis off by keeping youar teeth Soun'd ,Adged They must be kept free î:rom Tartar and aeids. Orem e Dentifrice, remocves Tartar, net-aize Re acids of the mnoutb, pefumuies tiýe breath and 13 very rfes hg.L s put Uip lu Tubes at -25 êAlWaýys handy and dleani, Sec -Our East Wnov The Druggist, an-1 Optician,i P ho0nc 4 9. Bo wmavlo Eyes Tested Fr'ee. Nigcht Ca"Ils at~ Phone No. 76. DECORATION DAÏ, AUl the meIrchanilts and busiÀýness men th onhaveagreWt Ioe tbeir placs o!busIess n Frida-, jnly 4a 1 p. m. îin order to runite îlu the unon Idecoration services at%,the3 c èueterv. ýiTiàpuR-i i tdt-o -ith fixe- secretsocieila bea7mijn, h graveasof their fnieuds anq ip. making the decoration services aaaf es AORICULIIJEAL SOCIÉ3ES A mPeeting ùo!'the iretc of the! Weet Dr ansd mar i town- th, Counil oni omaýî,W nesdav. Thec hie! bu.sirc s h revision o! the prize litY, 'lnti:D, J.~~~~~ ~~~ lsn ec¶tle>. ie read and adopted. Lt was dlecided thait the Judges ou stock hoe asked t0 expiain why an animai is puiteut of a cliss that be deems it does not bln.Tho fol- loi»ing changes were made , ln clasm A, for lady riders. prizes $8S, $2 and si respectively. Class B, a pnize for a cow and two o! hem progeny in Durbara cattle, Pnizes $3. $2 sud $1 mespecýtlvely- The prize for Hereford bull bcee$ and $2 instead o! $2and $1. InClassCsbeep ame tobaoshown singly lnstead o! in, pairs. Class Dthe wecigt o! bacon ahoga- ehanged from 150 lbs to 2-20 Ibo. Cross-i breed or axy kind and that theexito be the breeder. Clasa H11-a pnize fer blue peas with plizes si10(j and 75e . as the others. Class I il was dec;ded that an entry be added for a table, for ail apples to be named by the Judg-e. No prize. Al-so that prizes be given te, boys under 16 years to name apples. Ritson Pear wili replace Flemish Beiuty prizse the same Tbe prise on watCmlons3 10 be 75c. ani 50c. instead of 50c. and 25e. ïClass J Yellow àMangoida instead Globe. Class K, stmike out 'iu fiower'; for specimen plant. Add',ýnap-draýgcns, And carnations with prizes sjamýe as others.,"Annuals" h hagtte"u fiowems, " The remainder o! 1 he liat to bû subinitted to a n tmmittee-M, Tol1, MA7M UR The Fanious Dlscoverers oi Radium Ai', thi hnowni radium lainthýe -world could Lbe putý into a tabIespoon, 7t 'thiS ess thaui an ounce of. the imagic rneta! has set the scJentists of two cen.- tinents guessinïg at this new conundrum of nature, The answers areý very, wonderfuLl, very stimulating, but very unsatisfactory, so far as theý theomies. are concerned, that seek7. to explain this rebel elemient wh.iceh seems to delfy SO outrageously Nature's strîctesýt laws. To -M. Pierre Curie, a modest chemu- ist, and bis ,Yife, belongs the henor of discovering the miraculous Metal. They' are poor. harcl-workîng, people, consecrated to science, caning littie for wealth, or 'lame or pstin Feserved ani conservative, they speak~wV extrem-ei- caution as to t heir discovery made in 1898; although thici on-scien.-, tUcworid las ust awý,akcned to th.e reveaioUni-n-the -ast--tw-o-yyear-. in a littie, old-fashioned bouse at the ex-tremue end of Paris, near the cmuter bTouleývardI, whose cnimninals have given the section anu Lnsavory' name, !iveý the devoted couple with thiir one child and IM. Curie's father, who is aiso at famnous cheiit. Sorne ycars ago 'Mlle. Sklodow,ýski, a pooir Polish girl, went froru Warsaw, her native town, tPa,ýris te, study. She h lad talent and pIuck for the double fighit against poverty and opposition. Hc-flrst triumiph wvas when she entered a competitive examination for bigber mathemnaties. H-ec success was suovewemn that the other competitors were celipsed and eliminated. Not baving monapy enoughi to enter one of the regular schois, she entered a mounicipal working-class institute', where M. Curie direcýted Uith laboratory. Soon she wvas bis assistant and a littie later his ý wife. Somie of the experniments 0tf Bc-,querel on the radt(io-activity of luranium. snecially appeaIed to hec, and 4sihe dete,,'inedte experiment on the refuseo rC of pil chbiide. from whieh uranium is takert. t was then considerer! worth- Icm. - the oýqIIn. of 0-11) cl4 $a lrw q.e ieiad lIe tie'aar and'ilt tok four, years to gcttmegh txaces et this metal, wurth three th- 4 sand times ý,its weighit in pure gold, to show iLs. propecties.Ilier paper OU radium won for ber the degree of Dûctor of Physical Science. 'As a- grain of muait will perfumne a 0reo for a century or More, con. stautly throwing oiff ine particles witbout decreasing its weight, su radiunk bombards,, the ether with light, heat, energy, and hait a ,dOýzen, other marvel. loua eff(cts, wlthoiit appreciabie loss, and in a, thousaind milliona yeams it -wo 0uld bave loat only one-maillionth of ils huik. Il la the Audro'w Cama.egje o!f theý Metals, Cqusta.ntIy -gIving but ne-ver growing measurablyr poorer. Enhîl ssrI~gt~ çi zth i'~s~mi*otCn.,~, ., h~ynr 1O~ byW, j. Mack, at the Dpltmclî er Agîzniuè.. OO)URTIOE. STORES CLOSE PAY NIOiHTS, Bowmaaville stores wili close at the regular boum 6 30 p m each pay uight instead o! keepiDg open as formerly. 27.2w. ir ýr o m in IT ar, ânnum, out tih of scol Dress G eýOds *àOlh The Corner Shoe Summei AL ÀLý JI JUNE WEDDINGS, 7 p In.Ta quiet wedéing was celebrated eoutracting parties, were Bessie W. Adair, ellest dzughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Adair, Bwanîle nd NMr Joh)., Charles Hancock ,f Clarke. Only the3 imnîmedia-te relatives of the bride and grom witnessed tbe eCeremnony whlch was penformed b)y Rev. Hlugh Muniroe, BA, Theý bride looked lovoly attireci in a browu tavllngsu-it over a white sîIk and lace bleuse wih brown hbat to match. Misî Naomi (Neali) Adair,, Brartford, sister of Vlbe bride was brides- miaid and wore a dress (f ecru e.repe de chene with green collar and girdelle The groom was ésuppor-ted by his brother, Mr. Herbert Ha'ncock. After the cere- m-ron.y the eompany partook of a lovely wedding dejeuner et the bridle's home,ý iThe happy couple lef t on the evening' train for a trip to Mlontreal to visit rel'. atives?. Mr, and Mrs. Hancoclkwl reide in Clanrke Their mny Bow- manvil1ýle friend1s extend hearty MARTYN-RICARD. A very pleasant event took plae a' the residenice or Mr. and M&H. jas. G.1ý Rickard, "Mýýeadlow Lark," D)arlington,. on Monday evening Jane 263tb, at l've o'elo-ck, when thelr second daugbhter, MaâbeiR was united lu marriagýe witb Harold G Martyn, B A,, Moderz Language imaster of Berlin Collegiate instituate, While the strainis o f theb weddlng march was being- played by the bride's sister, Miss Florence, the bride entered the parlor leanizig on the ari of hem father where the crmn was performed by Rev, J. C. Wilson oî Newcastle. unider a beautîfut arch o! 1 aowers, The bride lookecl beautifail in a bandsomne gown of cream-t taffeta silk with sequin triuimiDug and accordian p1eated Jounce, carmin-g a-lovely-- bouquet of bide's resadWas atten-,d. ed by Misses. Edna Riekard and Vera. Martyn, Lonidon, who were flower girls -and---MissfesEttýýadIrenficle8cnut, Port H1ope wiere maids of hionor. After the usual congratulationUs the gueýsts repaired to the dining room where an- elegant wedding, dinuier wats sirved, At 7.45 the - rug dloUpieý took, the cab to the station ýwhen,-ce several 0f Lhe_ young people saw thenii depart oua trip to Edmontoiq, N. W. T., a-mîd showers of rice and caýrrm ing wvith these the, very b11t wisbes üf thleir mnany frie3nds for & very happy wedded lufe The preqents to the bride were nuxuerous and costlv a very hbandsornce tea service beine' peseuted by Mr. and Ma Ed Marty.j. hem fath4*r Thill id'going a waY gown was browu silk eith hat tn Match. Tbey will reside at Bemlin, aAD~GIG At the borne of the bide's parents> Mm.ý and Mis. John Gigg, 0Ontar-1o St , Tuesday Jane 27th at Il. 30 a.m. a pretty wedding was ceiebrated. Thet occasnion.ý was the marriageý of their eldest daugh. ter, Ainelia J. (Mihe) and Mr. _W. J. Wamd, merchant, Owencî Sound. The bride who was xlnattended was attireà lu a lovely dress of chiffon satin trimmed with-a berthe of pearl sequins and chiffon and carried a bouquet of whiteý bride's roses. Little 'Miss M arJory Grigg, niece of the bride, was fiower girl and looked nice ln a frock of whi.tt silk trimmed wt insertion carrying e 'basket of pink roses. Miss Edma Grigg sister of the bride played the wedding_ mnamch. The bouse was tastefully dec- orated1 with pink roses and orange bo soms, the bridai party standing under- a floral bell wilb a back g-round of palmus wbile the ceremonüïy ws performed bs> Rey. D. O. Crossleyv. The grooýms'gif t to his bride -was a handsomne silver tea& service and to the fiower gïi and Misa- Edra Gri.gagold pin. After partaki"ng' of& asumptuous repast Maind Mlrs Waxd le! t. onthe nooni train for t4eir